Fairy Tail RP

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    Escorte Services - Private - Job

    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escorte Services - Private - Job Empty Escorte Services - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 11th October 2016, 8:12 am


    Last edited by Megálos Aderfós on 11th October 2016, 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total


    Escorte Services - Private - Job Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||
    Megálos Aderfós
    Megálos Aderfós

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Guild : Golden Pheonix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Astrid
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lost Magic- Nature's King
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Escorte Services - Private - Job Empty Re: Escorte Services - Private - Job

    Post by Megálos Aderfós 11th October 2016, 9:52 am

    Megálos Aderfós never wore anything resembling upper body wear except his bandages, but doing things you didn't like sometimes came with the job. Even he had to make sacrifices sometimes because you simply couldn't always get what you want! So he borrowed a tux for the night from a friend he'd rescued in one of his old treasure hunts before he'd joined his guild. The ball was being thrown in the King's Palace and Mega was fashionably late, just as planned.

    Jumping down from the building he had been standing on top of that stood a good 10 feet in the air Megalos landed gracefully in a crouching position the wind played with his hair blowing it in the dark night his face was illuminated only by the dim lights of the street lamps casting his face and his presence in a enigmatic light giving the man a sudden air of mystery that guaranteed to make the young Lady in the Fuchsia pink gown who'd been waiting for a while for him catch her breath in her throat. She'd be deathly curious but rightfully anxious at his sudden and mysterious entrance and would absolutely wonder what Mega wanted. Just as he planned. He would then pull on his best apologetic smile lifting his head so the light would catch his face fully revealing himself cracking the mysterious vibe and catching at the young lady's heart with his earnest smile. "I'm sorry I'm late My Fair Lady, my name is Prince Megálos Aderfós and I simply could not help but hear the lucky news that you still had no date for the ball. I was overjoyed I hadn't lost the chance to escort such a beautiful Well born young lady to such a prestigious event! I'm the one who sent you the letter asking you wait for me here It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance of course!"

    Escorte Services - Private - Job Ab482d52d3f2ce5e138cd94035593f97

    Finishing with a bow he looked up pleased to see the blush in her cheeks and her flustered manner. Mega couldn't believe he was back to the etiquette of the court but he should be thankful his own experience as a prince had taught him how to play the game well. "Y-you're late!" The young lady finally managed. "But I'll over look it this time young prince, very well you may escort me now." She had recovered well and quickly. Seems she could play the game well herself as she daintily held out an arm giving Mega an expectant and impatient glare. Without missing a beat Megalos gingerly took her hand in his own, brushing his lips lightly against her hand in a soft and gentle quick kiss and was rewarded with a tiny "Oh" before  placing his arm in hers and preparing for his next move. With a whistle he called to the snow white stallion he had talked into helping him in exchange for 2 whole bundles of carrots.

    The horse was nothing if not regal and majestic and upon request from his client he had acquired a beautiful special made saddle that he was assured was as comfortable as it was beautiful. Bowing to the lady he easily picked her up in his strong muscular arm's as if she weighed nothing placing her on his steed. She giggled caught up in the absolute Fairy Tail he was spinning for her. Leaping onto the saddle behind her he leaned forward and whispered in her ears as he wrapped his arms around her and took hold of the reins saying in a deep husky whisper, "Hold on tight my dear." And with that they were off the horse galloping to the castle at luxurious pace. Just fast enough to feel the wind in your face and the powerful rippling muscles at work beneath them without them needing to fear for their lives and just slow enough to enjoy the twilight scenery speed by a blur of colors and dim light painting a vivid picture that highlighted their travel until they arrived at the castle.

    It was huge , enormous even and built so beautifully it was a true sight to see. There were outstanding garden's with hedge's in the shapes of swans and flamingos and the like, and there were even some very tasteful ponds. Megalos handed the invite he'd received for the job in and without missing a beat took the young lady's and gave that one in as well. They were led to the stable where Megalos secured his friend the stallion and then headed for the ballroom having gotten instructions on where to go from the guards. Before they could enter the ballroom the young noble Lady hesitated. That's when Megalos finally looked at the Lady good for the first time that night the light's from the ballroom lighting up her delicate Ivory skin. Her long blonde hair worn down but tied with a bow at the end her worrisome crystal blue eye's showed hesitation, sadness, and a hint of fear. Before they she could continue on as she was aboout to Megalos grabed her arm using one hand to gently turn her face to his. "Is there something wrong My Fair Lady?      You seem....Anxious." The Lady bit her bottom lip in contemplation seeming to be struggling with some inner question before she finally sighed turning away from his touch. Turning her back to him. Then speaking. There was emotion choking her words as she spoke and a weight that seemed to settle on her shoulders. "Most of the people in there don't even like me! They knew my mother. She was always the Belle of the ball. Everyone loved her it's true. She used to take me to these ball's herself. She wouldn't even care to look for some man to escort her she was fine with.....with...*sobs* ...I...*sob*...I just miss her so much! She was......*sob*....My whole world!" At that point the young Lady was sobbing so much there was no more understanding her words. Megalos felt somewhere deep inside him pang. He knew this noble's pain himself and he could feel her shared grief inspire a single tear from his hardened and Usually strictly dry eye's as he tapped her shoulder reaching out his hand to her letting that tear fall. "I'm Sorry."

    Escorte Services - Private - Job 5dd833c3b1e32d753cc4812d38a30d0606c99663_hq

    That's all he said but the way he said it would be different from all the other way's she'd heard it. Because although he had said it for her he spoke with a piece of his very own soul. From shared experience and although he said it for her he also meant it somewhat for himself. All of this only she would understand and she would hear it in his tone. Then she turned and buried her face into his chest as Megalos held her up letting her cry all the tears he knew for a certainty she hadn't allowed herself to cry at her mother's funeral. He held her up as she allowed herself to grieve and in his mind he had to struggle to hold himself up as well as he grieved for his own losses. It went like that for a while before they both finally stood up straight. "You've helped me so much." The noble thanked him her voice still emotional. "I'm going to change my ways. My mother wouldn't have wanted to see me like this. She'd be turning over in her grave!" Megalos simply nodded letting the young lady make up her own mind and find her resolve. "After tonight...Will I...Will I see you again." Megalos gave her a sad nod before shaking his gead slightly. "My kingdom....it is far from here, I'm afraid. And I must return home My Fair Lady." It wasn't a lie he did have to return home just not to the kingdom of his birth. The noble looked disappointed but quickly changed it into a beaming smile. "Well we will have at least tonight!" Megalos nodded. "We will always have tonight, My Fair Lady. Always Tonight." That being said Megalos offered his arm and after the noble lady slid her arm into his they entered the ballroom and made it a night to remember.

    Word Count: 1,360 WORDS


    Escorte Services - Private - Job Tumblr_o5g1ftIagx1uzhni3o3_540

    ||[https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24411-megalos-aderfos]Basics[/url]||Magic||Backstory||Theme||Battle Theme||[url= https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t24463-prince-fotia-ensarkomenos]Prince Fotiá, Pet[/url]||

    ||D: 4||C: 0||B: 0||A: 0||S: 0||SS: 0||

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:05 pm