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    A Dreaded Discussion

    Edward Von Aurence

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    A Dreaded Discussion Empty A Dreaded Discussion

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 27th January 2017, 2:13 pm

    Player Versus Player otherwise known as PVP is a dreaded topic on this site for a number of people since most people attempt to avoid it like the plague. However, we should face our dread toward this aspect of the site and address it rather than trying to cover it up and avoid it. I know a number of people are going to speak out against this type of suggestion by saying such things as:

    Lionel, the site isn’t designed for PVP but focuses only developing your character and plot.

    Lionel, PVP would cause a lot of people a ton of grief and such since the mods would have to regrade all of the magic.

    Now I understand that a number of people will state the first reason to me, and I won’t disagree with that fact. Character development and plot are an important aspect of the site. But the issue arises from when your character needs conflict, and you are only able to use one or two sources for that external conflict from another player. Currently, PVP is limited to only doing it with people you trust and people you get along with for a ton of people. Doesn’t that sound wrong? It is a clear indicator that certain aspects of the situation need to be improved and such. Improving PVP would also make things in events that have PVP aspects flow easier and keep the number of times mods have to intervene in topics down a bit more.

    Now, what should be done to fixed the PVP situation? Well, that is the real issue at hand because everyone would have different suggestions on how to do that. But right now, we could start with a few little patches slowly fixing the system so that way it won’t be a huge overhaul and all of the applications won’t have to be pulled for a ton of people. One suggestion would be to divide Unique Abilities into two portions, where you have the PVE aspect which is for plot, jobs, and such and then you have the PVP aspect. Another one would be to give greater detail to the amount of time it takes to execute a spell since there is usually a bit of start-up time or lag especially when it comes to summoning and such. These are just a few of the small ideas I have in mind. But the reason for this topic is to discuss it more so that way we can improve the situation. And to hear people's reasoning as to why a more solid PVP aspect shouldn't be added.


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    A Dreaded Discussion Empty Re: A Dreaded Discussion

    Post by Roku 27th January 2017, 2:31 pm

    So I had said to someone I wasn't going to comment on this, but I feel a few things to need to be added to this.

    1. Several aspects of the site, and the meta needs to be flushed out before anything big with PvP happen. Like, we've gotten to the point where we've gotten to explaining speed and endurance, but we need to explain what strength actually influences. Does it increase melee damage etc.
    2. Get a static grading scale for things. One of the biggest things that cause friction on the site is the fact that one mod approves one ability, but when the magic or weapon is slightly changed, even if the ability wasn't changed, the mod won't reapprove the thing. Say that one ability was the key mechanic, then they have to repurpose their entire app.
    3. Use logic. Don't make it a pure number game. If the spell is going to roll over a wall you put up, and it'd still hit you, you take the damage.
    4. Have a section on the forum where PvP related decisions are made. As in, if there was a PvP related incident where you want to call someone on god modding, you can make a post in this section for a mod to look at it, and they comment in the thread. That way everyone can see it, and everyone can defend their outlook on it.

    Though this draws to people to ask "What about people who can't PvP?" Then they get better. "What about people who don't want to get better?" Given incentives to get better. What do I mean in that? Since everyone on the forum wants something to do anything, since there is a risk to the character while doing Pvp, award Exp or jewels to the person who wins, or in the fact loses if the mod feels like they have put forth the effort. I suggest this because I know there are several people, some admin of old and new that won't do any kind of thread unless it's a job, because they don't get anything out of it.


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    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

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    A Dreaded Discussion Empty Re: A Dreaded Discussion

    Post by Ardere Kasai 27th January 2017, 8:33 pm

    I actually know quite a few people who like to PvP, or would like to PvP.

    If people here were used to PvP or liked to do it, it wouldn't be so bad. Cause a lot of the problems come from lack of experience, or mods being lax on grading because our magics are organized in such a way that it is better for PvE, and to encourage freedom.

    Our member base is just too afraid to PvP.

    Also our combat system has too many abilities. We get a bajillion spells, UA's, and an armory of weapons and pets. It's almost too much.

    And some people are just assholes about it lol when you should try to have fun


    A Dreaded Discussion FYZkfE1
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    A Dreaded Discussion Empty Re: A Dreaded Discussion

    Post by Cr1tikal 27th January 2017, 11:48 pm

    Ardere Kasai wrote:And some people are just assholes about it lol when you should try to have fun

    This is half of the reason we removed PvP as a way to earn rewards, alongside people abusing the prior system by stomping people of lower rank or knowing they countered the other completely.


    A Dreaded Discussion MQNhOUw


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    A Dreaded Discussion Empty Re: A Dreaded Discussion

    Post by Cirven 28th January 2017, 12:27 am

    I think the biggest thing people forget with PvP is that this is an RP site and not a MMO where we have systems that flow for fighting each other. You can RP your way out of being hit by things as much as doing the same to make sure your attacks are going to hit which throws a huge loophole into trying to PvP on a RP forum.

    Yes, we can bring in systems to make the site more PvP oriented but that will require a full site revamp. We shouldn't make a huge site change because a few people who like PvP compared to the others who would rather just RP and have character development. If there is way more of an outcry for PvP then I can see it happening but it is way harder to balance here especially with how the site has developed and will take more work than most people think because it cannot be a small change to the site. It is something that changes everything or changes nothing because otherwise we end up with staff being much more overworked with apps(a reason why we avoided it in the past along with the small numbers who wanted it).

    A big fix to this is that any PvP that anyone decides to get into with anyone else can be handled by those people which is the original way PvP was supposed to be handled in the past when Zack worked as head admin and was the head of the dev team. Pretty sure it can still be done the same where if you go to fight anyone you come up with your own rules for it with that person agreeing and/or helping. This helps with the PvP being easier for you to do as well as letting you have it the way you want.

    Overall though, I say have a poll on how many people on site actually want a PvP system and we can see about going from there. I personally don't see it as worth it with all the stress that can come with it but if a good majority of people actually want a system made even though they read what I had just said about coming up with your own rules for PvP then it can possibly be a thing if staff comes up with what they think is a good system.


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