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    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
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    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by The Hustler 8th June 2017, 4:10 am

    Adalia was tired, worn and torn.  The journey had been long; she didn't know where she was or from where exactly she came, she just knew it was far away, somewhere.  As a matter of fact, Adalia didn't really know much about where she lived, the surrounding areas, or any of the neighboring countries.  When she decided to leave her parents' abode, the thought process was to pick a direction and run towards it as fast as she could...  and now, she was here, in some sort of strange, dark forest.  Twisted trees, gnarled roots, shaking bushes...  she could've sworn she saw herself, but without eyes and blood trinkling down her cheeks.  This was definitely a very unusual place, and it was here that Adalia felt relatively safe in slowing her pace down; she had run for days, so she probably got far enough away from "home", right?

    Adalia ventured further into this vast forest.  She was already amazed by how much plant life actually made up this strange forest, despite being vicious-looking, and it became more apparent the further she went in.  There were plenty of boulders, broken rocks, fallen trees, sharp vines...  it was very peculiar.  She stepped on a puddle of water, and for some reason, at that moment, a horrible stench entered her nostrils.  She coughed, going the exact opposite way of the smell; Adalia was by no means interested in finding out the source of the "aroma".  She didn't realize it then, but all the time she spent running made her both hungry and thirsty.  She had to find something to both eat and drink, and sleep probably wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

    Until then, though, she had to be aware.  Aware and ready to strike at any moment, with all of her power.  This place didn't scare her, but Adalia knew that wherever she was is a very unforgiving place, and definitely not friendly.  Based off of what she saw of herself earlier, what appears to be good is probably a trick; or bad, for that matter.  So, she would fight anything that would cross her path.



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
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    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by Jozuma 8th June 2017, 5:07 am

    Jozuma was on his usual trips and thought to cut the travel time by taking a shortcut through the woods to get to the neearest town. his friend Mona followed shortly behind slightly creeped out by the dark scenery but it didn't seem to bother Jozuma too much as this wasn't the first time he's walked in woods similar to these, he's even been in an actual haunted house before so this was far from what he had already experienced though he could do without the smell. It was a nice stroll and he could feel that he get would get through it soon and couldn't wait to get something to eat.

    After a little while of walking Mona eventually started to calm down seeing that there was no immediate danger here but then became startled again and his ears perked straight as he heard something in the distance, Jozuma heard it too. "What was that?" "I don't know." The could see a shadow emerge from the trees. "Hmm." Jozuma moved closer to get a better look to see a cute little girl wandering though the woods. She looked in pain and starving. "What the heck is a little girl doing out here, come on Mona." Jozuma ran towards the girl, intending to help her, with Mona flying behind him. As Jozuma got close enough to that the girl noticed him he called out. "Hey are you alright?!"


    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) D9970a10

    Demon Force:
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by The Hustler 8th June 2017, 8:49 am

    Adalia took a few deep breaths to calm herself down; she knew she was starting to feel slightly nervous and that was one of her techniques to sort those feelings out.  The very little anxiousness that had developed within her was now completely gone, and she was one hundred percent level headed once again.  She heard a noise, though.  They sounded like footsteps.  Adalia immediately became alarmed, turning her head rapidly in various directions to see where the noise might be coming from; she couldn't exactly tell.  Then, she heard a voice.

    She heard running; it was running towards her, and this time, the noise was audible enough for her to know where it was coming from, and it was coming from her left.  She turned her head immediately to see who, or what it was.  It was a man.  A grown man; his appearance was EXTREMELY shady with his hood and outfit that looked appropriate for a thief.  He was running towards Adalia, and this wasn't a good sign.  "Hey are you alright?!" she heard him call out, but was there really anything good in the forest?  No, there was absolutely no possible way she would be able to trust this person, or thing.  Besides, what was that thing flying behind him?!

    This place, wherever it is, is really weird...

    At any rate, Adalia reacted almost the moment she saw this man running at her, her face forming a malicious teeth grit, her eyes turning yellow, and her casting Smokescreen directly before his feet, causing the smoke to fill the area, all within the span of a second.  Using her Bloodsight she could very easily see where he and his...  companion, were, firing three shots at the bigger target.  Following suit, Adalia would run towards a fallen tree and take cover behind it; she was small enough to be almost completely hidden behind it.  She was still within the smoke, and was awaiting the response of her enemy, prepared to dodge the next attack coming her way, if it comes to begin with.  She highly doubted that alone would be enough to kill him, though, or was he that much of a pushover?  She wouldn't underestimate her foe. She is looking directly at him.

    HP - 100
    Mana - 90%
    Conditional Power UA being used; all offensive spells and ranged attacks deal 25% more damage
    10% mana loss from D-Rank spell "Smokescreen"
    Lineage ability "Bloodsight" being used
    Smoke from Smokescreen will last for 2 posts
    Smokescreen cooldown: N/A (it was used this post)



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by Jozuma 8th June 2017, 1:23 pm

    As Jozuma called out the girl reacted to his presence, she did't look thrilled to see Jozuma. The girl's blue eyes suddenly and oddly turned yellow as she fired something at her feet an a smokescreen filled out the are. "What, smokescreen?" Jozuma didn't have much time to ponder the situation as 3 bullet shots immediately cam hurling at him. The shots tapped his icy skin and fell off, it definitely stung a little but nothing too painful. "You alright?" Mona asked concerned as he saw the bullets hit him. "Yeah I'm fine." "I'll blow this away." "No let me handle this Mona she's probably just scared and trying to defend herself I'll handle it, standby and provide support when I need it." The exceed nodded turning invisible and flying high above the forest getting an eagle eye view over everything. Jozuma couldn't really see anything so he closed his eyes and followed his nose, he could smell the girl by some trees in the distance and he shattered his body and instantly reformed next to a few trees a little distance from him. He still couldn't see her through the smoke but he knew she was very close and he could smell her blood giving him her general direction so he tried to talk some reason. "Whoa there jumpy you might want to calm down a bit I'm here to help not to fight." Jozuma crossed him arms and kept his ears perked listening for the slightest sound.
    Jozuma HP: 314/330 (ouchies)
    MP: 100%
    Spells Used:

    UA/Slayer Passives:


    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) D9970a10

    Demon Force:
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by The Hustler 9th June 2017, 12:48 am

    Adalia took a few deep breaths to keep it stable.  She had landed several shots on the big target, though they didn't really appear to damage him very much.  This was extremely bad; if she was fighting someone that had more magic capabilities than she did, then it would be a prolonged fight, and she would likely be in trouble from being hit with one, maybe two of his abilities, so she really couldn't afford to get hit by any of his strikes.  The one, main positive thing here appeared to be that he couldn't really see Adalia.  Neither of them could.  If it kept up like this, while boring, she would be able to slowly whittle him down.  She could still see their bodies through the smoke due to her Bloodvision, and that would be the secret to winning this battle.  The smaller one rose and rose high into the air, away from the smoke...  it could most definitely fly.  She would keep him in the back of her mind as she fought with the bigger target.

    Something strange happened, though.  The man just...  disappeared.  It looked as though his body broke apart and vanished.  She rose her guard even more in response to this; did he go somewhere, or was he defeated as simply as that?  Well, he definitely moved closer to her; the next time Adalia heard him speak, he was much closer to her.  She was shocked.  Someone who could delete himself and his presence then appear somewhere new was up against her?  This was very bad, indeed.  She was able to keep track of him again, though, because sound was a very powerful tool to be used.  With his words from now and just a few moments ago, she was almost convinced that he was there to help her, but how could she trust him, especially after attacking him?  It only would've made him angry.

    She lowered the sound of her breathing; he was only about ten feet away from her, so any sudden movements would lead to her discovery.  Let's see... Adalia thought to herself.  She was already looking to be at a disadvantage, but, luckily enough, this forest is a place where she would be able to work her best at.  She had to think of only a moment, and she had a plan.  She smiled to herself.  Let's try not to screw this up.  She readied her aim quickly and shot two bullets from her rifle, aimed at the man.  She got up immediately; for this to work, she wouldn't be able to stay in one place for too long, using her Flight in order to gain some distance in the air and not make as much noise with her feet on the ground; she only flew up 5 meters in the air.  She flew backwards 10 meters, and as she was doing this, sent two more of her bullets aimed towards wherever the man was now.

    She flew another 5 meters to her right and 10 meters backwards, firing two more bullets as she moved.  She took cover behind a large boulder that was 5 meters further to her right and behind her; she had memorized the area around her, as she always did, and knew it would be there.  She was, however, outside of the smoke now, and the smaller creature would most definitely be able to see her, but she had to take a chance to take this guy down.  She looked through the tree, looking around for the man she tried to make swiss cheese out of.  No matter what direction he was coming from, she'd know, unless he pulled another one of those weird teleportation-like stunts again.  She had her left hand on the hilt of Eleventh Goddess, ready to fight him in close quarters if necessary.

    HP - 100
    Mana - 90% ; REGEN IN 4 POSTS
    Conditional Power UA being used; all offensive spells and ranged attacks deal 25% more damage
    Seasoned Marksman UA being used; Adalia has a full 360 degree sightline.
    Flight UA being used; Adalia can fly, up to a maximum height of 15 meters.  Speed is slightly above her sprint speed.
    Lineage ability "Bloodsight" being used
    Smoke from Smokescreen will last for 1 posts
    Smokescreen cooldown: 2 posts
    6 bullets were shot total.
    To give an idea of how long each flight distance took her - Adalia's sprint speed is about 20 mph, which roughly translates to 9.5 or so meters per second, and she can fly slightly faster than that, so you could say she can fly at a rate of 10 meters per second, meaning the first 2 dashes took her a total of 2 seconds, and the last one would've been half a second.  Just to clarify in case there's any confusion about her speed.



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by Jozuma 11th June 2017, 9:48 am

    Jozuma stood still quietly listening for anything the slightest sound of movement his ears focusing on the direction his nose lead him. For a short while there was just silence, then a rustle followed by a gunshot. Jozuma focused at a fallen tree and saw to gunshots hurling at him, he took the hits into his arm guarding himself but he wasn't going to play around anymore. "Polar Hunter." Jozuma body became coated in an spiky ice armor and the white of his eyes turned black as he was now prepared for a fight. Jozuma saw the girl jump away started flying away. "What she can fly now?" Jozuma pursued the girl at a blinding speed kicking up dirt and blowing away smoke as he zigzagged through the forest.

    Jozuma was at a bit of a dilemma, usually he wouldn't hold back in a situation such as this but he didn't want to harm a child especially one that had already been injured you can say he had a soft spot for children. Then the girl shot 2 more shots at him which he swiftly dodged. The girl continued flying back and fired 2 more shots through the smoke again before disappearing into hiding once more, one of which hit Jozuma dead in his leg. Jozuma was surprised that she could hit Jozuma at his current speed she must be an expert marksman. Between that and the flying this clearly wasn't a normal child but now Jozuma's patience had thinned and he thought of an alternative solution.

    Jozuma stopped spoke in his mind. "Okay Mona we're doing this." Mona spoke telepathically back to him. "We are?" "Yes, just don't hurt her too bad." The girl didn't seem like she was going to cooperate so Jozuma decided on disabling her and bringing her to the nearby village he was heading to for proper rest and a little chat. Jozuma continued speaking to Mona in his mind. "You got a lock on her?" "Of course!" The girl seemed to be so focused on Jozuma that at best she was only half paying attention to Mona flying invisibly in the air watching the entire battle unfold. With Mona being able to telepathically speak to Jozuma he was his eyes in the sky and now that he had a lock this girl could run as much as she liked but hiding was a different matter. Jozuma gave the order. "Mona, intercept." "Roger!" Mona several meters above the girl uncloaked and dived down releasing an explosive aura. "Now, Zoro!" A rapier wielding spirit formed behind Mona swinging its rapier sending a gust of wind directly at the girl's location. After hitting the wind expanded into a 20m radius vortex, the intense winds tore apart the trees and blew away the smoke in the area and it was then Jozuma made his move towards the girl during the destructive chaos, an attack that large and so close leaves little room to escape. Jozuma knew he must have hit something as healing winds came to him healing some of his small bullet wounds. The dust was clearing and Jozuma appeared from the right side around the boulder he saw the attack land and attempted to sidekick the girl to a nearby tree, the coldness of his leg made the air around it visible like a fine mist, after which he was then staring at the girl dead in the eye. "Hey." Jozuma said in a very casual manner as the shadows of everything around Jozuma started morphing and bending towards him as he started to build up demonic energy.
    Jozuma HP: 320/330 (took 14 dmg and healed 20hp from Zoro's Wind or less if you somehow made it to the outer ring)
    MP: 95%
    Charging an attack
    Threw 1 kick (deals 37 dmg with strength buffs and contact dmg)
    Polar Hunter Duration 3 (now 2)
    Speed-wise with buffs I am moving 37m/s
    Spells Used:
    Pet Spells Used:


    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) D9970a10

    Demon Force:
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by The Hustler 18th June 2017, 4:19 am

    For a moment, the man didn't seem to move, and neither did the flying creature.  Adalia felt extremely uncomfortable with the situation she was in; a pause in movement almost never meant anything good, which only brought her awareness up.  She shifted her feet slightly in order to position herself better to sprint and make sudden movements if necessary during the time he didn't move.  Then, suddenly, the flying animal moved, really close, too; Adalia burst out into flight.  The creature summoned something wielding a rapier, which used a vortex.  Adalia was almost able to escape its wrath, but ended up getting hit the most outer portion of the vortex...  and it hurt.  It hurt so damn much.

    NOTHING that Adalia had experienced to date so far could even compare.  This was pain beyond anything imaginable.  It was at this moment she understood, all of the suffering, training she did with her parents...  that was just the warmup.  Just as she thought she was really tough and powerful, the moment she encounters an enemy from a new land, she is immediately proven wrong.  She wouldn't be able to match this power, so, a new tactic would need to be used, one she didn't particularly want to.  Adalia wasn't given any breaks.  The man followed suit with an attack of his own, which was a rather simple sidekick, but the sound it made from cutting the air so sharply made Adalia glad she had her hand on the hilt of Eleventh Goddess; she was able to block the attack, using both hands to do so.

    The force was powerful, so she was still sent back several ways, which actually worked to her benefit.  The man stopped, and she was able to dig her feet onto the ground before she hit anything; they were about 10 meters away.  Adalia couldn't help but smirk; blood was trickling down her head, on the left side.  She would have to recognize this man, now.  She was cornered and didn't have many options.  In response to his greeting, Adalia only raised her hand and waved once.  He wasn't her primary concern, the flying rat was, though she couldn't ignore him.  She kept tabs on both of them with her Bloodvision.

    She swiftly fired two shots, initially aiming at the man, instead flicking them at the flying creature, flying backwards at high speed into the forest where the leaves of the trees were thick, making it impossible to view anything below from the skies.  30 meters away, now, Adalia unloaded the rest of her clip aimed at the winged creature; she was far enough away that with all of the trees covering her, it wouldn't be possible to see her without some sort of enhanced sight.  In case the man was chasing her, she used Blast Back at his direction, which would hopefully slow him down, and she was propelled even further back, about 50 meters away from where she was initially, just where she wanted to be.

    At the end of her spell, she landed in a pile of rotting meat.  No bones, no body parts, just simple, rotting meat, which was the source of the bad smell.  It was disgusting, but she was running out of option; simply landing in the pile of meat was enough to completely eliminate her smell and smell like the meat itself.  She also carried bits of minced meat (because that's what it was) in her pockets.  The pungent smell was terrible, and the blood that could no longer be absorbed by her clothing was seeping into her skin.  It was squishy, and was discolored, yet, somehow retained an impressive amount of blood. Adalia kept on flying backwards, using one of the pieces of meat she brought along and smeared it on the bark of one of the trees. It would take a while to set up, but so long as she did so carefully, without really being seen, this territory would be hers.

    HP - 70 - 30 damage taken from the cyclone
    Mana - 80% ; REGEN IN 3 POSTS / Lost 10% from Blast Back
    Conditional Power UA being used; all offensive spells and ranged attacks deal 25% more damage
    Seasoned Marksman UA being used; Adalia has a full 360 degree sightline.
    Flight UA being used; Adalia can fly, up to a maximum height of 15 meters. Speed is slightly above her sprint speed.
    Lineage ability "Bloodsight" being used
    Smoke from Smokescreen is gone.
    Smokescreen cooldown: 1 posts
    Blast Back Cooldown: 2 posts
    6 bullets were shot total.
    Smell being covered by the smell of the rotten, minced meat.

    So sorry it took this long... I can post regularly!



    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
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    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd June 2017, 7:24 pm

    UA Roll

    As I said on Skype been on a camping trip but now enough camping and back to fighting FUROZAN WARUDO!!!
    Furozan Warudo:

    Last edited by Jozuma on 23rd June 2017, 7:25 pm; edited 2 times in total


    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) D9970a10

    Demon Force:

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    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by NPC 23rd June 2017, 7:24 pm

    The member 'Jozuma' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Die_04_42161_sm

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 245
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hero Yamamoto (Only the Best Mentor)
    Experience : 1375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer (1st Gen)
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by Jozuma 23rd June 2017, 11:14 pm

    The girl blocked Jozuma's kick with a sword and was sent flying back to the tree. Against the tree she gave Jozuma a single wave before beginning her attack once more. "Still up for a fight huh?" Jozuma thought as he stood awaiting her next move as his demonic energy grew. The girl raised her gun and aimed at Jozuma and Jozuma stood not caring if he took a few shots while he was building up his magic but then she flicked the gun up and fired towards Mona in the sky. Mona not expecting to get shot at was hit dead on was slightly startled. "She can see me Jozu, I'm hit!" "Stay on guard don't lose her." Jozuma was puzzled on how the girl could see Mona but he didn't have time to ponder it as the girl started flying away and Jozuma, believing he had built up a sufficient amount of demonic energy to end this, pursued her with Mona, after getting his composure, following above. The trees were thick and Mona was having a difficult time. "The trees are too thick I can't see you guys." Jozuma responded with assurance. "Don't worry I'm on her." Jozuma was running in line  fast as he could getting closer to the girl when she fired more shots towards Mona. Jozuma acted quickly by shattering his body and reforming in the sky next to his friend, grabbed him, and spoke really quickly. "This will feel weird. Furozan Warudo!"


    Everything went silent, the bullets stood completely still in the air just a few feet from them. Jozmua, seeing the bullets clearly moved his body around in the air as he fell to dodge the still bullets with his friend in his arms. When he landed on the ground he put his friend down and started dashing towards the girl once more as time started to move again.


    Jozuma having covered a little more ground in frozen time was now only a few meters away from the girl when she turned her gun towards him. She fired a powerful blast towards him but Jozuma shattered a layer of his Arctic Skin scattered around him as shards of reflective ice and reflected the blast back at her but she also ended up flying a good distance away. Jozuma could hear her land somewhere ahead. It didn't matter to him where she was she was close enough and he had a enough demonic energy so this battle was over. Jozuma, not sure if she could hear him, spoke the last words of the fight. "See ya when you wake up... Ice Stop." A gigantic 50m radius bubble formed around Jozuma and everything within it became completely frozen in time, then demonic shadows emitted form Jozuma and ravaged through the forest then went towards the girl's location attacking her with ice cold slashed before returning to Jozuma and healing some of his wounds. When the bubble dissipated Jozuma walked around in the forest in search of the girl and it wasn't long until he found her completely still and he could see her slowly starting to blink as her body was catching up with normal time, Jozuma didn't waste this chance. He walked up to her and gave her a solid punch in the gut and ice covered her body freezing her solid. Jozuma picked up the frozen girl and looked for Mona eventually finding him where a short distance where he left him, his body slowly catching up as well since he was also caught in the bubble.

    When Mona started moving again the two went towards there initial destination of the nearby village with Jozuma carrying the frozen girl in his arms. When he got to the village some people gave him some looks as he had a frozen child in his arms but he ignored them and marched on towards the local inn. When he got there the inn owners gave him similar concerned look but Jozuma went ahead and spoke. "I need a room, one with a fireplace so I can treat this kid." The owners were still hesitant so Jozuma showed them his guild mark. "I'm a Hydra, room, now." The owners nodded and showed him a room. Jozuma placed the frozen girl next to the fireplace and let Mona work his healing magic to thaw her out. While that was happening Jozuma used the borrowed the kitchen and started cooking some nice warm beef soup for the cold she will inevitably have when she came too. Jozuma returned to the room and placed the soup across from the girl, Mona was nearly done thawing her. Jozuma pulled a chair and sat down watching as the ice was slowly falling off, Mona turned. "I got the ice off she should start feeling better soon, strange girl though." Jozuma nodded and waited on chair for some time until the girl start to wake up. Jozuma smiled. "You up sleepy?"
    Jozuma HP: 330/330 (healed half of Ice Stop damage)
    MP: 80%
    Mona HP: 132/150
    -Furozan Warudo Used (ability 4) (cooldown 5)
    -Arctic Skin active ability used to reflect Blast Back (coooldown 5)
    -Used Freeze and Shatter to freeze for 2 posts (though I healed it this same post)
    -Speed-wise moving 37m/s
    -Ice Stop (with 1 post charge) did  99 dmg in 40m range and 84 dmg 10m from there and considering
    it happens instantly and I used it within a medium range I'm calling GGs here
    -Kinda segueing this into a social
    Spells Used:
    Pet Spells Used (on Adalia):


    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) D9970a10

    Demon Force:
    The Hustler
    The Hustler

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 106
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Imperial Combat : Tactical Assault
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private) Empty Re: What a tremendous greeting this is! (Private)

    Post by The Hustler 26th June 2017, 7:51 pm

    It was quiet, the first peace of mind Adalia had in a long, long time.  She knew she wasn't currently awake, a perk for having lived life so long on edge, and was resting very well.  She didn't know how she was defeated, though; it was obvious she was defeated, which slightly concerned her, but there wasn't much she could do about it.  It was a dreamless sleep, which is why it was so comfortable.  Her time was distorted as she was sleeping, so she didn't really know how long she was out for.  Just as suddenly as she found herself asleep, however, Adalia woke up.  She had a terrible headache, and her vision was very blurry, though she did know she didn't like waking up on the ground, feeling cold at that.

    Adalia couldn't really move that well; she felt oddly tired.  She shook her head once and from laying down, pushed herself up so that she would be sitting.  Her eyes were still only half open, though she took the time to look around; many different colours and shapes, though she could absolutely recognize the two shapes she had fought just moments before.  Panic ensued - she must have been captured, and as she tried to ready herself for a fight, but, as she got to her feet, she fell back to her knees.  The man didn't seem phased at all, though, Adalia was slightly confused over his concern over her.  She had just tried to kill him, and was fully ready to try again, and yet, here he was trying to assist her.  Maybe it wasn't the forest pulling any tricks.

    Instead, she sighed, and was clearly shivering.  "I'm fine," she said coldly, "and if you're going to take someone out just to care for them later...  don't freeze them."  She didn't really make herself very likeable, but that was her normally.  Well, he did beat her, so she probably should show at least some respect.  "Anyways, why did you bother helping me?  I tried to kill you, and I would have if I could." Her vision had returned and Adalia could see in proper, full definition once again. Also, she smelled something cooking. She didn't want to intrude on him answering her, though, so she'd remain quiet without an expression. Her clothes were wet from thawing and she wanted to change them, too, though her spare clothes were also probably messed up, so she'd need to change into her sleep wear...

    ...and boy, did she not want to do that right now.

    I accept defeat, since there wasn't much to do anyways. Although there were a few things that didn't make sense in the fight that were done, I didn't really stand much of a chance from the get-go. GG!



      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:37 pm