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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)


    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 25th March 2017, 5:04 am

    Job Approval: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t18652p925-sign-up-for-jobs#289310

    Deep within the forgotten desert was something rather out of place… it was a guild ship to be exact. It wasn’t an ordinary guild either, it was the guild known as Golden Phoenix: Fiore’s finest treasure hunting guild there is! Well… in the eyes of the mage known as Summer Guiyang, it most certainly is. This was the guild that she has chosen, and it has treated her well so far, she came from being D rank and now she was an A rank mage along with Astrid and Hero, fellow A rankers. Plus, Hero is still mentoring her on lessons of being a mage, even if Summer feels she is perfectly capable to do so herself… Now that she thought about it… he would probably be checking out her fighting skills once more to see if she has improved greatly or is still shitting around, knowing Summer herself, she would probably see herself as improving slowly. It was all baby steps after all and nobody was really perfect when it came to fighting, which is what is expected.

    The guild ship landed slowly onto the desert sand and out popped Summer with 2 sacks in each hand and a few pouches which is strapped on her knees, the fireworks expert was ready to scrounge every piece of jewel the place had, it was indeed going to be an exciting time for Summer, and she was sure that all the others will be excited too. Along with Summer came a decent amount of guild members, new and old, various ranks and of very different magics, which she is sure will all come handy in one way or another!

    “Okay! You guys can come out now!!!” The fireworks expert shouted as she looked around the sandy area, the winds were blowing lightly, but it was really refreshing at the same time, allowing her ebony hair to dance around lightly between themselves. “When we are ready, we can start searching, hell yeah!”

    OOC: we got 14 people here, so we are each going to post once and then we will see how it goes for posting order, we will post order in the way people post x) Just have fun and go wild, I will do the dice rolls to keep it clean! GL GUYS AND HAVE FUN!

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Words: 330
    Total Words: 330/2150

    Dangerous Games - 25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.


    [color=#42f483] Summer - [color=#930d0d] Laysha - [color=#daa520] Stella - [color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla


    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Yuvon 25th March 2017, 7:08 am

    The scariest dreams... are the predictable ones.
    … Shen had taken the best time to have a small nap, just when the ship took off. It was quite the event that he was going in now; utilizing the giant guild ship for the first time, almost the entire guild’s amount of members had taken the journey with him and Summer-senpai to the strange deserts that were hiding whatever secrets beneath the sandstones. However, the ship took off all the way from Phoenix Mountains, and as their journey began, Shen wanted to collect some energy by taking a nap. As the ship just took off from the ground near their nice, great guild, Shen moved down to the inside of the ship, passing a few guild members with a nod as his greeting, before settling at a dark place where the sound was calm, quiet, and the air was fresh and just perfect for rest…

    The ship had reached its destination, which Shen realized during his easily summoned dream. Waking up with a hand onto his left eye, he looked around with a quiet, worried face, before settling his mind again. They just showed up at the desert now, nothing major happened just yet. However, what he saw would soon appear at any time, so he had to prepare for the event. He stood up and quickly leaped out of the ship, holding the kwan dao on his left hand and the Bāo Lēi sword on his right. His red eye scanned the vacuum that filled the empty desert, while searching for his vision. “I know where it is…” he mumbled to himself…

    ||HP: 200||MP: 100||

    ||Tag: @Salrynn||Words: 265/2150||Notes: N/A||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP



    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 189
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    Experience : 1462.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nu Wa Force
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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by YoungBridge 25th March 2017, 7:27 am

    Fenghuang was probably the one in the ship making a whole lot of cheering noises, her first treasure hunt, as a Golden Phoenix member! Fenghuang dreamt of a day when she could join the treasure hunting party and here she is now! Even better, she did not need sacks! Fenghuang could easily conjure paper to hold her jewels and treasures and send them back to the ship easily. Fenghuang bounced around and did cartwheels and somersaults at the bottom deck before she squealed at the sound of Summer's voice. Fenghuang quickly bursts forth from below and rushed towards Summer and hops circles around her as she said in paused words.

    "THIS. IS. GONNA. BE. SO. FUN! WOOT!!!" Fenghuang then does a backflip and then a frontflip and then a dive rolled and a cartwheel backwards. The young mage could not contain her excitement as her pony tail flapped in the wind along with her dress. Fenghuang's huge fans were crossed on her back as she waited for everyone to get ready. But then she could not. Typical Fenghuang. Fenghuang literally ran back down, and ran back up, then ran back down again as her endless amount of energy took hold of her. The girl then finds herself back with Summer again and cheering around Summer before tripping and falling flat on her face. The girl gives a thumbs up to show that she is okay and fine. How does Fenghuang have all the energy? Even the girl herself does not know how in the world she could contain that kind of energy within her like she is a hyperactive child. Fenghuang rolls to face the sky and sighed.

    Word Count: 278


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 25th March 2017, 7:39 am

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Astrid would have been excited about this adventure just like the rest of the guild... If it was not for one minor problem.
    The slayer wobbled out of the ship just behind Fei, grasping tightly onto one of the safety rails beside her, her face colored a sickly shade of green. Motion sickness, the one illness all dragon slayers beside the sky slayer suffered from. It could make even the toughest one of their kind falter as soon as their stomach turned. Astrid was no stranger to it. Having the train as one of her only sources of traveling long distances she suffered this on a daily bases with no sort of medicine or magic to this date able to cure it. And even now, after suffering from it constantly, it never made the eventuality of it any smoother.
    Feeling the world around her spin the ace fell forward onto the metal bar, having suddenly lost her strength to a wave of nauseating sickness. She let out various pitches of ghastly moans as she hung there, completely motionless.
    Wolfgang, who hovered next to her with his feathered wings, used a paw to rub the dragon slayer's back softly, it being the only thing he could think to do to help her.
    "How do you even get motion sicknessh on da guiwd ship? It doesn't even go dat fast." In response all the exceed got was another moan.

    "Kill me."
    How inconvenient that this had to happen while on a guild job. She surely wouldn't be back to normal for a while now unless one of her guild mates had a solution to the problem. And out of all of her jobs up to this point, this was one mission she needed a clear mind for. She was looking after all her guild mates after all. As a ace, it was her duty. If she couldn't even move how was she going to protect them?
    324/2150 ● @tag ● notes


    Hero Yamamoto
    Hero Yamamoto

    One Punch Man

    One Punch Man

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hero of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 539
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Elyx Reiaki [Previous]
    Experience : 66,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Conqueror
    Second Skill: The War God
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Hero Yamamoto 25th March 2017, 11:53 am

    Hover over the image below!


    Current HP: 800 / 800
    Current MP: 100%
    Word Count: 313
    Total Word Count: 313
    WC Requirement: 2,150
    Comments, Concerns, Etc.: This is sample text. There is a sidebar that will allow you to scroll through any/all information placed in this section.

    Hero had received word of today's excursion three days ago over an intercom while he was eating. The giant wondered when exactly something like this was going to happen, and now that the time had finally come, he was extremely excited. Of course, treasure was not of any importance to him personally. However, most members of this guild did have interest in such things; as an Ace of Golden Phoenix, it was his duty to watch over all the young members in Elyx's stead. To protect. That was Yamamoto's desire which pushed him constantly to reach new heights in this world of Magic. Unfortunately, the man was running late to said event which was extremely rare in his case considering he hated being late to anything. Luckily, he managed to catch up to the gigantic guild ship before it reached its destination; when the ruins were in sight, Titan elongated his stride and after a few moments pushed off the ground with enough force to propel him all the way to the front of the entrance, near where the ship began to halt. His landing made the ground beneath his feet shutter and crack.

    Hero sighed in relief as he was able to make it just in time to meet up with the rest of the group. The first to come down was his student, Summer Guiyang, whom was carrying several pouches that were likely meant for whatever treasure was inside. Following her were a few members he had not met yet. Then following them was Astrid Foss whom looked rather sickly. Being a Dragon Slayer must have been a real pain in these sorts of times. The giant walked over to the young lady and stretched out a hand toward her.

    "It has been a while, Astrid. Allow me to carry you on my shoulder a while until you regain your composure."

    © Coding done by Hero Yamamoto


    " 戦争が来ています。そしてそれが起こると...人生は死を切望するでしょう。"
    "War is coming. And when that happens... life will yearn for death."
    Job Slots: 3 of 6
    D - 8C - 1B - 1A - 4S - 210Y - 0100Y - 0
    The Great VaultTemplate † Main Theme †  Hero's Voice †
    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) RkPDiNE
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 25th March 2017, 3:19 pm

    The second mission that Alex was going to embark on, under the title of a "Golden Phoenix" mage. This would not only be fun, but also fill his pockets with money, hopefully, to pay his bills and maybe give himself a little extra for more than basic life expenses. Ah, that was the one thing that the mage didn't account for, the one little word: he. Having only met one person in the guild, Astrid, the mage hadn't gotten to tell others about his gender, or rather genders. One day he could be female, the other male. When he didn't tell others beforehand, they could possibly mix things up, and with many people embarking on this job, Alex was sure at least one of them was bound to. But that was no problem at the moment, because this could be time for Alexander to make his prowess in tactics evident to others. There were many of them, above 10 for sure. He didn't do an exact headcount, having drifted off to deeper sleep than usual before getting to, but regardless he knew there'd be mages of varying strengths and weaknesses, and the sooner he found these out, the sooner he could create a plan, should battle ensue. Knowing his luck, it most likely would. The one drawback is that many of the higher ranking mages might not take his tactical advice, as he was just a simple D rank mage and he hadn't had much time to prove that he was a sound tactician, so this plan was a double edged sword. Either he'd be known as the strategist he was, or he'd make a fool of himself. But that wasn't exactly a problem, instead just an annoyance.

    Before arriving at the Forgotten Desert, Alex was asleep, as usual, but unlike normal this wasn't his "aware" sleep, instead he was fully inside his dream land, exploring the doors that were seemingly neverending, giving Alex more insight on his own mind. It was a meditation practice, so to speak, and Alex never got tired of doing it, with no pun intended. With him being in such a deep state of sleep, he almost didn't realize the guild ship stopped, and that they had reached their destination. That was, until he started having vivid dreams of a loud yelling voice screaming about how awesome this was going to be. If this person was apart of the guild... which they most likely were... Alex would have to distance himself from her. He couldn't stand overly noisy people. So, exiting through the giant doors that said "real world," Alex got up, and gpt from below the deck and went above, to get off the boat behind Astrid. The nice, smooth breeze was good, considering they were in a sandy place and anything more than a light breeze would be too uncomfortable, but the sun was shining and there was still a desert's worth of sand, so Alex just put up his hood to the jacket he always wore, and awaited everyone to be ready.

    Last edited by Shipping Goddess on 26th March 2017, 6:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) M7mHyEw
    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) CKWpl03

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by kittykool75 26th March 2017, 1:18 pm

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The eighteen year old sat silently, his crimson eyes staring forward at nothing in particular considering he didn't have the ability to see. So to him all he saw was, well, nothing. Sitting on the boat, in a corner off where hopefully nobody would bother him during the end of the trip to the Forgotten Deserts. And to his luck, nobody did, which was a nice change of pace. I guess nobody besides his sister and maybe one or two other from the guild, knew who he was, and since they were to busy conversing among themselves or taking a nap or some other thing that made them not talk to him. Which he was grateful for. It was bad enough that he was here in the first place, his sister suggested him to tag along with her on this Guild Scale Job. I guess figuring it was a good way to get him out of the house and talking to people. Which you could probably assumed by now, he dislikes doing, being the rather antisocial person that he is. But he had a hard time saying no to his elder sister, so here he was now. Almost immediately when they got on the boat Astrid got pulled away to talk with other people, so he just drifted away from everybody else to hide in the shadows or somewhere else he would feel at home. Though not that his elder sister could really hang out and talk to people once the boat started moving, due to her extreme motion sickness. A con of being a dragon slayer Lucius thought.
    He turned his head towards the sound of the Ace of Moonstone's voice, listening to her speak, after she finished everybody started getting of from the boat. The dark mage released a sigh from his lungs and stood onto his feet, leaning heavily onto his cane to help him stand up onto his long legs. Though he stood, he waited for the large crowd of twelve or so people to get moving, then starting to follow behind afterwards. Apparently people were expected to do teamwork when fighting, which was something he wasn't looking forward to. He just hoped he could last this whole job without getting the urge to kill himself from to much social interaction from annoying people of the guild he was in. Not that I'm saying everybody in the guild is annoying, no, I'm just saying Lucius hates people and talking to them in general. So he just finds it as a big irritation, and would nowadays like to be locked up in his room at his sister's house doing nothing. Besides, maybe, drinking a cup of nice, warm tea. He heard a voice speak his sisters name, and out of curiosity he looked over to see who it was. Just someone he didn't know, offering to hold her. Which immediately made him angry, but he kept it to himself, which was hard for him to do. So he ended up just glaring at the man from afar, figuring it wasn't wise to pick fights with people strong then him. Or just in general.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    526 2,150

    Last edited by kittykool75 on 27th March 2017, 9:53 am; edited 2 times in total


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 558
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Kiah Lake
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 26th March 2017, 5:00 pm

    When it wasn't necessary to communicate, Leah preferred to simply stick to herself, and so she had.  For the entirety of the journey here, the redhead had gawked as subtly as she could at the sights available as one flew over Fiore.  Having joined the adventurous guild only a few weeks ago, the mage was still unfamiliar with the beauty of the Phoenix Islands, and seeing it from above only heightened her astonishment.

    Pulling herself together as best as she could, the girl glanced discreetly around the ship, taking note that although most of the members had situated themselves closer to the exit (or entrance), a few had been like to her and gone off to be fairly alone.  One guild mate, with dark hair that was striking against his fair skin and red eyes, seemed to be a possibly interesting person to talk to.  Then again, what member of Golden Phoenix had she ever met that was not interesting?  Second guessing her decision to go over and strike up a conversation, Leah let the lull of inactivity she had fallen into continue.  There were a admittedly breaks of it when her eyes alighted on a particularly fascinating or staggering view and had to whip out her iLac to use a downloaded photography app-- but those were few and far between.

    Finally the ship landed; although the view had been nice and the company adequate (if a bit lonesome), Leah was most excited for the actual treasure hunting.  It promised plenty of jewels for everyone, so long as one lugged around sacks to tote their treasure in: a situation that the ReQuip wasn't used to due to the ordinary flexibility of her storage based magic.  But she would manage.

    A half-smile crept up on Leah's face as the resident fireworks expert seemed to almost explode out of the ship, shouting encouragement to the other members.  Following the other members and hopping off the ship herself and onto the soft sand, so warmed by the light of the sun that she swore she could feel it through the soles of her boots, the redhead stretched momentarily.  The heat here felt good to her bones.  As she double checked that the empty sacks were secured to her belt, ready to be pulled loose and filled with treasure at the first opportunity.  Not knowing exactly how the mission would work, the girl decided to tag along with the rest of Golden Phoenix.  If she stayed near the middle of the group and didn't wander off too much, hopefully she would survive to enjoy all of the treasure the group was hoping to discover.  After all, there were said to be strong enemies here...

    450 Words, 450/2150 Words.

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Fan Art Contest Participant- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ensō Catalyst
    Position : None
    Posts : 617
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Shizuo Hyouga [Primary] | Kimigiku-hime [Secondary]
    Experience : 9,600

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Renegades of Rebirth
    Second Skill: Ballad of the Battlebow [ WIP ]
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Terith 1st April 2017, 9:50 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    He'd never been the sort to avoid human interaction as much as he did then, aboard the grand ensemble of the guild's ship that housed nearly half of its members. The vibrancy of the others somehow managed to stifle him and his white-washed figure, beckoning to Torian's urge to retreat into solitude elsewhere, anywhere, apart from where the crowd gathered. For a good majority of the trip, he'd seat himself comfortable atop a lone barrel, eyes idly glossing over the scenic blue sky that came free with their boarding of an airship of that magnitude. At times, the vagabond opted to watch the others go about their own dilly-dallies, mulling over the diversity of member base before slinking back away, wondering if it was even right to be part of everything after his stunt in the months prior.

    Soon, the airship slowed into its descent, a foreboding heat nipping at his skin that drew sweat to bead over his temple. Torian tugged at the material of his hood, nudging it down further, intent on casting a shadow over the gold in his eyes as the members cue their exits from the ship's deck to the sandy land beneath.

    His coat was unbearably hot for the climate presented, but the loss of his memories accounted for him hesitating to showcase his more natural appearance around people he hardly knew, and hence forced him to favor his 'other' persona in place of his usual one. Besides, Torian only recently began involving himself with the guild after he fled unknowingly - not many would notice the difference, much less his presence there.

    The topic of their destination, however, automatically prompts his distaste for deserts in general. Sand, he thought, was by far one of the most tedious of land surfaces to navigate, and his time as a vagabond did little to enlighten the burden posed by what was to come for him and the guild that day. Fortunately, what did manage to quell the impeding bore of the Forgotten Deserts was a chance at treasure, which was where the guild's namesake was funded on - and that piqued his interest up an considerable amount, just enough to consider tagging along, that...and one other reason.

    Gold eyes flickered over to the bubble of energy that was one of their Guild's Aces, Summer, who's enthusiasm hadn't dampened in the slightest. Going as far back as simply boarding the ship, Torian noted her energy with a slight grimace, though it was hardly directed at the girl but rather...it was aimed at himself. How he managed to gain her attention for the past few weeks was beyond him, but it seems the 'him' before the amnesia had a history with the fireworks handler, which was allowed him to keep small ties with her, thinking that being around her person could jog his memory.

    But...for honesty's sakes, with so much sparkle and glow encasing her world, it was hard to find a place for himself in it.

    'Getting so negative on the get-go doesn't suit you.' his origin spirit said, the low hum of his voice suggesting that he was serious and not balancing over poking at his ego and jesting. 'It's not so bad to work with a group...you've been far too alone for a few months, a little fun won't hurt.'

    The swordsman breathed a sigh, opting to follow last as Summer urged the group to disperse, 'That's what you said last time.' he said, recalling the events that generated ruins in Navrick's castle, 'And I ended up not being much help there, either.'

    'That was your fault for being so hesitant.' the spirit's existence fluctuated slightly, appearing irked and frustrated at the same time, 'If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the girl who invited you here in the first place.'

    Torian spared Summer a glance from the far side of the crowd, the distance in between causing unease to rise up his throat, '...Fine.' he said, the word ensuring the spirit's silence and his feet leaving the confines of the ship.
    out of character commentary
    0681 words
    681/2150 words | appearance guide | x.x god...spelled desert wrong several times.
    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 80
    Guild : Crystal Swan
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 168.75

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 2nd April 2017, 3:55 am

    A familiar little girl came beside Astrid, "Aunty Asty you look greener then a bunch of greenn beans on a plate" It was Shizuka who was one of them meembers of Golden Phoenix which she was the youngest one being only 9. She had joined cause her dad let her stay with his best friend, Astrid Foss, to help her learn her magic and to help her learn much from their guild to help her out. Right now she was more worried about her aunty who was green like ill green "i dont think shes doing well Kit Kit" she said referring to her Aunties exceed whas question why Astrid was getting so sick from the ride alone.

    As Astrid talked with her exceed Shizuka adjusted her backpack on her back and her bag she packed full of supplies in case she and the guild needed them over the trip on this large scales job, that included bandages, water bottles even some no perishable snacks to eat on the way incase anyone had gotten the munchies and wanted to chow down. But also what caught her attention was that there was just...sand, enormus amounts of samd as she blinked tilting her head, luckily she was wearing a t-shirt and khakis in the deserts heat but her jacket was in her backpack, but where were they? She had never been to the Forgotten sands and them randomly landing she was more confused on where they were, or were this treasure was at. Soon turning back to the exit port of the ship Shizuka hopped back and hollered for Summer using her nickname she had for her "Hey mizz knockers where are we at but where is the treasure too? she holloered opening and so nonchalantly too at that, that nickname has stuck since Shizuka joined the guild one day.

    (Woed count: 304/2150)

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 3rd April 2017, 5:33 am

    Soon, everyone plopped off from the guild ship and are now safely on the sandy floor that the desert provided the group of phoenix’s that were there to search for all the treasure that the place kept hidden from their grasp. Summer was determined that she would find all the treasure though, along with everyone that has decided to bring themselves out along with her for this place of discovery, it was indeed going to be a great time!

    First plopped out Shen, then Fei came out as hyperactive as ever (which didn’t worry Summer in the slightest as Summer can be like that herself.), many more came out, even Hero was out and offered to help Astrid, poor lass. She was lucky that Hero was there, because she wasn’t sure if Astrid would feel comfortable with having Summer carry her bridal style again like she did last time. The last time that was done was when Astrid and Summer went to a ball together… it was indeed a night to remember for the fireworks expert.

    Looking around, she glanced over at the man who seemed to be looking at her… it was him, that presence was all too familiar and she smiled at that fact… it was quite lovely, if she was to admit himself. That attention seemed to drift away to something else entirely… A certain young lady called her ‘Mizz Knockers’ and oh lordy, it wasn’t that fun to hear.

    “We have to search for it! It won’t get handed to us now, will it??” Summer questioned enthusiastically. It was clear that the fireworks expert was ripe and ready to start searching.

    “Is everyone ready to search?! I know I am! TIME TO PARRTTAAAYYYY!”

    OOC: So we have a few people who couldn’t post in time or dropped out because of life clashing. While I understand this, this does mean that our word count is increased x) I will be posting every Monday, which I hope gives EVERYONE INVOLVED time to post x) If everyone posts early I will make a post quicker than anticipated however unless its on the 8th and 9th April.


    Astrid Foss
    Hero Yamamoto
    Shipping Goddess
    Leahndr Aspont

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Words: 287
    Total Words: 617/3000

    Dangerous Games - 25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.


    [color=#42f483] Summer - [color=#930d0d] Laysha - [color=#daa520] Stella - [color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla


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    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Yuvon 5th April 2017, 10:55 am

    The scariest dreams... are the predictable ones.
    Shen looked over at Summer-senpai’s declaration for the search to begin, reminded of a certain ’hype’ in someone else. He had the urge to ask about the specific treasure once again, but something held him back from doing it. Perhaps it was that again… the prevention from getting the slightest mad at her, which kind of stood as an obstacle for Shen’s typical rages. Speaking of rage, Fei’s call ringed in his ears like the shouts from an elephant, in which he cleared them off afterwards. His teeth even gritted a little…

    Astrid, the co-commander, found herself in quite the situation of having the motion sickness affect her. This was a ship, after all, and ships were pretty much included in the list of transport vehicles that slayers, apparently, were unable to ride without the stomachache of their days. She was soon helped up by the large, bald Ace of their guild, Hero, in which Shen let go of his view and left her in his hands. Alexis appeared as well, just as sleepy-looking as ever. Shen began wondering if the boy ever did an action fully awake and conscious… that must’ve been the case. Otherwise, how could he come so far?

    Lucius and Leah showed up next, and Shen’s red eye scanned them all. It was just before he dared making it light up because of the strength in his ‘gaze’. Then there are only…, he thought as Torian and Shizuka appeared as the last ones. Finally, he found them all and remembered their faces once again before turning towards the desert. Treasure hunting. That was the main objective and life of those with the Golden Phoenix tattoo, wasn’t it? He grinned a little by the declaration, before holding a hand over his left eye. Letting the red orb light up, he began seeing visions… a giant... something... before him and someone else… approximately with many entrances… and his vision broke by the pain that appeared. “Tsch!” He quickly covered his eye and acclimated. A temple, perhaps…?, he thought, while looking into the horizon of the farthest points of the desert… on Hero’s shoulders, standing up and having a good view from up there.

    ||HP: 200||MP: 100||

    ||Tag: @Salrynn||Words: 365 + 265 = 630/2150||Notes: N/A||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP


    Lacey Botticelli

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Player 
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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 5th April 2017, 2:31 pm

    Loners were people too. Even if Leah thought she could survive psychologically with just the barest minimum of social interaction, she was quite wrong. In the end, humans were dependent on each other and by filling in the gaps within their own personalities, they could overcome... the girl thought about her prior experience with her fellow mankind.

    They had judged her harshly as soon as she stepped into the Neutral Grounds.
    They had turned dozens of people into zombies purely for the sake of one life (and that life wasn't even rescued in the end).
    They had abandoned people for fear of catching the plague.
    They had murdered the ones who had placed trust in their hands.
    They had separated two young lovers and driven them eventually to their deaths.
    They had lied to their dates and partners and run away from saying the truth.
    They had killed cupcake shops belonging to innocent redheads.

    But in the end, there were no worries, of course. Because of the evil nature of human beings, at least in Leah's opinion, their saving grace could only be love. Especially because oh boy, was Golden Phoenix a nice place; full of love it seemed to be today as well. The redhead doubted that she had been the only one to catch the glance that flitted from swordsman's eyes to rest on the fireworks expert. Similarly, the answering smile was honestly one of the most lovely things she had seen in a long while. Of course, that was only barring the adorable picture from earlier of the guild's resident Ace of Diamonds offering to assist Astrid until the motion sickness that hindered all slayers passed. It was a cute picture in her mind, but then a slim boy with spiky, dark hair clambered onto Hero's shoulders and the moment passed from her mind. Well, she had always pictured beautiful relationships as involving two people but it could still happen but romance wasn't always the option! Treasure hunting did just fine at times, and that was exactly what the group was here to do. Following Summer's lead, the emerald eyed mage threw her hands up in the air above her head, requipping two daggers as she moved so that they flew up out of her grasp. Hopefully nobody was flying over top of her or that they were good at dodging if they chose to try doing so. In the case of nothing interfering, Leah planned to let the daggers fall back in the opposite hand that they had emerged from like a cool trick. Tryhard.

    879/3000 Words.

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 5th April 2017, 5:02 pm

    And while you are sitting indoors
    waiting for the storm to pass
    I will be outside dancing in the rain

    Wolfgang ceased trying to comfort the slayer when Hero offered his hand to her, hovering backwards to give the blad man some room to interact with the girl. Recognizing the voice Astrid lifted her head slowly from the railings, and though with blurry vision, stared up at the taller man. It has indeed been a while since she last saw or spoke with the giant. In fact, she couldn't quite remember when exactly the last time it was... Curse her horrible memory. Either way it has been a while. And though she was delighted to see him again and by his will to help, she wished it wasn't when she was in such a sickly state. Being too prideful for her own good the silvernette shook her head, which was a mistake as the slight movement only made her a little more dizzy. "N-No, i'm fine. See? I'm a-already feeling better."
    Releasing her hands from the iron bars Astrid slowly rose into a straight posture, pushing a soft smile onto her face, trying to show him she was in no need for any help and that she could handle herself. But it only lasted a few seconds. Only a moment later the slayer was face-down on the ground, her eyes swirling comedicly while she let out groans of discomfort, feeling the world around her spin.

    Wolfgang sighed, annoyed with the musician's prideful nature. One of these days he swore she was really going to get into trouble with it, when she really needed help. Lets just hope that day never does come...
    His baby blue eyes met Hero's. "If you want puke on you den feel fwee to help hew." He warned the mage, not forgetting the last time he had helped the slayer in this state... Lets just say that was the day he took ten showers and it still wasn't enough to get the smell off.
    642/3,000 ● @tag ● notes



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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by kittykool75 6th April 2017, 12:14 pm

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) HjYByyj
    Lucius Foss Golden Phoenix B-Rank
    I   c r e a t e d   a   m o n s t e r   a   h e l l   w i t h i n   m y   h e a d

    The dark mage proceeded to follow the crowd, though staying quite a distance away from them. Though stopped near the entrance, waiting for the scene between Astrid and this large bald man play out. He ignored all that passed him, just silently gripping his cane. He felt the heat bare down on him, it was annoying and almost intolerant, making him pretty irritated. He wore a lot of clothes to cover his sun sensitive skin, and of course all of it being black, the color he is most comfortable wearing. Even though he no longer has the ability to see what he wears anymore, or just see anything in general. So the heat from the sun was very attracted to Lucius, making him basically feel like he was boiling within his clothes. Not very pleasant if I do say so myself. He ducked his head down, his black bangs now shading his bright red yet blind gaze and extremely pale complexion as sweat poured down it. They've barely been in the desert for that long, and he was already like this. This journey was going to be a delight. He listened to the fireworks expert talk rather excitedly, telling them it was time to leave the boat. Like a young woman before, Summer's loud yelling irritated his ears. He rubbed them, growling in annoyance, why did they have to be so loud.
    Lucius then pulled himself away from his own list of problems when he heard his dear sisters voice, she didn't sound so good, despite her words towards the other Ace. Then proceeded to prove her discomfort and inability to do anything due to her motion sickness, by collapsing. That of which her brother could no longer tolerate being just an observer. He walked over, leaning heavily into his walking stick when he wasn't using it to prevent him from running into things. He knelt besides his elder sister, ignoring the people around her, or at least trying to. A young blond girl referred to her as 'Aunty', but he had no idea who she was, but decided to push that thought process away until later. "Astrid, I'm going to move you" the shadow wielder warned her silently in his slightly gravelly tone, even though he didn't really expect her to understand what he was saying in her current state of discomfort. He shot a glare in the direction of her little pet, but decided not to be bothered with it. He gently attempted rolled over his sister onto his lap, holding her head in his hand. No doubt this intense heat wasn't really helping her situation, but his large figure supplied a little bit of shade for the tiny silverette.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    978 3,000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Shizuka Hebi
    Shizuka Hebi

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Shizuka Hebi 8th April 2017, 2:52 pm

    Shizuka felt Lucius walk past her, truthfully she got an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach, like a frog was bouncing around it making her almost queasy feeling but as she saw him go over to Astrid she went over as well and flopped down beside Astrid and then took her hands and mushed her cheeks together before ya know just violently shaking her against Lucius's leg :tellme: as she frantically yelled at Astrid possibly making her swirly anime eyes probably worse "AUNTY ASTY ARE YOU OK! HOW MANY FINGERS AM I HOLDING UP! WHATS 2+2! WHATs YOUR MAGIC!"Shizuka was frantically spouting out random questions making it worse on Astrids motion sickness condition.

    Shizuka had a smaaaaaall tendency to over worry about situations and this was actually the first time she had seen her aunty deal with motion sickness before, and this sorta a big deal for her and she really wasnt taking it the best way possible, unlike Kaisto who was a dragonslayer like Astrid, so he could sympathize with her over the whole motion sickness, while Shizuka on the other hand was freaking the hell out and that wasnt good in a desert area underneath the hot blistering sun.

    Shizuka then got the bright idea as she reached into her backpack and then said "Here Aunty Asty! This will make you feel better im sure of it!" Shizuka then unplugged her canteen as she then pour some water into Astys face...thing is the water was ice cold so it was bound to get a reaction out of the dragonslayer....possibly lucius as well, but Shizuka didnt care about that, just for astrid.

    (word count: 276, Total Word Count: 580/2160)

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by YoungBridge 8th April 2017, 9:54 pm

    Fenghuang finally woke up. The nice feeling of sleeping under the sun as a cool breeze sweeps over the ship felt like prefect sleeping temperature and the hyperactive girl simply woke up to find. No one.
    The girl jumps to her feet and facepalms. Well at least the ship had not really really moved. Fenghuang then spots the others had not really gone so far. Fenghuang flips off and lands in the soft sand. Fenghuang could not help but kick some up. The girl however, did not really like the sudden temperature change to overwhelming heat. So Fenghuang cracks her knuckles and produces a slip and a chilling cold aura suddenly bursts forth and there Fenghuang stood stretching, a sheet of ice at her feet. Fenghuang takes a step forward and skates without actually skating around the group. Snow literally fell on the group as Fenghuang does figure skating before waving to make a nice beautiful ice sculpture of a phoenix. Fenghuang claps gleefuly before skating forward and providing the Golden Phoenix members a nice beautiful ice path for them to keep cool on.

    Fenghuang slowly skates about, minding mostly her on business when she realizes. Fenghuang is rather far out with no clue on where in the world she is. At least her ice path is still visible. Fenghuang then trips on something and face plants on the ice. The girl then looks are an uneven little hill in the sheet of ice. Fenghuang gives hill a kick before grasping her foot and mumbling constantly, pain ringing through her foot. Fenghuang then grabs it and pulls it out before blinking. It was a skull. Fenghuang paniced and literally flipped and crushed the skull with her feet.
    After the initial shock, Fenghuang inspects the skeleton.
    It seem to have said something along the lines of "I am stoopid" before the sand consumed him. The spirit is long gone so Fenghuang could not really ask it. But she did find a nice little map that has faded. Happily she waves it front of everybody, hoping to get their attention.

    Word Count: 348
    OOC: Sorry for the delay!


    RIP Character, it was nice making you:

    Hebisha - Weapon - Magic

    Hebisha Philosophy: "Oi of pot filthy!"

    All mighty cupcake by Leah

    Empyreal Sword

    Empyreal Sword

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Terith 8th April 2017, 11:26 pm

    it may sound absurd but don't be naive
    even heroes have the right to bleed
    A strange feeling began to swell in the empty spaces between his ribs at the smile Summer returned, unknowingly aware of his impulsive stare. His brow knits together in a crease over his forehead as he tries, if not in vain, to comprehend the emotion that grips his heart like a vice. In fear that it'd strangle him completely, he'd retract his eyes from the girl with the verdant green ribbons in her hair and finds interest elsewhere, among the crowd of members he had yet to better to know apart from face value - perhaps he'd kill time by becoming an observer of things. A creature of habit, nonetheless.

    A boy sat himself comfortable atop a giant's shoulders, the shadow the large man created a little overwhelming, though the boy appeared to use the new vantage point to his advantage. Off to one corner of the crew was a red-haired lady and her blades, brandishing them rather impressively as she set them free from her fingers. The swordsman would eye the uncanny shine that her action would generate with curiosity, making note of her skill before moving unto the next bit of color that attracted his eye - a frothy white maiden and her silver hair, which was a strong contrast to the man who carried her, his person drenched in an ecliptic black shade. Torian had already sensed the girl's...distress...aboard the ship, where the giant made an effort to quell whatever condition she had to make her look so wrecked. The two seemed to harbor a connection of sorts, judging from how easy it was for the dark-clothed man to hoist up into his arms.

    His expression tightened. It wasn't his place to form assumptions on someone else's affairs, and as if appalled by his thoughts, the swordsman moves to the next person, eyes glossing over to the tiny bubble of energy at the silver maiden's side. He didn't wish to question her presence there, being very young, and instead opts to watch her frantically manage the other's apparent dizziness with a variety of actions. Torian shifts his attention elsewhere when the little girl pops open a water bottle, hearing the sounds of pouring water and wondering, idly, who'd react first.

    Another woman began to retreat from the ship, somehow left behind for whatever reason. Needless to say, her exit had much...flair to it, Torian noted, brushing off the snowflakes that settled unto his coat. He'd pass a short chuckle as the brunette twirls and whizzes past them on a trail of ice, managing to surpass the group's initial pace to create a sculpture of what appeared to be a phoenix bird. Below him, the ice trail ceased to melt despite nature dictating that it should.

    Then, carefully, he'd see the girl tumble and slip, and he'd have assumed that she lost her footing or something of similar caliber...but to his pleasant surprise, the girl fumbled about to retrieve a skull in her trail, producing a map from the same space. The swordsman is prompted to raise both eyebrows in bewilderment. Was their quest supposedly far easier than the initial promise? He highly doubted that...but...

    'Let's just see how it plays out before getting to the assumptions, alright?' he heard the origin say, involuntarily coaxing a grimace from him.

    'Yes. Alright...' he said, to which the spirit would sigh and his existence would waver a little, sending ripples to rake the Chronicle in his head.

    'Would it kill you to smile, even just a little? You'd scare the others away with that frown.'

    Torian said nothing in return, shoving his hands down the empty spaces of his pockets as his figure slightly lags behind the circle of members.
    out of character commentary
    0621 words
    1302/3000 words | sorry this took so long....
    Hero Yamamoto
    Hero Yamamoto

    One Punch Man

    One Punch Man

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Hero Yamamoto 10th April 2017, 1:22 pm

    Hover over the image below!


    Current HP: 800 / 800
    Current MP: 100%
    Word Count: 288
    Total Word Count: 601
    WC Requirement: 3,000
    Comments, Concerns, Etc.: This is sample text. There is a sidebar that will allow you to scroll through any/all information placed in this section.

    Many things happened all at once. First, a young man known as Shen climbed up to the top of the giant and looked around. He didn't really mind since the person weighed pretty close to nothing in comparison to himself. Second, another young person clad in black clothing came to the side of Astrid and said he was going to move her. While that was fine, it was somewhat rude to not acknowledge anyone around him. This must have been that recluse, Lucius, he had heard about. For the time being his behavior did not matter but it would have been smart of the person to get his act together before they got started on today's event.

    "I'll leave Astrid to you then, Lucius. Ensure she and yourself do not fall behind. We'll be moving on shortly."

    His voice was laced with seriousness, but it was at the same time relatively relaxed. Hero was in job mode which meant he was focused entirely on the task at hand. With that, he left the siblings to their own devices and moved ahead of the group right around where Summer and another young lady were standing in wait. Yamamoto sighed and began to speak loudly enough for everyone to hear. It was about time to get moving, otherwise the day was going to run away from them.

    "Alright, everyone. Here's how this is going to go, simply. I will remain at the very front, Summer will be around the middle, and Astrid will watch the back when she recovers from the trip. Everyone else can fill in around us. Remember to stick together and be mindful of your surroundings. The greater the reward, the greater the challenge of reaching it."

    © Coding done by Hero Yamamoto


    " 戦争が来ています。そしてそれが起こると...人生は死を切望するでしょう。"
    "War is coming. And when that happens... life will yearn for death."
    Job Slots: 3 of 6
    D - 8C - 1B - 1A - 4S - 210Y - 0100Y - 0
    The Great VaultTemplate † Main Theme †  Hero's Voice †
    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) RkPDiNE

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 10th April 2017, 5:41 pm

    It seemed everything was going smoothly and everyone seemed to be doing fine, she guessed it was time for everyone to start searching in their own rights, but first, Summer needed to align them so she can keep up to tabs with them. She did organise this after all and she would feel bad if she lost some of the minors, like Shizuka for example. “Okay guys, keep yourselves aligned and stay close, we are going to start searching now!” Summer announced as she walked towards Terith, also known as Torian. There was so much that Summer knew about the man that he didn’t seem to know himself… it was… strange, if she was going to be honest, but there was nothing that either of them could do now. It was time to focus on the treasure!

    “You seem unsure, Torian, you ready??” She questioned the male under her observation as she then looked around to the others. “Don’t let the others bother you, if it helps, just stay near me or with the others, I trust them all, you will be fine for sure!” Summer had to reassure herself when it came to stuff like this and she wasn’t sure if she was doing a rather good job herself. However, she was trying her best and that was all she could do in all reality.

    Skidaddling away from her buddy, the fireworks expert turned around and took quite a few steps backwards before she surrounded her rosy lips with both of her palms and gave off an announcement of sorts whilst she was performing the step movements. “Okay guys! It’s time to get off your butts and time to get going! Hell yeah! FOR GOLDEN PHOENIX! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

    Summer turned around in swift movements while beginning to perform a few flips, she was so excited and she knew fine well that she couldn’t hide it at all. Why?? What’s the point in hiding something that shouldn’t be hidden among the greatest group of people you have possibly been around with?? There was such a mix of people here, all groups, genders, ages and magic, Summer felt close to quite a lot of them if she was going to be honest, it was quite lovely, and what's best?? It reminded her of the little village that she grew up in…

    Suddenly, the females thoughts were shattered into 1000 pieces the moment the zodiac child bumped into someone, crap, she should’ve watched where she was going, that wasn’t a fun thing to do… They also seemed really angry that Summer did such a thing in the first place… oops…

    “Step aside!” Summer grinned as she hid the sacks behind her back. Her mood completely changed however the moment she seen their weaponry and she backed off slightly, her dainty feet helping her in her movement process. Dropping off her sacks, she took something out of one of the pouches she was carrying and threw it into the air, revealing it to be a brass horse.

    “We got company guys!” Summer exclaimed as she hopped onto her horse, she didn’t know how the others were going to help, but she was going to RAM THEM ALL DOWN!

    OOC: there is no posting order, go wild! I am rolling 4 dice to see how it goes, don’t worry about not hitting them all, there's 10 of us… TEN!! This also means we have to keep in mind about the others >.> sharing is caring.

    (yes, i have a horse. No, I am not joking)

    HP: 440
    MP: 100%

    Words: 534
    Total Words: 1151/3000

    Dangerous Games - 25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.


    [color=#42f483] Summer - [color=#930d0d] Laysha - [color=#daa520] Stella - [color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla - [color=#e0a8ff] Bao


    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Guest 11th April 2017, 3:58 am

    Ripperino... I actually forgot the rolling, oops.

    If the roll is boss, its a strong roll x)

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by NPC 11th April 2017, 3:58 am

    The member 'Salrynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) StrongMonster Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) NormalMonster Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) WeakMonster Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) WeakMonster

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
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    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Yuvon 11th April 2017, 4:16 am

    The scariest dreams... are the predictable ones.
    Finally, everyone has assembled on the gold sand of the desert. Shen had a quick glance of the group, pretty large and ensuring each other as it befitted a guild. Astrid still seemed to have troubles with the vehicle, but as Lucius came to her support, it appeared to be under control. They couldn’t let their Guildmaster behind like that, anyway. This was, after all, a job between almost all the phoenixes in the guild, so each person was critical, whether it be an Ace or not. Hero, the large diamond who functioned as a watchtower for Shen at the moment, began walking ahead towards Summer-senpai and Torian. The latter was yet to be known more by the lightning wizard, but Summer-senpai filled a lot of his knowledge already. The only new thing about her was that she was a Guildmaster now.

    As Hero had proclaimed the formation and warnings of the surroundings, Shen took another look out at the desert. He could still make up a picture of that temple, in which some of the members would inevitably arrive. Whether if it was him or someone else was irrelevant. However, as far as his vision went, it was somewhere at the front direction, deep in the desert’s background. He could jump down Hero’s shoulder and accompany his dear senpai if he wanted to, but without wanting to admit it, it was quite enjoyable to watch the desert from up there. Their Ace was surely a tall being, it actually worried him when it came to how Hero would behave inside people’s houses and other places. The other Golden Phoenixes were assembling around the measurement that was laid earlier, in which Shen began to expect something. He didn’t see it in his vision from earlier, but it was just a hunch that someone else were going to assault them. The factors were quite clear; they were out in a desert, quite the empty desert if you exclude the giant ship that they brought with them. On top of that, the treasures that were rumored to overflood any treasure hunter would surely not be an easy task to achieve; obviously, other hunters would have a taste for the stories as well. Then again, they were like 10 mages present, so unless if it was as great as Hero made clear, then he didn’t worry too much.

    Summer-senpai finally gave out the call, but as soon as they advanced, trouble rose from the surface. A large group of treasure hunters were approaching the mages, along with another, smaller group and a last, even smaller group. Together, they seemed to outnumber the Golden Phoenixes, a situation that called for absolute efficiency from all of them. He quickly concentrated a fraction of his mana into his palm and clapped Hero’s shoulder, forming a small magic circle around the point of contact. “The treasure must be enormous, and for them to appear so early…” he mumbled, before dashing off of the Ace’s shoulder and landing behind Summer-senpai’s house as she suddenly prepared for a ram. The large group wasn’t hesitating in going in for a fight, but they couldn’t all just gang up on their Guildmaster, in which Shen stuck Báo Léi into the sand. Doing that, a field of razors and blades of various designs staggered the group with the purpose of flinching them for a brief moment, or at least enough to give his senpai and everyone else an opening to have the first strike…

    ||HP: 200||MP: 90||

    ||Tag: @Salrynn||Words: 630 + 582 = 1212/3000||Notes: I've boosted Shizuka's, Summer's, Terith's, Leah's and Lucius' speed by 25% with Raikusari. Attempt to flinch the enemies with S.W.O.R.D
    Lightning Chain:
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP


    Lacey Botticelli

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Lacey Botticelli 11th April 2017, 6:49 pm

    The redhead nodded slowly as the guild ace shouted some kind of battle plan to the group.  The howling of the wind (or maybe she was just used to hearing the resident fireworks expert scream things to them, half of it seemingly encouragement and the other half, orders to go do epic things), prevented her from fully being able to understand him.  Still, she got the gist; stay between the most powerful mages in the group.  After Astrid felt completely well enough to take the rear guard, that was.  Summer, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content to get revving right away, and she shouted as much to the guild as she walked into someone (scratch that, lightly slammed into someone).  Leah winced, but bruises seemed to be the least of the woman's problems, since there were people with weapons standing barely any distance away from her.  Fortunately, she wasn't a guild master for absolutely no reason, so the mage was assured that the woman would be fine.

    As for the rest of them, there were enough enemies to go around!  (Probably, unless their ace decided it would be fun to try to take them all out in one punch or something... woe to everyone around if that was the case).  Shen, another one of the guild members who she had seen around a little bit, seemed to take the initiative right away.  He immediately slammed his sword point down into the sand, and weapons seemed to just erupt from the soil.  Leah couldn't resist a laugh even as she realized her body was humming with energy, as though it was more ready to move than ever before.

    "Free weapons?  Where have you been all my life?" she wondered out loud jokingly, flashing a brief wink at the dark haired youth before yanking two serviceable blades out of the ground.  Wielding them with the same deftness she did her Imperial Daggers, she smiled at two of the treasure hunters who seemed to be about her size and maybe strength.  The girl had some reservations about just aiming to kill them outright; not only was it maybe iffy in front of all of these other mages, Leah also wasn't completely sure whether she wanted to enjoy herself fighting.  It really wasn't something the mage was prone to doing, but today could just be a day for exceptions.  She was treasure hunting and adventuring with the guild, after all.  

    Her decision made, the girl leaped at the pair of enemy hunters with a smile lingering across her face.  Unfortunately, she somehow slammed her pommel against the side of one's head (oops?) but the second, she engaged in close combat with.  It was refreshingly nice to just kind of block and parry for a while, but she soon figured that she ought to go see if something more productive (helping the other members, maybe?) could be done.  Jabbing the woman she was fighting in the gut, her opponent wheezed for air.  Leah took the opportunity to knock her out as well before she turned to glance around to see how everyone else was faring.  There was fortunately another treasure hunter staring off into what seemed to be space, but it ended up that he was watching one of his comrades fight a member of Golden Phoenix.  Shrugging to herself, the redhead kicked the back of his knee and said, "Hey!  Fight or something, don't just stand there, alright?"  She even went so far as to tap him on the shoulder with the flat side of one of her newly begotten blades.

    589 + 879 = 1477/3000 Words.
    So out of one group of weak enemies Leah is messing around with 3/10.  
    Oh, and she borrowed a couple blades, courtesy of Shen, but they'll disappear in a few posts.
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) Empty Re: Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job)

    Post by Shipping Goddess 12th April 2017, 8:30 am

    Noise... why must there be so much of it? The purple haired hooded, sleeping mage raised his fingers to his temples, getting a small headache from the sheer amount of noise that was bombarding him at the moment. Alex noticed quite a few things occur before the enemies appeared - Astrid was sick, and quite a few other guild members, including a FRICKIN GIANT went over to assist her. Apparently the giant man had some sort of authority, as he did seem to be calling the shots. However, it was the super loud woman in the front that gave Alexander his massive headache. Not only was she screaming her heart out... she was CONSTANTLY screaming her heart out. Did no one know that people are asleep? ...oh right, they didn't, considering how minuscule Alex's presence has been in the guild. He rather avoided the place, unconsciously, and just rather was there to get job forms. He did have his own place, of course.

    That was aside from the point, as after the start of the voyage, the cluster of magi ran into trouble. Figures, as that's how these things always go. You leave to have a goal set in mind, and someone tries to kill you. This must be how Nathan Drake feels... Well, they are essentially a giant band of mini-Nathans. Well... as "Mini" as you can get when you have a literal giant on your team. Regardless, the hooded figure decided now was a time to - HOLY CRAP DID THAT LOUD LADY JUST PULL OUT A HORSE?

    Baffled for a minute about the sudden emergence of the horse onto the battlefield, Alex had to shake off the feeling of discombobulation and replace it with determination. Running forward, next to some redhead that he had no prior communication with, Alex decided the best way to fight would be to fight those that either are as powerful, and if not only a small portion more powerful than he was. Therefore he deduced two swordsmen, one being roughly D rank, and the other probably C (I'm still RPing as a D rank mage in this thread). Therefore, should they not be as skilled as the strategist, this fight would be easy as cake. Taking a pair of stones from the ground and throwing them at the duo, the purple haired mage began to taunt, using that as an effective way to separate them from the main group that vastly outnumbered the Golden Phoenix mages. Alex knew he had help, but he'd rather... not... fight over 30 mages solo.

    "Come on, you're gonna let someone just throw a rock at you? Where's your manliness!? You're pride!?"

    As this was said, the world around Alex, in his eyes, began to melt away and be replaced with what looked like a sanctuary of sorts. This was one he knew all too well, the place that will drain his life force and convert it into mana. No problem, at the moment at the least, for the wizard as his vitality was up to its peak.

    The two men ran at the hooded dream mage, with one of them jumping and performing a downward slash, one that was easily avoided by the dreamer. Comatose or not, Alex returned in kind, kicking the man in the face, and sending him back a good yard or two.

    "Come on, it's simple strategy. Attacking with all your might leaves you open,
    should you miss!"

    The mage taunted, and this wasn't him being cocky - no, it was another tactic. Taunting makes your opponent fight more rashly, not caring so long as they get the fight out of the way. While the enemy will try harder, he will now fight as he just did, with heavy strikes that leave himself wide open. However, there was another one to deal with as well, and taunting... might not work on that one.

    Turning around seemingly intoxicated, the mage stopped a blow that would probably kill him, with the vertical slice that was going to be aimed for his head before all else. This was done by his hands catching the flat of the blade, however that also caused Alex to take a kick to the stomach in return. Seems fair, as Alex did in fact keep his life, however he did get a neat toy to play with... Or rather just do this -

    With the blade actually now in hand, Alex kept a solid grip on the blade, and used the kick to also gain the upper hand, snatching it from its flat out of the C ranked treasure hunter's hand. Alex then... simply chucked it, as far as possible... but not towards the other guild mates. Where that sword would go, the world may never know. Regardless, the D ranked treasure hunter got up, and was furious. Dashing forward towards the two, the man yelled and did a horizontal swipe, but that didn't meet the target he was hoping for. The blood of his comrade fell to the floor, as Alex simply teleported behind the man, before the strike connected. The C ranked treasure hunter groaned, and punched the D ranked man in the face, grabbing his sword for his own.

    "See! I told you! Don't use such heavy strikes!!!"

    Alexander taunted once again, which seemingly enraged the D ranked treasure hunter in the wrong way, instead of attacking Alex, he just... well... continued to attack his ally, punching him in the chest, but then receiving a heavier attack - a stab through the stomach. The hunter fell to the ground, motionless, the sand being stained red, although color wasn't a luxury that Alex could see, only making out the figures of the men as though he was color blind. He was asleep after all, and the world around him did look nothing like a desert.

    "We... can talk about this, right? I mean, I didn't cut you, did I? Don't take it out on the bystanders. We're just here for some trea-Okay you're not listening. Dream Make: BFH!"

    The mage said, as the purple circle appeared behind him, and two giant metal hands that mimicked his every move appeared behind him. The man with the sword continued to ferociously attack at Alex, sending wave after wave of wiffed attacks. Did these fools know that if you get angry, you don't fight at your best!? Alex was, at this point, simply not trying, only avoiding the attacks that could be detrimental to his health.

    "How about this one? Forward, Diagonal, Forward!"

    Alex took a step forward, utilizing one of his metal hands as a shield, which instantly broke into fragments of golden light. However, the other one connected with the man's chin, mimicking the attack of a world famous fighting game. The fist was held there for a minute, then raised to the sky with an explosive uppercut, launching the man twelve feet into the air.


    Alex panted, and then clutched his stomach, where he was kicked earlier. Blast, that hurt, but regardless, this was a battlefield, so the strategist needed to get back into battle. Should the tactician not engage in combat himself, what would be the point of being here? Grabbing the sacks off the ground that were discarded quite some time ago, Alex made his way further towards the other five of the group that he and Leahndr had started to take out.
    HP: 88
    MP: 92
    Effects: Cursed Sanctuary
    Spells used:
    OOC Notes: I don't have any at the moment... Position is closest to Leahndr?
    WC: 1750 total


    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) M7mHyEw
    Treasure Hunting (Guild Scale Job) CKWpl03

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:42 pm