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    Tale of Venomous God


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 6:43 am

    Sigh of annoyance. Noheme was starting her days a bit too often with these as of late for many different reasons. The main one being how her powers weren’t growing quite as much as she wanted. Though she did managed to gain control of a little bit of her godly lineage. Still, that was about it. There were many other changes as well, though they did not increase the girl’s power at ll. One of them being the fact that her power grew darker and darker with each day. Originally, her magic was about holding balance over the light and darkness, combining the two to form chaos itself or use them individually to utilize their respective aspects. But now, it looked more like the girl’s darkness consumed the light whole and left nothing at all as a greedy monster with bloated belly. Not that the fox girl really minded it at all. After all, her mind and actions were not affected by it at all. It was merely the nature of her power that was implemented into the mortal vessel that she was using to walk the lands of Earthland, interact with humans. Or perhaps this was how it was meant to be from the very start? After all, her true form… her ‘divine’ form was nothing short of demonic, filled with darkness and vile to the look.

    Something she didn’t want anyone to see, even the creatures of her own world. But something like that, it was a fool’s wish. Surely one day, it would all be broken and the goddess would be abandoned as the result, for her nature was not godly at all. But that was the future, something she didn’t have to worry about right now. Present was what she wanted to care about, everything that was around her. And there was a lot. And yet, she didn’t visit Earthland itself in quite a bit. Instead, she was sitting her in her own Astral world. Somehow she wasn’t motivated enough to visit the world of humanity, feeling that she was far too weak for it. Of course that wasn’t the case at all, just a delusion that the girl herself forced into her mind. Something that reached a certain someone, a being that was even grander than Noheme herself. And someone that the moon goddess hated from her very core, yet was forced to love. A man that gave her life and power to form this entire dimension and everything that lived and breathed inside of it. He called himself Lilith, although there was a good chance that was not his real name. He was always there, watching. Always connected to her feelings and actions, observing them all as if her entire life was nothing more than a show to him. A flawless being that could do whatever he wanted, who had power to change the cosmos in a heartbeat. Or did he? His presence was confusing in all aspects, making everyone unsure of themselves and their knowledge of otherworldly things.

    But whatever he was, he was here. And he knew what the young girl wanted most of all. He could sense her hunger for power and it made him smile in his own space, one that Noheme could not interact with. Perhaps it was time to finally start moving forward again. Alongside the path of madness, Lilith had his own plans that he wanted to see out until the end. And so, his figure would appear out of nowhere, standing near the girl herself. He appeared as a pretty normal looking humanoid, resembling human in many aspects. In fact, the only thing about him that wasn’t human were his eyes. They looked… different, of golden color that could pierce the darkness itself. ”How are we doing darling? Thinking of how to obtain power again?” She did not answer. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him. Yet, she wasn’t able to look away from him. Her looks were alluring, even though he had simple fancy suit and umbrella that he was using as cane. What did he want truly? That was something the girl needed to figure out if she ever wanted to escape his clutches. But it seemed completely hopeless at the moment, she wasn’t aware of anything. He was simply far too distant and careful, never letting any information slip unless he wanted it to slip. It made the girl nervous, unsure of what to expect from this individual. She only knew that whatever he wanted, it was definitely not good. After all, he was a creature just as twisted as she was. ”What do you want?” Her reply carried no emotions and sounded completely hollow. Not that it would bother the man who only smiled back at her.

    ”How cold. And here I was worrying about you. It is quite troubling to see you in such a state, you know? After all, you are my daughter. Seeing how your sister ended up, I decided to keep a closer eye on you. And in order to keep you away from dying on your adventures, I prepared a special gift that you will surely find fascinating. A magic of great power, something you cannot learn by normal means. Magic fit for a god! You only have to accept.” It sounded far too good to be true. But in all honesty, it did grab Noheme’s attention effortlessly. She wanted power and he was offering just that. But as she said, he did nothing from the goodwill of his heart. There was always something that was not obvious in the beginning. A price that would reveal itself later, ruining one’s life completely. ”What’s the catch?” She wanted to know before she would decide. A twisted smirk and words that sounded like silence itself. He was not joking, even if he looked like he was. Completely serious, he wanted to give his ‘daughter’ power that she seeked without naming a price. For the girl herself would one day form the price without even knowing it.

    Word Count - 1010 / 6500



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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Re: Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 6:47 am

    ”Oh dear. It seems that you indeed started to understand humans quite a bit, for you grew very suspicious of everything around you. Just like a mortal mind would. You needn’t worry in the slightest, for there is no catch at all. I gave you your original power only so that I could watch you form a new world with it, a new life within that world. It is because I enjoy observing things quite a lot. It is a hobby of mine, you see. No need to seek any secret depth with it, for there is none. What I say is the truth and nothing else, I promise. If not for this strange desire of mine, I would have give you this new power from the very beginning. Well? What is your answer, dear?” He sounded genuine enough. And despite knowing that there definitely was something, Noheme nodded her head almost as if she was in a hypnotic trance. The delusion of required power, it was stronger than her. She could not possibly refuse something that was meant for her. Or perhaps it was just that her ‘father’ had all the control he needed all of this was simply for show. He approach the girl and placed his hand on her forehead, the black leather glove dissipating into nothingness in the process. And before long, intense pain would start coursing through the fox girl, forcing her onto her knees as she held her head with great force. ”Ah, maybe I should have mentioned that this is god slaying magic. You say that you’re god, right? Let us observe this process and it’s ultimate end, shall we?”

    So that was the catch. Indeed, Noheme introduced herself as a goddess at many different occasions. So in a sense, this magic would be like a poison for her, killing her if she tried to obtain it. But deep down, she knew that she was no god. So perhaps things would turn out okay. Surely, Lilith would not try to kill her just like that, right? She was still worried however, scared of what could happen. And this pain, it was going through her entire body. She only wished for it to stop, the strong goddess that could go on, injury after injury. But this was far too much for her to handle, making her mind drift to the edge of insanity. And the entire Astral world started crumbling, the orange skies turning into purple and black, grass becoming pure white. ”The power I used to create this world…” ”Yes, it’s going berserk. But worry not, for your lineage will remain intact. And thanks to that alone, this world should remain in existence. After all, the Gardens of Eden remained even after your sister died, right? Still, how unexpected. To think that you of all people would care about the beings inside of this world, your servants and slaves. Are you actually developing as a character in this small game I prepared? I have to admit, that is something I did not expect at all. When I first saw you and your attitude, I imagined you were beyond help, programmed to be a selfish god with no redeeming qualities. But here we are, I really am surprised.” As he talked, the girl’s state stabilized. But she still couldn’t get from the grass where she now lied.

    Broken and sickly, crawling on the ground of slowly decaying grass. Particles of purple and black flying through the air like moths drawn to a flickering flame. Noheme could only see the devastation that was happening around her as the manly figure next to her spoke out. ”You’re still alive, well done. Perhaps now you will no longer proclaim yourself a goddess, for if you truly were one, you would be already dead. After all, I did just give you a magic that’s designed to kill us, true gods. Anyway, you should probably see about controlling it.” With an annoyed growl, the fox girl would do her best to pick herself back up, standing on her own two feet again. The land around her withered due to the venomous effects of her magic. Power of the so called god slayer, the power that was now coursing through her veins. It was indeed different from the magic she wielded up until now. And yet, it felt so natural, as if she didn’t even need to learn about it at all. Simply based on her own instincts, she started shaping that vile magical energy in her hands, expelling it like a corrosive sweat. Something similar to her previous magic, familiar to her and easy to use. With closed eyes, she imagined it all, the flow of power like a tiny and precise thread with a needle.

    Expelling more venom out of her and letting it move around her body as if it had a mind and goal of it’s own, the girl would open her eyes and witness the results of her current efforts. A coating of poison all around her hands, making it seem more like claws of feral animal rather than humanoid palms. It was a success, albeit a small one. But power like this could never be tamed in such a small window of time, so this could be indeed counted as a victory. And celebrated it was too, by claps from the man standing nearby. His grin bringing disgust to Noheme as her emerald green orbs shifted to the direction he was standing in. ”Bravo! But I can tell you wish to control this power as soon as you possibly can. And what better way to learn something new than being thrown into a dire situation where you simply have to learn it? Let us fight for a bit, I’d like to see your combat expertise from a closer range as well.” He looked like a regular fancy salesman. But in reality, he was much more. And his power exceeded the girl’s own, making her a bit unsure about all this. Not that she had a choice in the matter. In an instant, a purple blade of energy would find it’s way going down onto her frame vertically. And only barely the fox girl managed to block his strike with her poison coated hands. But in the end, they were no shield and her blood would soon start dripping down through the vile venom, it’s color changing from red to sickly purple in the process.

    Word Count - 2090 / 6500



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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Re: Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 7:04 am

    Something like this, it would never be enough to defeat a monster that this man was. So she indeed had to learn as soon as she possibly could if she wanted to survive, jumping back as she thought all this. And in the process, the poison she left behind in the air would form into small lotus-like flowers, drifting through the air ever so slowly, reminiscent of paper kites riding the flow of wind. But her opponent simply danced through the danger of her corrosive flowers as if they were not even there, along with that energy blade of his that he would try to swing at Noheme once more. And this time, it would hit it’s mark as well, but only to realize that the body standing right in front of him was a mere decoy, a shape made out of poison meant to get the enemy close. And as he failed to notice that in time, the false body would explode into a venomous cloud, making the nature of Astral world around them wither in an instant. As the true body stood nearby, she could only watch the devastation. She wanted power, yes… but only now she was realizing the price that came with it. The shadow of death that will now follow everywhere right behind her, affecting everything around the young wannabe goddess.

    Was her desire strong enough to accept this brutal drawback in life, or would she maybe reconsider, try to rid herself of this power? It mattered not what her choice would be anymore. That power was now part of her and while the lineage of dark and white would remain, this would now be her primary source of magical energy. Gulping out loud, the spark in her look shifted to a more sinister one, a purple outline appearing around her gazing irises. Her enemy was poison by the attack, but he was not one to fall down that easily. He was already walking back towards her, a twisted grin adorning his expression that could send shivers down anyone’s spine. He was a true god, or perhaps a demon? Well, he certainly was good at hiding it. Although, there was really no need to care about what he was, for it would not matter in the end anyway. All that matter was who would win this little quarrel of power. And in a moment’s notice, he was charging at her again. Of course, the girl already prepared for it as well, the air in her lungs suddenly expanding as she breathed out. The god slayer’s bellows, a signature attack as some would see it. A wave of venomous mist that would erode everything it touches into nothingness. An attack that crashed into the man without fail, sending him back into a purple explosion, forcing the dust from the earth to form a mist around them all. ”Well done! I think that will be enough for today. I have to congratulate you, however. I think you’re ready for the outside world once more.” His words were teasing and filled with mockery, but they held some truth in them. While he looked completely undamaged even after all of that, the girl still managed to control her magic at some decent level. Yes, she was ready once more.

    But before she would go back to doing jobs and such for the regular man, there was one specific place she wished to visit. Her… home in Joya. She called it that, but her true home was the Astral World. The world that she was in right now, but after what just happened, she wished to get out of her as soon as possible. Opening a rift, the girl would jump through it without a second thought. But perhaps she should have, as she miscalculated where the portal would open as she was in hurry, suddenly finding herself quite a bit in the air above the dense trees. Thankfully she didn’t lose much of her speed after the new magic invaded her body, she she was able to quite gracefully bury her claws into one of the trees and spiral down it’s truck, leave one long mark behind her on the bark of the jungle tree. It has been a while since she was here last, everything quickly returning to her. The moisture of the expanding jungle, as well as the distinct smell of pure wilderness, undisturbed by the humanity’s touch. A pleasant place to be if you were a nature freak, or just someone who wanted a little bit of peace and quiet. Or perhaps not, as various sounds were carried by the wind through the different foliage. Chirping of birds and roars of predators in the distance, Noheme almost forgot about it all during her travels in Fiore, land that was much more civilized and peaceful that this place.

    But in the end, this was where she belonged most in the entirety of Earthland. She loved this place, as she technically grew up here when she entered her mortal vessel. Those times were long gone, but the girl liked recalling memories from back then. She remembered it all with fondness and it always filled her with warmth on the inside. With a gentle sigh, she would look back up to see where the sun was positioned. A little disadvantage of living in a completely different realm was that she had no way of knowing what time it was in Earthland. Time itself was a foreign concept in the Astral World, as the skies never changed color and the burning sun was always in one place, illuminating all the floating islands equally at all times. It had it’s advantages, as sleep wasn’t exactly a thing in that place either. The Astral mist was always there too, it’s invisible presence giving energy to all that was living and breathing in that world. Thanks to that, wounds would heal much faster and one would never get tired like in this world. Honestly, Earthland could use something like that. Everyone always seemed to be so tired, especially after work well done. And then they would have to sleep it all off, losing a good chunk of their life in the process. It sometimes seemed like some humans would sleep more than actually live their life.

    Word Count - 3143 / 6500



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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Re: Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 8:13 am

    But that really wasn’t the moon goddess’ business. She should not care much about the entirety of this world just yet, as her followers and worshipers were only in Joya, deep within the jungle that she was in as well right now. And while it seemed like it would be rather difficult to find anything in a world with nature this dense, Noheme had her methods. And mainly, her enhanced senses that could lead her to just about anywhere. Only listening for a bit and them smelling around revealed a pretty clear trail to her, one that was recently used by the hunters of her own tribe. And how would she knew that they belonged to her and not some other place? The tribe that worshiped the girl used a very special body paint that was mixed from natural ingredients from all around the jungle. And while that sounded pretty normal and not very related, it made sense when you mentioned that those ingredients would differ from tribe to tribe. Some would use regular paints while others tried to squeeze colors from specific flowers. But ingredients used in this one body paint had a very distinct smell that would stay in the air for quite some time. Perhaps not the best idea in a land where nearly everyone had enhances sense of smell, but the fox girl was on a completely different level than others. Even the trained hunters would have some trouble finding this trail while she managed to follow it right away without any problems. Perks of having a body that was designed to hold a god’s power as it was.

    It was actually very surprising to the goddess back in time when she first appeared to them and requested a body. Many females willingly offered their own wombs to bear the perfect child for their god. People outside of this place would surely find that vile and disgusting, looking down on someone who would offer their child as a sacrifice to the being their worshiped. But that was simply how it worked here, the people very loyal to the deity that took mercy on them and started protecting their tribe. It was a relief too, as it was rather difficult living for Noheme before she got her hands on the mortal vessel. Before then, she was basically just a detached voice that would communicate with others, as she did not wish to be seen in her divine form by anyone. Thankfully, those times were now gone and she did not have to worry about them. Even if her mortal vessel would be completely destroyed, she was too fused with it now. So even then, she would be able to easily reconstruct it in the Astral world and the help of the healing mist that was present there. She already did it few times where she had to make few ‘repairs’ such as regrowing lost limbs or even chunks of flesh that would be lost in the battle. It was during those times that she had to be truly careful.

    After all, repairing a body like that required Noheme to leave it and stay in her true for a while. She always had the access to her floating island closed down for a while when those situations arrived, but all the spirits always grew suspicious of her during those times. The only one who fully trusted the goddess was Ai Eden, her loyal servant. It felt a bit lonely without her to be honest. The spirit was nearly always by her side, but she kept her distance lately. Probably because she realized just how distant and hostile her master was lately and didn’t want to bother her. Now that a new power was inside of her and Lilith was out of the picture for some time, she would have to make sure to apologize. With a sign, the girl would finally start following the trail further into the unknowns of Joyan forest, walking to the rhythm of bird songs all around. Though she still had to be at least somewhat cautious because of everything that lived in this place. Many bugs and predators that would love to make your day harder with small flesh wounds or diseases that would turn your skin into mold. Not a very pleasant thought.

    But instead of all that, something else greeted the goddess as she got pretty close to her home. Screams and sounds of battle, something that filled the fox girl’s heart with horror, increasing her tempo several times over as she started sprinting towards it all. Did someone seriously decide to attack her tribe in her absence? Were her people injured because she was a selfish god that left for her own adventure? Many different emotions would fill her head and body as she clenched her teeth and fists, jumping out of the bushes and trees only to land in front of a group of cat folk. ”Reinforcements this early? Everyone be careful, we’re being sur-” The man did not finish as a fist landed on his face, sending him flying several meters back and knocking him out. As strong as people from this place could sometimes be, they were still regular humans that did not even wield magic. This would hardly be challenge even for the girl who needed to learn how to properly use her new powers still. And so, the dance of pain and misery began, weapons clashing and fists digging deep into the flesh of others. At least Noheme had her moonlight bow that was not dependent on her currently unstable magical energy. And the moment members of her tribe saw that shining weapon and it’s magical arrows, their morale went through the roof, cheering and chanting shaking the ground itself and forcing the enemy to back away in sheer fear. It looked like even if she would not gotten her in time, her people would have won. But like this, the casualties were much lower than they would have been otherwise. And that was always a good thing, no matter how you looked at the situation. Her people were safe once more and the peace returned. Along with people bowing to their goddess and celebrating her as much as they could.

    Word Count - 4189 / 6500



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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Re: Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 9:55 am

    Still, there were some injured people. And with her original magic pretty much gone and the god slaying one in it’s place, Noheme had no way of directly helping. Thankfully, this situation allowed her to kill two birds with one stone, as some humans would say. While the tribe members were all worried about getting the girl some comfortable place to sit and only the most delicious of meals to eat, she herself formed a link with her Astral world and made a little telepathic call. Soon enough, a rift would open above them, another fox girl falling through it and landing on the land quite elegantly. And even though every single person in this place possessed a tail and ears of a fox, this one was different from the rest just like Noheme, their color scheme standing out all the time. The new girl was Ai Eden, her hair of black and white color to reflect her master’s power, dressed in expensive oriental dress. That was probably the greatest difference in the contrast with the barely clothed residence of this place. After all, the jungle was rather warm place, one where you could probably die from heatstroke quite easily if you were not careful. ”What is it that you need from me master? I’m prepared to do anything you say, just point where I need to be as say what I need to do and BAM! It will be done before you can even say a word, I promise~!”

    She was certainly filled with energy, literally beaming as she spoke at rather fast pace, confusing everyone around her. She was probably waiting for this for quite some time now, ready at any moment when her master would need her. Noheme figured it would be like that, since Ai always loved to be near her and by keeping her distance for the last few days, she must have suffered quite a bit herself. So this was one of the many steps that Noheme would take to make her little slave feel good and well again. After all, good leader should always care about how their subjects felt, right? She wanted to be a leader like that, one that would go to extreme lengths just to make sure that those she loved and those that served her were okay and had everything they needed and wanted. ”First off, some people are injured. You’re the only spirit in my world that is capable of forming the healing Astral mist, so help them if you would.” The girl quickly nodded and saluted before running off to the first person who looked injured to her. Honestly, it brought a big smile to the moon goddess. The small changes in herself that she started observing, they were now apparent even to the people of her tribe, and they too smiled because of this. Even if her magic became more and more vile as time progressed, corroding everything away… she still wanted to be a good person in the eyes of these people.

    Especially now that her servant was doing work. Yes, she was capable of healing even lethal wounds in manner of seconds, but it all came at a cost. Ai was slightly different from the other spirits and eve Noheme who created all life in that world didn’t quite know why. Her body was actually partly made out of the astral mist and her ability was to bring it out, use it to heal one’s wounds. But as she was doing just that, she was also sacrificing portion of her own body that was the mist, inflicting damage onto herself for the sake of others. It was something that required dedication and true loyalty, for she would surely not do this for just anyone. At least until her master would command, as she would fulfill any given order from her. Some time passed and everything was finally done. Noheme’s personal shack was ready for use and everyone injured was back in perfect shape thanks to Ai’s help. But the girl was exhausted after that, and quite weak as well with a great portion of her body mass sacrificed. It was impossible to tell from just looking at her like that, but her inner body structure was indeed damaged. She did a good job and deserved some reward.

    ”Ai!” The moon goddess watched her the whole time, observing every single action she took. And as night itself was slowly approaching, they both deserved a good night’s rest. Yes, they could have returned back to the Astral realm where sleep was not needed, but it was luxury they could afford from time to time. And besides, the girl still needed to be rewarded. Upon hearing her own name, she turned to face her master, her expression still filled with excitement alongside the obvious tiredness. She was so delighted to be by the goddess’ side again that she completely ignored that part of her however. ”Yes master? I healed everyone who was injured during the attack, so if there is another task waiting, I’m ready!” The fox girl nodded to the spirit’s words, gesturing her to follow as she headed towards the shack. Inside was quite cozy, floor covered in blankets to make walking more comfortable, along with masterfully crafted furniture that was there to make it feel more like a home. Though the structure itself didn’t look like much due to it’s building material being not the greatest in quality, it was still better than sleeping outside in the rain. And once the door closed, the moon goddess would wrap her arms around Ai, embracing her tightly. It was something that surprised the young spirit quite a bit, as she would have never expected it. Despite their relationship, this was just something that the higher being didn’t do very often. ”I’m sorry for not letting you get close to me before. I was dealing with some… complicated matters. Still am, as it seems. It will take a while to get used to Lilith’s gift. But we’ll make it, together.” Those words indeed brought a big smile to the spirit’s expression.

    Word Count - 5213 / 6500



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    Tale of Venomous God Empty Re: Tale of Venomous God

    Post by Noheme 5th February 2017, 10:28 am

    She even dug her face into her master’s body, wanting to feel more of that comfort and warmth. At this point, they were nearly inseparable, a duo for life. Even though Ai knew the sad truth of them never being able to be truly together due to the Astral world’s nature. The spirit was god’s creation and it would cause a great collapse if this creation would to bind it’s life with it’s creator. But it mattered not right now. The fact that they could be together at least like this was enough for her.  ”I am simply glad that you are alright now. I don’t know what I would do if ser Lilith took you away.” He was a monster of terrible power and probably capable of doing just that. Not that the goddess would let him have his way that easily.  ”I can promise you that Lilith will never be able to rule my life completely. It is mine to do with as I please, and I do not plan to give it away to someone like him, ever.” A reassurance that she needed most. Hours would pass and the sun would once more raise to the skies, along with a knock on the door of the shack. There wasn’t really any response, but the lady that was on the other side entered anyway. In her hands a basket filled with fruits for the breakfast, her bare feet making barely any sounds as she walked towards the bed and placed the offering next to it.

    Even though she was curious, a mere member of the tribe did not dare comment on the fact that their goddess was lying in a single bed with her servant, both of them devoid of all clothing and the fact that some quite loud noises were coming from the building during the night. At least here, the moon goddess was free to do whatever she wanted without anyone thinking ill of her. In fact, they would probably take it as a great honor if she were to invite any of the present ladies to her bed. And there was quite a bit of beauty to be choosing from, but doing something like that was just far too simple and easy for Noheme. She wished to ‘tame’ those around her and only then enjoy them to the fullest. Ai was a sort of a special exception, as she was the goddess’ first official slave. A special privilege if you will. And she clearly did not mind in the slightest how her master was treating her, so there was absolutely no problem at all. Only as the door of the shack closed once more did they both properly wake up, the green haired fox girl sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching into the basket only to pull out a handful of kiwis. Even though most of the members of this tribe were not able to use magic, they did possessed few magical items that allowed them to cultivate many different plants, even those that would usually not grow in a jungle such as this one.

    It made for a choice rich plate of different fruits, all that would fill you with energy in the morning. Biting into one while stretching, Noheme realized that she actually missed this quite a lot ever since she left for Fiore because of her personal quest to study humans and their culture. ”It’s been far too long! Maybe I should stay here for few days and treat my stay as deluxe vacation. I feel like I deserve some after my hard work as a mage.” Ai could only nod to those words while yawning, still hiding her very much bare body beneath the while and slightly transparent blankets. It was actually surprise that they even had any to begin with given the warm temperature in this place, especially around this time of the year. Even during winter, snow would have hard time surviving in this place and it became warm very quickly. As the girl finished her fruit and then another one, she stretch once more before getting up, moving to the center of the room. She didn’t care for her lack of attire and in fact, there was a good chance she would stay like this for most of the day. But what she did care about was the state of her own magic. Concentrating it into her hands, she watched as a purple and black venom coated her claws-like fingers, then the entire palm and finally, a whole arm.

    ”So it did become stable overnight. I was a bit worried there, but it looks like controlling this magic won’t be that much of a problem after all. Just gotta figure out how to form spells with it…” Examining her hand more closely, she didn’t even notice her spirit who stealthily left the bed, using the sheets as a makeshift dress and tackle hugging her master. But since she wasn’t actually strong enough to get the tall woman to the ground, she just ended up embracing her from the back. ”I have not forgotten my own words, don’t worry. This day belongs to us only. I’m sure the rest of the world can deal with their problems without our assistance for once.” The moon goddess smiled as the venom on her hand dissolved into nothingness. She promised her lovable companion that they would spend a day together to make up for the time when Noheme was distant from everyone. And she planned on fulfilling that promise to the last letter. And thankfully, the rest of the day was quite uneventful for the two of them. Something that was rather boring for Lilith, who stood in a seemingly empty gray room with only one big screen and a console in front of him. A screen that was displaying the goddess he helped create and her servant. With a sigh, the man closed his eyes for a moment, the screen itself turning off in that very same moment. ”How dull. I was expecting you to panic a little bit more with that new magic, Noheme. But you went ahead and accepted it as if it was nothing at all. You’ve grown while I wasn’t looking… while I was far too busy with other matters. And I don’t appreciate that one bit, no… you’re but a puppet in my show and I write the rules, dammit!” As he yelled, the voice echoed in the small room, eventually ending in a sigh.

    There was probably no point in him getting angry over something like this. After all, this was all nothing more than a game to a being like him. A demon… or perhaps a god. Being that was twisted in nature and who found interesting in tormenting others. A rotten liar that smiles as he speaks. Finding no point in staying in this place any longer, he would get hold of his fancy black umbrella and spin it in his hands few times before turning around, a door forming itself in one of the walls. A door that opened effortlessly, leading into the dark space of abyss itself. Place that was between realities, empty world that was formed of nothing more than the color black. There were many worlds like that, but more importantly, they served a birthplace for all three sisters. One that was born of arcane energy drifting through the emptiness, one that was born of Astral energy drifting through the blackness and one that was born from the darkness itself in the abyss. Smiling uncannily, he only walked outside and disappeared into his own world, a place where nothing and no one could reach the mysterious man of great power.

    Word Count - 6507 / 6500


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