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    Ignition [Job | Magna]


    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 3rd January 2017, 10:05 am


    Tick... Tick... Tick...

    The endless sound that came from the small around object on the wall was burrowing into Kiru's mind as she stared at it silently. In the busyness of the Silver Moon inn, everything else seemed to blur in the demon slayer's vision as her focus was primarily on this clock... Watching... Waiting... She sat alone at an empty booth as per usual. It was rare to see Kiru sitting with anyone. This wasn't her choice however, it was usually theirs. Truth be told she wouldn't care about having company, but something about the girl always drove people away. Most likely her robotic personality either scared people or made them too bored to even bother. Whatever the reason was however, it never seemed to matter to the girl. She seemed perfectly fine on her own. Or did she? No one would ever know. She'd continue to sit at the booth with her hands folded over the table, her bright aqua gaze fixed on the hands, watching every single tick from that clock. Until finally, it dinged! The familiar sound of the hour, and Kiru's head would turn from the clock to the door of the inn. As if rehearsed, someone entered at the exact moment. Someone Kiru had been expecting. The man was tall, and wore dark clothing, a black hat to match. Obviously the mysterious type. He'd look around the Inn for a moment before seeing Kiru. She'd meet his gaze with her own expressionless stare. The man would then proceed to weave his way through the tables and patrons of the bar and sit directly across from her in the same booth, lifting a briefcase and sliding it over to the girl.

    "This is everything?" She'd ask quietly, not moving to open the case just yet. "Aye, that was everything I found out." Staring at him for another moment, Kiru would look down at the brief case and slowly reach up to open it. She flicked the two locks open, and lifted the case. Inside was a mountain of papers that looked like they had all hastily been crammed inside, which, judging by the nature of this situation, they probably were. They were documents, and files. Something Kiru had grown used to in the past month since becoming a guild ace. She began looking over the files as the man spoke again. "The man you're looking for goes by the name Markov Shazinski. But he's not exactly who he says he is. Apparently a few months back he was hired by Masenko Tech to infiltrate Isayev Heavy Industries." Kiru would look up from the files with a raised eyebrow. "For what purpose?"
    "Theft." He'd respond. "I couldn't find out exactly what it was he was trying to steal, but the code name went by 'Project: Ignition'. There should be a few files on the project in there." He'd whisper. Curious, Kiru would turn the various documents until she found the one marked with "P: Ignition." The document itself was unclear, obviously made so if it was stolen, the thief wouldn't be able to make out exactly what it was. It listed details about costs, and purpose. Her eyes widened suddenly when she read the file. "Conquer nations?" She'd ask, looking back up at the man. He'd shrug. "Judging by the cost, they must be putting a lot of effort into whatever it is. Be it some sort of war machine or spell." Kiru would then take a look at the document profile of one "Markov Shazinski." It had a detailed biography about his criminal past. Something Isayev Heavy Industries conveniently never saw. Apparently he used to be part of some sort of dark guild that went by "Heaven's Wrath." Their primary goal was to overthrow the government of Fiore. She'd look back up at the man. "Has Markov succeeded?" He'd shift uncomfortably. "That's why I came as fast as I could. The contents of the project was reported missing late last night... Markov with it. I'm not sure what he plans to do with it, but I do know where he'll be." She raised her eyebrow, eager to hear more. Uhh. Here." The man would pull out a large piece of paper from his coat and unfold it onto the table. It was a detailed map of the kingdom of Fiore. He'd point to a canyon not far from the capital. "If you look into the file deep enough, you can find the battle plans for a project of that size. Apparently if whatever this thing was supposed to make its way to the capital, this canyon would be the only route from Isayev Heavy Industries headquarters it could take." Kiru would take a detailed look at the map before standing. "Then we have little time. We have to find and stop Markov before he can turn this thing on the government." She'd say, placing the files back into the brief case. "Uhh. I wouldn't suggest going alone!"
    "I'm not."

    A few moments later, Kiru would be standing at the bar, slamming the heavy briefcase on the wood. "Magna! You're going to have to take a break from the bar today! We have to save the capital!" She'd call out into the kitchen, assuming that's where Magna had been. It wasn't a random choice by Kiru however, to pick Magna. He'd proven his skills in the past firsthand to her, and she knew they already worked well together. Not only that, but it didn't seem like anyone else was around, and Kiru had little time. At the mention of "saving the capital" the entire bar went quiet and looked at her. Kiru simply looked back. "You'll probably hear about it soon."


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 3rd January 2017, 2:19 pm

    Magna raised an eyebrow as the heavy case was slammed down upon his pristine bar shaking glasses and even knocking some over or out of the hands of drinkers. What really caused a flicker of flame behind his eyes though was the fact it caused a drink to spill over one of the dishes he just served and the look on the face of the customer. He was about to say something when the scent caught his nose and he raised a hand. "One moment." he walked over to the dish in question,  which was being stared at by the incredulous patron. Well, when he wasn't turning his gaze to look at the offending case placer. "I'll get the kitchen to replace your dish free of charge if you wish. However..." he grabbed a fork and twirled some of the pasta round it and held it up to his nose to gain a bit more of a closer scent. He tilted his head and then placed it in his mouth chewing it slowly and savouring the taste. "...I would recommend you taste this before you reject it. Strangely, the juice of the wine flower works surprisingly well with Oyster Cheese Pasta and in fact enhances the flavour a fair bit. A dish I shall have to remember." The man stared at him for a moment and then placed a forkful of the dish to his own lips and instantly a smile lit up his features and he shook his hands and head.

    "No need no need. Honest mistake, but if I could get another one of these and a mention in the name then we'll call it quits. Name's Ying." Magna considered this and nodded in agreement putting in a brief order to the kitchen with a few modifications on the dish which he decided would be called Ying Oyanster Cheese Pasta. This was a pun on the yin yang thing, but inverted. It used his name and what's more Ying was actually a flower name so it worked very well. To this he also added in orders for all the spilt drinks including a replacement for Ying. Though for him he chose a slightly different drink so as not to have the juice of the wine flower in the dish be overpowered by having more as a drink. And with that done Magna returned to look at Kiru a slightly annoyed tone on his features.

    "Next time...don't rock the bar or i'll make you pay for any spilt drinks or ruined food." he said calmly as with practised ease he front flipped over the bar and began to walk towards the door. "Are you coming or not? You said the capital was at risk and you're wasting more time?" he added with a slight smile to his face as he opened the door and headed outside. This was perhaps a bit of an odd remark from Magna. He had after all spent a few moments tasting food, speaking about food and ordering food for a customer. This would seem to most to be wasting time. However, to one like him who put the satisfaction of his culinary customer above his own life, it was not he who wasted the time. It was Kiru who had forced his hand in order to rectify an issue.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 3rd January 2017, 3:20 pm

    Kiru would simply stare blankly at Magna as he went through his routine, after she accidentally spilled a patron's drink. She'd look at him curiously, an unknown feeling swirling through her head as she watched Magna settle his deal with the man now named "Ying." And agreed to name a meal after him. None of this mattered however, as soon as Magna was finished, he'd scold Kiru. Telling her she'd pay for the next accident she caused. She'd just continue to stare at the wizard as he walked around the bar and was apparently ready to go. At least he could piece together that time was a crucial aspect on this mission. Or at least she thought he did. His previous display may cause that topic to be somewhat controversial. At this she'd simply follow behind and take the briefcase with her.

    "Here's what we're dealing with. Some sort of weapon is on its way to Crocus. The only way it can apparently reach its destination is through a long canyon that ends near the city." She'd say, staring ahead pulling out the file labeled "P: Ignition" and handing it to Magna. "We don't know all the details about this weapon, but we know it'll reach the capital within the day's end. We have to intercept its user, Markov Shazinski. An old dark mage, and now a thief for Masenko Tech. He was sent to steal Project Ignition, and now he has." She'd hand his profile to Magna as well. They'd walk through the streets of Rose Garden with haste. "We need to hurry. This thing's already got a head start and we have no time to warn anyone." She'd say, heading for the stables.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 4th January 2017, 2:28 am

    As they walked the situation was explained and he was presented with two files. One which detailed Project: Ignition and the thief who had stolen it. Neither profile interested him that much but he tried to read them anyway. Technology, outside the kitchen anyway, wasn't really his forte and as such the details of project ignition was pretty much gibberous of the highest level to him. The details on the mage were not exactly that indepth and as such weren't too useful. He relied more on instinct than planning anyway. "Machines tend to be fairly easy to take down if you hit them right." he said as an offhand comment. "Though based on what this says it looks like it has some pretty big weaponry and defenses. The weapons we can probably deal with, but its armor will be tricky." He'd dealt with at least one powerful machine before, but not quite on this scale. CASSIE, the former robot of the guild, had gone haywire and he'd fought against it and managed to deal some pretty hefty damage solo. However, whilst large and powerful CASSIE was not on the same level as Project: Ignition. As such, things would be trickier. His soul based magic gained from the cerberus would likely be useless in this situation as well leaving him with only his main magic. It had a lot of destructive potential, but was not designed to beat huge targets.

    "We'll need to combine our powers when and where we can to output as much damage as possible." he said as they headed towards the stables. "If we can get a big enough hole in its armor then we can hit what's underneath and bring it down. If its as large as the document says we might even be able to get inside and break it from within." Soon they were back outside moving as swiftly as they could on their hired steeds to try and get to the canyon. "It would be worthwhile doing what we can to slow it down. Maybe break up the ground ahead of it or turn it to liquid...that or collapse sides of the canyon. It might only slow it by a few moments but those few moments could be key."


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 316
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 4th January 2017, 8:56 am

    Kiru would listen intently at Magna's words of wisdom, even if she didn't seem like it. Like always, the girl would be staring ahead of the two as he spoke. His plan seemed sound, and she did make a hint with her facial expression when Magna suggested they could find a way to take it down from within. Kiru had done that once before when working on a job with Elyx, however she was in a much... Different form.

    "There is a catch however. We cannot afford to destroy this machine. We must disable it." She said, sounding annoyed. It was true, Kiru would much rather destroy a machine of that size. Something as big and dangerous as Project: Ignition should never be allowed to be possessed by anyone in her opinion. However, she had to think ahead. Her contact had informed her that the machine's manufactures had placed a certain object within. If the machine was destroyed, it cause the energy source to rupture and cause a nuclear explosion. That much radiation could spread and infect anything within a 100 mile radius. She couldn't take that risk. "If this thing is destroyed, it can cause significant collateral damage to the surrounding region. Not to mention the impact would probably kill both of us as well. That's why taking it down from within may be a safer option if we can find a way. But the target is Markov. My bet is he's operating this thing, so if we can take him out, hopefully the rest of the machine will become disabled." She said as the two rounded the corner and came to the stables.

    Kiru would pick a random horse that had a saddle, and quickly climb on the animal's back. Grabbing the reigns the stable master came over. "Oi! What you think your doing? You can't just tak-"
    "We're wizards from Black Rose in need of your horses. The fate of a city may depend on us getting to our destination with speed." She'd interrupt. At this the Stable master just put on a irritated look. "Bah! Fine, take them. You'll have to pay for em as soon as you return though." He'd say. At this, Kiru would look over to Magna and his mount (If he had one.) And nod. "We should take the eastern pass. We may be able to intercept Ignition that way." She'd tell him, pulling on the reigns of her black horse, the animal would lift its two front legs in the air before Kiru squeezed its sides with her legs and whipped the reigns. "Hyah!" The horse would proceed to gallop forward out of the stables and into the street. The crowd would jump aside as Kiru lead the way to the borders.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 4th January 2017, 1:01 pm

    An internal explosive device, likely the power source. That made things a lot more difficult because, as said, the blast radius would likely be huge and it is unlikely they'd be able to contain it. Not even his strongest spell combinations were enough to block such a thing. If it detonated then they'd likely die and the places they were trying to protect would likely be taken out too. That wasn't a good thing at all. That also ruled out piercing spells to some extent because if he pierced too far into it then he might just cause the core to detonate. It reminded him vaguely of some sci-fi book he'd read on his journeys. Galaxy battles or something of that ilk.

    "We need to stop it moving so that we can focus our attentions on its pilot and disabling the machine entirely." he said as they rode swiftly across the plains towards the canyon. "If we can slow it down enough to get a blow we might be able to take out one of its legs and cause it to collapse, if only temporarily." It was at this point he wondered if his soul attacking magic would work on the core. Perhaps he could kill the 'soul' of the core and thus prevent it detonating. It likely wouldn't work, but it might be worth trying as a last resort. "The base of the canyon is probably a thick dirt and rock. Reckon you can turn that to mud? I can probably heat it up to break it apart a bit."

    Strategy was like a recipe and right now he knew of only some of the ingredients they possessed. He knew what he was capable of and had an idea what his partner was capable of, but not a complete listing. They needed to discuss as much as they could on the journey to work out the most effective strategy. OTherwise all they'd have would be a recipe for disaster


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 316
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    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 4th January 2017, 1:34 pm

    "My thinking exactly." Kiru would respond to Magna's plan. It wasn't like they really had any other options at the moment anyways. If that thing reached the capital, who knew what kind of destruction it could cause. Stopping it would be their primary objective. She'd turn to look at him for a moment as he suggested the mud. "Better yet, if you have any fire spells we can create a wall of stone to block its path. Although with the amount of weapons it has it may not have trouble breaking through it." She'd say as their horses galloped across the fields. She'd still use mud to slow it down, but having a wall could easily distract it long enough for Kiru or Magna to get a good hit. Assuming this thing would retaliate.

    It wouldn't be long until the two's horses were tired out, and began trotting now instead of galloping. They'd be in a forested region now, Kiru predicted only a few hours away from the canyon they were supposed to meet this thing, whatever it was exactly. She'd turn to Magna and stare at him for a moment before looking back at the path ahead with her usual blank expression. "In my opinion, Ying Oyanster Cheese Pasta doesn't sound very good. Could've done without the man's name." She'd shrug. This display was a bit odd for Kiru, to randomly make up conversation. She was usually silent unless spoken too directly, or having something useful to put. But, as someone had pointed out to her recently, her personality can be a bit off putting. So she tried to fix that by talking. Of course, Kiru wasn't very good at that either...


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 5th January 2017, 1:34 am

    "You're asking a chef if he can use fire?" he said with a chuckle and as a demonstration conjured up a small fork of flame to the tip of his finger. He held it for a few seconds before letting it vanish. The spell used so little energy that it was instantly restored and had become known to be a signature move of his when used in combat. He wasn't particularly the type to show off with his magic, except in the kitchen of course, but this, at least in his mind, was a time to show some of his skills. "A stone wall might work, but based on what I can understand from the documents you gave me, which isn't much to be honest, its weaponry would be enough to break through walls even if its size and physical strength wasn't. So we'd need a rather thick and sizeable wall. If we can turn the floor muddy enough that its a swamp then we could perhaps then harden the ground again with heat to trap it. That or freeze the ground to make it slip over. That alone could take it out the fight for a bit."

    The journey to the canyon was taking its time. It wasn't the closest place to the BR headquarters at the Silver Moon inn. In fact, it really was quite a distance. He hoped they would be fast enough and would get there without wearing out the horses too much. They might be needed to get ahead of the thing again depending on how fast it moved. Then again keeping the horses calm with a giant rampaging mecha-monster firing lasers, missiles and god knows what else nearby would be insanely difficult to say the least. They would likely have to rely on their own feet and other skills to stay ahead of the machine. That or stop it in its tracks entirely.

    "If we can stop it and hit its legs to prevent it from moving that should be enough to give us time to stop Markov and any other tricks he might have up his sleeve. Let's just hope it can't repair itself or something." he said with a slight chuckle. He had heard of machines that could do that, but only in fiction. Then again it was said companies like Hyperion in Bosco were making real advances in machinery. He'd heard a few rumours about them in his bar recently and wondered it perhaps they might be somehow involved in this Project: Ignition. A destructive weapon like this being stolen from a rival company would make them look fairly impressive considering no-one, as far as he was aware, had stolen their tech before. "Depending on the composition of the metal we might be able to melt it slightly and then cool the metal to stick it to the ground as well. Or we could cause a rock slide though damaging the canyon too much is likely to piss someone off, but then again if its a choice between the canyon or the capital being wrecked i'd pick the canyon"

    When she mentioned the name of the dish he raised an eyebrow. An unusual topic of conversation for someone to bring up, but even more unusual when it was Kiru who was normally silent. "Its not the best name, but neither is just Oyster Cheese Pasta, which was the dish without the wine flower added. I might have to tweak the dish a bit and then re-name it. After all, i'm not the type to break my word and I said i'd name the dish after him. I didn't however say that i'd keep it on the menu and if I change the dish then its a different dish." It wasn't perhaps the best conversation, but it was one he could talk about it. Even if the situation wasn't really the right time for it. Then again there wasn't much more they could discuss about the mission. THey had to slow down or stop this thing and then disable it one way or another without destroying it. He'd outlined options and so had she. There wasn't much else they could say. "So what would you have named it? The name Ying isn't too bad in an oriental style dish, but you're right that in this case it does ruin the name somewhat"


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 316
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 9,687.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ocean Demon Slaying Magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 6th January 2017, 1:23 pm

    At least he was taking this more seriously then before. At first he didn't seem to care much, but now Magna was spouting with useful information that they could use to easily gain the upper hand. But then again, these things were usually easier said then done. Kiru would listen closely, still staring ahead while Magna spoke, and she soon responded. "Aye, the machine can probably break through any wall we create with little to no effort, but hopefully during that time we can employ the use of our other options like you suggested." She'd respond, still looking at the path ahead of them. "Any of those options would sound doable in a situation like that, we'll just have to divide its focus long enough for one of us to successfully commit to any of those ideas."

    It was true, Kiru had been thinking in a similar fashion, but of course she usually got lost in her own head and never bothered to tell anyone else about her thoughts, unless of course they asked. She was glad this mission wasn't going to be solo. Judging by the information she had acquired, this thing would probably prove extremely difficult to take down, even with another mage. She wouldn't be sure how long her luck would last going up against it alone. And if the past proved anything, luck was never a friend of Kiru's. She hated improvising, but had gotten used to it when all her plans no longer worked. So she would treat this mission like all the rest. She'd have to come up with a back up plan in case any of the one's Magna suggested proved ineffective. "Of course, we still know very little about this thing. If all else fails, we'll need a fail safe. Our primary objective should be halting its advance, there for we should use rock slides to cut off the canyon completely. Hopefully we can do that first by staying out of its notice." She would tell Magna.

    To answer Magna's question about the dish, Kiru would simply look up and put a finger to her chin for a moment. "Why not call it... The cheesy carb dish?" And Kiru was being completely serious. She was never good at picking up other people's likes and dislikes, and the fact that a name like that could ward off many potential patrons. But of course, all that logic flew over Kiru's head, as she never experienced anything in the science of gourmet food. Not at all like Magna anyways. She was just honest about everything. "Is that not what it contains? Or maybe call it 'The cheesy seafood carb dish?' Perhaps a name like that would be better to suite your needs. After all, putting 'Ying' in the name makes no sense. I find it highly unlikely that anyone who orders the 'Ying Oyster Cheese Pasta' would be aware of any character named Ying. And even if the customer did, what significance would the name of a person be to the meal itself? How does Ying contribute to the dish? What does the food on the plate have anything to do with this Ying person?" She asked, still unaware of the logics behind food names. "Aside from all that, people should not get their names on dishes for having accidents while eating them. People could constantly have accidents just to get food with their names on it. Then we'd have a bunch of meals on the menu with various names, and people would be asking themselves the same questions again and again for each plate." She'd finish, her voice sounding dead serious the whole time, before her gaze stared back at the path ahead of them. "Kind of confusing."


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 7th January 2017, 1:20 pm

    He did chuckle at her naming ideas. They weren't exactly the most creative and were extremely, extremely literal. Then again literalness seemed to be her forte. She was very straight forward and didn't care for nonsense. IT was one of the reasons he was so surprised at the conversation and another reason, besides his love of talking about food, that he kept it going. IT was a way to understand her more. "The name Ying is a flower based name. It works well with the dish because the addition he accidently provided was the alcoholic juice extracted from a wine flower. The only reason his name was added was because he accidently helped me create a new dish. That and the fact he looked like the type to get violent and I didn't want to have to beat a customer. ITs bad for business." he said explaining his reasoning and hoping she understood. It often wasn't clear how her mind worked and it was something he wanted to know. "I do like the name suggestions, but they are a bit too literal for most people's tastes. Afterall, you don't call spaghetti bolognaise pasta with a bit of mince and tomato sauce as well as other assorted vegetables. It has to be short, snappy and memorable. That being said the dish I named for him will likely be altered quite a bit when I get back. There are a few other alcohols that might work better than the wine flower, or perhaps work with it. It might also work if I add the wine flower at an earlier stage in the actual cooking process rather than as a garnish."

    In his head he'd already come up with a couple of dozen experiments to try involving the dish. Oyster cheese pasta by itself was delicious and the wine flower had enhanced that. It was a happy accident, but now he knew it could be improved he was determined to try. The only issue was how hard Oyster Cheese Pasta was to cook normally. He'd have to further experiment with the cooking method to find an easier way before he could add new ingredients in the cooking process.

    "A rockslide sounds good. Our best bet is to set that up and then work our way along the canyon setting up other traps as we go. That way we can make it seem like we're fighting it and retreat a bit letting them think they've won and then bam...the trap is sprung and we strike again."


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 8th January 2017, 8:45 am

    Kiru would stare blankly at Magna as he explained his reasoning behind the name of the dish, and it was unclear weather or not the girl would understand his thought process, as Kiru's face would always stay the same. That was, until she poke. She'd turn back to the path after he finished, and tried to process it for a moment, before turning back and speaking. "I see... However if your methods of naming food are based off of the help you receive in creating new dishes, then shouldn't it be called Kiru Oyester Cheese Pasta?" She asked. "After all, you did make it very clear in the bar that I was the cause of that man's distressed meal, so therefore, by the laws of food naming, should it not fall to what they call me instead?" She asked, her cyan gaze staring straight into Magna's. "And if you alter the dish, doesn't that make it different from it's original form? Then it wouldn't be the same as its predecessor, therefore it's a new dish completely, and should receive a new name. However, I find it unlikely you'll receive any more 'help' from any customers during you alteration of said meal, so that just brings me to my original statement about food names? If the name has to be sot and memorable, how are you going to do that without a person's name?" It was obvious by this point Magna had led Kiru to believe that all food names had to have the name of a certain person in their title now as well. These things always tended to fly over the girl's head, as she always seemed more tactical than social.

    Of course, Manga's comment about beating up the customer caused her to speak again. "Could always show a sign of force if they make the first move." Kiru shrugged. "After all, it'd be better for business to show people we MEAN business when they retaliate." This was obviously the debt collector's side of Kiru talking. She was widely known in Black Rose as their debt collector, and was usually the one to "Persuade" those who tried to swindle the guild to see the errors of their ways. She was completely used to beating up people, most of the time because the street thugs usually underestimated her. As a result, she didn't see a problem in putting down a violent customer. Especially in the guildhall. "After all, it IS just food. I find it illogical that man shared any sentimental value with the food being served to him. And if he did, there are people in Fiore who specialize to help mental illness. He should know Black Rose doesn't do that kind of treatment however." She'd explain.

    When Magna started talking about Ignition again, the girl would simply nod. "We'll have to find some way to slow it down, so traps seem our best option if we can't find any way to halt its advance completely. That's why I believe stealth will be crucial before we engage. We must lay the ground work before we retaliate. After all, I doubt either of us could take this thing on solo."


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 8th January 2017, 9:08 am

    Magna considered her words for a few moments. Logically speaking she was technically correct. She had been responsible for the dish being created. The whole situation was a recipe with certain steps. Magna had given the items to the customer, the customer had moved them in a certain way, Kiru had shaken the table and that had caused the dish to be created. "You are right, you were partially responsible for the dish being created and so if names were to be used yours should probably be involved somewhere. Perhaps Kiru Oyingster Cheese Pasta However, not all dishes have to contain a person's name they just have to be memorable enough for one reason or another, such as boeuf bourguignon." He chuckled at her apparent lack of understanding. Perhaps it was his own explanations that had not been good enough. She seemed under the illusion that all dishes has to contain a person's name, but that certainly wasn't true. "A modification of the dish would still be based on that original dish and thus whilst the parts may be different the actual soul of the dish could be the same. Think of it as an axe passed down through a family. You may replace the axe one year and the handle another, but in spirit is the axe still not the axe passed down through your family? It has just evolved to suit the times. Food is similar."

    "Violence really isn't in my nature. Especially against people and even more so against customers. SUre i'll dish out the blows when I need to, but if I can solve a problem with a platitude like adding someone's name to a dish then that works. Besides now that the dish is named after him he'll likely spread that around and thus people will come, if only to see if the dish is really named after him." Magna said with a shrug. It wasn't like naming a dish detracted from it that much. It was memorable if only because of its weirdness. That being said he wasn't a weakling or someone incapable of fighting and she knew this from prior experience on jobs with her.  "If he'd actually struck I would of disabled him one way or another, but if I can stop a battle before it happens then i'll do it. I'd rather not dirty my hands unless I have to."

    Magna's next movement though was to stop moving at all. He seemed to freeze in place at her statement. His face was twitching as he tried to process what she had just said. It took him a few moments to realise that he had fallen behind and he quickly kicked the horse into high gear so to speak in order to catch up. "Food is more than food to some people. To some it is a way of life. Chefs, food critics, gourmands and others. It is more than just calories to fill one's stomach. It can in itself be an experience, a journey." he said with a forced calmness trying not to shout or sound angry. He knew, or thought he knew at least, that she hadn't meant to offend him with her words. Still her words stung. It belittled everything about him. "It is not an illness, mental or otherwise to be passionate about something. In future, I would consider who you are speaking to before you come out with such statements. Otherwise you might cause some people to snap." This was a warning to her so that she understood a bit perhaps of where he was coming from.

    "Besides he might just of cared for the fact that you potentially ruined a dish he had spent money on. Oyster Cheese Pasta is not a cheap dish and the drink he chose was also quite expensive. They are rather rare. So he might just of cared about that."


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 8th January 2017, 9:54 am

    Kiru tilted her head at Magna as he went on to explain even further about the logic she seemed to be missing out on behind naming food. Perhaps she was just overthinking this, like she did in most social situations. She sighed, knowing she wasn't very good at social encounters. However, was seemed to confuse Kiru even more was Magna's odd body language and slowness in speed after her last comment about the food. "I find that confusing. The man didn't seem very passionate about his food." She said, putting another finger to her chin. Obviously Magna's statement about making people "Snap" went by unnoticed by Kiru, and she was still unaware that she had offended him in any way. She would proceed to walk down the path as Magna began to reveal more about himself, things Kiru had to admit she never knew about the mage in the first place. Despite not knowing much about food, or cooking, or whatever it was Magna did . (Honestly Kiru could never keep track.) She realized how telling this conversation actually was. Behind her blank exterior, Kiru was actually a deep thinker. And then it hit her. She knew nothing about her fellow Ace...

    "Odd... A thought just occurred." She said, her tone suggesting she was no longer interested in the pace of the current conversation, therefore it was time to move onto the next subject. She turned to Magna for a moment, and stared him up and down with her usual blank face. "Magna, I know very little about you. During our last encounter we did not speak at all, but with recent events I feel it is best if we learn more about each other." She said, her tone unwavering as she stared at Magna. Of course, Kiru never usually outright asked a question she wanted to know the answer too. Or at least that's what most people would think. Most of her "questions" sounded more like statements then they did inquiries. Of course Kiru didn't ever seem to pick up on this, so she'd be surprised if people went silent, waiting for an extended dialogue. Despite all that though, the girl was interested in knowing more about her partner. After all, a good understanding of one's teammate could provide with a more cooperative dynamic between the two. Aside from all that, Kiru was an Ace now. She should know more about everyone in the guild.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 8th January 2017, 12:11 pm

    "I was born the child of two chefs who died when I was eight years old. I was taken in by a gang of theives, rogues, bandits and the like who kept me on because of my cooking and it repaid a debt my parents, and thus me, owed them. I stayed because they would get me ingredients and recipes so I could go further." he said and then realised this point perhaps needed a bit more explianing. "Before my parents died I was always helping them in the kitchen whenever I could. I had dreams of being a chef as good as them, if not better, and eventually having my name remembred as one of the great chefs. So the bandits helping me out really did help. Eventually I began to travel the world, at first with members of the group, but eventually by myself till at about the age of 15 i returned home to the bandits' lair to find that it had been replaced with the Black Rose guild. It still felt like home to me so I joined the guild."

    "So you could say food is at the core of my being. Its not just something I eat to survive or cook to pay the bills. Its something that defines who I am. I cook to become better at cooking. I cook to make people happy. I cook to learn new things." he said and then with a gesture of his hand a large frying pan formed in his hand. "Cooking is reflected even within my magic and the weapons I use. I prefer not to use them for fighting, but I know sometimes I have to. After all, a lot of the best ingredients don't go down without a fight." He paused and then considered the topic again from another angle.

    "Though if we're talking about not knowing people I don't really know you, or that many in the guild either. I know Iza, Shade and Jiyu pretty well, but most of the people I knew other than them are gone now." he sighed deeply. He missed Jin and he missed Kakuma and he missed a bunch of other people. "So tell me a bit about yourself because I think you're more of a closed book than most others."


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 9th January 2017, 5:09 pm

    Kiru would stare silently as Manga shared his story with her. She was honestly surprised he was so forthright about his personal history, as in Kiru's experience, most people who joined guilds seemed to have something in their history that saddened them, and caused them to do so. Magna apparently had his fair share of hardship in his past though, which made Kiru look him over more. It seemed to hold truth that you could learn a lot about a person just by their story... Magna seemed to gain his love of cooking from his now dead parents. This made her curious however, and Kiru decided to ask her next question. Knowing Magna may not be comfortable talking about it.

    "It may not be my place to say, but may I ask how your parents died?" She asked, fully aware of what the response could be. She'd understand if Magna refused to reveal that detail to her, as he seemed to have avoided it when explaining before. However, what Magna asked caught Kiru off guard.

    Of course he'd want to know! How could she be so stupid as to not expect this from him? Kiru had never spoken about her history to anyone before, as a result, only Izayuki really knew anything about Kiru. This wasn't out of choice however. Her history had just never become relevant before. No one had ever questioned... As a result, she wasn't fully prepared to answer... Evident by her sudden surprised expression, her face turning a slight shade of red as she looked away from Magna. After a moment of silence, the girl collected herself and took a breath before speaking.

    "I was found floating in the ocean by a group of fishermen. I was only 6 years old. They brought me to their small coastal village. It was there I met Izayuki for the first time..." She stated, looking blankly ahead. "However, no one wanted me back then. Yet I stayed near the village because my only friend Izayuki lived there. It was because the Ocean Demon found me, and began teaching me forbidden magic. They called me demon in that village, because I willingly learned from her..." Kiru's grip on the reigns tightened slightly. "However... Something happened one day. My teacher was no where to be found, and an unusually cold wind blew over the village. It was soon revealed that Izayuki also had her own mentor. The Ice Goddess, Yukioanna. I'm unaware of what events transpired that day to cause her to do so, but the Ice Goddess attacked the entire village, and killed everyone. Only me and Izayuki survived. I'm not sure why, but I survived the attack. I was left in the ruins of the town, now frozen over, trapped underneath a sheet of black ice. The only change to my body was my hair." She spoke, remembering everything. "I used the little power I had to break free, and then the demon of the sea came and took me into the inky depths. For years, away from sight, I was trained vigorously by her... Until finally one day she revealed the location of my old friend, and I broke free from her chains. That is when I joined Black Rose..." She finally ended. Staring blankly at the path that laid before the two.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 10th January 2017, 11:42 pm

    His face was saddened as she asked the question. It was perhaps his only regret of joining the gang. He explained to Kiru that his parents had died in crossfire in a gang war between the gang he joined and their rivals. It was why at first he'd not wanted to help them, but it was either that or death. Fortunately, they turned out to be pretty nice guys for the most part even if they had odd notions of the law. They'd been quite apologetic about the death of his parents and never tried to worm their way out of being blamed for it. They knew it was their fault as much as the other gangs. The memories of those days were so mixed. Sadness for his loss, happiness for his eventual gain. "One day i'll bring them back." he said as a final statement though it was half to himself. That was one of the reasons he journied. It was said if you found certain ingredients and cooked them in the right way then the dead could be brought back to life and not in the fashion of a zombie either, but a legitimate new life. Whether it was true he did not know, but it was something he pursued when he had the time. It was useful working in a bar because he heard a lot of rumours.

    The mention of the ice goddess brought back memories of when someone had joined the guild. Someone who supposedly looked exactly like the ice goddess and someone who Izayuki had attacked and tried to kill. He'd been forced to sedate her for her own good. It was clear the person hadn't been a goddess, but the mind was a deceiving thing at the best of times. Magna stared too at the path before them. "It seems both our pasts have a lot of sadness in them. Hopefully our futures don't as well." he said with a smile. "Maybe we can find out more about your past on some future jobs together"

    It was of course not 100% that they would even go on another job together, but it was always possible. Kiru was an odd person at best and had an odd past. There was little he could say on it. Little he could do to help comfort her because his main method would be food and drink of which she seemed to care little. One day he'd get her to care about food and one day he'd hear her laugh and see her smile properly. Till that day he'd do his best to help her. She was his friend after all, even if she didn't consider him one. "After all, what are friend's and guildmates for right?" he added as an afterthought. It was perhaps an ending to the conversation somewhat or perhaps the begininng of another. Either way it wouldn't be too long before they arrived at the first place they'd begin to set some traps. Rock slides to bury the machine should it get too far ahead.


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 11th January 2017, 4:13 pm

    Kiru would listen intently as Magna revealed the sad truth about his parent's untimely demise. Even if she never showed it, Kiru felt bad for him. Unlike her, he had people who loved him, and vice versa. She'd never know the feeling of losing someone like that... However, that's when Magna added something. He spoke about more missions, possibly trying to find out more about Kiru's history. At this, she simply turned back to him, and with a faint smile she told him. "I appreciate your concern, but I highly doubt future missions with that as the goal will yield successful. The only evidence of my origin was the waves. The people who found it are in their graves now." She'd answer honestly. It wasn't a bad idea, but Kiru couldn't think of a reason as to why she'd learn more about her history by doing what Magna suggested. Of course, she wasn't rejecting his offer. She would be glad to go on more missions in the future with the orange haired mage. After all, what are friends and guildmates for?

    It wouldn't be much longer now that the two would reach the outskirts of the canyon. The land form seemed unusually quiet. And Kiru's senses couldn't pick up anything in the immediate area. Not to mention it did not seem like any sort of large machine had come through recently. Much to her relief, it seemed like the two wizards had beaten their foe here. With that, Kiru would hop off her mount and lead the Horse over to a tree, tying him up there before turning back to Magna. "It seems we have beaten the machine. We have to take advantage of this time to put our plans into focus. Do you have any explosive spells?" Kiru would as him, tilting her head. They would be extremely useful for their goal. Not to mention it wouldn't be unreasonable for a wizard like Magna to carry that kind of magic. Kiru could accomplish the task she had in mind herself, but it would require significantly more time. Something the two didn't have a ton of. "We could weaken some of the rocks near the edges of the canyon on both sides, but not cause them to fall just yet. We should wait until Ignition comes through before we cut him off." She would tell Magna, looking over the vast canyon as the sun began to set. Gesturing with her hands to the positions she meant. "If you can do that, I'll try to create a field of mud to slow its approach. Once the time arises, we can ambush the machine from both sides, causing substantial damage to its hull." Kiru would say. Of course this was mostly speculation. Since neither of the wizards really had any idea how tough this thing actually was, she'd have to give it her best shot and hope for success.

    Before stepping off the edge of the canyon, Kiru would simply look back at Magna and nod. "Don't die." She'd tell him. She'd step off the edge and began falling to the bottom of the trench. About 10 feet from the ground, a seal would light up and a white geyser would burst from the ground. She'd land on top of the spout, softening her fall as she performed a roll on the ground. She'd stare ahead, and then look back up... Sighing she'd look forward again and began doing her work. Her hands began to glow with a holy light...


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 14th January 2017, 8:40 am

    "Its impossible to know what the future holds. Maybe we can track down Yukionna with the help of the guildmaster, or maybe just talk to some spirits." he said with a shrug. "I've not mastered it yet, but I can communicate to spirits to some extent. Maybe we can talk to the spirits of your village" It was just a suggestion. He wasn't sure it would work, but he didn't want to abandon his friend in this case. Whilst the past was history and tommorow was mystery both were still important. They defined who you were. Perhaps her past would reveal more about why she was like she was. He wished he could get her to open more and show more of her feelings. However, for now there was no further time to deal with it. They had arrived at their destination and based on the lack of large foot prints or any damage they were well ahead of the robot as Kiru also surmised.

    "I don't have any explosions, but I have my own ways of weakning the sides." he said and ran over to the edge extending energy blades from his wrists and began to slice through the rock. However, despite the fact he sliced through the stone there appeared to be no apparent damage. However, a few moments later the rock began to crumble at the point of his cut. Not enough for it to fall, but a good blow would do it. He quickly moved across the canyon slicing into more areas creating more and more rocks. The rock slide would be massive when it happened and he had ways of triggering it quite easily without using much magic at all. "The rock slide is ready to go whenever we need it." he explained quickly. "A strong blow to any of the points i've prepared will cause a real rock slide. If we can hit it with water as it goes down then it will turn to mud and that will likely screw it up more."


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 24th January 2017, 7:35 pm

    Kiru would raise her arms, and begin charging her magic as faint blue aura began to grow around her. Soon, the ground would begin to shift and crack… Small rivers of white water flooding to the surface from some underground spring. One of the more useful side effects of Kiru’s unique magic, was she was easily able to sense where surrounding water sources were. It always took significantly less magic energy to obtain and control water that was already there, rather than try and create her own. Granted the water from natural sources weren’t always as strong or fluent as the streams she could create, but that factor really only mattered in heated situations. Luckily, it seemed Magna and Kiru had some time before the giant machine was supposed to pass through here though, so she could afford to use weaker sources for the time being.

    As the water filled up, it would begin to spread across the canyon floor. Kiru would move her arms around elegantly, to control the flow of the liquid, until it covered a suitable surface area that would serve her purpose. Finally, raising her arm, Kiru would shut her eyes, and bring it down again. Instantly, the water soaked into the rock, and with it the water would simply begin sink into the dirt. Within a few moments the liquid would completely dissolve into the surface, creating a wet mush in its place… A huge field of sticky mud would now lie in front of the Demon Slayer. To test it, Kiru would simply dip her foot into the mud lake’s edge. Satisfied with its extreme resilience, and the amount of physical energy Kiru needed to use in order to pull her foot back out again, she would look back up at the edge of the large canyon to asses Magna’s progress. However it seemed he was already done what he had set out to complete, as the orange haired mage was soon with Kiru on the canyon floor, explaining the situation to her.

    “I see. Then we must prepare ourselves. We have no idea when it’ll get here, but my guess is soon. We’ll likely hear or sense it long before it actually arrives, so the fact that we haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary yet just means we still got some time on our hands.”

    With that, Kiru would make her way back to the top of the canyon. Where her and Magna had a much better viewpoint. They would probably spot the machine once it reached the inner canyon, maybe even farther. She’d cross her arms, looking over the canyon. Before turning to Magna. “We should take cover near the rocks when the machine comes. Maybe we’ll get lucky and we’ll have the cover of darkness on our sides. Either way, we will need to get the drop on him. We don’t really know exactly what we’re going up against.” She’d say truthfully. That was perhaps the biggest problem that posed to the duo at the moment. They virtually had no idea what it was they were going up against. As the document before hand did not tell them very much details. After all, it was designed so that if the file was stolen, “Project: Ignition” wouldn’t be identifiable by the thief.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 30th January 2017, 1:19 pm

    Magna nodded in agreement. The traps were set and to the best of their abilities. Perhaps with more time and more understanding of eachother they might of been able to do even more, but for now this was as best as they could do and that was fine. Now all they had to do was get out of sight so that the trap could be sprung without revealing their location. Currently Project: Ignition, whatever it looked like, should have no idea they were here or be prepared for their traps. With luck they could take it out with the traps alone and not put themselves at too much risk. It was highly unlikely that would ever happen, but he could hope that their ingredients would make a recipe for success.

    He headed up to the top of the canyon and sat by some rocks summoning up a large marshmallow cushion to use. There was no sense forcing themselves to be uncomfortable whilst they waited. He summoned up another one for his ally and sat there waiting in silence sipping a glass of summoned water. Waiting for the arrival of the machine.

    This would be a tough battle. He couldn't go all out for risk of detonating the machine's power source. He had no real idea of what he was fighting, how big it was, where its weak spots were or anything. The first part of an all out fight against it would be finding those weak spots or making them one way or the other. That was assuming the traps failed, though he hoped they wouldn't fail.

    After a while he cocked his head to one side listening keenly with one ear. "Its coming." he said and as if to emphasise that the ground began to shake, causing the glass of water he'd summoned to shimmer and ripple. The size of the thing was impressive or so he'd guess by the sound and vibrations. That or it had very powerful legs that caused the vibrations. He focused trying to guess how far away it was. It had begun to get dark, but it wasn't quite nightfall. It was only dusk. Then again dusk could often obscure more vision than darkness. It could be to their advantage. "I'd say it will be here in no more than twenty minutes" This was based on the sounds and the difference between them. "It doesn't seem to be moving very fast so its probably bulky and slow."

    412 words


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 2nd February 2017, 6:19 pm

    Kiru could sense it too. Her back leaned against a tree as her arms were crossed against her chest. Staring coldly out into the distance as the sun began to sink. Magna was the first to pick up on it however. She’d take notice of him when he looked over the canyon and listen to his words carefully. “I know… We should prepare ourselves.” She’d say, looking over the canyon once more. Waiting for any visual they’d get of the object, but like Manga said, it was still a ways off. “You’re right. It’s probably very big. Could explain its destructive capabilities. As well as its slow speed. I’ll get into position.” She’d tell him, walking away to the side of the canyon. Hiding behind one of the pile of boulders that Magna had weakened, she’d sit cross legged with her eyes closed. As if she was meditating, Kiru would slow her breathing and sense her surroundings…

    And then it came. WIth every step, the very earth shook. Kiru flinched when the sound of a large machine could be heard nearby. By now the sun had completely fallen, and now the moon had begun its long climb to the top of the sky. Hoping Magna was in position, Kiru would slowly get up and walk around the edge of the boulders… Witnessing Ignition for herself… There, in the center of the canyon was a massive mech like robot… Nearly 46 feet tall, the top of the giant mech almost reached the full height of the canyon itself. She couldn’t help but let her eyes widen in surprise for a moment just at the sheer size of this monster. But what made her even more worried was the giant weaponry it was transporting. Massive cannons attached to its arms. Parts looked like they could unfold and launch missiles. This thing would completely decimate the capital if it got anywhere near it. They couldn’t let that happen…

    Taking a better look at the giant, she could see red words painted along its hull. It read simply “TESSERACT” That must be the actual name of the mech. “Ignition” being simply a codename for the entire thing. Not that it mattered though, Kiru and Magna had to find a way to stop this thing. She’d peer out over the edge to see that the mech had almost reached the giant mud field Kiru had created. She’d simply look up across the canyon to where Magna would be situated, and reached up a hand to the crystal in her braid. Using the moonlight, she’d reflect a bright light off of it, giving him the signal. It was time to stop this thing...


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 7th February 2017, 2:43 pm

    Magna watched and waited. The large machine Project:Ignition was revealed to be known as Tesseract. If his memory served him correctly that had some sort of link to space. Perhaps portals of some kind? It didn't really matter anyway though it did remind him he had a few sci-fi lacrima shows to catch up on when he got back. Well, if he got back. He didn't want to tempt fate by jynxing it. He waited patiently till the signal was given and made his move. With a flick of his hand he launched off tiny cutlery made of energy to strike each of the spots he had marked. Nothing seemed to happen at first and he smiled slightly before snapping his fingers. With a rumble suddenly the cliff sides collapsed sending out a huge amount of rubble. A lot more than he had anticipated, but that wasn't such a bad thing. Some of the rocks hit knocking it about a bit and one of its feet ended up in one of the large mud puddles causing it to falter a bit. As it teetered about another foot sunk into the mud and it was quite heavily buried.

    He charged out of his hiding space and leaped with all his might straight towards it aiming to get atop it. It seemed the most likely place to find the pilot, or at least the most likely he could get too easily. Plus he theorised that if it did have any weapons it might not be able to hit him if he was on top of it.

    Unfortunately though he didn't quite make it. Without warning a metallic arm rapidly extended from its head hitting him squarely in the chest with force and sent him flying backwards and upwards into the air. To most this would be a dire situation especially when some of its parts unfolded and a barrage of missles was launched its way. Fortunately, aerial combat was something Magna could handle. He flipped round in the air and thrusted his hands up launching off a small conccussive burst from his gauntlets that pushed him downwards and out of the way of the missiles point of impact. The explosion though was quite impressive and forced him to the ground harder then he'd intended. This thing was tough and they'd only just started.

    They had to act fast because whilst the mud and rocks had stopped it for now it was beginning to use some of those same metallic arms to lift and toss away the boulders. It was digging itself out. Not quickly, but not slowly either. It wouldn't be too long before it had more movement and could probably access more weaponry. z


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Kiru 10th February 2017, 9:22 pm

    Soon it happened! Kiru would initiate her part of the plan as soon as Magna did! Within an instant, the girl would leap several feat up into the air, a long white water tendril trailing from her arm! She would then quickly spin in the air, the water tendril going with her until it hit impact with the base of the large pile of rocks she had built up! Luckily the large mech hadn't seen or apparently been expecting Kiru after Magna's initial attack. Her rock slide seemed to have taken the machine completely by surprise as the boulders tumbled down upon it it from above! Upon impact with its metal surface, most of the boulders broke predictably, but it was enough to cause the monster of a machine to stagger slightly. Using this to her advantage, Kiru would quickly jump down into the canyon, using the robot's large arm to scale its body. Upon landing however, she was met with unexpected force...

    She looked up to see a very long mechanical hand attached to a thick wire dart straight for her from on top of the Tesseract's head! The same one that had gotten Magna shortly before! Not having nearly enough time to think of a defense, Kiru could only jump upwards again, dodging its initial strike, however mid air wasn't one her best places for movement when battle called. A fact that would be proven shortly after the Tesseract swung one of its main arms around, backhanding the water mage several feet through the air!

    Kiru's body flung through the canyon in a stream of dust before cracking the stone from which she landed. Creating a massive crater of broken rock, and a plume of dust. It was at this moment the mech would begin to aim its weapons at both of them, before one of its large feet stepped straight into Kiru's mud field... The robot lost its balance temporarily, and soon began to sink. Distracted by the mud field, the Tesseract tried to cling to the sides, slowly but surely pulling its way out.

    As the dust cleared, Kiru would wearily stand back up. Her eyes were phased as she had certainly felt the impact of the hit she had taken. Luckily for her, the mech was still stuck in the mud, which may have saved her life! The Tesseract had yet to demonstrate how much destructive capability it had, but with claims that it could destroy nations, Kiru wouldn't be surprised if anyone was utterly decimated when taking a direct hit from those guns... Sensing Magna was still alive and well, Kiru would shake off the dizziness and pain to try and use this trap to her advantage.

    Suddenly, the massive pool of mud that the mech was slowly climbing out of would begin to rise! Kiru stood several feet away, with both her arms held upwards! The robot seemed to take notice of this, and turned its massive head towards her. It was true, her work was slowing its escape, but its arms were still free! The robot would begin to lift a hand and point it straight towards the demon slayer, its massive cannon began to charge with a green light! Suddenly, the mud rose substantially! Like a massive upside down waterfall of water and rock, rushing towards the sky! The force of the flow slowed the robot down significantly as Kiru struggled to hold her grip, but it was still determined to end her! Its arm quivered, but still held its ground as the cannon continued to charge up...

    Kiru could only pray her efforts to slow the robot down would not be in vain... Hoping Magna could stop the robot's attack before it killed her.


    Ignition [Job | Magna] 2f730cc21c


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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by NPC 10th February 2017, 9:22 pm

    The member 'Kiru' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Ignition [Job | Magna] Empty Re: Ignition [Job | Magna]

    Post by Shard 19th February 2017, 11:30 am

    The cannon was one attack that would cause major damage, but it was not the only one that would need to be dealt with. Whilst its cannon was ready and charging to blast Kiru to smithereens two smaller robots were blasted out of the larger robot and began to roll about towards Magna. Rather than hesitating or getting worried Magna summoned up a frying pan out of nowhere and prepared himself. With great strength he swung at one of the drones and sent it flying colliding with the side of the cannon knocking it off course slightly. It would still probably hit Kiru's arm if she wasn't careful which was why the second one was launched knocking the cannon completely off course so that when it fired it carved out a huge crater in the side of the canyon causing even more rubble to rain down upon it further trapping it. The drones however weren't out of commision and were in the mud beneath it. Fortunately, they were quite heavily trapped due to the richochet and they weren't exactly able to extricate themselves. A perfect way of taking them out of the battle for the time being.

    The problem was the rubble and the strike from the drones hadn't even really put a scratch on this thing. There might be a few faint marks here and there, but nothing he could really count as damage. Just how sturdy was this thing? He wasn't 100% sure, but it was time to bring out a few tricks of the trade and right now that cannon was a major threat. It was time to bring out his own big guns. He ran at the machine and leaped towards it waiting for the response from Tesseract. Just as he expected a metal arm came out towards him, but this time he was ready and blasted downwards avoiding it and struck out with his frying pan knocking it away. More and more came at him, but he managed to navigate his way round, just about, landing on the cannon arm. With a flick of his hand a chef's hat appeared atop his head somehow secured. "Blow torch + Cooking Flame High = Inferno Torch." he shouted and from the tip of his finger launched an insanely powerful blast of flame energy melting into the arm slowly cutting through it. It was the first major damage he'd done to it and he could see he'd cut some wires and caused some sparks. Plus it was also intensely heated which would allow him for something later. Unfortunately, it seemed he hadn't quite knocked out some of the metal arms as they struck him from behind slamming him into the canyon wall pinning him there heavily. Another arm came towards him with a small spike on the end. This looked quite dangerous. Still at least he'd saved Kiru and got some damage in.

    485 words



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    Ignition [Job | Magna] HqzsHuT

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