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    Hitomi Akiyama

    Lady Hitomi
    Lady Hitomi

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 25
    Guild : None
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cloth
    Second Skill: Biological
    Third Skill:

    Hitomi Akiyama Empty Hitomi Akiyama

    Post by Lady Hitomi 9th January 2017, 3:08 am

    Name: Hitomi Akiyama
    Epithet: Lady Hitomi, around Hitomi's twenth birthday she was given the title 'Yōkai of the Akiyama Clan'.
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Birthday: May 15th
    Sexuality: Lesbian
    Special Characteristics: All four of Hitomi's K9 teeth are larger an sharper then most people's are. They have been called 'fangs' many times before. She has a large tribal heart tattoo on her chest, it reaches just a little bit above her breasts and the end is of the heart is about half way down to her navel. When Hitomi was in her teens her family had the tops of her hands tattooed with crosses as a symbol of protection. But not long after that she had gotten bitten by two snakes, oddly enough their fangs had only winked into the middle of the crosses an their venom had made it turn into a large cricle starting from the middle to about half way up the cross. Both of Hitomi's ears are double pirced on each earlobe with two pair of gold circle ear rings. Around her twenth birthday something had happened that caused her to be label as evil by her own family so they tattooed the word death across Hitomi's fingers on both hands as a curse.

    This is how Hitomi is now and once her history is made you will see how her Personality had changed over the years of her life.

    Hitomi is a crazy gal, she had an extreme way of doing things so be careful around her and she loves to fight anything an everything. People tend to think Hitomi is a tad bit too insane but truly she is afraid of going insane and just has a very different way of having fun. She is mostly only out and about at night time but you can find her during the day in any shady spots or within any body of water. There are some very odd times where you can find her asleep two places; on top of a bar (club or guild hall) or on top of a random table (within any build she was last in). Due to her not never wanting to be weak you can always find her training her self both physical and magical. When it comes to finding a way to make money or just has nothing better to do, Hitomi will do any of the tasks/jobs/missions to get stronger but she really prefers to do the ones that have more powerful things to fight. Hitomi dreams of the day she can prove to everyone that she's extremely strong and a well know mage by either becoming an important member of a light guild, becoming an enforcer of a dark guild, or just knew as a 'Wild Card' that can be hired by anyone. Hitomi refuses to let anyone be lazy so if she sees anyone not doing anything they'll most likely be dragged along with her as her new punching bag/test subject or just to be thrown face first into a wall.

    During any battle Hitomi tends to start off by running straight in before anyone else, she refuses to let someone else take the fun of fighting away from her. Then using both her strength and over whelming dive to become stronger she will break anything and everything in her path. If there's nothing in Hitomi's path she will just jump straight into a fight with what ever is around. Hitomi is that of a street brawler were she will do anything it takes to win a fight. When it comes down to it she wouldn't necessarily interested in the sporting aspects of conflict, Hitomi will use anything from her own fists, magic, and anything that's on the ground. Hitomi is a very destructive fighter so it would be wise to not be indoors of a building shes fighting cause at any moment the whole thing may come crashing down. Imeena really love the rush she gets while fighting a strong opponent, it makes her happy to fight and she begin to have fun in stand of just toying with with her 'food' like she normally does. If Hitomi was ever to be a part of a team she would be the first one to fly off and start smashing and fighting things. Say she was picked to be a leader, you better be able to keep up with her and not get in her why while shes fighting or you'll end up getting hurt. Now if she was a member of a team an trust the leader enough, Hitomi would make for the best scout or assassin that would split from the group to pick off other assassin's/stealth squads.

    Hitomi prefers to work in the shadows so that she can attack anyone from anywhere and makes it harder for anyone watching to know who really did anything.

    Hitomi loves to break stuff so she will look and find any reason to break everything. Sometime there doesn't even have to be a real reason to smash something and will do it without a second though cause she wants to or just feels like it.

    Hitomi is a very rare person to see during the day, but if it's a very hot day she will be out at that time. Because for some unknown reason it makes her feel really relaxed and energised unlike most every other times during the day light hours.

    Hitomi feels that training and working hard is the only way to get anything done. When she see something being lazy or refusing to do something simple, she'll go over to them pick and claim them as her new sparing partner.

    They think that they are at the top of the chats when it comes to power but really she believe they can be beat by anyone that's strong enough. If she was ever given a chance to fight one she would just to prove her point that they can be taken down.

    Hitomi had grown to hate her birth place and that was why she had found a way to Earthland and never plans to return to it. As what keeps her away is that everyone there fears ever just cause of her teeth an eyes plus has the ability to use magic even those it was very weak when she was there in her homeland.

    Gaining Strength
    Hitomi is always training both psychically and her magic to become stronger, she's always picking fighting anything bigger then her or seems like they are stronger. Even picks fights with loud mouth wizards that think they are the best and anyone that dares to mock her in anyway to prove she as real strength. No matter what, she believe that one day she will be one of the strongest female wizards ever.

    Magical Knowledge
    Hitomi had noticed right away that her 'magic power' was much stronger in Earthland then it was from back in Edolas. Due to that she wanted to know more about it so in her spare time while hiding it from others she would be reading up more an more about magic it's self. Even so far as to hurt down ancient magical actifacts an find how they work. While at the time trying to come up with ways of making new kinds of magic.

    Biological Knowledge
    Hitomi had always known that she was different but never knew out much she was from others. So along time trying to find out about magic an how it works, she is also trying to find how 'life' is both made an destorsyed. Most about the human body it's self more then anything else. Hitomi believes that if she can understand both one day that she can make her own body one with magic on a biological level.

    Lost of Strength
    Hitomi believes that without strength or power there's no real place in this world for someone like that. So that's why she does everything in her power an being to never be the label as 'trash' at any time.

    Memory Lost
    Hitomi would become very upset due to having the idea of her memory of all the knowledge she has gained over the years poof into thin air an having to start all over. Being unable to remember what seems like a lifetime of knowledge of something she wants to know about so badly that would explain how she was so different then others. Would cause her to have a complete break down that could send into darkness were no one would ever be able to free her from. Inreturn making her into something that no one would want alive and would be hunted down for the rest of her life.

    Hitomi hates that she is of royal blood in Edolas, but because of it she knows of there power is to be feared when they want something. Due to that she fears that one day someone will find out her past, her unique magic power, and her unique body parts (eyes an teeth). Then they will hunt her down and force her to work for them or inform them how she had became the way she is. If Hitomi would refuse they would most likely kill her on the spot an find out how on their own by studying her dead body.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair: Black, Short hair that reaches just a bit below her chin.
    Eyes: Yellow, Elliptical pupils
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Hitomi is a slim woman of an avage height, she has yellow with inhuman pupils and her mouth is usually seen in a smile. She has shot black hair, but a majority of the time is covered by a fur hat that Hitomi wears. The hat is made of white fur and has black spots on the bottom as well as along the rim.

    Hitomi has been seen wearing three outfits depending on her mood or how the weather is like. When she is relaxing, Hitomi would have on a black long-sleeved dress shirt that was a few sizes to big on her. The shirt would reach to just a little bit below her butt, that had no buttons on on it so to show off her cleavage. Hitomi's casual outfit that she mostly seen in, she wears a black long-sleeved dress shirt that is open a little to show her cleavage with a pair of jeans. The jeans had odd markings on both the knee and ankle areas, similar to the ones on Hitomi's hat but darker in color. When it's either hot outside, feeling to lazy to get fully dressed, or is feeling a bit flirty. Hitomi will put a matching pair of a black bra an panties on like the same with all her out fits. Then she will put on her spotted jeans and throw her long black coat without closing it with the zipper. As well as a pair of dark pointed shoes she also wears with all three of her out fits. Hitomi wears this same outfit when it's cool but the only thing different is that she zips up the coat.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Middle of her cleavage (right in-between the part of the tribal heart tattoo when both sides cruve in), Green while the texture is that of animal scales.
    Rank: D

    Hitomi Akiyama Empty Re: Hitomi Akiyama

    Post by Guest 13th January 2017, 8:45 am

    Hitomi Akiyama S1SnyFE

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