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    One Frustrating Day...

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

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    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 12th March 2017, 6:16 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    It was 10 am and Rai was just now waking up. He was up late last night getting in some practice before bed. He was practicing his freestyle dance moves cause he had little time these days to work on it. About 8 year's back he almost became the country champion at such a young age. Unfortunately, that's all of that story he'd like to remember. Not too long after he crawled out of bed, Dante came storming in. "You awake yet shrimp!? No? GOOD! Hurry you arse downstairs now! We got a job to do!" He said slamming the door shut behind him. Dante was Rai's pet honey badger, just don't tell that to Dante's face. Was then Rai remembered he was still short for this month's payment. That's probably what Dante was yelling about. After getting dressed he headed downstairs and met up with Dante at the job board. "Bout time! Hurry up and decide where we're goin." He was clearly in a good mood this morning. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."  Rai said grabbing a job off the board. "Shut it." he replied.

    The job Rai took from the job board was about some town called Toylaten. Apparently, they have stopped all forms of communication from the outside world. People have gone to investigate and haven't been seen again. It took them some time to get to this town due to no trains heading out that way. A train conductor said every train that went that way never came back. The hell was going on with this town? They ended up hitching a ride from a cab but even the cab driver refused to get within 2 miles of the place and they had to walk the rest of the way.

    It was nearly 5 pm now, and they finally made it to Toylaten. What they saw was a bit to take in. The entire town looked like it was turned into a toy model of what it use to look like. The stranger thing was, there was nobody in sight. Rai and Dante walked through the toy town for what seemed like about 20 minutes before finally seeing something out of place... Well more out of place. There was a toy lying down on the ground. It was a toy Pirate, Rai looked around to see if anyone could have dropped it but saw nothing. "You get the feeling we're being watched?" Dante suddenly asked. "Yes, since before we walked into town."

    "You haven't sensed anything with that static vision of yours?" Dante asked. "No."  Rai replied. They continued walking for a couple more blocks before Dante said he heard something up ahead. What they found were more toys. However, these toys were walking and talking! Rai couldn't make out what they were saying due to them not technically have any lips to read. He didn't even know they were talking until Dante mentioned it. "What the hell is going on here?" Dante asked. Was then all the toy's started to notice them one by one. They started to charge towards them yelling to leave. "You must leave now! Get out while you still can! Bring the Rune Knights!" Rai still couldn't hear what they were saying with his music playing on his headset and he was unable to read their lips. Dante was suggesting we get the heck out of here but then suddenly a figure appeared behind them.

    It was a little kid no older than 6 years old. "Hi! I'm Chip! Let's play!" Rai was caught off guard by a 6-year-old even with his enhanced senses. Suddenly the boy's amulet began to glow and he touched both Rai and Dante at the same time. Immediately the two were turned into 1-foot tall toy versions of themselves! By the time the initial shock was over, the kid already took off somewhere. "What the hell just happened! I'M PLASTIC!?!?!?! I'LL KILL THAT BRAT!!!!!!" Dante screamed. Rai wasn't in a much better condition. He was now 1 foot tall, made of plastic, and his headphones stopped playing music. Both of them were pissed at this point. "Agreed." Rai stated after Dante.

    Location;; From Silvermoon Inn to Toylaten
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 700



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 12th March 2017, 11:55 pm

    The young pirate Haia was getting to go on another exibition, this time on foot. As much as the young girl prefers the indoors, somehow she always ends up walking everywhere she goes. Whatever the reason for her weird personality, she looks at the job in her hand with much intent, a job request to find out the disappearance of the toy making village Toylaten. Apparantly the place had mysteriously cut all communication, and whatever went there, whether it be a train or a carriage, never came back. Haia usually would brush over the idea, but then, the jewel reward caught her eye and she immediately swipe it off. So here she is, trekking on a dirt path, when a horse carriage appears at a junction she is at. The curious rider looks at Haia, wondering how anyone wearing that is even fine in the heat.
    "Cuse me missy but that's way to Toylaten, that accursed place is called off bound cause it all crazy?" The rider blinks, the girl was gone.

    So there Haia was, looking at what was Toylaten, like they were not kidding about the name, its an actual toy land. But something told Haia that this was off. So carefully, she strolls through the town, carefully avoiding the toy houses and trying not to laugh when she heard how the road actually squeaks. She pulls her hood over her face, using it to focus on other things when she spots a kid strolling happily. Haia immediately reached for an arrow, but loosened her stance. It was just a kid, what could go-

    The kid touched her arm.

    Haia looks at how the kid was smiling, clearly innocent and looking at Haia with curious eyes. He then walks away chipper. Haia blinks before white smoke surrounds her in a pop. When the smoke cleared, she finds herself small enough that the houses look normal. Her guesses she was a feet tall. Haia then looks at herself, first of all, why does she have stiching across her body? Second why does she squeak when she presses against her chest. Haia found a toy mirror and looks at her. The girl looks like an exact replica of herself if she was a toy, a stuff toy no less. Her bow is attached to her body and so was her quiver. Haia can't even use it and it is make her frustrated. Hence she starts trekking through town, hoping to find out more.

    Word count: 413


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 13th March 2017, 2:44 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Outraged by this new turn of events, Rai and Dante were ready to pay a child a beating. They both have been turned into 1 ft. tall action figures by the young boy who is currently running amok through the town. Well, at least they found out what happened. The other toys that were trying to warn them finally made it over and started to explain their situation. Apparently, there are two kids, twins, running around and for the past three weeks, they have been turning everything they see into toys. As for their motivation, it's unclear as to why. Most figured they got their hands on something they have yet to fully comprehend and think they are playing a game. "If so, this is one sick game..." Dante remarked.

    It became clear rather quickly that these twins have yet to deal with anyone that posses magic cause Rai found out that he still had access to his own. They still had a chance to fight back and get these kids to change everyone back. The other toy's warned them against fighting back however. The twins set up sentry's all around the town in order to keep all toy's in the center of town. Not only could they turn people into toy's but they could also create living toy's from nothing or their surroundings. All in all, they two were up sh#t creek without a paddle.

    First thing's first, they needed to find the kids and figure out how to reverse this. They took off running towards the edge of town. If these kids were really trying to keep people from leaving then this was the best way to bring them out. As they made their way to the edge of town, they found another toy walking around the outer perimeter of the town. This toy seemed to be an archer of some kind given that her bow and arrows were attached to her. Rai and Dante walked over to the young girl in order to try and warn her of the danger of the area. "Looks like you met one of the twins too." He started to say. "It's not safe here unless you can fight I recommend you wait in the center of town." Rai said. However, Dante wanted to get his two cents in as well. "And if you saw one or both of them recently tell us now! We need to pay those brats a beating!" he said trying to crack his plastic knuckles.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 418



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Posts : 445
    Guild : Onyx Moon
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 13th March 2017, 8:03 pm

    Her trek barely brought her any sort of comfort, the houses look weird and whats more she is a stuff toy, a stuff toy. Haia would gladly squish herself but she can not even feel anything. It not only ticks her off that she could not enjoy her softness, but it goes away when she presses her chest and she makes a squeak sound. Haia giggles and continues her trek until she comes face to face, with two action figures. One was thin, wearing head phones and a nice set of purple clothing. The other, was fat, and looks like a badger. It was odd seeing an action figure toy badger, and not only that, its bigger than the kid.

    Then the two spoke. The headphones kid was more collective of the situation, and the one she bothered to actually pay attention to over the screaming oversized mammal. But then what he said ticks her off.
    "Well excuse me! I can handle myself on my own!" Haia scowled. Haia then glares at Rai, before her expression shifts to a smug. "Well I guess such stupidity is expected, you could not even tell I was a mage right away, despite the distance we have between us."

    But Haia's gaze shifts away from Rai, something told her, something was watching. Haia turns around, there was nothing. Haia then faces Rai.
    "If I was a kid... Where would I be in a town made of toys..." Haia rubs her chin, before walking away from Rai and makes her way towards the edge of town. Somehow she felt that based on direction of the action figures and the way they spoke, the edge of town seems like the location that they were heading to. But her trek was stopped by a barricade of toys.

    Word count: 300
    Spawning le monsters.


    One Frustrating Day...  21

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by NPC 13th March 2017, 8:03 pm

    The member 'Starstruck XD' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  StrongMonster
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

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    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 14th March 2017, 5:05 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Rai as unsure why the girl got so angry all of a sudden. He clearly stated unless she can fight, and yet she took it as if he was saying she can't... Her actions afterward were also a clear indication that Rai was not dealing with a normal girl. First off she stated she was indeed a mage and then started walking off like this conversation wasn't even happening. Rai and Dante looked at each other with confusion on what just happened. "Just let her walk away, dame's like her are trouble." Dante suggested. Rai was all for just letting her walk off but because of reason's he rather not bring up, he followed her anyway. She was heading towards the outer perimeter of the city anyway.

    It wasn't long before trouble found them. A toy that looked to be a pirate jumped from one of the buildings and was looking to get a surprise attack on Haia. Rai acted fast and pointed his finger at the falling toy and yelled "Thunder God's Mercy!" A beam of lightning fired from his finger and knocked the toy off his intended target. Almost immediately, more toy's starting to walk out into the open surrounding the three. Rai counted 4 pirate toy's, including the one he shot out of the air, and 1 wolf toy. The one he shot got back up but was defiantly starting to feel the burn of his magic. The pirates had steel swords and the wolf had steel fang's and claws. Not only that but the pirates were 3 feet tall. "How is this fair?" Dante asked.

    Rai told Dante not to worry and his eye's started to glow a dark yellow with a black outline. Soon after a thunderstorm began to gather overhead. It didn't rain at all but instead, you could see lightning flashing pretty often in the clouds above. "Thunder God's Playground." Rai stated when the spell was done.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 324



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Posts : 445
    Guild : Onyx Moon
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    First Skill: Precursor Drive
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 15th March 2017, 1:03 am

    Haia looks at Rai, that kid save her for a surprise attack. As much as she was grateful, she could not care less in the situation they were in. Haia did a head count and cracked her knuckles, then she remembers she did not have knuckles, nor does she ever crack her knuckles. Haia also remembers she could notnuse her bow on her arrow. So the girl went for the next best thing.

    Haia puts her hands together and a beam shot down from the sky in holy radiance, lighting up the place before a flash and a brilliant white sword lights up the skies. But it was huge compared to the toys. Haia looked at it, wondering how she was able to carry this. Then the sword shrunk down to an optimum size and the girl smiled. Valkyrie's Blade was at ready. Haia dashed towards one of the pirate toys, think of 8t as Pirate Rivalry. The two clashed swords, Haia was swifter and much more able at dodging despite her plushie appearance, but the pirate toy was more proficent in swordplay than the mage archer. Soon however, the pirate toy got the upper hand and disarmed Haia, the white blade spinning through the air before hitting the ground and disappearing. Haia was in a dire situation, she could not use her bow, her main weapon. But then she had more up her cotton sleeves. Haia breathed fire onto her hands and a whip of solid blue and black fire was in her hands. The girl twirls and whips the pirates, flicking his sword away. Haia proceeds to turn the whip into a bow and fires off arrows at the other two pirates. Her glare then rested on the wolf as she maintained a volley at the pirate toys. Two hunters glare met, and one of obviously more scary. The wolf toy ends up whimpering and running away, who knows where.

    The girl turns around to face Rai.
    "A little more help is appreciated!" Haia said before leaping back behind the lightning mage and his badger thing.

    Word Count: 348


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 15th March 2017, 6:01 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    After Rai was finished conjuring his special thunderstorm, he was ready for action. With this storm overhead, it will amplify the static electricity in the air so any and all lightning type attacks will get a damage boost. As Rai was just starting to conjure the storm, Dante was powering up his own spell however, he will need at least another two minutes before he's ready to use it. In the meantime, Rai planned to stay by his side and keep him safe till his spell was ready to be used. Dante is unable to even move while he's charging this spell and needs the protection. The young girl seemed to be handling herself just fine, she summoned a blade of light to go toe to toe with one of the pirates for a bit before being overpowered. Then she summoned a whip-like weapon to disarm the pirate the same way it disarmed her. She even managed to scare off the one wolf, guess Dante was right when he said she would be trouble.

    While she was keeping the attention of three of the enemies, which quickly dropped to two, Rai and Dante had two of their own to deal with. One charged forth sword in hand and the other followed right behind him for a tag team attack. "Childs play." Rai whispered under this breath. As the first pirate made a swing at Rai, he simply sidestepped it then kicked its hilt to disarm the pirate but then the second one quickly came from behind and made a vertical swing right for Rai's neck. He leaned back and landed on this hands and held that position for a quick second in order to dodge the incoming attack. From here he spun around 90 degree's and landed a kick right in the pirate's chest knocking it into the other pirate.

    Rai quickly grabbed Dante and jumped behind the pirates so he had all 4 current enemies in view. Was then he heard the girl yelling at him. "A little more help is appreciated!" Haia said before leaping back behind Rai and Dante. The setup and timing was too perfect. Rai inhaled as deeply as he could. "Thunder God's Bellow!!" The lightning blast that came engulfed all 4 pirates. When the attack was done there was nothing in front of them but smoke. Rai blew out the little lightning that was left and then Dante said: "Well that was a bit of a letdown, I thought they would put up more of a challenge." Unfortunately, Dante spoke too soon, when the smoke cleared all 4 toy pirates were still standing. Their bodies were badly melted due to the heat of Rai's lightning attack but other than that they were still ready to continue. "Well that figures..." Dante spoke continuing to charge his spell.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 472



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 15th March 2017, 8:19 am

    Haia had honestly no words to say when she saw Rai let out a beam of lightning breath upon the toys. It was cool, it was glorious, it was ineffective in making the pirate toys die. Haia decides to add something volatile to the mix. Literally. Haia quickly steps up and in some way it actually worked. Out from her mouth came out alot of oil, enough to flood the streets. Her magic certainly did not scale down to size unless she wanted to. Haia then pushed Rai and his badger away with a force of a bear and smirks.
    "Sorry for the push but I'mma blow this whole street apart!" Haia cheered to herself before setting the oil on fire with a breath of blue and black fire.

    The oil was quick to combust, turning every part of the toy street into many many huge collasal holes in the ground. The force of the explosions definitely done the pirate toys in, their melted bodies literally exploding into bits as their smoking bodies are sent into the air. The swords they were holding however remained stuck on the ground, making Hai rather happy to pick two up and holding them at hand. It is nice to have a weapon in hand at least. The girl them faces the lightning mage and his pet badger.

    "Say, whats your name again? You kinda never told me... Anyway don't bother to chide me about the mess, I honestly give zero craps about this kind of bullshit," Haia then looks away, she obviously remembers that Ana may or may not make her scrub the gutters again for blowing up a whole street and the buildings along it. The girl did not care less but somehow feels she made a big mistake. Haia runs her fingers through her thick fluffy hair and a lock of hair just remains standing out like a rooster's crest.

    Word count: 319


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 15th March 2017, 4:20 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Haia suddenly spewed a lot of oil onto the street almost flooding it. Rai didn't think it was oil at first until he got a strong whiff of it. Knowing full well the girl can conjure fire he quickly put two and two together, but that didn't stop Haia from pushing them aside. "Sorry for the push but I'mma blow this whole street apart!" she said. "Wait a sec!" he said, but it was too late. With a quick breath of her blue and black fire, she set off the coming explosion. Rai barely had enough time to grab Dante and hit the deck.

    After the whole street had been done exploding, there was nothing left of the remaining toy pirates. The street was now full of creator's left by the explosions. Rai and Dante just looked at each other with a look of concern for their well-being. "This Dame is going to get us killed..." Dante whispered. After getting up off the ground, Haia turned to both Rai and Dante and said: "Say, what's your name again? You kinda never told me... Anyway don't bother to chide me about the mess, I honestly give zero craps about this kind of bullshit."

    "I'm Rai, and this is Dante." Rai started to say. "And you are?" he asked back, but it seemed she wasn't paying any attention atm. Was then the sun started to shine through the clouds above, Rai and Dante had ended their spells causing the clouds to disperse. Dante just began to walk towards their destination not giving any more craps about anything right now.

    Soon after the three continued to make their way towards the outer perimeter of the city, this time keeping a sharp eye on their surroundings. They didn't need to be caught off guard again. Rai has been severely wishing his headphones were working right now cause he was starting to get pretty annoyed. To him, a life without music is a dull and boring life.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 331



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard Wizard
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    Guild : Onyx Moon
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 5,256.25

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 15th March 2017, 11:26 pm

    Haia did catch wind of what Dante said, but did not say anything, the girl had better things to do than kill a badger with her bare hands. Anyway she managed to catch their names too. Rai and Dante. Rai was such a generic name for a thunder mage, yet alone a thunder god based on her assumption since Rai belched out the words 'Thunder God's Bellow'. Why do people shout their ability names out anyway, its not like it is going to scare the crap out of their enemies or make people scream in terror. In fact Haia got a kick from listening to the names people come up with. Haia notices the lightning mage was already walking off with his badger. Haia looks around, no point actually staying around. The girl looks to the sky as rays of sunshine pierced the cloud barrier. Some of it bathed her pale skin. Mana was regenerating in her again much quicker like she likes it. Haia then quickly catches up with the two, holding the blades in hand. Those pirate toys would not be needing them anymore anyway.

    "I guess I should say it since I did ask for yours, name is Haia, Haia Illie Starstruck," The girl points a thumb to her chest as her other hand rests on her waist, with a smug look on her face. Haia however quickly dismisses her stance as she walked. The girl honestly wanted to figure this out on her own, it was much quicker and maybe by now she would have been human again. But boredom was kind off her thing pretty much. In the guild under the island, she was usually bored to the point she could stroll on the beach or have a drink in the Siren's Song. If she was home in Talonia, still wondering why in the world she bought a shop house and yet no shop to actually begin. Haia needs to remember to put out an advertisement to sell the shop place. At least she would be losing less cash by making the person pay half the rent. Speaking of cash, she wonders what would happen if they save the town. It had to be riches, Toylaten must be showered in jewels for a town that makes toys for the whole of Fiore. Haia snickers to herself as they made their way to the outer perimeter of the town.

    Haia could see that Rai was sharply looking around, obviously he did not want to be caught by toys again. Ambushed by toys, Haia never thought such an idea would ever come to mine. The girl was used to getting the jump on by deers and other fauna, but never in her life thought toys would be something she would be wary off. Haia chuckles to herself, breaking the silence of the ghost town they are in. Now that Haia thought about it, she has yet to spot another living soul nor toy since her arrival in the town. Had the toys that they were fighting prehaps the reason? Or maybe that kid who touched her and disappeared. The girl needed answers, but felt it was going to sprout more questions. Well there was only one way to find out.

    Haia begun to think back to their first conversation. Rai implied that safety was close to the center of town, based on what she did see, Rai had been to the center, based on his direction of arrival when they first met. Haia drew a few hypothesis, one was that the center of town was where the folks, most likely toys too were gathered and holding a barricade up to combat the bad toys. Two was that center happened to be a place the bad toys will not cross over into, what ever the reason. Three was maybe the kid who most likely turned her into a stuff toy, based on what Rai said about her encounter, and had the towns people rounded up there and forced the bad toys to surround them, an embargo from letting them call for help. Haia finally forged her question.

    "Any idea what motive the kid have for turning people into toys?" Haia asked before suddenly hearing something coming from behind them. More toys were behind them, obviously witht the intent of ambushing them but clearly failed when they kicked a piece of gravel and making a sound. Haia drew the swords, she may not be the best at swordplay, but she can certainly at least use them.

    Word Count: 757(4,382 words in total for the whole thread)


    One Frustrating Day...  21

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by NPC 15th March 2017, 11:26 pm

    The member 'Starstruck XD' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    One Frustrating Day...  WeakMonster One Frustrating Day...  StrongMonster One Frustrating Day...  WeakMonster One Frustrating Day...  WeakMonster
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 16th March 2017, 8:50 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Rai and Dante took point as they made their way towards the edge of town. Haia finally revealed her name to the two lightning users, and the coast was clear. Thing's were too quiet. While Rai used his static vision and enhanced hearing to make sure no one surprise attacked them again, Dante was not lightening the mood in the slightest. He kept trying to reach into his pocket for one of his cigar's but keeps forgetting his pockets are now plastic detailing on this body. "I would literally kill for a cig right now." He growled. "You really should quit. Isn't you lifespan short enough as it is?" Rai remarked. "Shut it! I'm not in the mood." Dante snapped. "When are you ever in a good mood." They kept going back and forth like this for a while. All the while Rai tried to keep his voice calm while Dante just kept getting louder. In the end.

    "Alright, that's it! No more Mr. nice badger!"  Dante said jumping back a bit while Rai just kept on walking not really caring what Dante was about to do. Must like Dante, Rai was getting more and more aggravated as time went on. By this point, he was itching for a fight just to relieve some pent up aggression, but he didn't want to go at it with Dante. Mostly cause he was too easy to beat. "HEY! DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled. "Do what you want, I have better things to deal with at the mo." Rai cut himself off as he could have sworn he heard something on the other side of the buildings. "You really piss me off  you know that!?" Rai just told Dante to be quiet and gestured to the other side of the buildings. Dante was happy to oblige if it meant cracking some skulls.

    From what Rai could tell there were 3 of them on either side of them behind the buildings. Haia seemed to be off in her own little world at the time, and Rai was pretty sure she wasn't paying any attention to their current situation. Finally, they got close enough to where Rai could make them out in his static vision. There were four more wolves and two pirates. Rai just kept walking like they haven't noticed them yet but kept a close eye on em. "Whats the plan?" Dante whispered. "Let's see how this plays out." He replied. They continued down the road for at least another three blocks before Haia finally broke the silence. "Any idea what motive the kids have for turning people into toys?" Rai hasn't really put any thought into it. All he cared about was getting back to normal by any mean's necessary. "No clue, all the town's folk in the center of town believe they are just playing." Rai answered. "It's possible they got their hands on something they don't fully comprehend and are using it as a mean's to play their game." He finished.

    Was then one of the enemy toys made a rather noticeable sound even Haia heard. "By the way, we have company. At least six more are tailing us behind the buildings." he said in a bit of a whisper while gesturing to both sides of the street. "Alright here's the plan." Rai began to say. "They don't know we are onto them yet so let's get the jump on them." Rai pointed to the left side of the street. "Haia, you take care of the three on that side and Dante, and I will take this side." He finished pointing to the right. Each side had one pirate and two wolves, so it really didn't matter who went where. Rai and Dante quickly made their way to the rooftops and leaned his back against what little edge there was above his targets.

    Rai waited for them to move up the alleyway far enough till they were directly below them. Once they got there, Rai leaned further back till he slid off the side of the building and was in free fall. Dante stuck around on the roof for a moment, letting Rai be the distraction for a bit. "Thunder God's Shocking First Bullet!" He yelled hitting the Pirate in the head with his foot. The moment Rai's foot made contact, lightning violently shot from him and passed straight through the pirate leaving a melted hole. But Rai wasn't done with him yet; lightning continued to charge up in his other more dominant foot. "Thunder God’s Electrifying 2nd Bullet" He said before cracking his leg upside what was left of the pirates head creating another hole and sending the pirate down to the ground.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 787



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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 17th March 2017, 9:40 am

    Haia did not need much further instruction from Rai. When he took off to the roofs, Haia charged at the 3 toys on the other side and leapt at them with steel swords. The steel blades whirled like a hurricane as they fell upon their plastic victims, easily cleaving their fake eyes and limbs like a knife through butter. Haia horse kicks one from trying to take her from behind and stabs his head and pulls it off the sockets. Haia stares at the head before pulling it off and throwing it at the other toys like a bowling ball, it was not effective but it did stop them momentarily for Haia to swing their heads off to before melting their bodies with a nice blue flame. Haia steps away, burnt plastic stinks worse than a pigsty, and she is okay with the smells of a pigsty. Haia somehow manages to hold these swords but does not really complain about it, as long as she can slice and dice it is fine by her. Haia looks to see Rai finish off his side but then spots a toy trying to jump Rai and sends a sword flying at it, the steel spinning like a buzzsaw and plants itself into the toy's face and drops it dead.

    "I think thats all of them around, hopefully..." Haia muttered as she went back to the streets, her boots kicking away some gravel, the fight seemed to end quickly but that concerned her. As the girl grabs the hilt of the swofd and wrungs it down on the plastic head she realizes something.

    "Why am I the only stuff toy? Everyone else we have seen is made from plastic, heck the houses and streets are plastic toys," Haia exclaimed as she elegantly holds her steel blades. The girl proceeds to hop back down into the streets, obviously not interested in an answer. Haia would usually just drink some cidar by now but she got stuck with two lightning toys, both foul mouths. At least one is an animal she could skin, the other however was one she would avoid. Haia could see it, the Black Rose guild mark. Her sharp eye took note of that detail. The girl was not sure how the Magic Council will see this but they know that she commited the murder if she attempted a kill on Rai. Haia shakes that thought out, her guild mark was hidden under her gloves, and based on how her hands look, the gloves are nothing but painted ink on her cotton sewn hands and not visible. Action figures still have clothes, shoes and hair. But she is the definition of a teddy bear. Haia sighed, wanting a nice cold drink back at the Siren's Song.

    Word count 463


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 19th March 2017, 4:57 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    The pirate was down for the count! All that was left to take care of was the two wolf toys. They were quick to get the jump on Rai however they failed to realize who was getting the jump on who. Right at the last second, Dante came crashing down from the rooftop right on the first wolf. This surprise attack caused the second wolf to lose its focus on its target and Rai took full advantage of that. In one swift move, he spun in a complete 360 kicking the wolf through the wall in the process. Dante kept beating the wolf to a bloody pulp even after it was completely defeated. However, the wolf that Rai kicked wasn't down yet. Dante quickly turned his head and looked at the wolf with an evil like grin. Fearing for its life the wolf took off running with its tail between its legs. "HEY GET BACK HERE AND LET ME KICK YOUR ASS! SPINLESS COWARD!" Dante yelled.

    While Dante screamed his head off for not getting to let out all his aggression, Rai made his way over to Haia to see if she was alright. He walked through the house he kicked a hole into and walked out the front door to see she was already finished herself. It seemed like they finished about the same time and both were just getting back. Haia jumped back down from the rooftops on the other side of the street and suddenly yelled "Why am I the only stuff toy? Everyone else we have seen is made from plastic, heck the houses and streets are plastic toys." Rai just couldn't figure this girl out, one second she's quiet the next she's angry and the other she's carefree. Either way, after she was done yelling she started to walk off again without even getting an answer and Rai just followed lagging behind a bit till Dante caught back up.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 324



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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 20th March 2017, 9:05 am

    Haia continue hee search, how big was Toylaten. It looked rather small when she was still 5 feet tall, guess now being smaller changes one's prespective and space. Still it did not make the search any easier. The twins could easily cross what Haia would cobsider kilometers in a few strides, making this chase unbearable and annoying. Haia could tell in Rai and Dante, both of them as she observed really really are having a bad temper. Suddenly, as Haia walks down a cobblestreets, she stops for a bit before approaching a door. Slowly and cautiously the girl opens up the plastic door and finds a girl whimpering inside. Haia managed to catch the whimpering, thanks to the two of them being so silent. Haia looks back go check if they are even still following, which to her little disbelief, finds that they are. Haia lets out a mental groan before approaching the girl.

    "Hey there, don't worry, oh no..." Haia lifts the girl's plastic arm, it was crushed, like it was chewd on. The girl, was whimpering, but obviously no tears. It was creepy to outsides but Haia smiled before resting her woolen palm on the girl's chewed part. Haia did not believe it worked. That arm looked as good as new. Haia smiled. Haia looked back at Raiza.

    "Hey Rai, how fast is that badger? Think it could carry this girl to safety fast enough? Cause right now... You and I gonna be a duo of good teachers and bring manners to the table," Haia cracked her knuckles as the girl cowered behind her and hugging her fluffy torso tightly. There was a shine in that bead eye, a glint of courage and determination. Full of passion and fury. And for once, Haia awaited an answer from Rai.

    Word Count: 300(Total Count 6256)
    Ooc: Sorry for the short post, its late and I've been busy


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    Posts : 226
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 21st March 2017, 5:51 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    It felt like they have been walking for hours and it still seemed like they had a ways to go yet. It wasn't too long later that Haia and Rai heard whimpering coming from one of the nearby toy buildings. Haia was the first to act and ran over to the door. "Where she going now?" Dante asked. "I think there's a crying kid in there." Rai replied. "Right, keep forgetting you have better hearing than normal humans. Question is, how did she know? She have super hearing too?" Dante asked. "Questions for later, we should get her to safety." After Haia had walked back out with the girl she asked "Hey Rai, how fast is that badger? Think it could carry this girl to safety fast enough? Cause right now... You and I gonna be a duo of good teachers and bring manners to the table."

    "That badger has a name you know..." Dante whined while crossing his arms and looking the other way. "He'll be fine." Rai replied. "Excuss me? When did I agree to this? I'm not babysitting after everything that's happened to me today! Do it yourself!" Dante protested. "Fine. Then I'll do it, leaving you alone with Haia." Rai said smiling knowing full well Dante can't stand Haia. Not to mention she already nearly blew him to smithereens once already today. "Have fun you two." Rai said grabbing the girl by the hand and started to walk off with her. "WAIT! FINE! You win..." He grumbled taking the girl from Rai. He picked the girl up and got ready to take off. "Hang on tight or risk me dropping you." Dante said before taking off in a full sprint.

    "Try not to kill her..." Rai said putting his hand to his forehead. Well, it was down to just Rai and Haia now. They quickly pressed on, and soon enough they finally made it to the edge of town. The problem was, they were expecting them. Just outside the border that is Toylaten stood eight more pirate toys and a wolf toy. Not only that but behind all them was the two boys they have been looking for. "YAY! You made it!" The twins said in unison. "To be honest, I expected there to be more toy's here." Rai said thinking out loud. "Oh, this isn't all of them! We sent the rest after the other toys in the middle of town!" The twins explained. "Shit..." Rai replied under his breath. "Enough talking! Let's fight now!" They yelled again before sending the remaining toys on them.

    While they were busy fighting off the toys, the twins managed to run around and make their way back into town. Was then that Haia yelled at Rai to follow them. Rai protested at first but soon realized that if they were to lose the twins now, it would just mean bigger problems for the town's folk later. Besides, Haia was fully capable of handling this situation. Before Rai took off after them, he yelled, "I'll fire off some lightning into the sky when I've cornered them!" The twins were fast, but nothing Rai couldn't keep up with.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 528

    Last edited by Rai Sormr on 21st March 2017, 6:49 am; edited 1 time in total



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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by NPC 21st March 2017, 5:51 am

    The member 'Rai Sormr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  NormalMonster One Frustrating Day...  Boss One Frustrating Day...  WeakMonster

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 24th March 2017, 6:53 am

    Haia gets the situation, and let's Raiza run after the twins. The mage was much faster anyway, the girl would need to keep running and would not make it in time. Haia grabbed the blades, they sing as they scraped each other's sharp side. Haia spat on the ground beside her, but a fluff ball just came out. Haia does not bother to look however, she was the one who is gonna buy Rai time to get to the center before the twins and stoo these bad toys from getting close to him before she could. Fighting pirates, Haia snickers, nothing at all, she was more intimidated by Ana and Cirven that these plastic figurines. As for the wolf toy, Haia decides to leave it alone, Rai could easily handle the thing should it try to attack him. They surrounded her, each with swords pointed at Haia, their gleaming edges shined with an evil light. Haia could not parry every sword, she is not that skill, but she noted their stance. Haia took a breath and held it in, she needed to time this right or she is a pin cushion, literally. The pirates took a step in and tried to stab her in unison, but they did not expect her to jump into the air as the blades slowly converge beneath her and watching her kick one of them in the face and flipping back on to her feet behind another pirate before giving him a kick. Haia steps back, she stabs the swords into the ground and grasps her hands together. The pirates close it quickly as fire begins to burst forth from inside Haia's clasped hands, licks of fire spewing forth as they shifted and shape. When they jump on her, with swords pointed straight for her, the spell bursts forth in a brilliant display as the sound of engines whirled to life. The pirate toys were sent flying and crashing as they watched a girl plushie holding a minigun of blue fire. Haia laughs, this spell was the most amazing idea she had ever come up with. With a smile, she whirls up the mingun with a gleam in her eyes. The pirates take a minute to gather themselves, they will definitely be dead if they try to approached her. But they did with a gallant stride, or a foolish one.

    Haia grinds her cotton shoe into the ground as she to gain stability. Haia whistles and fire erupted bemeath her feet and bursts into a tidal wave before rising up, twisting and turning before coming down on the pirates, but their swords parry the onslaught and continue towards Haia in a sprint but more fire detered their path like a pit of snakes. The blue fire lashed at them like vipers and whips as they tried to approach the girl in her charge up, the engines within the minigun griding despite the material they are made off. Haia grins, the pirates had managed to cross past her fire, but now they are within range of her rain of hell. Haia pulls the trigger.

    Word Count: 518


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 25th March 2017, 10:28 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    While Rai and Haia were dealing with the twins, Dante finally made it to the center of town with the little girl. Shortly after he dropped her off a couple of toy's came running out to thank Dante for bringing her back. They must be the girl's parents cause she seemed happy to see them. However, this happy reunion was short lived when many of the toys around the edge of town square began to scream bloody murder. "THEY'RE COMING!! EVERYONE HIDE!!!!"  One toy shouted. But it wasn't long before they all realized that the Pirate and wolf toys were coming from all sides of the square. There was no running, and there was no hiding, they were trapped. "HOW IS THIS FAIR!?!?!?" Dante yelled.

    Dante quickly took action "Tell everyone to get away from the exits! NOW!!!" He commanded. All the toys ran to the center away from the entrances and exits. A storm quickly formed overhead, the twin's army was at the gates. Dante's eyes glowed yellow as the storm overhead began to rain lightning down around the entrance's the moment any of the pirate or wolf toys walked in. It seemed to keep them back for now, but Dante isn't able to hold them all back for long. "Rai you better hurry up, or I'll kill you myself." he muttered under his breath.

    Rai was in hot pursuit of the twins and quickly gaining on them. While Rai was trying to get ahead of them to cut them off, he began to think of a plan. "Haia will be a minute before she can catch up and Dante is probably defending the town's folk.  Which mean's I'm on my own. I should be able to handle both of them myself if not I could always call him in." Finally, Rai was able to cut them off. "That's as far as you two go. Return us all to normal now or else you leave me no choice but to punish you." Rai warned the twins, but they just seemed to laugh like they are having the time of their lives. "Alrighty, Chip lets have some fun with this one. Right behind you Chen!" the twins spoke. Chip used his toy make magic to make a toy gun while Chen created a toy sword. It was Rai against both the twins alone, he was only 1 foot tall while they were each 4 feet.

    Rai noted a storm was forming overhead and assumed it was Dante, he quickly decided to give them both a boost in power and amplified the storm with his own power to increase the static electricity in the air around the town boost their lightning damage. "Thunder God's Playground." Rai finally said. Dante noticed right away and took full advantage of the power boost as a way to conserve mana and lower the damage output. Rai jumped at Chen while he swung his sword. Rai clashed with the toy sword by throwing a strong right kick but was sent flying back anyway due to him being in mid air. He landed on a nearby rooftop and had to quickly move out of the way cause Chip started to fire his toy gun at Rai with surprisingly good aim. It didn't help that they were just as tall as the buildings so they could easily see over them. Rai dove down behind some buildings to avoid being shot at, but then Chen would just charge and attack right himself.

    The twins were better than Rai first thought; they seemed to be familiar with basic combat tactics. It was a good thing that Rai was already a step ahead of them for you see, there's a reason why he hasn't tried to attack much yet. He was testing them to see what they were capable of, never fully taking his eye's off of them for more than a few seconds. They seemed to keep up the same strategy over and over again. Chip would shoot Rai whenever he was in sight on the rooftops, and Chen would hunt him down in the streets. Rai was ready to begin his counter plan. While he was down on the ground level, Chen would chase him down in the streets. Rai dodged all of the young boy's swings but he was kept on swinging away laughing all the while.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 729 (8031 total for job)

    Last edited by Rai Sormr on 25th March 2017, 11:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by NPC 25th March 2017, 10:28 pm

    The member 'Rai Sormr' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 26th March 2017, 2:53 pm

    Haia blew the nozzle of her minigun as the barrels slowed down and steam whistled and rushed out. Before her was the bloody carnage of her destruction. Many many pirate toys were left burning with blue fire in large holes, slowly consuming their plastic bodies slowly but ever so surely. The girl's nose wrinkled at the smell of burning plastic. Absolutely disgusting the hunter thought as she whips the minigun on her back, planning to use it later as its duration is not over yet. Slowly she looks towards the sky, her bead eyes eyeing the thunderheads gathering around far bound. It was definitely Rai and Dante's work. Haia quickly climbs to the top of a building and stares out into the distance, hoping to see some sort of action and decide her plan of movement and action. There, Haia looks towards the town center, and spots a thunder cloud raining bolts of lightning upon the center. Haia could see Rai too, and the twins. Haia scratches her wooly head before jumping off the building she was on and takes flight, blue and black wings of fire flapping like a bird as the wings grew in length and majistry. Haia soared above the town, watching as towns of plastic and streets of foam. Haia grew closer to the thundercloud, and know it was her sign to drop. Last thing she needed was to get struck out of the sky like a bird in the storm. Haia dives and lands on a pirate, knocking the toy over and causing his sword to clatter on the ground.

    "Oi Skinbag! If you just keep standing there and letting the clouds do your dirty work I'll sell your fur to Fiore's Fashion designers!" Haia said as she drives her foot into the pirate, causing the plastic to cave in despite the one pressing on it being cotton stuff wool. Haia draws her minigun and fires away, laughing as blue and black bullets blared from the nozzle, the barrels spinning with a beautiful spray. Some hit buildings but most land their mark on the hoard, the pirates and wolves panicking withe the on slaught upon them. Haia then spins around and kicks a wolf that tried to jump her in its toy jaw and broke it off. Haia then swung the minigun into it and blasted bullets through it before flicking it out of the way. Haia growls and fires of more bullets, fire bursts from the nozzles, bright lights flashing as bullet after bullet spraies out and covers the ground in tiny cinders and ashes. The smell of plastic burning grew strong as Haia wreckes havoc upon her enemies, and for each that tried to ambush her, they got a gut full of bullets and chest gaping with a burning hole. But it was clear that slowly the girl is getting overwhelmed. The pirate toys were durable and not all her bullets land. Haia eventually drops the gun and makes herself a whip from in and taunts them into fighting her. Haia knew she could not keep it up, but maintained her stance, as she swung the whip around gave a pirate toy a lash, the flame whip cracked like thunder and the lash on the pirate hissing like a viper as it slowly melts, almost like acidic venom. Haia hissed and cracks her whip, a whole army of toys with malicious eyes on her.

    "Run already god damn it! Leave for safety!" Haia commanded as her whip flicked itself onto another pirate toy, the tip turning into a viper and biting down upon the toy viciously. For once she hope that badger Dante would already help her out of her situation, as more and more begin to close in on her like a plague.

    Word Count: 631 (total:8662)


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

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    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 27th March 2017, 4:43 pm

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    Dante was doing a great job at keeping the toy's at bay, but he was quickly running out of mana.  Every time an enemy toy came walking into the town square, Dante would rain lightning down on it to either get them to back off or take it down. Even with Rai's power boost, this was turning out to be tough for the badger. Just as he couldn't hold the spell any longer and fell to his knees, Haia fell from the sky in a literal blaze of glory, landing on a pirate and taking it down. "Oi Skinbag!" she started to yell. "What she just call me!?" Dante thought to himself. "If you just keep standing there and letting the clouds do your dirty work I'll sell your fur to Fiore's Fashion designers!" she finished. Dante's eye was twitching he was so mad. So mad he was actually at a loss for words, which was a first in his book. Finally, Dante managed to yell something back "I WILL END YOU GIRL!" he screamed going completely berserk. While Dante was lost to his rage, a wolf snuck up from behind and dove at him. At the last second, Dante heard it coming and bitch slapped it out of the air. The wolf went flying into a nearby toy building and the other toy's that were sneaking up on his watched the whole thing happened and were now scare for their lives. Dante slowly turned towards them. "Who's next?" He said, eyes beaming with rage. One pirate didn't want to be so easily intimidated and charged straight for Dante. It did a horizontal slash with its twin swords, hitting their mark on the money. However, the situation didn't seem to go as expected. Dante grabbed both blades in each hand and held them in place. "Always nice to have a volunteer." he said before snapping the blades in half and stabbing them in the pirate's eyes. By the time Dante was finished dealing with this pirate, all the other's started running away from him. "Oh no, you can't leave yet! WE HAVE ONLY JUST STARTED!" he said chasing after them.

    Meanwhile, Rai was still being pursued by Chen who was swinging his toy sword like a mad man, er boy. Rai took a sharp turn to the left and there was Chip ready and waiting for him. "Got ya!" he yelled firing his toy gun. Rai leaped over the bullet and onto a nearby rooftop and watched as the bullets bounced off the ground and hit Chen in the shin as he came around the corner. The pain of the attack caused him to tumble over. "Hey! Watch where you shoot that thing! That hurt!" Chen yelled. "Sorry Chen! My mistake!" Chip apologized. This situation gave Rai the time he needed to sneak up on Chip. "Thunder God's Shocking First Bullet!" Rai yelled kicking the child in the neck with his lightning charged leg. The force of the attack was strong enough to have him fall backward onto the ground. Not finished with him yet, Rai landed on the child's stomach and ran towards his face and leaped into the air once again, this time aiming for Chip's shoulder. He extended his leg above his head "Thunder God’s Electrifying 2nd Bullet" He yelled dropping a second lightning charged leg onto the kid's shoulder. Both the attacks seemed to deal some damage to them but not enough to seriously hurt them as it should have. Rai could thank his small size for that cause he didn't want to kill them just teach them a lesson. By the time Rai was done with his assault, Chen was back on his feet and going for another swing at Rai. However, Chen's attack was directed at Rai but ended up hitting his brother instead. For you see, Rai dove to the left off of Chip in order to dodge the attack and Chen ended up hitting his brother instead. "OW! What was that for!" he yelled in pain. "Sorry, I was aiming for him."

    "That's it! Time to show this meanie what we can really do!" Chip said grabbing his brother by the hand. Their amulets started to glow again like when Rai was first turned into an action figure. It was so bright that it blinded Rai for a moment. What he saw when they were done actually surprised him. The created an eight-foot tall robot like toy with them riding on top of it. It has a six-foot long sword made of cheap metal and some orb like objects on its chest which they used as a ranged firing weapon. "This is bad..." Rai said to himself. He figured now would be a good time to call Haia for backup so he pointed his finger into the sky "Thunder God’s Mercy!" he yelled as a bolt of lightning fired from his finger into the sky. He just hoped she saw it and can get here in time.

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 835 (9497 total)

    Last edited by Rai Sormr on 2nd April 2017, 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total



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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Triple_Hell 31st March 2017, 8:14 am

    Haia panted, the girl may have incredible stamina, but it was tough work getting so many dead toys around her it was considered one of the few moments she actually got tired from a physical activity. Haia makes the whip disappear. Resting her hands on her knees and bending forward, she could see the mass destruction that Dante is doing. Haia lets loose a grin before she rubs her arm. It had been repeating the same action several times and it was beginning to ache and sore. Haia bit her bottom lip and wets her lips with her tongue. So much has yet to be done, but so close to the finish line. Haia looks towards the sky and heard a crash of thunder. The archer plushie swivels around and sees a huge robot fighting a small orange haired lightning mage. Haia pursed her lips and set flight towards him at breakneck speed, blue light trailing behind her.

    Haia finds herself in close proximity of the robot and ducks beneath the sword that was aimed her way. Haia spins and plants her feet into the building block robot before bouncing off like a soft ball and landing next to Rai. The girl groans and rubs her soft feet. That definitely hurt. Haia looks at Raiza and raised a wooly eyebrow.

    "How do you wish to take down something as ugly as this? Its buildings blocks yet tougher that god damn metal. Plus that sword looks like no toy! And its 8 times bigger than us!" Haia gritted her nonexistent teeth and runs fingers through the wig hair that she had. It frustrates her on how limited she is as a toy. Rubbing her palms together, she can not help but feel really stupid looking like a toy. A sword came down upon them and Haia dives out of the way, watching the building collapse.amd the ground quaked. Haia looks at Rai, hoping he has a plan in mind.

    Word Count: 328
    OOC: Sorry been really tired, energy and muse lacking to post. Sorry!


    One Frustrating Day...  21
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

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    One Frustrating Day...  Empty Re: One Frustrating Day...

    Post by Rai Sormr 2nd April 2017, 12:57 am

    Rai Sormr • Black Rose • C Rank

    After Rai had shot his lightning into the sky signaling he needs help, the twins wasted no time. They attacked much faster than you would think they would. The toy robot swung its metal sword at Rai; he had no time to react. He was hit hard and sent flying through a couple of toy buildings. He was out for only a few moments then pushed the rubble off of him. His whole body was sore after that attack. Also, it wasn’t much longer that he realized his left arm popped off and was missing. “Perfect…” He scanned the area for his missing arm with his static field ability and found that it wasn’t too far off from where he was. The problem was the twins weren’t letting up. The moment they spotted him coming out of the rubble they fired their lasers straight at him. He dove behind the buildings and made a run for it to buy some time. The lasers were shooting through the buildings like they were made of paper. Chip and Chen began firing blindly into the town in hopes of hitting Rai. They came close a couple of times, but for the most part, they have lost track of him. Frustrated they continued their barrage on the surrounding area and began to level out the town. It wouldn’t be long before Rai had no cover left to hide. He needed to get to his arm and fast.

    Meanwhile, Dante was finishing up his little temper tantrum. He had nothing but toy parts all around him, and he was breathing heavily. He looked over at Haia and saw she was in the same boat. They both were beginning to feel fatigue setting in from there long hard fought battle. All the pirate and wolf toy's in this area were finally cleared out, and they were free to rest. Dante however, he was still hell bent on teaching Haia a lesson, but before he could open his mouth, they both turned towards where Rai was fighting and saw the lightning he fired off into the sky along with this giant toy robot. "HOW! IS!!! THIS!!!! FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled for the third time today once he saw the eight-foot tall robot. Haia didn’t waste any time and took off after Rai leaving Dante behind. “HEY!!! WAIT DAMNIT!!!! AHH!!!” he yelled as he started to run off after her, cursing everything in the meantime. Mostly her.

    Rai was about 15 meters away from his arm; it was out in the open where the twins would clearly see him once he started running for it. Not only that but their barrage of fire was starting to make its way over to where he was. If he could make it to his arm, he could dash out of there, but then he could run the risk of losing his arm while under fire. On the other hand, if he dashes out to his arm he would be able to grab it but have trouble escaping in order to put his arm back in its socket. Before he could formulate a proper plan of action, Haia showed up out of nowhere and caught Chip and Chen’s attention. This was his best chance; he ran for it. He managed to grab his arm and put it back in. The moment he did he hunched over in pain from his nerves connecting to his now reinstalled arm.

    While Haia was fighting the twins, she managed to land next to Rai coincidentally. "How do you wish to take down something as ugly as this? Its buildings blocks yet tougher that god damn metal. Plus that sword looks like no toy! And it's 8 times bigger than us!" She asked. She was clearly more than a little frustrated and who could blame her. Shortly after, Dante finally made it to the scene. “HAIA!!!!!” He screamed charging straight for the back of the giant toy robot’s left knee. He punched it as hard as he could causing the robot to come toppling down. Seeing Dante take down the robot like that gave Rai an idea. “Yah I think I got one.” He started to say getting up on his feet. “We attack its joints with everything we got. No matter how strong the structure is, its joint’s are always a weak spot."

    Location;; Toylaten
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 726 (10551 total)


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