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    Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
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    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 8th October 2016, 6:20 pm

    Job Info: DONE BY WORD COUNT 1500 WORDS:

    Last edited by Megálos Aderfós on 9th October 2016, 5:01 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 8th October 2016, 7:39 pm

    Megálos arrived on the shores of Thunder island quietly and confident. His mind rested solely on his mission and so without another word he strode onto the island. He knew he was being out of character but even he needed his quiet time every once in a while. Mega could feel the rain fall lightly over his bare chest. He'd worn his hunter pants today with his black and green special boots. Well the only thing special about them were the memory they held. Megálos looked about the island and could see the island live up to it's name. There were stray bolts of lightning flying all over the place. Megálos felt the charge of the very air around here. The nature here was thrumming tense with anxious energy and adrenaline. He could also feel a familiar undertone of old anger. Most likely mortals had tampered with something they shouldn't have, experimented with nature as they so often do and caused the current state of things.

    Well whatever happened nature seemed to have taken it's revenge and settled itself like this for now. If he had time he would have liked to stay and study this strange environment more thoroughly. However he had a mission to complete and treasure to find. That thought in mind Megá continued traveling listening to the skies warnings and evading the random bolts of lightning that flashed throughout the island. He ignored the cities that may have still been inhabited and headed into the forest. He listened to the voices of the island and he was sure there should be some suspicious ruins nearby in the forest. Megálos could feel his usual smile slide back into place. Guess his quiet time was over now. He could feel himself coming closer to where the ruins his.


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Re: Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 8th October 2016, 9:21 pm

    Megá could feel the air about him change. It was less of a charged storm atmosphere and edged more into a eerie quiet mood. Everything mostly silent the constant thunder became more of a steady drumbeat in the background back where he'd come from as if these ruins were slowly stealing the sounds or even the very life itself of the space around him. Megálos chuckled to himself. Will this definitely wasn't going to be boring that was certain. Taking care to muffle his steps in the stretched out silence that seemed to grow the farther in he traveled he couldn't help but cringe slightly. Every move he made from the slightest step, that was starting to be the only sounds revebrating through these forsaken ruin's. It must've once been a city judging by the wreckage left behind in the ruin's. There was very, black, and blue rocks and cement like the houses he'd passed in the cities elswhere on the island. Suddenly up ahead there was a giant hole that seemed to have caved in the rest of the city. Looks like his bounty was underground. After having walked so long in the deafening silence the sudden sounds that came from the hole caught Megá off guard. Almost startling him. He didn't need the comfort but if he was going to be going underground he needed light are he'd be blind. As it was he only just was able to see through the twilight darkness in the ruins half listening and letting the lands tiny whispered voices guide him. With a wave of his hand Prince Fótia appeared his bright flaming body lighting up his surrounding casting away the darkness. With a shared silent nod Megálos jumped down into the hole with the Prince trailing behind him. As he landed they came face to face with....


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

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    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Re: Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by NPC 8th October 2016, 9:21 pm

    The member 'Megálos Aderfós' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Treasure Training - Private - Job  StrongMonster Treasure Training - Private - Job  NormalMonster Treasure Training - Private - Job  NormalMonster
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Re: Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 9th October 2016, 9:54 am

    Three figures waited crouching but with the Prince's flames they couldn't hide their presence. They had their weapons already drawn leaving no room even for the idea of just talking it out. Megá clearly saw the first two they were hooded and carried a single dagger. One had more curves then the other which was the only indication that told them apart at all and gave the impression that that one may have been female and the other male. The third person however wasn't much more than a shadow or an outline to be precise. Even in the light of Fótia' First presence the person was hard to make out he could see the gleam of two sets of Steele that Megálos assumed were to daggers. Megá knew this was a foe he couldn't take his eyes off of at all or he'd be screwed. Silent without so much as a word they moved ready to end him quickly. With no time for a witty remark Megá laughed confidently as he and the prince entered the fight with the same intentions. They had to finish this quickly or else this would end badly for him. He had no choice but to use his magic now.
    Megálos felt the electricity flow through his fist and feet his already enhanced speed was boosted and his enhanced strength was given a deadly edge. The three thieves surrounded him as he rushed to the middle of their little circle and Megá smiled victoriously. That's exactly what he had wanted. As he got them all close enough that he can target them all at once he felt for his magic confidently and ready.

    That which gives and takes, Keeping balance and seeking harmony: "Seeking King: Obey!"

    In exchange for getting them so close he had to grit his teeth and bare it as the fleet footed Great Thief reached him, matching even his enhanced speed apparently, and stabbed him in the shoulder. The earth all around them began to shatter and the shards shot outward dealing full damage to all of them and as that happened with a movement as fast and smooth as a snake's strike he grabbed the hand that held the knife in his shoulder so he wouldn't be knocked back immediately by the earth blast like the other two and with the other hand still fully charged he socked the Great Thief in his stomach and sent him flying himself definitely feeling the effects of paralysis as electricity flickered on his body and as he tried to move he couldn't. With him down for the count he'd get rid of the other two and finish the Great Thief before the Paralysis wore off.


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Re: Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 9th October 2016, 2:08 pm

    Ripping the dagger left from the Great Thief's attack from his shoulder Mega turned to see the other two thieves had gotten back up and was coming straight for him. With a raise of his hand he waited and they were close enough to take the full effect this time avoiding their daggers and another wave of shattered earth crashed into them dealing another full rank of damage, however the Great thief who was behind him out of the epicenter would only take 75% of the damage. . However the two thieves having gotten used to the attack weren't knocked down this time and kept coming for Mega this time splitting up so they wold make a harder target. The male threw his dagger at him in what seemed to be a desperate attempt of an attack and Mega easily sidestepped it only to find the dagger was just a distraction as the thief swung and punched him before he realized what was going on an the curvy female thief attempted to attack him from behind.

    Using his duped up speed Mega dodged the girl and jumped back from the unarmed thief but not before giving him a kick that sent him flying across the room on his jump back. Rolling to his feet Mega was ready as the last thief standing continued to rush at him only to be clawed in the face by Fotia who would deal her a full Drank melee damage. Reminding the girl that Mega had an ally. Smiling as the girl tried in vain to snatch the fiery bird as he soared out of reach. Using her distraction against her Mega decided to make her the first one he finished with a four-hit combo he laid her out only getting sliced by her dagger once due to his speed overpowering her. Next he turned to the other thief who'd been knocked back came staggering back. Working quick and calling for Prince Fotia they finished the other guy quick.

    The Phoenix tripped him with his claws as the thief ran their way and before the thief could fall with Mega's enhanced speed and strength he punched the guy up into the air jumping into the air his body became a blur and he bounced arounnd the underground walls striking him then flying by in a flash over and over until the final blow where for a second Mega seemed to almost hover in the air as he cocked back and with a powerful electric punch he knocked the thief straight out of the air and onto the ground so hard there was a crater where the thief landed. In that moment he decided the combo needed a name that he had to shout out for no apparent reason so he shouted. "Bloody Barrage of Nature's Storm King!"


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Empty Re: Treasure Training - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 9th October 2016, 4:45 pm

    Struggling against the paralysis the great thief stood. Out of respect and a sense of endangerment Megálos stopped holding back and transformed into a cheetah. His speed and strength were now 50% higher than a normal person and his speed with the added edge from his lightning his speed was now a total of 75% or 70% with the buff max and he still dealt an extra 10% damage. Suffice it to say with the Great thief just barely shaking off the paralysis his movements stiff and jerky and the damage he'd already taken from the spell and

    Megá's fist...well it didn't last long. In almost a blur the electrified cheetah attacked over and over again forming afterimages with his speed as the poor beaten thief struggled futilely to defend himself. Megálos avoided vital organs but still attacked where he could do some damage. Soon after the last attack, which was a headbutt right into the stomach that sent the thief flying right into the wall across the tunnel beside the man made jagged hole, that Megálos assumed was a doorway, leaving cracks in the wall.

    Taking a deep breath and exhaling Megálos transformed back into a human. He felt the powerful muscles in his four legs tighten and Expand, liquefying and changing with his body growing as one by one the paws widened and flattened growing each and every finger back his broad back straightened and his legs grew feet morphing as he stood slowly shifting back and stretching at the same time. When he'd finally stood on two feet again he took that moment to look around him underground was just a giant spacious tunnel half wrecked from the fight and with the three unconscious bodies of the thieves.

    On the other end of the tunnel there was the jagged opening with light spilling out and rustling sounds coming from it. GREAT! Well if it came down to another fight Megá thought. Bring It On! Canceling the spell he'd cast to manipulate the earth Mega shuffled quickly and unafraid through the entrance just in time to see a shadowy smirk and the flap of a cloak and jangle of a lot of jewls as the stranger disappeared into the shadows. To exhausted to give chase Megá let him go not to upset at losing the great amount of jewls the other person took and instead decided to look around the underground cavern to see if he could learn anything about the wrecked city and these caverns. Before he could go into one of the two holeways illuminated by the glowing moss on the ceiling of the room Megá noticed a gleam coming from between a pile of rocks. When he moved the rocks aside he saw the beautiful ornate chest with the Golden Phoenix mark on the latch. Opening it Megálos saw it was filled with jewls probably roughly 7,000 of them and a weird seed like thing. If he asked someone he'd probably figure out what the seed was. Overjoyed by his success after he believed he'd failed Megálos took the chest straight back to the guild more excited about the story he'd be able to tell then the shiny things in his new pretty box.


    Treasure Training - Private - Job  Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 6:02 pm