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    Daemones Duo [Private]


    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Roya 2nd November 2016, 4:02 pm

    set your life on

    The soul bar was the  a key attraction and without a doubt the most popular establishment in the city of Talonia. This pub wasn't so much as a spot where the locals came to relax and socialize after a hard day work as it was a hot spot for mage meetings and shady deals.

    The walls were a variety of silver and black hues that glew with a magenta undertone thanks to the reddish lights that hung from the rafters. Not much ever happened here in this gloomy bar or in Talonia without the influence of Fiore’s guild... It was more or less ‘quiet’ here and everyone typically kept to themselves.

    Though, the tranquility of this bar had since been disturbed.

    There was the sound of snapping wood and shattering glass as a middle aged man’s form flew down into one of the pub’s set tables beside the bar. There back shattered the surface and drinking tankards set upon it in a flurry of splinters, crystal, and amber liquid.

    Wordless, the man’s attacker stood just at the bar. The female seemed unique in her appearance with her dark and wrapping-ravished hair. A long parchment-colored cloak remained drawn over her shoulders and shut away her front, hiding her psyche and her arm respectively. Her teal irises trained in the man who shifted up from the table shards on the floor as if to recover, that's when she walked forward, her imposing figure towering over his crumpled form.

    She did not like in anyway being harassed… and  despised the drunk’s lame and perverted chat up lines all the more… What had really caused her to snap had been his doggedness attempts to convince her to slip out of her cloak. He claimed to of trying to get her to ‘relax’ a little but she knew it was just so he could get a little bit of a look at her generously endowed rack. (Men had always been predictable like that.) In addition, the Coming Storm knew his eyes and any onlooking gazes would settle upon her absence of her right arm instead, and the red twin hammers of Tartarus she had branded upon her waist; visible thanks to her cropped blouse...Both factors gave away her identity completely.

    The mage reached her left hand out from beneath the folds of the fabric and swiped a half finished beer from a table at her side, downing the poison in one swig. “Now,” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and raised the heavy tankard above her head; the menacing red glow from the lights reflecting off the multifaceted edges of the glass. “What was that you were sayin’ to me?”


    ✘ W O R D S ✘

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    i wrote this at 3am



    Daemones Duo [Private] Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 2nd November 2016, 4:05 pm

    he stench of hard liquor hit the approaching man with enough force to cause him to wince as he walked through the front entrance of Talonia’s infamous Soul Bar. It was an institution which served as the gathering pit for some of the city’s most notorious criminal filth under the guise of an innocent pub. If it wasn’t for the wealth of information he could get out of the owner (For a price of course), he wouldn’t ever want to get anywhere near the human scum that inhabited the place. It’s not like he could detain anyone there. Most of them we’re always too smart to leave enough evidence or be as conspicuous as to warrant a legal search, much less an arrest.

    An air of silence permeated the room as the silhouette sat down at the bar. He kept his head down and his facial features hidden in the shadow cast by his hood. His Garou Knight emblem on his shoulder hidden by a tight leather bracer already under the white cloth. Having just received his beer from the bartender, a loud crash was heard just behind him as he rotated his head to see a man cowering before an intimidating dark haired woman. Anger was in her eyes as she looked down at the guy.

    Finally, an opportunity to take action, the knight thought. It had been weeks since he had been given the opportunity to do anything vaguely exciting. But that couldn’t really be helped. The Garou Knights were busy preparing for the soon to come purge. They needed to stay at least somewhat in the shadows until then. It was reason enough for him to not seek out any… loud activities for a time. But that didn’t change the fact that he was still itching for his long overdue fix; and here it was.

    In an instant, the silhouette's hood was pulled back on it's own as he practically slid in between the aggressor and the victim. His naturally wavy silver hair reflected the crimson light overhead as the dust cloud at his feet quickly settled. His deep red irises quite literally glowed as he stared intently into the female’s own.

    “Kagami Numata; Rune Knights Special Operations. Badge number 684.” The knight stated in an official tone as he quickly pulled and displayed with an outstretched arm a badge with the Rune Knight symbol printed in solid cast iron. Sure, the badge was a fake and all of the information he just spat out without a second thought was a lie. But it was a necessary lie. It was the only way that he or anyone else in the Garou Knights could enforce the laws of Fiore without compromising their true identities before judgement day. Even if someone were to check that badge number, it would check out as being his. The higher ups made sure of that.

    “You are under arrest. Your offenses include: assault, disturbing the peace, destruction of private property,” Kagami spoke quickly and clearly. Noticing the alcohol she just took and downed which obviously wasn’t hers, he concluded with, “... and petty theft.” He was trying his hardest to look and sound as professional as humanly possible, but his excitement of being able to make an arrest began showing as his lips curved up ever so slightly and his eyes glowed even deeper than before. “You have the right to remain silent.”

    A pair of magic nullifying handcuffs were brought into view.

    credit to nat of adoxography.

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Roya 2nd November 2016, 4:30 pm

    set your life on

    Teal irises settled upon the enchanted silver cuffs which dangled from his fingers, eyeing her reflection in the shining curve of the metal.

    In that list of petty felonies, he had forgotten mass arson, terrorism, and murder… what kind of knight was he if he didn’t recognize her, . She may not be so surprised of this if she was a typical felon but the council had since named her as a coming storm... perhaps her notoriety was fading....and what better way was there to regain that status then teach this ignorant knight a lesson.

    "I don't usually beat up stupid people but," She chirped. No she beat up stupid people all the time, she called them guildmates.

    Royanna quickly countered his wry little smirk with a wicked grin... not any simple smile, this smirk was sharp and hostile like the unsheathing of a dagger. Right shoulder still affixed beneath her shawl, Roya withdrew her wrapping-
    clad palm forward again out from beneath the cloth though this time black flames danced against the exposed skin of her fingertips

    "You caught me on a bad day, soldier boy."


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    Daemones Duo [Private] Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 2nd November 2016, 4:31 pm

    he iron cuffs resting in the knight’s grip hit the ground with an especially gratifying clang. The tavern fell as silent as a morning sunrise before the rooster’s call. His crimson orbs met hers and his smirking estuary opened up even further to let flow a response.

    “If you find it acceptable to take any action against me, the spirit of the law is the least of the things i'm prepared to violate.”

    The words flowed from his mouth with the same tone of professionalism that he had displayed already, but now a certain venom could be heard alongside it, though his smile still has yet to fade. This woman thought she was above him? The flames on her hand said different. She was just like the rest; relying on magic as a crutch. Pathetic.

    A hand comes down to rest casually on the hilt of the katana at his waist. The Wolf breaks the blade away from the sheath ever so slightly, displaying the masterful craftsmanship of the silver beneath as it catches a glint from the overhead lights.

    “Good cop, or bad cop. Take your pick.”

    credit to nat of adoxography.

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Roya 2nd November 2016, 5:21 pm

    set your life on

    “Surprise me.” Roya announced, prepared to do the same. She’d been an unpredictable one since youth and a troublemaker at that. Though he could predict that she might retaliate, Roya wouldn’t shy away from this challenge- when did she ever back away from a fight?

    Her eyes registered the sudden glint as the bar lights danced off the edge of the silver blade. Though few and far between she had dealt with swordsmen before. Their ashes gathered in the sidewalk crevices along with the dirt.

    Her hand glided back into the cover of her robe and against her wrapped right shoulder she found the short blade where it always rested in its sheath band, sliding the weapon from it’s slumber and out from beneath her shawl. Promptly, the mage flicked the blade’s hilt up and between her fingers in a quick baton like fashion. Swiftly, she pivoted on the balls of her feet, swiveling in a quarter circle so to  build the momentum of the blade before she slashed the weapon upwards towards his abdomen in hopes to draw blood from the knight. Prepared whether he was to block her blade or take the hit, Roya had already begun her counter-attack.

    Though obscured by her cowl  ebony flames struck again and raced down the non existent length  of her right arm. Quickly forging something that could have replaced the limb. Its’ fingers were sharp and clawed, and the flames seemed to raise higher in some pieces as if to replicate the protruding spines just like  that of a devil- specifically the unholy being who gave her this gift.

    She didn’t hesitate a moment more, stiffening her shoulder and curling her flame digits everso slightly. She lurched the makeshift limb past the coat and forward, taking a step with the strike.

    When the force of the fire conjured palm was to smack up against the target’s torso she didn’t doubt it would  be strong enough to both burn his flesh through his clothes at the touch, but sent him rocketing towards the wall like some fastball.


    ✘ W O R D S ✘

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    ✘ N O T E S ✘  



    Daemones Duo [Private] Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 2nd November 2016, 5:24 pm

    nstinct immediately took over.


    The knight’s eyes flared a deep crimson hue. As the blade began to protrude from the woman’s clothing, Kagami could see all of it. Every muscle contraction. Every nerve ending. Every ounce of bloodlust she was emanating. He could see in vivid detail the path of motion her body would undoubtedly take. The fact that he possessed this knowledge before any normal human would removed the urgency in his own actions. He quickly stepped back, avoiding the knife as it arced upwards past his stomach and face. The apathy showed blatantly as his facial expression relaxed and his stance loosened. Even as he saw the aggressor’s arm emerging towards him from her coat, he merely drew his katana forth, not bothering to brace the rest of his form.

    To Kagami’s surprise, however, the arm that emerged was not one of flesh and bone, but one of flame and ember. It was too late to change his angle of approach. The silver slashed through the conflagration and came to a stop with the knight’s arm fully extended overhead. He fully expected his vision to be clouded by fragments of the ignited limb, but there were none. Before he even got the chance to look down again, he felt an unbearable searing sensation on his exposed side. His disinterest quickly changed to full alert, but far too late. The ground drifted away from his feet and he found himself lying back surrounded by debris from tables and glasses.

    “Fucking bitch…”

    His overconfidence had betrayed him and he knew it perfectly. A thick cloud of smoke hid his shame well, but his eyes could still see the female’s frame silhouetted clearly. A hand grabbed his wound as he climbed to one knee, while the other flipped his weapon once in the air and caught it at the median. His shoulder rears back and the knight lets the blade launch forward in a javelin motion towards the mage.



    credit to nat of adoxography.

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Roya 5th April 2017, 12:21 pm

    set your life on

    A grin unsheathed across her features at the sound of his crash behind the smoke screen kicked up between them. Victory seemed to be hers, Now she might as well grab as many dollars as she could from behind the counter and jet.

    But before she could so much as turn to locate the register a glint of silver shot through the smoke. A clatter sounded as she dropped her own sword and a burning sensation flared across her hip which was promptly followed by a worse sting. Roya sputtered a sudden curse, as her eyes shot down to herself, the knight's sword still shook where it protruded from the bar counter it pierced.

    She threw her one, flesh and bone, hand down to her hip where the metal had sliced against her skin, fingers clutching at the crimson that spilt up against the same red twin hammers of Tartarus which was branded at her side. Roya had been grazed but at least the blade had not gone right through her. She could not say the same for her shawl, however. The sword  had since ripped through the cloth and pinned it to the surface behind her. Roya could either sit and continue to fuss over her wound or make progress in unhinging herself from the counter. Her choice was obvious. Her bloody palm came to rest at the hilt of the sword. It was hinged in the wood deep. If she had two hands or her palm wasn’t wet with blood it might have been easier. For now, she struggled and struggled to pry it out until she had to give up on it.

    There resonated the long riiiip as her shawl split against the blade in the counter and she yanked away. What a shame, she liked this cloak. Roya’s blue-green hues flickered in the direction the sword had javelined through the air. She wouldn’t wait for him to emerge from the smog or to toss another one her way. She rose a palm, and a snap elicited from her fingers as several conflagrations began, flames towering up from a line of knocked over bar tables and stools to  keep the justice seeker out of her path and to leave him to burn, along with those that had cornered themselves in the back of the bar where they thought they might be safe.

    Her devilish smirk shined again when she took a minute to look over the mess and really smell the ashes before she turned, busted open the abandoned cash register at the end of the bar and pocketed several handfuls of jewels. Once she was satisfied with the amount she staggered out of the building with her hand set back upon her profusely bleeding side. It would be wise for her to consider finding a doctor, But she had to flee this scene first.


    ✘ W O R D S ✘

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    ✘ N O T E S ✘  



    Daemones Duo [Private] Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 28th May 2017, 8:18 pm

    eat. The sensation lingered throughout his skin as black and gray hues danced across the knight’s view in a blur of entropy. He could feel the sweat on his brow almost evaporate within moments of conception from the intense temperature. The grey cloud of smoke which concealed him but a moment ago had nearly disappeared, but the words of distress silently echoing in the warrior’s mind had finally rung true when he noticed the conflagrations cascading down from all sides of him.

    Aside from a few clusters of bruises from his initial marrying of the wall, Kagami was mostly unharmed, physically speaking. The source of his true agony however, the blow to his pride,  was presumably still on the other side of the fiery divide. Whether she had a blade in her flesh or not was still unknown due to the fact that even the man’s enhanced vision could not see through a space cramped with such a clustered magical presence. Rising to his feet, the knight inspected the ground around him. He rolled his eyes expressing his disdain for the situation. It was a bold move to throw his only weapon like that. Slowly he bent over and picked up a small remnant of one of the wooden tables. Even that isolated fragment was warm to the touch. With his eyes focused directly forwards, Kagami flicked the piece into the fire with force. As expected, it came alight, but it still however sailed through mostly intact.

    That was all the information he needed. Armed with the knowledge that the monochromatic flames weren’t deadly, Kagami readied a stance with his shoulder squared directly in front of him. Knowing he had already wasted enough time in that spot, he charged forward with the desperate speed that only a battle scarred soldier would be able to muster. The pain that overcame him was sharp, but quick, and he was finally free of his prison.

    The knight brushed aside the lights and embers on the now frayed ends of his coat as he quickly scanned around for his culprit. He spotted his blade encased deep in a wooden counter, but the dame was nowhere to be seen. Anger flaring in his chest, he swiftly retrieved his sword and sprinted out of the burning tavern, knowing that he would not be made a fool of.

    As soon as his frame met the brisk outside air, his demonic orbs met the woman’s distinct frame attempting to flee. No matter what she thought, one thing was certain.

    Ś̛͚̞̾̓ͦ̿ͩ̄̒͛͘͢h͙̹́͐́ḛ̝̱͒̑̂̑͊́̚͢ ͋͐̅̈҉̰͍ͅw̵̨͈̱̜͉̠̰̗̮̆̑ͦ̐̔͘ö́ͧ̉̏̒̅̀͛҉̠̙͓̼̹u̡̫̪͍̱̞̟͎̿͌ͩ̑̃̉́l͖̫͉͎̂͂̚d̨̳̘̄̓̎̈̿ͨ̊̏͠ͅ ̘̫̻̖̣͍ͩ͌n̸͍̮͈͓̞̬̄͆̏̎̅̏ö̥̟̖̫̭͈́ͣ͆̃ͭ̅̊͒̐͟t̖͇̪̘͙̏̎ͦ͋ͩ̽ͅ ̧͙̤̘͖̩ͮ̑͠e͚̞ͤ͛ͅṡ̶̸͈͉̲ͣͪ̃ͦͩ͂́c͚̹̗ͬ͒͂ą̙͓̘͈̣̪̯͍ͫ͘͝p̙̫̫͉̉͌͂́͡ê̡̡͉͇̘̮͊̈́̾̈́ͬ̓ͣ̍.̸͛͗͂͡͏̘̥̰͈͕


    credit to nat of adoxography.

    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
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    Daemones Duo [Private] Empty Re: Daemones Duo [Private]

    Post by Roya 1st June 2017, 7:12 pm

    Once Roya was out of the inflamed bar she sighed deeply, lungs filling up with the fresh humid air which cooled her burning throat.  When she opened her eyes and glanced around her Roya realized how she’d been met with  many mortified visages as she busted out of the bar holding her side.  Everyone’s eyes lowered to her bleeding hip a moment and the twin hammers of Tartarus exposed and doused with her blood.

    Roya could see into the marrow of their thoughts  simply by the changing look in their eyes the people around her were piecing together the things that she was when they peeked down at her outdated guild crest.  The one responsible for the smoldering mess behind her, a former coming storm, -one of the last links to the infamous Tartarus. They shouted in terror and fled from the burning scene in moments, fearful that she’d make them charcoal next.

    Roya had no time to pay much more mind to them, she had to go. A bloodied hand slapped against the corner wall of the burning soul bar as she pivoted into the  dark alley just beyond it. She turned back and only after grazing her hand against the hot wall of the inflamed building did Roya realize what she’d done….

    Her heart throbbed, aching from both the mental strain and blood profusely pumping throughout her active body. The same  place she’d met her other half, her flame, her dumb ass, her lover,  the fool that let her live in his home, the one she’d followed into the ranks of tartarus. “Eh...Yugi” she found herself sighing roughly under her breath, finding herself annoyed how the word came out of her mouth-- how she’d let that connection bother her. Love made a person weak…. And when he disappeared she just had to assume it was with good reason, or (and the most likely of the two cases) that he was dead. So she should be over it already-- And move on to other things, notably getting out of this mess.

    Roya looked up at the chain link fence dividing her from the other  side of the alley and groaned, flicking a quick gaze behind her to see a flash of silver hair as the  knight busted out of the building himself. “tch....alllaena²” The native curse slipped under her breath.

    She hopped up, hooking her fingers  into the knots in the chain and used her momentum with a lack of another arm to flip herself over the other side. She landed and started back down the alley in a hurry. The cut at her side made her wince in pain again While she may not have been impaled she’d been sliced deep…. To of taken a shot in the dark and to of hit her, who the hell was that guy....

    ² alllaena, ‘damn’ in arabic tongue.


    Daemones Duo [Private] Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:16 pm