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    Super Road Fighter IV!

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Super Road Fighter IV! Empty Super Road Fighter IV!

    Post by Shipping Goddess 25th September 2016, 6:01 pm

    Lilian stood outside the Talonia arena, listening to the music playing because of the tournament that was being held today. She looked at Marshmallow, her wyvern that stood next to her, took a breath in, and walked forward. Today would be the day she stopped a corrupt evil from within the tournament, a day that she'd prove to the world that she was a hero. She had to do this, for the people and for her reputation.


    An announcer boomed through a microphone, and with that trumpets and fanfare sounded. With a turn of the head to the wyvern, Lilian spoke to the wyvern.

    "Come on, Marshmallow. Let's go defeat some evil!"

    Earlier that Day

    Lilian sat on the bench of a park in Talonia, the home of guildless mages. She was here on some more errands to help her sickly mother, and hadn't prepared herself for a tournament that'd be held today. She was wearing her signature green head band, with a green tee shirt, blue zip-up hoodie, and blue jeans. It wasn't exactly cold, but it was definitely cool outside, and her draconic friend and partner aside her slept on the ground, letting Lilian bask in the rejuvinating power of sleep and the energy of being awake at the same time - it was another thing they shared. Lilian was intending to just get the tea she came here for and leave, but then she heard from a mysterious woman about the tournament.

    "Yes, I'm enclosing on it now. This tournament will be there final injustice." the woman said on the phone she had.

    "Enclosing on who? I'll be glad taking down anyone that does injustice!" Lilian felt slightly ashamed for butting in.

    "A criminal orginization running a tournament to find out Fiore's strongest fighter. Normally the tournament is fair and just, but their orginization has overthrown it. The normal members aside from a friend of mine and myself don't know of this change."

    "I'll help you defeat this Vega, then."

    "It is a 'winner continues forward.' Tournament. We'll have to fight one another eventually, so I don't want any possibility that you impede my progress. So no. Plus I'm with a team mate, and I despise unfair fights."

    The woman walked off, presumably to the arena, but Lilian was nowhere near the arena, and she didn't know where to go to get there. So she got up and walked in the polar opposite direction from the woman, trying not to have her get the idea of Lilian following her, and asked around. She first asked where the tournament was being held, but she only got the answers of "The Arena" or "I don't know." Then she asked for the location of the arena, and got a general understanding. Lilian then embarked, and was at the Arena in no time because she went via wyvern.

    After waiting a slight bit in line, Lilian got to the counter where she was given a clipboard to fill out. There was a bunch of statements about health issues and fighting, but Lilian only really paid attention to the stuff she had to fill out, not look at.

    Name: Lilian Truth
    Caster / Holder Magic: Holder
    Do you agree to not use weapons, pets, armors, or any other outside forces that don't entertwine with your magic?: Yes
    Signature: LilianT
    Solo or Team:

    This part was hard for her to write in, and Lilian didn't know if there was someone who needed a partner or not. She wanted to know, because she felt a weaker mage's presence nearby. Looking around, she spotted a girl, perhaps no more than teenaged. Approaching her, Lilian folded her arms and gave a waved.

    "Hello there. I couldn't help but notice your magical aura, it's weaker than most of those here. Heck, my own is. However mine is higher than yours, I can help you. I have my motives for defeating the criminals here, it'll benefit whatever motives you have, no?" Lilian said to the girl.


    Super Road Fighter IV! M7mHyEw
    Super Road Fighter IV! CKWpl03

    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
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    Super Road Fighter IV! Empty Re: Super Road Fighter IV!

    Post by Vaia 29th September 2016, 3:25 pm

    So this was the great arena Vaia had heard so much about? It was indeed great to the girl. She stood motionless on the street staring up in awe at just how massive the stadium was! She had never seen anything like it! Well, maybe the Sabertooth's guildhall, but outside of the floating building nothing came close! Vaia's sword vibrated silently on her waist, quickly sparking the memory of what she came here to do. Giving a confident smile, the girl marched right up to the sign up booth, and looked the sheet over.

    She couldn't help but feel some eyes on her however, as she silently turned her gaze to see numerous characters giving her evil stares. Of course Vaia's small frame and weapon didn't make her look very threatening, so it just made her presence there seem like a joke. A few chuckled at her, and this only continued to anger the girl more. She hated it when people did that. Perhaps it was her young instinct to always try and get stronger? Or get defensive when people thought otherwise? No matter the reason, her blood still boiled. Vaia would like nothing more then to prove all of these idiots dead wrong. She turned back to the sheet of paper, and furiously scribbled down her information. Of course her sword kept vibrating louder, its purple light glowing brighter and brighter.

    "I know! I know! Calm down will you? I can handle this." She said angrily seemingly to no one, but in reality she was actually speaking to the sword. Unkown to most, it was more like a living creature then it was an item. But that didn't make it any less dangerous... Vaia was just about finished when her hand stopped writing near to the bottom of the page. Solo or Team? They were allowed to have teams? Of course, that made the girl tremble a little. She was confident her speed could outlast most opponents, but not two at once. If these people were to gang up on her, she wouldn't stand a chance!

    Something happened though. As if Vaia had a stroke of good luck, an unfamiliar, femenin voice spoke directly to her. The Crimson colored girl turned her gaze over to see a much taller woman with long flowing green hair. She had just asked if she wanted to team up! "Uh... R- Really? You want me on your team?" She asked rather suspiciously, as the woman just finished telling Vaia how much weaker her magic aura was compared to everyone else's. Weather this was true or not didn't matter, Vaia's fist clenched with slight annoyance as her eyebrow raised. This woman did seem to feel a lot stronger then she was after all, and Vaia wasn't too naive to be turned away help when she desperately needed it.

    Her annoyed expression suddenly changed to a calm, almost cocky smile. "Sure lady. I'm Vaia." She said calmly... This would be the perfect opportunity to prove everyone here dead wrong about her skill. After all, magic was magic. The only thing that mattered was how you used it...


    | Vaia Nim | Sabertooth | D Rank |
    Super Road Fighter IV! B23b549be59cdabf6827df49447961350e453bc4_hq
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Demon Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Truth
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 1543.75

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    Super Road Fighter IV! Empty Re: Super Road Fighter IV!

    Post by Shipping Goddess 29th September 2016, 4:29 pm

    Lilian's folded arms unfolded, which went to rest on her waist. She hadn't truly wanted the kid on her team, but she didn't not want her on a team either. It was neither, she could use the help or she could solo, it was Vaia's choice.

    "Lilian Truth, pleased to meet you. I think we should turn in our papers, no?" Lilian held her paper in hand, quickly haven written "yes" in the team section, and written Vaia's name. She turned in her form to the clerk, whom in turn gave Lilian a nice gesture and told her to sit and wait.

    "Marshmallow, dear! Come on, we're to wait for our turn!" The entrance to the arena broke open as the wyvern 3 times normal human adult size walked in, its two legs stomping and bringing up dust. Lilian watched the wyvern lower its head, which was soon scratched by the green-haired heroine. Lilian loved the wyvern to death, both literally and figuratively. If one of them died, the other would too, so this brought upon a bond of trust and love, a partnership.

    Looking at the television displaying the first battle, words on the screen displayed that there was a returning champion, Wyvern, in battle at the moment. Lilian perked up, seeing this man, as his name was one of her favorite words, as she lived on Wyvern Valley, with a wyvern, from a line of wyvern riders. Was it only fate?


    The announcer sounded as the two were rushed out by the clerk, and Lilian saw what was.... Underwhelming to say the least. It was a man dressed in a pink gi that has his hair tied in a ponytail, with the most unnaturally cocky grin on his face.


    "What do you know about the criminals working here!?" Lilian cut the man off, having already heard his introduction, and not planning on hearing another.

    "Pfft, probably basking in the light of my glory! Not all the time do you get to-"

    "That's quite enough! I am doing my duty as a heroine, tell me if you know anything, now. Without some 'amazing' rant, I'm already annoyed because of the loud announcer, and Marshmallow is feeling very pissed off too!"

    "Er... Fine, lady. I don't! Gotta always ruin the monologue."

    "Actually I don't, the monologue is an essential part of scare tactics. However it doesn't work on me, I generally monologue against evildoers all the time! I'm just pissed. Hey, uhm, Vaia? Yeah, this guy has nothing I need. You may beat him as you see fit, only adhere to the rules of the tournament. You're here for the prizes, no? Well this is your fight, he has little to no magical aura anyways."

    The man looked down at Vaia, both figuratively and literally.

    "ALRIGHT! NOW YOU FACE THE AWESOME POWER OF HIBIKI! You, child, who needs to rely on the power of a higher ranking mage to get through the tournament!? PITIFUL! I'll show you the art of the Assassin's Fist fighting style! I personally trained with Masters and Wyvern under teacher Kouken to learn this! HYA! TORNADO BLADE-WOAAAAH!"

    The man jumped and spun around, forming some sort of helicopter kick. However this horribly backfired, as he fell on his butt right after. Lilian put her fingers to her temples as she sat on the sandstone arena floor, and just sighed. Although one thing did stand out to her - this man studied under Wyvern, the last year's champion, and some unknown person named Masters. She didn't know exactly who the two were, but Hibiki seemed to obviously be a failed student, and if Wyvern were able to win the last year's tournament then it was clear to the heroine that she needed a source of information on this Assassin's Fist style. This could prove, if the name was true, deadly, and the heroine wondered if last year's champion was also apart of the criminal orginization. Therefore, she paid attention to Hibiki fighting, albeit terrible it might actually provide insight on what the more advanced versions of it are, those of the previous champion Wyvern.


    Super Road Fighter IV! M7mHyEw
    Super Road Fighter IV! CKWpl03

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm