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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 17th April 2017, 10:45 pm

    Job Details:

    Mash and Lise were meeting up just to hang out for once, the two had become fairly good friends since they met a few weeks back and put a stop to a crazy Necormancer. Then they had almost stumbled into one another in the temple of the original Wizard Saints and saved it from being robbed by a group of tomb raiders and for once Mashyuu was happy to have almost been killed as he wasn't fighting a zombie or explosion user. But now the sun was at its highest point in the sky while Mashyuu sat on the side of the road with his sword resting on the ground in its scabbard at his side. His glowing blue eyes were closed shut and his hands tugged on the black vest he wore to keep the wind from cutting through his body and chilling him. It wasn't a very windy day but the gusts were just cold enough to cause Mashyuu a bit of discomfort. He looked at the sun and sighed. "She's late, I should have brought Itsu but she insisted on staying with Luna so she could try to learn some new skills." Mashyuu mused to himself. He leaned back and splayed himself out in the grass on the side of the lone road that led from one town to the next. He wasn't even sure where he was but the road had been called the stairway to heaven and was famous for glowing almost gold when the sun rose every day and set every night. It was surely a beautiful sight but Mashyuu had always missed it.

    Lazily, Mashyuu hooked his foot under the scabbard of Excalibur and flipped the sword up into the air. It whipped about and started to fall at his face until Mashyuu's large arm shot up and caught the scabbard and place it at his side. "At least its a nice day. Come to think of it, I can't remember ever having to endure snow since I joined up with Sabertooth.
    Not that its a bad thing..."
    He whispered and placed an arm over his face to block out the sun. He felt the vibrations in the ground, searching for any sign of his friend and for a time felt nothing but once he did, a smile spread across his face. He could never forget the vibrations she sent through the ground, she wasn't particularly heavy but he recognized the way she walked and the weight she put on each foot with her steps. Quickly he sat up and started to look for his friend and waved her over while he stood up and picked up his weapon and strapped it to his side.

    WC: 454
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Of (Angels and Demons) Which Are We?

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 18th April 2017, 4:03 pm


    Leah stifled a yawn as she dragged herself out of bed and ripped her nightcap off her head before flinging the darned thing across the room.  She hated them.  She never wore them.  She thought people who did so were idiots...

    Mhm, and that was why she had randomly worn the thing to bed last night.  It was only a completely random act and had been inspired by some elvish foreigner who had been wearing a pointy hat in the market she had passed by on the way to the entrance of Golden Phoenix's guild hall.  Really, she didn't use one every night and therefore wore them out.  Neither had she recently gone and bought the new one that she had just thrown across the room.  No.  Definitely not.

    The redhead groaned and burrowed back underneath her blankets.  Was there even a point to going out today?  Let's see, her bills were paid and she could probably live off snacks and the water in public fountains, so there was nothing that had to be done... "Damnit!" she cursed before throwing the covers back and leaping out of bed.  Leah stumbled when her bare feet hit the freezing ground of morning, but she kept moving and rushed to the bathroom.  That was right, she had a meet up with that Sabertooth wizard that the girl had run into a few times so far.  His name had been Mashyuu, and his green haired female companion...

    "Itsu," she answered herself after spitting out the toothpaste into the basin.  With one final check over in the mirror, the emerald eyed mage grabbed her two favorite daggers and threw them at the ground, requipping them into her inter dimensional space at the last second.  A little extra stress helped everyone get things done, and with that thought in mind, Leah prayed that she wouldn't be late and it would help her hurry to their meeting place.  Admittedly, it was still early, even if she had gotten up four hours after the original intended time from her planning.  The mage rushed through the corridors and sprinted out the doors of the building and then through the streets of the island.  She hesitated for a split second at the dock just like always; boats and water simply didn't sit well with her and the girl doubted they ever would.  At least, not for a very long time.  Even these fears didn't stall her for long, though, and Leah finally clambered into a small fisherman's vessel and reluctantly sat stiffly in the bow as he sped her across the channel.  Once she got out, the female paid him even more reluctantly and then stalked away with a certain uneasiness her her step until she was a decent distance away from any major amount of water, in which case the mage was finally able to shift into a more relaxed gait.

    She pondered upon where the two had agreed to meet up; Mashyuu had described it vaguely as that road that was called the 'stair way to heaven,' and it was actually plenty to recognize the location.  After all, the path was famous for being all golden and shiny and very much fitting its epithet.  However, that did not mean that Leah had any clue as to where the place actually was on a map or how to find it.  With only one real option left, since her iLac didn't seem to have service at the moment, the redhead groaned inside and tried to reach out magically to the ornery creature who was almost always her last resort.  "Ilosa," the mage prodded as she reached out through their bond to the grumpy pegasus.  "Could you just come here for a moment?" she requested.  The winged horse didn't respond with any kind of words, and the girl was just getting ready to go for a more aggressive request for assistance when a form melted out of the shadows, emerging from an alley between two nearby buildings.  Without even a whinny, the beautiful animal nosed Leah in her side until the redhead got on her back with a confused expression.  Ilosa wasn't even saying a word; something suspicious was up.  But she didn't care, as long as the horse didn't take her to the tip of Iceberg or something.  "We need to get to the stair way up to heaven," Leah explained, and the creature didn't offer even a curt nod before she cantered into the shadows and brought pure and sudden darkness into the mage's vision.  Hopefully, they really weren't going to Iceberg.  It wasn't actually a far shot, considering the pegasus regarded the freezing nation as her home land.

    Whew, was all the girl could think as they slowed in step a few moments later, and it was clear that the environment was rather warm.  "Thanks, Ilosa," she murmured to the flying horse, who nuzzled her hands and sniffed at her belt.  With a laugh, the redhead pulled out the box of snacks from her extra dimensional space and offered the open container to the animal, who ate four sections in four bites.  Then the appaloosa pegasus seemed to dissipate in a scattering of dark particles, and Leah surveyed the area around her.  It seemed to be the road, all right, considering the fact that a brown haired man was lying on the ground several meters away, a sword sheathed and placed right next to him.  The other mage seemed to notice her arrival somehow, for he rose to his feet and waved her over; she went at a brisk pace, and slipped a friendly smile on her face.

    "Mashyuu, it's nice to see you.  Please excuse me for being late," she apologized,  A casual lie almost slipped off her tongue automatically but reluctantly, the girl drew it back in and let the truth come out.  "I overslept."  She didn't always need to be dishonest, even if it was a bad habit.  "Why did you choose this place, though?" the redhead asked out of curiosity, staring down the path with interest.  It didn't quite look like its renowned nickname, but that was only because the sun was already hovering far above them instead of just rising or setting.  If they had agreed to meet here very early to watch the sunset or something, she would have understood more readily.

    1060/8500 Words.  I'll just mark my own word count for this one then, learned from the other job.

    Last edited by Leahndr Aspont on 18th April 2017, 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 18th April 2017, 5:51 pm

    Mashyuu smiled wide at Lise and gently waved at her, he almost wanted to hug her since he was starting to consider her as a real friend. When she asked why he had chosen the spot he looked around and shrugged his shoulders. "I like to see new things and knew I could get here before the sun rose up. So I figured I would wait here for you. You seem to have a knack for showing up right when you need to." He explained then yawned. "Also there is a small diner like half a mile down the road and figured we could share a meal or something.... Ughh. This isn't a date. Just two friends meeting up for a get together. I'm..." Mashyuu blushed and scratched his arm roughly. "I've never really been a one woman guy... Well aside from when I was married, but things are getting really serious with Kenna and I want to make her as happy as possible. She seems to be okay with me flirting but I want to do right by her so I thought maybe I should make my intentions clear. Not that I think you're interested in me like that!" Mashyuu stumbled over his words and paused for a moment. "Sorry, let me start over. Lise, I really have come to consider you a friend over the past few times we have met and would like to see that friendship grow. Are you hungry? I'd like to go have lunch with you." After feeling very awkward Mashyuu shrugged his shoulders and twisted around on his heels then started to walk down the road as quickly as he could in order to avoid any odd talks.

    As the pair got closer to the little diner on the side of the road Mashyuu stopped and glanced at the center of the street. He could sense a massive amount of magical light seeping into his body thanks to his Dragon Slayer lacrima. He felt his jaw clench and set straight while he narrowed his eyes. "Lise do you see that?" He asked and pointed to the center of the road. A crack had formed in the middle of the street, or more accurately, it had formed in the empty space above the road, pulsing with an almost heavenly light. The two could hear a welcoming humming almost urging them to enter the split in the sky. He couldn't help it, Mashyuu didn't care weather Lise was coming or not, he wanted to know what that was about and started to wander towards the strange crack in the sky.

    "Holy crap, are those angels?" Mashyuu asked himself while he looked into the crack in the sky and saw creatures that looked almost like humans but with bright wings flying around the sky, landing on floating land masses that looked almost like clouds were holding the land masses up effortlessly. Mashyuu glanced at Lise, his glowing blue eyes lit up as if he felt like he belonged there and in fact the being that resided along side his soul in his body urged Mashyuu to enter the crack. "Okay, I'm going inside that is too cool to not explore a little." He muttered and wasted no time in almost jumping into the portal. The moment he touched down on the ground on the other side of the portal he understood why the road turned gold at dusk and dawn, the sky above him was golden and he theorized that the entire street became a sort of portal to this realm.

    Before Mashyuu could enjoy himself or even say anything to Lise a woman... Angel... thing stopped mid flight and glared down at the two. She pointed her sharp spear at the two and floated down to land before them. "You are not of this realm, and smell of sin... Therefore you must be demons! Prepare yourselves for death!" She pulled back her spear and leveled it at Mashyuu's chest while gripping the shaft hard, ready to strike a death blow. "Wait! Hey! No, no. No We aren't demons. Hi..." Mashyuu gently reached out his left hand and used his index finger to push the spear out of his way so he wouldn't get stabbed. "I'm Mashyuu, this is my friend Lise. We are humans. Well mostly. I happen to have a goddess residing in my body but that is neither here nor their. Honestly I sort of felt drawn to this place when I saw a crack appear in the sky on my home realm. Sorry for intruding, if you will excuse us, we will be leaving." Mashyuu tried his best to simply avoid any conflict but the woman wasn't having any of that. She lifted her spear high into the sky. "If you are not demonic in nature then you will battle to prove yourselves!" She declared as her spear exploded with power and transported the two to the center of a ten story tall arena, something like you would see in an old Roman Gladiator style movie. Sand rested under their feet and around them angels all cheered for battle. Across the battlefield was a large gate that started to open while a voice boomed over head. "You will face a series of trials and if you survive we will let you live and return home! If you die, then we will destroy your souls! Good luck Demons, you will need it!"

    Mashyuu's glowing blue eyes shifted around and he sighed at first but couldn't help but crack a smile. "Okay, well... This is honestly new. Never had a fight with an Angel before, or fought in an arena. I have fought for my life a lot but this will be fun... Lise, please tell me you got stronger though, I don't know if I can fight angels and make sure you don't get killed at the same time. I mean I guess I can but if possible I'd like to know you can handle whatever comes through that gate." He joked while slipping into his mountain stance. His arms moved one up and one down while his legs planted firmly on the ground and his brown martial arts uniform started to spark with golden electricity, showing he had picked up a few new tricks since he last spoke with Lise.

    WC: 1071
    Total: 1525



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 18th April 2017, 6:29 pm

    (First enemy roll)

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by NPC 18th April 2017, 6:29 pm

    The member 'Mashyuu Kumonosu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons NormalMonster
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 18th April 2017, 7:39 pm

    Leah wanted to raise an eyebrow as the brown haired young man said something about her having a knack for arriving at a nice time. What was that supposed to mean? she wondered with amusement. But the moment passed and she listened as he explained why he had chosen the location. There was a small roadside restaurant where they could grab a bite to eat; okay, that sounded great. She would bite (horrible pun completely intended) and was just going to tell him that when he went on talking and made the entire conversation a whole lot more awkward. The redhead half wanted to smack him across the face so it wasn't clear if he was blushing or not, because the mage hadn't even been thinking that way in the first place. However, he didn't let her get a single word in during his spiel of everything about his intentions, so the emerald eyed girl simply waited with all the patience she could muster, assuming an attentive expression. "Your intentions are clear," was all Leah said as he finally took a breath and seemed to recollect his thoughts. Then the Sabertooth mage asked if she wanted to have lunch, and it was all the girl could do not to laugh and just nod an affirmation back. She wanted to have pity on him as he seemed to uncertainly head off after her response, and none too slowly either; the girl might have complained about the speed to anyone in any other situation. "Just don't worry about it," she advised him as they walked, with her trailing a little bit behind because she had no clue where the diner was located.

    As they were approaching the place and it came into her sight, the girl felt more confident and hastened her steps to walk side by side with the young man. Well, at least hopefully things would get less awkward later on- he stopped and seemed to be bothered by something up ahead and a little to the right as the two were walking on the left side of the road. She squinted and was just about to ask if there was a glowing blob or it was just her when her comrade spoke up and gestured directly towards said... mass of light. "I see it," she muttered and slowly walked forwards. Something just seemed to be enticing about it; maybe it was the way that the brightness drew one in, or the gentle thrumming of some stringed instrument that resounded in the atmosphere around the- well, as the girl drew closer, she realized it was kind of like a rip in the middle of the air. A crack, she guessed? Leah decided it might be some connection to another dimension, sort of like the temporary one she created when using her ReQuip weapons. This was a highly unnerving situation despite the allure of the opening, and the girl was about to recommend that the two don't go too close to the strange space when Mashyuu stepped forwards against her thoughts. The redhead was about to say something when she caught sight of the expression on her face and interpreted it as he wouldn't give up on looking at and possibly exploring that random rip in the sky no matter what she said.

    With a slight intake of nervous breath, Leah followed the brown haired mage and glanced up through the crack alongside him. Indeed, there were angels flying around there, which only served to make everything twice as uncertain. Dealing with holy beings was... not a task that she would ever undertake lightly. Even knowing that the Sabertooth wizard was pretty good at heart, she wouldn't want to converse with the angelic figures no matter what. However, the young man didn't seem to share her sentiments and instead hopped through the opening, much to her chagrin. "Mashyuu, wait-!" she called before wincing and hesitantly reaching up to lift herself through after him. Touching the edge of the tear was odd, and felt fragile; maybe, could it rip any moment? The redhead scrambled through and felt a pang of cold worry jolt through her chest when the hole behind her began to shrink right away. It was now almost too tiny for a person to fit through; it had to open every day, but as the world clock approached closer to night she assumed it would grow smaller and smaller. "Maybe we should go back- what are you doing?" Leah worried as she glanced at her comrade and saw him standing blankly and looking at the sky. "We should leave before anyone notices!"

    But it was already too late. An armored female with silvery white wings and landed and was currently threatening both of them with a spear and a nasty sneer. Wait, what? They smelled of sin? Excuse me woman they were only human, it was to be expected- wait, she thought they were what? "We aren't demons! We're humans, and we wouldn't dare invade your uh, country? Your heaven." the girl said resolutely. Mashyuu seemed to be saying the same thing, except he actually pushed the point of the spear away, another thing that made the redhead worry for his safety. Angels didn't take kindly to being blown off according to her (admittedly limited) experience and knowledge. Sure enough, even though now he seemed perfectly content to leave, she refused and spouted something about battling to prove themselves. Suddenly, light flashed like a bomb before her eyes and the redhead felt her stomach spin as she was forcibly thrown into the middle of an arena and teleported from their previous location. Sand? Leah noticed with a dark expression, pressing her palms into it as she tried to rise to her feet. Please don't tell me these guys are into entertainment combat. Please don't-- damnit, they are. That was apparent by the loud encouragement that came in the form of various screams and cheers from the audience, who sat safely and quite happily in stands surrounding what seemed to be a circular and raised stadium.

    "You will face a series of trials and if you survive we will let you live and return home! If you die, then we will destroy your souls! Good luck Demons, you will need it!" The mage barely got those words before she noticed the heavy metal gate slowly retracting to either side, with darkness beyond it. "Crap. Angels don't keep lions and tigers and feed foreigners to them, right?" she muttered. "Maybe there's a lady behind there that you can marry-" It was a joke in bad taste, but it fit their pickle even if it brought back memories of the awkward discussion from several minutes ago.

    "I've had to fight for my life and in an arena. And I did get stronger. Don't worry," she finished off. There was absolutely nothing to be said about wanting to fight, but that was a completely other concept. Leah was simply the kind of gal who hated combat unless things couldn't be solved peacefully, in which case she'd jump right in. Deciding that it was a good idea in this case, the redhead glanced around briefly to see if she could melt away and launch a surprise attack on whatever would shortly emerge from the gates. Unfortunately, the light in here seemed to be extraordinarily bright, and try as she would the emerald eyed mage just couldn't use magic to enhance the darkness and slink away. With a short sigh of frustration she requipped her trusty old High Imperial Daggers and Shunpo'd over to the opening, forgoing any planning whatsoever.

    "Come on out already!" she shouted on impulse, standing to the side of the opening. Her wish was granted, for two angels wielding short swords flew out at a fairly decent speed, heading away from her and towards the center of the arena. "Really?" she muttered before lunging for the one on the right (if a person was looking at the gate head on) because he was closest. The angel seemed surprised by her attack before his eyes narrowed and he hissed a word at her that seemed to be clearly derogatory in meaning; maybe it was coward? Idiot? Who cared, and who knew? Leah stabbed fiercely down at him and parried his attacks with as much grace as she could manage, which was actually more than the redhead had expected. These seemed to be basic militants or something, since they weren't firing blasts of holy light at her yet.

    She didn't even bother to use any actual magic and instead got in a few slices here and there, giving the crowd such a boring and purely weapon duel that they booed her until something seemed to catch their attention and they quieted down. Maybe Mashyuu was doing something? The mage herself even began to feel like if this kept going on, she would lose focus, when the angel she was battling (although honestly it felt more like a basic spar) passed out and slumped to the sand, blood slowly oozing from various cuts all over his body. "Well. That was anti-climatic," she said to state the obvious. Although, if there was no build up she supposed it wasn't anti-climatic at all. "How long does this last anyways?" the girl groaned, shielding her eyes to stare up at the center of the audience, where the spectators seemed to be more finely dressed and where she assumed there was the leader of the people somewhere. Boy, was her eyesight impaired here. All of this light really did nothing to help the shadowy knife and dagger girl out.

    2670/8500 Words.
    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 18th April 2017, 7:41 pm

    I might as well just roll again in case you finish things with that angel and want more to do.
    Here's for the second wave, whenever that is.

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by NPC 18th April 2017, 7:41 pm

    The member 'Leahndr Aspont' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons NormalMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons WeakMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 18th April 2017, 8:37 pm

    Their first trial was coming up and Mashyuu could already tell that the "trials" were going to be combat related. Luckily for him, he always seemed to come alive when he had to put his life on the line and was even better when someone he cared about was in trouble as well. Before he could come up with an attack plan however, Lise charged for the gate. "Lise lets!- Oh, that is how that feels. Shit... Okay here we go." Mashyuu complained. With his dark vision he could already see the angels flying with swords drawn and he didn't mind going to face both of them head on while Lise readied herself for a sneak attack but now that was thrown out the window.

    Mashyuu took an archers stance and the cross pendant wrapped around his left wrist pulsed with magical power and created a web shaped bow in his hand. Slowly he pulled the string back and took aim for the Angel with the sword on the left as he figured Lise would charge the one on the right. "Sniper... He muttered while a long arrow formed his his fingers that held the bowstring. The angels burst from the open gates and one was attacked by Lise while the other charged Mashyuu. "...Elite!" He shouted and let the arrow fly. It ripped through the air and stuck into the ground in front of the Angel, only to explode the moment he got close, sending sand up into the air while the fire clearly burned the soldier Angel. Mashyuu's bracers activated and the sand under him condensed on itself, creating a sheet of earth that lifted up and moved Mashyuu like a magic carpet towards the Angel. He drew his sword and readied for combat when Lise dropped the Angel she was fighting, but before she had managed to finish him off two more angels rushed out into the battle, one with a shovel and another swordsmen both headed to help the one that had been blind sided by Mashyuu's arrow attack.

    The Earth Mage hadn't noticed the other Angels and when his sand fell he was shocked to see three angels all ready to battle. Almost frantically Mashyuu brought his arms up and called out. "Quick Silver!" in the blink of an eye, Mashyuu's skin became flexible metal and when the three attacks of the Angels struck the Wizard, he was unharmed while gashes appeared across all three Angel's chests. "Heh, thanks dad." Mashyuu muttered while he held a smirk on his face. "Guys, really? Three on one? I didn't even beat any of you guys like my friend there did!" Mashyuu nodded at Lise and swung his sword in a wide chop. The Angel with the shovel jumped back to evade Mashyuu's strike while twisting to charge Lise, leaving Mashyuu with two men to fight.

    Mashyuu let his sword flare with power as its magic went to work. "Kings Cleave!" He commanded mid chop, sending a blast of flaring power out from Excalibur that knocked both Angels out of the sky in one fluid motion. Still they managed to get up and ready themselves for the next attack, an attack that was sent when Mashyuu jumped off his floating sand board and pushed his left arm out as if he were pushing against a wall. "Earth Gods Combo: Part One!" A pillar of stone shot up from both sides of the two Angels and smacked them into one another while a third pillar caught both men in the gut at the same time, doubling them over. Before they could recover Mashyuu came down and planted his left palm on the sandy ground. This was a battle of like and death, one he wasn't about to take lightly. In this case where he wasn't on a job he didn't mind killing in order to assure that he lived and the Goddess inside him felt the same way. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Two!" He commanded while coming up with his weapon slipping into the scabbard. The ground split under the angels and swallowed them up to their necks. Mashyuu spun round still holding the handle of his weapon firmly. "Single Sword Style: Shishi Sonson!" He declared while half drawing his sword and cutting the heads off the Angel's bodies while he spun. Before their heads hit the floor Mashyuu was replacing his sword back into its scabbard and stopping in a crouched position while the heads rolled to the floor and the Angels vanished into the void of their home where they couldn't truly be killed.

    The cheers from the crowd stopped when the four fighters had been bested quickly by Mashyuu and Lise. Mashyuu stood up straight and pulled his sand board down to his level then glided over to Lise's side and made sure she wasn't hurt. "Hey, how ya doing there? Let me ask you a silly question. You think we can work together for the next part?
    I don't know what is gonna come out next but if you get hurt and are to far away I won't be able to heal you. We could work really well together I bet because you clearly got a lot stronger than you were. Lets just get the hell away from the gate eh?"
    Mashyuu suggested and nodded his head in order to show he was going back to the center of the arena. But first he took a flying lap around to look all the angels watching in the eye, his glowing orbs showing a burning fire and daring someone to jump down and try to get in his way. If he had to he would fight his way out of heaven and hell.... again.

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by NPC 18th April 2017, 8:37 pm

    The member 'Mashyuu Kumonosu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons WeakMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons NormalMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Boss



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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 18th April 2017, 8:38 pm

    Crap forgot to roll the 4th one and I guess since the boss is auto last we will count the boss roll here as two strong foes.

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by NPC 18th April 2017, 8:38 pm

    The member 'Mashyuu Kumonosu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons NormalMonster
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 19th April 2017, 5:14 am

    Leah examined the angel in front of her and waited to see if he was going to get up; having received no response, the redhead's shoulders lifted barely in a shrug before she turned to see what Mashyuu was up to. The reason the crowd had gradually stopped roaring quickly became clear. Although he had apparently been caught in an uneven battle, it had turned out to be imbalanced in the opposite way than everyone seemed to have expected. The corner of the redhead's lips twitched into a faint smile as he didn't even bother to check if they were dead before relaxing once more and replacing his sword in its scabbard. The mage watched patiently as he flew over to her using some kind of brownish hoverboard, and as the spectators grew completely silent he asked her a few questions. Leah waited to let him finish the first and was about to interrupt with an 'I'm fine,' when he kept on talking, and she fell silent. Alright. So he wanted to work together, that was... that was fine. The emerald eyed girl wasn't partial to his recommendation to 'get the hell away from the gate', though, because she just wanted to stay nearby. It somehow seemed to be a little bit more shadowy over here, and there was something addicting about being so close to her opponents right away. Hey, she wasn't a tactical specialist or anything, but it probably surprised them too.

    Reluctantly, the mage's eyes followed the direction of Mashyuu's head gesture. With one last glance at the unconscious, hopefully not dead angel on the floor (just in case there was some kind of... well, she didn't know, but a punishment or something for killing holy beings. What if she didn't get to go to heaven or something?) Leah moved back to the center of the arena and frowned at the gate once more. It was odd to feel so surrounded by the crowd once more, and the redhead resisted the urge to take to the sky and do the same as the blue eyed mage. She, however, was most definitely not partial to angering or hyping up too much the crowds. And besides, the gate was slowly creaking open again. The heavy metal affair seemed to slam shut with every wave of enemies that stalked out from whatever holding pen they were kept in within. Really, it was too bad that when it was an exit, the process seemed slow and laborious; it made the emerald eyed girl want to gnaw her hair or something with annoyance and impatience. She started forward with those feelings bubbling in her chest before she remembered how the brown haired young man had recommended that they work together for the sake of safety and whatever; Leah had agreed, in a way, so she stayed in the middle of the stadium.

    "I don't know exactly what you're planning," she muttered under her breath (as he was a slayer and had enhanced senses, and besides, he should have landed somewhere nearby by now), "But we'll work together. There are six more coming out," she finished with a squint at the darkness inside the gate. It was actually almost tantalizing, here in this bright world: the idea of a pitch black place. That was probably what had drawn her to linger so close to the opening anyways, since her magic thrived on shadows. The redhead stepped a little bit closer and readied her blades as she continued to stare at the group. "You can have one of those sword angels," she murmured quietly, "And I'll take the other. The... shovelers... shouldn't be a problem, exactly, and like you wanted. We can work together on the pair of armored knight angels or whatever they are. The ones with solid light as equipment." With that having been said, the girl bit her lip and waited for them to come closer. Gods, she hated just watching enemies advance and not doing something about it, when they might not yet be mentally prepared for a fight. That wasn't necessarily a thing, but they sure would be more ready after eons of marching across sand. The armor and swords they carried didn't even seem to be particularly heavy so tiring them out didn't even begin to happen at this point.

    "Alright, let's go," she hissed and darted forward to slit the throat of one of the angels wielding a nasty brown coated shovel. At the last moment, she checked herself and spun the blade between her fingertips to slam the pommel into the divine being's throat. She promptly tripped him and conked the angel on the back of his head before turning to smile barely at the others, who were quite close to her at this point. Almost reluctantly, Leah leaped backwards a few paces before she dove for one of the lesser angels, trusting that Mashyuu would be doing whatever he wanted to by now. Hey, acting like a distraction and attacking right away was part of working together and didn't completely stem from her impatience at 'squandering time' in a battle even if that was part of it. The redhead quickly found out that this one wasn't any more skilled than her first duel opponent had been; the only catch was that one of the lightsword wielding angels seemed to be onto her and was advancing towards the mage. Without pausing in her slashes, the girl grabbed the ordinary angel's wrist and Shunpo'd away from the second heavenly creature, where she proceeded to knock out her surprised enemy. Leah frowned at the several cuts all over his body and hoped that the being was pale from something besides blood loss and that he wouldn't exactly die. It wasn't like she cared really about keeping her opponents alive in battle, but this was... well, an exception. After all, it wasn't every day that you went to heaven and ended up fighting divine beings.

    The girl ran back over to Mashyuu and noted that the two armored angels were approaching rather quickly with their wings. She waited for them to blast her with holy light or something, but when no attacks came the redhead assumed they were only melee fighters utilizing fancy and admittedly what seemed to be very good quality equipment. Only commenting, "They don't seem to be using magic," under her breath and trusting the young man would pick it up anyways, the mage wanted to requip her cloak in order to fly and compete with them that way, but she refrained from doing so. Leah knew that the most important part of it was to keep up with her opponents and not allow an advantage (like a half-aerial battle); since they weren't ranged fighters, though, if she didn't come to them they'd have to come down to the ground for her anyways. And land they did, with a soft thud and an light cloud of sand expelled from the ground. Although her first instinct was to split up the two opponents among the mages again, she said instead, "I don't have any ranged abilities that would be useful right now," She requipped her Dux Dirks and said as a second thought, "I'm just going to... go. Teamwork needs to be practiced, you know," she added lightly before dashing forwards and heading for the angel on the left.

    He was more of a wily opponent than any enemy she had faced so far in this arena, and the redhead knew she had made the right decision by using the armor piercing long daggers she had gotten that one day from a man in the streets. Briefly, the girl debated before requipping her Oriental Armor for the sake of fighting divine beings, but since these angels didn't actually use magic it couldn't absorb it and try to equalize the pressure for her. Not that that made much sense, but the shield wouldn't be too great against these attacks so she decided against bringing out the cream colored armor anyways. Instead, she requipped some good old throwing daggers and sent them spinning at the angels: all thirty some of them. The pair (Leah felt the urge to call them the Golden Pair) dodged as best they could, but there were a lot of blades, to put it shortly, and their armor had to take the brunt of the attack. Smiling, the redhead whispered, "Sinister Steel," before she darted forwards and dropped her High Imperial Daggers back into the extra dimensional space, opting to grab her Mercenary's Blades. The girl stopped smiling when the silver metal sliced straight through the golden armor and neatly decapitated one of the angels; the other was weary from the weapons attack but still very much alive. Either way, the emerald eyed girl had now killed a holy being... hopefully she wasn't one hundred percent doomed to the fiery pits of hell now.

    4159/8500 Words.
    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 19th April 2017, 5:14 am

    >.< Fourth wave. Forgot to roll it.

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by NPC 19th April 2017, 5:14 am

    The member 'Leahndr Aspont' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons WeakMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons NormalMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Boss Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons WeakMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons WeakMonster Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons StrongMonster



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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 19th April 2017, 9:21 pm

    "Only six? well we can take em. I think..." Mashyuu joked and pulled his bowstring back, letting magical power build up in his fingers. Before the angels could even get through the doorway Mashyuu started to fire energy arrows into them, peppering the group with light strikes of magical energy that faded away as the front line soldiers were smashed in the chest. "Yeah okay, we each take half, I got it." Mashyuu grumbled, already telling that while the two both were good at what they did, their styles didn't seem to mesh well. The Slayer sighed when Lise broke off before he could offer a suggestion as to how he could help her abilities. "Alright, I guess I have three of these guys then...Here we go." Mashyuu closed his glowing blue eyes and lifted his hands, causing two large balls of sand to rip out of the ground and float in front of him while he dropped to the ground and caused the earth below him to softly rumble.

    Quickly he pushed off the ground, his enhanced strength and speed sending him rocketing towards the three angels that were rushing out of the gate while Lise started her attack. Mashyuu shoulder blocked the lead angel, knocking the man off his feet and back into another while he kicked out with his foot at the angel furthest back. While his foot couldn't possibly reach the angel the ground ruptured and rolled towards the angel and blasted the heavenly fighter back into the darkness of the gateway. The Slayers left hand lifted and spun high over head, one of the balls of sand, the size of his chest moved with his arm motions. "Earth Gods Flail!" He shouted and smashed the ball of sand into the pair of angels who had managed to collect themselves from Mashyuu's shoulder block. The force of the Earth Wizards spell caused a blast of force that batted both angels aside like rag dolls. The pair were sent sliding across the sandy ground while Mashyuu punched the air with his right hand, towards the gate, sending the ball of sand into the darkness, his glowing blue eyes locked on an angel who was about to launch a sneak attack. Mashyuu moved his right hand to the left a bit then pulled his arm in, dragging the ball of sand back towards him, and smashed the back of the angel so hard that the angel was forced to the ground at Mashyuu's feet.

    "Down ya go!" Mashyuu stomped the floor and caused an explosion of sand to toss the Angel up and into the crowd of spectators but while he was paying attention to that the other two angels charged in and drove their blades into Mashyuu's shoulders, trying to lift him up into the air. But his mountain stance refused to let the angels move the God Slayer in any way shape or form. The blades stung as they ripped through the Wizard while he simply drew a short breath and grabbed the blades with his bare hands. "You must think you really have me in a pinch. Too bad I have to beat you in order to keep my freedom. I think we could have been friends in a different life." Mashyuu tapped the floor with his foot and caused the ground to light up under the angels. A moment later the ground exploded. "Earth Gods Explosive Field!" He commanded. The resulting blast dropped the angels to the ground when they passed out from the pain. Mashyuu hummed to himself and shrugged his shoulders then rejoined Lise in the center of the arena.

    There were still two angels left and they were holding long swords and heavy shields made of light. While it was true that they likely weren't going to use magic Mashyuu knew that their weapons and armor were pure magic. He patted Excalibur and would have suggested he take the brunt of the assault from both Angels so that Mashyuu could do sever damage to the shields and swords with his light eating abilities but instead she decided to toss teamwork out the window and take down an angel by herself. "Balls.... well here we go." He muttered under his breath and drew Excalibur from its sheath. "Always with a sword fight. Why can't we ever play tic tack toe or something...." The God Slayer charged again as the two angels landed. Mashyuu slashed his sword up while the angel he was to fight brought his weapon down, both swords clashing with sparks of dark energy to contrast the light of the weapons spraying over the battlefield.

    Blades locked in a power struggle as Mashyuu realized that he couldn't push the angel back without some sort of help. Mashyuu bent his knees and sprang back, breaking the lock of blades. Mashyuu whipped his blade around, cutting the air while his weapon flared with energy. He pointed the blade behind him and let the power of Excalibur push him. "Kings Charge!" Excalibur exploded with energy and launched him at the angel at a near blinding speed. Just before the two fighters collided Mashyuu pulled his sword up to face the angel and stopped in his tracks. A half heartbeat passed before the weapon released a blast of energy straight into the shield of the angel, splintering it in a single blast.

    The blast sent the angel reeling back from the force of the blow while he waved his sword in a slash to try to keep the Wizard from following up his attack. The angel lifted his blade to strike only to realize the sharp blade was gone, leaving only a hilt left. Mashyuu had inhaled the light from his weapon, increasing his magical power further. "Earth Gods Molten Blast!" He called out and drove his fist into the ground, sending a wave molten lava and stone into the angel, melting him while leaving a trail of glass in the ground from his spells heat.

    Mashyuu took a deep breath of air and touched his bleeding wounds, both his shoulders pouring blood more than he expected. The Slayer reached down and picked up a handful of sand and rubbed it on his wounds, healing the injuries left on his body. "Lise, we have a lot more coming, you gonna be able to handle it?" Mashyuu asked while he looked her over? Surprisingly she managed to keep from getting injured in any way. The Slayer was sort of impressed with her. Lise's attacks were quick and aimed for pure death while Mashyuu was actually enjoying the battle more than he would care to admit.

    Two shovel holding Angels dropped down on Mashyuu and smacked him in the back of the head, dazing him long enough for the rest of the angels to fly from the gates and attack the duo!

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    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 20th April 2017, 3:42 pm

    Ten angels.

    Ten angels.

    The redhead wanted to groan at the sheer absurdity of the situation, but that would be to foolishly waste time; she instead drew ten blades and sent them flying up at the two creatures who were wielding those disgusting shovels that reeked of unpleasantness.  As they hit their mark, the girl grabbed Mashyuu by the collar, if he would let her, and hauled him hopefully with at least a little bit of acquiescence to the other side of the arena in a quick Shunpo.  In the time it took for the divine beings to react to their movement, she leaned down and whispered furiously into his ear. "Alright... hot stuff.  If you aren't concussed by now or anything and even if you are, we're gonna work together.  For real.  Gods know how I hope to pull that off, but there are ten... now eight angels out there, flying towards us real quick, and I like living!"  With that, she pulled sharply away and whirled around to lift up her arm, requipping a beautiful golden shield, kite-shaped and slightly curved, to block an attack from one of the angels who had equipment formed from solid light.  

    "Shield of the Judicator!" she shouted uncharacteristically, glaring into the eyes of the surprised angel, whose sword had glanced off an insignia of wings that slightly resembled his own.  That seemed to anger the being, for he hastened to attack again with a hint of fury coming through in his eyes.  Leah shoved backwards against him and whispered, "Divinity."  Nothing happened, and although she hadn't expected it to, the redhead was still almost sorely disappointed.  No such luck here, she thought.  Twisting around to check how many enemies were nearby, the girl suddenly darted forwards and pulled a knife out of the air to stab at the angel who was still trying to pierce through her shield.  He pulled away to dodge it, and the mage smiled triumphantly before she scattered all of the ponytail covers her magic could obtain from her arsenal, all eighty of the little spiked things, all around her.  Hopefully Mashyuu was smart or had good reflexes; he was a slayer, wasn't he?  The redhead's lips tightened imperceptibly at the idea of chucking one of the spiked miniature cylinders into his eyes, but she wiped the thoughts away and dashed forwards to dice up the angel who had the miniature weapons lodged in various parts of his armor.  That was the problem with holy light; it tended to welcome anything that wasn't inherently dark.  

    With this thought in mind, she tugged and pulled her Mercenary's Daggers into existence right as she drew back and aimed to punch the angel in the neck.  He slumped to the ground, one blade lodged briefly in his bone annoyingly enough.  Apparently the ability to slice through anything had been used up mostly on the armor this time around; oh well, she supposed it didn't matter too much.  Leah wrenched her knife away from the dead angel and turned to find that four shovel wielding beings had surrounded her; their nasty stench drifted into her nostrils, which flared as her face crinkled in distaste despite the actual combat situation.

    "You reek," she stated before all diplomacy attempts (was that even one at all, or the opposite?) went to hell, along with maybe her soul after this escapade was finished with.  The redhead kicked one of the angels in the side of his knee, without the slightest wince when the joint caved in at an odd angle and the being fell to the sand, a scream shattering the brief silence that had followed her rude and misplaced (not in her eyes though!) comment.  Then she leaned down to grab the golden shield that had dropped at some point during her scuffle with one of the more impressive angels from earlier and hefted it to her left arm before sprinting forward to bash one of the... poop... angels right across the face.  The girl said a silent prayer (funny how she was doing it in heaven battling for her life, nobody was probably going to answer or be appreciative in this case) in thanks for her height advantage that somebody somewhere had given her (even if that person was her mom).  It meant that these angels were short enough that she could just do... this, too.  

    With those words echoing through her mind, the emerald eyed girl swung her shield horizontally to have the rim clang against the side of the third angel's head, and the guy dropped almost instantly.  She thought she saw a little bit of blood, and the mage reflected briefly on how much she first, resented the fact that first they had to fight angels and second, how these angels had to fight them.  This wasn't pure arrogance, but more of the fact that as humans they weren't unwilling to play dirty.  Speaking of which, that filthy shovel grasped in the hands of the fourth angel was getting closer to her by the millisecond, a fact that Leah was most certainly not unaware of.  She dipped slightly towards the ground as she swung her leg across the slightly packed sand, tripping the novice angel and giving her access to his neck.  Just another swipe from one of her trusty daggers ensured that he wasn't going to be giving anybody any more trouble... or love... or anything, really.  Damnit, why had people invented combat where people could die, anyways?  And why were these holy beings enjoying it so much?  

    The girl suddenly realized that the crowd actually wasn't; it also registered in her brain, finally, that the audience had stopped cheering a long time ago.  That click, the fact that these trainee angels with a few of their older or more experienced compatriots, were supposed to just best her and Mashyuu and show off their skills, maybe get a little bit of "field practice" in, hurt her deeply.  It wasn't that she was offended by a lack of confidence; who cared about what angels thought of demons?  It was that these beings were dead, and Leah recoiled from her sudden guilt... right into the arms of an angel wielding a sharp sword that was most certainly made of metal.  She felt the point slice through the leather and cloth that covered her ribcage and barely scratch her skin.  The blade was indeed sharp though, because the fighter felt her blood seep into the rusty red shirt she had on and felt a twinge of satisfaction that any stains would be passable as something else, any other liquid hopefully.  But the jacket would have to be replaced... anyways, she jerked forwards, out of the angel's loose and desperately grasping grip, and whirled to face him.  No, her, the female corrected as she stared at the seraphic being.  And with that, the redhead charged and yanked her High Imperial Blades from that trusty extra dimensional space, wherever the hell they were stored.  

    Where is it, really? she wondered on a whim as she ducked beneath the high swing her angelic opponent started off with before the very human mage countered with a series of slicing attacks of her own.  The divine soldier dodged most of them, but a few caught her unarmored body and started light swells of bleeding that tracked the white sand under their feet with jagged patterns of crimson.  Leah's own life was dripping away ever so slightly as she took a scratch across the forearm herself, turning away as much as she could to avoid any arteries or veins.  Then the angel swiped at her face, and the girl felt the prick of pain as a cut was scored horizontally across her cheek, and she erupted in earnest rage.  Nobody touched her face.  Her hair, fine.  Her body, what the hell.  But her face?  The emerald eyes set deep in her pale and scarred skin burned as the mage hurtled towards the angel, the scar that marked two halves of her left eye clear and dark against her skin.  Whenever somebody injured her... her face, it reminded her of that first serious battle and what had happened.  And that didn't sit well with the girl.  She was relentless now in her fighting with the angel; at some point, Leah realized that she had begun to enjoy the battle and had treated it like more of a spar than anything.  Why had that camaraderie randomly appeared out of nowhere, between her and this strange person (was it even a person if it wasn't human?) that was fighting equally as hard, and with full intention to kill?  

    The girl truly didn't know, but she wanted this all to end right now.  With that thought seared across her brain, the mage went fully on the offense and summoned countless throwing daggers from her arsenal until the angel in front of her had battered wings with holes ripped through the spread of skin and flesh, torn feathers littering the ground.  Her arms were streaked with blood and the entirety of her body was marked, except her face.  Because when the redhead was sane, she never went for the face unless it was to kill.  The angel collapsed to the ground, finally, and although the green eyed girl recognized the fact that her enemy wasn't dead, she turned away to take on the next opponent.  Finished didn't always mean dead.  Leah's hair flew across her face as she spun, and without another moment of hesitation the girl grabbed in the air for a ponytail holder and reached up to tug the unruly red mess into the metal cylinder she expected to find cupped in her palm.  But there was nothing there, because of course she had thrown all of them away and they were currently decorating the sand and spread over quite a bit of the arena.  Of course she had forgotten.  

    The mage cursed and dropped her arms to her belt to grab a knife just as one of the remaining angels noticed her mistake and went to attack in full force.  He was one of the stronger ones, with golden armor and a weapon that glowed just as bright and lovely.  That weapon was barely inches from her face before she reached up and caught the dangerous edge of the sword in the crook of one of her High Imperial Daggers, supporting it from the other side with the knife that was the pair to the beautiful, uniquely shaped blade.  A few meters away, her kite shaped shield shone slightly before it outright became illuminated with light, and the girl felt armor just as golden as her opponent's materialize around her body.  It weighed her down, but the weight felt right.  She pushed suddenly, with a burst of strength, and sent the angel flying backwards; he landed on his feet, with the help of his wings, before he lifted right up into the air and came crashing down in an attack at her.  Leah felt her new armor take a bit of the impact, and she immediately struck back.  

    The fact that she wore the rather cumbersome set was just a bit irking (after all, the girl wasn't exactly in the habit of having full armor on and it definitely showed even if the extra protection was highly useful).  Nonetheless, she got over it and within a few seconds she was back to parrying attacks and flinging daggers; they somehow hadn't yet run out.  When one of the tiny but dangerous needle thin blades managed to stick in a weak point in her opponent's armor, the redhead took the opportunity to gather her missing weapons back into her arsenal, requipping them all away and ridding the field of all her hair ties and her previously used throwing knives.  They could be cleaned later, or summoned in a pinch even if the blades would be a bit dull.  The task was finished at the perfect moment (it had barely even taken a second even if it had required a great deal of focus that wasn't available until then) for the angel flew forwards, grabbing his sword with two hands and slicing through the air to decapitate her.  Unfortunately for him, it was unsuccessful; such a powerful attack took more time to execute, and the mage was already skipping backwards to dodge it.  She took advantage of his slight inability to control his body after all his mass had been thrown into the single blow, which had met nothing but the air.  Simple and careful, Leah slit his throat as he was already tumbling towards the ground, wings fluttering.  Then she turned to see how Mashyuu had fared during this fight.  The mage had... tried to be helpful.  They would work together next time, she would promise it if he would believe her.  If this bout didn't count.

    6313/8500 Words.  TLDR; 2 strong enemies, 2 weak, and 1 normal are down.



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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st April 2017, 12:22 am

    Before he knew it, the two shovel using angels had been forced back and Lise grabbed Mashyuu by the collar but he wasn't about to resist whatever she had planned. In an instant the pair had been moved across the battlefield with Lise speakin in a way that was almost inspiring to Mashyuu. -"Alright... hot stuff.  If you aren't concussed by now or anything and even if you are, we're gonna work together.  For real.  Gods know how I hope to pull that off, but there are ten... now eight angels out there, flying towards us real quick, and I like living!"- Mashyuu smirked and grasped her shoulder firmly in response. "Well Lise, as the Paragon of Protection I swear to keep you safe and alive! Okay lets do this!" Mashyuu sprang to his feet while the angels started to move in and Lise went on the offensive. "Defensive tactics it is. Keep coming after this guys!" Mashyuu dropped low, still on his feet but almost sitting on the ground while his palms both pressed to the sand. Magic pulsed from his body and infused with the sand below him. "Earth Gods Basilisk Wall!" Mashyuu completed his spell and watched as a twenty meter high and twenty meter wide wall of stone exploded out of the ground. Of the ten angels... now eight, five of them became frozen to the ground due to the side effect of Mashyuu's spell, holding them in place. The others split off and started to swarm Lise. Mashyuu knew that five of the angels wouldn't be going any where for a bit and decided to hold off the others until Lise could put her focus on them.

    "Earth Gods Rock Wall!" Mashyuu called out and lifted his hands to create a second but much smaller wall to one side, forcing an angel to slam into it, stunning him long enough that he couldn't charge in on Lise's battle right away. Mashyuu then turned his attention to the wall he created that held five angels in place. "Okay, only five for me to deal with, I've done in more guys than that at once. But then again those were guys, not angels. I feel like I'm not gonna get into Heaven for doing all this. It's life or death sure but what happens in a minute when I take off another Angel's head and they deiced I don't get to go to heaven? Being that I have a Goddess inside my soul now do I get in by default? Can I even age and die anymore? I never thought about this stuff!" Mashyuu spoke to himself while pacing back and fourth. Mashyuu! Enough, if we don't get through this then none of those thoughts are gonna matter because you will be one head shorter and I won't have a host body. Get yourself together and crush these fools who think they can best us! The Goddess inside him ordered mentally. Mashyuu suddenly stood straight up and saluted nothing out of pure worry he would lose the bond that made his magic that much stronger. He stalked over to the end of the wall and looked, his blue eyes lit up with joy seeing the angels trying to break the stone on their legs without shattering their own legs in the process. That was all he needed. Mashyuu lined his arm up and couldn't keep the smile on his lips from spreading across his face. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Three!" He cried out. Sand exploded out of his right forearm and created a long blade of earth. In an instant Mashyuu was flying on his sand board straight past the angles, slashing his blade across their backs, wounding them all greatly in the process. Mashyuu flew past them and came to a land about ten feet away from the wall and scooped up sand, eating it to replenish a bit of magical power before the rest of the battle started.

    After swallowing the sand Mashyuu spun around and stood to face his foes, ready for whatever came next. Of course the two guys with crap covered shovels that hit him earlier were the first ones to break free and charge. Mashyuu lifted his sword, still in the scabbard right off his belt. "You guys aren't even worth drawing my blade!" Mashyuu scoffed and ducked the moment a shovel user struck out at him. The God Slayer jabbed his weapon up, striking the jaw of one of the shovel users as hard as Mashyuu could. The angel flipped through the air and smashed into the wall behind Mashyuu, knocking a silhouette of itself into the sky from the resulting impact. Mashyuu chuckled under his breath and cracked his neck then looked onto the next one that had stopped and knew that he might have been out of his league. The apprehensive angel glanced back to his friends who were still trying to free themselves, slowly breaking the stone then back to Mashyuu only to see the God Slayer already fist to face with the Angel. "Dragon Fist!" The Wizard shouted and smashed his fist straight into the Angel's face, breaking his nose on impact. The blow caused the Angel to drop his shovel while Mashyuu snapped the scabbard back onto his belt and caught the crap covered shovel with his now free hand. Mashyuu whirled the blunt tool around in his palm and hurled it past the falling Angel and into the shield of another Angel, the pure force of the God Slayer's toss shattering the shield in the process. The Angel recoiled as best as he could from the smashing of his shield, going as far as to use his own body to protect his allies from the remnants of the sundered shield. Mashyuu grinned wide and produced his bow while he still had the others lined up and bundled together. His feet carried him forward towards the angels while he pulled his bowstring back and activated a second effect on the the weapon. "Hail of Arrows!" He let the bowstring fly free and arrows smash into the angels, not dealing a terrible amount of damage but yet again peppering the three with small amounts of stinging pain.

    The angels finally broke free of the Earth Wizards spell and brandished their weapons, each breaking into flight to close the gap between them and Mashyuu. Mashyuu swallowed and took his stance while drawing his sword. "Earth Gods Stone Armor!" Slabs of stone jutted out of the ground and smashed into Mashyuu's body, wrapping around him to form a protective lair around him. One angel met him head on while the two stronger ones moved in to flank. Mashyuu slashed his weapon up, deflecting the stabbing strike the head angel made then jumped backwards and dragged his weapon down to deflect a second strike from his left while Mashyuu's left hand snapped to the right to catch an angel in the jaw, sending the two angels that tried to flank Mashyuu spiraling past one another to crash into the ground. The God Slayer felt a pang of worry flood through him when he realized that he couldn't possibly keep up with all three angels at the same time, for a bit maybe but not for the entire fight. He was about to get wounded a great deal. Mashyuu blinked and pulled his head back, just narrowly avoiding a slash that would have removed the brown haired mans head from his shoulders. Mashyuu pointed to the ground with his left hand. "Earth Gods Combo: Part One!" Around Mashyuu three pillars shot up and crashed into the three angels who tried to charge into the Wizard, knocking them back a few paces at once. "I need to eat their weapons to keep my magic up or they are gonna overtake me fast." The God Slayer jumped right and winced when he felt a sword of light smash into his armor, not cutting him thanks to the armor on his body but still digging in deep. Mashyuu grinned and reached down for the sword and pulled it up. His mouth chomped down on the point of the blade and swallowed the energy to restore some of his magical power. The angel pulled his weapon back and looked at the now broken tip, realized the weapon would have to be used to slash as opposed to stab and shrugged his shoulders with a passive acceptance. As best as Mashyuu could he glanced to see how Lise was doing, noting she was hit by an attack. He could heal her but had to take care of these guys first. "Earth Gods Stone Soldiers!" The man called out and lifted his arm, causing gems to rise out of the ground and surround Mashyuu in a second skin like suit then four more soldiers broke out of the ground and at the same time all the soldiers rolled backwards rapidly to evade three more strikes. The Angel with his broken sword hurled it at the stone soldiers to try and hit Mashyuu but only shattered a false soldier in a single strike.

    At once all the soldiers crumbled as Mashyuu pointed his hand forward. "Earth Gods Combo: Part Two!" The ground split open under the three angels and dropped them into the ground before sealing around their necks, choking and crushing the group. Mashyuu smiled and chained the attack by dropping down and once again touching the ground. "Earth Gods Explosive Field!" The ground that held the angels exploded, then did so again and again all while Mashyuu started to eat the ground to restore more of his power then he rushed over to the broken sword and chomped down on the broken blade, eating it as fast as he could. By the time he finished eating the weapon, the angels were spit up out of the ground and collecting themselves. One angel, the one who lost his sword wasn't moving as he was knocked out from the continuous explosions. The God Slayer smiled at his handywork and let sparks fly off his body. "Lightning Leap!" He called out and changed into a bolt of golden electricity that slammed into one angel's shield and knocked him backwards while destroying the glowing armor, now both angels were down a shield and only held swords of light. The strike stunned both the angels even as one toppled over himself. Mashyuu appeared at the end of the golden lightning bolt and drove "Okayhis blade into the chest of the angel who didn't get knocked over by the lightning bolt. Mashyuu's weapon went hilt deep into the angel then the angel felt the sword twist all the way around and yanked out. He gasped for air and clutched his chest where the hole was and fell to his knees, slowly dying. The blood lust from the Goddess inside him went insane, wanting to see more carnage and Mashyuu, almost animalistically snapped his head to look at the angel who had his shield shattered a moment ago. Quickly the angel scrambled to his feet, looked around and realized he was about to die when he noticed he was the last angel standing. His wings snapped open and he twisted to fly away. "Not gonna happen! Kings Cleave!" Mashyuu shouted and slashed his glowing sword up, while unleashing a burst of energy from the blade, cutting the wings off the angel. Slowly Mashyuu walked over to the downed angel and jammed his blade into the back of the beings neck, removing his head from his shoulders. Mashyuu picked up his foes sword and ate the weapon and waved Lise over to him. When the two met up Mashyuu reached out and let golden energy flow off his body to heal the wounds of Lise. "Okay, so...
    are we good? I don't know how much more I can deal with. They just keep coming in bigger and bigger groups."

    While Mashyuu and Lise stood, slowly recovering glowing white feathers started to float down to the ground and heavy wing beats echoed in the air before a massive flood of cheers echoed in the arena. Before the duo a beautiful, dark haired woman with two massive swords touched down before them and grinned at the Wizards. "You have proven your worth in combat, now... You must defeat me. Gabriella. It really is a shame that you must die now. But fear not, in Heaven we will put your souls to good use against the forces of evil." She pointed both blades, one at Mashyuu and one at Lise, giving them the chance to get ready. Mashyuu looked at Lise and offered the woman a kind smile. "So we have been through some crazy adventures in the short time we have known each other. This one is the weirdest though. Anyway... I'm gonna go beat this chick up. Ya know what I'm saying? Why don't you take a break and collect your weapons, take a rest under that wall, get out of the light a bit. Cool off or something." Mashyuu hoped that Lise understood he was telling her to get a feel for the Angel's tactics and find a way to beat her while Mashyuu did his best to combat the woman and tire her out. Mashyuu then turned to face the Angel and waved at her while flipping his blade around in one hand and walking to put some distance between himself and Lise. "Hey there Gabby! I'm Mashyuu. Surely you can sense I have some God like power to me. It's because I am a vessel for a Goddess. This is all one big mistake and I really... Really didn't want to fight any of you but after being forced to I really hope you understand that it was me or them.... and I really like living. I did the dead thing once. Wasn't for me. Is there any way we could-!" Mashyuu was cut off when Gabby took a swing for the Wizard, ripping through his armor in one shot and sending the stone chunks clattering to the ground. "Guess not.... Okay then... Lets rumble."

    "Purge!" The angel shouted and from one blade a wave of light emitted. Mashyuu didn't know what the light was and he didn't plan on finding out, instead he inhaled and absorbed the magic before it could hit either him or Lise, filling his magical tank to its natural full point, anything else would be extra. Please use more light magic, I can really do some damage if you do. Mashyuu thought to himself then decided to try to put Gabby on the ropes. In a burst of speed Mashyuu charged in then jumped up while spinning. He used his weapon like a buzz saw and hacked at Gabby as hard as he could, the result were her blades clashing with Mashyuu's knocking her back a step. As Mashyuu landed he ducked a swinging kick but was smashed hard with a wing, causing Mashyuu to roll left with the force of Gabby's strike. He picked up one of the discarded feathers and swallowed the glowing feather, further powering him up. "Compel!" She commanded and launched a beam of energy at Mashyuu. He countered by opening his mouth and inhaling all of it as fast as he could. Once the light faded Mashyuu winced and tensed his body as Gabby drove her knee into Mashyuu's gut, sending him up only to find the flat of one of her blades driving into him hard. "Stun!" On command Mashyuu's body froze in the air and he dropped Excalibur. I can't move! What is this? Mashyuu thought in shock. Gabby lifted her left sword high in the sky, light gleamed off the blade for a moment before she brought it down over Mashyuu's back. "Burn!" Mashyuu's back was struck with the blade then burst into flames that quickly spread over Mashyuu's body leaving red welts of pain on him. He would have screamed if he could but being stuck the way he was, all he could do was endure the pain that ran over him. When the spell ended Gabby drove her foot straight into Mashyuu's face, sending him flying backwards and fast. What Gabby didn't know was she only delayed his body from activating the dual force his body could generate. Mashyuu crashed into his own rock wall he made earlier and split it in half as he broke through the other end. "Alright bitch, now it's my turn." He muttered and pulled himself up, a mass of darkness and holy light swarmed off his body. "Dragon Gods Force!" He shouted and exploded with golden light that started to heal his wounds while he grew scale like skin and all his features became almost demonic in appearance, his glowing blue eyes shifted hue from a sky blue to a dark almost purple, his sharp fang like teeth grew past his lips and his fingernails grew out to resemble sharp claws. "Improvised spell: Forbidden art: Dragon Gods Realm: Control!" He whispered as a red light flowed off his body and engulfed the arena. In the blink of an eye he transformed to sand as massive bodies of sand lifted up from the field, each body of sand roughly the size of Mashyuu and floating four feet off the ground. Gabby lifted her weapons in a defensive stance and started to try to scan for Mashyuu who was actually using his sand leap and his light dragons domain spells together to continually leap from body of sand to body of sand until Gabby was truly confused. Once he was sure she was miffed with annoyance he jumped out of a body of floating sand and pointed at it. "Earth Gods Extension!" He commanded, and brought the ball of sand to his fist. "Earth Gods Cannon ball!" Mashyuu swept his leg as he landed, causing the ground under the angel to roll and trip her while he slammed his fist down, the sand in front of it, condensed and hard drove into Gabby's chest and knocked the air out of her lungs. In the same motion Mashyuu opened is left palm and pulled back, creating dark sand that swarmed in his grip. "Secret Art: Earth Gods Sand Twister!" He shouted and threw the tornado of sand into Gabby then jumped backwards to ready his next strike but to his surprise Gabby managed to catch herself and activate one of her spells. "Loop!" She shouted and smashed her blade into Mashyuu's spell, knocking the sand twister back at Mashyuu. Knowing not even his own spells could move him Mashyuu charged through the sand, allowing it to hit him and deal some damage. Still as he moved through it he whispered and created another spell. "Earth Gods Sand Skin." The sand from his twister gently hardened on his body to create a second skin.

    Mashyuu rushed right up on Gabby and allowed her to bring a strike down on him, knowing the attack would destroy his sand armor, what Gabby didn't expect though was for his armor to explode out and for hardened sand to pelt her and deal any sort of damage back, and that was exactly what happened. The shock of it sent Gabby back a step to collect herself but that was what Mashyuu needed. As she stumbled back, Mashyuu bent his knees and let sparks of gold fly off his body again as he evoked his mothers signature spell that was woven into the clothes he wore. "Lightning Leap!" He changed to a bolt of electricity and smashed straight into Gabby's jaw, knocking her off her feet for the second time. As he reformed Mashyuu jumped back into a still floating pile of sand and then jumped out of a  different one. With both hands together and balled up, Mashyuu drove his fists down on the neck of Gabby to send her crashing to the ground with a loud thud. Mashyuu landed next to her and started to take deep breaths, even in his dual force state he wasn't sure if he could take her down. He was hitting her with his best spells and he wasn't even sure if it was putting much of a dent in her. Gabby laid still for a moment while blinking to make sure she was in the right frame of mind, Mashyuu had just hit her with a flurry of strikes she didn't expect to come in such an order. "Earth Gods Molten Blast!" Mash shouted, drawing her attention. Before she could act, Mashyuu waved his arms and a sheet of molten lava washed over her, burning the angel horridly. She screamed in agony and rolled away while flapping her wings to cool the super heated earth on her body. "Enough of this! You will fall at my blades! Just die already!" Her right handed sword pointed at Mashyuu and glowed brightly. "Stun!" She announced, freezing Mashyuu in place once again. Bitch... I'll rip her head off when I'm done. My force mode won't last much longer! As Mashyuu continued to try and think of a way he could save his own skin he saw her charging up an attack. "Smite!" She shouted and rushed Mashyuu with both blades. The God Slayer did the only thing he could think to do that didn't require him to actually move to use his magic. Sand exploded out of his body and shot forward to absorb a large portion of the attack. The sand returned to Mashyuu's body as her smite couldn't destroy it in one shot and healed some of Mashyuu's wounds. With him now able to move once again Mashyuu cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. "That was it wasn't it? It was your best direct attack. I know your weakness. You don't have any long ranged attacks that I can't eat. They are all light based. I bet you can't be hurt by light magic either. We are at a stalemate. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't beat me without getting close, and I'm too fast for yo-" Mashyuu felt his body grow weak suddenly, he had never fought in force mode so long that he didn't end a fight before it ended and all at once he felt all his magical power leave him. It seemed Gabby noticed it to when she used her next ability. "Seal!" And with that command word, the little bit of magical power Mashyuu had left drained from his body and he felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. So this is how I go out eh? What a way to die...again. In two lifetimes I never once ran out of magical energy and now I have. Against a freaking Angel... Well... I hope it was enough for Lise to at least figure out a way to save the day... if not I'm screwed. Mashyuu thought right before he fell backwards and landed hard in the ground, clearly out cold. Not yet, we will buy her a little more time Mashyuu, allow me to take over. The Goddess in his soul commanded. In a very demon like motion Mashyuu went stiff and shot up, his eyes whited out from the effect of the Goddess taking over. He no longer had control of his body and while he had no magical power at the moment his physical power increased greatly. A low scaled almost sonic boom echoed out in the arena as the God Slayer kicked off the ground in a sprint towards Gabby. She raised her blades to be level with her stance but it didn't matter. By the time she had them out Mashyuu was already on her, throwing his hands up to knock her weapons aside, shocked at the sudden show of strength, Gabby drove her knee up to try and knock Mashyuu aside but he tossed an arm down to catch her strike, then twisted around her knee and drove his elbow into her neck, making her eyes white out from the sudden impact, even if for just a moment. She managed to regain her composure though and twisted to evade the next strike Mashyuu made that was aimed at her chest. She took a step back and slashed her sword down, clashing against Mashyuu's bracers, those being the only things that kept his hands on his arms. The force of the strike knocked Mashyuu's arm down while the pommel of a second sword snapped Mashyuu's head back and he staggered back again. He shook his head and winced, even the Goddess inside him was having a hard time keeping pace for long periods of time against such a foe.

    "What does it take to put you away, clearly you're no demon, a demon wouldn't continue on at this point. Now... please. Stop fighting." Gabby grumbled while she took up a fighting stance in order to end the battle with Mashyuu. The possessed Wizard only smirked while lifting his arms to get ready to fight. Once again he moved in to fight, his left arm spun up to meet the strike Gabby unleashed and pushed her attack aside even though Mashyuu's arm burst into flame from the attack. Mashyuu managed to bring his right forearm up and into Gabby's eyes, blinding her for a moment. She screamed with pain, the bridge of her nose snapped from the force of Mashyuu's strike. Gabby grumbled and rubbed her face with her forearm while Mashyuu continued the attack. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled the Angel down while lifting his knee straight up and into her jaw, rattling her teeth. Gabby countered by driving her blade through the left foot of Mashyuu. Even possessed he couldn't help but scream from the pain. He let her go and at once both fell backwards and winced in pain. Mashyuu glanced at Lise and frowned, knowing he was close to doing what needed to be done but that he still had to continue the fight just a little longer. He picked himself up again and pulled the sword out of his foot and tossed it aside. He had to take every advantage he could against her. His magic was still sealed but he could draw on the earth itself to heal and that was what he did. The ground came up and seeped into his wounded foot, sealing it shut. He was sure that he would have been dead already if not for the light screen that constantly surrounded him and deflected parts of attacks. Mashyuu and Gabby looked at one another, both clearly seeing better days. Already a respect for one another had grown as they realized just how powerful the other was and in many ways they were on equal footing. Gabby kicked Mashyuu back his sword and he did the same. It was time for the two to end their battle. Mashyuu picked up his sword and strapped it to his left hip, his eyes never leaving Gabby while she readied herself. The crowd once again went silent, sensing the tense energy in the air while Mashyuu and Gabby both nodded at one another. "Our battle draws to a close! It was an honor to battle you Mashyuu Kumonosu! In a few more years you might be able to best me. But that time is not now. I will not kill you with my next strike, but I will defeat you!" Mashyuu smirked and spoke through the Goddess that currently had control. "It will take me less than a year to bring you down a peg Gabby!
    But for what it's worth.... I have learned a lot from you today. Allow me to show you my loves special move that I have been using too. She uses two swords just like you do! Maybe I shoud do that too."
    Mashyuu's body moved to that of a sprinters stance and his left hand gripped the pommel of his weapon. Gabby narrowed her eyes and braced for the eventual attack. Both fighters raced towards one another at the same time. "Kings Charge: Single Sword Style!" He shouted, letting his weapons power push him forward at a higher speed than he could achieve on his own. "Shshi Sonson!" The two fighters passed one another in the blink of an eye and stopped ten feet away from one another. Mashyuu sheathed his sword while Gabby smiled. A large gash appeared on her ribs as blood flowed from her open wound. "Impressive, if you were a real sword fighter that would have killed me. Luckily for me, you are much more of a brawler.
    Sorry to have defeated you Mashyuu."
    Mashyuu shrugged his shoulders and couldn't help but chuckle while blood filled his mouth. He spit the blood up on the sand and looked back over at her. "Yeah, well... Maybe I'll see if I can find some gauntlets to make me strike harder next time." Mashyuu grinned as the blood in his body flowed down his neck, ten puncture marks appeared on his chest from her rapid strikes and Mashyuu fell face first into the ground, barely moving yet still alive...

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    Lacey Botticelli

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    Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons Empty Re: Mashyuu and Lise in: Angels and Demons

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 21st April 2017, 4:53 pm

    Mashyuu was fine. He was eating his enemy's sword, after all, and the angel was lying headless on the ground right nearby. That made the redhead want to cringe slightly, but she noticed that he seemed to be gesturing for her to come closer. Forgetting her trepidation at the odd sight (they were mages, after all, and slayers had a tendency to eat their element, it was just a part of the magic) the girl strode a little ways across the arena until she stood next to him, at which point a glow seemed to be emitted from the young man's body. He said something about whether they were both fine, and she could only nod. Her thoughts were lingering on what he had said a while ago, before their most recent bout of fighting had begun: something about going to heaven.

    "I don't think we'll have much more to deal with, but I imagine we would go to heaven if we died here today," she said quietly. Leah herself had possessed some doubts, but the angels would take responsibility for their souls and not allow them to be lost or damned, she was sure. She had to be sure, or else she might be driven mad already. Averting her eyes from Mashyuu's, the female instead stared at the sky. Raining feathers so white and pure that she was sure they were woven from threads of titanium dioxide or powdered diamond or... or both. The redhead gulped subtly as an angel with dark hair that was striking against the pall of her skin landed lightly in front of them; delicately, but with such a power and attractive force that it was like the two enormous swords she held were magnets and the two mortal mages were the polar opposites. With her palms beginning to tighten as they were wrapped around the hilts of her High Imperial Daggers, the emerald eyed mage took a deep breath and was about to greet the heavenly creature before the divine being beat both of them to it and introduced herself. Gabriella.

    So they had to defeat her, and apparently she was convinced that they were either demons who would afterwards be used as weapons, or actual human souls which would go to heaven and perhaps be turned into angels themselves, fighting against the darkness. Or perhaps, Leah was being too optimistic with that second option, since it was what she so clearly wanted to believe. Not that any of the meanings would matter if the two survived. As that thought rushed through her mind, the girl's heels ground into the sandy dirt. And as she prepared herself, Gabriella held her swords aloft, pointing them deliberately at both of the mages. It's two on one, the redhead realized with a start. We actually have an advantage, if we fight together right now... huh? Mashyuu was moving. He turned to her, with a surprisingly gentle smile on his face for somebody who was either about to die or about to shed a lot of blood. But everybody wanted something nice to hold on to before they died... she could really only hope that he wasn't thinking of that. As the Sabertooth mage spoke, she did listen carefully.

    It was true; from zombies to cannon wielding enemy treasure hunters to robbing the graves of the Wizard Saints (even if all the media and the Magic Council declared it to be perfectly legal and just as a reward for their efforts) the two had been through a lot already together. It was with genuine worry that Leah reached out and tried to pull the young man back and get him to listen for a moment. She started off, ignoring his latter words, "I'm alright, I don't need to rest now really. The shade would be helpful, but you see, I-" he was already moving, turning towards the angel and pushing her away at the same time. It wasn't as though the green eyed girl didn't understand that he wanted to get a feel for the opponent before they both charged headfirst in. It was mostly the fact that if they both fought and conquered her together, neither might be injured as badly as Mashyuu could be at the end of his bout. Then again, he could win it. Who really knew? (Except him? Did he?) The mage bit her lip but offered the slayer a hesitant, slightly dry smile as she backed away to the shade.

    That actually turned out to be a bad idea, for a golden cage suddenly dropped from the sky and sent quivers through the ground long after it had landed. Trapped next to the wall, but with plenty of shade (who the hell really cared now though?) Leah stared at the hybrid mage and the stunning sword wielding angel who stood in front of him. She reached out through the bars, but as soon as her skin brushed against the golden metal, the redhead recoiled with an expression of sheer shock and pain. It wasn't exactly hot, but rather... burning somehow. Like there was a liquid that ran through her ever capillary and vein as soon as her flesh had contacted the substance. With a shudder, the girl backed away from the cage until she was standing flat against the wall, and slowly she slumped to the ground until her pants were probably covered in the dusty sand stuck to the leather. Barely hearing the booming voice of whatever person seemed to be overseeing this event, the voice that said they were making things "more interesting" for the sake of changing things up, and for the sake of fairness (how was a mortal and an immortal fighting fair?) Leah stared at the Sabertooth mage, hoping that he would be alive by the time she got out of this idiotic cage that was somebody's bad idea somewhere. The girl dropped her focus from the impending fight and tried to collect the blades that she hadn't yet grabbed earlier. All of the pony tail holders were safely exquipped and remained in her extra dimensional space, but a few throwing daggers (try like a hundred) were scattered in various places around the arena.

    Considering that the space was large, but not so much that she couldn't quite see the other side, the redhead had no huge problem with manually disappearing the knives back into her arsenal, stored neatly away in wherever requip mages put their things. Where was it exactly, anyways? The girl had been wondering for a long time, but she had yet to encounter another of her kind to be honest. Anyways, she returned her mind to the task at hand and tried not to stare as Mashyuu and Gabriella talked for what seemed to be a dragging amount of minutes. In reality, it wasn't much before the angel went for a strike across his body and managed to easily destroy the armor that the wizard was wearing; Leah winced at the sight but watched closely, finishing her weapons task with haste so as to not miss an opportunity to learn from whatever her comrade chose to do tactical wise. It would be a good time to learn what the heavenly being was strong in when it came to combat. Keeping her eyes peeled, oh so peeled, she stared intensely at the fight, which seemed to be going alright for Mashyuu as soon as it started. He clearly had the advantage in that he was able to consume several of her spells, due to the fact that they were light based. Although the girl would not have that same ability, she did have her Oriental Armor which would protect her should that be necessary.

    Leah winced when he was frozen in place, and her sharp teeth pierced straight through the inside of her lip when Gabriella struck across his back in a fiery blow. With the taste of blood in her mouth, the girl spit towards the sand, knowing that was the only reason the ground was like that anyways; to absorb bodily fluids and all manner of unpleasantness that came with this type of inhumane gladiatorial combat. Then again, who was she to judge these people? If they only ever used it on demons... this was heaven, after all. And that was an angel killing her compatriot. The girl's hands tightened into fists and she spat again in the ground in the direction of the crowd, the bloody spittle landing on the golden bars and marring the innocence that somehow seemed to surround in an illusion what was literally a gilded cage. But then it began to fade away, ripple into nothingness like the searing metal (had it even been metal?) had never existed. Leah rushed through the opening and found that in the time she had been distracted, a lot had happened. That was an understatement, actually, because the brown haired mage was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely and looking as though he wasn't about to get up any time soon. She could recall from a mixture of her subconscious mind as well as from her peripheral vision what things the angel had shouted and what had happened afterwards, and the redhead turned to face Gabriella. The divinity was bleeding as well, although mostly from a large slice, slightly ragged across her side. Whereas Mashyuu...

    The mage hurried forwards and drew her Bilgwater Falchion from her inter dimensional space, her expression loosening ever so slightly as she felt the waves of healing magic begin to be emitted from somewhere inside the freezing cold metal. Then she lifted up the weapon and leveled the point straight at the angel before snarling, "Mist!" Immediately afterwards she hurtled the blade at the angel and almost felt a slight bit of satisfaction when a cry followed her unexpectedly invisible attack. Going on the complete offense immediately, the girl grabbed her Mercenary Daggers and Imbued them before chucking those at the angel as well, smiling as they glowed slightly rose, the sure sign that the knives were invisible to all except her and those were practiced strong magic that could break her spell.

    Then she flung several daggers at the woman in succession, not magical ones but just stealthed ordinary metal weapons that could do damage if the pinpricks they caused were allowed to build up. Alongside that, she used her Javelin of the North Sky and summoned it to regain the magic power she had lost from all of this. But there was a more important cause to it, and the girl was glad for the shadows created by the slightly setting sun (longer ones from even her own person) and the walls. Leah melted into the darkness no matter how slight it was, and she stalked Gabriella from the shade. It wasn't as though she meant to assassinate the angel (although if that was what she received an opportunity to do, it wasn't as though the redhead intended to pass such a chance up. The two mages had to get home, no doubt about it). She just understood that her falchion would only heal the Sabertooth mage for so long, and if they won here in the arena...? Wouldn't the angels have to recognize them as something other than demons and heal the foreigners who they had forced to fight this battle that had been so clearly unwanted?

    With an energy slightly fueled by her rage but not by a feeling of self-righteousness or indignance (that was... so against her core principles that she found it was easier to focus on the injured slayer than even debate upon that) Leah leaped at the angel and found herself plunging her High Imperial Daggers down towards the dark haired woman's throat. But of course it wouldn't be that easy. Her eyes narrowed as Gabriella barely dodged despite the fact that the girl had crept silently from the shadows, still under the cover of Unseen Movement. The angel must have known the game was up, because she stated something about light spells; the treasure hunter knew that the game was over, that her illusion was shattered. But not the Mist from the Bilgewater Falchion, and she requipped her Oriental Armor before she smiled sweetly at the angel.

    "Thank you for confirming that you used a holy spell, or a light spell," she murmured, her voice resounding from everywhere inside the mist and obscuring the origin of the vibrations and sound. The Mist was beginning to wane, and she could see the glow surrounding her weapons beginning to fade. It was time to use it. Without another moment of build up, Leah bent one knee slightly and pushed down hard against the ground with the ball of her foot. Then in one smooth movement, she shoved off and began spinning around in a swirl, throwing out blades of shadow that seemed to fly everywhere and be invisible but dark and malevolent at the same time-

    And then they all converged on the angel, who was unprepared for the assault. Her swords came up to block, but the blades phased straight through the metal and pierced through only flesh, divine in this case. Leah had managed to avoid vital organs for the most part even though it hadn't exactly been her intention not to kill the angel. But her Death Lotus, having not been interrupted, was perfect to end this battle that had dragged on far too long and had put the Sabertooth wizard in danger. Speaking of him, the emerald eyed girl Shunpo'd back over to his body, which was basically dead weight at this point, as soon as her eyes saw Gabriella hit the ground with a soft groan and the expected thud. All that had been needed was to figure out how her spells work and how to dodge them... thanks, Mashyuu, she thought.

    The Mist finally cleared, and the girl was left staring at the crowd and listening to their silence and simultaneously, their heavy breathing. It was full of anticipation, and when the victor was revealed there wasn't a single angry shout before the crowd rose to their feet in a smooth movement. No cheers broke the solemnity, but she didn't feel like... an outsider any more. It was heaven, after all. Four angels emerged as the gates on the far side of the arena opened, and Leah tensed even though it turned out that all the fighting was well and done now. Since everything was though, and the fact remained that the two mortal mages had been definitely put in peril by the rash assumption that they were invading demons, Gabriella saw fit to teach the two of them a bit of magic after she had recovered and Mashyuu had too. She even gave the redheaded mage an odd drink, that tasted a bit like goat's milk but left a tingle down her spine and somehow had the girl thinking more carefully about everything that had happened in the recent adventure; it made it like a learning experience.
    And that? That was worth it all, even if everything else was not. (But it was).

    8797/8500 Words. Mission complete.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:55 pm