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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]


    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 27th August 2016, 5:11 am

    A brushing sound could be heard erupting from his throat as the tense and tasteful soda flushed right down his spine. The bottle was emptied in less than seconds by the red-haired Sabertooth mage who was simply dashing around the Ace of Spades, the large area/city of his guild. Honestly, he barely had much familiarity with the overall city yet, except from the night strives that he had back then; the times where he leaped from roof to roof before spotting the destined comet that lead him to where he stood now. You could say that destiny lead him many places; for example, his encounter that turned out into a life-long friendship between him and the alien Sei, specifically the one cute being that held tightly to his back while he walked around. It could fly and all, but it found peace on Imai’s back; the reason was unknown. However, he never questioned that, and neither did it bother him; he was quite okay with Sei’s behavior. Now, where did he end up as well until now… oh yeah, also his encounter with probably the cutest person that he’d ever met before. While thinking about her, his mind suddenly sparked as it changed atmosphere completely and without warning; didn’t he make a promise back then when he met Kirara? A certain promise saying that he was to never forget to take her along all his adventures, so to say this one for instance? Sweat trickled down his cheek as he was reminded, causing Sei’s curiosity to turn on as it stuck its head out to him. “… Damn,” he let out silently, “Heh, sorry about that Kirara… He looked up in the air as he could clearly see her face above him. A calm smile appeared on his face afterwards…

    "!" What was that? His ears caught words of rumors, something that he rarely took part of. However, if he heard right, then a few miles from the city had appeared a ‘crystal’. Bang, his curiosity took over; was it from space? Perhaps something caused by magic? Was it threatening? Valuable? Did it make any kinds of contact with humans? Was it a special type of crystal? Did it light up in darkness? Was anything inside that crystal? What else appeared over there? He could’ve kept on questioning as his feet charged across the streets, towards the said location of the phenomenon. His eyes sparkled with excitement to see what was going on, and to find out what this crystal was all about…

    (POST #1, 423 words)

    Last edited by Imai-chi on 28th August 2016, 4:29 am; edited 2 times in total





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th August 2016, 2:26 pm

    Job Details:

    Mashyuu sat on his bed, Amaia, his daughter in her room practicing her Magic and making a loud bang and bright flash of light from time to time from the spells going off. Hoseki, Mashyuu's Draconic friend laid on the ground watching over the room for anyone who might try to threaten the family. Only a few days ago Mashyuu found out about his father being alive and last night his father came to Earthland to drop a bomb of information on the brown haired Wizard. Lost in thought Mashyuu didn't notice the knock on his door, or the second one. It wasn't until Hoseki walked up to the door and opened it with his large talon and the messenger screamed that Mashyuu looked up. The door slammed shut and Hoseki turned around with a note in his claw.

    Sky blue eyes scanned the note and dropped it to the floor. Mashyuu scooped up his grey leather jacket from the back of his favorite chair and slung it on over his shoulders and left ar, leaving his right arm free as usual for his red tee shirts sleeve to rest against his arm. His head peaked into Amaia's room and he spoke in a calm, happy tone. "Sweetie, Daddy's got to go check something out for the guild. No you can't come, it might be very dangerous. If I don't come back tonight go to Itori's room and wait there until I get back and Rocky will be here in case you need anything." Mashyuu explained and waved to his daughter then casually walked to his window and jumped out of it.

    Wind rushed past Mashyuu as he free fell through the sky, speeding up with every passing second until Hoseki swooped in low under him and caught the Sabertooth Ace. Mashyuu wrapped his arms around Hoseki's neck and secured the hammer that was strapped to Hoseki's side. "Just outside the city, a big crystal has appeared, lets check it out!" Mashyu called out. Hoseki didn't say a word but nodded his large head to show he understood then took off for the outskirts of town. Flying over head it was easy for Hoseki to get to the crystal before any foolish civilians could. Mashyuu dropped down in front of the large crystal that was planted into a black pillar and inside Mashyuu could see something that made his heart sink. "Myuuki..." He whispered the name of a former member of his now departed team. She and her brother had asked to fight a knight alone while Mashyuu and Itori returned to Ace of Spades. Neither of them came siblings came back and had died fighting the man, with Myuuki being trapped inside of one of her spells, how was this transported here?

    Mashyuu was just about to reach out to it when Hoseki landed and sniffed the air. "Someone's coming, smells like a Sabertooth Wizard." Mashyuu stopped and glanced back over his shouder to see the small comet like Wizard rushing to the crystal. "OH! Yeah I proctored his C rank Exam. Might be a good idea to have him investigate this thing with me." Gently Mashyuu waved his red and black leather gloved hand at the boy and waited for him to arrive. "Good to see someone else reacted to this swiftly. Look, when you get close it glows. I was just about to touch it. I know the girl inside and this will transport us to what she called her inner realms. Each real represents a part of her. If she's in trouble, going in will the only way to help. You up for an adventure?" Mashyuu asked and reached for the crystal. Not wanting his friend to be alone Hoseki did the same and both vanished in a flash of light...

    WC: 641/8000

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

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    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 28th August 2016, 4:37 am

    Fogs of air could be seen coming out of Imai’s mouth as he sprinted. He hoped for everything that he would be the first wizard to check it out; imagine if another one had already went into some amazing investigation with the crystal before Imai even got there. Such a reality would hurt him a lot, so he kept advancing faster and faster. Sei was having trouble holding onto his back due to the speed. “Hold tight, Sei! We’re almost there..!” he warned his alien company, while charging across any obstacle; jumping over small food stands, dodging upcoming civilians, racing across the walls and lots of other things could describe his way of travelling across this town. He even went as far as to leap from one building to another, having help from his telescope as he used it to glide on ropes in order to reach several new floors. He was surely skilled in parkour for a guy who never trained such thing, but his recklessness was his pilot. That could always turn out badly, but thankfully, he didn’t get hurt or anything.

    Finally, he arrived to what appeared to be the outskirts of the town, seemingly nearby the strange crystal. He’d slowed down by the sight of mere civilians, no other wizards to have a race in investigating the crystal and all. Well, that was until he spotted a familiar wave over to him; the same guy who proctored, or rather, pushed him into his C-rank exam, Mashyuu. Imai waved back as he came running, arriving right beside the Dragon Slayer. “Oh, how’s it going Senpai..!” he cockily greeted. He managed to get a close look at the source of all the rumors that’d went across town; it was a large, glowing gem… with… was that a person?! A literal person was inside the crystal; Imai’s eyes widened by the view, and so did Sei show its curiosity of the stone. “What the… you know this person?” he asked the Sabertooth Ace. Apparently, this crystal was some kind of gate to her inner mind; seemingly some kind of magic that this person possessed. When Mash laid out the million dollar question, Imai let out a huge: “OBVIOUSLY!” After that outroar, he saw Mash and Hoseki disappear by a touch on the crystal. It was quite surprising to see them leave like that, but Imai wasn’t going back on his words, so he touched the same crystal with his own hand…

    Darkness followed after light. Imai could feel something wet beneath his hands as he laid on the ground. A very disturbing atmosphere was surrounding them, while the smell was disgusting. “Oi… it smells rotten in here. No offense to your friend, but…” he complained, while moving up of the surface. He took a quick look around, noticing that nothing appeared alive; trees were rotten down, congealed blood was everywhere and the corpses of deers could be seen in every corner. This place roared out disgust and sinister, causing Imai’s spine to bristle. “Where the hell are we… is this her inner mind?” he anxiously asked out. Sei was getting scared too as the little alien hugged tightly onto Imai’s back, trying to hide itself…

    (POST #3, 960/8000 WC)





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 28th August 2016, 6:09 pm


    "Senpai? Hey I'm only the teacher to my daughter, but I'll never leave any of my guild mates behind... So The Wizard world treating you good?" Mashyuu was struggling to remember the boys name, he hadn't made a massive impact in Sabertooth yet but Mashyuu had seen him around from time to time. "Yeah, I know the woman. She was a former Team Mate. Sometimes I feel like I could have stopped her from getting hurt, but it's too late to try and change that. All I can do is try to help her find peace. Whatever this crystal is, I don't want it here. Lets see if we can move it." Mashyuu added just before tapping the large gem and vanishing.

    Just before Imai, Mashyuu and Hoseki appeared in the dread forest and the smell assaulted and lingered in the Draconic beings senses. "OH god this is not okay. It's just like her to be hard to handle on the first meeting." Mashyuu complained while Imai appeared. Hoseki hadn't met this woman and had no idea but if Rocky were there then the stone Golem would have agreed. Blue eyes scanned the forest and counted the deer that laid strewn about and dead. "Nine... Why nine?" The Earth Slayer asked to nobody in particular. Just as he was about to talk to Imai, a tall slender beauty stepped out from behind a near by tree and spoke in a tone that was pleasing to the ear. "Hello, Wizards of Sabertooth. I am not here to hurt you. In fact I'm here to help you. In this realm only I can teleport freely, yet I cannot move the crystal. There is no way to leave unless we find the twelve shards of this realm and connect them at the core. Then the spirit that resides in the Crystal will release us. I can take you to where each crystal is, if you will help me?"

    Gently Mashyuu glanced at Hoseki, then Imai and shrugged his shoulders. "Well it can't be helped if helping you is the only way to put my friend at rest and get outta here. Lead the way cutie." Mashyuu rolled up his non existent right sleeve and pulled his Dragon's Boon war hammer off of Hoseki's side. The woman with long bluish hair smiled warmly at each Wizard the waved her arms in a large circle, opening a gate way that transported them all deeper into the forest. Standing in the middle of a clearing Mashyuu, Hoseki and Imai could see a dark sun over head and lumbering forward a massive monster, easily thirty feet tall hunched over, grey skin and a massive maw all spelled danger for the group, on either side of the monster two smaller ones, roughly the size of Mashyuu raced forward, rushing around either side of the group and howling. In a moments notice they lunged at the girl who teleported the Wizards. The large beast took a dark whiff of air and howled once before taking off at break neck speeds towards the team.

    "Mashyuu, the girl!" The Earth Dragon Slayer looked back as the two smaller beasts closed the gap. "Imai keep her safe, I'll see what can be done about the giant." While normally Mashyuu wouldn't want to fight that thing, his drive to keep his guild mates safe while putting faith in them took over his fight or flight instinct. Mashyuu raced forward a few paces took in a deep breath. Soil and stones, formed in his body and as he exhaled they launched out in a massive cone, enveloping the massive monster in one hurricane like could of stones, dirt, soil and rock. "Earth Dragon's Roar!" The blast struck true, stopping the beast and dealt internal damage to the monsters organs. Hoseki soared up high and aimed down at his three targets, a wide grin on his face while a beam of light appeared out of his mouth and he called out "Roar of the Gem Dragon!" A multicolored beam of light rushed out of Hoseki's mouth, hit the massive beast, bounced off of it, hit one of the smaller beasts, rushed past Mashyuu into the large one again and ended by slamming into the other small beast, dealing damage to every foe insane enough to attack the Sabertooth Wizards.

    WC: 1375/8000

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

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    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 30th August 2016, 6:23 am

    ‘So the Wizard world treating you good?’ That question had its challenges in being answered for Imai. Firstly, choosing to be a mage was quite a tough decision, especially with his overprotective parents. When Mashyuu asked his that question, it made him remember how much it took for him to convince those old guys to let him follow his dream. It was truly his greatest desire to become a mage, and he hadn’t regretted it one, single second. That basically meant that the world, the world of magic that he’d experienced for a while now had been blessing him with manifold adventures to be remembered eternally. Therefore, his response was a clear and quick nod to Mash’-senpai’. “You have no idea…” he cockily replied.

    And suddenly, there they were; inside the rather ghastly forest with every corner engulfed in horror. Somewhy, Sei began shaking. “Huh…” He could feel Sei’s vibrations on his back. He couldn’t blame the alien; it was a very creepy place to be. Mashyuu asked out about a count of nine… Imai didn’t understand his reason for questioning, until he too counted the dead corpses of deers. “Yeah, you’re right…” he mumbled in the middle of counting up to nine corpses and… surprisingly, a lady appeared from behind a tree, at first shocking Imai. However, as she spoke to them with a calm and quite pleasuring tone, his heart began pounding again. She said that she wasn’t here to harm them, but rather help them through wherever they were.

    Mashyuu appeared to fathom the situation and accepted her help, while Imai still wondered about what she meant by ‘if you will help me’. She didn’t tell what exactly that she needed help with; perhaps she was trapped in here too. Not wanting to get too far behind them, he leaped onto his feet and spectated as the lady engulfed them with a large circle of light, apparently sending them to another location. Question marks appeared on top of his head as it was basically the first time that he’d been teleported; he hoped that it wouldn’t leave any side-effects on him for later. At the new spot, there were more space, but when he took a look around, he noticed the extremely strange phenomenon of a dark sun above them. “What in the heavenly douche is that about..?” he let out at once, while lowering his gaze to spot yet another stranger; this time, it wasn’t human. THEY weren’t human. “!!!” Immediately, he grabbed onto his telescope and prepared himself to face the strange beasts that were appearing before them, one giant and two smaller ones that raced around the group with intimidating howls. “Watch out!!!” he tried to warn the lady as the smaller monsters reached for her, but she was quick enough to teleport the group of wizards to another spot. It happened a little too quick as Imai had to shake his head in order to follow up. Last thing that was heard was Mashyuu who asked him to keep the strange lady safe. “Count on me!” he replied with a grin. And so, the smaller ones began charging at Imai and the lady again, but he was set to bring them down as they would try to rip them to sheds.

    As Mashyuu made an entire scene at the other side, Imai engulfed his fist in a bluish nebula as one of the smaller beasts came too close. “Begone!!!” Sending it a knee to the face, he staggered it long enough to manifest the nebula into a blue light ball right in front of its face. The beam was launched, and so did it push away the monster with strong force. The other tried to jump on him as he was distracted, but he sent his telescope right into its stomach, following up with another light ball that would sent it flying. Those monsters had taken some damage from those attacks, only to get knocked back by Hoseki’s contribution; a roar of light from above that crushed down onto every monster in the arena. They were doing quite the destruction to the opening in the forest, which could easily be seen from even miles away. The woman was safe, so Imai would keep on keeping the smaller monsters, and eventually, the greater monster away from her. She was their only way of transport at the moment…

    (POST #5, 1693/8000 WC)





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 30th August 2016, 4:24 pm


    Battle was at hand and Mashyuu understood battle better than most. While a good offense was well and good it was easier to make sure Mashyuu didn't take any pain and wear the large beast down. Mashyuu hoisted his hammer up as the massive monster lifted it's clawed hand. It swung down hard, but was low compared to the dragon slayer. With both his slayer speed, the magical boost his ring gave him and the boots on his feet gave him, Mashyuu darted under the beasts swing and pivoted on his left foot, spun around and slammed his hammer into the monsters hand. The hammer roared like a dragon and erupted a massive blast of magma into the monsters massive hand. It howled in pain and took a swift kick to Mashyuu who let the beast hit him. The blast rocketed into Mashyuu and if he were a lesser Wizard the blast would have knocked Mashyuu through the forest but Mashyuu hadn't moved a half inch. Instead his arms were wrapped around the beasts leg and Mashyuu was trying not to show the pain in his body that had racked through him. To be sure the blow was hard but thanks to his Iron Dragon Slayer's blood he had taken less pain than another Wizard might have.

    The monster huffed with anger and started to try to tug away from Mashyuu when the Earth Wizard flexed his body hard. His body sparked with golden Electricity and he pulled his right arm back while tossing the leg down. "Thunder Flash!" He shouted and pushed his right hand forward. It unleashed a blast of golden electricity into the body of the massive monster, knocking it over in one fell blast that shook the ground to it's core. Mashyuu couldn't help but smile at his handy work while he picked his hammer up off the floor and took off into the sky. As he did this Hoseki swept in low past the Dragon Slayer and drove it's body straight into the face of the Monster and bounced off, giving Mashyuu an opening. Dirt poured out of his magical gloves and formed into a large stone. "Earth Dragon's Rock Bullet!" He called out and launched a stone like a pistol would launch a bullet into the throat of the beast. It roared and flipped to it's hands and feet it shook the pain in it's body away and rocketed up high into the sky by flexing and leaping, leaving a crater in the ground...

    "Ah hell.." Mashyu whispered and activated the third effect of his hammer, letting a cold aura wash out from the hammer some thirty meters in radius. As the Earth Slayer prepared his next move the monster barred it's teeth and started to snap them, behind it Hoseki started to pick up speed and give chase. Again Mashyuu started to spark with golden electricity. A wide grin spread over his face and he vanished in a bolt of thunder, leaving the monster in a shocked state as it searched around for it's prey and started to free fall down. Mashyuu appeared under the dark sun, hammer whirling about in the air until he started to fly towards the beast again. His much smaller body slammed into the spine of the monster, creating a loud crack through the sky, magma spewed out of a wound left by Mashyuu's attack. Mashyuu sprang out of the small hole he left in the thirty foot tall monsters back and watched as it crashed into a tree and rolled around to try to ease the pain in it's back. Mashyuu landed on the ground in a three point stance and stood up straight, as if here were a stone statue. If this was the worst fight he would be lucky. If not he would have to eat a lot of dirt to keep up his strength.

    WC: 2028/8000

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
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    Experience : 567,759

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    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 31st August 2016, 7:43 am

    It appeared that their joined attacks did quite the damage on the Sabertooth mages’ enemies at the moment. The entire forest and its dismal atmosphere was slowly fading away by the background of igniting magic; iron, earth, lightning and mere light itself was taking over the stage of the ecosystem. And while Mashyuu gave the big guy a tough challenge with his three-way Dragon Slayer Magic, Imai was getting just as fired up. Holding his telescope-like staff in a martial stance, which made him resemble an aesthetic fighter, he drilled his eyes right into the two underdogs that were all busy trying to find openings or blind spots to assault them. He wasn’t nearly as destructive in terms of magic power as Mashyuu, but these puppies showed just the right scales of a good challenge for a mage like him. “Sei. You know what to do,” he spoke to his alien companion, "Time to bring the stars down, 'cause here I go! Prepare yourselves, monsters!" Now, the true meaning of Sei's constant grab on his back became effective; a small light channeled through the alien and Imai as he felt a change in his body and its stats. One of the gross beings saw an opening and charged, only to receive a fierce, metallic thing onto its face. The sound of a broken bone could be heard, before it was launched back by the reaction. Dust erupted from the ground afterwards, indicating that the star mage had already moved; luckily, he made it right up at the other beast’s face within a moment. He shared some of his power to it by a knee to the throat, which left it staggered as he kicked it towards the other monster. Now, not much space was between them, so he felt the ignition of a great idea sparkle in his mind. With an uplifted hand, the sky opened up for itself; you could see the embodiment of a stone descend from the heavens, quickly reaching its destination, which was the couple of defeated minions…

    He could feel the ground vibrate from the impact of a falling giant. He almost fell, to be honest. It appeared as if Mashyuu hadn’t finished it out just yet, which prompted him to support the fight. However, just as he was approaching the strange lady to ask her to teleport him to his guild mate, the two other beasts rose on their feet. “?” It was as if their wounds weren’t that big at all, or not that effective; at least compared to a few moments ago. “What the hell… still up for a battle, I guess?” he asked out with a grin. He didn’t mind if they had a little more fuel left, but little did he know about their actual roles. They weren’t that easy to defeat, not to mention that they were only targeting the girl. Even the young Sabertooth mage could notice their continuous attempts to reach out to her… perhaps he could only hope for Mashyuu to end things with the big, bad one. Who knew, there might’ve been a connection between the giant and the two smaller ones…

    (POST #7, 2220/8000 WC)





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 31st August 2016, 5:06 pm


    The large beast rolled over to it's hands and feet and howled, the trees of the forest shook violently and quaked from the roar that the demonic like monster unleashed. Mashyuu's hair and clothes blew against his body, his one sleeved jacket felt like it was about to rip for a moment while Mashyuu simply lifted his hammer in his right hand and held it out at the beast while it closed the gap between itself and Mashyuu. His hammer started to spark with power while the cold aura hit the beast and slowed it down. A blast of electricity exploded from his hammers head, slammed into the monster, then split, hitting the two monsters that were fighting Imai to little effect. Mashyuu couldn't help but laugh at the large monster who was blasted back and sent to the ground from his hammers magic. Lazily he lifted his left hand and the ground under it rumbled and shot up, forming a hammer of stone in his hand. Mashyuu looked the two hammers over and whipped them both around in his hands, until the pair were placed in a fighting stance. With his right hand forward and his left hand back, Mashyuu raced at the beast.

    Dust kicked up from behind Mashyuu, the trail showing where he had been standing and led to where he was now, right under the monsters face. His hammer of stone came up, smashed into the monsters jaw as Mashyuu leap't up high and brought his dragon hammer down on the crown of the monster's skull. The double impact of both strikes caused the beasts head to twist with pain as it slumped down and Mashyuu landed on it's neck. He tossed both his hammers aside and raised his hands up. The ground rumbled while exploding and lifting around the beast. "Earth Dragon's Tomb!" He shouted and jumped off the beast, watching as the ground swallowed the monsters and crushed it to death. A few moments later spitting the dead beast out of the ground for all to see. Casually Mashyuu walked around and picked up his hammers while Hoseki landed at his friends side. "Good job, let me grab a bite to restore my magic power and we can go check on Imai." Mashyuu suggested and started to eat the ground under him until he was full and ready for another fight.

    Slowly Mashyuu consumed the earth around him while his partner started to sniff about the ground for any sort of crystal. Being a Gem Dragon Hoseki was adept at finding crystals and gems that he could eat and as luck would have it he found the crystal that the woman had spoken of. He clasped the shard in his palm and lifted it high in victory. Mashyuu's nose flared up and he glanced at Hoseki. "Got it!" Hoseki effectively cheered and Mashyuu gave the Dragon a thumbs up. Mashyuu stood up and walked over to take the shard and placed it in his jacket pocket then walked over to join up with Imai.

    WC: 2541/8000

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 510
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 1st September 2016, 5:56 am

    Slowly, the two minions stood up on their feet. A little shake with their heads, along a few kicks to the ground made them look completely unharmed. It tore Imai’s calm away as he remembered quite clearly how much that he gave in every single hit that those beasts received from him. Comically, steam erupted from his ears as he complained with flailing hands: “Come on! Stay down for once..!” If this would appear to happen more than once, then it would obviously annoy Imai to the point where he would snap out. No, he couldn’t just lose his focus now, could he? He quickly shook his head to reason as they charged at him and the lady. He followed up by swinging his telescope to a readied stance, before spotting that something else took care of the minions; small bolts that came out of nowhere, seemingly from Mashyuu’s effect, hit the backs of them as they staggered by laying down in pain. Now was his chance! Without waiting for them to stand up again, he rushed while engulfed in the same dust-like light as earlier. The two monsters could only lift their views up as Imai finished them off with an elbow to the forehead, followed up with a heavy knee to the other’s chin. A gust of stardust spread around him, while revealing the stance of his and the fall of the two minor monsters.

    “Heh…” he let out in relief, noticing that they didn’t try and move up again. He attempted to calm down a little, before the ground reshaped itself again. This time, he fell on his butt with a surprised look on his face, while the other lady didn’t appear to have any issue with standing on her foothold. “… He’s brought out its heart,” she commented out of nowhere for Imai. He responded by looking for Mashyuu, spotting him walking towards them with the crystal in his jacket. Rapidly, Imai leaped onto his feet and smiled. “Alright, that was one. Eleven more to go,” he spoke up, “I guess that we’ll move on. Show us the way, ma’am.” She would share a rather empty look at both Imai and Mashyuu, before replying: “Very well. However, I must tell you that you have to prepare for the other planes. Every crystal is protected differently, so please keep your guards up.” She laid a hand on both Imai and Mashyuu, before the same light as earlier engulfed them…

    In the blink of an eye, the disgusting atmosphere was replaced by a new area; empty view, a thick fog that covered everything from a meter in front of you and beyond, along with a chill of confusion. Where were they now? The place wasn’t a forest, but Imai couldn’t really tell whether if it was a desert or just a nude platform. One thing was sure; the fog was annoying as hell. Especially since they had to keep their guards up and all, but how could they scan the area with a range that could describe a blind man’s vision..?

    (POST #9, 2733/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 1st September 2016, 9:05 pm


    "Cool moves!" Mashyuu complimented Imai with Hoseki at the Earth Wizards side. He handed the crystal to the woman how placed the shard in a pocket realm for safe keeping while Mashyuu looked Imai over for wounds. "You don't look hurt. How you doing on Magic power? Feeling good?" Mashyuu was lucky in that the ground was always made up of earth and it was nearly impossible for him to not be able to recharge between fights but he had to look out for his fellow Wizards and seeing as Imai wasn't as strong as Mashyuu the Earth Wizard wanted to make sure the boy didn't need to sit the next fight out. Granted he was showing some impressive moves of his own.

    The woman grasped Mashyuu and Imai and Hoseki placed a claw on the woman's chest as the quad all vanished in a bright light and appeared again in a seemingly endless fog. Mashyuu leaned to look at Hoseki and whispered. "I can't see anything, why don't you fly up and see if can spot anything in the fog ahead." Mashyuu suggested and the woman decided to go with Hoseki if for no other reason than to stay safe. Suddenly Mashyuu's ring Ux screamed a word of warning and Mashyuu looked to Imai and kicked the boy to the side. Three dark shadows swept where the boy had been standing then vanished back in the shadows. "Imai I'm going to lend you something. I want it back..." Mashyuu said while he realized that he wasn't fast enough to hit whatever these things were but he could hold a defense like no other. He took the golden dragon ring off his finger and tossed it to the younger Wizard. "That's Ux, the Dragon of Earth that taught me my magic. He is going to tell you when those things come close for another attack. I'm going to count on you to hit those things. Here take this too." Mashyuu slid his hammer to the boy and took to his mountain stance. A moment later the ground under Mashyuu started to move, showing his living earth armor was ready to spring up to defend the Slayer.

    Once the ring was on Imai's finger it lit up, recognizing Imai and spoke mentally to the boy. Do not be alarmed young Wizard, I am Ux, Spirit of the first Earth Dragon. I am going to warn you when something gets to close, giving you plenty of reaction time. You do not need to verbally speak to me. A simple thought will allow us to understand one another. Now, take the hammer and activate it's Magma Dragon ability. It will help in dealing with those creatures. Mashyuu does not think he is fast enough to hit the beasts but he is sure his Earth magic will keep him from being harmed by them. Ux explained in a deep and calm tone.

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 3rd September 2016, 5:44 am

    The fog kept growing a little bigger, or so it appeared in his eyes. At moments, he couldn’t even see his own hand when stretched out. Even Sei’s sudden switches between absence and presence worried him. “… This place,” he let out. Again, it was just second floor of the entire building that was supposedly a lady’s inner mind; he couldn’t get all annoyed already. He could save all that for the sixth floor or around there. However, as he could hear Mashyuu’s voice nearby, he concluded that they weren’t about to lose track of each other… or just yet. Not wanting to pull down any confidence that was present within everyone, he commented after a quick cough: “Well, let’s see how this next crystal is saved. I still got tons of fuel to burn, heh…”

    He was suddenly warned by a strange voice, before getting kicked away with the view of three figures passing him. They would’ve hit him quite harshly if not for the safe. “What the..!” he spoke up in surprise as he quickly found his foothold, “What was that?!” His eyes travelled around the fog to scan for any shadows, but to his lack of luck, the fog prevented much scanning. Afterwards, Mashyuu spoke about lending something to the star mage, in which a ring was tossed over to him. He was a little clumsy at catching it, but got a good hold of it soon enough. While Sei and Imai looked at it, Mashyuu explained about it and its magic; apparently, it was a Dragon within a ring or an embodiment of a dragon. It was going to help him dodge the shadows that quickly appeared before his limited sight right after the Earth Dragon Slayer was done speaking. Instinctively, Imai obeyed and leaped to the side, being quite rapid enough to dodge the shadows that kept flying around like black ghosts behind a curtain.

    Another thing was thrown to him, this time a hammer which appearance caused a hilarious reaction on the red-haired guy’s face. Having his eyes closed, he grabbed it and felt its exact weight for a brief moment, before swinging it around a few times to adapt. “That’s… one giant hammer,” he commented with a grin, before setting himself in a fighting stance. The dragon began to speak to him, although through his mentality. He looked around in curiosity, before it revealed its identity as the ring itself, in which he looked on his finger. After it was done speaking, question marks popped on top of his head; Magma-what? And how was he going to activate it? “Ehm, wait, how do I..?” he was trying to ask, but unluckily, the shadows reappeared for another attempt to strike him. In shock, he slammed the hammer into one of the shadows’ figure as the fog was separated by an ignited light of lava. The impact was immensely high as Imai barely felt any reaction from the shadow during the slam. “… Woah,” he quickly mumbled a little, “You aren’t so gloomy now, are you..?” Another shadow came up from behind, while the third one charged at him from the front. He rapidly stepped on the ground to move his body, while swinging the large warhammer at both figures. A bluish fog was beginning to cover the hammer meanwhile, but not that he noticed it the least…

    (POST #11, 3297 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd September 2016, 6:53 pm


    Softly Mashyuu closed his eyes once his partner had the ring and hammer. He had to block out some senses to focus on others. Dragon Force wasn't going to be usable... His other senses needed to be enhanced further if he were going to manage to evade the beasts and keep get the crystal shard. "Earth Dragon's Wisdom." Mashyuu muttered. As he spoke his body started to glow a brown light and his skin started to harden into scales His nose, and ears grew sharper and if his eyes were open one would see his irises grow in size as his senses all became enhanced more. He could suddenly smell through the mist, determine each monster's location and how they were moving, and tell where Imai was even if the boy had moved away from Mashyuu.

    He could hear a shadow monster soaring at him and cutting through the dewy mist. A soft smile creased Mashyuu's face as he lifted his left arm and called out. "Iron Dragon's Spiked Shield!" Mashyuu called out and formed his left arm into a round shield roughly the size of his torso with spikes jutting out of it. He bashed the beast that Imai had struck with the spiked armor and caused it to shatter into a smokey mess, leaving only two monsters left. The beast screeched loudly before it exploded and faded into the sky to join the mist.

    "The commands of that hammer are mental, you don't even have to do anything. Just think of what you want. Flight, magma, ice, electricity or healing." Mashyuu informed his partner so the boy knew everything he had at his disposal but it looked like he was already learning how the hammer worked seeing as how he used the magma and ice functions already.

    His blue eyes darted around, ears picking up wings cutting wind as the two remaining monsters came around for a pincer attack, attempting to drive Mashyuu and Imai into one another. The Earth Wizard smiled and thought for a moment then called out. "Imai, I'm gonna make these things have to attack from above to see us, don't move unless it's straight up." Mashyuu warned then lifted his right hand up, palm facing the ground as he cast a very basic spell. "Earth Dragon's Sand Fog!" All around the pair, in a nearly twenty meter burst dirt shot up into the air seven feet high and started to whip around like a storm in the fog. Nothing would be able to see through it and anything moving inside would be pelted, leaving the monsters only way to attack.

    WC: 3477/8000

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 5th September 2016, 5:34 am

    While Mashyuu had smacked one of the monsters away from existence, Imai noticed how his magic power connected to the hammer that he was holding. With a smooth grin, he lifted it up to his shoulder and balanced it, so that he was ready to strike whatever should charge his way. Another light began surrounding him as Sei supported with one of its abilities, tightly holding onto his back and sending mana through his body. “Huh…” he replied to Mashyuu’s explanation about the hammer and how he just had to think about something, in which it would obey the wish. It was fairly efficient for him, but what if he began thinking too much? He hoped that there weren’t such a side-effect in this hammer and its abilities…

    Another call from Mashyuu was about his plan of letting them attack from above; recently, they just darted around the fog and attempted to either separate Imai from his guildmate or drive them into one target that could easily be handled with a single attack. He told the star mage not to attack unless if it was straight upwards, in which Imai questioned himself: Ehm, what does he mean by that? However, his thoughts were blown away by another spell from the Earth Dragon Slayer; dirt, sand and ground bursted up from their feet and circulated around the area like a freaking sandstorm. “Hey, is this a good idea..?!” he worryingly asked Mashyuu. It wasn’t that they didn’t have enough problems with sight, now that the sandstorm increased that lack of vision. What was he planning, now?

    Something dark began approaching him, but it was slower than before. Apparently, the beasts from earlier were having a tough struggle to move around the sandstorm, which left Imai and Mashyuu with good openings to strike. Not waiting for a single second, the boy lashed the hammer into the ground behind him, using the impact to launch himself up. One of the shadows descended against him, only to feel the powerful slam from the Warhammer. One of its abilities was electricity, or so he remembered Mashyuu telling him earlier. Because of that thought, bolts erupted from the very tip of the hammer, travelling through the shadow’s body and ending in a shockwave that stretched its arms of lightning out to touch the other shadow, leaving them both heavily damaged. The first one was turned into a crisping, fading shadow that left one’s vision in a matter of seconds. However, no crystal appeared before him, which revealed the last one to be the true boss of this plane. “… Hey, Mashyuu!” he called out to the stone mage, “Let me handle this one. Won’t take me more than a minute...” With that said, he launched himself into the sandstorm, trying to track down the moving object that hid itself in the already existing fog. The sounds of slamming rocks could be heard from inside the fog, combined with a wind that travelled across the area.

    It took a little more than a minute, but by time, the figure would land on the ground with an injured expression on its sinister face, while Imai landed behind it. Once again, he launched the hammer into the ground behind him, so that it would fiercely travel through the air above him as he swung it downwards, completely destroying the shadow in the progress. A light could be seen coming out of its dissolving body, revealing itself as the crystal. With a quick movement, it appeared on the hand of Imai as he approached Mashyuu and the lady. His clothes were ripped apart, but he looked quite unharmed. “That was the second one,” he spoke up with an optimistic tone, “Now to the third one…”

    (POST #13, 3922/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 7th September 2016, 5:40 pm


    Hearing Imai state that he wanted to handle the last foe by himself Mashyuu simply stood straight and felt the magical power coming from the younger Wizard. He looked up and saw one of the shadows get shattered from a blast delivered by Imai. Mashyuu crossed his arms over his chest and grinned wide, the young man had some skill and with a bit of polishing he would be a great Wizard in Sabertooth soon.

    Coming out of the sand fog Mashyuu created, Imai held up the second crystal and the woman teleported down and took it. Mashyuu extended his arm and took his hammer back. "I'll teach you how to use that one day if you want. Also, I'm gonna need that ring back. I hope Ux helped out a bit." Mashyuu waited for his ring and placed it on his finger. Ux awoke on his student's hand and reminded Mashyuu that most of his powers only helped other Dragon Slayers. Mashyuu shrugged and dropped the sand fog to the ground. The woman smiled at both men and grabbed them, taking the two to the next location...

    The four appeared in rain, a set of stairs before them and a small woman with white hair and large metal arms stood at the top of the stairs. The woman aimed a large gun at the group and fired a series of fast blasts, Hoseki roared and let a massive shield wrap around the team, the woman's blasts hit the energy shield and blasted about for a few moments then exploded outwards, knocking rain back for a moment before the backlashed energy faded away.

    "Well she isn't very friendly, lets see. Imai, can you sneak around her if I can get her attention and try to bring her down to my level? I can eat her guns. Hoseki, take my hammer, something tells me I'll need to be mobile for this." Hoseki wrapped his claw around Mashyuu's hammer and lifted the woman to keep her safe then took off into the sky. The woman looked at the two and almost started to shoot at them until Mashyuu stomped the ground and a large rock floated up to him. He punched at it and fired the stone like it was a bullet at the woman, pegging her in the head with the stone.

    The woman winced and looked at Mashyuu and Imai and aimed both her guns at the Wizards. Mashyuu smiled with concern and lifted his left arm. "Imai, go." The Earth Wizard commanded then bent his knees. He felt his dragonslayer blood pump through him and his magic boots and ring activate. His natural speed made Mashyuu dash faster than most could even see. The woman fired off spray after spray of ammo at the Slayer while he darted around, his mouth opened and swallowed the metal rounds, recharging his magical power and bringing it to higher levels. He had never entered the Iron Dragon Force before but with any luck the man would do so soon.

    Half way up the steps Mashyuu twisted around and darted across the steps, the water was keeping his vision hampered just a bit. If he could get an opening Mashyuu could take down the woman with a great spell. All he needed was for Imai to take the shot Mashyuu was going to give him.

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 10th September 2016, 3:59 am

    As Mashyuu was handed back his ring and hammer, Imai smiled widely. He could see how impressed that the upperclassman was by the star mage’s actions earlier, in which filled his body with a feeling of pride. Although, this was just the second floor; as he stated earlier, they had a few more levels to visit, before they would’ve gathered all crystals. “That hammer would be a privilege to wield someday, senpai,” he replied to Mashyuu with a playful voice, before the helpful lady brought them to the next plane…

    This place had more characteristic than the previous one; rain poured down on their heads as they stood in front of a tall… tall… tall set of stairs. “Huh, don’t say that we have to…-” he was about to complain, thinking that he was supposed to walk up the stairway. However, his sentence was interrupted by the sudden launch of bullets, seemingly from their next boss; a white-haired woman with a gun attached to her right hand, aiming at the Sabertooth mages with a cold expression. He was lucky that Hoseki reacted quicker than him, thus saving the group from having bullets going through their flesh. “Crap, where did she come from?!” he spoke up in shock, before settling his surprised expression in a hurry. Come on, Imai, don’t freak out every time. Meanwhile, Mashyuu asked him to sneak around the enemy as he would try to get her foothold to their own level. He was seemingly going to distract her somehow, in which Imai quickly nodded. “Count on me,” he quickly replied, before the white-haired opponent aimed her rifle at the two mages once more. She was a little pissed, especially after receiving a large boulder right on her head by Mashyuu.

    As Mashyuu gave green light, Imai suddenly vanished in a cloud of bluish ray, advancing forward towards the lady. She began firing off her rounds, while Imai tried his best to dodge each of them; Mashyuu had mentioned that he could eat her gun, so he wouldn’t worry about that longer than necessary. Sei was also doing its best to hold its grab tightly as it was still on Imai’s back, supporting with its own magic power that boosted the star mage’s speed to even further heights. He looked like… no, he didn’t look like anything as it was troublesome to even catch sight of his position; he darted around the stairway like a fly with superpowers. He could still feel an intense concentration of magic energy from Mashyuu during the run, seemingly a part of his plan. All of a sudden, the lady had her gun towards Imai from close distance, in which the star mage pulled out his telescope within the blink of an eye. Resembling an athletic, he used the staff to leap himself over the gunner, landing behind the lady as her eyes would suddenly aim at Mashyuu and his future attempt. Quickly, the radiant light could be seen, revealing Imai’s position as he’d successfully done his task. On top of that, the white-haired lady seemed a little more worried, judging by her face. Perhaps this was a good time to strike; she could’ve been running out of ammunition…

    (POST #15, 4458/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 13th September 2016, 2:03 pm


    With seemingly no effort Imai launched himself in a ball of magical energy towards the woman with the guns. Mashyuu couldn't help but smile, he would be faster than Mashyuu in the end, when all was said and done. Seeing Imai dart around and evade some gun shots Mashyuu decided it was time to make his move. He darted back up the steps, the woman aiming her guns at Imai and took a half step back while getting ready to squeeze the trigger. Mashyuu tensed up his body and changed into a bolt of electricity and jumped up the steps just behind the woman with a wide grin on his face. Mashyuu opened his mouth and bit down hard on the woman's left arm, chewing the girls arm off, swallowing the gun arm and replenishing his magic while his hands clamped around her neck and his knee slammed into the back of the woman's spine.

    "Imai, that's your opening! Take it!" He shouted while he squeezed the woman's throat and started to slowly cut her air supply off before she had the chance to counter attack. Hoseki in the mean time darted up high into the sky and opened his mouth, roaring he unleashed a blast of pure rainbow like energy, crashing down on the woman, and Mashyuu dealing a great amount of damage do both Mashyuu and the woman, leaving the woman exposed. Mashyuu stumbled back and fell against a step, slowly catching his breath and trying to keep himself standing from the blast that had hit him so suddenly he was forced to let the woman go.

    Mashyuu drew a short breath of air and looked on at Imai as he unleashed his attack and let the Earth Slayer catch his breath. Mashyuu slowly stood up and clapped his hands together then placed them on the ground. The stone under the woman with one arm lit up and jutted out of the ground in four large pillars. "Fang's of the Earth Dragon!" He shouted and let the pillars slam up into the woman, impaling her and causing her false organs to bleed from the spell's effects. Mashyuu grinned and slipped down the steps leaving the rest of the fight to Imai to finish up. Hoseki swooped down and grabbed Mashyuu by the shoulders, taking the Earth Wizard up above the fight so he could recover. Mashyuu picked up his hammer and activated the magic inside of it, causing his wounds to heal completely and restore his power.

    Once the battle was over Mashyuu joined Imai on the steps and started to eat the woman's metal arm, restoring his magic further until there was nothing left of her weapons. "Got the gem? Lets get this show on the road." Mashyuu asked as the woman with them came close and took the shard. She smiled at the trio and with a wave of her hand the group vanished...

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 15th September 2016, 8:27 am

    Imai’s face was frozen by the moment that Mashyuu began his move; from his perspective, it seemed like that the Dragon Slayer was chewing on more than just the gun… her arm. Her freaking arm was by the mercy of Mashyuu’s appetite at that moment, in which Imai let out: “WHAT THE HELL!?” At first, it appeared unnecessary for Imai that Mashyuu ate anything at all, but when he remembered the traits of a Dragon Slayer, then he could understand why he hungrily longed for the gun… just not everything else. Perhaps it was just to immobilize the enemy, thus making victory clear? It was definitely not a move that Imai planned to use in the future, in the end…

    The Earth-Iron-Lightning Dragon Slayer suddenly made clear about Imai’s turn to act, in which the star mage began charging magic power, making the blue aura leak out of his skin and rampage all over his contour. It had a beautiful look on him, mainly due to the light dots that resembled stars in a nebula. The woman turned towards him and attempted to aim another attack at him, despite her arm being bitten off. And just as he thought about that event, the lady endured more damage from Mashyuu’s other spell as the Slayer would give Imai more time to prepare for a finishing attack. “Alright, milady; your time is up!” he proclaimed, while clapping his hands together. His eyes would still be fixed at the young opponent, who would slowly aim her sight upwards as she began to notice something odd in the sky… something was falling down. A light, not bluish as usual, but with a more classic color. If you focused your eyes on it a little more, then you would spot the dark dot in the middle of the descending flame. Although, as time passed quickly, the falling object collided with the opponent, leaving her on the crashed ground.

    As Mashyuu moved over to Imai, the star mage noticed that her arm was made of metal, which explained A LOT. Although, Sei was also a little frightened by the phenomenon of eating one's arm and kept hiding its head behind Imai. As the red-haired mage wiped sweat off his forehead, he suddenly spotted the light thing on the ground, approximately where the opponent’s body was supposed to be. He picked it up and smiled; now, they should move on. “Alright, then; third level done, let’s move on!” he optimistically declared with a fist-bump to the air. The allied lady would pick the crystal with a smile, not giving any warnings as they took off…

    Rain began pouring down once again; however, the surface was more solid and flat. Imai quickly moved his eyes around the area, scanning through the plains of grass and more grass, until he spotted one, single hut. “… Ehm,” he mumbled out loud, “Alright, where are you, next boss…” He expected it to make its appearance out here, not being very curious of the small house and what it might contain…

    (POST #17, 4967/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th September 2016, 6:32 pm


    The moment Imai finished the woman off and took her shard their friend came down from the sky while Hoseki joined them and the woman effortlessly caused the group to vanish to the next location. Rain continued to pour, but not nearly as bad as it had been before. Mashyuu flipped his hand through his brown hair and caused it to stand straight up, so that it wouldn't be in his face the entire time. A few yards away a small house rested with what looked like a candle flickering in the distance. Mashyuu tilted his head at the thing and frowned. "Whatever the next challenge is lies in the house. I don't sense a massive amount of power from whatever it is. In fact I think Hoseki could take this one himself. Still we should all go together. You too cutie. I don't want you out of our sight in case something happens." Mashyuu explained to the group and started for the house.

    It was strange how this entire thing had been going. It could have been worse really. Mashyuu could have been killed by one of these things but so far he and Imai had managed to defeat most of the things in his friends soul fairly easily. Strange considering how strong she was when they were a team. Either way Mashyuu wouldn't let her down in death the way he had in life.

    As the group came up to the building Mashyuu could hear the light voices of children and his heart dropped. "I'm not gonna beat up a bunch of kids." He muttered as he reached for the wooden door and pushed it open. Inside nine children ran around a table, stopping as the door swang open completely. Mashyuu frowned and took a quick glance around until his eyes landed on the face of a man he knew well. The spirit that almost took over his body when he summoned dark shadows. "Imai I'll give the next one to you, just get back now!" He ordered as the children changed before their eyes and the man in the chair sprang up and drove his fist into the face of Mashyuu, almost sending him stumbling back. But even that monster of a man couldn't knock him over.

    Grinning Mashyuu lifted his hand and dropped his hammer while the children started to change into demons around him. Mashyuu glanced over to Hoseki and then nodded at the kids. "Take em." Mashyuu spoke with a grin on his face. The Gem Dragon took a half step back and opened his mouth, launching a beam of energy from it that ripped into all of the kids and the man, knocking him aside while Mashyuu pointed at the ground under his leg. The children all vanished in a single instance and Mashyuu grinned with a devilish look in his eye. "You don't rule anyone." A spike of stone ripped up through the wooden floor and shot through the man's leg then exploded, causing the spirit to blow up in a bright light and drop the crystal shard as if nothing had happened in the first place.

    Mashyuu snatched it out of mid air and looked back to Imai and the woman while tossing it at her. "Next?" The woman laughed and clapped happily then teleported the group yet again. This time they appeared in a log cabin that seemed to be sort of a wreck but not so much so that one would think a fight had broken out. More like people had lived their and not done much cleaning. "I don't get it..." Mashyuu whispered and plopped down on a sofa, glancing about.

    WC: 5153/8000

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 18th September 2016, 5:03 am

    Mashyuu believed that whatever threat awaited them would be inside the small house that Imai overlooked until now. In his eyes, the cottage appeared deserted, empty. However, as he spotted a small light blink from the one window that the building had, his curiosity triggered. “Alright, then. Better have my guards up,” he expressed as he pulled out his telescope and held it behind his back with the right hand, slowly moving towards the house with Mashyuu and the assisting lady. Sei was having thrills travel across its body, and even Imai could feel the vibrations on his back. He didn’t know the exact reason for its reactions, however, but it appeared to have a very bad feeling about what resided in the house that they were approaching…

    Imai’s heart began skipping beats as the thrilling sound of… mere children laughing lightly could be heard from the other side of the door. Something specific was terrifying about the sound, the innocent kids laughing… it could’ve been a trap! “Ehm, Mashyuu, I think that we shouldn’t just…” he mumbled with a slight voice of fear, but the door was opened before he finished his sentence. Sweat dropped down from his face as he spotted the same nine children running around a table, not really capable of foreseeing the situation’s turn of events. Suddenly, all the nine children stopped and looked up at Mashyuu and Imai, internally frightening the astronomic mage. Why are they looking at me like that…?, he thought in fright. Although, he didn’t get to spot the male among those children, until Mashyuu told him to get back at the moment. Imai was quick on the trigger and leaped back, watching Mashyuu deal with the nine spirits and the male spirit in the blink of an eye. His cooperation with Hoseki was surely effective as they finished the job before Imai even noticed it, suddenly spotting the crystal being tossed towards the teleporting lady. “Huh… that was too fast,” Imai complained, “And I barely did anything… you better give me a chance to do something next time, I tell ya.”

    Poof, and suddenly, they were in another place. Imai was getting used to being teleported, but he couldn’t think about that now. The new place resembled the inside of the cottage from earlier, just way more wrecked. There was even a giant hole in the wall that lead to a dark forest, and the furniture looked deserted overall. “Where are we now..?” Imai curiously asked the lady, in which she took a quick look around. With a soft hum, she replied: “I believe that the next crystal is somewhere in this house. We might take a look around, but be careful.” And alongside those words was Imai, who walked towards another room that appeared to be a dirty kitchen. “All this dust… ?! His eyes shockingly spotted the appearance of blood at the corner of the room, a lot of red liquid beneath a small figure. He was hesitant to approach it at first, but after a few seconds, then he walked towards the figure. His eyes revealed that it was, in fact, a small child; lifeless face, ripped limbs and pale skin. “Crap… Mashyuu, you might want to take a look at this.”

    (POST #19, 5512/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 20th September 2016, 7:32 pm


    "Hey, listen I'm sorry about that back there. That was just a personal demon that I needed to deal with... I'd rather not talk about it if that's alright." Mashyuu said softly to the younger Wizard who spoke about the fact that he didn't get to fight. The Wizard let Imai walk about while Mashyuu conversed with Hoseki, letting his emotions calm down and making sure he didn't let his hot blood get the best of him. The Slayer drew a few shallow breaths and glanced over at the teleporting woman for a moment. "You wanna tell us anything about what we are looking at? You seem to know how to get around really well so I assume you have been to all these places before." Mashyuu questioned until Imai shouted for Mashyuu to join him. "Hoseki, stay with her." He ordered and headed off to meet his friend.

    Mashyuu headed into the kitchen and followed the blood trail to Imai's location and the dead body. "Arms are all slashed to hell, looks like a defensive wound. Shallow and swift cuts. But..." Mashyuu placed his foot under the boys back and rolled him over. "His back was slashed, he was jumped. Now I bet if we find who did this we will find the crystal." Mashyuu reasoned. The Slayers ears perked up at the sound of something moving above the duo and Mashyuu glanced at Imai. "Go on, I'll meet you up there in a few moments. I have something to look at still. Besides we can't both get jumped by two people if we are in two different spots." Mashyuu whispered and pointed at the telescope in Imai's hand. "If you're gonna use this, use it like a hammer and not a staff. It's not long enough or balanced enough for a staff." Mashyuu patted the boy's shoulder and looked back to see Hoseki and the young woman conversing about something that had no real point.

    He waited for the boy to head up stairs then walked back to the woman and motioned for her to continue, while he let Imai handle whatever was upstairs, his ears were tuned in to both the Sabertooth Wizard and the woman. The woman frowned for a moment then cleared her throat and started to speak. "I am half of the spirit of your fallen friend. I'm the part of her that wishes to see others survive hence my ability to teleport around and move others to safety. While I haven't been to the other locations I am attuned to them and it is easy for me to find my way through the realms and get to the crystal shard locations. Once I have the shards I'll be able to merge with your friends body and set you free. The crystal she is trapped in will shatter and the body will be yours to do with as you need." She explained. Mashyuu understood completely and patted her shoulder. "I'll make sure it gets done."

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 25th September 2016, 4:18 am

    As Mashyuu entered the room, the brightness in the kitchen had turned up, thus making it possible for Imai to take a good look at the wounds and injuries that this victim had suffered. It was as if he was thrown around the room, cut everywhere by a knife and slammed on like a ball. It was a terrifying reality to face, in which Imai felt sad for whoever was ganged on… but he couldn’t waste all his time grieving. His thoughts were already interrupted by a sudden sound, faint but still enough to be heard by a sharp ear. “…” The star mage moved his head upwards, spotting that the source came from a room upstairs. The Dragon Slayer told him to go on and specifically pointed out about his way of using the telescope as a weapon; its length and balance was, so to say, not fit to be used as a staff, but rather a hammer. Although, that was what Mashyuu said to him, in which Imai thought about it. With a quick nod, he charged upstairs to cast light on whatever obstacle that it would be this time…

    “Hmpf… no wonder that I could never hit anyone’s head with the edge,” he mumbled as he made it to the door, still listening to the voices that came from the other side. He gulped, until collecting some focus and courage to open the door, in which he discovered the next challenge… a gang of 5 elder teens. The red-haired mage looked at them with blunt eyes, before commenting: “Well, at least it’ll suffice.” His eyes scanned the room, while the guys conversed about the situation: ‘Who’s this kid?’, ‘I don’t know, but perhaps he saw the body…’, ‘Damn it, if that’s the case… GET HIM!!!’. Surprisingly, two of the group’s members ganged on Imai, who disappeared in a flash of light, until spotted behind them and in front of the three others. While Sei was taking a nap on his back, Imai complained: “And here I expected a beas-“ His sentence was cut over by a sudden fist, unreal speed and having a good hold on Imai’s cheek. The fist’s owner grinned at the successful hit, before unknowingly receiving a bluish light right on his nose, crushing it and sending the rest of the body through the wall that crashed open. While wiping a little blood off his cheek, Imai continued: “Alright, alright; I’ll take you all seriously now. As in…” The second he finished that sentence, the four guys longed after him with knives, only to get them launched off their grabs by Imai’s telescope (which was held like a hammer this time). As they stepped back in shock, one of them was still cocky enough to send a kick towards the strange boy, in which he suddenly found himself freezing midair… and so did the others. All that was left now was for Imai to grab onto the dude’s leg and smash him into the others with a surprising force…

    Quickly, the red-haired boy rushed down the stairs to meet up with Mashyuu and the teleporting lady, sweat dropping down his face and holding the crystal on his right hand. “Stage Cleared!” he cheered, “Let’s get moving. I guess that there are only…… ehm, this or that amount of planes left or something…”

    (POST #21, 6070 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 25th September 2016, 7:59 pm


    Mashyuu started towards the stairs, hearing a rather large sound that reminded the Wizard of battle. He looked up the steps in time to see Imai running down the steps and holding the shard. Swiftly the woman grabbed the shard and forced it to vanish before the group teleported yet again. The group found themselves falling through the sky, under dark stars and felt a wave of magical power surge through them, healing their wounds and restoring their magical power. "Ah this isn't so bad.... Aside from the falling and me losing most of my magic because there is no earth. Then again my gloves make earth when I need em." Mashyuu commented off handed as Hoseki moved to catch Mashyuu and place the Wizard on his back.

    Using her magic, the woman continually teleported to stay level with the rest of the group but soon looked up in fear, the way Mashyuu and Hoseki did as a comet seemed to start soaring down from the heavens above the group. "That's what we are fighting...." Mashyuu said in a hushed tone, knowing whatever that was would be the most challenging thing they fought yet. "Imai, if you have ranged attacks use it on that thing, don't get close and let me keep it's attention as much as possible, that might kill you if it hits you." Mashyuu ordered and went silent as the beast drew closer, knowing full well a few hits from that thing would kill Mashyuu too. This was going to be and the Wizard was truly worried about how to do battle with this thing. "Mashyuu, I'll keep you safe." Hoseki said as the woman grasped Imai and whispered in his ear. "I will teleport you around the battle to help pull my weight young Wizard."

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 30th September 2016, 9:47 am

    As soon as the teleporting lady grabbed the crystal from Imai, they vanished from the lonely cottage and appeared in a new plane… or rather, mere space around them with no surfaces. They were literally soaring around the air, falling continuously. When the star mage spotted the stars around him, his eyes were locked. “OHH~,” he breathed out in amaze, “So many stars… it’s beautiful!” He was completely in another world for that moment, scanning through every blinking light in the sky, until Mashyuu pulled him back to reality with a warning. What seemed to be their opponent, as it was literally coming down on them like a meteor, appeared to be a flaming… dog? Some kind of burning wolf, it appeared. It was enormous, and its expressions were wilder than anything else that Imai had ever faced or felt. He felt a cautious thrill surge through his spine, before shaking it off to focus.

    “Alright, then; be careful, senpai!” he replied to Mashyuu’s plan, getting more than used to the Japanese honorifics. He was to stay distant from the beast that passed the sky like a comet, having its fierce cloak of mythical flames following it. Luckily, he had some tricks up his sleeve to follow the plan; a bluish ball was formed on his palm as he launched a blast of heavenly light towards the being. However, it suddenly disappeared from the view, only to show up another place with its grinding teeth and glowing eyes. “Darn, it’s fast…” the star mage growled, while the companion that helped them pass through the planes appeared behind him, whispering a promise of support to move faster. “Huh… oh, sweet! No time to waste, then..!” he agreed, moving his eyes towards the approaching horror, “Now, keep our distance from it, and I’ll bring some hits on it meanwhile..!” With a quick nod, the couple disappeared in space and time, before appearing beside the wolf with a prepared blast to its side. It roared out in shock and attempted to launch its claws towards the boy and the lady from a distance, but they vanished just as the trail of burning air approached their position.

    “This ain’t enough!”
    Imai realized as he spoke out, “Perhaps we should get closer, and it might receive more damage…” Just after he suggested that, the lady scowled at the red-haired excuse for a strategist. “As Mashyuu mentioned before,” she told to make it obvious of the actual plan, “You’re supposed to keep distance, or at least for now. This one’s far from the other monsters’ levels of strength.” As they left the time-space realm and appeared behind the wolf with quite the distance, she continued: “You must keep a safe range, and trust your partner. He should know what he’s doing…”

    (POST #23, 6535/8000 WC)





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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by redheadedstepchild 2nd October 2016, 8:46 am


    Hoseki soared down and grasped Mashyuu by the shoulders, the extra weight on the dragon's back could be very dangerous and possibly slow him down. The massive fire... animal was about to hit Mashyuu when Imai slammed a spell into it at mid range and vanished again in a blast of magical energy. Mashyuu focused, his body tensing up and his hammer on his back the Wizard roared with anger and inhaled a deep breath of air. Magical power filled his lungs and rolled around to build up power. Mashyuu needed to keep that things attention and he was about to see if the monster could bleed. Hoseki understood what was happening and flew up into the night sky, placing Mashyuu above the monster some forty meters away.

    Mashyuu's blue eyes locked on the monster, his head pulled back and power rumbled and rolled from his gut up his lungs and to his lips. Mashyuu leaned forward "Roar of the Earth Dragon!" He shouted, a cyclone of earth and sharp stones rippled forward and slammed hard into the monster. It roared in aggravation and moved to look up at Mashyuu who was now starting to drip sweat from his brow. Without a good source of earth, something Mashyuu never thought would be missing, most of his spells wouldn't work well. He had his gloves but they could only do so much. He did have is Iron Slayer magic but the magic there was limited to only a few options, as good as they could be from time to time he doubted they were going to... Hoseki and his shield.

    "Hoseki we need to get that thing to attack, the blow back from your shield will do some real damage to it. Lets fly around and bother it." Mashyuu suggested and in agreement Hoseki folded in it's wings and started to soar about. creating small circles in the air as Mashyuu charged up a small wave of power. Golden sparks rippled through the Wizards body until he was sparking with power. He reached up his right arm as Hoseki dropped him. The Wizard started to free fall and looked up to see a blast of fire hit Hoseki, but his shield absorb the damage, if barely. "Thunder Flash!" He shouted, the blast of golden electricity smashed into the bottom of the fire beast, making it twist with agony and race through the air at Mashyuu. He reached behind his back and grabbed his hammer, allowing for it's power to keep his floating. He knew that if he was struck the healing power of the hammer would keep him up for a bit but it might not be enough to keep him fighting long. Hoseki in the mean time recovered, his shield still up, if barely. He opened his mouth and unleashed a blast of energy from his mouth, slamming into the fire dog. It's back twisted and head looked at Hoseki as the Dragon continued to fly at the fire dog. A blast of heat hit the Dragon's shield, shattering it but causing a massive blow back of power to hit the monster hard, knocking it off it's flight path. "Imai, when you get the shot take it.." Mashyuu muttered under his breath.

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    Marshy @ THQ

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    Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu] Empty Re: Gateways Beyond Logic [Job : Imai & Mashyuu]

    Post by Imai-chi 8th October 2016, 3:56 am

    It appeared that even a couple of well-landed hits from Mashyuu wasn’t enough to call it a victory for the Sabertooth mages. That fire-cloaked canine was one tough bastard, and every successful attack on it contributed to its raging rampage. However, perhaps it was ignoring its severe injuries at the moment, which would be to Imai’s and Mashyuu’s advantage as they could surprise it with a sudden knockout. “It shouldn’t last for much longer now…” he mumbled to the lady that was assisting him. As she shockingly teleported them both away from a sudden fire blast that was unconsciously released from the angered fire beast, she replied: “Perhaps you should contribute a little. Mashyuu doesn’t appear to have fully advantage over the battle.” She was, seemingly, referring to the lack of earth, a very essential element to most of his spells, in which had cut off a good percentage of their quality. Compared to Imai, there was a clear distinction between the Earth Dragon Slayer’s disadvantage and Imai’s advantage as his magic was an embodiment of all this; the stars, the nebulas and all the celestial bodies that passed them at random times.

    Meanwhile, Hoseki had seemingly performed a very reflective technique; every time that the fire dog launched an attack at the dragon, it was reflected towards itself. A rather efficient spell that reminded Imai of his… wait, he could use that at last. Just as Mashyuu mumbled something to the star mage, he was fully determined in what to do. “I have it!” he proclaimed to the ‘teleporting lady’, “Please, teleport me over to the fire dog! Just a few meters from one of its attacks..!” At first, their companion was kind of skeptical about his new plan, but nodded as she found herself and Imai in front of the abomination. Its eyes were crimson with rage, and its bluish flames illuminated the skies. Reflexively, Imai pulled forth both his hands as he called: “Give it your best shot, you shitty doggy!!!” His provocation was effective, resulting in a charging blaze that was aimed at the couple. However, Imai didn’t plan to commit suicide or whatsoever; just as it was mere inches from his fingers’ skin, the blazing flame seemed to fade into an invisible… hole. It was as if a black hole had appeared before his fingertips. Before even finishing its confused reaction, the fire wolf spotted a concentration of pure heat from the side; as its eyes travelled to the left, its own flames were engulfing it in a fierce explosion. Ashes of blue flames spread in all directions, and the couple had vanished just as the fire was about to take them with it as well…

    (POST #25, 6986/8000 WC)


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