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    The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 17th January 2017, 7:22 pm

    1482 / 6500

    A cool breeze blew across Anastasia's face as it stirred her awake, causing her to slowly open her eyes to see a clear blue sky above her.  The breeze carried with it a sweet and succulent smell, arousing Anastasia fully awake.  She sat up for a moment to feel the swift breeze blow through her long, unbound hair kicking around her long golden blonde hair with the golden wheat.  Standing up, Anastasia found herself in an exotic land filled with wheat dancing in the wind.  Another stiff breeze blew her hair around, forcing Anastasia to hold her hair still so that it wouldn't cover her eyes.  "Where am I?  Elysium?" Ana asked herself, seeing gold as far as the eye can see.

    Looking around, she noticed a massive building, a mead hall, standing proudly as the prominent structure in the area.  "No.  Is this Valhalla?" Anastasia asked as she slowly began to approach the building, leaving a line in her wake as she stepped over wheat to make her way towards the mead hall.  "What am I doing in Valhalla?" she asked herself as slow, calculated steps were made in the direction of the drinking hall.  Valhalla was the place she sent the warriors she had defeated in battle.  These warriors, in Anastasia's opinion, had to atone for their sins.  Instead of sending them straight to hell, she offered them salvation in the form of servitude.  

    Anastasia continued to walk towards the Mead Hall, only for the skies to darken from puffy gray clouds overhead.  The clouds all had a white, glistening lining around it before soft and gentle snow began to pour down to the ground.  The darkened skies made the torchlit building illuminate, cutting through the quickly paced darkness.  Strange how the day and night cycles worked here in this fabled place called Valhalla.  A snap of cold gripped upon Anastasia as she continued to walk towards the Mead Hall, now leaving a travel of footprints behind as well as patted wheat.  

    Upon approaching the door, Anastasia could smell meat being cooked, the smell of alcohol (among other things) and she hears the sound of merriment and the occasional fist landing into a face or a mug slamming against the wooden tabletops.  This was like Anastasia walking straight into the wolves' den; having put a lot of people here.  She didn't know how these people would react.  She reached for the knob only to pull her hand back.  Thoughts flew through her head about how the people would react.  The fact that Anastasia took their lives too early would be reason enough to kill Anastasia on sight.  Strangely though, this was already the land of the dead.  If Anastasia died here, what then?

    Another thought crossed her mind as the fact that she gave them a warrior's death and the ability to live a merry second-life as well as attempt redemption would make them not hate her as much.  Conflicting feelings start to run through her mind as she placed her hand upon the knob.  As she did this, she was jolted forward from the door swinging open rapidly; falling upon her face inside of the Mead Hall.

    The merriment and music stopped for a moment as everyone inside saw what happened.  "Get her up and give her a drink!" shouted the Gemstone Hunter that she had given a chance at redemption.  One of the men within the Mead Hall helped Anastasia up to her feet and a look of astonishment crossed her face, seeing those that she sent here seemed to be merry.  The Gemstone Hunter, the Demonic Swordsman, and even the Golden Sword of the Masked Guild (who didn't have their armor on) seemed to be in high spirits and in a jovial mood.  

    The man that helped her up hefted her over his shoulder and placed her at one of the tables with the three aformentioned men sitting at the table.  A drink was placed in front of her afterward.  "Welcome, Valkyrie," the long, silver-haired man said as he raised a glass to Anastasia.  "Here here!" the Gemstone Hunter said as he raised his glass.  "The Valkyrie hath cometh!" causing everyone in attendance to raise their glass and take a large swig of their drinks.  Sweet honey-brewed mead, cool to the tongue and ambrosia-like in taste.  Anastasia took the mug and downed the drink in a single gulp before slamming the container onto the table and let out a huge belch.  

    Fanfare could be heard after Anastasia's work and the men returned to their jolliness.  The door was finally closed, leaving only the warm air produced by the large fire pit in the middle of the Mead Hall to make everything comfortable.  

    "Why are you all so accepting of me?  It was because of me that," Anastasia said before the Golden Sword chimed in.

    "None of that, Lady Valkyrie.  It is because of you that we get to live again with great people and redeem ourselves.  Not only that, but we have the ability to fight more.  To be honest, i wouldn't mind spending an eternity here," the man said as he nodded towards Anastasia.  The other two nodded their head in response; they both agree with the Golden Sword's sentiments.

    The feeling of relief washed over Anastasia as her posture took to a lazy one.  "However," the Golden Sword said.  "There has been a problem with Valhalla.  That's the reason you are here.  The influx of Einherjar arriving has started to dwindle.  Normally we'd have a steady flow of people entering and leaving Valhalla.  But as you can see, the numbers are quite diminished," the man said as he turned his head towards the Mead Hall.  The hall wasn't completely packed like it normally was.  No, there were about a handful of people within the hall.  Only 50-ish strong men and women resided in a hall that normally contains several hundreds.  

    "Normally we'd have a few hundred people here in Valhalla.  Now we don't have nearly as many.  So what we are thinking is that there could be two reasons:
    1)  There aren't any worthy fighters in the world to bring back to Valhalla
    2) " the man said before he was interrupted by Anastasia.  "The Valkyrie aren't doing their jobs," she said.

    "Perceptive, Madam Valkyrie.  We suspect that there is a Valkyrie that may have gone rogue.  However, that's just a postulation that we came up with," the Golden Sword stated.  The other two shrugged, not knowing what 'postulation' meant, but went along with what the Golden Sword said.  

    "Since we don't know for sure, you're going to have to find your way to Fólkvangr and speak to the goddess Freyja.  She should be able to give you the answer," the Golden Sword said before taking another drink.  Due to the lack of Valkyrie serving drinks to the warriors, they are to serve themselves.  

    "Freyja, huh?  I never thought I'd ever meet with her," Anastasia said as she looked down into her empty cup, which was promptly replaced by one of the other warriors there.  Now staring into a full cup of mead, Anastasia took a big swig from the cup, draining about half of it into her stomach.  "You don't normally see this in the land on the living.  Normally, I don't even have access to this place.  How do you think I was even sent here?"

    The Demon Sword shrugged his shoulders.  "That is a question that you need to ask the goddess.  You should go soon, time wanes," the man said before draining the rest of his glass.  Anastasia nodded her head and stood up, feeling a bit light-headed from the sudden standing and the alcohol mixing together. A hand moved up to her face and she shook her head.  "So, I need to find my way to Fólkvangr, hm?  I see," she said before turning her eyes towards the three men that made contracts with her.  "Well, the three of you stay safe.  I won't be able to call for you here, so keep doing what you're doing," she said as she started to walk out, only for a hand to reach out and grab hers.

    The hand was cold, drawing her attention back.  The hand that grabbed hers belonged to the Demon Sword.  "Be careful.  I feel dark forces at work," he said to Anastasia, letting her hand go as she nodded and left Valhalla.  Standing outside, everything was covered in white causing her to hug herself for warmth.  As she stood outside, the door opened up once again and the Gemstone Hunter handed Anastasia a big and fuzzy coat to use.  Putting the coat on instantly made the cold less miserable.  With that, the door to Valhalla closed, leaving Anastasia out in the blizzard-like conditions by herself.  

    "Now, to find an entrance to the underworld," Anastasia said to herself.  
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty Re: The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 20th January 2017, 2:35 pm

    2480 / 6500
    Wolves of Valhalla

    The storm began to pick up, howling as it blew across the once beautiful land covered in golden wheat.  The snow slapping against the hood of her newly acquired coat was audible, feeling some of the now hit her uncovered face.  The snow stung as it hit her face.  She flinched with each blast of snow upon her face.  Her breath was seen through the cold as she picked up her feet to move from the Mead Hall, starting to wander about aimlessly.  There was a way for her to get to Fólkvangr from Valhalla.  While normal Einherjar couldn't traverse that path, as a Valkyrie, she had the ability to traverse between the lands of the dead.  

    Anastasia's eyes scanned through the snowy landscape as a light cut through the darkness.  This caused Anastasia to turn towards the light, being attracted to it like a moth to a flame.  The cold started to make her limbs go numb so any way of getting out of this nightmarish weather  is preferred over remaining in it for too long.  The coat given to her only worked for so long for someone not accustomed to this hellish landscape.  Anastasia moved her hands up to her mouth and breathed into them, blanketing her palms in warm air only for the warmth to be replaced with what felt like even colder air due to the condensation gathering upon her palms.  Shivering, Anastasia started moving her way towards the light, it's shape and details obscured by the snow.  A strange halo intensified the light from the structure as she continued forward.

    Anastasia drew closer and closer, hearing the wind howl remarkably similar to that of a wolf's howl.  Clutching her jacket tighter upon herself, Anastasia proceeded forward only to stop and hear an actual wolf howling.  Stopping what she was doing, Anastasia looked up and around only to see a large group of red-glowing eyes cut through the darkness from her right side.  Another howl is heard before the disembodied eyes took shape into that of massive dire wolves.  Surprise and fright took over Anastasia as the wolves started to run after her.  Instinct took over driving her to run towards the light as fast as she could.

    A couple wolves ran passed her as a means of cutting off her advance while the remaining three stayed behind her.  Anastasia came to a screeching halt as she came face-to-face with two direwolves.  She spun around to look behind her to see the three other dire wolves chasing her to come to a stop as well.  The five wolves started to circle around Anastasia, causing her to whisper to herself words of encouragement.  She didn't know what she is to do in this situation.  The Hymn probably didn't work in this dimension (not that she tried).  Turning around rapidly, she kept her eyes on as many of the wolves as possible.  

    She knew, for a fact, that she wasn't going to be able to summon her Einherjar here (even if this is the land of the Einherjar).  Whispering to herself, she raised a hand up into the air and from out of a data-filled white light, a large lion-like creature appeared.  Confused, Anastasia nodded her head and gave out a grin, taking her position atop of the creature known as 'The Hymn'.  

    "So you do work here.  Good to know," Anastasia said enthusiastically, telepathically to The Hymn.

    "Of course I do.  I am omni-present and omniscient.  I exist between the boundaries of--" the creature said telepathically before Anastasia shouted out and pointed to the wolves.  

    "That's nice and all, but let's clear these things out first!" she said as she eyeballed the three wolves in front of her.  The creature gave out a mighty roar, causing intense damage to the wolves, making them flinch in the process.  After the roar was sent out, two of the wolves attacked The Hymn only for the Hymn to slap them down with it's large paws, tearing into one of the wolves' jugular, goring the wolf in a violent manner before picking up the wolf's corpse and throwing it at another, launching it back a few feet before slamming into the ground.

    This angered the dire wolves, causing them to bark and jump towards Anastasia instead.  Ducking under the attack, Anastasia leaned forward and hugged the lion's body to narrowly avoid the attack.  Anastasia raised her head afterward only to have one of the dire wolves jump upon her, dethroning her from The Hymn.  Anastasia held off the dire wolf for as long as she could before using her left arm as a shield.  The Dire Wolf bit into her left arm, causing her bones to break and pain to shoot through her body.  A cry of intense pain shot through the air as she felt the warmth of her blood drop down upon her face.  

    The Hymn came up to the side of the wolf that had Anastasia pinned down, biting the neck of the creature before separating it's head from it's body with a sickening tear.  Shouting out in pain, Anastasia pried open the mouth of the wolf's head that remained and freed her arm.  Tears poured down her face as pain caused her body to start to go into shock.  With another mighty roar, the wolves fled back to where they came from.  The color red stained the snow where Anastasia was at and around her with violence and gore filling the area.  The smell of blood was fresh.

    The Hymn approached Anastasia, having her place a hand upon the creature's nose.  "Hey.  Good job.  I knew I could rely on you," she said with a bit of a chuckle before falling unconscious.  Knowing that the situation was dire, the Hymn picked Anastasia up into it's maw and ran towards the light.  Upon closer inspection, the light showed that it was a portal leading to somewhere.  Without a moment hesitation, the creature jumped into the portal.  
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty Re: The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 20th January 2017, 3:27 pm

    3391 / 6500
    The Goddess Freyja

    "So, this is Valkyrie Ana, hm?" a small voice came to be heard as Anastasia slowly stirred to awakening.  Anastasia's eyes slowly opened and closed as she started to return to consciousness.  As Ana struggled to remain awake, she was jolted back to consciousness when doused with extremely cold water.  She quickly shot awake and looked to the culprit behind the cold water, seeing a small girl in black attire holding a bucket with an even look upon her face.  "Good, you're awake," the girl said as she turned around to put the bucket on the floor before scooting it under the bed with her feet.  

    The pain she felt was gone.  The pain in her arm had subsided.  Looking towards her left arm, she flexed her hands to test the muscles in her arm before looking down at her forearm.  "Magic healed this, didn't it?" Anastasia asked the gothic lolita girl standing before her.  

    "Very astute observation, Valkyrie Ana," the girl said as she flipped some of her long pigtails off of her shoulders to her back.  Looking around, confused, she found herself in a lavishing room; massive with all the trimmings and accouterments that would come with royalty or divinity.  She looked around, taking all of it in.  This place was a stark contrast to the place she lived in within the Lair, the home of the Black Sails Guild.  Her room was small and cozy while this place was massive and lonely feeling.  While the vast differences between the two are striking, either place could feel like home if one wills it.  After looking around, she looked back towards the blonde girl wearing all black.

    "So that means you're Freyja, I presume?" Anastasia asked.  Certainly it was an assumption made, but it's better to call a servant Freyja than it would be to call Freyja a servant.  The girl chuckled and nodded her head.  "Yet another astute observation, Valkyrie Ana.  So I assume that since you have come here, you know why?" the girl said as she squatted down only to sit upon mid-air.  A tea-set appeared before her, grabbing one of the frilly cups and raised it to her lips.  Regardless of how much she drank, the cup always instantly filled and stayed warm.  

    "Something about a Valkyrie not choosing the dead?" Anastasia questioned.  

    "So the men at Valhalla have given you the abridged version.  Basically, we have a Valkyrie, Valkyrie Primrose is what she is called.  She fell in love with a human.  A human that is sheltering her from performing her duties as a Valkyrie.  Valkyrie Primrose has become a house-wife; not particularly something that works well with those destined to become a Valkyrie; you know?" she said as she tilted her head for a moment.  

    Anastasia listened to what Freyja said before pushing in with her own words.  "So, Valkyries are forced to fight for their entire life?"  

    "Yes, of course.  Those that were born as a Valkyrie are forced to fulfill their duties as a Valkyrie.  If one cannot fulfill their duties as a Valkyrie, then they are useless to me.  And, the thing I do to people I consider useless isn't something you'd want to know," the girl said as she started to twirl the tip of one of her pigtails around her finger.  She looked at Anastasia inquisitively, knowing that she will have a question.  As predicted, Anastasia started to ask, only to be cut-off by Freyja.  

    "I have them killed," Freyja said without any hesitation or remorse.  Valkyries are her servants after all.  Even if these servants were born into this servitude without their consent.  Anastasia recoiled a bit and shook her head.  "You'll have them killed?  So what are you saying?  Valkyries aren't able to fall in love?"  Ana said as she shifted around while seated up on the bed.  Freyja took a seat upon her bed, next to her legs.  

    "Precisely," she said as her vocal inflection raised several octaves.  "A Valkyrie who pays more attention to someone else other than me and disobeys their duty can be replaced," Freyja said before Anastasia threw the cover off of herself and stood up.  "That's stupid!  We are humans too~" Anastasia argued.

    "Wrong, you are all my property," Freyja said as she took the cup and sipped her tea.  In anger, Anastasia balled her fist into a tight ball.  "Want to hurt me?  I'm certain you do.  What you are experiencing is normal for those born with the Valkyrie blood.  The thought of swearing fealty to someone whom you don't know or recognize under penalty of death is certainly a frightening idea, is it not?" she spoke, answering in the form of a question. "Don't let it bother you, Valkyrie Anastasia.  You will learn that performing your duties is more important than anything else in this world.  Especially for the world you live in right now.  What is the name of your world again?  Oh.  Midgard, I think?  Either way, it would be in your best interest to perform your duties if you wish Midgard to flourish," Freyja said as she reached over and pat her on the head.

    "You will come to accept this on your own.  Now, if you will learn to accept this reality, you will learn that it's for the greater good," she said with a smile upon her face.  "Now, once you grow up, let me know and I'll give you the specifics."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty Re: The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st January 2017, 2:49 pm

    4374 / 6500
    The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Anastasia's eyes darted to the side as Freyja told her to make a decision.  This was a big decision that she had to make.  Placing her feet upon the ground, Anastasia stood up on her own two feet and started to walk out of the room.  Watching Anastasia walking around, Freyja took a sip of her tea and nodded her head.  "Yes, take a little bit of time to think.  If you need me, I'll be here," she said as she sipped upon her endless cup of tea.  Turning her head when Freyja spoke, Anastasia left the room out of the big double doors without a response.  

    Ana found herself in a large, very large building.  The building's design was grandiose, almost as if she was in a palace.  The walls and floor were made of finely crafted, polished marble with marble pillars supporting the structure.  The halls were bustling with servants who catered to Freyja's every need, bowing as Anastasia passed before a sweet breeze was felt blowing across her skin.  The breeze smelled of flowers and beauty that Ana had never witnessed before in her lifetime.  

    Following the scent of the flowers, Anastasia found herself upon a massive balcony overlooking the realm that she currently resided.  Fólkvangr was a land of beauty and enchantment, seeing a field of flowers sway with the wind, caressing the petals with it's gentle touch.  Petals flew through the gentle breeze, giving the wind a beautiful smell.  Her eyes opened wide upon seeing this delightful spectacle of the senses; tantalizing all of her primary senses other than taste.  A place of true beauty couldn't exist on Earthland; no.  A world writhing in death and destruction and Anastasia was among a select few that choose those that die to becoming warriors for an impending war in the end-times.

    Heavy footsteps could be heard behind her, stopping a small distance away from her.    The man sounded heavily armored.  Turning her eyes to try to see the person approaching from her peripherals failed, causing her to completely turn around and see a middle-aged man dressed in beautifully crafted armor take a knee right before her.  A blush came over Anastasia's face as the man did this.  

    "Please, stand up.  Don't bow to me," she said as her vocal octaves increased from embarrassment.  The man complied with the demand and looked at Anastasia evenly.  "Hello, Valkyrie Anastasia.  We have awaited your arrival.  My name is Odr; the husband of Freyja," the man said in a curt introduction.  

    Anastasia was baffled and stunned upon hearing that.  She pointed at Odr for a moment and grew speechless.  "But isn't Freyja just a little girl?" Anastasia asked before Odr shook his head.  "No, she isn't, Valkyrie Anastasia.  That is merely the appearance she took a fancy to.  However, I am here to discover your choice in this matter," the man said.

    ~She didn't take any time at all, did she?~ Anastasia asked herself before turning her back to Odr, looking over the beautiful scenery before her.  "What she's asking is too much.  I am a human being and I want to eventually fall in love with someone; grow old with them and eventually bare their children.  What Freyja is asking is for me to never fall in love; to be lonely for the rest of my life.  I don't know if I can do that," Anastasia lamented out-loud towards the fully armored man.

    "That's not entirely true," Odr said causing Anastasia to turn around in shock.  Was it Anastasia misinterpreting the words given to her by Freyja?  "You are allowed to fall in love with someone in Midgard.  You just cannot allow your love for the person to disrupt your ability to perform your duty is all.  That is what Valkyrie Primrose has done; and as you can see, our numbers in Valhalla have started to dwindle."

    "But Freyja--" she said before being interrupted by Odr.  "Yes, Freyja can be overbearing.  She demands complete obedience to her and the cause.  Just as long as you remain vigilant and performing your duties, you shouldn't encounter any problems.  I assure you, Valkyrie Anastasia," the man said with a bow.  "I shall leave you to your thoughts now," he said as he stood up and started to walk away.  Anastasia shouted out her thanks to him, without a response back.  Quite the direct individual he was.  

    Anastasia's doubts started to melt away as she looked towards the field of flowers, undoing the bindings upon her hair as the wind blew, causing her hair to sway with the nectar scented wind.  "If what he says is true, then," she said before nodding her head being filled with resolve.  Turning around, she started to walk back towards the room that she was brought to Fólkvangr; the place that Freyja would be waiting.

    Opening the door, Anastasia shouted out.  "I'll do it!" she said enthusiastically.  A smirk came across Freyja's lips before pressing the cup of tea to her lips.  She nodded her head and waved her hand to the bed.  "Good, glad you decided to grow up.  Now please, lay down and I'll send you there," Freyja said as Anastasia complied, laying down in the bed.  Setting her cup down on mid-air, Freyja began to tuck Anastasia into the bed.

    "When you get there, find Primrose.  You'll know what she looks like, she has silver hair.  You are to get her to return to her duties with any means possible.  If she continues to resist, kill her," Freyja said without hesitation.  Anastasia paused for a moment.  She can make sure it happens without violence.  Yes, she can come up with an alternative.  Ana nodded to Freyja before Freyja's hand was placed upon Anastasia's face, causing her to go unconscious once again.

    "Don't screw this up, Valkyrie Anastasia~" were the final words spoken to her before Anastasia lost consciousness.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty Re: The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st January 2017, 8:49 pm

    5663 / 6500
    The Life of One Freed from Destiny

    Anastasia awakened in yet another bed, finding herself being watched over by the bed that she laid in.  A couple could be seen gathering around her as her eyes started to open.  The smell of freshly made bread wafted into her nose before her eyes could see the couple with a look of joy and relief that Anastasia had awakened.  The pain of the wolf attacks in Valhalla returned.  Her arm was bandaged where the wound was.  The pain struck her sharply, causing her to wince in agony.  The woman, a beautiful brunette with a bonnet and pigtails placed a hand upon Anastasia's shoulders for a moment only for the two to be stricken with a vision; as if seeing into one another's hearts.

    This caused the brunette to pull back and place her hand above her heart.  Her husband reacted by comforting her.  With a little bit of reassurance, she asked him to go fetch some fresh water leaving the woman alone with Anastasia.  There was an awkward silence between the two.  Clearing her throat, the woman spoke first.  "We found you in the woods with a wound to your arm.  Looked like you were mauled by a wolf," the woman said as if trying to forego what happened just now.  Anastasia wanted to make a comment about it, but leaving it alone was for the best.  

    "Well, thank you for saving me," Anastasia said in faux appreciation.  Silence and tension began to build within the two once again until the husband returned with the water.  The woman turned to her husband and pecked him on the lips.  "Thanks dear," she commented before grabbing the bucket from his hands and the rag that hung half-out of it.  

    "Check up on the bread, alright?  I'll tend to this visitor," she said with a nod.  The husband nodded and kissed her gently upon the cheek and walked out of the bedroom and back towards the kitchen.  The house had a strange, but comforting rustic appearance.  Everything was made of wood, no wallpaper or anything to design the log-cabin looking walls.  The woman sat in the chair next to Anastasia's bed and placed a hand upon her shoulder once more and pushed her to lay back on the bed.  

    "I'm not going back, Valkyrie," the woman stated in hushed tones.  Stunned, Anastasia's eyes grew large.  She was laid back only to have a cold rag placed upon her forehead.  "I have spent too long being Freyja's puppet.  I just want to live for myself rather than the world," she said as she used the rag to wipe off Anastasia's sweat from her face.  

    "But Freyja said that the world will plunge into chaos if we don't fulfill our duties," Anastasia said, confounded by this woman said; who is apparently Valkyrie Primrose.  This was the woman she had sought after, however, as it seems Freyja put her in a position to be found by Primrose.  If she knew about where Primrose was, why did she send her - of all people - to go seek her out?  One thing that confused Anastasia, however, is the description given to her by Freyja didn't match what she was seeing now.  

    "Poor, stupid, Valkyrie.  Do you really want to live a life of loneliness all for the sake of duty?  You can only kill people for so long before you start to lose a grip upon your humanity.  Seeing so much death will cause you to grow numb to the idea of it.  You held these beliefs before, Valkyrie Anastasia," Primrose said causing Anastasia to sit up and look towards her.  "Don't read things from my mind and use it against me, Valkyrie Primrose."

    "Just Primrose.  I don't need to hold that title any more.  I am happy with what I have now.  Stick around and I can show you what living the life without-" Primrose said before Anastasia interrupted her.  "She knows where you live," Anastasia said causing Primrose to pause for a moment and look away.  

    "I was asleep when she sent me.  This wound I had was from Dire Wolves in Valhalla.  She had healed them only to modify and reopen them so you'd see.  I didn't travel anywhere.  She put me here because she KNOWS where you were," Anastasia explained.  

    "Then, why you?" she asked, still looking away from Anastasia.  

    "I don't know.  I woke up, finding myself in the field just outside of the Valhalla Mead Hall only to be told to go to Fólkvangr.  I got attacked and was pulled in towards a light, only to wake up with Freyja by my side.  I don't know why I was chosen.  I don't know.  But Odr said," Anastasia stated before she received a firm slap across the face.

    "You stupid child.  You listened to Odr's lies?  He told me the exact same thing.  He told me that I could love someone as long as it didn't interfere with my work.  That was until the one I loved became a chosen one for Valhalla," Primrose stated with anger in her voice.  Her voice remained low so not to catch her husband's attention.  A look of dread appeared upon Anastasia's face, wondering now if she chose the right path.  She knew, however, that if she declined Freyja's words, she too, would be hunted by another Valkyrie.  

    "You could plea with her.  Maybe you could make your husband free from being a--" Anastasia said before Primrose turned to look at Anastasia.  "That was 400 years ago."  Confusion started to settle in with Anastasia and she shook her head.  "What?  400 years ago?  That's impossible," Anastasia remarked.  She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

    "People who are born with the Valkyrian Strain are cursed with immortality.  While you can bleed and still die in battle, you will live a longer life than everyone you will know or love.  The Valkyrian Strain alters your genetic structure.  Once you have made a contract with Freyja, you will never age and you will see your loved ones die before you several lifetimes over.  If you wish to be lonely for as long as you live, then go ahead and fulfill your duty.  What is the life of one pawn when it comes to the future of millions of other people, right?" she asked, shedding a tear.  

    Anastasia shook her head.  She had already come to grips with this, though it was a hard pill to swallow, but the future of the masses outweighs the future of a single person.  Anastasia simply slapped Primrose across the face.  "You're just being selfish!  Thinking of yourself!" Anastasia shouted out as she jumped out of bed and began to belittle Primrose.  This caught the attention of the husband.  He noticed stinging red hand-marks on both of the women's cheeks.  

    "What's going on here?  What did you do to my wife?" the husband stated before Primrose raised her hand as if to tell her husband to not interfere.  

    "Stop this charade, Valkyrie Primrose.  You are required back in Valhalla.  Without you, the world will come to an end.  We need your services to continue," Anastasia shouted out.  A look of confusion started to cross the man's face before Primrose cleared her throat.  "Very well then, Valkyrie Anastasia.  If you really want me to return to Valhalla..."  Primrose said as her hair starts to turn completely white and her eyes turned to a blood red color.  Her husband looked at Primrose in disbelief and confusion; apparently he had never seen or even heard of her being a Valkyrie.  A blue fire began to surround her as all emotion in her eyes vanished to turn into an effective killing machine.  

    "Come and make me."
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    The Valkyrie Dilemma Empty Re: The Valkyrie Dilemma

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st January 2017, 10:01 pm

    6562 / 6500
    Servant of Destiny

    Primrose's appearance change came with a strange weapon appearing in her hand as well as shield.  This was very similar to Anastasia's as hers appeared in the shape of spirals, while Primrose's appear to take on a fractals motif.  Anastasia cleared her throat and spoke out to Primrose.  "I'm aware that you do not wish to return to Valhalla, Valkyrie Primrose, but you don't have to remain there for your entire time.  You CAN return and be with your husband.  However, your priority needs to be the mission.  I'm not going to fight you, Valkyrie Primrose.  I want to convince you to joining.  Things will be better that way," Anastasia said before the man turned to look at his wife in absolute horror.

    "What you are seeing is the true manifestation of the Valkyrie.  I, too, can do that.  This is our true form.  We are born with this ability and our duty is to take the lives of strong soldiers and allow them redemption.  Redemption in the form of becoming 'Soldiers of the Apocalypse'," she said.  "Yes, Primrose has killed many, many people and took their souls.  But do not think little of her.  She was only carrying out the duties she was destined to do.  If we do not collect souls of warriors, darkness will cover Earthland without any defenses.  It is up to the Soldiers of the Apocalypse (or Einherjar) to have a vast army in order to combat the darkness.  Primrose chose to be selfish and think of her own desires before considering the lives of those in the future," Anastasia explained to Primrose's husband.  

    "She's been alive for 726 years.  She has seen many of her lovers die.  Our goddess, Freyja wanted you as an Einherjar.  However, considering that Primrose loved you, she ran away with you.  She valued your life and her own over the lives of millions.  Selfish girl," Anastasia said as Primrose pulled her weapon back to strike at Anastasia.  
    Anastasia's left eye changed colors, staring directly into Primrose's eyes.  "You will return to your duties as a Valkyrie," she said.  The command left her lips and imprinted itself into Primrose's mind.  Before Primrose's lance approached Anastasia, Primrose dropped the weapon and slouched a bit.  "You will be given permission to return to your husband, but your primary function is to return to your duties as Valkyrie.  You will not complain and you will not protest," Anastasia said as the single red eye, the Eye of Odin, vanished into thin air.  

    Once the command was given, the blue flames surrounding Primrose vanished and her hair color returned to normal.  After a moment, Primrose looked towards her husband and gave him a big kiss upon his lips.  "Don't worry about me, dear husband.  I have a duty to perform.  I will come back to see you, but I must pay for my transgressions.  Wait for me, okay?" she asked before kissing him once again.  Primrose walked towards the door, opened it and walked through, only to vanish into thin air.

    "What have you done to Prim?  What have you done?" the man said with grief and rage filling his mind.  A barrier was created between herself and the man.  "Performing my duties as a Valkyrie.  You will be able to see your wife after she has been punished for ignoring her duties.  She will return to being her normal self, I promise you," Anastasia said with a reassuring smile before the man fell to his knees and broke into tears.  Bowing to the man, Anastasia stated.  "Thank you for helping me.  But I must be going now," she said as she walked out of the door to find herself outside.  

    She proceeded to the woods where the couple found them only to vomit on the ground.  She just took away the happiness of two people for the sake of her duties.  This wasn't something she liked doing, but knew it mattered more than what they wanted.  But the thought of taking away someone's happiness was enough to turn her stomach violently.  "You got what you wanted, you sick bitch!" she shouted outward.  "What more do you want from me?" she shouted before vomiting once more.

    A disembodied voice called out to her, a familiar voice that she heard just a short while ago.  "Good, Valkyrie Anastasia.  You did everything that I wanted.  Now, you are free to return to your home and return to your duties as a Valkyrie.  Making promises to the man was just cruel to do, however, since you made the promise I suppose I have no other way around it.  I will forego that man from becoming an Einherjar and I'll allow Valkyrie Primrose to visit her husband.  However, she will be reconditioned to 'fix' her priorities.  You did the world of Midgard a great service, Valkyrie Anastasia.  You are free to go home now," the voice of Freyja called out.  

    "Oh!  Before you go, I have a gift for you," Freyja said before Anastasia felt a burning sensation upon her navel.  This caused her to lift her shirt to notice a new emblem etched into her body.  This caused physical pain upon her body.  A circular emblem with a tree was carved into her flesh.  "Congratulations, Valkyrie Anastasia.  You are now a full-fledged Valkyrie now.  Now go forth and gather more fine specimens for the coming Ragnarok."
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