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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 29th April 2017, 5:56 am

    Ace of Spades, Luna's new home and the home of Sabertooth - her guild. It was a welcome sight as always, especially after having moved all of her belongings to a small house in the town. Now, however, wasn't a time for pleasure. Luna wanted to search for someone and she knew no better a person to ask than the guild-master, in this case a wizard by the name of Kite Wilhelm. Luna didn't know much about Kite, they had barely interacted up until now but that was all about to change. Passing through the large door of the guild's castle, Luna walked up to where she had received tell Kite's room was. The place seemed to be at a lull for the moment, she noted as she apprised herself of the stairs.

    As she scald her way up, Luna pulled out a small book and began reading the pages - a usual exercise as the super-hero esque girl was a learned scholar surprisingly. eventually, Luna would arrive at the thick double doors which signified the entrance to Kite's office and knocked somewhat loudly with a modicum of control. Should the door be opened and Kite found within he would see a woman standing at five feet and seven inches with silken curls of midnight, amber irises staring forward. The beautiful woman stood at a trimmed and lithe build with thin shoulders paired with vivacious curves. Her usually skimpy outfit was paired with a silk coat of black.

    "Hello, Kite Wilhelm? I'm Luna Jaeger, and I would like to request your help in finding someone. I can tell you what she looks like, but as to who she is I have no idea other than she is someone that is important to me. I believe that she may be on the world of Akuma, through the Wakusei Portal, but I can't be sure." Luna spoke in a dulcet, italian tone with a thick accent. If Kite took the moment to notice, he would see a pair of wings seemingly arching from her shoulders or back. She couldn't just leave her partner out of this one, considering that it would be rather hard to find the person she described, most likely.

    Words: 370 / 4500


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 3rd May 2017, 5:41 am

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite was standing by his desk with mounds of paperwork stacked up at nearly every corner. Each of these documents were reports about the members of his guild and their deeds or misdeeds while on various jobs. While reading over them he made note of several guild members who had been showing promise and would be able to take their exams to progress to the rank above their current one. ”Mashyuu, Kirara and..“ he was in the middle of naming those that would be going through exams to make it to B rank or above when suddenly a knock was could be heard on the doors to his quarters. The sound made him break away from his thoughts and completely turn his head as well as his gaze to the door, ”oh a visitor?“ he would ask himself while giving his full attention to his visitor on the other side of the door as he approached it he approached it. With his right hand he gripped the door handle and pulled it open to reveal a lovely woman wearing an outfit that didn't hide much of her figure standing across the threshold of his room. She promptly introduced herself which wasn't necessary, he was well aware of Luna’s joining of Sabertooth but with the introduction he understood a bit more of her character and found her formality admirable.

    Shortly after her introduction she got right to business about the topic at hand which was in the form of a request. There was a person she was looking to find and despite her not knowing this person she admitted that this woman she was looking for was important to her however Luna believed that she was located on the other side of one of the Wakusei Portal in the world of Akuma. ”Ah, that makes more sense to why you'd ask for help when you already know of her general location.“ he would say to her as he walked to his desk and leaned against it, ”The worlds on the other side of those portals are full wonder and with that wonder is a very real danger.” he spoke from experience. He had been through two of those portals, in one he was in a fight against an army of dark wizards and the other held a dragon, one that had once taught him dragon slayer magic. ”I'll help you Luna. Do you have any information regarding where in Akuma she may be or what sort of opposition we may come across?“

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Gvf4gD8
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 8th May 2017, 11:19 am

    ”Ah, that makes more sense to why you'd ask for help when you already know of her general location.“

    Luna knew that the woman she was looking for was on Akuma, it hadn't just been a hunch after-all, however if she was to believe everything she had learned on the subject her father was where she needed to go first. Irithiel wouldn't like that, for Luna to try and parley with him - there would be a battle, most likely several of them with the Incubus' servants and minions. Luna was getting ahead of herself, though. First, she would need assistance on this 'mission' of hers and there was none better to ask than her guild-master.

    ”The worlds on the other side of those portals are full wonder and with that wonder is a very real danger.”

    "None would know of that better than me, I was born on Akuma and spent a good lot of my life before joining a guild in the many worlds of the Wakusei Realms. Mostly it was spent adventuring and seeking out exotic lore to fill the shelves of  my private library." Wisdom and experience oozed from her words, as well as a yearning to never return to Akuma. Whatever she sought was more important that forgetting the world ever existed. She didn't say more on the subject at the moment, but seemed willing to talk more on it if asked.

    ”I'll help you Luna. Do you have any information regarding where in Akuma she may be or what sort of opposition we may come across?“

    "My father is involved, there is no doubt about it. He's an Incubus Demon with a cohort of minor horned demons and minor barbed demons, as well as an ally to a Balor so he might be able to pull that into a fight. As for my father himself, leave him to me. We probably won't be able to progress until I learn what I can from him and that won't happen unless I prove that I'm stronger." Luna spoke, seeming adamant that she was allowed to take on Irithiel alone, "Though, if that Balor shows up, I won't be able to handle it by myself."

    Luna gave a curt nod of respect and dived into a side-satchel to withdraw a single golden key. The key's handle formed a four-pointed star, and the key itself was made to look ornate. Luna stuck the handle in first - slipping into nothingness t seemed, which caused a doorway large enough for someone like Kite to fit through with ease. The rest of the key seemed to shatter and form into a doorknob of glimmering gold. She opened the door of ornate gold to reveal a void beyond. "We can head off whenever you are prepared to go, though this only works once so we'll have to hike the long way back. I should be putting us just a bout ten miles outside my father's land."

    Words: 865 / 4500


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 12th May 2017, 2:52 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite was made it clear that he was more than willing to help, especially since he had experience dealing with the worlds on the other side of the Wakusei however to his surprise at both the fact and the manner of which it was spoken, Luna has been born and raised in the world of Akuma as well as had memorable experiences in the other realms beyond Wakusei’s portals growing her own personal library of each world. ”“I see, I have to admit that I had no idea that you weren't native to this world, that is very interesting. he would say truly intrigued by the prospect of having someone as knowledgeable of the other worlds as Luna.  Truth be told he wouldn’t mind getting a small glimpse at this library to see just what sort of information she had on the neighboring realms and if that information would be useful for further exploration, however this wasn’t the time to entertain such ideas and Kite knew it. Things began to proceed quickly after Kite asked Luna if she knew the location of her mother as well as the sort of enemy they would be up against. Kite was a bit surprised upon learning that her father was their opposition to finding this woman, but that didn’t really answer his question. Aside from establishing her father was a bastard by the tone she regarded him in he didn’t really know how strong her father was. Before Kite could request her to elaborate on what sort of power her father held she revealed that under his command was a platoon of lesser demons but as interesting as that was for him it was only the tip of the iceberg of his excitement, What made him nearly smile ear to ear was hearing that he had a Balor type of demon at his disposal. Kite has had many run ins with demons over the years but he had not once had the opportunity to add a demon like Balor to his notched belt. He listened as she further explained that she would have to deal with her father on her own in order to gain information vital to locating this woman but only by proving she is stronger that would happen. That being said she openly admitted that she was concerned about the Balor and was certain she would fall against it. Kite nodded, ”Don’t worry.“ he said to her gesturing with his hand with a dismissive demeanor, ”Your father is all yours.“ he would clench his hand into a fist letter a hint of his flames reveal themselves, ”You can leave that big bad Balor to the demon slayer.“ it was clear that Kite holding it back, but he pretty much claimed the Balor as his own to slay. He stood up as Luna opened the gate in space with a key she held in her satchel and proceeded to the wall behind his desk where his weapon rack and coat were located. Kite grabbed a hold of his coat and slung it around and slid his arms through the openings where the sleeves would have been located. Kite had it tailored to have no sleeves, he felt they did nothing but get in the way as he tried to work. It had a long tail that stopped above his calfs and was buttoned at his waist and covered over his abdomen and chest up until the center of his torso which was exposed. The ribbed part of the coat was able to attach itself to the skin tight top Kite was wearing. He slid his collapsed sword under the tail of his coat across the back of his waist and then added his Lacrima blade that was wrapped in scabbard made of vines it created was slung up over his shoulder and vines identical to the scabbard laced together over his right shoulder and under his left armpit securing it to him. ”I’m ready as ever.“ he looked at Luna and then the golden door before she had opened with a void on the other side. Kite would smile at her statement about having to hike back, he had a solution regarding that notion but now was the time to not worry about events beyond what’s about to happen. ”Roughly ten miles… how long will it take papa bear and his underlings to detect our presence?“ he asked as he entered the void not fearing what was on the otherside.

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Gvf4gD8
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 24th May 2017, 1:49 pm

    ”I see, I have to admit that I had no idea that you weren't native to this world, that is very interesting.“

    "Not all of my life experiences in the realms have been good ones, my upbringing was the worst, but i was saved and brought to an orphanage in Earthland - something I am truly thankful for. It's what inspired me to become a true hero. I wish to help others as I was once helped. It's a story for another time perhaps." She smiled, noting a piqued interest in her statements about traveling through the Wakusei Portals. There would be a time for her to show her personal library, and perhaps that would be something fun for the both of them at a later date. for now, the pressing issue was her quest.

    ”Don’t worry.“ Kite had said, ”Your father is all yours. You can leave that big bad Balor to the demon slayer.“

    Luna was glad to hear that she wouldn't have to deal with that Balor - she was a bad-ass and all, however there were clear limits to how far said bad-assery could go. Taking on a Balor on her own just wasn't in the cards for her. Now with a renewed hope for the proceedings of this journey, she continued with the ritual of the Gate Key so that the two of them would be able to go to the location of said quest. They arrived within a set of ruins - most likely from a village that had been raided in the past. Those who opposed Irithiel didn't tend to last long unless they were one of the 'Big Three'; Lucifer, Beezlebub, and Asmodeus - or rather the demons who currently held those positions. They wouldn't be involved in this dispute or risk the ire of Lucifer for meddling in demonic family affairs. A concept which brought a chuckle to Luna.

    ”Roughly ten miles… how long will it take papa bear and his underlings to detect our presence?“

    "We have about two to three minutes before his underlings will check out the dimensional disturbance. I had planned to circumvent the entire first wave by heading through an underground tunnel that will take us about two miles from my father's villa. At that point, we'll have to engage in combat no matter what." She said, indicating a crypt tunnel in the ruins of what seemed to be a chapel they were currently standing in, "What do you think, Kite?"

    It was only proper for her to give the guest the options presentor to offer his own. She didn't want to just drag him along - Luna had brought her build master for more than just because he was good in a fight. She gave him two minutes to make a decision or offer an alternative before preparing for the inevitable battle.

    Words: 1342 / 4500


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 6th June 2017, 10:33 am

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    Kite listened as she explained that while she had lived in the surrounding myriad of worlds her life wasn’t filled with all positive experiences and her upbringing was the worst of it all. She later explained that she was brought to earthland from one of those worlds and was put in an orphanage and as a result form the act she gained the notion of wanting to help people just as she was helped out of her horrible life. Kite understood what it was like to have a horrible upbringing. When he was in his early childhood he was taken in by a cult and raised by them and taught their anti magic ways but soon enough he had escaped after discovering his own magic abilities. It was right after that he found refuge in an orphanage himself but was forced to flee after his foster parents came to apprehend him and most likely kill him. He injured his foster father and ran out of town and stumbled upon the book of Asmodeous and from there it was history. He was hellishly trained by the demon being scorched and burned by flames until he was able to adapt and not feel the heat any more. ”I know how that feels. I’ve got the scars to prove it.“ he would add under his breath and nodded in response to her statement regarding that this was all for another time. ”I couldn’t agree more. The battle field isn’t a place to dwell on the past.“

    The gate that Luna had been using a ritual to open finally revealed itself and he followed her into the gate and then popped out into a ruined village of some sort ”such destruction...“ he would say before taking a few steps away from Luna and kneeled down and scooped up the dry soil and let it slip between his fingers to rain back down onto the ground. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the dirt in his hand still and felt it, it was faint but he still felt the signature of demons from in the dirt but it was old and easy to miss unless one was looking for it. ”So a realm of demons huh?“ he wasn’t trying to hide his sharp tone from Luna. He knew that just like people Demons could be vile or actually have some sort of good nature, the former were the ones he hunted with great pleasure. Luna would answer him by explaining they have minutes until lesser demons would come to scout the cause of the dimensional disturbance that brought them there. ”I see.“ He would answer back looking at her, ”this is your home. You know more ins and outs than I do. I could stay here and act as a beacon for the demons and draw them here clearing the way even more for you or we can go around the wave like you mentioned but there is one thing that I have to ask. Where will this Balor be located?“ he would ask to her. His demon slayer instincts were driving him to take out this demon more than anything due to his malicious nature as well as it would eliminate the threat he represented to Luna. ”I’d rather deal with him as soon as possible as well as any demon that may pose as an obstacle for you.“

    tag: --- // words: --- // theme: ---

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    Made by Ravana


    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Gvf4gD8
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 6th June 2017, 10:05 pm

    They were here now, in the realm of the demons on the world of Akuma thanks to her key - but more precisely they had found themselves exactly where they needed to be for the start of this 'adventure'. As if in awe, Kit examined the ruined tatters of what had once been a thriving village at once point, taking in the carnage of what once was and kneeling down to scoop up the dry soil as it slipped through his fingers. There was a story to tell about this place and why Luna had chosen the grounds as their entrance, something dealing with her dark upbringing. Luna could envision the memory as if it had all happened yesterday. Both a strength and a weakness for her, as she never really forgot the horrors that had occurred to her. It was all her fault that the village had been erased, and perhaps the most ironic part? Her sin was just living...

    ”such destruction...“

    "Yes... I caused the destruction here, Irithiel destroyed my home because I lived. I never understood why I was treated as such a sin, but now I believe I know. My very existence was a sin, as I am the child of a taboo relationship between a Demon and an Angel. If that wasn't enough, my demon father isn't even my real father."[/i] Luna snorted, a vile taste filling the back of her throat as she spoke of her childhood and recent relevations. She certainly wasn't approving of her 'father', but now was hardly the time to air out her dirty laundry so that was that for now. Perhaps, another the two of them could talk more about the subject, however the beautiful woman had spoken all she would on the matter. She was here now, walking the path of light rather than of dark.

    ”this is your home. You know more ins and outs than I do. I could stay here and act as a beacon for the demons and draw them here clearing the way even more for you or we can go around the wave like you mentioned but there is one thing that I have to ask. Where will this Balor be located?“

    Luna had already explored the area and knew it's ins and outs better than anyone in this realm to be truthful, having spent her childhood here for years before being forced to evacuate. She knew which possibility would be best for her, and knew that Kite could handle whatever came his way. "He will be at the forefront of the forces which will be coming to fight against you, so with that in mind it would be better to split ways for now. I'll traverse underground and find my foster-father. I have confidence that we will both reach our goals." Luna offered solemnly, taking to a slight curtsey before her feet carried her to the lips of the stone lid. Without much effort, she was able to squeeze under into the tunnel and replace the lid over top which made it look like a grave again instead of a secret entrance. The entrance was well-hidden and with Kite here, she was unlikely to be found out. Soundlessly, the foot steps drew Luna down the stairway cast in wood and down to the slim five-foot wide by ten-foot tall rectangular tunnels from smooth stone.

    Traversing these tunnels was of no difficulty for the beautiful woman wizard, the tunnels themselves of simple made with burned out sconces here and there - the only light from the flickering flame of her lantern hanging at her belt. The tunnels curved here and there and eventually crossed every few yards with another tunnel, but she navigated it well enough without a map or compass, taking a right her or left there until the tunnels thickened out to 15ft in width. Here, sconces were mostly still lit to shed light on the contents. Tracks seemed fresh, no more than a few months old, too. Were there demons lurking in these tunnels, patrolling? did her foster-father know that Luna was coming for him? Questions which could not be answered simply - Luna would just have to progress and hope she didn't alarm her foster-father of her arrival from below. As it seemed, for the moment, that wouldn't happen. As she had reached the widest of the tunnel section, Luna took to flying through the tunnel - levitating due to her sky God Slayer magic most likely. This would serve to cut down the transit to a few minutes.

    Pushing up the wooden trap-door and crawling through the small space, Luna found herself within the village that had become the headquarters for her foster-father. For Luna, it had become home until she had been rescued from this place. Now finding herself back, Luna silently pushed through the building until reaching the open door. with the provided cover, the wizard was easily able to find a point of cover close enough nearby - but that wasn't her approach this time. By now, the distraction was employed which would leave Luna mostly free reign of the place. Her father would be in his usual locale, but for now she decided to sow some discord. Targeting a group of barbed demons, Luna prepared her spell Thorn Bind Hostage to take control of them. As the vine shot out, each of them was captured and then sent against their wills to sow havoc.

    how did they do this exactly? Well, they began to engage in armed dispute with a nearby group of horned demons, brandishing weapons thoughtlessly and charging the other demons. Watching the two groups of them drawing the attentions of the others, Luna used this moment to slip about un-noticed and into the manor at the end of the village. The villa was unguarded, and so offered no resistance until Luna came face to face with Irithiel himself in his study. "Well hello there Irithiel, i see you are plotting and planning as usual why don't I pay you some company? No? I Insist."

    "Well well, the prodigal daughter returns. If you have any hopes to see your mother then I', afraid I must dash them - she doesn't want to see you. Maybe if you can prove yourself nothing more than a bastard... I'll tell you where you can find her yourself. Can you do that?" spoke the Incubus in a sardonic italian tone, baring fangs against the woman herself. Luna wasn't prepared to waste any time with Irithiel, and immediately released four winglet of black wind towards him in a sweeping motion - flying at him much like an arrow would and one finding purchase in his arm while the other three narrowly missed. The demon released a high roar, relinquishing a whip of flames and demonic hide. Irithiel quickly slammed across the face of the slayer, sending her barreling hard - smashing through the house with reckless abandon. As she pulled herself from the villa's wreckage, Luna stared back at the demon and prepared herself.

    Words: 2,521 / 4500


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 15th June 2017, 6:43 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    He wasn’t expecting to see such ruins upon entry so his surprise was not anything less than expected. However upon commenting on the destruction and examining the soil he heard Luna say something that made him instantly look back at her. He listened to her as she explained that she was the cause of the destruction and at first he was wondering if she meant that she was the direct cause of the destruction. It wasn’t the first time he knew of a young person exhibiting strong powerful outbursts of magic, he himself did it when he was a teen but luckily that wasn’t what she had meant. Her father, Irithiel destroyed the town simply because Luna had lived and while living itself wasn’t such a horrible crime, she was born of a union of both demon and angel and thus a taboo. ”So you are a Nephalem. And because of that your father saw fit to destroy so much life? “ he asked rhetorically with anger hinted clearly in his voice. He had stood up and looked in the direction where there was an approaching force of demonic energy and asked his question to what she wanted to do in regards to traversing this world she had brought him to and she answered by going with the ladder of his suggestions which was to stay in the destroyed village and wait for Balor to lead his demonic horde right to him. This answer was music to his ears and his grin would be more than enough to share that with her. With a fire in his eyes he held out his hand in a closed fist offering a fist bump, ”Then it’s settled. You go and hash it out with your oldman. I’ll have my fun and join you when I can.“ he said and as soon as he got either a fist bump or some sort of acknowledgement he would walk away from her and stand just on the outside of the village and would sit down on the ground with his legs crossed and would be in a meditation like position and let his aura spill from his body causing a great deal of heat to exude from his body creating a beacon of sorts, a strong repelling sensation would be felt by any and all demons within a mile radius and any demon that was wise would steer clear of him. However that is exactly why he was expecting this Balor to do the opposite and come to find him. With as big of a threat Kite was presenting himself there was no way Balor would allow such a threat to roam around freely here in his domain. Kite’s eyes were closed and his hands were cupped in front of his hand and let a flame float between them and kept the blaze going strong. He would finally open his eyes with the horde of demons coming up to fight him and even so he only opened one eye to see. The lesser demons ranged from simple imps and and hell spawns but what caught his attention was the big guy. Standing in the back towering over the others was a red skinned demon that stood on his hind legs, his feet were two toed hoof. His legs were bare up until his hips which were covered by a loincloth like fabric that covered his bits. His abdomen was exposed but his chest was completely covered by armor. His wings were protruding from his back and big meaty hands held a molten whip and a blade in his other. ”Well now. Aren’t you sore on the eyes.“ he would shout directly at Balor who responded by squinting with all four eyes and scoffed at the statement. “You have some interesting power for a lowly human but you are hardly worth my time and even less worth my breath.” he would say arrogantly and this would make Kite smirk and his flames would extinguish as he pushed himself off the ground then dusted off the back of his pants, ”Don’t worry. I’ll cut through your little platoon here. Then I will deal with you directly ya four eyed asshole.“

    Kite reached back with his left hand and pulled his blade from behind his back in a reverse grip all the while he pulled Rose from his back and as the vines retraced he held it out in front of him and then charged into the platoon of demons with claws and teeth made of nightmares. The first demon that came with in striking range of his swords received a slash through its midsection with the rose saber and rotated so his body was 180 degress and lifted his reaper saber up to block an incoming attack. Rose began to glow a pink color and as soon as Kite moved his blade away he slashed forward released a energy slash made of rose petals crashed into it and tossed it away. Kite stabbed his reaper blade into the ground and dared a nearby horde of demons to try and meet their maker, ”you demonic pieces of trash you will all fall here.“and it was enough to get two to come at him. The first lunged at him and he reacted quickly by side stepping and placing his right hand with the sword in it into its back and let it slam into the sword that didn’t budge an inch but the demon slid down to where the point was stabbed into the dirt. Two more charged in but Kite reacted quick, stepping to the side avoiding the one completely and then on the second demon he hit him with a leg sweep followed by a downward slash that threw the demon to the ground in half. Not looking to lose momentum he held rose out to the side and gave it a strong toss sending it digging into the demon’s chest dropping him where he stood. Now weaponless Balor figured it would be the best time to attack, “Attack all of you or you all will feel my wrath.” he would crack his whip and the remainder of his forced charged at Kite. He lit his hand a blaze and let the demon slaying flames make their way up his arms and soon his body was ignited. ”Flame Demons...“ he said low and started to concentrate his flames inside his lungs and stomach and then opened his mouth wide to release it all, ”Rage!“ and azure flames shot from his mouth and washed over the horde of demons burning some while reducing others to ash. Balor looked on in horror before his anger got the better of him, “What are you?” he would ask and Kite would simply put his hands on his hips and lean forward, ”Would you look at that. Managed to get you to waste your breath on me after all.“ He took a step towards Balor slowly at first and Balor readied his whip and as soon as Kite was in range he cracked his whip in Kite’s direction and he ran forward to meet the strike.

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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Gvf4gD8
    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

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    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 27th June 2017, 1:16 pm

    Luna hadn't expected the initial shock of the punch from Irithiel and had been taken off-guard for a split moment but she couldn't let things end with that. Luna, brushing bits of debris off from herself here and there, slowly pealed away from the broken house to face Irithiel once more. Seething in malice that her mother's name had been spoken by the demon, Luna seemed entirely ready to pounce on Irithiel and give him exactly what he wanted - she would prove herself stronger than the demon in single combat. Perhaps if her emotional state hadn't been in such disrepair, Luna wouldn't have given him what he wanted, but right now she had no way but to go straight through this obstacle. Shouting, Luna responded to Irithiel.

    "You keep her name out of your dirty mouth, Demon, and you can be assured that I'll show you the might of a Third Generation God Slayer. It'll be something that you will never forget, father, so watch and see the might I have gained since leaving your pitiful side!"

    With this, all bets were off; there was no going back and both of them knew it. Luna gathered her form, and released a momentous cry that began to shake the ground around her and stir the sky for miles on end - any cloud-cover drawing to one particular spot, to where Luna had been moving to and surrounding her high in the sky. Finally, a shockwave released that threw Irithiel away and crumbled any nearby structure. In the wake of that shockwave was Luna's form newly infused with the power of God Force. Her hair, once curly and silky in form, had spiked up at the bangs and had little spikes here and there weaved through the now straight hair, the midnight black now a lighter gray. At the same time, wings of pure might hue were formed from the back of Luna with similar little winglets at her wrists and ankles. The sky itself seemed it draw and gather around Luna now.

    Irithiel, shocked at the transformation, mouthed 'What have you become', before grimacing and coming back to his senses. The wicked incubus raised his hand, and with a single motion, a blade of pure light was unsheathed from his side. Pushing off, he broke into a dash to meet her, bringing the sword into an upwards slice at Luna aiming to neatly cut at her left shoulder. Without blinking, Luna vanished from where she had been standing and blurring into being behind Irithiel. Black winds curled around her form in excess as she pushed off into blinding speed towards the back of Irithiel - it was Luna's turn to go onto the offensive now. Her entire body was surrounded by the overture and shaped into a black dragon as she swatted the demon away and released an ear-piercing roar. "Sky God Chariot!" could be vaguely heard as she swatted the demon away and through a building that hadn't been destroyed in the recent shockwave. Luna wasn't about to give him time to breath - releasing arcs from her wings of darkness which cut through the building and slammed hard into anything contained within. Whatever black winds that had been surrounding Luna were shed and left with the arcs.

    Luna shifted, bringing a high kick down on the Incibis as he had come to stand behind her, ankle winglet colliding into the blade of light before bouncing off and whirling around to fully face Irithiel - who had blood seeping from his lip and forehead. To Luna's surprise, the winglet on her angle was no more showing it was good that she quickly whirled about than trying to force her leg down. Whatever this was, it was an obstacle Irithiel had created to take her own. Luna pushed back, releasing two arcing crescents of black winds which were cleaved by that blade of light.

    Irithiel made pace, pushing off and following her and prepared to cut her diagonally with blade raised on high. Luna couldn't retreat forever, it was time to utilize her ace in the hole. She stopped and pushed off, thrusting herself headlong towards her father with her right mechanical arm held out to punch into his face just as he swung down and caught on the arm - ripping away artificial skin to reveal mechanica. whatever the blade was made out of, it seemed  to seep into her arm for a moment before Irithiel broke contact. Whatever had been absorbed into the arm now powered it as energy began to ignite from the hand itself to embolden her physical attacks.

    Words: 773 / 3294 Total


    Luna Jaeger
    Luna Jaeger

    Knight VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 289
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 1262.5

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    First Skill: Sky God Slayer
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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Luna Jaeger 3rd September 2017, 1:09 pm

    As the demon broke contact. Luna released a burst of powerful dark wind towards him that would send him flying into a neaby hut in order to break the distance between himself and his daughter. She knew that she hadn't done much damage to her father, but that wasn't the purpose. Raising her hand up she swalled anoher pill to revitalize her stamina after the long bout the two had shared. Luna was now prepare to prolong the combat, but had to wonder exactly how long the demon could continue with their battle after the damage they had echanged. Luna had taken her fair share of damage mind you, however, Irithiel had definitely taken more pain and damage from their echange than she had. Irithiel wasn't done quite yet and Luna hadn't seen the lasr of her demonic father either, nothing could be further from the truth a she appeared atop the ruined roof of a nearby hut and raised the blade of light on high. As he ran his hand across the blade, three runes of crimson hovered just over the blade that turned the light awash with crimson while at the same time the blade's size increase by 100%. From rooftop to rooftop, the silver-haired incubus pushed off and thrust down towards Luna whose hair looked like it was caught with black flames as part of the effects of God Force.

    As his feet touched down on the ground, he ducked just away from a burst of black wind from her wings, and just into the arc of her arm - which had gathered energy of pure white light and released it now towards Irithiel. The demon was nearly knocked off balance, but managed to land neatly after being hit by the blast. He didn't seem particularly enjoyed with the blast, part of his demon skin here and there seared by the light. Finally, he broke into a run at high speeds as he brought the blade bearing down on Luna. Just barely, she moved to the side as one of her dark wings was severed completely by the engorged blade of crimson light. As dark energy webbed it's way up from her shoulder to reform the severed wing, Luna sharply focused on the cloven wing and knew that Irithiel was more dangerous than she had estimated. Whatever that sword was, it had been designed to kill someone like her, that much she easily deducted. [color:494d=CC00FF]"Well.. I see that you are not entirely unprepared for my arrival and our fight. Guess you always knew that I would turn on you or something? Well, I don't care... you can go and die!"

    "You're nothing more than a runt that can't keep her mouth shut! Now, prepare to choke upon my sword in your final moments and fall. There will be no happy ending for upstarts such as yourself! Irithiel roard as the two of them were poised for another clash now. Both leapt off their respective platforms as Irithiel neatly cut Luna down along the waist, however her body pushed into him feet-first as they collided, which provided the needed momentum. As both of them went flying, she pushed upeards and finally came down from above. Meanwhile a midnight-hued aura of living wind which crosses through their body as multiple air currents with a pair of black draconic-like wings entirely of wind before the dragon rushed forth with her kick, knocking Irithiel to the ground hard as the dragon rend into him. [color:494d=CC00FF]"SKY DRAGON DROP!"

    Irithiel hit the ground hard and didn't proceed to get up. At the same time, a sort of dark presence seemed to raise and leave the form of Irithiel, however before whatever had just left Irithiel could flee, Luna summoned up a small amount of power and released it to utterly destroy the presence. With that done, Luna channeled some of her magic to heal the demon's wounds. She would like to hear what he had to say now that he had been rid of that presence. Rather than wait, however, she grabbed him and allowed her power to return to zero - the form ending as she head back towards where Kite remained, whether he was still engaged or not. She wasn't so far in leaving the place behind as she had been in arriving, taking time to be careful with the body of the incubus. Eventually she would arrive, likely to a pile of corpses and bodies, or knowing demons, several orbs of essence. [color:494d=CC00FF]"I see you've been busy Kite.
    We've got what we came for, I think we've about worn out our welcome?

    772 Words / 4066 Words Total


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Age : 34
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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
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    Homecoming [B-rank Exam] Empty Re: Homecoming [B-rank Exam]

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 27th September 2017, 3:34 am

    Kite Wilhelm
    Faith won’t always save you. My flames will do that instead.

    The field of battle was much different from how Luna had left it. Several of the ruined buildings that were still barely standing before were toppled over completely. The ground itself was also different as instead of the dull brown it was upon their arrival it had now accumulated a thick black layer of ash. The numerous amounts of demons that had joined Balor has met their ends by the hand of Kite and his flames meant to extinguish the life of demons. The only two remaining were Balor and Kite who had place the palm of his hand across the face of a beaten and burned Balor that was on both knees before the Demon of Sabertooth. ”Burn to nothing. Flame Demon’s Flame away.“ Azure colored flames spread from his open palm and covered the demons entire body in the blue flames. Balor said nothing as his body was washed by the flames and slowly and surely his body began to break down and eventually turned to ash and then there was nothing there. Kite’s red eyes would look upon the Sky goddess slayer as she spoke to him stating that she had completed what she set out to do and that it was time to go. ”Good. Let's head on back.“ he said smacking his clothes to shake all the soot and ash from his clothes. ”I'll return one day to deal with this world's problem. “

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