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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 8th November 2016, 7:00 am

    That had to be one of the hardest things she had ever done, but it was proven necessary after the discussion she had with maka upon returning to Black Rose after one of her recent missions. Apparently? She had changed personalities several times during the endeavour, and her kitsune thought one of those other parts of her could be extremely dangerous. Jiyu didn’t even know why this was happening, until recently she had been normal except for being part demon, now she had to figure so many new things out! Nothing was going to be solved in the guild she had belonged to, that place cuddled her and at the same time she was unnerved there, something felt off and she could never put her hand on it. “You're sure about this?” the voice was not her’s but rather that of the five foot kitsune walking beside her, carrying everything they ever owned in two rather small bags upon her back, as her guardian walked alongside her. Glancing at Makoto, for once the wizard did not answer her companion, simply moved to play with a strand of her own hair and continue walking. Kazehime had only ever been sure about a few things, the fact she had to be a mage, she felt best on ships traveling or when she was with the man she loved, and a few other odds and ends, everything else was a collection of daily confusion. Right now she couldn’t afford to think of confusion and things she did not know, the mage had convince herself she was serious about joining one of the newer guilds, one filled to the brim with pirates.

    Jiyu was no stranger to pirates, she had spent seven years jumping from ship to ship, exchanging manual labor like cleaning decks or helping with the anchor or even sails, for the shelter and food she needed. Some of the ships she had often found herself on, especially as she got older and started developing? Were indeed pirate ships, some of them nicer than others, warm and rowdy places, while some were so bad she had considered jumping over board while on them. Kazehime could only hope that Black Sails would not be the kind of pirates she wanted to make walk the plank while she sailed with them! Because once upon a time she’d been incapable of jumping ship or pushing anyone over board, now her magic was strong and she could use the wind to do both. Part of the woman was terrified of this new venture, but another portion of her was extremely excited that she would be enabled once more to sail as she once had.

    “You seem, happy.” this time Makoto got a reply from her mistress, the short woman turning around to look at the kitsune with a small little smile, hands behind her back. “I am.” the words left her pale pink lips in a giggle as she felt the soft land beneath her feet, still near the rim of divide island since they had just gotten off the ship they contracted to bring them here. “The ship?” the wind user nodded at her pet’s words, walking along with her hands buried in the pockets of her long, open front, sweater, which of course did nothing to cover her well developed bikini clad body. After she was settled in Black Sails? The wind user intended to go swimming, an activity she enjoyed, hobby she had picked up in her seven years traveling. “Of course, plus I’ll be able to swim around here, and there isn’t as much ruckus.” nothing against rose garden, but her sensitive ears and nose, those did make it hard to live there sometimes. Moving to a mostly uninhabited island that mostly only housed the guild she would be joining? Was a blessing for the canine.

    “Now we have to find someone to take us to the guild itself.” and let them join, but that was a secondary thought really, why would they be rejected. Jiyu sighed slightly, smirking softly as she walked alongside the water, feeling it lap at her bare feet. Momentarily her search for other life was interrupted by the sight of a shell on the beach in front of her. “Pretty.” she picked up the pale purple item and debated if she was keeping it or not.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Cirven 8th November 2016, 6:13 pm

    Multiple metallic clangs could be heard throughout the pocket dimension called the Void room where Cirven was training himself. His arms and legs were wrapped in the dark aura that made up his Anima Messor magic as he hit multiple metallic-like body over and over with strikes from his enhanced limbs. Each metallic body was cleaved in two one after the other to his attacks. He used both of his arms to cut the last metallic body down and then dropped his stance and took a deep breath. "This power... Why do I still crave more...?" He spoke out loud to himself while he looked down and around at the area covered in destroyed metal. He felt that the pocket dimension was the best place for him to vent as well as train alone and it did usually help him in what thoughts he had but he could not shake the thought that something was going to happen that he could not control again.

    Before he lingered on the thought much more he went to the door of the Void Room and opened it where a door opened into his room and he walked back in. He then shut the door behind him and placed the lacrima which held the Void Room into his pocket. He thought that the others might think that he was missing for a bit too long but they probably understood that everyone needed their space sometimes, even if they were one of the loud ones in the group.

    He made his way out of The Lair and to the outside. A scent came over his nose that he felt like he had picked up on before but couldn't think of what it was. He continued on his way outside where he saw a tailed, pointed eared girl holding a shell. He could tell that she was a demon too and from the tail she was probably a similar one to him and had already picked up on his scent.

    "Yo, welcome to Divide Island." He moved closer to her slowly hoping that she was not the type to shoot and ask questions after. "Those shells are from a type of clam that is common around here. It's not bad to eat and most would even call it delicious." He stopped with around five to eight feet between them. "So another demon is wanting to join us?" He grinned at her showing his fangs to her while pulling his hair up from over his ears to show his pointed ears as well. "If my red right eye didn't help you see it along with my other differences to anyone human, I'm a demon also."


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Aura
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    Posts : 239
    Guild : вℓα¢к ѕαιℓѕ [ Caretaker ]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Lιƒє
    Experience : 200

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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Sora 9th November 2016, 7:00 pm

    ~ A merry manner of gatherings! ~

    @ Jiyu & Cirven


    Ah, cooking... Something that Euphemia was familiar with. She was still learning new things and trying them out, but she wanted to contribute to the crew in any way possible. Since the woman couldn't fight, she figured she could be a sort of 'caretaker' to the ship. Most of these days, the blonde found herself cooking and cleaning. Despite the long periods of time it took to complete both tasks, it was something to pass the time while the others were busy doing the things that needed the utmost of importance. After all, it was the least she felt she could do after even letting her join in the first place.

    It certainly was better than doing nothing and she didn't want Miss Alisha to do everything on her own.

    With a soft sigh the woman took off the apron that she adorned during the process of her cooking for the day, and hung it up neatly on one of the hooks provided. With her hair up in a messy bun, the woman curiously bent down to take a look upon the contents of her cooking. It seemed the cookies she made for the crew's dessert had turned out well, but it was up to their final judgement on how they actually taste. Taking a few of them and placing them in a plain, black colored bowl the woman began to walk about the ship, and offering them to the crew members aboard.

    Euphemia didn't wish to miss anybody and so she saved the outside for last, hoping that by some miraculous coincidence nobody decided to go in the moment she went out. The wind greeted her pale skin, tickling the surface that caused a cascade of goosebumps to decorate her. "Oh...!", the blonde said with a soft squeal before beginning her traverse outside, holding the bowl carefully while looking around. This also provided her a good opportunity to familiarize herself with the environment more. That way she'd never get lost (especially in case of emergencies).

    It wasn't until she reached the beach once more that she spotted two new faces, and Cirven once more. The musician noticed that this scenario looked familiar, but nevertheless she shyly walked over. Not wishing to impose upon their current conversation, the woman simply stopped a reasonable distance around the group while taking in the individuals and their appearances. Although, she listened to Cirven as well, for it was the kind thing to do amidst a conversation.

    However, she got easily lost.

    With a curious tilt of her head, the blonde blinked. Her blue orbs seemed to glimmer with the emotion before feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over her, stuttering softly. "O-Oh my. M-My apologies. I'm sorry if I-I'm intruding by listening in. Th-That's rather nosy of me.", and with a bow of her head the blonde apologized to the group, hoping she didn't upset anyone by her sudden presence.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Large
    Ɛυρнємια // Mαgιc (???) // Ɓαηк

    "I'll find them again... Even if I have to give up everything."

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th November 2016, 1:29 pm

    It was a little bit sad that a nearly grown woman was entranced by a simple shell, her odd colored eyes tracing it and devoting the small patterns in it’s skeleton to memory. Most of the time? It was something only a child would do, adults too corrupted by the world, they would be consumed by shame at the juvenile nature of it, but Jiyu did not seem aware of any of this, as if she did not care for it at all. In truth Kazehime didn’t give one shit how things could be considered by others, so long as she got her way and that was a feeling she had not gotten in awhile. Such a nonchalant attitude? Was something she had only done back when she was a ship rat, the person she was trying to be once more! So even just this small change in environment was enough to do something to her. That knowledge comforted the wind user more than anything, besides for Marschal of course, had managed to console her so far. After so long being startled and frightened of everything due to what had happened to her, meek and dependant on others, friendly and sweet? Jiyu had been afraid the person she once was had been destroyed beneath what she had went through, but now she was starting to believe that might not be the case. Pale finger’s picked up the shell, not really paying attention to what was said about it, most of her brain didn’t care, she just wanted the shell and nothing would keep her from it. Selfish in material terms was something she had not been in a long while. A small chuckle escaped her, earning a sideways look from makoto who had no inkling as to what her surrogate mother was thinking. Thought’s did not matter right now, only what was presently going on.

    “Yo yourself metal boy.” nearly anyone would think the velvet voiced girl who held a shell before her pale mouth, actually knew the man she spoke to. However the witch had never met him before, the nickname she suddenly used, it came from what she smelled on him, a thick rusty metallic scent, laced with something bloodier and more desperate, alongside… she froze and dropped the shell, taking in his drifting scent more carefully for a split second. Something on him? Reminded the girl of dog’s, and it jolted her because he was clearly a demon. Could he be a dog demon like her?! Jiyu had never met another of her kind before, having been born outside of the demon half to her family, she had no way to track them down, despite carrying her mother’s maiden name. “Yeah.” her body trembled slightly as she bent down and picked up the shell once more, using both hands to hold it over the lower half of her face, suddenly feeling legitimately timid for a rare moment. Was it really possible she was standing in front of another dog demon? Jiyu had never particularly went searching for another of her own kind, because she figured the point was mute, yet was it possible she had found one without trying. Jiyu couldn’t recall the name of the emotion coursing through her, only the fact this made her uncomfortable, she felt like squirming in place, barely able to suppress the urge, tail swaying lightly. “What kind of demon are you?” she didn’t even realize his effort of showing her all his easily revealed demonic traits, not past her own thought’s and racing mind. After she knew if he was or was not one of her kind she’d calm down.

    “It’s not like we’re having a private conversation in a private place.” the new girl did manage to catch her attention, she smelled like the island but some wooden smell clung, one that brought up memories of astrid for some reason. Jiyu seemed mostly nonchalant once more now that she’d shifted her focus, holding the shell in it’s place with one hand, still averting her gaze as she thought on what she was doing once more. The last thought in her brain was no matter where she went? Everyone was always taller than her! Cirven towered over her by almost a full foot, and the timid girl who just came up had several inches on the small mage. “Fucking hell, why are you both tall!” it was an outburst and even though she did not carry on, the girl did not look ashamed for it, makoto looking embarrassed for the five foot tall mage. Black Sails had itself a new upcoming pirate, and they had no idea how much of a hassle she could be.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
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    Age : 35
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Cirven 10th November 2016, 1:57 pm

    Cirven could smell Euphemia getting closer to them before she got there so it wasn't a surprise or like she was bothering them at all. He would have stopped her before she got there if so. "It's fine, Eu." He called her a nickname that he had just thought up for her, something that he did for most people he was around a good amount. "I was just welcoming the new face and saw that her and I had something in common. Pretty sure she can smell it just like I can. Its not so noticeable though..." He thought on what he could do to really show what he was seeing as his regular form only really showed he was a demon but not what type of demon at all.

    Before he could continue speaking to the new visitor, she let out a remark about them being taller than her which made him smile. He never really cared about his height so much for it to be a problem especially because he had dealt with things and people bigger than him in the past. "Your height has little to do with your skills. Even the tallest of giants can be brought down after all." He didn't know how his comment sounded to the others but felt like he sounded like his foster father, Iyato.

    Then it hit him. He would do that to show her what he really was. "Maybe my scent is a bit masked in this form to you. Maybe if I slipped into something a bit more fitting of a demon then..?" With that said Cirven closed his eyes and suddenly the atmosphere changed around him. His magical aura changed as well as his long purple hair which turned white. His hands became human-like claws, a tail popped out from behind him, both of his eyes became red and his ears formed more wolf-like and moved to the top of his head.

    "This better for you?" He smiled after the transformation finished and allowed both women a few minutes to take in the sight of his other form before changing back into his regular self. "Hope that didn't scare you or anything. I'm a different type of demon in a few ways from you I think. By the way, I am Cirven Mizune and she is Euphemia. Who are you?" Cirven put out his hand to shake Jiyu's as he spoke.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Aura
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    Posts : 239
    Guild : вℓα¢к ѕαιℓѕ [ Caretaker ]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Lιƒє
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ? ? ? ?
    Second Skill: Ɲ / A
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Sora 10th November 2016, 5:49 pm

    ~ A merry manner of gatherings! ~

    @ Jiyu & Cirven


    Euphemia found herself sighing in relief at the realization that it was alright for her to be here in the current moment. After all, the woman didn't wish to intrude upon their current conversation if it was important. Although, the blonde did take note of the sudden nickname given to her. It caused her to timidly look upon him in slight surprise before looking down shyly at the bowl of fresh chocolate chip cookies in her grasp. As her ears tuned back in to Cirven expressing that the two had something in common, blue optics seemed to light up in utter wonder at the thought.

    What could these two have in common, she wondered?

    "O-Oh, I see! Well, welcome to our abode, miss.", Euphemia spoke softly with a friendly smile. However, that smile quickly faded into a rather goofy face at the maiden's sudden remark at how she was... tall? Blinking in utter confusion, the woman made a funny yet soft sound while still holding the bowl in her hands firmly. "B-But I thought I was still short compared to most. Th-Then again, Cirven is right with his words of wisdom. B-Being tall or being short doesn't really matter. So long as you enjoy who you are, and what you form yourself to be... Isn't that better than being tall or short?", the musician stated with a lighthearted chuckle, deciding to add on a joke at the end of her sentence.

    "Although, I-I admit sometimes it would come in handy when cooking in the kitchen."

    As Cirven then continued to speak to the stranger before them, it was then that Euphemia noticed a sudden... change in the atmosphere. As if something was shifting right before her very eyes, and oh how something was. With a soft and goofy gasp, Euphemia felt herself jolt slightly at the sight of Cirven's dramatic shift in appearance. A tail, ears, his hands looked like claws... It was all so sudden! The maiden even found herself resting a hand against her chest in shock, nearly dropping the bowl in her grasp as he continued the conversation. The blonde almost even missed the fact that he had introduced them both for her, leading the shocked woman to just look upon the new recruit with a soft yet sheepish smile.

    And trying to just go with the flow despite her momentary shock.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Large
    Ɛυρнємια // Mαgιc (???) // Ɓαηк

    "I'll find them again... Even if I have to give up everything."

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 11th November 2016, 8:55 am

    It was hard to surprise demon’s to begin with, canines, felines and such were even harder to startle, because of their hypersensitive senses. Of course Jiyu had a lesser sense of taste compared to a human, and the same sense of touch, some backdraws for her senses. However over all? She was advanced compared to a human. Jiyu listened silently as he reassured his guild-mate, reminding herself that in the future that would be part of her own job. In spite of being a rather bitchy dog, the girl could often be kind to those she cared for and guild mates for the time she was with them, well those people were automatically considered people she cared for.

    “That’s easy for you to say.” the female spoke up as he mentioned height being no big deal, her own bare foot scraping against the ground. Her shortness? Was only amplified by the fact she refused to wear shoes and socks. Thought she was little happy, this was the first time someone had not taunted her after she had an outburst relating to her height or really her lack of it. “Doesn’t change the fact people have to look down to see me.” nearly everyone she encountered had to glance down to gaze at her eyes, especially if she was standing close to them. Jiyu was just glad she was not too close right now, or this man would have a clear view down her bikini top. Not that Jiyu was shy, she’d just prefer for that to not happen right now.

    “Yeah my tail doesn’t go away, your lucky.” she was not startled by his transformation, considering she had her own takeover’s she would keep to herself for now. As she spoke her words? The canine remembered her tail was black just like her hair, and they might not be able to tell what it was. Kazehime controlled the movement of her tail so it swayed up to her side, resting in her waiting her palm, to display clearly what it was. Hopefully both would be wise enough not to try to touch her tail as she let it fall back down, unable to touch it very long even with her own hand, due to the sensitive nerves covering every pore of it. “I’m Jiyu and the fox is Makoto, thought she might not be staying with me, depends how things go, she’s only an infant.” she spoke freely, letting them know she was staying but if it got dangerous, Maka would vanish to a safer place for a child to grow up. “Maka good carry things!” the speech of the beast was even childlike as she laughed, turning so they could see the bags on her back. Than things took a turn.

    He reached out his hand, it was a friendly gesture anyone would be wise to accept, just a simple handshake, something others did on a day to day basis! Jiyu’s hand moved forward towards his, it was slower than how a normal person would extend their hand, as if she was hesitant or small animal that would easily startle, run away if either of them moved to swiftly. Honestly? Neither of them were to blame, the girl had been through some things, it wasn’t cirven’s fault she was terrified of touching men, besides for marschal of course, she clung all over him. Kazehime tried to take his hand, struggled to convince herself this was alright, that it was all going to be okay if she touched him, if he touched her in return. However in the end she was unable to convince herself “I’m sorry I don’t-” most people wouldn’t shake hands due to being germaphobes or something, the male with his hand already outstretched had no way of knowing she was afraid of him. The wind user had backed up when she decided not to shake his hand after all, but she wasn’t watching her own movement, a dip in the sand catching her heel and causing her body to angle backwards. Jiyu felt it, she was falling, and this time she didn’t have her love there to catch her, this time there was no one she trusted to stop the fall, she was going to hit the ground and it was going to hurt. Of course there also another way thing’s could end, her arm still outstretched from when she had considered grabbing his hand. However for someone with her fear, option two might just be worse than taking the fall.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Guest 11th November 2016, 11:42 am

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    From the surrounding vicinity, glowering, golden eyes peaked through the leaves of a tree that rested only meters away from the shoreline. They blinked slowly from time to time, as if they were steadily watching something and didn't wish to miss a single second of it. Soft, gentle breaths escaped the creature that was hidden inside of the leaves' cavern, inaudible even to the one with the most sensitive of ears. This was as if they were stalking something, not wishing to be heard by whatever it was that was in front of them. Large, white, and round-tipped ears flicked forward, catching the boisterous words of the people on the shore. Clawed fingers stretched outward, grasping onto the branch the creature rested upon, pulling it forward to the edge. The closer they were, the better they were able to see what exactly was down below, what prey they were to expect.

    The feline's ears twitched again, catching the voices as they fluttered over the island breeze, carrying the sounds toward it. A tongue raked over sharp fangs of both bottom and top, as if imagining what its preys' flesh would taste like beneath them. Imaginably, a tail could easily be pictured flicking from side to side behind this exotic creature, except... there was no tail. As the squad below conversed loudly among each other, the predator in the trees merely silently watched them. Its golden optics frayed from side to side, expecting of the prey to do something that would begin the chase. Nothing, however, it was all terribly boring and unfortunately for this unkindly beast, it was stuck watching and waiting. Words were easily caught, giving way to names of its prey, of which only mildly stuck in the mammal's mind for now.

    There was one of his crew members, a tall, lanky, but rather muscular male, who loved to chew on metal for a hobby. Cirven. And then there was the short, slender blonde that always looked too homely for her own good, holding a bowl of what smelled like poison to him. Euphemia. But oh... the one he was looking at was neither the demonic male or the homely mother, it was the beauty set at the point of the triangle. Jiyu. The silken black and golden hair, the dual-toned eyes captured elegantly all in a beam of sunlight upon the three. Makoto stood valiantly next to her, the dearest child of foxes around, ever innocent, ever lovely and helpful. Again, his tongue ran gingerly over his canines, and other step forward nearly brought him out of his conceal. Just a moment longer, just a second too early and he would have blown his cover... wait for the right moment.

    It was the second that Cirven reached out a friendly and greeting hand that Marschal would make his entrance known. Jiyu was capable of being injured of which became only clearer when the young woman too a step back to avoid uncertain doom, only to fall into its grasp. A rather loud, intimidating, and threatening growl rumbled in his throat in a manner that was meant for the protection of Jiyu and established boundaries for the others. The male snaked his way out of the trees and leaped down to the ground on a strange position of all fours. He bound forward in a matter of seconds, snatching Jiyu's hand that was out stretched toward the metallic monster. Pulling her forward from certain doom, the magus wrapped his arms around her and spun her so that she was still facing forward to the others, but he was now protectively standing behind her, his arms as her guards. Dilated pupils glanced between Euphemia and Cirven in a more friendly manner, the snarl pulling up into a smile.

    "Hope I didn't interrupt anything," the magus stated, the smile on his face an all-knowing one of exactly having interrupted something. The rancid scent of alcohol easily smelled.
    @Cirven, @Euphemia, @Jiyu_Kazehime

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Cirven 11th November 2016, 12:25 pm

    Cirven waited for the woman to tell him her name and shake his hand but she suddenly pulled away from him. She seems distraught about touching him so much so that when she pulled away she tripped up and was going to fall. Cirven acted quickly and used his magic to quickly move a slab of metal to go behind her and catch her but before he could do that someone had a different idea.

    All Cirven got was a familiar scent he had caught onto while in The Lair; The scent of a cat and alcohol. Suddenly a furry eared man caught the woman and spun her around where he was behind her holding her basically like a living crutch. Cirven chuckled a bit, half impressed and half happy that someone else was able to help her other than him. The others would notice the black metal slab behind Jiyu and now Marchal as it then dispersed into magical energy.

    "You beat me to it it looks like. We haven't really met though have we?" Cirven smiled back at the man. "I'm Cirven Mizune. A past member of multiple different guilds and now a member of Black Sails which if my nose has a good enough memory of, you are apart of now too." Cirven was interested in the man because of what speed he had shown. It seemed like someone Cirven could train with at some point which was never a bad thing because not many people could train with Cirven without being hurt accidentally.

    "But yeah, we probably should get her into The Lair so she can become an official member of the crew or did you want to continue cuddling up with her like that while standing?"


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 11th November 2016, 12:38 pm

    Speaking of

    Anastasia had awakened only about a half hour ago, with a cup of coffee in her hand, looking over the computer inside of the Dream Room.  There was still something unresponsive about the Dream Room.  The simulations just didn't seem real enough.  But, due to her fatigue, all she did was stare at the computer screen without actually making progress on fixing the system.  She cleared her throat and slapped the computer on the side only to see the program reboot.  This caused Anastasia's eyes to grow large for a moment.  "Ah crap! Please don't enter a boot loop!" she stated, watching the screen return to it's previous screen.  A sigh of relief escaped Ana's lips.  Not only is she the captain, but she also had to do quite a bit of repair work for the guild.  

    Anastasia looked down at her cup of coffee to see the cup being empty.  There was a sadness in her heart when she noticed the cup being completely drained of it's contents, except for a small glimmer.  Anastasia cleared her throat and decided to go back to the Siren's Song for a refill. With a grumble, she walked through the Lair until she entered the Siren's Song, only to be greeted by the busty Alisha.

    "Good morning, Captain!" she said as her breasts just bounce as if they had their own gravity. This caught Anastasia's eye and caused her to groan a bit. "Hello, Alisha," she said with irritability and sleepiness still evident. "I'll go fetch you some strong coffee, okay, Captain?" she said as her breasts bounced even more; as if on their own will. Ana's eyes also looked; she couldn't help it. Those breasts were enigma of their own.

    As Alisha went to go get coffee, Ana sat at one of the many tables, slouching a bit. She shouldn't have stayed up so late reading all of those damn manga. "So, where has Taliya been? I want to put on a show with her for the boys of the guild," Alisha said before Ana angled her head to look at her for a moment. "She's still in bed."

    After taking the cup of joe, she took a sip from it. What is in this crap!? Ooooo boy, it's strong.
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Sora 11th November 2016, 2:07 pm

    ~ A merry manner of gatherings! ~

    @ Everybody, yeah!


    Wait, what just happened?

    Euphemia's eyes were nearly blank, white orbs at this point in the entire conversation. The woman could have sworn that everything was going smoothly, picking up with an offer of a friendly handshake. Although, it seemed that one mere handshake seemed to trigger a series of events that just cascaded into more and more confusion for the woman. When Jiyu had stepped back from the offer of Cirven's handshake, she took a step back that turned into a trip backwards. Then Euphemia could feel her heart jumping from pure shock as she reached out in an attempt to try and catch Jiyu... To only find herself with a man protectively shielding the woman from any injury.

    And it was with that she dropped her bowl of cookies she prepared.

    "I-I...", the blonde stuttered. She was doe eyed and dumbfounded by what just occurred within what seemed to be an eternity in her perspective. It was a save that was rather commendable, the reflexes of the man before them one of great skill that she hadn't ever seen before. Paying no mind to the mess made right before her very feet, blue orbs blinked to try and process what the current situation was. However, it seemed Cirven wasn't fazed at all by what just occurred for he began a casual conversation with the stranger she hadn't met before either. Although, it wasn't until the moment that Euphemia shifted her weight from one side to the other that she felt a weird pressure underneath her foot, looking down to only make a slight gasp at the cookies now littered in the sand.

    She'd have to clean that up before anything got a hold of it...

    "Oh no...", she muttered, utterly disappointed she dropped them like the goof she was. With a an embarrassed expression veiling her features, she bent down to clumsily clean up the mess. Putting the cookies in the bowl and trying to pick up whatever crumbs were left from the one she accidentally stepped on, Euphemia tuned in just as Cirven finished his sentence before speaking up softly.

    "I-I'm sorry about that, mister. Y-You weren't interrupting at all, really. I'm honestly very glad you stepped in when you did to catch her. I-I was scared there for a moment!", she admitted with a light laugh before standing up, pale hands littered with sand. "B-But if I may inquire, why d-don't we start walking? As Cirven already suggested, we best introduce you t-to our Captain.", the maiden said while turning around, beginning to lead the way back to the Lair.

    Euphemia couldn't tell if it was obvious or not, but her entire face was red from embarrassment.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Large
    Ɛυρнємια // Mαgιc (???) // Ɓαηк

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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 11th November 2016, 10:28 pm

    Her world was tilted and it was also slowly spiraling out of control, panic and fear filling every crack in her body to be filled. As she fell? Jiyu realized there were only two outcomes and both were terrifying, she would fall into agonizing wounds, or maybe be touched by a man! Neither option appealed, and she bit into her lip as she closed her eyes, tensing her body for whatever damning horrible fat awaited her in a matter of seconds. However the pain or rampant searing fear she expected, neither ever shook her small frame. Instead? She felt a warm touch on her arm, forcing her eyes to open in time to see a flutter of white hair before she was yanked forward, her body colliding with someone else’s much more built form. Everything was too quick for the girl to process and swiftly she was looking at Cirve and Eu as if she had never felt, warmth wrapped around her body, something supporting her, embracing her, protecting. As her body slowed down, caught up, she inhaled, taking in smells for the first time since she had almost fell, trying to figure out why she was not freaked out by being held. “Marschal.” the thick scent of liquor was heavy around her, but she could easily detect the smaller touched of other thing’s beneath. Many people? Could smell like alcohol. Only person smelled warm as Marschal did, and that was him! Jiyu’s cheeks flushed as she realized the warmth around her was all his, he had saved her again. His voice rung through and her own velvet sound went dry for a few seconds, nearly having tears pricking the corners of her eyes as a large smile broke across her face.

    “Nothing at all.” her enchanting voice finally started working again to say he was not interrupting as her tiny hands reached forward, bringing her arms with them, her shell lay on the beach forgotten as she moved to grab onto him as she always did. In second’s? Jiyu pressed herself back into him more, hands moving to grip his own larger appendages. At the moment, it seemed the only one she saw was the feline, even thought she was not looking at him, her tail wagging between them rapidly. “Marschal!” the voice was maka’s, snapping Jiyu back to her senses as the fox brushed against the side of them, rumbling happily and flicking her twin tails contently. Something crept in the corner of her mind, something off that bugged her. However? She was too happy dude to Marschal’s  presence to think of whatever was causing a rare rarge to bloom in the pit of her stomach. Normally whenever she felt rage her assertive inugami side devoured it for fuel, but this time the beast let that anger sit there.

    Listening to Cirven speak with her forth soul piece refusing to devour her anger at the moment? Made an angry scowl cross her face “We can go to the lair and cuddle at the same time thank you!” No one was making her let go of Marschal and if they tried she would hurt them, the possessiveness rose, anger and rage swirling in her gut, two emotions she had not felt in their true forms for months. Something inside of her reached out and she felt the anger being siphoned away from her, her body jolting as she pressed back into her feline once more, turning her head slightly, smiling as she inhaled his scent once more. Jiyu tilted her head to look up at him, hoping to see his gorgeous golden optics, eyes tracing the scar on his face for a split second. Eu’s comment broke through, but she didn’t take her gaze of Marschal, gentle smile across her pale pink lips “He always catches me.” she chuckled it out lightly, resting her cheek closest to him against his chest, clearly force herself to move slightly from leaning on him “Let’s go then~” she chimed it in her bell tone, moving both arms to hold a single one of his. Of course her action? Would encase part of his arm in her large chest, her breasts pressed against his arm as she gripped it. Jiyu took a single step and pausing to see if he would walk too. If he was not coming back to the lair? Neither was she.

    Not long after everything that had taken place on the beach, four humanoid figures and one animal made their way into the bar. Kazehime didn’t take very long to observe the scenery surrounding her, because she recognized someone right away. “Hey Anna.” the wind user spoke up with no hesitance or anything close to it, waving one hand at the coffee sipping girl, before returning that hand to Marschal’s arm.


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro H6NcPbM

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Leila Vergious 13th November 2016, 9:10 am

    HP 200
    MP 90%
    BP 0%
    WORDS -
    T. WORDS -

    It was the rare night when Sakura was actually spending some time in the Lair. Given the circumstances she joined under, this place wasn’t quite considered home in her mind just yet, she needed some more time to get into a mindset of that caliber. So when she woke up, all she did was spend time alone inside of her room. It was strange to say the least, as she definitely wasn’t used to luxury like this. The rooms were so big and equipet, she almost felt like some manner of princess kidnapped by pirates but still treated according to her status. Perhaps this was natural for someone who never really had a proper home, as the time when she did have one was nothing more than a blur of past to her now. But as this was Sakura, she just could not spend too much time just sitting around and not doing anything. Leaving her room, she decided that she would have a small look around once more, just to familiarize herself with this place. And the first visit would be Siren’s song, since it would be nice to get something warm into her body. And by that, she for once did not mean blood. Even now, she was struggling with that fact as well, the poor little murderous girl. Not that there could be anything done about it, so she just tried to not think about it, focus on finding her way around instead. Not that it was too hard, the layout if this place was fairly easy to memorize for the girl. And soon enough, she found herself in the bar-like place. It appeared that there already was someone, their Captain as she called herself. Given the fact that Sakura wasn’t exactly what you would call a people’s person, she did her damn best to avoid the coffee sipping woman’s gaze as she moved to a corner of the room. It was also then that the door opened and several people entered the room at once. A good half of them were already part of the guild, but the other? The other certainly wasn’t including the animal that was with them. But that didn’t mean Sakura wasn’t aware of who these people were. She certainly recognized the black haired girl and the fox that was with her. For a small moment, she even contemplated joining the bunch, greeting the seemingly new recruit that she was actually pretty fond of. But that was only for a moment, the sparks of life that were suddenly in her eyes disappearing just as fast as they appeared the moment she spotted the male that was standing next to her. She had no idea who he was, but that was not the problem here. It was that Jiyu clinged to him with so much affection, Sakura immediately lost all desire she just accumulated. Grabbing her scarf and pulling it a little bit higher to hide her mouth, the swordswoman tried her best to get around all of them and leave this place as they moved further into the room. She hated groups of people and didn’t want to bother anyone anyway. But something rather small stopped here in the door frame, as she extended her hand to it.

    ”Fur…? Oh…!”

    It was probably from that feline looking man that was with Jiyu. His ears did look like they were made out of actual animal fur, and some of it flew in the air right now. And because of that, Sakura’s eyes widened in literal terror as she suddenly lost all control.


    Well, if everyone else managed to somehow miss the girl before, they surely knew about her now as she sneezed loudly. And as she did, a cloud of white smoke enveloped her body, quickly fading to revealed someone completely new (link). The vampiric transformation was fully finished by this point, and when Ai swapped control with Sakura, her body would transform as well in order to suit the new ruler. And with the new personality in charge, plans have changed as well. As a giant, almost unnatural grin spread across Ai’s face, her entire body dissipated into the darkness, reappearing right next to Jiyu, on of her hands already sliding across the girl’s chin and chilly manner. She cared not for the man that she was almost literally glued to, she only cared about the doggy, about her income of food.

    ”Why, if it isn’t my most favorite doggy! You liked me so much the last time that you just had to come here for another go~?”

    She whispered into her prey’s ear as she lowered her head to her neck, licking the spot where she sank her teeth in last time, the rough texture of her tongue leaving a trail of saliva. A real charmer Ai was. And while she had one of her hands on Jiyu’s face, the other one circled around her torso, grabbing her by the hip that was close to Marschal, not even caring one bit for what others would think of this behaviour.




    Devil's Advocate

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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Cirven 20th November 2016, 10:17 am

    Cirven walked into the Lair and waved to those who saw him as he was gretted by them. He was the type to talk to everyone so it was only natural that people would greet him when he entered a room, especially when it was all members of his crew. "Yo everyone! Just bringing in some fresh blood here! Make sure to introduce yourselves to her later!" He spoke out as he waved to everyone.

    The crew known as the Black Sails was a rowdy bunch for the most part and they drank like they were dying in a few hours but that was just what was needed for what they were required to do. "Jiyu." He spoke out to his fellow demon. "Know what you are getting into here." He hoped that she looked around the room and scanned over everyone there to see the crew. "We are people who will steal and take on jobs just for the jewels and fun of doing it. We will make enemies out of mostly everyone and most other groups because of this. Are you fine with that?" His question didn't get much time to linger out as he felt a presence rush towards them and wrap around Jiyu.

    He knew the scent of the person from a member who had joined them when Black Sails was first created but he did not recognize the person at all. He remembered the scent's name being Sakura but how she looked and how she acted was completely different from the shy girl he had seen around the Lair. "Sakura, right? Or are you something else? Doesn't matter thought because either way.." He reached out to put his hand out to grab Sakura or whoever she had become and as passive aggressively as he could help her move away. "We don't introduce ourselves to newbies that way." As he did this he would wave to Ana with his other hand and a smile on his face. "Yo Ana, just another day right?"


    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro LxcTBIi
    Character Info:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th November 2016, 12:19 am

    Speaking of

    Alisha smiled and waved at the group that just entered the bar, her breasts jiggling as she waved her hand back and forth in a rather unrealistic manner.  "Can I get you guys something cold to drink?  Something warm to drink?  Maybe even something to eat," she said in her sweet tone of voice.  She waved specifically to Euphemia too.  The two were far too similar to one another, other than the fact that Euphemia is more realistically proportioned than Alisha was.

    "Alisha, get me another cup of coffee," she said.  "Not as strong this time.  I'd like to drink it, not eat it," she stated to Alisha.  Taking a deep breath and pausing for a moment, the look of annoyance started to show on Alisha's face.  However, she hid the annoyance and turned and smiled to Anastasia.  "Certainly, Captain," she said before going into the kitchen and started to make the coffee.  Murmurs could be heard coming from the barkeep, obviously annoyed at Ana's demands.

    In the crowd of people, she recognized a bunch of people to include the woman she escorted on-board just before the disastrous damage upon her ship.  It was only a coincidence.  There's no way this girl was a curse of bad luck, right?  Ana took another sip of the extremely thick coffee.  

    "So, you've decided to join us, Jiyu.  That's good to see," she said with a big smile upon her face.  She noticed Jiyu wrapped around Marschal for a moment and nodded.  "Well, seems like you two either know each other or instantly attached to each other," she said with a chuckle.  

    And then a sneeze was heard and another voice wafted through the air.  This caused a bit of confusion with Anastasia.  This was someone she didn't recognize.  She also doesn't recall knowing about Sakura's transformations either, so this was new information.  Ana elevated her voice and pointed towards Sakura (or was it Ai).  "Hey.   Hey!   You!" she said as she looked towards her, finger pointed in the woman's direction.  

    "Who the fuck are you?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Empty Re: This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro

    Post by Sora 29th November 2016, 8:20 am

    ~ A merry manner of gatherings! ~

    @ Everybody, yeah!


    It was then at last that the large group finally had reached the lair, the Captain sitting promptly at one of the many tables in the Lair. It was always a refreshing sight to see Ana out and about, as she never really encountered the woman all too much. It was understandably so as she must have been rather busy, tending to the needs of every individual member that was aboard this vessel. It was as the others in the group were greeting Ana that Euphemia waited to do the same, bowing her head while being horribly reminded of the catastrophe in her grasp. "G-Good evening, Captain.", the maiden said with a smile before seeing Alisha right beside Ana, Euphemia moving the bowl in her hands to only one to wave back at the Barkeep.

    It was upon Alisha's question that the blonde perked up, blue orbs seeming to glimmer within the moment in utter excitement. She did find it fun to work with Alisha, after all. It wasn't really fair to let her serve such a large group, even if it was her job by herself. "A-Ana, I'm going to go assist Alisha." After all, she also partially wanted to make sure the perky woman got the coffee alright for Ana... And with that the blonde ran to behind the counter, nervously smiling as she put the bowl down, observing Alisha's reaction; it was all the while she listened to the Barkeep's murmuring and mumbles of annoyance.

    Little had the musician known that there would be a sudden guest throwing themselves into the fray, causing quite the stir among them. While cleaning the bowl of destroyed cookies, Euphemia heard Ana's blunt question which caused her to jolt slightly in shock. Just what exactly was going on now? With this the blonde looked towards Alisha for a moment before curiously just observing the group, seeing a new face there that didn't seem all too familiar... This caused the young woman to squint her eyes, wondering on just who this person might be before finding herself blushing.

    Things were getting a little too personal now.

    "A-Ah! I-I, uh...!"

    Euphemia was absolutely embarrassed, turning around and just going back to cleaning the bowl. It was in this occasion that she wasn't going to involve herself if it was heading a certain direction, and it was all too awkward for her now to make any sort of formal or proper interaction. After all, she was shy and not used to seeing such interactions happen so publicly. This was definitely a first for her and she mainly tried to just hide the fact that she was experiencing such a form of embarrassment.



    This Dream Is Killer;; Jiyu's Intro Large
    Ɛυρнємια // Mαgιc (???) // Ɓαηк

    "I'll find them again... Even if I have to give up everything."


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