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    An Unlikely Duo

    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 30th August 2016, 2:19 pm

    As per the norm of Sabertooth, the guild was up in the early hours of the day partying and drinking as guildmates returned or waited to go set forth on job requests from all across Fiore. Members of the guild clambered around the board picking at jobs that best suited their talents and abilities. Zar had just recently been promoted to C rank and was looking for a challenge to test his mettle on and had heard of a recent job that might be right up his alley. Puffing on his lit pipe, he scanned the board until he came across the job he was looking for; Find the "One Piece." A curious job title he thought and began to ponder what the one piece could be as he read further into the job. It was listed as located on Divide Island and would require meeting the job poster in Hargeon Port to set sail with the one who offered the job. He smirked a little as he read about the pirates that were the cause of the job notice. They had stolen the map to this "one piece" and would need to be defeated in order to find the treasure that caused the Divide in the Island. He could feel this was the mission that was best suited for him and took it off the board to sign up for it. "I wonder if I should bring somebody along as back up. It could do my health well to have some kind of assurance I'd succeed in this endeavor. The only question is who would be willing to join me? Guess I better figure that out soon." He thought aloud. He took the job posting and placed it on the table in front of the barkeep. "I'm signing up for this job and if anyone would like to tag along that you know of it would be much appreciated."





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 31st August 2016, 10:59 am

    Job Information:


    It was a week after Lynn came back from a job in which she was injured, her waist aching faintly from the wound that was pretty much healing already. She still had to take some medicine for it, but she felt perfectly fine and was already looking to take on another job. Since the day she had returned, she noticed some new faces in the guild. It was always nice to have new members. Even though Ace of Spades was in ruins, the floating guild itself was still able to hold people and actually float despite the fact that the dragon literally bumped into it with its side or something. It needed repairs here and there, but not everywhere. Lynn sat at the bar, reading the news and seeing how they made it to the front page with the lovely picture of said dragon burning down Ace of Spades. She kept the paper on her side and took a long drag from her cigarette until it burned out, pressing the butt into an ash tray.

    “I'm signing up for this job and if anyone would like to tag along that you know of it would be much appreciated.”

    Head raised as her attention was caught by this announcement, Lynn took a quick look at the job sheet the male had in hand. She could read the big bold words, something about finding a treasure that pirates had found a map to. So the request was to stop the pirates. The blonde woman waited for a few moments in case someone wanted to volunteer, but since no one was offering to tag along, Lynn stood up and pulled her coat so it didn’t fell off. “Sounds like fun. Let’s go,” said Lynn, taking the lead outside to the large platform where Zlatan would be resting.
    Word Count: 0304/6300

    Last edited by Lynn on 26th September 2016, 1:30 am; edited 1 time in total


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 31st August 2016, 11:38 am

    The reply came from behind Zar, startling him slightly as he hadn't seen anybody behind him when he approached the bar. He was excited that he finally had someone to go on a mission with, so he turned to greet the female voice he had heard creeping up behind him only to see the back of a blonde girls hair running outside. "Damn, she's quick on her feet that's for sure." He said to himself as he trailed behind her out the door where he hoped she would be waiting. What he found upon exiting the guild hall was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before; a large lion with the wings of a giant bird of prey. Its mane was neatly looked after showing that the girl who accepted his request took great care of this magnificent beast. He continued examining the beasts claws, wings, tail and overall figure. As it was an arcane being his interest in the beast was tied to his quest to find any and all arcane lore to memorize and learn to surpass all others. There was no doubt in Zar's mind that this had to be one of the guild's more powerful mages as no lowly ranked guild mage would be able to tame such a beast with the amount of energy emanating from its powerful aura. Excited over the prospect of travelling with the wizard, he finally turned to her and addressed her properly. "I thank you for taking on this request ma'am. Would you do me the honor of telling me a bit about yourself before we depart on this quest?" He asked as he took a puff from his pipe and studied her without intruding in her space."





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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 1st September 2016, 6:33 am

    Job Information:


    On reaching the platform, she whistled to alert the sleeping lion, who woke up almost instantly. “We have a job, finally, after like a week of doing nothing,” she told her guardian. It’s not that she really wasn’t doing anything. She had been waiting for her injury to cure, so she couldn’t do anything. Now that it had healed to the point that she could go on another mission, Zlatan did not disagree with her. He stood up with a grunt, noticing the man behind Lynn. “He’s new,” she told him. The Ice Dragon Slayer had already noticed that since he had asked who she was. The fact that he did not know the guildmaster made it clear he was a new guild member. “What’s your name? Mine’s Lynn,” she told him, climbing onto the back of the winged lion. She patted the space behind her for him to climb on. “Don’t worry, Zlatan doesn’t bite my friends,” she told him in case he was scared, since Zlatan looked everything but friendly.

    Once the two of them were both on the back of the monstrosity, Lynn ordered him to travel in the direction of Hargeon Town, where they were supposed to meet the client who would arrange a boat for them to go to Divide Island. They did not really need a boat since they had Zlatan and Lynn, being a Dragon Slayer, had motion sickness. That reminded her. “What magic do you use, by the way?” she asked the man. It came to her mind if he was a requip mage since he was in full armor even within the guild. Lynn knew that most requip mages felt better wearing metal than clothes. As they soared above cities and mountains and jungles, the view of Hargeon’s great ports came into sight. “We’re here.
    Word Count: 0608/6300

    Last edited by Lynn on 26th September 2016, 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 1st September 2016, 8:11 am

    Her unique command of the creature was quite an intriguing site for him. He had heard tell of mages with special bonds to creatures, but had never witnessed it himself seeing as how Zar had only travelled so far without a passport until recently.While thinking about the lion bird things relationship with the mage and the origins of the creature, he was startled by the utterance of dialogue from the direction of the lion. At first he assumed it had come from somewhere else as he began to search around him for the source of the voice, but to his surprise he found his attention landing back on the lion. It was the only place that the sound could have originated from, but it baffled Zar and kept him firmly rooted to the ground in shock. Hearing an animal talk was both exciting and a frightening prospect, but it opened up a gateway to new opportunities of discovering ancient knowledge that the beast, however old it may be, may know about the world around it. Zar pulled himself together and addressed both of them in kind. "Greetings noble beast.You are correct in assuming my greenhorn status. I was only recently invited into the guild and this will be my first mission with a partner so I'm looking forward to the experience." He said calmly and collected himself before continuing. "Forgive me, but this is the first time i've had the pleasure of speaking to any sort of animal in my short time in this existence. I hope that when business isn't in the way that we might be able to form some dialogue in the future." He said graciously, and then directed his attention to the one he now knew as Lynn. "My name is Zar Valarblood. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I've never flown before so bear with me if I act unusual while riding this magnificent creature." He did his best to fumble on top the creatures back where she directed him to sit and get a good grip into its fur without harming it. "Thank you for allowing me onboard, Zlatan."

    The take-off was nothing short of turbulent, as Zlatan cut through the wind at breathtaking speeds and giving Zar a glimpse of the world that no other mode of transportation could. This was the kind of thing he had hoped to experience when he set out on his adventure for all the arcane knowledge the world had to offer. It was his first great taste of something strange and new and unexplored that he couldn't help but feel joy over the experience. He noticed Lynn looking back at him in his armor and following up by asking about his magic which brought him back from being lost in the wonderment of flying. "Oh right. I'm sure you'd like to know what powers I hold. My powers lie in Shadow magic. I use the shadows around the world, as you may have guess, and other sources like myself to cast my magic. It's a little more complex than that, but for not this explanation will suffice. Besides it will be more fun to show you when we meet these pirates who we'll be competing with." Zar's attention was brought below them as he could see the port where he had acquired his passport from not too long ago and smiled. He was almost certain now that this wouldn't be the last time he'd visit this port as something about the location made him feel so. "Question," He blurted over the sound of the roaring wind, "Where exactly do you plan on landing Zlatan with all those people shuffling back and forth on the docks?"





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 2nd September 2016, 10:06 am

    Job Information:


    Confusion made her brows knit slightly as the new Saber talked about having conversations with Zlatan. He probably thought that the lion could speak since Lynn said something to him. Realising that this was the most plausible situation, she decided to inform him, “He doesn’t really talk. You know, out loud. He can only talk to me by sending me telepathic messages. But he does understand what you’re saying,” with a nod and a smile so that he did not feel awkward. “And since your first job partner is your guildmaster, I guess that’s something you could be proud of in the future,” she added with a small laugh. She had meant it to make him laugh. “Zar Valarblood is quite the unusual name,” she commented, “And don’t worry about it. You’ll get used to it.” The last part was referring to him talking about never having flown before. “It’s fun to fly, actually, even though Zlatan is the only form of transport I can tolerate. Others make me sick. Oh and by the way, if saying ‘Zlatan’ is hard for you, you can call him Pride.

    Once they reached Hargeon’s ports, Zlatan lowered himself closer to the water. “We aren’t landing. In fact, we are going to keep flying. You do the talking,” she said, eager to see how well this new person. Of course the winged lion had caught the attention of a lot of people at the ports, but this was nothing new to both of them. Lynn made sure they hovered near where the client would be. An odd looking man turned towards them and began to ask who they were and what their business here was. He looked desperate as well, as though he was expecting someone and they were late. Lynn turned to Zar and waited for him to say something to the man.
    Word Count: 0918/6300

    Last edited by Lynn on 26th September 2016, 1:29 am; edited 1 time in total


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 2nd September 2016, 1:37 pm

    The realization hit Zar harder than the initial take-off from the landing pad minutes earlier as he had just been informed that the woman accompanying him turned out to be the guild master of Sabertooth; the guild he had just recently joined. He was worried his worthless banter within their first few moments of meeting one another had done nothing, but make him seem inferior to her and their obvious gap in power by a wide margin. However, she managed to ease his worries by making him realize how great an opportunity this was to show how well he could perform in a life or death situation to the guildmaster herself. He stifled his worries and took hold of himself once more. "I appreciate everything this experience will bring to my life. I won't disappoint you master and that's a solemn vow!" He said with determination flowing from his vocal cords, "As for flying, its not as bad as I expected it to be. It's actually quite a thrilling joy ride aside from some of the turbulence and swift turning! And do not fret over me having trouble pronouncing his name. I find myself versed im deciphering language as it is required for someone with my ambitions."

    As they hovered over the port and the client, he noticed the worried looks and could feel their trembling as they all got far away from the flying lion. It would appear he was not the only one that was cautious around a large predatory animal that could also fly. He chuckled at the thought and turned his attention to the client and addressed him as such. "Greetings sir. We're here about the job and we've come to assure you the job will be completed as you requested."
    The old man's body seemed to ease up as a sigh of relief passed from his lungs. "Oh thank you. I was beginning to lose hope that anybody would show up and i'd have to go out by myself. Now if you'll come with me onto my ship then we will depart to where these wicked pirates are hiding my treasure!" Zar cleared his throat and interrupted the client as he began to walk away. "Actually sir, as you may have noticed we have our own means of transportation and feel it would be more effective at reaching the island in a more timely matter. Isn't that right Master?" He said, shifting the client's attention to her. "Is that so?" He said, "And what about me huh? How am I going to tell you what you'll be facing out there or where to look if i'm not accompanying you on my ship?"





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 3rd September 2016, 9:48 am

    Job Information:


    Lynn smiled at the old man who, at first, stared at them in horror thanks to Zlatan but then turned to Zar when he spoke, his facial expression changing immediately when he spoke of the job. He said that he was worried that no one would turn up to complete his job request. Lynn only smiled and watched as they spoke, and then in the end when he invited them to get onto his ship so they could go together, Zar told him that they had their own means of transportation and as if to confirm this statement, Zlatan let out a low grunt. The old man looked confused at first and then spoke his mind, asking how he would direct them and tell them what to do if he was not there himself. “Oh, don’t worry about it. We can handle the rest ourselves,” she told him and then nodded, patting Zlatan to signal him to depart now. The old man wished them good luck and waved at them. Truthfully he looked relieved and happy, otherwise he would have to be following around and doing work he probably did not want to.

    And so they flew in the direction of the Divide Island, Zlatan knowing exactly where it was since he sort of had the map of Fiore in his mind and did not need directions anywhere. He could pretty much navigate himself anywhere in the country and a bit outside. It would not take long, apparently, according to Zlatan’s calculation, if they went at a certain speed which was much faster than now. “If you don’t mind, we’ll be speeding up so hold on tight!” said Lynn to Zar and immediately afterwards not waiting for confirmation from Zar they were moving through the sky like a yellow furry jet.
    Word Count: 1219/6300

    Last edited by Lynn on 26th September 2016, 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

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    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 3rd September 2016, 9:09 pm

    The old man was relieved upon hearing confirmation from lynn that he would not have to put his life in harms way after all, and that the mages he hired would do most of the heavy lifting themselves. He nodded and waved them off as Zar hopped back onto Zlatan's back and grabbed a firm hold into his fur as they set off toward Divide Island in search of the pirates and once they were dealt with they would have to dig up the treasure. It seemed easy enough, but he was more so concerned with the fact that these pirates had a mage on par with Lynn's skill in magic that far surpassed his own. He would have to be very careful in his choice of attacks or else this would end up being his last mission he would ever take part in; at least in this life. The thought of dying hadn't truly crossed his mind much even with the odds stacked against them, but it was probably best for him to feel the full gravity of the situation they were being thrust into.

    He centered himself and closed his eyes while continuing to hold a firm grip on Zlatan. The aura around him began to churn and become darker as he connected himself with the Realm of Shadows to prepare himself for combat and have his powers peaked and primed in the coming hours. He knew not the length of the fight, but he would use every ounce of fighting spirit he had to vanquish the enemy with extreme precision and prejudice. During this moment of concentration he heard Lynn say something about speeding up, but the moment it finally dawned on him what she had said he was already struggling to dig into Zlatan's fur to keep a good hold. "Are you trying to throw me off? Because it's almost going flawlessly." He said laughing nervously as he pulled himself back into a secured position. The rush of speeding up had taken him out of concentration, but his few moments of connection with the Realm of Shadow's had given him more than enough strength to be ready for whatever they would face on the island that was steadily growing closer to them.





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 26th September 2016, 1:25 am

    Job Information:


    Lynn chuckled when Zar asked if she was trying to throw him off. “Sorry about that. I like to waste as little time as I can,” she told him, hoping he would understand. She was used to flying with Zlatan so she was able to keep her balance on his back. Zlatan did make sure he was not going fast enough for Zar to fall. It was kind of a surprise to Lynn because her guardian was usually not very fond of her new friends, especially if they were male. He had witnessed some men try to harm Lynn (though it was on a job and this was nothing out of the ordinary) and from that day onwards he would not let men near her, especially if they were strangers. Not that Lynn had never faced female adversaries before, but Zlatan seemed to forgive the women and did not act as cautious when female strangers approach Lynn. They reached the island a while later. It was a perfectly normal looking island, except that it hid a treasure that some pirates were coming for and they were supposed to stop this.

    We’re here,” said Lynn as if it was not obvious enough. Zlatan landed on the sand near the shore south of the island and Lynn dropped off his back, looking around for any sign of pirates or ships. There were none at the moment, maybe they were early. She told Zlatan to fly above the island and report back if he found any suspicious activity. He took off immediately and left the two alone. “Alright so we should begin searching around,” she said, starting to walk eastwards along the shore since there was no one to spot them yet. It was still best to be careful, so she had her eyes peeled and her ears perked up for any danger that might come their way.
    Word Count: 1534/6300


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

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    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 1st October 2016, 10:56 am

    Zar continued to secure himself on Zlatan's back as best he could with the speed of the beast, and after moments more of struggling against the wind force, he was finally able to remain steady on their ride. It was an intriguing sight to witness such a bond between Lynn and Zlatan; a perfect pairing of beast and man. Their bond seemed to pass the mere title of friendship and encompass the roles of partners and protectors of one another. It was a magical thought and one he hoped to see on many more missions to come. It was moments later when they reached the island, a beautifully isolated paradise amidst a mysterious sea that hid treasures well beyond the one they were here to re-acquire from pirate scum.

    He hopped off of Zlatan as soon as Lynn did and accompanied her as they began their search across the island. There were no ships docked on this side of the island or they would have been spotted coming over and alerted the pirates to our presence. When Lynn suggested that they search to the east, Zar halted her in her tracks and pointed to himself, "I can cover vast tracts of land in a short amount of time. If you'll give me but a moment I'll be back with an assessment of what lies ahead." Before she had time to offer any objections, he melded with the shadows and took off into the forested area of the Island. As he promised, it didn't take long for Zar to locate the pirates they were looking for. They had set up a base camp utilizing a sea cove that ran into the island to hide their ship from sight and a ridge to scout for oncoming ships to plunder. He spotted about five pirates watching the horizon and presumed the rest were inside the cove along with the treasure. While scouting he noticed one of the pirates get up, walk away from the makeshift camp, and enter a large rock. "How did he enter a rock?" Zar thought to himself. To answer his query, he followed to where the pirate disappeared to and found a hidden hatchway blended into the rock that led down into the cove. With an adequate amount of scouting information on the pirate, Zar quickly headed back to Lynn and informed her of the situation.





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 8th October 2016, 8:49 pm

    Job Information:


    Zar’s response to her suggestion that they should begin searching was the statement that he was able to search far and wide. With a satisfied smile and nod, she let him do what he pleased. Meanwhile, all she could be concerned about was his safety since he wasn’t as high ranked as her and probably couldn’t face the enemies on his own. But since he was going in the form of shadows, she decided she didn’t need to follow him for now. With Zar on a different route to search for the pirates, Lynn roamed around and tried to look as far as her line of sight reached. Zlatan was right above her for the time being and since she was a bit bored by the fact that she wasn’t finding any of the enemies, she told him, “Don’t shit on me, mate,” quite seriously, but Zlatan found it funny anyways and let out a rough laugh.

    A while later, Zar returned with useful information that the pirates were entering a cove through a rock and this was their first great discovery. “Alright, good jo! Looks like we found our lead,” she said, then told him to lead them to the place he found the rock and sent a telepathic message to Zlatan telling him to follow them from above and make sure he didn’t lose track of them since the jungle they were going to enter was quite deep. Stepping and squelching on some mud at the entrance of the jungle, Lynn made sure her ears were alert to any sound around them because this might just be a trap, be it Zar went as a shadow or not. The squelching sound of her boots in the mud could easily attract attention since the jungle was strangely silent. There were no birds making any sounds or other animals roaming about. It was dead silent, and only the squelching...aside from the occasional buzz of insects.
    Word Count: 1860/6300


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 247
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 1325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Shadow Magic
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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 9th October 2016, 7:49 am

    Moster roll



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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by NPC 9th October 2016, 7:49 am

    The member 'Zar Valarblood' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 9th October 2016, 8:25 am

    Zar and Lynn walked through the forest, an eerie silence accompanying them throughout its muddy vegetated confines. The forest seemed void of all life as even the trees remained silent, not a single blade or leaf swaying in the wind. It was a peculiar phenomenon that brought a deeply unsettling feeling into his stomach. It was highly possible that they had been spotted by someone who could control nature with their magic and commanded the jungle to mute all sound emanating from it as an early warning system against intruders; at least that's what Zar would have someone like that do if he were in hiding from magic guilds. He floated just in front of Lynn so she never lost sight of him in his shadow form, allowing him to take the first of whatever ambush was sprung through their passing.

    No longer than ten minutes had passed on their trek through the jungle and still not a single enemy had revealed themselves to attack the intruders on their island. Perhaps they really weren't aware of Lynn and Zar's presence within the jungle and they would be able to sneak up unawares upon the pirates. He turned his attention to Lynn, continuing to float backwards as he talked. "It's a little odd that an entire pirate base can be so close to one of the most trafficked ports in all of Fiore, and not a single authority figure has noticed enough to try and stop it? It may just be my mind wandering from the boredom of the situation, but what if the pirates are paying off the officials to allow them to remain undisturbed while they're here? There's no way that the government wouldn't see wizard pirates as a problem any other way than this." His words carried the weight of every conspiracy theorists and hypothesised idea in Earthland, but they weren't too far off from the truth of corruption in Fiore.

    Crime and corruption went hand in hand in this current era of the wizarding world with countless people forsaking the legal guilds bound by the laws of the magic council, and starting their own dark guild or gangs of ruffians to live a free and full life. Zar'd never dream of leaving Sabertooth, not after everything they've done for him by feeding him, giving him a home, and providing him ample job opportunities to boot. However, the thought of being free from all the rules of the world and able to pursue all his life's works in solitude was more than just enticing as the idea sunk further into his psyche. Zar's eyes fell back on Lynn as she walked and surveyed their surroundings. He wondered what she would think if she ever heard him talk in such a manner about the world. Surely she wouldn't put up with such lawlessness growing within her guild so he refrained from bringing the thought into the open.

    They finally came to the clearing out of the jungle and into the large open view of the ocean from the rocky outcropping. Zar's eyes fell onto the makeshift lookout post that the first pirates he saw had been sitting only to find a smoldering campfire and overturned stools. Had they been called underground for some secret meeting? Or had Zar been right from the beginning and they had laid an ambush for them both. Just as the words left his mouth two axes flew straight at him and Lynn, passing through Zar without causing any injury to him. The pirates were baffled at first to which Zar replied in kind by teleporting into one's shadow and placing a shadow bomb on his back. It exploded and sent them flying in either direction, one landing closer to Lynn which he allowed her to deal with while Zar fired a barrage of shadows into the prone ambusher, and delivered a finishing blow with a swift swing of his greatsword onto his head.





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 9th October 2016, 4:20 pm

    Job Information:


    It looks like the squelching had alerted the pirates in some way because there was not a single sign of human presence around here and it was starting to give her an odd vibe. They were probably watching their every step, which didn’t really make Lynn want to stop walking. Instead, she started walking slower, making sure she was more cautious a few seconds ago. The sounds...as if they were silenced on purpose could not be heard at all. Lynn was just about to tell Zar to keep quiet using body language but it was too late. He decided of all the times that this was the best to discuss politics. That was the moment she realised that there was no point trying to be sneaky. Straightening and taking a deep breath, Lynn patted her top jacket and smiled at Zar. “Aren’t you quite the curious one? I don’t mind because it’s not my business but you do make a point. Corruption is a thing that isn’t very easy to get rid of either.” After speaking what she thought was the shortest and best response for the time being. After saying this, they kept walking and nothing happened for a while until two axes came flying their way. Of course the axe aimed at Zar went straight through him, but the axe wasn’t going to pass through Lynn, so she leaped to the side and landed at the root of a large tree. She immediately stood back up and took cover using the tree. Nothing happened in a few seconds until a bomb sounded and a sudden thought of worry clouded her mind. Zar couldn’t be hurt could he? He was in his shadow form and things went through him in this form. Now that she was assured of his safety, it was perfect timing that one of their enemies landed at her feet probably blown there by the impact of the bomb. Lynn didn’t have much to do with him, so she froze the fluids in his body slowly until his insides were frozen enough for her to rupture him from inside.

    Lynn moved out from behind the tree and checked how many of them were there to get rid of and was a bit disappointed by the fact that there were only four in total, including the one that she had just managed to knock out. Zar was taking care of another and now she had time to take care of the remaining two. She wasn’t sure if Zar wanted to help her, but she really didn’t need his help as yet, so as if to make a quick alert to inform Zar, she said, “I’ma finish these two!” and headed for them. She couldn’t imagine how stupider these men could get. They threw their only form of weapons at her, which she dodged effectively, which made them useless now without their weapons. “Pretty stupid, aren’t you?” she asked, but was a bit shocked when they brought out another axe each and threw at her. Wings of pure ice sprouted from her back as she soared upwards to dodge the axes. It seemed they could produce axes? Or did they store a lot of axes on their person. If it was either of the cases, she had to make use of the little time she had. The space behind her back was now occupied by a quiver of arrows and in her hand, a bow, everything being made completely of ice. With a swift movement, two arrows flew from her bow to the necks of the two adversaries. The point of the nerve that was connected to the heart.
    Word Count: 2472/6300


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 9th October 2016, 6:14 pm

    Moving from his previous victim to turn and face the others that had appeared, he found himself with a face full of frozen guts flying through his immaterial body. It was something he was familiar with and didn't offset his resolve or the rumbling in his stomach, but what did astonish him was the power of the ice abilities that had to cause the obliteration of the wounded pirate that had once resided wholly on the ground. Her powers weren't that of a normal ice wizard because she seemed to produce her spells so effortlessly as a seamless entity tied into her every movement. Zar's quizzical mind wandered to the possibility of her abilities not being entirely natural and solely from her body but an exterior or interior substance that allowed for such power to flow so purely from her body to deal such devastation to her foes.

    As he continued to admire her flawless finisher, Zar almost missed the two added axemen come out of the brush and attempt to take down Lynn in retaliation for their comrade's deaths. In the stupid fashion of all pirates of lower intellect, they threw their only form of weapons at Lynn who easily dodged both of them with little to no effort. He was more than disappointed at the fact that the first enemies they had fought were presenting little more than a teaser of a threat to them, acting as a bratty child poking away at the bear until they are systematically mauled to death and eaten to end their nuisance to the far more skilled opponents. It was a sad day for Zar at this point into the job, but he was hopeful the captain and his top lieutenants would provide him with the gut-wrenching entertainment and excitement he had previously expected in the initial arrival onto the island.

    When she was finished toying with her enemies, he witnessed a mystical display of beauty and power from Lynn's wings of pure ice that formed at her command. She flew up above them as the axemen continued to throw axes from nowhere specific as if they could pull them from thin air. There hadn't been any bags on the two he'd blasted away so maybe these two had come better prepared than their counterparts. It mattered little as she let forth two ice arrows from a bow of pure ice she had formed, skewering the two pirates in their necks, dropping to the ground void of all life.

    With their threats dead, Zar took to searching the bodies and was welcome to find a silver key that presumably opened the hatch to the rest of the base. They would have to be quick for the others to not notice these four missing from their check-ins. He waved Lynn down and pointed to the rock that he began walking toward as he spoke. "I've got the key to their hideout. It's the rock over there. Now come down from there. We have to hurry down into the cove before their alerted to our presence and we lose the element of surprise."





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 11th October 2016, 8:58 pm

    Job Information:


    Her aim seemed to have been more accurate than her calculation since Lynn was a bit anxious; what if her arrows didn’t strike the right place? But it looks like it did, because once the icy blades connected with their necks, they couldn’t bring themselves to make another move, and it was the end for them. While Lynn admired her work, she turned to check on Zar who seemed to have finished his part of the job as well. She then looked around to check if there were more of these men and then descended to the ground after making sure that there was no one left conscious or alive except for Zar and herself in the area. As she was about to open her mouth to speak, Lynn immediately shut up upon hearing that Zar had acquired the key to their enemies’ hideout. “Very nice,” she commented with a satisfied smile and began following him to the ‘rock’ that was the entrance to said hideout.

    With an alert mind, Lynn followed close behind Zar, climbing into the rock opening that was covering the entrance to a hideout underground. It was definitely dark and wet; she hoped it wasn’t full of mud and puddles. To her surprise, the hideout was much drier than she expected and also very quiet. A sickeningly strange smell lingered in the air. Lynn tried her best not to make a sound and waited for Zar to come up with a plan other than ‘barge in and finish everyone on sight’ which was Lynn’s regular approach at jobs like this, since her strength matched at least two of the men previously combined. In no time, they would hear footsteps getting louder by the second. Lynn was already prepared, standing still and calmly. More enemies? Come at.
    Word Count: 2772/6300





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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 11th October 2016, 8:59 pm




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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by NPC 11th October 2016, 8:59 pm

    The member 'Lynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 12th October 2016, 9:25 pm

    There we no guards to be heard of once they entered the cove, but its massive size would bring anyone to guess anywhere from 20 to 100 pirates could live comfortably and secure inside this natural hidden base carved into the island's core. The cave hosted its own mini ecosystem of trees, crops planted by the pirates, various jungle animals, and plenty of fish swarming the waters below their overlooking view of the hideout. The gargantuan ship sat tied to the massive dock the pirates had constructed, creating a path directly leading to their large-scale housing structure that was filled with lights and the sounds of drunken laughter. If they were truly intoxicated at this point then there would be no way for them to notice the guards that were missing. A perfect moment was presented before Lynn and Zar, and he aimed to seize hold of it.

    As he made his way forward, the sounds of rustling leaves and twigs breaking permeated from the path up ahead. It grew louder for several moments until four more of the previous axe-wielding enemies were upon them. The four men, reeking of booze and sweat, quickly drew their axes after spotting them and rapidly began chucking them all around. Sharpened axes flew in every direction that the pirates saw the intruders through their blurred vision, barely missing Lynn and passing through Zar. He decided he'd take advantage of their intoxication and have some fun toying with them. He teleported himself directly in the center of them, causing them to swing wildly and hit their comrades each time they passed through his body. After a few more failed attempts and stumbling over each other's mangled arms, they finally regained some focus and started aiming at Zar again. Zar drew his sword from his side, deflecting the axes away and teleporting in between their shadows, slicing each one twice as he passed through, bringing them to their knees.

    They slowly began to bring themselves up slowly and shouted defiant slurs in his direction. Zar entered his fighting stance, positioning his sword arm at a 45-degree angle and pointing it toward them as he addressed them, "Surrender now and cooperate or I won't hesitate to execute you where you stand, pirate filth." "Do yer worst young pup. Will not stand to be bossed around by some crook of shite." "So be it," Zar sighed, and teleported right between them, casting his Dark Greed into the middle of the pirates, hitting all of them at once as well as creating an area of watery shadows at their feet. From the shadows came warped black shadows, piercing into the pirates and pulsing as they drained their life forces until their entire bodies, clothing and all, were sucked into the abyss and slowly ceased to exist.

    He made sure there was nobody else in the area before signalling Lynn to move further up with him down the trail. The guards Zar had just killed must have been the lookouts, as there were no other signs of movement apart from within the pirate's housing. With his scan of the compound complete and his mind certain no one else remained outside, Zar's thoughts fell on his constant display of his darker abilities in front of their guild master. He had hoped not to reveal much of his powers to anyone just yet until he was certain they wouldn't kick him out, but now he'd already shown off four of his signature moves to the very person that controlled his fate in the guild. Perhaps it'd be best to allow her to initiate on the final batch of pirates. "Say, Master, would you kindly do the honors of drawing out the rest of the pirates? I doubt there's many left to challenge us of any merit aside from the captain."


    Zar Valarblood
    Zar Valarblood

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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Zar Valarblood 12th October 2016, 9:30 pm

    monster roll



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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by NPC 12th October 2016, 9:30 pm

    The member 'Zar Valarblood' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by Fair 14th October 2016, 11:59 am

    Rolling for path to the right.



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    An Unlikely Duo Empty Re: An Unlikely Duo

    Post by NPC 14th October 2016, 11:59 am

    The member 'Lynn' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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