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    Guard duty(solo;Job)

    Meisa Suzume
    Meisa Suzume

    Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 167
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Zen Arts - Way of the Enduring
    Second Skill: Locked
    Third Skill:

    Guard duty(solo;Job) Empty Guard duty(solo;Job)

    Post by Meisa Suzume 13th December 2016, 10:17 am


    Guard duty... You should visit Midi they said. It would be fun they said. It would do you some good they said. It was easy they said. Yes it was easy, sure that is the case but in fact it was too easy. Everyone that wanted to be bad was going to be trying to sneak their way into the party anyways, not dealing with the common folk. Though then again, there was enough hired mages to scatter across all of the towns of Midi just to ensure safety. Such a party had drawn enough attention mages swarmed at the chance to attempt to be the one to be guarding the royal palace. Except even Sophia knew the only ones that would be hired for such a job would those ready to take on SS-class jobs. Hell, Sophia saw that job posted on the S+ bulletin board, but was unable to take it. Instead, she opted for the guard duty after being told it would be 'so good for her'.

    The fact was, she had visited over half the damn counties within the year alone, and a majority of her time was just traveling around on her roamer vehicle or traveling by electricity. In fact, she had traveled around so much so far, that this felt like just another crap excuse to visit another country. Though to be fair, the pay was going to be good. A over night shift guarding a nearby town just by the boarder itself. The pay was about 2k jewels, plus so far, the job had been almost over already with no problems. She had even taken up playing poker with one of the Midi guards until the captain had came around to make everyone end up in separate spots of the town, carefully watching and observing.

    "Such a lonely night its almost like that night I came to Pharaoh's Call... the night Aiyana took me in, I was such a mess after having..." looking down, wanting to cry just from remembering the cold night she had ran so far, not realizing she was in Tau'ri, and actually ended up running towards Pharaoh's call, and getting enlisted. All because she had accidentally killed a friend. Such was a shame, but she knew now after having talked with Aiyana so many countless nights that it was not to be blamed on her. Things happen, and this burden was just one that should be let go.

    ...but why did it still hurt so bad?

    Truly, it hurt because Sophia knew even now, as she walked the streets of this city within Midi, that at any moment, it could all go up in flames. Her magic could at any moment, destroy so much what took many a long time to build. Families, buildings, and relationships could all be wiped out in an instant. It even showed when her magic caused an involuntary discharge of electricity from her arm onto the ground, causing an ominous buzz and the occasional zapping sound when it jumped to her clothing. The blue electricity slowly filling around her left arm until she finally grabbed hold, trying to contain her own energy "This job is no longer able to remain safe if my magic doesn't calm down soon..." her words felt like sharp needles piercing her heart as she looked up to watch the storm clouds already brewing. "Shift is up in ten anyways, I'll just begin walking to check out now"



      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:41 pm