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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 11th April 2017, 8:13 pm

    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 15th April 2017, 7:51 am

    "Idiots, the lot of them," the woman said as she swished the wine in her glass around and around and around.  Leah stared at the movement, her eyes completely mesmerized.  It was all she could do to barely nod her head and murmur her agreement.  The stranger, who was reclining on a chaise lounge with upholstery of mulberry hue, seemed to not notice.  She continued talking, and the redhead continued listening in a half daze.  "Trying to break into my home and steal these lovely jewels I have..." at this, the woman lifted up her left hand to reveal a string of glittering rubies and diamonds.  The mage's hands clenched together, and the woman broke into a soft smile as she stared directly at the younger person.  "Of course you would expect them to fail," she went on.  "My security is quite tight here, because it is my home and any intruders are breaking the sanctity of it.  Only witches should be allowed, you see," she explained, "And even then, only members of my coven.  Not you thieving little street rats.  Although, judging by that cute little symbol on your cute little neck, you really are a mage.  Perfect."
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 20th April 2017, 8:23 pm

    Automatically, Leah's right hand flew to touch the Golden Phoenix stamp centered right below the hollow of her neck.  That was right, she had forgotten to hide it this morning.  The folly of it all, why had she even agreed to help the four street urchins with robbing the 'great big house on the street corner?'  The redhead wanted to stab a knife into the armchair she was perched in, but that probably would not have helped her case for getting out of this messy situation.  "Look, this is basically just a misunderstanding.  I have money to pay for any damage that has been done, and I'm also willing to do community service should you deem that necessary," she reasoned, gazing more firmly at the woman.  The lady of the house seemed only amused by her efforts to get herself out of more serious and eye catching trouble.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 20th April 2017, 8:24 pm

    "You'll stay in the dungeon until I decide exactly what I want to do with you," she said easily and waved a hand in the air.  Immediately, the girl's eyes felt droopy with the desire to sleep, and she fought it as much as she could.  Clearly, the witch was strong though, because her eyelids closed and sealed themselves tight no matter how much she struggled.  Damnit, she cursed to herself.  Is it really a good thing that I've become less selfish of late? was her last conscious thought before everything went completely black.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 20th April 2017, 8:24 pm

    She woke up to find herself in a dingy cell. Well, that was honestly an over exaggeration, because although the room was cramped and barely six by eight feet, it was fairly well kept. At least, for a jail cell, and that was only the redhead's assumption as she had never been in a prison before. ...that was another lie, because she most certainly had, but the girl hadn't paid any attention to the scenery that time so this was basically her first experience. Thankfully, there was nobody else in the cell with her. As she had awoken, the girl had been wary of opening her eyes, lest there be a bunch of scrawny street urchins in there with her. Undoubtedly, they would poke at her and try to get Leah to open the door or something. Trying that would be foolish, and she didn't feel the desire to do so at this moment. That wasn't to say that she didn't want to escape.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 20th April 2017, 8:24 pm

    The girl stared at the wall for just another moment before she reared up and kicked it as hard as she could. It wouldn't be good for anyone, especially the bones of her leg, but the redhead was beyond frustrated with this turn of events. But lo and behold, the flat white surface caved in under her feet and a gaping hole was left, with crumbled edges that revealed just how hollow it was inside. This was all just a trick! Angered even more, the mage tried to requip her daggers to shear through all of this stupid plaster and simultaneously, stupid trickery, but they failed to appear. That forced a pause out of Leah, and she stopped to concentrate more on summoning them.  Unfortunately, nothing worked.  She snarled at the pale walls before finally deciding to just smash her way through, and so the girl did.  With punches and a great amount of ripping (in excess, really, since the barriers were basically layers of thin paper upon each other, stuck with some sort of weak adhesive) she made her way through several rooms that were the exact same size as her own.  "Whatever yer doin' I don' hold wi' it!" she growled in case anybody was listening.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 24th April 2017, 4:48 pm

    A laugh resounded from above, and before the redhead knew it she was being levitated through the ceiling. And it hurt, because the plaster wasn’t just suddenly nonexistent; her guts and flesh were actually just being shoved through it all. The witch came into the female’s sight, and her eyes were fiendish as she stared at the mage with no little amount of amusement. Leah's jaw tightened, and although she did not grit her teeth her nails pressed crescents into her palms. "Leahndr Aspont, hm? Yes well, I've got a job for you and if you do it right you are more than free to go aftewards. In fact, you must," the woman said with a derisive snort. The redhead's glare lessened slightly as she began to listen more carefully to this supposed way out.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 24th April 2017, 5:16 pm

    "I need you to get me a set of blueprints from a certain Marschal Kintus; he's a very famous man, I'm sure you'll have an easy time. Just roll them all up nice and neat into a scroll once you acquire them and carry everything back here to me. I'll even pay you," she added with a laugh, and the mage stared back at the witch with no little amount of suspicion.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 24th April 2017, 5:20 pm

    "Alrigh' then," she finally muttered after a few moments of pause, and in the next breath she was already half of the way out the door when the witch called out, "One more thing! I've put a charm on you that will last forever unless you come back to me and get it undone. I give you my word that I won't take it off until the end of the duration of this mission. You can't lie under its influence and if you ever step foot in Fiore again after leaving once, you'll be teleported straight to me. So don't be an idiot and try to, oh I don't know, run away and hide or something." The witch flashed Leah a sickly sweet smile that was not at all encouraging, halting the girl's attempts to leave the room. With an irate expression, Leah reflected that she had in fact already been planning her escape from having to help her captor at all. Furthermore, judging by the fact that the sneaky old bat (yeah, old! She was probably at least a couple centuries past her prime and just cheated with magic to change her appearance, never minding the fact that Leah was also at least two hundred and seemed to be a teenager), the witch would probably spy on her the whole time that the job took.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 24th April 2017, 5:27 pm

    "Darling, stop thinking about how to get out of helping me and go down to the armory and pick out a nice dagger or something for you to carry in Stella," the strange although not hostile witch said mildly with a dismissive wave of her hand. And wait, what was that? This lady was crazy; no kind of mage ever voluntarily went to that nation of... architects. Dang, that was why. Of course the best architects in all of Earthland had to just hate magic and be suspicious of every single person who displayed even a spec of it ... hmph. The redhead wanted to protest too that hiring somebody from Stella might be too expensive, but her, ahem, client even went so far as to interrupt the female's thought process before any complaints or excuses could be voiced.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:31 pm

    "Surely you know how Stella hates magic- yes? Good. As I am a witch to the very core, I would be detected as soon as I even breathed within two meters of the border, much less stepped foot on any of their soil. You, however, my dear, are going to pose as a… a foot soldier, or a scout or courier or something, it really doesn’t matter so long as the person of your assumed identity originates from the Pergrande Kingdom. Everyone knows that those royalists despise magic, being stuck in the medieval times and obsessed with getting back into modern technology.” This having been said, the witch leaned back in her chair and sipped red wine from a thin stemmed glass. There was a brief pause before the brunette set down her verre et said, “Well? Why are you still here?” Leah fled the room with as much grace as she could manage.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:31 pm

    Cold. Wet. Tired. All of these could describe the girl perfectly as she tried to get a few moments of sleep, curled up into a ball on the muddy and almost sopping wet ground. The witch had claimed that Stellans were notoriously advanced in their ways (her and the rest of the world) but she had denied the mage a sleeping bag in the next moment. And almost in the same breath as well, she had explained the details of what would happen in the situation of the redhead attempting to rid herself permanently of the witch. “You would be teleported to my coffin, dear, every time you were anywhere near or in the confines of Fiore. Considering that my will says I am to be buried in the family tomb, you’d be like Antigone after she buried her brother. A goner,” she said with a great guffaw that left Leah feeling most certainly none too amused.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:32 pm

    The mage huffed and sat up, her palms pressing against the slippery dirt that she was unfortunately sleeping on without even a tarp or something. Thankfully her clothes would be able to be requipped away, and with any luck she would be able to get proper rest in Stella… but everything was still highly inconvenient. Either of those would require making it through this stupid journey to the actual nation though (after all, there wasn’t much point in putting on clean clothes if she was going to have to wallow in the mud again directly after, except maybe for the condition of not becoming sick but that wasn’t a problem for the girl in particular). So with this fact in mind, she got unsteadily to her feet, feeling the cold and weakness seep into her very bones with a shiver that had goosebumps rising onto her skin and pricked the hairs upright. “Stupid cold and wet,” she muttered. At least it being before dawn and all, the atmosphere was suitably dark for her not to feel even worse.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:36 pm

    With a box of snacks clutched open in her left hand, the redhead snacked to make do as best as she could while her feet pulled out a steady rhythm of sloshing steps against the ground. Sticky, stretchy mud seemed to cling to the soles of her boots. Why do I always end up wearing the good pair on these dirty missions? Leah groaned, thinking of that time in the tomb of the Wizard Saints with her two other friends. It was a bad idea to recall that, though, because the idea of the enclosed underground space and dead people in burial chambers reminded her of the witch’s threat to prevent the redhead from attempting to murder her on the spot. If anybody else tried it and succeeded, the mage would be trapped forever. At this realization, her feet hurried in their movements and beat a more uniform and less delayed pattern of footsteps and thuds against the ground. Which, thankfully, seemed to be getting harder and drier as she went along.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:36 pm

    And the journey definitely didn’t get any better as she continued walking, but all bad things also have to come to a close (not just the good!)  When maybe four to five hours of the dreariness had passed, she stumbled upon a group of hunters.  Thankfully, they were both completely sane and good meaning folk (who knew what kind of person one might encounter out here in the wilderness?  Not to do area profiling or anything, but werewolves and savages…) so she didn’t have murderers charging after her and screaming bloody murder or anything.  Most important of all though was the fact that one of the women she met had access to teleportation lacrimas (well not quite teleportation, but magical travel that came quite close), and she claimed to be able to transport others through her own use.  Since the witch had only banned Leah herself from working magic or seeking out help from pets or fellow mages (the hunters were pure and ordinary humans) she found it relieving that no more braving the elements would be necessary.  The redhead thanked the band of strangers profusely before she was spirited away into a magic tunnel that passed through gods only knew what.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:36 pm

    Her brief trip was rejuvenative and comfortable; being warm and dry as well as equipped with plenty of sofas, armchairs, and even a number of beds (for longer trips, the mage supposed) she realized that in fact she wished to stay inside the place and that the two minute trip was actually much longer. Her pragmatic and goal oriented brain did remind Leah of the dangers in this odd type of swirling travel as well as the ones in becoming too accustomed to it (not to mention how disastrous never being free of the witch would be. That was the whole point of agreeing to go on this stupid mission, anyways). Yet discomfort could clearly cause a person to yearn for sometimes startling things.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:36 pm

    Anyways, our fabulous heroine popped out of a portal that was situated barely ten meters from a hulking stone wall, with several guards patrolling, passing across her eyes (and theoretically marching back and forth) every few seconds across the top of it. Suddenly, she was grateful for her unassuming appearance and also the lack of any blatantly or outwardly magical armor, weaponry, or other items or objects of any kind. On instinct she nearly activated her special sight when an armored man suddenly jumped off the wall (whoa that scared the balogney out of Leah) and began to stride towards her landing spot (presumably he had spotted something suspicious? Darn. She wanted nothing to do with superpowered trained but not magical people who seemed to have legs made of pliable steel). But she did quell the urge to use her ability and instead sat tight, waiting for him to finish his approach. He didn’t keep her waiting long and soon the mage heard the jubilant words, “How now, miss!” called out from the guard.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:37 pm

    Immediately afterwards there came a surprising half-salute of respect for an unknown stranger. “Are you a traveler, here for the sights, history, seeking knowledge…?” he asked with a friendly countenance, although it was tinged with a little bit of scorn after he finished taking in her disheveled appearance and clothing (darn it all, she had forgotten to change in those two minutes of travel time) and muddy boots. “No, good sir, but thanks to you for greetin’ me so,” she replied in a voice only barely louder than a mumble that was tinged with a distinct Pergrande burr. “M’lady jus’ be wantin’ somethin’ from yer architects, das be righ’ an’ I is jus’ a courier from the Pergrande Kingdom an’ the Lilac Bay, comin’ fer a would be clien’ if ye’d have me,” she stumbled out the words deliberately as though their language was unfamiliar to her before finally gasping a little bit after the speech and bowing her head all respectful like, with the tilt and all that. The soldier’s eyes brightened as he nodded in understanding before holding out an expectant hand. “Your papers, miss?” came the expected although unwelcome inquisition, which was an immediate source of stress and worry for the mage despite the witch’s reassurance that everything would go by smoothly so long as she used what was provided.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:38 pm

    Leah pulled out the sheaf (reluctantly, although she did do her best not to show it at all). “Miss… Penelope Moof?” he read carefully then glanced up to squint at her and then back at the forged documents. The female gave a nod of confirmation despite the fact that this name was news to her (if he’d been faking one she would’ve been caught promptly, but it was good luck that Stellans didn’t seem to be suspicious of non magical folk). The man reached forwards to help the girl to her feet, putting an arm around her shoulders that was probably intended to be reassuring but instead became almost stifling to the redhead.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:38 pm

    “Welcome to Stella. We don’t get a lot of visitors, ‘specially from uh, the Kingdom, if you catch my drift, but you’re on business so I guess it makes sense. We being so famous for the buildings and all,” he answered his own unasked question out loud. “Remember that you need a pass from the Center if your embassy hasn’t arranged for it already or if the government didn’t issue anything besides a travel permit,” he advised, doing his best to remember how things worked in the Pergrande Kingdom. Citizens did have to get permission to leave, right? “Since I didn’t see a visitor badge in your paperwork, but that’s all fine. Just gonna get arrested soon if you wander around and try to sight see or meet one of our architects without it,” he half joked, already assured that she would visit the Center right away like all the travelers did.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:39 pm

    By the time he finished talking, they had already reached the gates of the walls, heavy and wrought of iron. They didn’t seemed to be poised to open any time soon, and Leah was pleasantly surprised when the set swung easily open with only a light push and without a single sound. “Don’t pay too much for those prints your mistress wants, you hear me?” he warned on a whim of good will before he waved her good bye and turned back to his duties as a guard. The gates slammed closed and Leah was left to gape at the city she had just entered, which wasn’t even her final destination, just a border control town and transportation drop off.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:39 pm

    Marschal Kintus, she repeated in her mind as her feet stepped through the streets uncontrolled by a brain.  Mindlessly her eyes scanned the shops.  Marschal Kintus.  Th redhead blew the hair out of her eyes before she caught the action and smoothed a few locks back over her left eye to hide the distinctive vertical scar that slanted across the visible orb.  Who knew if anybody here in Stella had ever heard of Leahndr Aspont and her stricken face, but it was better safe than sorry.  Curse the witch for not letting her use any kind of disguise.  With these bitter thoughts occupying her mind, the girl almost ran smack dab into a complete stranger who was equally absorbed in a newspaper as she strolled down the sidewalk.  “Pardon me, madam,” the mage said in apology before she darted around the woman and heaved out a sigh of relief when she was out of earshot.  “Right, so the Center,” she muttered.  “Gotta find that afore I get arrested like that guy said.”  She bit her lip and glanced around hopefully.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 25th April 2017, 7:40 pm

    Unfortuantely, there was absolutely nothing around that could possible be seen as a visitor’s center, but there was… “Excuse me, m’am!” Leah hurried over to a woman who was dressed like a construction worker of some sort, with a white hard hat balanced on her head and a stack of brochures held loosely in her arms.  She appeared to be handing them out to every person who walked by, and each listened briefly to her few words before nodding and accepting one of the pamphlet like things, folded squares of giant plasticy paper.  “I was just wondering if you knew where the- oh, my bad, sir!” she quickly backtracked upon realizing that she had just interrupted the woman’s conversation with another person on the street, a smartly dressed businessperson whose hairline was not really all that.  The construction worker shot her a dirty look before she slapped one of the brochure things in her hand and shoved the girl rudely down the street.  “There’s your map girl, now tell your family to get theirs too or share if they can’t be a whit more respectful than you,” she bit out before returning to the conversation.  Thoroughly chastised, the emerald eyed mage nodded jerkily before she fled the scene and ran until she saw a park bench, where she took refuge and caught her breath.

    [3558 Words]
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 2nd May 2017, 7:26 pm

    The map actually did turn out to be very helpful indeed.

    [3569 Words]
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You Empty Re: Have a Deceiver Build (the Liar's Palace) for You

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 2nd May 2017, 7:30 pm

    On it was marked the visitor's center, as well as the many renamed districts and both their blocks and residential areas, not to mention all of the newly constructed sections. Leah was sure that Marschal Kintus lived somewhere in Stella, including near the capital (she assumed it was at least, in the surrounding more urban areas) but aside from that she had absolutely no clue which one of the areas he had made his home in. Oh well, she supposed that when the time did come she could plot out all the districts on a map (there had to be a few left sitting in the trash, since she had no intention to mark up her new own copy, from cocky people who thought themselves capable of navigating the newly renovated streets without the help of such). Then, the girl would be able to systematically check, as thoroughly as possible and to the best of her abilities, each neighborhood for the elusive (to her so far at least) Mister Kintus.

    [3739 Words]

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