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    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Rong Yuen
    Rong Yuen

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 元素密封
    Second Skill: 靈魂密封
    Third Skill:

    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames Empty Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Post by Rong Yuen 19th March 2017, 3:25 pm

    Job Information:
    Finbar Keefe, the man who had been famous for being dancing contests and happened to be the one that got Rong Yuen into them as well. Rong couldn't be any more happier then what she already was because now she gets to do something she loves to do for a way to enjoy herself and make money. While Finbar is always looking for a new contest for her to go to, while he was looking at one that was a dance contest where he told her that it was a costume dance. This had made her face light up with happiness because she looked both costumes and dancing so she really wanted to go to this one. "Lets go to that one! OH PLEASE! PLEASE!!" She had been so happy that she began bouncing up and down. With a lite sigh Findbar had slowly looked back Rong, "I'm sorry but it seems they had to shut it down due to all the undead around the site where the stage would fix." All the color in her face quickly faded away and she just stud there looking down at her feet in sadness.

    Then something had clicked in her head, "WAIT! What if I was to take down those things?" Finbar had blinked a few time before it hit him, "Oh yea! You're a mage as well as a dancer. Sorry about that Miss Yuen not used to working with someone so talented as you." He quickly got in contact with the host of the costume dance contest people and had spent awhile talking to them. "Alright, it seems like that would work so you ready to go clear the stage area?" All she did was squeal loudly and went back to jumping up an down, "Yes! YES! Lets go already!!!" Rong had rushed out the door without knowing where to go in the lest little bit, Finbar had to catch up to her quickly and guide her to the 'Silent Cemetery' within the 'Cursed Lands'. Witch had took quite a while to get there so he had her rest the whole way there so that she would have lots of energy to fight those undead monsters. Once they had got to the gates of the Silent Cemetery he woke her up. "We are here Miss Yuen, now this is as far as I can go because unlike you I don't have the ability to use magic or have any kind of real combat expertise to fight those undead that are out there. "That's okay Fin, I'll try to be as fast as I can so that we can make in time for the contest to still happen." Without time for Finbar to even say good luck she had already dart to the gate and went inside of the cemetery.
    Word Count #469


    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames 83bad410
    Plot People:

    Bloodline Demon:

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 46
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hourglass of Flames
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames Empty Re: Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Post by Tristian 22nd March 2017, 5:12 pm

    Tristian had been wandering around the dead and barren wasteland of the cursed lands all day. All around him was sand and smoking mountains. The trees were dead sticks of wood standing tall above the ground. There wasn't a sign of life to be seen anywhere. "Oh this is just fucking great," said the kid while he kicked a stone to the side with all the force he could put behind it. The guild had received a cry for help by clearing a cementary. The owner of the place was requesting for the souls of undead swarming the cementary. When Tristian had heard about the job he had smiled by the idea of 'Whack a skelly' as a job. The guild hall of Savage Skull was located in the middle of a graveyard so they did encounter undead soldiers all the time. The children had created the game out of boredom and it quickly became a huge succes. Thinking back now was fun and all, but he had to hurry before the job was done by somebody else. He looked up at the sun that was burning on his face and let out a sigh. He quickly increased the tempo o which he was moving forward and before he knew it he had arrived by the cementary. To his surprise it was crowded, and not with undead as he was expecting. These people were very much alive and the confusion was clearly visable on his face.

    Tristian walked up to the crowd of people and when he found someone alone alone at the side of the crowd he walked over to him. "I'm sorry, may I ask you a quest?"He asked kindly with a little smile on his face. "Good day young one, but ofcourse what can I do for you?" Said the man Tristian had spoken to. Tristian cleared his throat and went on "I got a message about trouble but the undead on the cementary, but these figures seem to be rather lively to be seen as undeads." The man looked up at Tristian and simply said "Ah. You must be Tristian.  follow me please," and he signalled that they were going to the left. Tristian didn't question and simply followed the old man with grey hair and a beard equally grey. After a few minutes of walking the man pointed to a place with an amazing stage half constructed. "What is that stage doing there? It's in the middle of a a depressing graveyard," Tristian said full of surprise. "That's where your job comes into the picture. Eliminate those and bring me their souls. Your partner will be there in a bit," the old man said with a slight smile and he vanished in the crowd again. Tristian didn't know what to think of this all. He walked towards the stage still with a face full of confusion but without fear. What was the worst thing that could happen after all. He looked around to see if anybody was looking at him and when he saw nobody in sight he pulled up his flames and vanished out of everybodies sight for a few seconds. When the flames went back down a 27 year old man stepped forward ready for battle. Tristian licked his lips and grinned "Let's go undead scum!" He yelled as he charged forward towards the main stage and blew a few of the undeads heads off.



    Outfit: Link

    Rong Yuen
    Rong Yuen

    Lineage : Demonic Carnage
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 元素密封
    Second Skill: 靈魂密封
    Third Skill:

    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames Empty Re: Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Post by Rong Yuen 25th March 2017, 4:12 pm

    Once within the very quite and creepy looking cemetery, Rong had stop running because she had got board of it. As it was very normal for her to be normal in any kind of way she had began to twirl her self around the place. "Hehe, Now this is more like!" She had began to enjoy her self more then any other people normally would while inside of a cemetery. After a good while of just twirling her self all over the way, "hmmm... where in the world did they said these undead being would be again?" This is what she gets for not waiting a moment before running off or not asking more question while she was on the way here.

    After what feeling like forever, Rong had finally be able to see this half built stage. "That has to be the stage for the dance contest to be held on!" She began to incense her speed of moment while she was twirling to get to were the stage was fast. As she had been on the way to the stage out of the counter of her saw and heard what was of flames but didn't seem like they were their long. Rong had stop her self puzzled at the fact that there were flames someone for such a short time and some how had just showed their self and then quickly went away like it was never there. "That was very odd... do things like this always happen in cemetery? Maybe the undead have some how found away to use magic? Is there someone else here trying to get ride of these things or making them to stop the dance contest from happening?" At the thought of someone trying to stop a dance contest had began to upset her so she had quickly returned to twirling fast towards the stage. While on the way there she could hear some very low an odd growls that didn't sound like any animal or best she had every heard of. As well as the sound of trees moving in the quick gust of wind that came from no where, followed by tree limbs an sticks on the ground breaking, the ground below her starting to move on its own, and shadows of human like things appearing just to the right of the unfinished stage for the dance contest.
    Word Count #397


    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames 83bad410
    Plot People:

    Bloodline Demon:

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames Empty Re: Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Post by NPC 25th March 2017, 4:12 pm

    The member 'Rong Yuen' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames WeakMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames WeakMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames WeakMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames StrongMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames NormalMonster

    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 46
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hourglass of Flames
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames Empty Re: Clearing the Undead off the Dance Floor with Ribbons and Flames

    Post by Tristian 10th April 2017, 4:59 pm

    Tristian was having fun with the undead beings as he was burning through them as if they were made of paper. His face was clearly showing his joy as he was showing a big grin on it. He was wondering what would happen if the stage would get set on fire but before he could even get close to it the ground started to shake llike crazy. The young man tried to keep his balance as a horde of undead knights stormed onto the stage and its surroundings. "Oh are you fucking kidding me?.. They wear armor?!" Tristian looked at the undead soldiers that were grouping for a rather organized attack. He started to look for weakspots in their formation but the front line seemed to wear a massive amount of armor. The man placed his feet firmly in the ground and with a quick and short sigh he started to go on what seemed to be a suicide charge. He knew that if these undead were wearing fire resistant armor that he would be done for but he simply couldn't worry about something as 'minor' as Death. He used to share a guildhall with Death herself so what was the worst that could happen.

    As the young guy charged towards the formation of undead knights he saw a girl in the corner of his eyes. She was twirling and clearly here for the dance contest the stage was ment for. He looked between the girl and the knights and decided to first go and help the girl to safety. The man stopped his charge and made a sudden turn and made his way to the young girl. Before reaching her he had to defend himself from a few stray undeads but in the end he reached her. "May I ask you why in the name of god himself you're twirling around on a graveyard with undeads that wanna eat you alive?!" He yelled at the young girl. He clearly was furious about the fact she dared to put herself in danger. Life was quite precious and she dared to go and throw it away. "Let's go somewhere safe.. I'll clean this mess up later." Tristian said as he started to walk towards the side of the graveyard. He looked behind him to see if the girl was following and as he did he forgot to watch his surroundings. The undead noticed this and charged at him like madman and he got swarmed and couldn't defend himself in time. The black cloaked man got pulled to the ground where he tried to burn his attackers with all his might.



    Outfit: link

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 8:44 pm