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    Aerwyna Salvatore


    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Guest 16th October 2016, 10:25 am

    Aerwyna Salvatore



    March 29th


    Special Characteristics:
    Nothing really until she is in the water, instead of feet she will have a tail, she will not look like a human at all.

    Aerwyna has all the traits and elegance of a princess, she is stern yet she is very motherly. She is very kind, yet she is also a very playful individual. Always preferring to stay with others and not herself unless something happens that forces her to be very much alone. It is clear that Aerwyna is keeping something very much a secret from everyone else, but she doesn't mind that, she would prefer if they found out what it. In truth, she is actually a mermaid and she is a bit worried about her mermaid side. But because of her mermaid self, she gets concerned in case everyone gets worried and backs off from her. Due to her knowledge about mermaids but not humans, she believes there is this stigma about Humans believing that mermaids are mischievous and annoying to be with. She is also quite worried about herself losing friends if they look at her mermaid form, which is what she doesn't exactly want. She enjoys the company from all kinds of people and thrives of friendship. Unlike other mermaids, she will not use pranks, more she will just sit and watch if any altercations decide to make their way through the mermaids life, and mainly just walking away from them if they involve her.

    In battle, however, is a completely different story. Aerwyna is quick to think on her feet and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal, even if it does mean she has to become severely injured at that. Aerwyna is not the fastest during battles either since she hasn't used her legs all that much as others. However, she really shines when the battle involves the water because she can breathe underwater like how any other mermaid should. It is why she moves more like a dancer than a runner and has used dancing as a way to get her legs feel stronger during the heat of battle. In battle, she can use many types of weapons, although she prefers a sword more than anything. Just give her a sword and she will slash and dance her way as she fights. Combined with her sword, she will use the power of water or ice to make her a truly fathomable swordsman, that just also happens to be a mermaid.

    Usually, Aerwyna is a lover for dancing, it is why she dances to anything she can hear. Due to her growing up, she grew up around music, singing and dancing and loves the aspect of that very much. She knows many types of dancing styles since coming onto land and has used this entertainment, socially and to fight. She believes that dancing is the answer to everything. This makes her a bit big-headed when it comes to that particular subject, but she has always been taught to speak of what you know, and Aerwyna knows dancing so much that she believes that she has the ability to speak about it on a whole, and to be honest, she really does.

    Swimming - A favourite thing for mermaids to usually do in their spare time.
    Water in general - She was born in it, she grew to like it.
    Dancing - Dancing is her life, and wants to enjoy her dancing skills to a whole new level.
    Friendship - This lady loves her company and lives on company, if she is lonely then she will be on a bit of a downer.

    Her mermaid form - She doesn’t really like her mermaid form because it is completely different from her human form.
    Fire - She’s a mermaid, it’s pretty self explanatory.
    Her title - Arewyna hates her title of princess, she just wants to be treated like any other. Yet her title underwater seems to affect that.

    Dancing - she believes dancing is everything. ‘A show must go on.’
    Friendship - if her friends can do it, then so can she.
    Human language - Although Aerwyna has improved greatly on her speaking skills (she struggles because she hardly spoke to anyone underwater), but hearing the human language helps her a lot.

    Being caught - she is scared of being caught by the underwater guards (they are looking for her) and is scared of going back home.
    Arguments - Aerwyna is scared of friends arguing with each other, she doesn't want to see friendships ruined and she has experienced this before.
    Her father - She is currently fearing her father because she ran away from him

    General Appearance

    ‘What’s weight??’

    Blonde, long, has bangs, some covered by headgear. (human) none. (mermaid)

    Brown (human) Yellow (mermaid)

    Skin Tone:
    Porcelain (human) Green, Purple, Pink (Mermaid form)

    In her human form, Aerwyna spouts beautiful hair that she keeps tied up, and it's also kept up with her helmet visor. While wearing a blue tunic that covers her upper half and black leggings keep her lower half covered. This is sported by various armour parts on her shoulders, her wrists and even her shoes sport some armored form.

    However, her mermaid form is completely different. She will have a scaled tail with a fin, her upper body is merely covered by something which is just covering her breasts and her head has no hair. Instead it seems to be some sort of headdress. All of this is in the colours of pink, purple and green. For her start of her scaly tail, it should be noted that her butt is covered in some sort of shield in case someone tries to shoot arrows, just a bit of extra protection, and the sides are flowing with the same colours of her skin.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Right Hip
    Rank: C

    Last edited by Cascade on 23rd May 2017, 2:43 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Re: Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Guest 16th October 2016, 11:12 am

    Aerwyna Salvatore AESz729

    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Re: Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Guest 8th November 2016, 11:37 am

    Unlocked at user's request.
    Cascade wrote:
    Name: Aerwyna Salvatore
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Birthday: March 29th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Nothing really until she is in the water, instead of feet she will have a tail, she will not look like a human at all.
    Personality: Aerwyna has all the traits and elegance of a princess, she is stern yet she is very motherly. She is very kind, yet she is also a very playful individual. Always preferring to stay with others and not herself unless something happens that forces her to be very much alone. It is clear that Aerwyna is keeping something very much a secret from everyone else, but she doesn't mind that, she would prefer if they found out what it. In truth, she is actually a mermaid and she is a bit worried about her mermaid side. But because of her mermaid self, she gets concerned in case everyone gets worried and backs off from her. Due to her knowledge about mermaids but not humans, she believes there is this stigma about Humans believing that mermaids are mischievous and annoying to be with. She is also quite worried about herself losing friends if they look at her mermaid form, which is what she doesn't exactly want. She enjoys the company from all kinds of people and thrives of friendship. Unlike other mermaids, she will not use pranks, more she will just sit and watch if any altercations decide to make their way through the mermaids life, and mainly just walking away from them if they involve her.

    In battle, however, is a completely different story. Aerwyna is quick to think on her feet and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal, even if it does mean she has to become severely injured at that. Aerwyna is not the fastest during battles either since she hasn't used her legs all that much as others. However, she really shines when the battle involves the water because she can breathe underwater like how any other mermaid should. It is why she moves more like a dancer than a runner and has used dancing as a way to get her legs feel stronger during the heat of battle. In battle, she can use many types of weapons, although she prefers a sword more than anything. Just give her a sword and she will slash and dance her way as she fights. Combined with her sword, she will use the power of water or ice to make her a truly fathomable swordsman, that just also happens to be a mermaid.

    Usually, Aerwyna is a lover for dancing, it is why she dances to anything she can hear. Due to her growing up, she grew up around music, singing and dancing and loves the aspect of that very much. She knows many types of dancing styles since coming onto land and has used this entertainment, socially and to fight. She believes that dancing is the answer to everything. This makes her a bit big-headed when it comes to that particular subject, but she has always been taught to speak of what you know, and Aerwyna knows dancing so much that she believes that she has the ability to speak about it on a whole, and to be honest, she really does.

    Swimming - A favourite thing for mermaids to usually do in their spare time.
    Water in general - She was born in it, she grew to like it.
    Dancing - Dancing is her life, and wants to enjoy her dancing skills to a whole new level.
    Friendship - This lady loves her company and lives on company, if she is lonely then she will be on a bit of a downer.
    Her mermaid form - She doesn’t really like her mermaid form because it is completely different from her human form.
    Fire - She’s a mermaid, it’s pretty self explanatory.
    Her title - Arewyna hates her title of princess, she just wants to be treated like any other. Yet her title underwater seems to affect that.

    Dancing - she believes dancing is everything. ‘A show must go on.’
    Friendship - if her friends can do it, then so can she.
    Human language - Although Aerwyna has improved greatly on her speaking skills (she struggles because she hardly spoke to anyone underwater), but hearing the human language helps her a lot.

    Being caught - she is scared of being caught by the underwater guards (they are looking for her) and is scared of going back home.
    Arguments - Aerwyna is scared of friends arguing with each other, she doesn't want to see friendships ruined and she has experienced this before.
    Tripping - She is scared that if she trips a lot in one day due to her leg strength, others will get suspicious.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’7
    Weight: ‘What’s weight??’
    Hair: Brown, straight, has fringe. (human) none. (mermaid)
    Eyes: Blue (human) Yellow (mermaid)
    Skin Tone: Porcelain (human) Green, Purple, Pink (Mermaid form)
    In her human form, Aerwyn typically wears armour that shows off some skin (her stomach and thighs specifically) She wears some sort of cloth to make her armour that much more appealing, complete with stockings, boots halfway to her knees and gloves. For the sake of accessories, she will wear a cape and a little bow at the side of her head with an indent of a flower embedded on the bow. The flower is also present on the cloth she wears around herself. To keep her weapon with her at all times, she will carry a sheath which is specifically designed for her sword.

    However, her mermaid form is completely different. She will have a scaled tail with a fin, her upper body is merely covered by something which is just covering her breasts and her head has no hair. Instead it seems to be some sort of headdress. All of this is in the colours of pink, purple and green. For her start of her scaley tail, it should be noted that her butt is covered in some sort of shield incase someone tries to shoot arrows, just a bit of extra protection, and the sides are flowing with the same colours of her skin.

    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Right Hip
    Rank: D

    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Re: Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Guest 10th November 2016, 2:39 pm



    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Re: Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Guest 23rd May 2017, 8:11 am

    moved upon user's request

    Cascade wrote:
    Name: Aerwyna Salvatore
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Birthday: March 29th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Nothing really until she is in the water, instead of feet she will have a tail, she will not look like a human at all.
    Personality: Aerwyna has all the traits and elegance of a princess, she is stern yet she is very motherly. She is very kind, yet she is also a very playful individual. Always preferring to stay with others and not herself unless something happens that forces her to be very much alone. It is clear that Aerwyna is keeping something very much a secret from everyone else, but she doesn't mind that, she would prefer if they found out what it. In truth, she is actually a mermaid and she is a bit worried about her mermaid side. But because of her mermaid self, she gets concerned in case everyone gets worried and backs off from her. Due to her knowledge about mermaids but not humans, she believes there is this stigma about Humans believing that mermaids are mischievous and annoying to be with. She is also quite worried about herself losing friends if they look at her mermaid form, which is what she doesn't exactly want. She enjoys the company from all kinds of people and thrives of friendship. Unlike other mermaids, she will not use pranks, more she will just sit and watch if any altercations decide to make their way through the mermaids life, and mainly just walking away from them if they involve her.

    In battle, however, is a completely different story. Aerwyna is quick to think on her feet and will stop at nothing to achieve her goal, even if it does mean she has to become severely injured at that. Aerwyna is not the fastest during battles either since she hasn't used her legs all that much as others. However, she really shines when the battle involves the water because she can breathe underwater like how any other mermaid should. It is why she moves more like a dancer than a runner and has used dancing as a way to get her legs feel stronger during the heat of battle. In battle, she can use many types of weapons, although she prefers a sword more than anything. Just give her a sword and she will slash and dance her way as she fights. Combined with her sword, she will use the power of water or ice to make her a truly fathomable swordsman, that just also happens to be a mermaid.

    Usually, Aerwyna is a lover for dancing, it is why she dances to anything she can hear. Due to her growing up, she grew up around music, singing and dancing and loves the aspect of that very much. She knows many types of dancing styles since coming onto land and has used this entertainment, socially and to fight. She believes that dancing is the answer to everything. This makes her a bit big-headed when it comes to that particular subject, but she has always been taught to speak of what you know, and Aerwyna knows dancing so much that she believes that she has the ability to speak about it on a whole, and to be honest, she really does.

    Swimming - A favourite thing for mermaids to usually do in their spare time.
    Water in general - She was born in it, she grew to like it.
    Dancing - Dancing is her life, and wants to enjoy her dancing skills to a whole new level.
    Friendship - This lady loves her company and lives on company, if she is lonely then she will be on a bit of a downer.
    Her mermaid form - She doesn’t really like her mermaid form because it is completely different from her human form.
    Fire - She’s a mermaid, it’s pretty self explanatory.
    Her title - Arewyna hates her title of princess, she just wants to be treated like any other. Yet her title underwater seems to affect that.

    Dancing - she believes dancing is everything. ‘A show must go on.’
    Friendship - if her friends can do it, then so can she.
    Human language - Although Aerwyna has improved greatly on her speaking skills (she struggles because she hardly spoke to anyone underwater), but hearing the human language helps her a lot.

    Being caught - she is scared of being caught by the underwater guards (they are looking for her) and is scared of going back home.
    Arguments - Aerwyna is scared of friends arguing with each other, she doesn't want to see friendships ruined and she has experienced this before.
    Tripping - She is scared that if she trips a lot in one day due to her leg strength, others will get suspicious.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’7
    Weight: ‘What’s weight??’
    Hair: Blue, short, has side fringe. (human) none. (mermaid)
    Eyes: Blue (human) Yellow (mermaid)
    Skin Tone: Porcelain (human) Green, Purple, Pink (Mermaid form)
    Human form:
    In her human form, Aerwyna typically wears some sort of turtle neck top which shows the back of her skin and an underbust corset, on the corset, white ribbon are donned at the sides and on top of the turtle neck are some sort of straps for the sake of aesthetics. It is long enough to go over the cloth that is over her hips and black shorts, the cloth is in the colours of white and blue. Covering her arms are puffy sleeves that are donned with silver covering the back of the puffy sleeves. These puffy sleeves only cover from the elbow down, her sleeves also cover some of her fingerless gloves. Her shoes are black with steel on the shoes, and her socks go above the kneecap line.

    For weaponry, Aerwyna has a sword in the shape of a key and is the colour of blue, black and silver.

    However, her mermaid form is completely different. She will have a scaled tail with a fin, her upper body is merely covered by something which is just covering her breasts and her head has no hair. Instead it seems to be some sort of headdress. All of this is in the colours of pink, purple and green. For her start of her scaley tail, it should be noted that her butt is covered in some sort of shield incase someone tries to shoot arrows, just a bit of extra protection, and the sides are flowing with the same colours of her skin.


    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: Right Hip
    Rank: D
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Aerwyna Salvatore Empty Re: Aerwyna Salvatore

    Post by Julius Seas 23rd May 2017, 3:28 pm

    Aerwyna Salvatore EDoA9eJ



    Aerwyna Salvatore X9tEBuc

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