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    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 19th August 2016, 2:31 am

    Roy was hungry, extraordinarily so, he had tried to light his pipe and take a couple of puffs from that, just to see if it would alleviate his hunger a little bit. It did very little to help him. But as he strolled the great streets of...wait where was he? Roy did a double take of his surroundings and soon found that he was in the town called, "Ace of Spades". He sighed, it was a pity that he traveled to the point of loosing track of his surroundings. He thought that it would be nice if he found a place to stay, maybe some place to call home. But it seemed that was not his life's calling at the moment. To much work to do, to many evil's to eradicate. Roy shook his head nad brushed these thoughts off.

    He sat down on a bench for a moment and thought as he smoked his pipe. The aroma and flavor of his sweetened tobacco was nice. But he couldn't help but think of how hungry he was once more. One couldn't think well on an empty stomach and so he got up and looked around for some food vendor or something. Then he remembered that this city was home to the famous Sabertooth guild. Their guild hall would probably have the finest food around.

    Roy walked to the Guild's doors and after a moment of observing his surroundings he decided to enter. Indeed the place was all it was cracked up to be, food drink and cheer abounded in the place. It wouldn't be a bad place to eat all, who knows maybe someone could give him his next lead on finding a demonic foe.

    Roy nodded to the greeters as he navigated his way to where the food seemed to be coming from. He looked around for a moment and pondered what to eat.

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
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    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 19th August 2016, 3:29 am

    Ryo tipped his hat further in front of his head in order to keep his face from the sun as he had a very bad reaction to the sun being what he was now. At his heels as always was Gora the Dire wolf who’s head almost came to Ryo’s shoulders even standing on all fours. He and Ryo were walking through the town as they had begun to do more and more lately. It wasn’t anything all that significant, but it is just what they did.

    As the pair arrived they were greeted warmly and loudly by the staff of the guild who looked after all of the guests and visitors along with whatever members were actually in the secondary guild hall. Even though he never really used this little fact he was second in command of the guild itself. He didn’t bother to stand in the limelight however instead happy that Frederick was willing to stand as the Guild master for their guild. Still, he may not be the guild master but he loved the guild just as much as Frederick or anyone. He had always thrown himself into the maw of death and destruction if it meant the protection of the guild and the members who were in it. He viewed the guild as he family and made it a point to know the faces of each and every guild member; even if they had no clue who he was.

    He smiled widely as he moved into the sitting room where they were serving meals, drinks, and other such things. As he entered he saw a new face who he didn’t recognize as either a regular, friend of the guild, or member. So he decided that it was his responsibility to talk to the new comer.

    He moved to the new comer smiling widely “You’ve got the look. The look of someone who has only just arrived and doesn’t know what is good. Forgive me, it is terribly rude of me.” He took his hat off and put it over his heart “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ryo Knetegawa, a member of Sabertooth.” He then gestured to Gora “This is Gora my partner.” He said putting his hat back on his head and extending his hand “Please, if you would be honor me with your company I shall be happy to tell you what is good and pay for your meal.” He made this offer with a gesture to his favorite table. He moved and sat down at the table with Gora sitting down right next to him with a contented sigh.


    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 19th August 2016, 3:49 am

    Roy noted the man coming forward from the corner of his eye. The smile, the hat, the clothing and the companion. He greeted him warmly and Roy smiled in return. He bowed his head in return to the man's taking off his hat. His eyes widening as he offered to pay for is meal. This man seemed for all the world to be a consummate gentleman. Who was Roy to pass up the such a fine offer from such an esteemed man?

    "Aye. The honor is all mine my good man. I shall trust your word, you have the look of a man very acquainted with this place."

    Roy moved to sit at the table with the man, it appeared in a good spot, and the men around him seemed to greet him with Joy and warmth, he must certainly be a regular member here. Roy sat down at the chair ad released a sigh of relief, his body was tired and worn. He had traveled a bit to far perhaps, and he was grateful for the rest and the warm welcome that he felt here. It seemed different than most places. Normally he felt the need to keep his guard up around large groups of people. But after a moment he let his shoulders sag, and kept his eyes only on a moderate swivel of the room.

    He looked at the man and smiled again. "I must thank you sir...What was your name by the way? I've been on the road a long time and such a warm welcome is unusual for a stranger. Given the reputation of this guild I'd have taken it for a more selective group of people." Roy paused for a moment realizing that he may have sounded as if he thought ill of this mans guild."Forgive me, my judgments precede me, and I'm happy that they've proven quite wrong."


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    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
    Third Skill:

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 19th August 2016, 5:41 am

    Ryo smiled as the man had agreed to come and sit with him. That was a good sign it showed that the man was friendly indeed. That was always a good thing. He nodded his head as he sat down pulling his hat off of his head to place it on the small stool that seemed to materialize next to him. The stool itself looked very strange as it was made using playing cards and upon even the most simple of inspections one could see the various cards, suits, and other such things that created it.

    Now comfortable Ryo looked to the man "Oh I am indeed. In fact like most of the members of the Sabertooth guild I take my meals here. They have some of the best food around. Fish and chips is my favorite, but I haven't eaten a bad thing yet." As he spoke a woman arrived bringing him a glass with two huge ice cubes and a bottle of scotch setting it on the table. He smiled pouring himself a drink as he spoke to her "Bring my friend here the special and anything he wants to drink. Put it on my table." she smiled at him nodding before taking the drink order from Roy and moving back to see it done. When she was gone Ryo brought his drink to his lips and sipped it nodding his head in approval of it "I am sorry, My name is Ryo, and this is my partner Gora. I thought I had said so earlier, but my manners are no longer what they used to be. I beg your indulgence."

    He then raised an eyebrow with his amused smirk on his lips at the comments about his guild and shook his head with a smile "No need to be so concerned. We take no offense. When I first came to Sabertooth I had heard some things about it myself. Such rumors will always exist. Still we take all kinds of members here so long as they are worthy, and will uphold the beliefs of the guild."



    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 19th August 2016, 6:09 am

    As Roy asked for the man's name he gave himself an internal palm to the face. Having just remembered that the man had indeed given him his name only moments before. Roy waited for the man to finish what he was saying, polite as always despite his conversational blunder. How insulting he must seem, however to the kind man that had decided to pay for his meal. He thought it must seem that Roy couldn't even bother himself to listen to the man or remember his name properly.

    Roy closed his eyes and rested his forehead on his hand before speaking. "Ah, as I recall you did indeed give me your name earlier. Please forgive my blunder Ryo. I do not wish you to think me disrespectful. It has been quite some time since I've lasted rested, it must be getting to my head."

    Roy nodded his head intently listening to the mans conversation, not wishing to make any more mistakes like the one he had just done. Besides simply wising to be polite however, the mans guild simply intrigued him. He grew curious about it. As well as the man before him, at first he thought that he was perhaps just an average member of the guild but upon further inspection of the mans magical power, he realized that he was probably a good cut above the rest.

    He noted to the magic that the man used, something to do with cards, he had established that stool out of no where. Perhaps he had some maker magic, or summoning magic related to cards? Perhaps he would ask him more later.

    "Tell me more. About this guild of yours. You say, if members are worthy, and they uphold your ideals. What are the beliefs of your Guild that you hold so dearly?"

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
    Third Skill:

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 20th August 2016, 8:09 am

    Ryo smiled as he sipped his drink again sighing with enjoyment as he heard the response he smiled shaking his head “There is no reason to be so on edge my good Roy. I am sure that it is a long time since you relaxed and were around what some might called polite society. I simply wanted to make sure I had introduced myself. After all, due to events of late I am….” He frowned as he looked to his hat “Out of practice…being human myself so I need to make sure I am careful.” He said simply as if that was all there was to the matter. Gora on the other hand even while laying down could bring his head up to height with the table top and he looked hungrily at the food that was in front of their guest, but he made no sound, no noise, and just looked calm and relaxed.

    At that point the waitress returned with a mutton chop bone in with fresh fried potatoes and greens. Ryo smiled as he nodded his head “You go ahead and enjoy that while I fill you in on Sabertooth.” He cleared his throat and smiled as he began “The Sabertooth guild has long held three core values above all others, and we act as a family due to those values. We forge our path under the broad stroke of the phrase “Strength of Spirit” One strong spirit can raise a thousand, a thousand strong spirits can raise a world. We stand together as one strong or meek and bare the fangs that we have. To narrow it down we hold three key virtues high above all others. They are Conviction, Faith, and Selflessness. Each of our guild aces are so appointed to the position of Paragon of one of these values because they have demonstrated said virtue with such clarity and truth that they have impressed the guild master. Onto the main matter Membership is not as exclusive as one might think, but if you agree to uphold these three core virtues and do your best to have a strong spirit, we welcome you with open arms.”

    He smiled shaking his head “I am not an Ace of the guild, but when I first arrived I had heard this guild was a place that valued loyalty, and was a home not just a guild. I quickly found this to be the case and as such I knew my place was here. I have never looked back, never considered taking a permanent leave, and I will and have laid my life on the line for the guild, the city, and all those who reside therein.”

    He took another sip clearing his throat again “Now we are currently led by Lord Frederick. He had the title or name Lord before he became the acting Guild Master. I do not recall why, or how. He may seem cold, but trust when I say there are few who I admire in the world, but his loyalty to Sabertooth is definitely a quality worthy of admiration. As for the Paragon we do have acting currently. Her name is Kiersa Bec, she is a wonderful woman. Often called the Nun of Sabertooth…well, at least by me. She dresses as a woman of the cloth, and is the softest spoken person in the guild. However, I would caution you to never doubt she is powerful, and she is truly the definition of the world Selfless.”

    At the end of this he set his cup down smiling “That’s all you need to know about the Sabertooth guild at the moment. You will learn the rest when you join us.”


    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th August 2016, 2:19 pm

    Roy ate the food gratefully, it was good! He took a drink of what was offered from him and found it to be of a similar quality. The man talked for a while, that was good, it gave Roy an opportunity to enjoy his meal thoroughly. He tried not to devour his food like an animal as he ate, but he was so hungry, and it was so good. He couldn't help but dive in to it a little bit. He finished his meal as Ryo began to describe the guild, Roy admitted to himself that the guild's ideals were indeed something he did share. He listened as he described the guilds most powerful members, they sounded like his kind of people. He enjoyed that name, the nun of sabertooth, religious devotion was something he greatly appreciated.

    As Roy drank what was left of his drink he pulled out his pipe once more and began to pack it, leaning back listening to Ryo finish. He halted though, when he mentioned joining the guild. Roy set down his pipe for a moment and looked surprise in the man's eyes. "Join you....Sabertooth."

    Roy leaned back and thought for a moment. What could Sabertooth want with him, they barely knew him at all. For all they knew he could be a spy or a thief, or even a murderer for all they knew. Perhaps they wanted to steal from him...but that didn't make much sense at all. Besides that he had very little regardless. What did he have to loose?

    Roy smiled at the man, and looked at him once more. "You want me to join you eh? I must say the idea is rather enjoyable, I value what you do and from what I've seen of your guild I could get along here quite well. But I should warn you, I'm not an extraordinary wizard. I have no great abilities, that isn't to say I am helpless. But my skills lie in other areas. One would perhaps say that they are less than noble pursuits. But if you would have a man like myself, a man who strikes from the shadow and attacks when one turns their back, then I would be delighted to join.".

    Roy wasn't trying to put the man off from him, he had never received such a warm welcome from anyone, much less an invitation to a guild. It made him feel good, it made him think that perhaps there was place he could call home. But it wouldn't do any of them any good if they saw that he was a man who was't above spying, sneaking around, and stabbing a man who had his back turned to him and decided that theyd rather not have him after all. He had never killed anyone thus far, but Roy felt that if he was pushed far enough he would definitely do it. He wasn't sure, he would have to cross that bridge when he came to it.

    Roy waited for the man's answer, perhaps a bit nervous. He did want to be apart of the guild, but he could not in honor hide who he was, and what he was capable of from.

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
    Third Skill:

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 20th August 2016, 7:40 pm

    Ryo watched Roy with a small smirk on his face pushing gently on Gora’s head to make him stop eyeing the food that didn’t belong to him with those eyes. When Roy was finished and had begun to smoke and speak he listened intently. When he finished Ryo smiled reaching over and picking up his hat, the stand it was on suddenly vanished surging into his hat and disappearing into a cascade of tiny cards. He put it back on the top of his head adjusting it as he smiled “Well, that is the long and short of it. You joining Sabertooth would be an asset to all those involved. Now, as for your powers and prowess. Sabertooth is a place where you can work, and hone your skills. Before I came here my magic was very limited and could do very little, but through the jobs I took here and the training I received from those of skill I learned, molded, and developed my magic until it became the force it is today. As for your skills so long as you use them for the benefit of Sabertooth, and do your best not to…worry the magic council your methods are your own. I myself rattle them more than anyone would like, but that is my own personal code. I defend those who stand behind me, I support those who stand with me, and I show no mercy to those who are against me. This guild is my family and anyone who threatens my family will receive no mercy from me.”

    From next to him Gora let loose a deep growl standing up slowly. Ryo laughed softly “Or from Gora.” He said stroking the great Dire Wolf’s neck. With that he rose slowly to his feet placing money on the table and looked to Roy “Well, if you think you would like to join us, then please follow me.”

    With that he turned and headed through the bar and secondary guild hall moving towards the ballroom. As he moved to the center of it he would wait for Roy to arrive and if he did then he would stand in the center of a design on the floor waiting until Roy stood next to him. With a flare of his magical aura the teleportation lacrima activated and they were teleported to the real guild hall far above the sky. When they arrived at the platform he smiled and looked to Roy “Welcome to the Primary guildhall of the Sabertooth Wizard’s guild.” He said with no small air of pride, and assuredly in the amazement of the spectacle that the guildhall was.

    He nodded for Roy to follow him and he led the new recruit inside of the main guildhall foyer which was elegant fit for kings really.


    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 20th August 2016, 9:35 pm

    Roy followed the man, barely pausing to think. He knew now that as long as they would accept him for who he was that he wanted to be apart of their guild. Roy gazed at his surroundings as he followed the man, wondering just where he was being lead. He did not have to wonder for long however as before he knew it he felt himself be sucked into a grand magic indeed. Roy's body tingled for a moment with the thrill of the transportation magic he was undergoing. It was an all together new experience to him, and not one that he didn't enjoy. In fact it was quite thrilling, he wouldn't mind doing this more often.

    Roy took in his surroundings wide eyed and smiled as he looked around. "It's really something." He said to Ryo quietly. Unable to stop gazing at his surroundings. However after a moment of excitement Roy decided that it would be best to give this a look from more...practical eyes.

    He noted that this was probably the only way to reach this place, that was good, it did much to deprive thieves and attackers of opportunities against them. The only way to reach the place was magic, or flight. Both of which can be counteracted decently enough. Especially by a guild such as this one.

    Roy's eyes widened once more as they entered the noble chamber, he truly felt like he was a fish out of water. He was almost uncomfortable in the grandeur of the hall, being little more than a man of humble means with a little skill in magic, he had never even seen something so luxurious.

    Roy could find no words to tell the man next to him as he continued to gaze at his surroundings, awe struck by them.

    Car King Saint

    Car King Saint

    Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- Character History!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : Saint of Fate
    Posts : 1064
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Amelia
    Experience : 250,981

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Combo Card Magic
    Second Skill: Blood Master Maic
    Third Skill:

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by RyoKnetegawa 21st August 2016, 11:43 am

    Ryo nodded his head in agreement as he smiled leading the newcomer through the guild hall heading to the Guild Master’s office. He couldn’t himself initiate this new member into the guild, but he could take the new member to Frederick in order to actually get him brought into the guild. As he walked he nodded his head in agreement “I do agree it can be a little much at the beginning, but it will soon feel like home. Even to a degenerate card shark like me this place feels like home, and I have grown quite comfortable here. Gora and I live here in the guild hall, but we do own a cozy little home down in the city.”

    As he explained this they walked past the bar, along with the hallway that served to hold the apartments of those who lived in the guild hall. Ryo hoped that Lord Frederick was inside of the guild hall, and hopefully he would be in the guild master’s office. At present he glanced back to Roy “Now do you have any further questions I can answer for you?” he asked with a small smile.


    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Au9DYh5
    Ryo's Info:

    Books I've Written:
    Roy the Chanter
    Roy the Chanter

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 128
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,050

    A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction) Empty Re: A Mans Got to Eat (Introduction)

    Post by Roy the Chanter 21st August 2016, 8:02 pm

    Roy smiled and nodded as he talked. It was comforting to know that the people here who were such an integral part of this guild came from similar backgrounds as himself. Perhaps he would grow accustom to these things soon enough. Though he hoped not so accustomed that he lost his ability to rough it, which he prided himself on greatly.

    Roy followed the man all the way to what he presumed was the guildmaster's office. When asked if there was any other questions Roy shook his head and spoke. "No, at least, none that I can think of right now." Suddenly Roy realized that he had done nothing to thank the man for all that he had just done for him, which at this point was beginning to pile up. He sputtered out awkwardly. "Oh, and, forgive my poor manners. But thank you so much Ryo. For everything. I have very little to offer at this point but I promise you this. You won't regret your decisions. I will make sure to repay you for everything you've done for."

    Roy stood with Ryo and waited to meet the master. He was very thankful that Ryo was here by his side, he couldn't imagine how he wold have felt in this place by himself. Lost, confused, out of place he was sure. He was positive that this would change soon however.


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