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    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo]


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] Empty Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 14th March 2017, 9:04 pm

    Job Info:


    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 15th March 2017, 10:22 am

    Petal Tempest Incoming!
    1035 words
    Status and Spells
    HP: 200/200
    MP: 90%
    Spells Used:
    Enchant: Momentum
    Apparently, when you won Fiore's Next Top Model, you don't get to go home right away and frankly, Hikari was sick of Rose Garden because nothing worth talking about ever happened. The city was secure and safe, all of the time so it was hard for people to attack or anything. Not that it was a bad thing, but when you are mage, you kind of want to be able to use your magic after a long five weeks of doing nothing but fighting through clothes. Hikari feels as though her sword skills have gotten rusty, and her magic hasn't been used in a long time, so she is feeling like she completely forgotten certain spells. She sighs as she looks up to the sky, clear blue with the sun shining down brightly over the city. Today, she had to go to a signing and she just didn't feel luck keeping up with this all publicity. For Pete's sake, she wanted to be helping people who couldn't defend themselves, not catering to those who already had it all. She's fine with doing it every now and again, but this was getting to be too much. Slowly but surely, Hikari made her way to where the signing was supposed to take place. It was around the center square of the city, so it was full of life, which made Hikari smile, knowing that all the people could enjoy peace. There was a rather large table out in the open and she sat down, thinking, I can already tell, she sighs to herself, this is gonna be a long day.

    Hikari smiles at the situation in front of her, trying to keep a happy profile up as she didn't want to seem rude to her now, apparently, adoring fans. There were some little children, that aspired to be like her and it was kind of endearing to see this but there were also fully grown adults, talking about how much they idolize her and it was kind of off-putting to see this. She sighed when she was able to get her water break. Why does it feel like being a model is harder than being a mage at times like this? When she got back to the table, one of the children was looking at the sky, eyes full of bewilderment. Hikari smiled at the small child, remembering when she was same, wide-eyed and innocent, wondering what the world has in store for her. She was lost staring at the wide-eyed child until a cherry blossom petal began to fall right in front of her eyes. She almost flinched at how close it came to her, but placed her hand out to catch it. The cherry blossom made a small burst of magical energy and she winced slightly, not really harmed by the burst but still feeling a stinging feeling in the hand that caught the petal. She looked up at the sky and her face dropped, there was a blizzard of petals now falling towards the center square and her eyebrows raised in worry. If one petal has those effects, what would this many petals do to the crowd. Quickly, Hikari yelled, Everyone! Please evacuate the immediate area! These petals are magical and will burst after a brief delay upon contact with a surface! Try to find cover right away!

    Hikari, at first, thought no one was going to listen to her and just ignore her warnings that about the impeding petal storm. But, being a celebrity has its merits and everyone listened to her words without fail. There was still unruliness within this dispersion of such a large group but they still managed to evacuate the area. That's when the petals began to hit the ground. Some of them burst into particles of magic, leaving marks on the pavement of the square but some simply, didn't do anything. They stayed on the pavement, just looking somewhat glossy with the way the light hits them. Hikari needed to find the root of this problem and began to walk in the opposite direction the wind was blowing today, because the petals that have fallen so far were carried by the wind. She was about to take a few steps but when she took the first one, she nearly fell with how slippery the petals were. She glared at no one in particular as she regained her balance, muttering curse words about how whatever is causing this will pay, preferably with their dignity. She places her hand on the ground, and a magic circle forms beneath her. The circle acts as a platform, which slides across the slippery petals of doom as Hikari smirks. Turns out that this day could be interesting for her.

    The square was evacuated, but most of the streets were still bustling with life. The vendors and people in the area didn't really notice the petals, even if there was enough to block out the sun in that particular area but no one was harmed thankfully. Hikari was walking around, searching for a hint of where these petals came from but there was no sign of the petals anymore. Could have just been a harmless prank, from some mage who knew a lot of people were in the area, but that would mean they would know Hikari right? Perhaps they were targeting her? As that thought passed by on her mind, she saw that the surrounding area was getting darker as if something was blocking out the sun. In this case, the guess was true! Hikari looked up at the sky, seemingly going to happen a lot today, and instead of seeing the bright clear blue sky, the sky was apparently missing as the only thing that was in sight now was a cloud of cherry blossom petals, similar to before. This time, the crowd noticed the sky and immediately began to panic, this only got worse when there was rumbling in the clouds akin to the sound of thunder. However, instead of seeing bolts of lightning, three men drop from the clouds in front of Hikari. Knowing that these men wouldn't want autographs, she smirks and unsheathes her sword and prepares for battle.


    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 15th March 2017, 8:30 pm

    Petal Tempest Incoming!
    1125 words
    Status and Spells
    HP: 160/200
    MP: 45%
    Spells Used:
    Enchant: Inferno
    Enchant: Blockade
    Enchant: Shatter (with Boom +5%)
    Enchant: Garrison (under the usage of Tracer)

    +50% to magical defenses
    Unlike Hikari, these three guys she was facing weren't out of practice so it was making this fight all the tougher. She was going to taunt them but then each of them sent out a wave of cherry blossoms and Hikari had to roll out of the way to dodge them. She cursed as the wave of petals passed by her. The petal blossoms from the sky continued to fall, becoming similar to a storm now. Hikari smiles as she stands up, sword firmly back gripped in her hand. She channels a magic circle into her sword and tosses it at the three men. They dodge it, laughing at her attempt to hit them. Hikari smirks as she places her hand in front of her, a magic circle forming on thin air in front of her. She smiles as she runs over to them, as they send more blasts of cherry blossoms in her direction. She dodges all but one of them which hits her head on, leaving in an explosion of petals that is hard to see through.

    Hikari smiles as the petals fall, revealing the shield made of magical circles surrounding the girl now. She gets as close as she can to the target's and whistles. Equilibrium begins to shake and releases itself from the ground, now levitating. When the sword lifted itself out of the ground, two shards of a magic circle now floated in the air. Hikari makes her move and runs closer to the enemies, tapping one of them on the back and placing a magic circle onto him. He jumps away to the sides of his allies and Hikari smirks, You guys make this way too easy for me. The shards of the magic circle from the sword and her now shattering shield fly towards the enemy and explode upon contact, surrounding the enemies in a swarm of leftover magical energy. She smiles as the mages are on the floor, knocked out from the impact of the explosive shards. She walks over to them, hoping to interrogate them but all that she got out of the men were incomprehensible groans of pain. She sighed as she watched the cherry blossoms continue to fall. How was she ever going to find the source of these cherry blossoms when the minions are draining her of her magical power.

    The petals were relentless as they fell, not even taking much of a break for themselves. Some areas of the city were getting blocked off with the amount of petals and people were being advised to stay inside of their homes, due to how slippery the petals are. Hikari has slipped about two times and now, her bottom feels kind of sore from the repeated falls. She is sitting in an area that was closed off due to petals falling. Hikari was thinking that the petals have been following her so her theory is confirmed of someone targeting her. Maybe, in that case, if she waits here, the person who is after her will face her here and she won't need to risk falling anymore than the amount of times she already has. Hikari smirking, since she knows that if the mage is able to keep up with her movements then they can probably hear her plan so she decides to taunt the cherry blossom mage in hiding. She continues smirking as she crosses her legs and places her elbow on her knee, leaning forward as her face presses into her hand, For someone who wanted to target me. You'd think you'd challenge me head on and not hide and let your lackeys do it. Hikari yawns to emphasize her point, It's kind of pathetic if you ask me. Just like your loss at 'Fiore's Next Top Model'.

    The petals stopped following for a minute and Hikari looked at the sky, clear blue. She chuckled, confirming her guess. She laughs out loudly, Seriously? You attack the whole town, just to get back at me?! If you were smarter, you would fight me directly. Hikari stands up and begins tracing a large magic circle. It was gonna take some time and with the way she was teasing the mage, she didn't have a lot of that to spare. She noticed that petals were now falling to block all entrance ways to the area that she was in. Sweet. Her plan is working so far and she just needed enough time to finish the circle. She was able to get half the circle down before the sun got blocked out. There was a giant swarm of petals and it was quickly falling down to the ground. Hikari tried to sketch more that she could before she had to dodge the falling meteor of petals. She sighed in relief as she made it out of the way. The petals spread out across the floor, it was almost like a tidal wave of petals. The surrounding area was surrounded with petals as Hikari worried for a moment, as she couldn't see her circle anymore. She looked around, and saw the petals near the center of the area she was in shaking, as if there was an earthquake underneath. She braced herself for something until all the petals flew up into the air.

    The mage turned out to be none other than the girl with the brown hair, the one who sabotaged her in the competition. Only to get knocked out of the competition that week. Hikari smiled, as the girl angrily yelled, You don't deserve the title of Fiore's Top Model at all! You are an amateur model at best! The only reason you won was because you were with Izumi! Hikari's eyebrows raised in surprise, Oh really? That's the reason I won? Not because I actually know what colours were black and white? The girl's face flushed with rage, and she ran to punch Hikari, who predicted the punch from a while away and began running around in a circle, sword drawing lines of the circle. After the petal mage finally realized what she was doing, the enchanter smirked as she snapped her fingers and pointed her sword at the failure of a model. So far, it's going all according to plan. I have enough magic to win this battle. So, keep dancing this dance I'm making for you, okay? Hikari smirked as the circle of magic underneath her and the enemy glowed with life. Hikari's body began to glow a soft blue and she could feel her magical protections being raised greatly while the girl across from her's magical protections dropped. Hikari pointed her sword at the girl and waggled a finger at her, taunting her to come get her when she was ready.


    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] QOmg1XE


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] Empty Re: Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo]

    Post by Lilium 16th March 2017, 12:48 pm

    Trump Card
    879 words
    Status and Spells
    HP: 100/200
    MP: 15%
    Spells Used:
    Enchant: Garrison (under the usage of Tracer and still active)
    Muramana (Activated)
    Enchant: Mirror (Being cast)

    +50% to magical protections
    Hikari grunted as a blast of petals hit her in the chest. Thank goodness that she had gotten up her magic circle or else that would have hurt a lot more. The cherry blossom mage was a little annoyed by the fact that her spells had barely any impact on her, Why aren't my spells completely obliterating you? You are all talk but you haven't hit me once since I showed up. Hikari heard her start mumbling an enchantment and smiled before saying, What? Do you really need to summon minions to take someone like me on? For someone who literally just had the saddest attempt at trash talking me, you'd think that you would be able to take me on by yourself. Or is it that your magic is as bad as your modelling career? That was the catalyst that broke the cherry blossom mage, her magic power flaring up around her. Her magical protections were still low and if Hikari could use that to her advantage she could win this no problem. Even if the problem right now was how she could be able to manage her mana in order to do enough to burst the girl with her magic. She considered what spells were still in her arsenal before the cherry blossom mage began to run up towards Hikari, cherry petals swirling around her fist. The enchanter didn't have enough time to dodge, so she used her sword to block the attack. The knockback was still there as it almost trapped Hikari in a wall covered in petals. Hikari moved back into the range of the circle. Shit, that had did a number on her. If the girl realized that only magical protections were down, she could use physical attacks and win. But this girl didn't seem smart.

    The blood of a tactician lies in the enchanter and she is running through scenarios in her head. Countless options that can end in many ways, either of them dying or even both. But, Hikari doesn't enjoy taking the lives of others and she sure as hell isn't willing to lose hers. She smiles, eyes hidden by her bangs as she readjusts her headband. When the cherry blossom mage can see her eyes again, she is taken aback at first. Why would this girl, who is already getting pummeled be smiling? Has she hit her head too many times when she was a child? The cherry blossom mage smiled, and Hikari put her hand out and ran it against her blade, and after a very brief delay, the sword glowed a faint blue, charged with magical power. Hikari smiled as she re-tightened her grip on her sword. She smiled as she got had a magic circle in her hand at the ready as she began mumbling an incantation. A somewhat large magic circle manifesting next to her. Hikari smiled as she lifted herself up to her feet, smiling as she pointed her sword at the girl once again, the magic circle rising to be at her head level.


    The enchanter smiles as she sprints up to the girl, slashing four quick times, each blow landing on the cherry blossom mage. She attempted to block her attacks but the enhanced magical energy strikes from the sword, coupled with the fact that the cherry blossom mage's magical protections were dropped from the magic circle underneath them made each hit feel much harder than the actually were. Hikari was smiling, happy with the outcome and how she had the upper hand at this point in time, until the petal mage blasted Hikari away with a burst of cherry blossom petals. She got knocked away and fell on the ground. Ouch, that was gonna leave a mark. She grunted as she arose to her feet, looking at the mage. She knew that if she was going to win this. She needed to win this soon. Hikari smiled as she snapped her fingers as some of her remaining energy into the magic circle next to her. The magic circle responded to the magic by glowing brightly. The circle divides itself into two, then into four and so on until it was hard to keep track of until Hikari covered her eyes. The cherry blossom mage saw this as an opening but it was too late as the magic circle next to her erupted into a blinding white flash of light.

    Once the cherry blossom mage's eyes had re-adjusted to the normal lighting, she wasn't sure what happened. After all, there were now two of the enchanter's standing in front of her. Hikari smiled as she  walked beside her clone, placing her hand on her shoulder. The two crossed their matching swords as Hikari smirked, pointing at the cherry blossom mage. This is my grand finale. Don't blink! You might miss how quickly I'm about to pummel you. The cherry blossom mage had petals swirling around her as she yelled. You really think a brat like you will win this? I'm gonna enjoy every second of making you suffer. Once I'm done with you, I'll wipe all of Rose Garden off the map. Hikari's glare on the girl tightened as her clone and her prepared to unveil the finale to this fight.

    OOC: So, since the boss has their magical protections dropped by half and they took four slashes of Muramana, this makes it so instead of Murmana's slashes do 75% of C-rank damage instead of 50% due to them being weakened. THEREFORE:

    The boss has about 200/400 hp left.


    Cherry Blossom Shower [Solo] QOmg1XE

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:56 pm