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    Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)


    Posts : 23956
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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by NPC 16th January 2017, 10:26 pm

    The member 'Eris' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 NormalMonster


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Die_06_42164_sm

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by Eris 16th January 2017, 10:28 pm

    Putting a roll again function on a Normal result was a mistake.  :headbang:


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 NvVyM98

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by NPC 16th January 2017, 10:28 pm

    The member 'Eris' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 WeakMonster


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Die_02_42159_sm

    Lich of hell

    Lich of hell

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Devil's Conquest
    Position : None
    Posts : 1471
    Guild : Grim Heresy [GM]
    Cosmic Coins : 5
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunset Eclipse - The Sandstorm GS
    Second Skill: Titan Eclipse • Devil Pact
    Third Skill:

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by Eris 17th January 2017, 1:15 am

    Rolled: Even Normal = Fervor.   Speed is doubled again.    The 50% Weakness introduced by my last post has been negated by a 50% resistance,  resulting in 0% change.  This doesn't take effect until later into my post.

    Weak Even:  Warp Wings.   Acnologia teleports up to a mile away.   Creates a huge range irrelevant airburst from the beating of his wings when he leaves,  knocking everyone up to 500 meters away and doing S-rank damage.  100.  
    Where Acnologia appears has a burst of blue death fires in a 500 meter burst traveling 160mps for twice S-rank damage.

    Remember you can make it perform attacks of your own accord,  the attack rolls just make sure we make it perform at a minimum baseline.


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 76868610

    •The body of the man Eris sacrificed to curse the dragon shriveled away with vaporus red tendrils that dissipated into the air.  With a dismissive wave of her hand the bed took to flame,  incinerating evidence of misdeeds,  small micro fractures appearing in the air stole away even the scent of wrongdoing,   coupled with the distance and hundreds of meters of the wooden island between her and her temporary companions Eris was secure in her positioning.    Her ice sculpture like archers were still supporting the others on the fields of ice over the ocean,  pelting the dragon with icy arrows at every turn.  

    Eris did what she came to do,  having placed her curse upon the dragon.  She had no further need to remain in the cavern and could return to offer more support herself.   She could help from the cavern, but the options she could provide there were limited directing her attention back to the battle.   She could see from here what was going on,  through her minds eye,  and in doing so could see that the situation was turning somewhat.   After her curse struck the dragon the fighting escalated with Hera.

    It seems Hera is down for the count,  but the dragon was severely hurting.   Eris smiled in the shadows of the lightless cavern,  a red glow flickering behind her ruby eyes.   The heroes were successful in weakening the beast.   Eris could see the strain rippling through the dragons muscles.  The dragon was on the verge of death,  even more so than the three heroes knew.  Even more than the dragon itself knew.   An insidious darkness cast a shadow over the dragon's existence.  It's light was fading,  quietly,  away.  

     Hopping into the air as though going to sit on a tall ledge,  Eris's broom appeared out of a hole in the air in a timely manner and carried her forward towards the wall.   Rather than hitting the wall,  Eris disappeared through a crack in the air and emerged from a hole in the ice,  as though emerging from the ocean the same way as she had dove through the hole to begin with earlier.   

    Eris soared past the dragon ducking under its tail as it reacted quickly to Eris's sudden presence,  swiping at her with a frenzied claw that struck in a blur of speed as such that even having forewarning and an immediate response, the dragon still shredded Eris's broomstick.   The broom fell to the waters below in a cloud of straw and broken wood,  as Eris herself continued along her intended trajectory.    Her body had broken apart,  not into black smoke but into a white ethereal mist of icy particulates,  making her difficult to see at a glance and distracting the dragon with the unexpected path she took,  the falling broom stealing attention.  

    Like a winter ghost Eris hovered silently in the air behind the dragon as it's attention turned to the Fire Mage who was radiating a torrent of flame magic as he began reading an attack.    He wouldn't make it before the dragon was upon him,  but Eris cut the dragon short from behind.   Her hand slashing through the air like a razor.  

    From the exact instant that Eris began the hand gesture,  there was an immediate snap through the air as reality seemed to invert in on itself,  killing the light and any sense of life out from the air,  a sheer stillness of deafening silence culmulating in a vivid red spark at the end of Eris's hand movement,  all occuring in the timeless second in which Eris made her gesture.    Attention was drawn to Eris's face in this moment,  color draining from her body,  her facial structure changing,  her innocent eyes of a playful witch hardening into the infernal red glow of Eris's crimson eyes.   Color fled from her hair leaving whiteness,  only for a deep blood red color to slowly creep back through to match the blood stained color of her lips that parted as though in slow motion as she uttered a single inconceivable word that the air refused to carry,  but the weight of which was felt like a shockwave that rippled through reality and send a deep primal shudder as cold as the blackest abyss through the cores of every entity living and unliving.  

    At the end of this timeless moment,  there was a violent flicker as time seemed to resume,  sound returning to the land only to reveal a horrid shrieking and a wailing of trillions of tormented souls as ghostly black bands of deathly energy wreathed in flames surged forward in a flash,  lashing out through the area as the air and sea boiled with a sudden ferocity that slammed into and through the Dragon King,  an echo of the dragon seeming to be knocked out of the beasts body,  skipping and blinking like a violent chained demon representing the blackest depths of the dragon's tainted soul.   

    The burning black bands surged through the area,  blasting across the ocean to slam into the mountain of ships that formed the artificial island,   a fierce storm of death and despair that ripped the life out from the dragon king,  but passed by the three heroes like a bystander who stood too close to the tracks of a passing train unawares until the train rushed by before their eyes.

    When the storm passed the world seemed quiet in comparison to the howling of souls and the scream of the boiling ocean waters,  which itself was a heavy contrast to the absolute silence that proceeded it.

    The dragon was no more,   every trace of its body carried away into nothingness by the Word of Eradication.  In its place,  Eris stood.   Blood red hair being rustled by the ocean breeze that returned,  a slight smirk lifting one corner of her lips as a glint sparkled in her ruby eyes as black shadows coalesced around her,  forming the shape of a dragon.    A wicked glint shown in its eyes that burned with an intense focused gaze that radiated hate and malevolence.    The markings that were once blue on the dragon were emulated by the wraith-like existence the dragon king now manifested in as glowing red bands of sinister energy.  

    "I thank you for your service this day.   One less evil in the world,  I'm sure.  Such a happy occasion,  cause for celebration.   Shame I can't participate.   Have a little parting gift,  it's the least I can do."   Eris waved her hand dismissively as she turned away,  disappearing into a wisp of smoke as the ice melted from Eris's sculptures to reveal skeletons with flames wreathing their bodies and tears ripping through the air to open the way for a hoard of ghostly undead that rushed out as though they had been ready and waiting to attack,   their flood rushing onward past the dragon,  which rumbled as it tensed.

    The Dragon King roared,  a terrible earth-shaking roar beyond the likes of which it had ever performed.   Tremors shook the artificial island,  causing cracks to appear in the hulls of the countless ships that formed the mountainous island landscape,  and the island collapsed with clouds of dust and debris filling the air as more and more ships caved in and the island slowly began the process of dispersing and sinking into the ocean below.

    The red markings on the Wraithful Acnologia burned bright as its shadowy wings flared open to its sides and it cast them down with a powerful beating against the air sending a hurricane force surging out in all directions as the dragon itself vanished like a magician swirling its cape,   wisps of shadows swirling where it once was.     The hurricane winds slammed into the sinking island of ships and into the Heros,  threatening to knock them away.    

    That was not the only threat however,  the dragon reappeared almost as quickly as he vanished,  appearing in a blaze of smoke and blue flames of death like a raging nova sending deathfire surging out in all directions from the beast,  having appeared nearest to the two men who remained standing, a red aura simmering across the dragon's ethereal black scales.  

    Eris,  in the mean time,  disappeared into black shadowy smoke herself to reappear at the side of her daughter.  In her hand was a black and blue flame burning vividly around a pitch black spark, hovering over one Palm before she closed her grasp around it,  the spark vanishing as her ruby eyes looking down at the girl with a mask of indifference masking the glimmer of pride and perhaps the faintest essence of care as she knelt down to lift her up in an effortless grace and the two vanished as the flames of Acnologia's rage rushed past,  disrupting the wisps of smoke that remained behind as they disappeared.  

    1,419wc. p
    t: 11,166wc / 27.7p


    0 / 5,600 HP

    ACNOLOGIA IS NOW IN IT'S DEATHLESS STATE.    If Acnologia is slain while Fervor is active,  acnologia enters a deathless state.    

    The spell I used however,  leaves no trace if it kills something.   For the sake of the topic and flavor,  I came up with an excuse for it to still stick around in that deathless state...  It's now a vengeful Wraith!

    It's in a Deathless rage state.

    Roll as many times as you want for it's attacks,  and come up with whatever attacks you dream up at your leisure!

    The deathless state lasts 3 post cycles.   I've finished my job requirements and IC there's not much reason for Eris to stick around.   So don't worry about me,  and Heero said he quit the job,  so I've taken Hera away ICly as well.  

    The archers switched from being ice to being flaming skeletons.   Their attacks are directed at the two of ya.   Remember they can do heavy damage if allowed,  and no one is immune to their damage anymore.   The skeletons, ghosts,  or the dragon.    They penetrate immunity and resistances,  so hopefully it will be fun. 

    There's a rush of countless just-for-fun spectral ghosty type undead joining the fun.   

    So you're surrounded by an army of wraiths,    with burning skeleton archers,   and the Revenant Dragon King. 

    Should be a fun scene with plenty tools at your disposal to make something interesting!   The rifts that are releasing the flood of ghosts wont close until the dragon is gone.    Remember it may not take damage anymore but IC there's no cause to think the dragon will go away on its own.


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 NvVyM98

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 CkggyrF

    Deception | Despair | Domination
    H 1 S 7 A 7+1 B 8+1 C 9 D 11
    d a m n a t i o n
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by King Elyx 21st January 2017, 2:39 pm

    None of this was too much of a shock to the brunette as his purple eyes shifted from side to side as he would simply keep his eyes half-closed. Stella and Quatro were here, there was nothing he could fear. It was an interesting development, but he just did not have the will to react to it in a manner that a villain probably would expect and get a kick out of. Elyx just wasn't that human anymore. "Hmph, seems like the key alone won't be enough. Stella, care to bless me with your speed?" He asked without even turning his head back, knowing full-well what she would do after. The young female spirit would not reply with words, as her state of shock was still present from the encounter with Death, but her power wasn't tapped. So he was still able to leech the speed of the fastest things surrounding him, and in that case, it would be the arrow. No sword to deflect the attacks with, he would be forced to evade them narrowly. "Yo Ard. Wanna handle the dragon? This parting gift is nothing to me, and I feel you'd have more fun fighting something that actually matters." Elyx asked the flame slayer as he would let the massive attack that Acnologia execute the strike, but his body still remained in place as if he had been untouched. The burn marks left on his body would instantly heal back to normal, the pain hadn't even been acknowledged. And so the barrage of arrows would fly freely through the air with flames attached to them. With Stella's excitement active, he leeched the speed of the arrows, moving swiftly through the barrages aimed for him as his enhanced speed and reflexes would allow him to dance past the arrows without a scratch let at him. "If skeletons like you all go to hell, if you see your mistress there, tell her that these games get a little old after a while. I know you don't understand, but I suggest you stop this senseless barrage. You don't want to piss me off." It was a small warning, but if they could not comprehend it through the fact that he was neatly dodging them swiftly without any fear of actually getting hit, then there might be a problem when he actually carries out his own resistance. Frostfire was the least of their worries. It was Shima that they all needed to fear.

    Elyx: 1050/1050 HP
    Elyx: 100% MP
    Elyx: 75% Dmg Mitigation, 15% HP Regen per post

    Deathless State: 1/3

    OOC - Oh mai.

    Okay, so...

    -Stella's Excitement: Steals the fastest being or thing around him's speed, in this case the arrows. Allows him to dodge the arrows as they come, but only as needed to he has as much space left for him to utilize.

    -Acnologia's attack successful on Elyx = 360 Damage. 75% Mitigation = 90 Damage. 15% Hp Regen = 165 HP healed per turn, resulting back to square one.

    -With Elyx's UA "Sky Deity Stance", he doesn't take knockback, making for a great scene when he talked to Ard.

    -No Attack executed from Elyx, but he does warn that he'll go off on the skeletons if they don't back down. They probably won't, but he does warn, so... Rip. Also, he tells Ard to handle the dragon. Any attempts to stop Ard from doing so will be met with heavy resistance from Elyx.

    -My muse is in the dust bin right now. I'll figure out my WC and that stuff later. I know I have more than the job needs of me.

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by NPC 21st January 2017, 2:39 pm

    The member 'Elyx Reiaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 NormalMonster


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Die_05_42162_sm
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 23rd January 2017, 3:16 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    For a few moments, the world went blank. Ardere did not notice the giant reveal of Eris being present, nor did he hear Elyx's words. Instead, his hair began to flicker as the power build up in his body was released. Each individual magic seal formed into one massive energy surge. After the beast's attack, the swirling wind and death magic dissipated. Acnologia turned around, only to be met with a gargantuan blast of swirling black flames. The attack unleashed was so powerful, that it would shake the ground beneath them, causing the waves to crash even more erratically than before. The Dragon King attempted to counter the blast with a roar of his own, but the two beams only clashed for a mere moment, boiling the water under the mages. As some of the water turned to steam, the fire mage combined his attack with crash magic, turning the flames into a bright gold, sparkling and crackling as it overpowered the dragon's attack, smashing into his zombie-like body. His already rotten flesh began to wither away, as the cartilage between his wings was incinerated. The dragon's eyes went white as the attack legitimately sent him tumbling backwards. For once, the dragon did not stand still, but fell like the demon he was. Take that you son of a bitch! Unfortunately, as the attack fired, Ardere's arm was utterly destroyed. Falling towards the sea, he crashed like a meteor, causing water to disperse around him. The two kings floating in the ocean, it took several moments before either arose, maimed and half out of breath.

    As the Golden Phoenix guild master battled with the army of skeletons Eris left in her wake, the Fire King engaged the zombie-like Acnologia. Ardere knew the dragon was already done for, but he could still cause damage even as a zombie. He had to be stopped, and soon. Sadly, the samurai only had a few more minutes of energy left, and he was without the use of his dominant arm. While he was very dexterous, it was going to be quite strange fighting without the use of his right arm. Standing up in the now shallow water, he gripped his sword tight. Holding it out to the side, it was engulfed in flames as he summoned his flame blade over it. Ifrit's blade! Come forth! I command you! Clarent was now engulfed in black flames as the runes engraved into the blade began to glow. He was very low on mana, but enough remained to do what he needed to. I'll show you the power of the Hydra, Dragon King. Hydra's Fang! Summoning forth his guild's sword over the flaming Clarent, a bright light flashed for a moment, blinding the zombie dragon, prompting him to screech in pain and thrash. Now, in the Fire King's hand, was a white blade, made of pure holy energy, one of his three guild spells. But around the blade, was two swirling black flames. This would drain his magic, but he still had some energy left. Just drawing the blade back unleashed a powerful amount of energy that would cause some of the most experienced mages to tremble. It's time to end this, beast. Not only did he have massive power boosts, the sword in his hand specifically was made to slay undead and demons, or anything dark of the like. Today, the Dragon King was going to fall, and at his hands, at least physically.

    The two forces clashed, as Ardere and Acnologia stared one another in the eye, before dashing at each other. The dragon struck several blows against the samurai, but they were countered by the holy and unholy blade. Slashing open the beast's chest, light began to pour out of his body as his flesh began to shed and fall apart. The beast appeared to be done for, and a smile crossed the brown haired man's lips. But then, the truth became apparent. Acnologia still stood, as a member of the undead, but instead, in his human form. His long white hair had begun to fall out, and his eyes were a soulless white. And the tattoos that littered his body began to glow a bright blue, as his power and speed increased. Trembling for a moment, the guild master quickly regained his strength and clutched the blade he now would refer to as Finis, which meant The End. And god-willing, his sword would be the end of the fight. Taking a deep breath, he took a fighting stance, as the humanoid Acnologia charged him.
    @DragonKing WC: 743

    Spell stuff:


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:


    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2017, 3:16 pm

    The member 'Ardere Kasai' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Boss


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Die_03_42160_sm
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by King Elyx 23rd January 2017, 4:30 pm

    "Seems like none of you want to listen. And for that, there is a price to be paid for such sin." And that price would arrive when the giant blast from the dragon king would emit from itself as it would then strike through the center of the skeletons towards his way. Elyx simply summoned the wings that Quatro has in his Magnolia form, and a crown had been equipped on his head. King of the Lerales form, the nastiest form to exist in the Lerale kingdom. Those that had their eyes fixed onto it wound up dead if they were the targets. Quatro had that blood, and now it was his turn to use the wings. With this, he swiftly rushed up into the air to narrowly avoid the blast that wiped out masses of the army of bones that had been surrounding him, creating a massive great divine before the arrows were shot up back towards in the air, not even stunned by the blast. "Even then you all begin to persist. And for that, you will all perish... Piercing Aura! And with that, they were all prone to 50% more damage. But that was not all that it came with. A female voice would be heard in the background, hollowing through the whole scene as it would then be recognized, the Sky Deity herself, Shima. Koushin no Akumukyou! The strongest spell that existed so far in his known spells. It was Elyx though, the vessel, who would carry out the attack. A giant bellows would emit from his lips as the fabrics of time were being ripped open as matter split and atoms broke, resulting in explosions with radioactivity to occur as he would then spit out the giant helltornado spell being cast to obliterate all matter below him. Fortunately, Ard did not seem to be in the way. But Elyx was not done there. He added Frostfire to the spell to add some more damage infliction, and with just those two attacks alone... It was all over. All matter had been destroyed, the ground below had been distorted and blurry at first as it was all being built back together. The first time he ever had to go so far to obliterate masses. But he did. And that was all that mattered. Not even bone marrow would remain.

    OOC - Now THAT was fun to write.

    Koushin no Akumukyou is an S + H Spell fusion with a 100% Damage boost stacked with the default 100% damage boost from Elyx's abilities. Mix that with Frostfire-Make and you have exactly 1000 HP of damage. Then Piercing Aura forced them to take 50% extra damage, meaning that they ended taking 1,500 damage. Those skeletons, are definitely gone. Ard, you and I agreed that now I can back off. Good luck man :3

    Elyx: 1050/1050 HP
    MP: 95% MP (25 for the Spell Fusion, gained back 20 for the Frostfire leech)

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by NPC 23rd January 2017, 4:30 pm

    The member 'Elyx Reiaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 NormalMonster


    #2 'Normal Dice' :
    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Die_05_42162_sm
    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
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    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 24th January 2017, 5:33 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    Blood dripped down Ardere's arm, trickling down to the handle of his blade. The swirling black flames flickered around his glowing white sword of justice. The fire mage breathed heavily, as he stared Acnologia in the eyes. The Dragon King growled, his flesh rotten and his skin glowing a deep blue. The ground beneath the two mages slowly withered away, from the sheer destructive power they wielded. Only one word was uttered from the zombie's mouth, and it was only audible to the samurai. Death! It was gargled and drawn out, but the brown haired man knew the word that had been spoken to him. Energy began to swirl around into a small sphere, inside the beast's mouth. The magica being charged was so powerful, that the shallow water around them began to crash and break, even causing the mage's hair to flicker. His eyes widened, as the dragon moved so fast, that it appeared he was teleporting. Behind the samurai, he expelled a roar large enough to decimate a town. Turning quickly, he mustered the last bit of strength he possessed, to lift the sword upwards, slicing the attack in half. The combined power of his three blades was enough to slash straight through the attack, splitting it into two pieces. The beam that blew right past him was hot enough to break most of his armor, as it shattered, falling into what remained of the sea they stood in. The skeleton army was also shattered, as Elyx attacked them as well. It was an odd feeling. Ardere did not quite know what people truly meant by life flashing by one's eyes. But now, he knew. His entire life flashed in a mere moment. Then, the crown above his head comprised of flames began to aggressively flicker, as the fire in his eyes burst like a volcano.

    WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FUCKING WITH, YOU FALSE KING?! Lifting his blade up, among the smoke and energy, he sliced off one of Acnologia's arms, the power from the blade incinerating the fallen arm, turning it to ash. He could not regenerate this wound, as the sword was anti-undead. Take that. This is for my friends, and for all of Earthland. I will rid this world of you. Unleashing a barrage of strikes, the zombie dragon proceeded to deflect them with his remaining hand, covered in a thick bright blue energy, like a dragon's claw. It's gonna take more than that. The men and women had been fighting for so long, that the sun had begun to fall without them even noticing, and the moon began to show. Holding up the moon amulet he possessed to the sky, his magic power regenerated to one hundred percent, as a bright light blinded the dragon. Letting out a battle cry, Ardere screamed at the top of his lungs. He was covered in bruises and cuts, his elemental body so drained that he could not even utilize it. The two stood, drained and angered. As the moon began to shine brighter, the darker it got, they continued to exchange blows. The Fire King was fighting with his last movements. Barely possessing any health, it was imperative he continued the good fight, and fought as hard as he could. Slamming the tip of his blade into the chest of his enemy, a massive black fire drill ripped apart the rotten flesh, and sent the undead beast tumbling backwards. Running forward, using the smoke and flame to his advantage, he slammed his fist into the dragon, utilizing his crash and flame god slaying magic, the ground beneath them shattered, forming a gargantuan crater, as chunks of earth raised and scattered. The samurai was unleashing a barrage of attacks onto the dragon, but the zombie would not die. He was missing an arm, and suffered a rather large hole in his chest, but still stood, scratching the samurai every change he got. WHY WONT YOU DIE! Slashing and punching, tears and blood dripped down onto the shattered ground, as the dragon merely smiled and coughed up black liquids. Lifting up the blade known as Finis, he charged up a massive amount of flaming energy within the blade, utilizing another ability that heated up Clarent, but left it vulnerable to damage. Bringing down his blade, it appeared as if he would strike the final blow, but the undead dragon king caught the blade between his hands. The ground beneath them continued to break, as their strength clashed. Two titans fought, but if the Fire King did not finish him, both would die here today.
    @TheEnd WC: 767


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 FYZkfE1
    God Force:

    Legacy Form:

    Ardere Kasai
    Ardere Kasai

    The Fire King

    The Fire King

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Legacy of the Fire King
    Position : The Vanquisher
    Posts : 1740
    Guild : Infinity Hydra (Guildmaster)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hephaestus
    Experience : 420,643

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame God Slayer (3rd Gen)
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 Empty Re: Dragonfall. (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y)

    Post by Ardere Kasai 24th January 2017, 7:16 pm

    So you can throw me to the wolves
    Tomorrow I will come back
    Leader of the whole pack
    Beat me black and blue
    Every wound will shape me
    Every scar will build my throne

    The two forces continued to clash, as the ground and the water beneath them was withering away. Ardere groaned heavily as he used all of his strength, but it was not enough. Acnologia outclassed him in sheer strength, but one thing that no one outclassed the samurai in, was fire power. He used up all of the remaining magic he gained from the moon amulet, and blasted it from his back and feet. His eyes were a pure black, just like the flickering flames that his body summoned. The dragon and the samurai were both locked in the final move of the fight, this would decide it all. It appeared as if the beast would win, but the fire propelling the brown haired mage began to overtake his enemy. Normally, he would have had thoughts of his daughter, or his guild that fueled his strength. But today, there was no friendship or family cliche that caused him to win this battle, it was his resolve as a warrior. The so called Dragon King was not a warrior, or even a soldier, but a murderer. And when a murderer was face to face with one of the most well trained warriors, it was obvious who would win when it came down to it. The last Kasai was one of the most powerful warriors that Ishval had ever seen. He did not know this himself, but he may have been one of the most pure that existed. Regardless of what he knew, it was what caused him to win. His love for his family and guild gave him power, but his resolve was what made him who he was today. Every time he was beat down, he got back up. He did not run, he did not hide. Ardere Kasai was still alive because when it came down to it; he survived. And today, he survived. Acnologia was sliced clean in half with a blade fueled by sheer honor and resolve, two things he knew nothing of. Hate and evil lost, and for once, the Fire King had won completely, no strings attached. None of his loved ones died, his enemy did not rise up again to combat him, he merely won.

    After he struck down the former Dragon King, his crown disappeared, and the blade in his hands returned to normal. Standing there for a moment, he basked in the moonlight before collapsing and falling into unconsciousness. The zombie's body disintegrated, as the wind carried the ashes away, scattering them across the sea. Ardere won. His arm was destroyed, his mana drained, and he was out of all energy. It would likely take weeks to recover from his injured, but the Fire King fell into unconsciousness with a wide smile on his face. He could return home and make his daughter as well as his guild proud to be led by him. Everything he did, he did for those he cared about. And for the first time in a while, he had truly succeeded in making a safer world for them. But as he lay there unconscious, in the distance a bird soared towards his location. It had taken this bird all day to figure out his whereabouts, but she had accomplished such. The large phoenix landed around the samurai, and let out a sigh. Why are you always finding new ways to hurt yourself? It was Ember Celica, his companion. She had been his phoenix for years, trying to repay his life debt that she owed him for what he did at Mt Hakobe all those years ago. And today, she had repaid that debt in full by picking him up, and carrying him home to see his family. She took to the skies, alerting Elyx of her goal, and picked up the young Hera along the way. Dropping the young dragon slayer at her guild, she took to the sky once again. Every now and then, Ardere faded to consciousness, feeling the air flow across his skin. He could not feel anything other than air rushing past him, and it felt good. Blood and sweat dripped down from his body, and he went back to sleep.

    During his sleep, he had a dream about being with Malva and Sayrn once again, as a family. It was a good dream, and as he lay there in the infirmary, a smile crossed his pale lips the entire time. When he awoke, he was surrounded by several of his guild mates, as well as his phoenix companion and his pet red panda. The small panda curled up across his neck, and the guild members embraced him. Hey guys, easy with the hugs. I'm still sore. How long was I out? Rubbing his head, the phoenix promptly answered his question. Three days. His eyes widened, and he attempted to get up, but pain shot through his entire body, prompting him to lay back down. Might not wanna do that, you're gonna be here a couple of weeks. Damn, the fire mage though. Sighing heavily, he nodded. It appeared he was bed ridden for the time being, and that would make him quite antsy, but if it meant he would heal, then it was worth it. Looking at his right arm, it had grown back some, but his hand was not even slightly regenerated. The Incineration Cannon was truly a powerful spell for him to have done such extensive damage to himself. It was unfortunate that he had to do so, but he had accomplished wonders with it. Letting out another sigh, he let himself get some rest, surrounded by those he loved. It had been a long day the day he fought Acnologia, and he needed rest for weeks. Chuckling a bit, he slowly faded into a deep sleep once again. His guild members let him be, to get some rest, and they even left some rice pudding, which they knew he loved. A bottle of warm sake was also left. Even roses from some were left. It took slaying the Dragon King to be reminded how much his people actually loved him, but it was worth it. He had forgotten how lucky he was to have so many people who cared about him, but from now on he would not take that for granted. The guild of Infinity Hydra was going to know he loved them, and Fiore was going to know how hard he fought for them. The fame did not matter, but it was important the people knew they could count on him, for he was the Fire King. And in his unconscious state, Hephaestus watched over him, shaking his head at how battered he had made himself, but had proved even false gods would be slain by him.
    @FATALITY WC: 1,130


    Dragonfall.  (Eris | Elyx | Hera | Ardere - 100y) - Page 3 FYZkfE1
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