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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2592
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Mura Kensho 13th March 2017, 9:44 am

    The day had finally come. It felt like years since those two Fairy Tail mages had met each other, but as time passed, their potential was revealing more and more. And now, the day where they would both find themselves at the same rank in magical prowess had come, just as Mura had expected from what felt like eons ago. Takumi’s soul… it had grown strong…

    Pictures of the past passed his mind on the foot of Sky Tower, mostly known as the tallest known tower in all of Fiore. Takumi was, frankly said, quite the loud-mouthed one when they first met; he had experience already, and as far as Mura could remember, the mage utilized the ice element to his magic power. It was a cold experience, but the mage had challenged Mura right after the Guildmaster himself, and how many times had they fought? Even the watchful shaman didn’t know the amount. And as time passed, Takumi became a regular picture in the Guild Hall, but it wasn’t just sunshine and flowers. The boy had his past to live with and a future to wait for. His curse, the fate that turned him from an ice maker to a practical reminder of the previous Lightning Dragon Slayer and Guildmaster of his, all those events had turned Takumi into what he was today. Of course, just like many other Fairy Tail mages, Mura couldn’t but become a part of that young man’s journey through life.

    “I hope that you got my letter, Takumi…” the shaman mumbled out while settling his gaze upon the white clouds that seemed to concentrate just above the Sky Tower. He had quite the plan for Takumi to prove his worthy to rank up; it was an exam, after all, and Takumi had to go through this. His exam, his fight…


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 13th March 2017, 10:03 am

    Takumi had received Mura's letter and instantly jumped into action, collecting the items he would need. He was finally ranking up... he couldn't let himself look foolish in front of his old rival. It was finally at a time when Mura and Takumi were equal in terms of magic power... now to figure out who used it better.

    As the young mage approached the tower, he saw his young rival standing before him, waiting. It was time for a fight, and one way or another Takumi intended to prove just how strong he had become to his rival.

    "Well Mura, here I am" Said the young mage, motioning for his pets to stay where they were for now. He stepped forwards until he was right in front of Mura, ready for whatever challenge he was to be given. His weapon strapped to his side, in a sword form, he let the hood drop from his head so that his face was no longer covered, cloak with the wings of freedom flapping in the breeze. "This is my battle, so Coal and Wist will be spectators, alright?" He would whisper, low enough that his pets could barely hear a word, knowing both would protest to his decision.


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2592
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Mura Kensho 13th March 2017, 10:30 am

    A voice called out as Mura stood up. Right in front of him, the Lightning Dragon had arrived. He appeared to be ready, just like Mura was ready for his own B-Rank Magic Exam. “Nice to see you here,” the shaman greeted back. No signs of Harusame nor the Futsu Blade were on him, and it appeared as if Mura was the one who was lacking preparation for a battle. When his eyes moved towards Wist, they kind of scanned the tremendous, fierce, irritating beast, before returning to Takumi. Ah, the time had come. He should reveal today’s scheme for the thunder mage now…

    “You see this tower?” he asked, while pointing behind him, “This is known as the Sky Tower, the tallest tower to be found in Fiore. Your exam will be held at the top of the tower, and I’ll follow you up close… also, you can’t ask for help from Wist nor Coal. You have to ascend on your own.” As those words were spoken, Mura levitated, “This test will be forceful. However, if you truly wish to move on, then it's just the way to be taken. Your soul is strong, and I believe in you... and also, try and watch out… I mean, I might’ve prepared a thing or two in the tower. You should also hurry as it’s only open for today.” With a quick smile, Mura appeared to ascend upwards. “I trust that you’ll make it all the way to the top, my friend..!” he called, before disappearing into the atmosphere…

    While ascending, Kyuken appeared before Mura. The spirit samurai was quite curious, while Mura spoke: "Don't worry about that, Kyuken. I have a lot in store, just wait..." Mura began smiling, while the samurai ghost thought: B-But it's his first held exam... Mura must feel responsible for Takumi's development. The spirit sighed and followed the shaman up to the top of the tower where they would wait for Takumi's arrival.


    OKAY! Your exam has officially started, Lightning Dragon! Time to reach the top of this tower until the sun sets! (otherwise, authorities will come after us and escort us out... that would be awkward) You will notice that, depsite Mura's short introduction, the tower holds many more challenges and obstacles than expected. A strong wind that can easily push you off is only one problem; it'll most likely take a long time to reach the top, in which Mura gave you that time limit. The word count for this exam is 4000 words!!!!! It's up to your own power to make it through and meet the last test at the top of the tower, so I wish you good luck! Here are the obstacles that will meet you:

    Weak: Spiritual Onis (x10): Small balls of pure, auric influences will begin to approach you on your way. They look cute at first sight, but their hostility lies in their contact with you. Each and every one of them can absorb mana; 5 MP will be taken off you by contact with them. Take them out as fast as possible; they only need one D-Rank Spell Power to be taken out each.

    Normal: As you make it towards the middle of the tower, a strange light will illuminate you. Suddenly, an old man with a black staff will soar before you, quite confused of what is going on. Although, as he notices your magical prowess, he suddenly asks your for a challenge. Remember, this is a ghost; however, somehow its physical form has been manifested before you. This male uses 5 elemental magics at the rank from C to B; fire, earth, water, metal and wood spells will be fired towards you. Find a way to bring him down! He takes 4 C-Ranked Spell Power to be taken out! When you defeat him, then he'll suddenly laugh and tell that you truly are a good friend of his grandchild, before disappearing... quite weird...

    Strong: Zirconis: The dragon of jade and such gem is challenging you! Zirconis is one of Mura's main spirit companions, and this one has a grudge against you! Because of your magic, then he has asked the shaman to be a part of the exam to finally face the slayer of his own kin, just to settle his feelings. Bring out your destined power! Your magic is classified as the death of this ghost! However, watch out; the dragon will not hesitate in breathing out a gust of emerald shards towards you with the power of a B-Ranked Spell. Its physical attacks with claws and tail does C-Ranked Spell Damage each. It'll take 10 C-Ranked Spell Power (excluding slayer perks) to bring Zirconis down! After defeating him, he'll admit your dominance and ask you to meet Mura at the top... worthy of wondering...

    Boos: (CENSORED)


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 13th March 2017, 11:17 am

    "Ascend the tower... challenges prepared... he really doesn't intend to go easy on me.... good."

    Takumi looked up as Mura dissapeared, and sighed. Time to get cracking, eh? He was going to show Mura he was ready, and he's wasn't going to let these challenges get the best of him! With one final encouraging look at his anxious companions, he turned and entered the tower. There was no way these guys were beating him!

    It wasn't all that bright in the tower, the dim, gloomy lighting annoying Takumi just a tiny bit. With a sigh, he let sparks dance from his skin, illuminating the place a bit better than before. As he ascended, he noticed he didn't seem to be making any progress, the stairs seeming absolutely endless. After about an hour of climbing, he paused, wanting to conserve his strength for the trials ahead. But little did he know the first was already coming... as Takumi sat down for a moment to catch his breath, little balls of light begin appearing around him. They were almost... cute. But they probably weren't anything nearly as harmless as they looked, Mura wasn't going to make things that easy.

    He stood up, looking directly at the orbs hovering in front of him. "You want me? Come get me!" He roared, charging with a plan already in mind. These probably weren't all that strong, he could probably take them out with one big spell, but he had to avoid getting hit by whatever they could do. He closed his eyes for a moment and... "Electrical Field!" He cried, a field of lightning forming around him, any of the orbs that touched the field would be damaged a great deal. But it wouldn't be quite enough for him to destroy them completely, he noted, as the orbs kept coming closer. With a sigh, Takumi did the one thing he knew would help him get past. Sparks would begin flying off his feet, bright blue, as he rushed amoung them as fast he could. One brushed his arm, causing him to wince as he felt his power drain a bit. So that was what they did... no matter, as he moved, the sparks propelled him to go faster, Flash Step Kicking in and his speed increasing a large amount. He rushed faster, managing to get past without being touched again.



    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 13th March 2017, 2:32 pm

    He was past! Now to keep going. His Flash Step would wear out soon, time to get as far as he could before it ran out. Takumi raced as fast as Flash Step would carry him, heart pounding as he waited for a ghost to pop out or something. It was always ghosts with Mura. But he wasn't going to let anything stop him, not today! Determination flashed across his face, and any who saw him knew he wasn't going to give up until he was physically unable to move any more. No giving in, no backing down, not today! "I'm not giving in! I will reach the top!"

    Watching from the sky, flying above the tower, his pets watched his progress with interest. He was determined to get past the obstacles in his path, alright. Coal smiled down at her master, while Wist watched in silence, both rooting for the boy who had changed them so much from the horrible creatures they once were. Takumi had saved them, and they owed him everything.

    Meanwhile, Takumi kept charging forwards, determined to make it to the top as soon as he possibly could. As he charged forwards, he felt an odd presence up ahead. A ghost... has to be. He slowed his pace purposefully, so as not to run headlong into any traps the ghost may have. He was not about to be outsmarted by some ghost, that was for sure!



    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 14th March 2017, 9:56 am

    Takumi made his way cautiously up the remaining steps until he stopped where he had felt the odd presence. This was it... the next challenge. A strange light illuminated the space here, much to Takumi's surprise, was it a trick? As he pondered this, an old man with a black staff soared in front of him, appearing to be rather confused. "Are you my next challenge, old-timer?" Takumi asked simply, observing the ghost. The ghost turned, facing Takumi now, slightly less confused now.

    His physical form manifested itself before Takumi, as Takumi stood before him. The ghost looked at Takumi, noting a fairly powerful magic power coming from him. Takumi stared right back at the ghost, unblinking and unwilling to break his gaze first. "Young mage, would you mind a challenge?" Asked the ghost, watching for Takumi's response carefully.

    "This is a rank up exam after all, so it's not much fun if there are no challenges."

    Wasting no time, Takumi attacked. A ball of lightning began forming in his hand- his lightning blade, his second most powerful spell, second only to his roar. His Flash Step finally wearing off, Takumi wasn't moving quite as fast as he would like, but fast enough to catch the ghost off guard, landing a solid blow to the ghosts stomach. Any normal Human would be bleeding out, As it was he still put a hole right through the ghost of the old man. Too late, he realized his blunder as said ghost used the opportunity to shoot him point-blank with a fireball. Takumi made no noise, determined not to show weakness in the middle of his exam. Gritting his teeth, he lept clear, already tired of this challenge. He needed to get to the top! "I'm not going to let you slow me down! He shouted with a fiercely burning gaze, determination rolling off him in waves. His determination was sure to be shocking to his opponent, but not to those waiting for him at the top. Takumi would never give up now that he had made up his mind to beat this test, nor would he falter in the slightest.

    His next move was going to be a bit more tricky to pull off. The familiar lightning whip would begin forming in his hand, as his opponent launched another attack, this time a water canon. Scrambling out of the way, Takumi grinned. If he were to generate an electrical field in the leftover water... this would be over sooner than he had originally thought. Ignoring the water, as if he hadn't noticed, he lashed out with the lightning whip, landing a hard blow to the ghosts arm.



    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 15th March 2017, 9:14 am

    Takumi was hardly able to contain his smirk as he dodged back and forth, trading blows with the ghost, using his scythe rather than spells, biding his time until he could generate the field and increase the amount of damage he was going to do to the maximum. It was nearly time... he was going to get past this ghost and make his way to the top of the tower, no matter what stood in his way. As the ghost launched another fireball towards him, Takumi took it, purposefully making it look as if he had tried to escape. Falling to the ground, as if he had taken severe damage, his hand landed in the puddles of water left behind by his opponent's spell. Perfect.

    His grin finally spread across his face, he let the lightning spark from his fingers, travelling through the water, all the way to where his rather surprised opponent was standing. The lightning arced through his opponents body, probably quite a nasty shock. His grin widened furthur when he used the opportunity for his next spell, his scythe cherry blossom storm, which would swamp the ghost in razor petals for incredible damage. When the cherry blossoms cleared, the ghost was already fading, a smile on his face.

    Wc: 1390/4000


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 20th March 2017, 9:57 am

    "You really are a good friend of my grandson." Was the last thing the ghost said as he faded away with a smile. An expression of confusion broke across Takumi's face as he pondered what that meant. "What was that supposed to mean?" he wondered, pausing for a moment. Shaking his head, he ignored the statement, moving to begin climbing once more. These challenges were too easy... he needed more of a challenge if Mura really intended to stop him. Takumi decided to move a bit slower than before, conserving his strength for whatever awaited him at the top of the tower. The last challenge would be the one Takumi needed to focus on the most, no doubt about it.

    He kept watching, half expecting a ghost to pop up at any moment. He wouldn't put it past Mura to do that, not at all. As he ascended the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder what Mura had in store at the top. What sort of final challenge was in store? What was Mura going to put him through before he could rank up? He knew not what was ahead, but he did know he had to keep going, he was not going to fail this exam.

    He couldn't let himself fail, especially if all these challenges were various ghosts. He was a NECROMANCER  for God's sake! If he were to get beaten by undead such as these, he would never forgive himself. And more importantly, he wasn't going to fail at any challenge his rival had created. No way was he letting himself lose to Mura, or his ghosts.

    As he pondered on this, a familiar presence could be felt up ahead. It was Zirconis, one of Mura's spirits... did that mean he was almost at the top? Or was this another challenge? Knowing Mura, it was probably the latter, better safe than sorry, right? So Takumi prepared himself, still refusing to take out his scythe until the very end.

    He approached the presence as he jogged up the steps to where the spirit dragon would be waiting.

    "Zirconis. I take it you are my next challenge?"

    The dragon nodded solemly, and seemed to be quite determined. He seems like this is more personal than anything... I guess I better be on my guard.

    Now was not the time to waste time, so Takumi got ready to attack. It wasn't the strongest attack in the world, but it would work for now, as he created a lightning storm inside the tower, the bolts hitting the ground all over the place. These bolts would only do half rank damage, but if enough hit could have devastating affects to the target. Only 2 of the original bolts hit Zirconis, much to Takumi's dismay.

    Wc: 1853/4000


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessing of the Gods
    Position : None
    Posts : 1143
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Mentor : Iris, Goddess of Rainbows
    Experience : 675

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Infinite Ice
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 19th April 2017, 11:19 am

    His blue eyes widened as only 2 bolts hit, to his dismay. They hardly seemed to affect the dragon, who hardly blinked at the attack as the bolts continued raining down around them. Takumi would have to avoid his own lightning as well, since he couldn't consume it it would still do a fair bit of damage to the young Slayer. Zirconis clearly wasn't all that impressed, as indicated when he opened his mouth and breathed jade shards directly at Takumi. The shards moved faster than Takumi would have thought, catching the slayer off guard as they hit him head on. Winning at the brutal force that the shards had hit him with, he just barely had time to grab for his scythe and block as the dragon attempted to catch him with his claws. The dragon was definitely determined... was he trying to kill Takumi? No, that couldn't be.This was just a rank up exam, there was no way, right? Mura wouldn't give him any challenge he thought would kill him.

    "I will not go down that easily, Zirconis!" Roared the slayer as he lept backwards a few feet, surveying his opponent. The dragon was large, and with that hardened skin would be difficult to defeat. But he had confidence he could beat the dragon, it was his magic, after all, dragon slayer magic. He wasn't losing, not today or any day, and not to Zirconis! He was going to make it to the top of this tower, where Mura was waiting. He would not fail! The short man sized his opponent up, who was rapidly advancing, ready to strike once more. The dragon's tail came out of nowhere, bashing the side of Takumi's head and sending him tumbling down several steps. Dimly, as he landed in a heap on one step, he seemed to feel wetness on the side of his head that must be blood. His ears were ringing from the harsh blow as the dragon stood over him, looking down on him with some emotion in his eyes that Takumi couldn't identify just yet.

    "Are you finished?" He would ask as he looked down on Takumi, who was struggling to get up. The short man wouldn't answer immediately, but as he stood on shaky legs, he looked the dragon directly in the eyes and gave his answer.

    "Not on your life, Zirconis!" He spat as he finally stood to his full height, head now bleeding from a gash just above his left ear. The blood soaked into his black hair, and some trickled down his face as he glared defiantly at the dragon. This was not going to be the end of his exam, not on his life. He had to do this if he ever wanted to be stronger. The gods in his head were screaming now, telling him to crush Zirconis, and to move on, but he had other plans. They did not include crushing the dragon, but rather simply making him see that he would not defeat Takumi. The small slayer charged in with blade in hand, leaping forwards to whack the dragon on the side of the head as hard as he could manage without injuring the dragon. All his strength was behind the blow, though once again it seemed to do very little damage to the large dragon, who, with one sweeping movement, threw Takumi off, roaring. Takumi was not daunted by this, getting to his feet after he had landed in an ungainly heap. This was all part of his plan to assert his dominance...

    As he stared at the dragon, Takumi made the next move, once more summoning lightning to his hand. The lightning blade formed once more, deadly and destructive in its capabilities. He would not aim for anywhere too painful, though he was certainly going to make sure this slowed the dragon down somewhat. He charged in, lightning held in his hand and full of intent to disable rather than kill, his attack landed on the dragon's leg, rather than his heart, which is where Takumi would have aimed had he intended to kill. As it was, the lightning still hit the leg hard, causing it to go out from under the dragon in a painful manner. Takumi's eyes brightened at this small victory that caused Zirconis to pause, having hit him only a few times the dragon wouldn't sustain any of the damage for long, but that wasn't the point. The point was to weaken the dragon until he admitted defeat, not to kill. As Zirconis went down his claws caught Takumi's leg, the one with the limp, causing blood to instantly well from the gash it left. Takumi himself let out a cry of pain as he went down too, right next to Zirconis. Dammit! That had been painful, but he was more worried about the fact that it would slow him rather than the pain. That was it! Time to show this dragon what he was really made of. Hoarsely, he commanded his scythe to dissolve into cherry blossoms, which were surely painful as they came down on the dragon all at once, burying him beneath a massive amount of pink petals. The petals would shred at the dragon's resistance, though they weren't enough to kill the dragon, obviously. Next, with a roar, Takumi would call for his undead servant, Argentum. The silver skeleton appeared in a flash of lightning, attacking Zirconis mercilessly as he got up. The skeleton himself also wasn't enough to finish Zirconis, his attacks frenzied, but not for long as the dragon swept his tail at the skeleton and caused him to fall apart from the blow.

    Takumi was next, as he stepped forwards to look Zirconis in the eye. “I told you I would not give up. I meant it entirely” he would say as he made the next move. The roar would burst into existence, hitting Zirconis at point blank range, as Takumi had stepped closer to look the dragon in the eye. The lightning swallowed both dragon and man in a shower of blue sparks, and when the sparks cleared both were on the ground. Both were battered, though Takumi's eyes showed far more resolve than they had yet during this exam, as he stood up and faced Zirconis. “Do you yield?” he asked, blue eyes burning with resolve. Even if the dragon wanted to fight still he would keep going. But this was not to be the case, as Zirconis nodded firmly. “Then I shall move on, thank you for giving me a challenge.” With these words, Takumi would limp onwards, up to the final steps of the tower, and towards where Mura would be waiting for him.

    Wc: 2976/4000


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Mura Kensho 19th April 2017, 11:42 am

    ”The air sure is cold up here…” the shaman mumbled during his wait on top of the tower. Yes, he could clearly feel the intense showdowns going on beneath him, but as focused as he was, he kept waiting by looking up at the blue sky. This tower made it almost to Heaven, and it sure deserved its reputation. It was the tallest tower that Mura had ever walked on, and that he just used it for his wall-breaking exam was so-to-say a little irresponsible; to use this sacred place for training… well, he did use sacred fields back in Midi for sword lessons, so he guessed ‘why not’. Besides, being so close to the skies would surely help Takumi get a little calmer; the Lightning Dragon had a reputation as well, which was for being too fierce. Mura’s purpose was to soothe his mind for the burden that awaited him, in which pure offense wouldn’t always save him. Despite not having been an Ace for that long, he began acting a little more responsible for his guildmates as it befitted one, and searching for ways to improve was one aspect.

    “Huh,” he spoke up by the view of Takumi reaching the floor, “I guess that Zirconis got bored.” The Onmyōji stood up on his feet, not having the slightest voice of joking about above-mentioned, “You made it far, Takumi. I’m glad.” The shaman was wearing a small cloak that only reached down to his belly button, and a faint, white-black aura was engulfing his sides. “There are always a huge obstacle in the end… your Boss is me,” he declared, quickly grabbing the green spirit ball that was Kyuken, “In this battle, you need a calm mana. Let me see how you focus, and try to defeat me and Kyuken.” With that said, his katana, Harusame, began lighting up and expand an auric blade with plates of the old samurai’s gear and armor, until it finished its transformation. The shaman charged at Takumi with closed eyes, swinging the now long spirit sword towards the Lightning Dragon Slayer…
    HP: 345
    MP: 110 (-10 Used)

    Spell Used:


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 19th May 2017, 10:26 am

    Takumi paused for breath as he reached the top of the tower, bursting out into the light of the rapidly setting sun. For some reason, this calmed him, as he ordered the gods to take physical form and watch from the sides. He was pretty tired, but he knew what was coming as he emerged, the gods manifesting around them and watching from the very edges of the top of the tower. His eyes caught sight of Mura, and knowing what was coming, a fight, he stood up straight as a pole. He set his one healing spell into effect to help himself recover enough to properly fight Mura, and stared at his opponent directly, nodding as his hunch was confirmed, that he would in fact be fighting Mura. He was already tired, and weakened, but Mura was fully rested.

    He knew he hardly stood a chance, but with his exceed landing next to him and the gods watching, he knew he had to do his best. Apollo looked a bit worried, but Takumi flashed a reassuring smile at the god he had grown particularily close to and got ready as Mura started out by binding Kyuken to his spirit blade, which grew enormous as Mura charged him. He didn't have enough to completely block as he raised his double edged scythe up into the air in order to block, he still ended up catching a blow to the shoulder. Blood welled from where he had been hit, but gritting his teeth, he ignored it, knowing the blue aura surrounding him would do its job and help heal him. As blade met blade, he grinned, feeling the familiar rush he got when fighting Mura. Their fights were always interesting, and now that the two blades were crossed, Takumi did his best to push back at Mura, trying to force the crossed blades closer to his opponent. He wasn't exactly calm, no, he was excited, but he focused himself solely on this fight, forgetting Coal, the gods, and Wist watching him, and just threw his whole energy into this. A new jolt of adrenaline hit the slayer as he lept backwards, having been unsuccessful in pushing the blades closer to Mura, and surveyed the tower. It was closed in except for huge windows, meaning it was not a great space for the slayer. It was cold, it was closed in, and it was up high. If Takumi were to look out a window he knew he would throw up.

    Wc: 3395/4000


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Mura Kensho 19th May 2017, 10:44 am

    Takumi was quick on his toes and managed to block the spirit blade. Although, thanks to Mura’s molding effect on his spell, some damage was still landed. If Takumi knew of his superiority in speed against the shaman, then he would make the battle easier for himself. That was just one way that Mura intended to make him realize… this battle was going to push him even further. He was sure of that, Takumi was meant for more than this level, and it was his duty to prove that as an Ace of Fairy Tail. “... Your scythe won’t stop me!” he roared, his voice growing louder than usual. Then after that, silence for a brief moment, until the spirit blade was swung around the shaman’s body, almost as if he was doing a bo staff dance. The Lightning Dragon had leapt backwards to save himself from Kyuken’s sturdiness, so Mura replied by leaping forward in one, brutal leap. It caused the marble beneath his feet to crack open, a fact that even the shaman didn't know... this tower could easily get its ceilings broken.
    His body soared through the thin, cold air above the top of the Sky Tower, his hair bristling in the wind. The spirit blade on his right hand shrank in size, focusing its power in a smaller areal as his grab on the tilt strenghtened. That wasn’t all what happened, though; something dark began leaking out of Mura’s body. His blood was responding to the user, supporting with an inherited power that turned the blade pitch-black. Truly, it was time to show Takumi just what Mura was made of; all the previous battles with him, he never showed nor proved his actual level of combat to him. The Dragon had taken it too lightly, so perhaps it was also personal for Mura to give it his all. He had to prove something to Takumi, both about himself and about him. He moved the tip forward, intending to stab the Dragon Slayer with the power-stacked spirit sword…


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 6th August 2017, 10:34 pm

    The dragon slayer was not prepared for the floor beneath them to break, at all, so when Mura vanished as the floor collapsed directly beneath him, Takumi panicked for a brief second, until he realized Mura wouldn't go down so easily. So he waited, muscles tense as he prepared for the attack that was sure to come. And come it did. Too late to dodge, he noticed Mura's attack, and rather than block, the slayer mage actually reached out, grabbing the spirit blade with his bare hand...

    Disregarding the wounds that grabbing a blade with his bare hands had resulted in, the mage would grin at his rival, despite the pain, the look on his face was truly frightening. He had gone down on one knee from the force, and the shock of the impact spread through his whole body, but all he noticed was his rival. "Don't underestimate me, Mura," said the slayer with some difficulty, as he was in a fair bit of pain, but regardless of that, he stood up. "After all, I can't let myself lose to my rival so easily."

    Drops of blood from one of his cuts hit the floor, but those two bright blue eyes focused on Mura. "Now, it's my turn." With those simple words, Takumi launched into motion. Familiar blue lightning surrounded the mage's hand- his lightning blade. He went directly at Mura, and if the blade hit, it could cause some pretty large damage. However, Takumi was moving more slowly than normal, and unless Mura wanted to get hit, he would more than likely be able to dodge. If that attack hit, Takumi would grin as he looked at his rival, making sure that the other mage wasn't discounting his abilities. A dangerous look was flashing in his eyes, the one that showed he would die before he stopped.

    WC: 3701/4000


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Mura Kensho 22nd August 2017, 10:19 am

    All of a sudden, Takumi was right in front of Mura. He had dared grab his spirit blade despite the injuries it followed with, not having used his scythe this time. Did that mean that he couldn’t use it all the time? He couldn’t think more than that, given the Dragon’s smirk. He told him not to underestimate him… but if he did underestimate himself, then that would ease the thinking of all the strategies that would ensure his resistance from any tactic that Mura could use against him. Even Takumi had weaknesses, and if he didn’t realize them at some point, then it would only stab him in the back later.

    “Now, now…” Mura replied rather calmly. He could see the blood drippling from Takumi’s hands, while his eyes were solely focused on the shaman’s. He sure had a passion for close-up combat. However, all of a sudden, blue lightning surrounded the mage; watching it, it reminded him of Yazuki’s Thunder Demon Slayer Magic. He concentrated that on his hand, while it glowed brightly. He was surely going to use it in an offensive way, because Mura knew Takumi’s best type of battle. With the blade held by Takumi’s other hand, Mura extended the tilt’s spiritual components and leapt away, having a long thread of aura connecting his hand and sword. He slowly lifted up his other hand and pointed it at the Dragon, causing a large tree to suddenly grow up and attempt to subdue him…


    Takumi Yoshino
    Takumi Yoshino

    Guardian of Storms

    Guardian of Storms

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho] Empty Re: Rivals [Takumi's B-Rank Exam - Held by Mura Kensho]

    Post by Takumi Yoshino 22nd August 2017, 12:48 pm

    Mura would easily dodge his attack, which caused Takumi to smirk. He knew Mura would easily dodge, but he decided instead to change tactics halfway through. So when the tree grew up, large and strong, in an attempt to subdue him, the man used the one technique he knew would probably save him yet hurt him worse at the same time. A large flower of lightning blossomed above his head, which would then explode, blasting everything within 15 meters, including himself. The slayer would be thrown to the ground by the explosion he had caused, now in even more pain then before, but he did not cry out, instead grinning savagely.

    "I'm not... done... yet, Mura, just wait..." he would say, pain evident in his voice as he struggled to get up. Black hair flopping in his face, blood dripping from several wounds, he managed to get up, albeit rather slowly. Finally, he knew it was time for the one technique he had been saving. A high, shrieking, call came out of his mouth, the call of one dragon to another. His dragon friend, small, but already deadly, would appear, 5 meters of pure scaly muscle. He petted the dragon's face, before facing Mura again.

    "Meet Rei, a dragonet who comes when I call." Takumi said, before swinging one leg across the dragon's back with a grunt. Soon he would be mounted on the dragon's back, two pairs of eyes now staring at the shaman, sapphire and gold together. Rei would be his legs, since he could barely move his, and the two would be working together, though they had to move fast. However, Takumi forgot to account for Mura's tree, and was knocked away from Rei, spitting curses the whole time. It looked like Mura had won... for now, anyhow.

    Wc: 4001/4000


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