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    Frey Murder Mystery Job


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    Frey Murder Mystery Job Empty Frey Murder Mystery Job

    Post by Pandora 31st January 2017, 12:03 pm

    1614 words of 1500
    Link to roll: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t26345-job-rolls#283286

    In the beginning of this murder mystery game the little girl had met another child with orange hair “Hey guys wake up.” now that other child was shaking someone with blood pooling beneath them, likely too young to understand what dead was. Even Frey? Barely understood the concept, but she enough to know that when there was blood and someone was cold. “I don’t think their going to wake up” they never woke up, she could remember seeing the man who often took her of her in the village that raised her for the first four years of her life, Frey recalled seeing the green haired man lying there, and the other villagers sobbing trying to explain was what was going on “Wha” now she had to try to explain this concept to someone else and she understood why it had not been easy for the dragons to explain it to her. “All of them are cold, thus clearly dead.” it was nowhere near as comforting as what the village head’s had told her, but she tried to embrace the other child like they held her while she sobbed about the death. After-all? Death was never suppose to be an easy thing to deal with, one needed comfort from it. Funny considering her mother was the controler of such things. “No.” she saw the stuttering and felt the shaking of the girl in her arms “How can this happen?! The event was suppose to be safe! We have to keep people from finding out it will be panic and more life will be lost.” it was alarming for sure, but this was what she had been recruited to protect against, shifting slightly causing her security outfit to ruffle slightly, she decided to get on top of it. “Than go make sure no one find’s out, alright? I’ll look for who did it while you distract everyone.” Frey did not exactly want to actually do this either, but she figured it was best to send Rea away because the other girl was not a magic user and thus stood little chance against a killer. “But you're a child Frey!” and she was a terrified child, but she had taken on combat missions before. Albeit never alone before. “I’ll be fine Rea, I’m a dragon slayer.” she had to believe that, trust in the power hemlock had given her!

    “Step away from your crime!” the two Chef's came out and he seemed enraged, of course anyone would be seeing their co workers slaughtered. “Crime?!” but he had some nerve accusing a little princess like her of committing murder, she would never. Of course one could change as they grew. “Hey watch where you're throwing those!” she had not noticed his harsh cleavers until he threw one of the meat chopping devices at her, narrowly missing. “I was almost dead on, you murderous fiend.” she had to tell him she didn’t do it and hope he believed her! “But I didn’t kill them!” she stated it as she dodged another knife. “Keep saying that.” she flinched as one knife cut her outfit open on her shoulder, and then summoned her earth sword, darting forward to hit him with the hilt a few times, knocking him out properly and as gently as she could.

    When she had run into all of the other inhabitants of the inn? Frey had received a nasty surprise that confused her and had the little girl crying softly to herself as she weakly walked through the halls, using her dragon senses to avoid everyone. “What did I do, I was just trying to help everyone.” she bumped into someone’s leg, and was frightened until she noticed he was not as set on tying her up as everyone else was. “What's wrong little girl.” with a gentle voice and funny beard, he was instantly able to calm the little girl who moved to hug onto the now crouched down man, he would help her for sure. “I was trying to help everyone but now they think I’m the killer.” how could they just senselessly believe a child was the killer?! It was going to be so hard to hunt down the criminal, little did Frey know she was very close to her target. “Oh poor thing, but they won’t think that much longer.” Close enough that he had a knife pointed at the girls back, frey was about to become his neck victim. “Huh.” she was confused looking up at his face, faintly hearing footsteps “Good Night.” those words triggered her realizing who he was, as blood splattered but she quickly realized from the red color that it was not her own life liquid. “Rea, No, Why?!” the little girl must have snuck away from her mother and pursued her, but why. “Cause you're too sweet to kill someone, I saw the knife and had to do something, I can’t fight him I’m not a mage.” Rea saved her from being killed, but now the other little girl had blood dripping down her chest and arm. “It’s him? You're The Killer!” the little girl was somewhat shocked as she truly realized the man who had comforted her was the one who had killed all those people. “Get him Frey, prove you're innocent.” Oh she intended to do so, to the best of her tiny ability! “A dark mage want’s to save the innocent people? Oh please don’t give me that you were here to kill from the beginning. I am going to world a great service by ridding it of you through murder or framing.” what in the world was he talking about? “I don’t even know what your talking about, but what you're doing isn’t okay, no one should make a fun game into legit murder’s!” it was sad enough they had to hire security against the possibility, but to have it actually have happened. “Than do something about it if you can little girl!” he was in over his head now! Killers couldn’t beat princesses. “I will! You can’t stand up against a dragon slayer! I won’t lose against you.” with just two of her attacks one of which being her roar, and the other being several slashes of her sword? He was down.

    The other citizens looked surprised when they saw the little girl using rope from the criminal's own room to tie him up, instead of finishing him off. After seeing her guild mark? Everyone had assumed that despite being a little girl she was an evil existence. “You saved all of us.” the shock in their voices confused the little girl as she gazed up at them, curious, finishing her task of tying up the man she had just took down. “Yeah, why is that so surprising?” she never could figure out why every single one of them thought a mage trying to help them was the one who had killed the people who had died tonight. “Because your- Why are you in your guild?” What did any of it have to do with the guild she chose to live and give her loyalty to? Guild should not matter when judging someone’s character, it was not even a secondary thing, all guilds were the same from her experience, warm and inviting, fun placed where you had a family. So why did people seem to not like her mother’s guild for some reason? The little girl was confused and lost on the subject, why did they want to know why she was in Savage Skull “Because mommy is Guild-Master.” they seemed shocked but she had no better explanation, which seemed to be what they wanted. Was her mother being in the guild, her brother being there, not good enough reason to join a guild? Frey had thought you were suppose to guild where you felt most at home, and that was with her family, the one she had been denied since her mother had to give her up. “You have to put this jacket on kid, now, before the doors open and the police come.” What would the police do if she didn’t put on the jacket? The little girl was becoming more confused, none of this made sense, she looked at everyone, Rea’s eyes begging her to trust everyone as one of the other people patched up the girl’s slashed arm and chest. Would the other child be alright? The dragon slayer was very worried. “Why?” she was a curious child and always wanted to know why she was asked to do something, unless it was her mother asking. “Just do it, we’re trying to help you Frey!” the pink haired girl did not know what help putting on a jacket would do her, nor why they were pushing it onto her without consent, lifting her arms and zipping it up as she meekly agreed “Alright?” the female looked up at the other people most of whom were taller than her, watching as they talked in hushed voices as if they were still concerned about something. “Thank you again, stay in the middle of when we walk around and sneak away before they take statements.” they seemed to want to hide her from the police for some reason, as if she had done something incredibly wrong! “Why?” the little girl did not understand what she had done, Frey had just been trying to help everyone and had even caught the criminal! She kept everyone safe. “It’s for your safety.” So they were trying to protect her? But from what, the little girl sighed as they urged her to the middle of the group, and did as they said upon exit.



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