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    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private


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    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Fluffy 27th April 2017, 5:02 pm

    Hazy optics opened and she expected to see her arms in front of her, hands tucked under her own head, but instead, she saw a vast cream expanse. Until she woke up in the morning? It was so easy to forget what had happened to her recently, how her life had been utterly destroyed. Every single day had her living on the edge because she could never be comfortable in her own skin like this, existing as a monster, one of the beasts she had spent part of her life hunting down and killing. However she could not change what had happened, she was no longer human but instead something entirely different, a sort of feline youkai called Kasha, which was really bad in her opinion. At least as if she had ended up a bakeneko or nekomata? She would not have been cursed as well, but as a Kasha she was cursed to hunt down the corpses of things that had committed enough sin to deserve being dragged to hell, then consume it while sending the soul under for purgatory.

    Speaking of that.

    A warm feeling spread through her body urging her legs to move in a very exact direction, forcing her to run. The sensation? Was one she had come to know all too well and began to dread by now, it was the feeling she got whenever there was a fresh corpse around or when someone was about to become one. Fluffy had ventured all the way out to the spooky forest in hopes that she would be away from things that could trigger her new instincts, but apparently, this did not work. A short while later she had made it through the forest to see a man with silver hair and gray eyes, focusing in on him she noticed he was not injured so it had to be his actions causing her to come here. The tall man was making someone into a corpse and she was being drawn to that, she could smell blood.

    "Are you done with your murder yet? I have to eat the corpse while it's fresh." the tag on her collar jingled as she breathed out somewhat heavily, her feminine voice slightly strained, holding herself back better than when she was first turned. Fighting someone over a corpse? Was not something she enjoyed and while she had to eat it, Fluffy would abandon it if she thought the fight was one she could not win. Hopefully, though she could just eat this one, though rarely did anyone just let her someone who was dying or had just died. "Or do you protest to me consuming it?" her twin tails twitched as she looked straight up at the man who was much larger than her current small form.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
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    Age : 1136

    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty Re: The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Khorne 27th April 2017, 9:46 pm

    "Coward! One does not just run from a battle they have started! You will die by MY hand in this forest! Your cowardice is an unforgivable sin, punishable by death!"

    The sound of Chaoris's feet hitting the soft ground could be heard as he homed in on the poor man that had run from a fight he had started. The man had attacked one of his followers in the town of Magnolia. When the man had found himself at a disadvantage he had run away. Chaoris had seen it through the eyes of his worshiper, making it possible to find out where the coward was running to so that he could meet him there. Now the God was closing in on the coward, just out of range of sword's reach at the current size, and the man was slowly running out of breath. Not needing to breathe on his own, the God of Blood would have no issue finally catching the man and running him down with the sword that used his own blood as a blade. The gurgling from the sinner, the one the Coming Storm had just stabbed through the back where the heart was, was short-lived before the man died.

    Chaoris would allow the blood of his sword to enter back into his holy body before someone spoke from close behind him. The jingling of a collar would be heard by him as he turned and then proceeded to look down to see the small animal that was looking up at him. "Murder? For it to be a murder I would have to be a man as well. A god killing a sinner is simply doing his work; smiting a heretic. The body is none of my concern, though I wonder how you came upon me and this coward so quick." His deep voice was one that most were not ready to listen to without a bit of concern for their safety, usually because he was taller than most and extremely aggressive. However, an animal was not something that he was worried about, sentient or not, as he generally listened to those that were human or human-like in his realm of influence. Though others would be nice, he could not fault an animal or creature for their instincts.



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    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty Re: The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Fluffy 27th April 2017, 11:15 pm

    She was going to hate herself when she came out of the haze this caused within her small body and realized what she had done once more. Eating the corpses of sinful entities often meant she was consuming humans and until not very long before she had been a human herself, it felt like canibalism even though it techniquelly was not. She had spent so long hating creatures that did the exact things she was now driven to do, hunting down and trying to kill what she seemed as monsters, while she tried to collect information on her brothers whereabouts. Now she was the very thing she had once hunted and it had costed her not only the best assets she had intelligence wise but also the handful of friends she had made since setting out from home to find her brother and at least let him know she existed. Right now? She doubted Wolfe knew enough about her to come looking himself, so she had to put in the effort to go find him.

    The corpse smelled delicious from where she was standing and it beckoned her closer with every passing second making her wish so strongly that she could just jump the body and swallow it whole. Yet she held her ground because she certainly did not want to end up like the deceased creature in front of them, not approaching with the maximum caution she was still capable of would simply be stupid since he already showed no concern for the life of other humanoids. Thus even though she was now starving when she realized she'd not eaten since being turned into the monster she now was, fluffy barely managed to hold back enough to keep a few tail lengths away from the larger creature. Despite her caution? The female was already mentally licking her lips.

    "If the smiting of sinners is your job, the disposal and voyage to hell of them, as a Kasha, is mine." She tried her best to explain that she was actually likely here nearly for the same reason as he was, well parts of the same reason. Swiftly she moved forward and sunk her fangs into the corpse blood, after taking a good chuck of the mans face she looked up to see if the 'God' was still reacting well to what she had done, blood drilling down her muzzle as she look up at him warily before noticing did not seem to want to make a move against her so far. Fluffy continued eating pieces of the body, placing her front paws on it and tearing chucks of flesh swallowing swiftly in a quick fashion that was clearly desgined for efficiency. "Kasha are monsters who eat the bodies of the dead who've sinned thus ensuring the souls transportation to hell." She hated what she was, but she wasn't thinking that right now only concerned with how sweet the blood was on her tongue.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
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    Age : 1136

    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty Re: The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Khorne 5th May 2017, 8:07 pm

    The creature, which looked like a strange cat, explained itself before beginning to eat the remains of the coward that lay dead upon the ground. The God of Blood had no issue with the sight before him. It was a dead carcass and was now the sustenance of something else that was in the chain of religions. He was not a naive God, he knew there were others that were not with him. This being, however, fit well with the realm that he ruled over. Where there was battle, there was death. There were sinners on each side of a battle, and a dead sinner would be eaten by this creature should it be required.

    "An interesting creature to be. I do not always smite sinners, but I see many of them within my realm of influence. Blood, Battle, Skulls, War. All of them are what I am the God of. Many see me as an evil in this world, but I am a necessity for the strong to continue on and the weak to be culled." The God was not sure how this creature would react to what he was, or what he was the God of, but he was intrigued by the being before him even as he watched it eat.



    Posts : 604
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    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty Re: The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Fluffy 6th May 2017, 8:16 am

    Fluffy currently considered herself a feline since the Youkai she had been transformed into was one with numerous feline traits including enjoying the taste of fish and stuff. Plus thinking of herself as a horribly mutated cat? Was much preferred to the alternative of accepting fully what she had become as a product of the choice she made that day. At the moment, she sort of wished to start being a common outdoor cat or something, she needed info to track down the woman who did this, but she still needed to find her brother and continue on with life, so she had multiple goals now. Life had been much simpler when it was just ghost hunting and finding her brother.

    "Interesting, I'd have other words for it." Now she had consumed the body and lay upon the skull of the deceased? The slightly blood tinged feline came back to her senses and huffed slightly clearly displeased with herself, sighing slightly. If she did not eat she would die but she had to eat these sorts of things and killing was not natural to her. The man she found though? It seemed he committed these actions regularly and did not consider his murders sin, she couldn't scent the guilt she had learned came from people who knew they'd done wrong. "So you planning on killing anyone else today?" She couldn't stop him the male was stronger then she was, but she could still benifit from the male since she could do nothing about him.

    Fluffy was not the raw strength his 'blood stained existence' supported, she was a small creature. The kasha? Was strong in her intelligence finding ways to ensure her own survival in spite of her own known weakness like her reluctance to straight up kill something.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1136

    The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private Empty Re: The Blood God And The Consumer Of Sinners;; Private

    Post by Khorne 20th May 2017, 11:15 pm

    The smiting of sinners was definitely what he considered it. What other god and beings thoughts mattered little to him. From what he had seen of other gods were all wrong to him, and to each other. If any god had their way they would try to turn everything to their own will. For Chaoris Orneis that was endless war and shedding of blood, especially if it was constantly mutual. This world was pretty close to that already. Dark against light, good against evil, they fought and killed each other in a never ending war where the scales constantly tipped randomly. He took pleasure no matter who was fighting, and it was even better if someone fought in his name.

    The being before him would ask if he intended to slay anyone else, and that was an almost given. All he had to do was go somewhere where fighting was to be and there would be death. "Certainly, I feel a few disturbances in the world of Earthland that we can go to immediately if you wish to come along."


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