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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 239
    Guild : вℓα¢к ѕαιℓѕ [ Caretaker ]
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Lιƒє
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ? ? ? ?
    Second Skill: Ɲ / A
    Third Skill:

    Euphemia Empty Euphemia

    Post by Sora 9th September 2016, 10:42 am

    Euphemia EN6xOTL
    © Kazune @ Tumblr

    Name: Euphemia

    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Birthday: 10 / 04 / ????

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Special Characteristics: Stretching horizontally, there is a scar that hugs right along Euphemia’s frontal mid torso. The color of the scar horribly mismatches with her pale complexion (if ever visible to other individuals, creatures, etc…), and is one centimeter in its width. The appearance of it is very rough, certain sections stretching slightly away from the center of it. The scar ends just before the tips begin to reach Euphemia’s sides.

    Personality: When not dealing with jobs, guilds, disasters, problems… Euphemia tends to keep to herself. She’s quite the introverted individual, tending to keep away from large crowds of any kind if possible, and provide minimal interaction unless absolutely necessary. The woman is very soft-spoken, often finding herself mumbling and muttering to even herself sometimes without realizing it. When interacting with people and/or creatures (especially ones she’s not familiar with), she’ll take great care in considering their emotions. Euphemia is also considered to be overly polite, tending to ask permission for things people normally wouldn’t; an example being how she’d ask if it was okay to even be within certain proximities of them much less say anything in anyone’s presence. Even in situations where people or other forces of life seem close to clashing with one another, she’s one to try to keep those calm if she feels it’s possible - even if it’s a dangerous move that potentially puts her in the crossfire.

    Euphemia is also one who plays a few instruments: The violin and piano. She does practice more with the violin as she finds it more difficult for her to play rather than the piano. She tends to pass some of her time in the day if she’s free by performing with either instrument in any place that provides them. After all, one can’t really take a piano everywhere they go and a violin is rather precious to take with on missions and such. But she truly adores performing for small crowds, and as long as they stay that way she doesn’t have a problem keeping calm. It’s the big crowds she has issues with, because Euphemia always tends to keep away from them. And she has quite the ‘stage fright’.

    It takes time with people like Euphemia to get her to even open up the slightest, but when she does she switches from being a timid and soft-spoken Introvert to a quiet Extrovert. By that point, it’s easier to grow closer to the woman. She’ll still behave in a similar fashion of being soft-spoken and shy, but she’ll be much more confident in speaking with someone she’s comfortable with. There will be signs of gentle and friendly affection as well, such as occasionally holding the other’s hands in signs of comfort, hugging them for greetings, and even offering gifts to those she considers her friends out of the blue. Euphemia can also be a very sensitive woman, making it very easy for her to tear up and cry over certain situations - even sharing that the people that are closest to her are the ones that can utterly destroy her.

    Despite her shy and timid exterior however, if there is one thing that will allow any individual to get a sort of ‘sneak peek’ of who she is upon a first meeting, that’s when anyone needs help. Euphemia absolutely adores helping others, so much so that she fills up with energy and determination within seconds. No matter how long it takes, Euphemia wishes to help as many individuals and creatures she can before she isn’t able to anymore despite her being on a personal quest of her own. It is within this state and task of completing the objective that she can be found to be rather decisive and strong willed, marching on even if the ending may be bitter for her. Her confidence begins to show more and more, but she’ll occasionally pull it back - especially if she’s with someone else on any mission or task.

    The more people there are with her in a group, the less talkative she will be. Although, she will willingly cooperate with any group or leader within a heartbeat - provided their intentions are good. She is also the mage to constantly look over others’ mental and physical states, completely ignoring her own both on and off the battlefield. It is within this she makes sure that each and every individual is capable of continuing on, and mainly to confirm her own worries that everyone will be okay. However, it is in this fault that Euphemia tends to forget to look after herself. If another individual isn’t looking out for her, she’ll completely forget to stop and care for herself - possibly pushing herself over the edge to meet the goal’s objective without realising just how much care she needed. She is mainly the team member who looks out for others, always forgetting herself - even when on her own. Euphemia tends to behave more naturally when on her own, not retracting into her shell as often as she would have to with people around. She is a mage who does prefer to try and talk things out beforehand if possible, wishing to get down to the root of the problem so it doesn’t happen again altogether. However, she’ll be one to fight if she absolutely has to.


    • The Sea ;; Euphemia absolutely adores being anywhere near the water, especially swimming underneath it. She tends to observe and gaze upon the wildlife lurking below, especially the fish.
    • Hydrangeas ;; This mage likes all kinds of flowers, but her absolute favorite are Hydrangeas of any color, shape, and size.
    • The Violin & Piano ;; Euphemia has a hobby that she goes through at least once every single day, and that’s playing the violin and piano. She easily gets lost in listening to any kind of music as well, but mainly finds herself drifting off when it comes to music that deal with either instrument.


    • Big Crowds ;; This tends to speak for itself, but Euphemia is one who truly doesn’t like to be around many people. She finds herself getting very jittery and nervous, and will tend to keep rather close to someone she’s familiar with - if she’s with them.
    • Gore ;; There's a line each mage has regarding how far they'll go in fights. Some have lines that stretch out into the horizon, but Euphemia can't handle one thing: Gore. She can't handle excessive amounts of blood or graphic images, and faints on the very sight of it.
    • Caves ;; Euphemia tends to stay away from any cave or mountain if she can help it. She doesn't wish to go anywhere near them much less be in the area. She detests the idea of being in the cramped, dark spaces and easily unstable environments.


    • In War, Victory ;; Euphemia has been at war with an opposing group of individuals on her own, never being able to stay in one place for long. It is her motivation to one day be rid of this group that are hunting her down, the reason only known to her and them - albeit very different due to twisted ideals and opposing sides.
    • In Peace, Vigilance ;; One of Euphemia's motivations is playing all around Fiore for all kinds of people and creatures. She wishes to spread music in order to give people a sense of calm and happiness if possible, and help them through the times both good and bad of the current world that they all live in together.
    • In Death, Sacrifice ;; There's one thing that's very important to Euphemia in the world that's been taken from her. She's been searching for this important aspect for a long time, yet she knows the dangers that lies ahead once she grows closer and closer to finding the truth of its location. However, Euphemia is motivated to find the thing so dear to her, and if she had to, risk her very life for it to make sure that it finally be kept safe once and for all.


    • The Darkness ;; Euphemia may dislike caves but there's one aspect of them that terrifies her: The pitch black that engulfs them in the depths. She is horrified about what may be lurking in the deepest darkest trenches, and the slightest sound sends her into a heightened state of paranoia.
    • The Ghosts ;; Euphemia has rarely ever encountered a ghost or two, but just seeing them terrifies her into a state of shock. The reason behind her fear is something she's never told anyone, but it's rather. . . silly.
    • Needles ;; It is recommended you do NOT go anywhere near Euphemia if you have any sort of needle in your possession. She'll disappear faster than you appeared.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5’ 5” (165 cm)

    Weight: 110 lbs. (54 kg)

    Hair: Euphemia’s hair is a vibrant hue of blonde, and it’s nearly always kept down. It stretches down all the way to her mid back, and sometimes one can find the occasional hair pin in her hair. It’s rare to ever see her hair up.

    Eyes: A vibrant hue of blue, although sometimes the color and intensity of her eyes have been known to fade away. This all depends on her current physical strength.

    Skin Tone: Pale, although this tends to lose its color - following the same principle of her eye color.

    Appearance: Euphemia tends to wear long white, light pink, or black dresses on occasion while performing or just out relaxing during the days and nights. Usually she'll also have a cloak around her to keep warm on occasion - depending on the weather. The dresses are always long and not too loose, and nothing is very revealing about them. The dresses are also the same in design, but in different colors. Euphemia also tends to wear different designs of hair pins with her dresses - mainly located on the left side to hold a section of her hair back.

    Euphemia EQzrPG6
    © ??? @ Tumblr

    On missions, Euphemia's outfit changes to that of a mainly cloaked appearance - underneath it wearing a faction uniform of sorts that derives from unknown origins. The uniform's appearance is that of jeans and a long sleeve, turtle neck black shirt. The shoes are outlined with protective leather and material, and on the shoulder of the right section is a very faded and patchy circle indicating that something used to be there - an insignia of some sorts - but Euphemia rid herself of it off in some shape or form.


    Guild: Guildless

    Tattoo: N/A

    Rank: C - Rank


    Euphemia Large
    Ɛυρнємια // Mαgιc (???) // Ɓαηк

    "I'll find them again... Even if I have to give up everything."


    Euphemia Empty Re: Euphemia

    Post by Guest 13th September 2016, 5:37 am

    Euphemia AESz729

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:34 pm