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    A Strange Occurrence On the Shore

    James Steel
    James Steel

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 262.5

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    First Skill: Blue Mercury
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    A Strange Occurrence On the Shore Empty A Strange Occurrence On the Shore

    Post by James Steel 10th June 2017, 9:39 am

    The Job:

    James woke up one morning to a horrific smell entering his window. It smelled like the death and decay of some sort of animal. He got out of bed with only his shorts on, and walked over to the window with an annoyed look on his face. He figured some kids may have been playing a prank on him, or worse a guildmate. He roughly grabbed the window and opened it, looking around town he could see other people were complaining about this strange small too. That's when James received a knock on the door.

    He threw on a set of robes with his hood up and answered the door. When he did, no one was there, and there was no source of the smell around his apartment. Upon closer inspection, James found a message Nailed to his front door. The message read "Strange occurrence on the beach of Hargeon! A putrid smell is radiating from it. If the source of this smell is found and cleaned a jewel reward is being offered." James raised an eye brow, but a jewel reward was too hard for him to resist. Additionally, if the town smelled this bad who would ever come into town to offer his guild a job again? James walked throughout the town seeing people with watering eyes from the smell, he eventually found a beach which the source of the smell was coming from.


    James Steel:

    James' Theme:
    James Steel
    James Steel

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blue Mercury
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    A Strange Occurrence On the Shore Empty Re: A Strange Occurrence On the Shore

    Post by James Steel 10th June 2017, 9:41 am

    James walked onto the beach to see corpses everywhere, dead fish, sharks, and a whale. "Well, if this is a prank, at least their original" James jokingly told himself. An old fisherman walked by dressed in uniform. "Hey there youngster, this was no prank! I saw it myself. Once that whale washed up on the beach, the sharks and fish followed suit." James began to ponder, what was it that drove these creatures out of the ocean. "Well, no time to wonder right now. I had better get to work." James approached one of the large dead fish, and began to drag it back into the ocean. As he did however, the fish turned out to actually be alive! It began flailing around and slapped James with it's tail. "Its alive? Come to think of it, they're all alive! I guess I need to kill them, we are monster slayers after all." Coming to this realization, James dropped the large fish and crushed it's skull with his left leg. As he did the old man from earlier grabbed the fish and threw it into a bucket, "Good work kid, I'll be having a fish fry tonight!"

    James walked along the shore until he approached another fish, before it could react James grabbed it's tail and threw it into a large rock. The fisherman of course then ran to collect it for his upcoming fish fry. James did this with about three more fish, but then came the hard part. There were roughly six sharks on the beach. "Bllah! Sharks, they don't taste too good, just dispose of them please!" the old man commented. James walked over to a pair of sharks, he used his magic on one of them firing a bolt of blue mercury which blasted the beast in the eye. the two sharks groaned and began hopping toward James as he began to charge for his next attack, he then shot the same shark in the other eye totally blinding it. The creature went into a frenzy biting everything near it, including the other shark! to his surprise four other sharks began to hobble to his location. James and the old man were surrounded, but he hand an Idea that may just save the day. As the sharks drew near, James used his mercury cloud spell to put up a smoke screen, he then grabbed the fisherman and flew thirty meters into the air. Below, the two of them saw the sharks jump into the smoke and begin rabidly biting each other. This combined with the liquid metal they were in was enough to cause all six to die a horrific death.

    Last, but certainly not least was the whale. James approached it with the old man who was now licking his lips."Oh boy son, this will be a good catch!" James shrugged and fired a bolt of mercury at the beast. The creature appeared to be unaffected however. "We're gonna need something more than my spells to kill this one." Just as James turned to the old man, the whale bashed James with his tail causing him to fall to the sand. "I've had just about enough of you!" James spat. He then fired off another bolt of mercury into the whale's left eye this time. the beast moaned, James knew this would take all day if he did it alone. "Sir, you wouldn't happen to have a spear on hand would you? surprisingly he did have a spear, which he handed to James. with that James began stabbing the behemoth over and over until it had died. A few hours later a clean up crew arrive, the leader of the crew approached James and said"Oh, you must be the one who took care of those sharks and whale. Good work, we have your pay right here. two thousand jewel to be exact." With that the sun began to set, the smell began to clear from the air, and James got paid, not a bad day at all...

    Word Count: 908

    Last edited by James Steel on 10th June 2017, 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total


    James Steel:

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    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Strange Occurrence On the Shore Empty Re: A Strange Occurrence On the Shore

    Post by NPC 10th June 2017, 9:41 am

    The member 'James Steel' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    A Strange Occurrence On the Shore WeakMonster A Strange Occurrence On the Shore NormalMonster A Strange Occurrence On the Shore NormalMonster A Strange Occurrence On the Shore NormalMonster A Strange Occurrence On the Shore NormalMonster

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