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    A reward for a job well done.


    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 16th February 2017, 3:50 am

    Lanta wanders into the bustling and eye catching streets of Rose Garden, the natural light fading as the lampposts take over the role of providing light, casting their brightly coloured glow across the beautiful space as Lanta and his partner walk through the streets, Lanta keeping a sharp eye out for any good food shops or entertainment venues to mess around in for a bit after their meal as he smiles lightly "First step, eh, Chloe? Finally getting started on the ladder to success." he sighs calmly "Certainly an eventful start. Anyway, just call out when you see a shop or restaurant or cafe you want to go into."


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 17th February 2017, 4:25 am

    Food courts, restaurants, cafe shops, and all the various places for entertainment. A mixture of scents, sounds and colors was a joy to many, anyone that had any sense of fun would easily finding their way to having a blast at one of the entertainment spots, and anyone with any sense of taste, would find at least one spot to eat. However, one might actually wonder how fickle chaos could truly be in a situation like this. Chloe's attitude could range from super excited to see all of the lights, the colors, and the various places to either shop or eat at...or quite scared to see so many new unexplained things, loud sounds, a large group of people staring at her to the various odd ball unexplained thing to her.

    Where Chloe's mind was currently, was actually in the middle somewhere. She was excited, scared, and still pondering from the job. Her gaze shifted nervously when something caught her attention only for her to examine what ever it was. To anyone watching, it was like an outsider trying to take in way too many things at once. Obviously, she had never been here or anywhere similar before.

    "Can we be somewhere with less... just less around" While she could define it as to be less people, what she really meant, was less in general. Less lights, less sounds, less people. A smaller restaurant or cafe would be the best ideal place at the moment for her. Normally right about now, she'd warp away, and scan from afar, but at the moment, asking to be taken somewhere else would suffice.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 17th February 2017, 4:33 am

    Lanta nods "Sure thing, Chloe. I think I saw some less crowded side streets around where we can have our meal. Didn't realise it would be this busy at this time." he says as he leads her into the side streets, the lights dimmer with far less people as they wander, he looks back to Chloe "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what was going through your mind at the end of that job? You looked like you were thinking hard on something." he says as he briefly strokes her ears as they walk.

    "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to of course. Just sometimes, being able to talk to someone about things can either resolve the issue, or aid in understanding of a situation." he says quickly like he was trying to excuse himself if she felt threatened by the idea of sharing her thoughts.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 17th February 2017, 3:42 pm

    Her smile began to return slowly as Lanta and herself ended up in a less crowded section with not so much to worry about. Though while she began to feel more comfortable, it was almost like fate would have it that she didn't remain comfortable. This was all due to a question that was asked of her. She knew from listening to another that killing humans was bad, and that she could get in very big trouble. Though something was deeply clear to Chloe that the life of an animal must mean less to humans than the life of another human. Yet, here was a human right next to her, a friend trying to understand her. Would she dare explain that she had been thinking of killing and eating that teenager? It was a gory, and to almost any human, it was an unforgivable action if she were to actually do that.

    Though still listening to Lanta's words brought some hope to her just as they began to pass by a smaller restaurant, which was no doubt some small just getting started family business. It was the type that one glance through the front windows, and Chloe only saw one other person at the most within the building, aside from those that did the servicing.

    "lets go there"

    she requested, ignoring Lanta's question to her at first, but it wasn't that she was ignoring it, but rather, she was delaying answering while her mind raced to figure out a way out of answering the question - despite Lanta himself, having told her she didn't have to answer it.

    "I didn't think you actually wanted to know, because it isn't nice. I'll tell you, but are you sure?"

    That was the only warning even Chloe gave, before she was already heading towards the building. If Lanta was so sure in asking, then Chloe would tell him. She'd have a chance not to, in fact this whole situation was one spell away to get away from, she was here because Lanta was a friend, plus being carried earlier was so fun, she was hoping Lanta would perhaps do that again.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 17th February 2017, 4:51 pm

    Lanta smiles as he watched the grin return to his friend's face. Happy that, despite all of this, she was happy. Even after his question to her she still seemed moderately calm. At least she hadn't left yet.

    He looks at the shop with a nod, strolling with her "Looks like a nice place that could use some gems to keep them going." He notes as he studies his partner's face before she makes her admittance, to which he smiles "Chloe, you are my team mate, best friend, and fluffy. I don't care how troubling it is. If we can talk it through together and work through it as a team, I don't care how morbid it may be. I'm not leaving you alone with bad thoughts." He says with his usual trademark cocky and authentic grin. One he had not managed in months.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 17th February 2017, 7:07 pm

    Well, Chloe warned him after all, so this was it, no more holding that thought back. As fickle as Chloe was, she held little morality on the predictable meter. "I was thinking of ways to kill and eat that young human that we let go" she noted, in a hushed but all too dark tone of voice. Her eyes almost reflecting how vile her thoughts truly were the moment her words left her mouth, she had her own twisted smile appear on her face. Was this really a dark thought? Not to Chloe it wasn't, but rather one of a predator. Though admittedly, the ways of killing that human were perhaps not all too predator like, and more of a twisted chaotic sense, such as tearing them limb from limb, or putting them through the abuse they inflicted on the animals. Perhaps even a slow, painfully agonizing death by being squeezed like they were trying to do to the puppies.

    Though the part of eating the human was fairly natural to Chloe, whom saw any species as potential food, even a wild feline, though something compelled her not to. Perhaps the teachings of a couple humans were actually getting to her enough that she would do that out of defense mainly, or reserve it for the kind of people no one wants around. So... why did she let that small human go? The teenager that abused the animals should have been be-headed, and eaten on the spot. Why didn't she? it was almost as if it was but a flip of the coin sort of luck that happened at that rate.

    "Its not bad thoughts to me, but just... not very nice for your kind to hear that". Indeed, Chloe saw people for species at the moment, and not for the individual, and thus saw all humans with the same views.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 18th February 2017, 1:13 am

    Lanta listens to Chloe's explanation carefully as he nods at the end "I see. Well, that is quite a normal thing to do after letting someone go; but you need to be able to move on from it to progress. I know what he did was beyond forgivable. However we chose not to fall to his level, we chose to win with the high ground, Chloe. And it is all because of your decision not to do what you are thinking on. You saved the day." He says as they wander into the restaurant.

    "And as I said. We all get those thoughts from time to time. And I am so proud of you for not acting on those thoughts." He says as he plants a soft kiss on her cheek.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 18th February 2017, 6:24 am

    In this world, nye, in this universal existence, somethings Chloe just does not understand or has not seen as of yet. What Lanta had not just said, but also had done would leave a lasting impression on Chloe on a level not even Lanta's writer could anticipate or one that could be put into words. While her thoughts of the choice of words Lanta used only made Chloe generally confused, as she took Lanta's words as if all humans thought of eating humans, which made her generally curious as to why the same species ate itself, but also frowned on it. Perhaps it was just a miscommunication, or bad understanding. That assumption is why Chloe dismissed it as such, but yet still something left another impression.

    Her gaze slowly shifted from the moment her cheek was kissed. What was that action Lanta just performed? She had witnessed others do it in quite a few ways. This action drew her curiosity because she had no understanding of what a kiss meant. Did it mean Lanta was tasting her? What did Chloe even taste like? She assumed she would taste good, but never actually tried for obvious reasons. The other thought was, perhaps that was a human way of showing appriciation for another friend, perhaps just a kind thing you did to a 'friend'. Since Chloe didn't really have any idea or understanding, she had a few options she could do right now. One of those options was to ignore it, but that wouldn't be so fun now would it?

    A turn of her head, staring directly into Lanta's eyes, Chloe's smile remained there as she leaned forward and kissed lanta on the lips before pulling back just a couple seconds into it. This was the power of a fickle chaotic being after all. She replicated something she saw, in response to what Lanta had done to her. Though she had no comment to Lanta's words, she did have a reply to his actions, and that in itself was her reply. Even a giggle escaped her mouth.

    "I still don't understand what that is, but you taste okay. Don't worry, I wont eat you". An innocent giggle trailed not far behind her words as they had entered the building, and would hopefully find a seat soon.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 18th February 2017, 6:53 am

    Lanta chuckles slightly as she listens to his explanation, seeing an element of confusion on her face as he smiles "The beating up and killing part. Not the eating part, at least not for me. Though some people are... weird." He looks to her, noticing she had gone quiet, as he turns her lips met his as his eyes widen, blushing darkly as he shuffles his feet, looking up to her after following her giggle. He sighs "It's a way of showing affection, different areas being kissed means different levels of affection. Cheek is more fond affection and friendship, the lips are for something.... deeper." He admits as they are lead to a seat.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 18th February 2017, 6:22 pm

    Weird? So its weird to eat another species? See, explaining things to Chloe was one heck of a challenge to not confuse her further or make her ponder even more. "Humans eat fluffies all the time." She commented as they sat down. It was her way of justifying that she wasn't weird for wanting to eat a human, but then again, it'd be nye impossible to explain it from a standpoint of a magical entity that considers herself the same as a feral wild feline.

    Though of all things Chloe was confused about, it would be the blush that she had caused Lanta to have. A feeling that Chloe didn't understand, simply because could she even blush? She hadn't seen such an expression other than a couple unmentionable moments when she was out wandering around. The idea of showing affection though, it gave Chloe an idea, but at that same point she now understood what she had done, at least to a point.

    "oh, well you're a good friend", she added only to clear up any confusion as she herself didn't see any deepness in the friendship despite her actions may have been interpreted as such. "I find it a weird way to show affection though, must be a human only thing."


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 19th February 2017, 5:54 am

    He laughs softly at her reasoning "I suppose you're right there. And fluffies eat people time to time as well." He smiles as they are sat at a table. He sighs as she calls him a good friend, patting her head gently "Thanks Chloe. Same goes for you." Her next comment truly starts to make him think "I think... it is a human only thing, but other animals do similar. Like dogs licking eachother to show affection and liking." He gives as an example before studying the menu "Hmm... interesting choices, any ideas what you want, Chloe?" He looks back up to her. For perhaps a tad too long.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 20th February 2017, 12:15 am

    Listening to Lanta was fun, and hearing how a kiss was supposed to be equivalent to something an animal did made Chloe smile, and enjoy the moment even more. While she had a deeper realization of what she did now, she also didn't regret it or think much of it. To her, she had acquired a great friend that might be able to teach her how to act in front of her own kind some day. This being said, Chloe didn't really know much of what she even was. She knew she appeared human in many ways, with fluffy traits, but also she realized, from at least what she studied in the rose garden earlier she had actually picked up the scent of a few fluffies. While she had originally assumed they were normal animals, Chloe could have sworn she saw at least someone humanoid like, with animal traits. So she knew they existed, but she also knew that it might just be another story of how they came to be.

    Looking up from the menu with a blank stare after being asked "I don't... know what any of this is. Is there any meats?" Staring back at Lanta, noticing she was being stared back at.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 20th February 2017, 11:34 am

    Lanta smiles briefly, with incredible fondness for his partner before swiftly chuckling "Always seems like there's something going through your mind, you know? Such an active mind I suppose. It is very refreshing to see someone who appears to be an open person about everything." he sighs "Just remember if you ever want to know anything about me then just ask like I ask you things." he says with his smile returning as he listens to her complaints on not knowing what was on the menu. truth be told he was afraid she might not know what to have. But considering her tastes he had a vague idea of what to try "Well I would suggest to try some blue steak, sushi, some chips, perhaps milkshake or soda if you feel like something sugary as well."


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 22nd February 2017, 3:11 am

    Looking at the menu all while listening to Lanta speak, Chloe was trying to find what they were talking about, until she did and a smile appeared on her face. So Steak was a meat, and sushi was a dish as well, though had many more options. As for what chips were, she had no idea, but found the random differant types, and decided to try something called BBQ flavored chips. As for what a milkshake was, what she assumed was a drink, as she knew what milk was oddly enough. Though as for flavors, she saw a variety and noticed a flavor she recognized, she had encountered the flavor cherry before in terms of a candy, which made her actually think on how tastey that was. Though she wanted to try something else something called strawberry was choice she eventually made

    "Blue steak, sushi, Barbeque chips, and a strawberry milkshake" she repeated, after not only listening to Lanta give suggestions, but also checking the menu on each of the items. Fortunately for her, the waitress was still around, and had heard what she was ordering. Though the strange look the waitress gave Chloe without her knowing was one of disgust, obviously she had overheard some of the prior conversation, and then hearing Chloe wanted a steak so undercooked as to be blue steak, made them not too pleased. Though with such a small family business, she had no choice but to not act on such a thing. After all, if she did, that could easily mean less business.

    A smile still crossed Chloe's lips, satisfied with her order, only now realizing the waitress was standing over them, and now waiting on Lanta's order.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 22nd February 2017, 3:20 am

    Lanta looks at the menu calmly, looking up to the lady with a charming smile "Good day, madam. I would like the lasagna thank you. And a glass of champagne, actually get two glasses and a bottle I think." he folds his menu up calmly, his look changing to one that said in the simplest of ways that he saw the look she gave Chloe, and it did not please him one bit. He looks back to Chloe "Good set of choices, I think you'll enjoy those. Best thing to do is write down what you enjoyed then try other things that look similar to what you had, that way we can get a more deep understanding of what you like and what you don't like."


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 25th February 2017, 3:11 pm

    Nodding her head, Chloe seemed to slouch down after ordering. She began to listen to what Lanta had to order, along with a strange choice for a beverage. Yet another thing she didn't understand, but didn't feel like asking about it. The atmosphere in the building began to change. Chloe had picked up on something without even seeing it. That strange sixth sense an animal has when they knew they're not liked, or someone/thing is either angry or displeased. The same feeling as being stared down by an owner or abuser. Though she didn't express this feeling, nor did she understand why she felt this way. She knew it wasn't because of Lanta, but who? Perhaps the waitress, but even then, Chloe didn't understand it.

    "Lets just leave and take the food with us" she spoke up to Lanta after the waitress had long left. Honestly, she had thought about taking Lanta to her own dimension, but did not feel like taking them to such a spot. Perhaps just a room within her multi-verse dimension rather than a large open universe? No, even then, Chloe had only let one person ever into her dimension before, and that was because they had a fluffy, a fox fluffy! While the thought may be selfish, it was just Chloe being too scared to trust Lanta with access to her dimension, as if she feared they could control it like she can. Completely unaware that her dimension was 'hers' alone to paint like a canvas. Had she been more aware, then perhaps she'd be more open to allowing them to go there. So begged the question, where could they go? It made her wonder, but also look down and away only to realize she could have just teleported away without even asking. This may have been one of the few times she didn't just teleport away when scared. Why though? Perhaps it was because Lanta was here, and she didn't want to abandon a friend.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 25th February 2017, 4:32 pm

    Lanta had also started noticing a more hostile air around the area, his reading of the situation being that something was causing discomfort to people. And sadly it was probably due to the unique look of his companion. He hated that people were like this about the unknown. But they were all creatures of habit, and that habit revolved around everything being the same. He shrugged, calling out to the waitress "Food to go please! We're in a hurry, I'll tip fifty percent if you get our order to priority." He says using his brand of charm, looking back to Chloe with a sad nod "We can. I'm sorry. I did not mean to put you through this." He says, gently ruffling her hair.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 27th February 2017, 6:52 am

    Chloe only further slouched down, and would end up scooting closer to Lanta to listen to what he had to say. What was causing this feeling, wasn't Chloe's appearance, or some outside influence, but rather simply the distaste of hearing such a conversation from Chloe had caused the waitress to not have so kind of a heart. Though when their finances were put onto the table some of the hatred went away. After all, the waitress already knew the prices, and seeing as such a large tip was going to happen, enough of the hatred began to simmer down. While it was normal eyes to some, Chloe was begining to understand part of the corrupt world.

    After all, what Chloe had just learned, in a metaphorical sense was that money talked. However false or true this was though, it was not the only thing Chloe began to understand, and realize, though that would be best saved for another time. After all the waitress had just returned after several minutes with everything in to-go boxes, and cups, as well as two empty to-go cups for the other drink. Which Chloe tried to avoid eye contact with the woman, instead her gaze shifted to Lanta while she began to think on a very... deep special manner to her.

    The moment she decided on it, energy began to pulsate around her. To the untrained eye, it only felt as if a breeze of wind passed through the restaurant. However to those who were trained in magic could feel her magical presence grow at an alarmingly fast rate. Before anything could even be said or done, Chloe had a thin layer of green around her body.

    "I'll teleport us"

    Her words spoken, quickly as she held a hand out for Lanta to grab hold of after he got done paying the waitress. As for the to-go stuff, it'd come too, as Chloe placed a hand on the giant bag containing all of the food and drinks. Once her hand was grabbed, and Chloe whisked them away to another place. They'd find themselves actually outside not too far, but not too close. Still inside of the city, but actually quite high up. Actually, that was an understatement, they would now be on top of one of the corporation buildings that had a roof access. Meaning flat ground, and an amazing view of the entire lightshow of the city.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Card magic
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 27th February 2017, 1:58 pm

    Lanta shifted a bit as Chloe moved closer to him, he was still not quite his normal self even though he was trying hard, and it was at the front of his mind. She liked him for who he is, and would she like him when he was back to his normally extroverted nature? He hoped she did, and if she didn't, well then, he was planning on trying to just hide his real nature as but spurts of the moment; Chloe was the only one he had to call a friend after all.

    Lanta felt something shifting in the usual magical balance around him, guessing that it was Chloe, and hopefully not anyone else, he remained calm as he placed the jewels on the table with a sigh, looking to Chloe he noticed her sheen, knowing now that it indeed was Chloe and nobody else, which was a huge relief. He nods, taking her hand gently. As they appeared somewhere else he holds his head, swaying a bit "Woah... That'll definitely take some getting used to, not used to magic actively being used inside of me." he says with a chuckle, sitting down near the edge of the building "This is beautiful, Chloe, when did you find this place?" he asks, smiling down as his head stopped spinning


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 1st March 2017, 9:37 am

    Releasing Lanta, and gently placing the stuff on the ground, Chloe began to walk forward towards the edge and lean over quite dangerously as if tempting fate to knock her off. Though she knew all too well, if she fell it was only a teleport away to get back up, as so long as she used the teleport before going splat.

    "Not the first time I've been in this city, but it is the first time at night. I came here on accident once. I came up here to get away from people, and to um". Oh right, Chloe might have eaten someone up here, oops. "Sleep" she spoke, deciding to falsify the truth, just so she didn't gross her friend out before they tried to eat. She didn't understand much in the world, but she saw the reactions of people, and decided to keep that more on the down low now, despite her knowing that Lanta was well aware.

    "Lets eat!" she spoke more happily, jumping up onto the edge, allowing a breeze to catch her before she teleported completely off the ledge, and back near the food & drinks. "I hope up here isn't bad for you" she spoke, grabbing hold of her milkshake and began to sip at it. Her eyes widened from the cold refreshing taste of a milk product. The icecream flavor was rich in both taste and texture that made her look very happy in drinking it. Though the whipped cream stuff wasn't as pleasant to eat, but she got over it. "Yummy!!" she finally exclaimed, getting ready to open her to go box that had her order it in.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 1st March 2017, 12:25 pm

    Lanta waits a few more moments as his head clears from the feeling of teleportation before looking at Chloe standing at the edge, he was about to open his mouth to tell her to be careful before remembering who he was with and promptly closing his mouth again; she would be fine even if she did fall off. As he hears her explanation he immediately replaces 'sleep' with what she meant to say, nodding in understanding, though not familiarity with the subject "I see. Well it is a nice find." he says as she makes her way over to the food, getting her milkshake out he laughs at her response "Thought you'd enjoy that. I imagined you would have a sweet tooth." He goes to stand, holding his head "I'll hold off eating or drinking until my stomach has settled. Just tuck in, don't wait for me." he says, sitting beside her.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 4th March 2017, 12:22 am

    Giving a slight frown, Chloe realized it was her fault that Lanta was feeling sick, however she had perhaps the most innocent yet childish naughty fun idea. A smile replaced her frown when she had immediately thought of teleporting herself and Lanta up hundreds of feet if not thousands of feet into the air so they could free fall, only for her to rescue them both later on. Truly, it was just some childish fun of an idea but one she did not act out on. Instead, her head would nod as she opens up the to-go box that contained the steak. While there would be a knife and fork that went with it, Chloe disregarded such tools and grabbed hold of the steak to raise it up to her mouth.

    The moment her taste-buds registered the juicy under cooked meat, her eyes would widen, and her entire being vanished back away, as if she was a predator running off with a fresh kill. Her existence would re-appear not too far away, but she would be hunched over, almost balled up, munching on the steak. The look in her eyes would be feral beyond words, daring even Lanta to try to take the steak from her. Though her gaze shifted only once to him, and went back to the steak, she would finish it without too much hesitation or time being taken.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 4th March 2017, 1:54 am

    Lanta finally shakes the unease of his first teleport with a chuckle "Like a dragonslayer on a boat trip." He says as he takes out the box with his lasagne in, before watching Chloe's display with equal amounts of worry and entertainment, waiting until she was finished "Someone certainly enjoyed that, but you know I'm not gonna take it from you, right?" He asks as he takes a bite from his lasagne with his fork, beckoning her over "Still got your sushi and chips to come, and our champagne." He did not seem too phased by his partner's behaviour, at least that he let show.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw
    Chloe Rivers
    Chloe Rivers

    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Chloe Rivers 7th March 2017, 4:42 pm

    With a feral look, and chaotic tendacies, what would be Chloe's next course of action? While she had her own plans, she nodded her head. "Sorry... I don't know why I did that", it was true, she hardly understood her own actions at times. Though this time, when she went for the sushi, she was more calm, and had began to eat it carefully without too much problem. She found it delicious yes, but not as good as the steak or the shake. Oddly enough, she did quite enjoy it very much so, but found the flavor to be too mixed, as if sushi was just too many flavors to take in at one time. It'd take time for her to develop a more robust enjoyment to that food.

    "You eat too" she began to demand, not wanting to feel rude for being the only one eating. Though this in itself was odd for even her, as she normally did eat alone. Then again, when she ate, it would normally be not only alone, but it would be... on other terms. So, even with her demand, she still kept eating as if her appetite was un-fillable. Since she was a magical entity, eating was just a luxury to her, not a necessity after all.


    Chloe used to have a signature... but she ate it.   *Lick*
    Profile Link|| Dimensional Chaos||Bank/Plotter link

    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 57
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

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    A reward for a job well done. Empty Re: A reward for a job well done.

    Post by Switchblade 7th March 2017, 5:18 pm

    Lanta watches her carefully for a second before she tucks into her sushi, where he watches with a lot more of a calm air around him, interested in her facial expressions while she ate it. "I am sure it was just a natural reaction that will be worked through in time, Chloe. Don't worry, I wouldn't fear for a moment that my favourite fluffy would hurt me." he smiles to her before she demands that he eats too, he chuckles, showing her his fork, with the bite of lasagne he was about to have, taking the bite before getting another forkful of it. "It's alright Chloe. I am eating. Just perhaps not quite as quickly as you. Want to try some?" he asks as he holds out the fork to her, like he was going to feed it to her, guessing she did not know how to use a fork.


    The charming gambler: Lanta Rosa
    Magic- Luck of the draw

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:43 pm