Fairy Tail RP

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    Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 100

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 13th August 2016, 8:40 pm


    Roku leaned against a street light with a flyer in his hand, it was a dark job request he had found and thought it would be fun to ask if Lucius could come. He had said he would come, and Roku awaited anxiously under that street light in the park. The mission was simple, Kidnap the girl, take her to the meeting place so that she can be held for ransom, hand her over and collect the cash. It sounded fun enough, he hated rich people for their awful stuck up/better than everyone else attitudes... he was excited to hopefully beat her up a little, but what he was most excited about, was to see Lucius again. He had only met him once before but he was eager to be able to get to know him better and spend some more time with him. 

    He stood there looking around waiting for him to arrive, seeing a very tall, green hair'd figure step into the light. Roku's face brightened up as he waved at him with his papers still in his hand. "Hey!" he said through his toothy grin, walking up to him and looking up at him. "I'm so glad you could come, I thought you would want to take a job like this" He said again. He could feel his heart pumping much faster than it was before. Dammit, Lucius was pretty cute when he was serious...wait what!? Roku! SNAP OUT OF IT! you here for a job, that's it! you can't just jump to conclusions like this so fast! you barely know him! UGH! 

    Roku tried to hide the blush in his face and ran a nervous hand through his messy hair and playing with one of his rat tail braids by his neck, "So.. uh... the guy's are expecting us to be at the drop zone by a certain time... so..." he continued to play with his braids avoiding eye contact with Lucius.

    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Tumblr_inline_mskvkqpVyG1qz4rgp

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 13th August 2016, 9:09 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    The young man got ready behind a dumpster in an alleyway, changing out of some bloodied hoodie, skinny jeans, and he just threw out the shorts with it. Why was the black clothes covered in deep crimson, sweet smelling fresh blood? Well you can take a guess, slipping on some skin tight pants an shirt, and glove. Though it was a bit hard to put any of this stuff on with only one hand, he needed to get a mechanical hand, but he hasn't gotten the time to do so. Letting out a sigh, he lit the clothes on fire and threw it in the dumpster, now for somebody else to deal with. He started to head towards the location of which his acquaintance was waiting for him, taking the back roads he held his knife in his hand within his pocket. Not being able to use his flute due to only having one hand, jeez this one handed thing was getting really irritating.
    Arriving at the destination, he watched the redhead for a little bit before stepping into the edge of the radius of the lamp post's light. Where Rokuro instantly noticed him and walked up to him while greeting him. "Of course, I couldn't pass up the chance to do something as enjoyable as this" he said, not changing the tone of his voice, or taking the seriousness from his complexion. Lucius was almost amused by the flusteredness of the blood mage, who appeared to have a rather noticeable crush on him. "Shall we head out then? We have a lot of work to do" he said as he held out his hand, directing the other young man in the direction that they would be heading in. The assassin was hoping that Rokuro's little crush on him wouldn't get in the way of doing their job. But also being a trained assassin like himself, he would be trained enough for not letting his feelings get in the way of there job.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 333


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 100

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 13th August 2016, 9:37 pm

    "O-oh, why yes of course!" Rokuro smiled at him bashfully, trying to hide it the best he could but it still got to him. Dammit, he was an assassin, since when did a torturous killer act like this? He had to pull himself together! But how could he when Lucius was wearing what he was wearing!? tight skinny jeans and a skin tight shirt... the sight made his thoughts all blend together as he tried to once again focus on the task at hand.

    He followed close behind Lucius as they walked through the quiet neighborhood late that night. Giant homes lined every block with perfectly green grass and landscaping. Roku hated places like these, people who have never truly experienced the terrors of the real world and being cooped up in a tight knit community that only kept to themselves like the slutty girls clique in school. He was bubbling to show this girl the real horrors that laid outside the walls of her home, what the world was really like, harsh and cruel, and the only way to overcome it was to be more cruel than the world could be back to you. Could that be considered a vicious cycle? yes, it could. But Roku didn't really care, at all. What goes around comes around, even if you were innocent, he would want to see the pain in their eyes as the perspective of the antagonist rather than the victim he once was.

    Snapping out of his thoughts, it had put him into a more serious mood as they reached the front doors of the home. "so..how do we want to get in..?" he asked, looking up at the ten foot or so probably imported expensive wooden doors. "I kinda already did a bit of research..." he said rubbing the back of his head with a smile, feeling proud of himself. He pulled a set of papers out of his pocket that had all the floor plans to the mansion. "Alright, so.." he started, showing it to Lucius. "Our target's sleeping quarters is on the third floor, down this corridor..." He said, pointing at his map. "There's a skylight on the roof where we could climb in and fall right into the hallway. Their window doesn't have any hinges so it doesn't open. If we don't want to alarm anyone I think that's the best way to go..." He finally finished, waiting for Lucius to give his opinion. 

    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Tumblr_inline_mskvkqpVyG1qz4rgp

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 13th August 2016, 10:11 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Leading the way through the brightly lit streets of the night, why where those stupid lights around. I mean, he knew why, he just hated them, it hurt his eyes so much. It was getting worse the more and more he used his damned flute, making it all the more reason to be thankful he couldn't currently play it, being one handed and all. Making it to the house, he stood up straight and looked up, examining for places of entrance and things of the like. Then the other assassin started to speak to him, telling him good ways to enter the building, and actually studying up on it. Grabbing the papers from the hands of the redhead, holding it with his long, slender and extremely pale fingers. Reading up on the floor plan and all of the other things that where written upon the papers, while he examined it, he also listened carefully to Rokuro. Reading every little bit of black text that was on the paper with his keen, greenish blue optics. Once he finished talking, Lucius had finished memorizing every little thing written on the papers, so he handed it back to him. "That's a good job, that plan sounds alright to me" he said in reply to him. Looking back up at tall building with his green eyes, letting out a sigh he started to walk around the side of the building.
    "Let's head up then" the young assassin said as he started climbing up the side, using the windows and his ineradicable height. Doing this at a rather quick pace, rather obvious that the young man has done this before. He actually did this often, breaking into houses to kidnap, assassinate people, or steal something. The former being what he was currently doing with his recently made acquaintance, Rokuro.
    As the boy climbed up, his long green hair which was tied up in a high pony, swishing from side to side, he thought about meany things. But the main thing the young assassin was thinking about was his current companion, who he was still untrusting of. He has always been slow to trust people, has been trained to do so, through his training and experiences. Learned to be the least trusting of people with the same job as himself, for hire assassin and, or mercenary. It was possible this whole crush thing that the man had on Lucius, could be an act, it didn't seem that way. Though things weren't always what they seemed, but he had an odd feeling he could trust this redhead. Other thoughts on his mind about this same man, was is 'crush' on him. If it was a real thing, he seemed inexperienced with this sort of thing, which Lucius was in the same boat. Though he has never has liked someone like that, he had the same sort of problem when becoming more friendly with his adoptive elder sister, Astrid. Well at least the green haired giant could understood why, he was tall, cunning, handsome or beautiful, whatever way you prefer to describe him as, along with many other things. So he was guessing that he was Rokuro's 'type'.
    Finally making it to the top, a little after, the redhead climbed to the roof as well. "Well let's get in shall we" he said, walking over to the skylight which the blood mage said would be there. "Would you like the honors?" he asked, giving him a slight smile, referring to the window for the other mage to open. Smiling and showing some slight signs of excitement now, since they where getting closer to kidnapping the girl. He was really looking forward to torturing the girl, in all the ways she could never imagine, scarring her like he had with Rokuro's sister. But maybe in a different way, her innocence maybe? Lucius was unsure at this current moment, he would have to figure it out when he got there. He couldn't wait to play with the girl, seeing her tears, the blood, her begging for him to stop, and things just or even more enjoyable.

    W o r d    C o u n t: 686


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 100

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 13th August 2016, 11:55 pm

    Rokuro's spirits lifted higher at Lucius's approval of his plan. He was getting more and more revved up to get to the best part of this job. Completely ruining and scarring this girl's petty perfect life. He nodded when Lucius asked if he was ready to go. Rokuro himself was short when compared to Lucius's massive height, but he was still over average height for a typical man. He liked his height, it also helped him reach all the ledges as he scaled his way up the side of the mansion with almost too much ease. He trained a lot, and got strength from consuming the blood of some of his victims. Which is why he keeps a few for himself from time to time. he can just wipe their memories or dispose of them whenever he was done, so he never had trouble getting caught. 

    As they reached the top of the giant home, Rokuro knelt on the opposite side of Lucius. He then took up on his offer to be the first one to go. Rokuro opened the skylight, and jumped all the way to the marble flooring with barely any disruption whatsoever. Much to his dismay, sadly he could see two figures from the end of the corridor eyeing him as he stood underneath the skylight with the moonlight hitting his face at just the right angle to make the pupils of his eye's glow. He heard Lucius drop to the floor behind him, he popped his knuckles and his neck seeing the figures in the dark running towards them. He was already getting ready to slit his arm open, his sharp nails poised by his arm. "looks like we're gunna have some delays..." he muttered back to Lucius, rushing forward to attack the enemies approaching them. 

    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Tumblr_inline_mskvkqpVyG1qz4rgp

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by NPC 13th August 2016, 11:55 pm

    The member 'Rokuro Katsura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Becoming Better Partners|job| StrongMonster Becoming Better Partners|job| WeakMonster

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 14th August 2016, 11:18 am

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Landing behind Rokuro, he also noticed the enemies approaching, now some worrying he had on his own part. The possibility that he might go berserk, and kill this convenient asset that is Rokuro. That was always a problem that he has had, he just gets a little excitable when fighting, had has even gone to the point where his mind wasn't even there anymore. Which his mentor had to possess him to get him back to his senses, and he gave him a good scolding for losing himself. Of which this scolding is abuse, but it has always been this way, ever since he started to learn using this flute. Slightly regretting the fact that he caused himself to get this flute earlier then normal, due to killing his father who owned it before him. But even then, he still heard them, the voices. The children of his devil god, that god, and his own, though nowadays quiet, back then, he couldn't hear anything outside of his own head. Due to the voices of the void demons and his own being so incredibly loud.
    Their current opponents where the overnight butler and the noble guard, this was going to be fun. Rokuro had already slit his arm, and was using his blood magic, Lucius pulled out his switchblade and darted towards the guard. Swinging the knife into a scythe, aiming at the man who blocked with a shield. This was gonna get irritating, he continued things like this for a while, swinging his scythe around to just get blocked. He probably would've hit him by now if it wasn't for his damned lack of hand, man, he really wanted to take all those lives away from that stupid cat. He finally managed to hit the guard, though they managed to hit him also. The guard sliced Lucius' flank, which was the moment the assassin disarmed him, weapon wise. Doing this by slicing the lower half of the man's arm off with his scythe, making his opponent start to get really dizzy. It also didn't help that Lucius used one of the scythes abilities to make the victims bleed more then they would normally. The boy now had a crazed grin on his pale colored face, giggling slightly now. Transforming the large weapon back into a small knife, he kicked the guard down and sat himself down on his stomach. Then he proceeded to stab the guy, countless times in the chest, laughing giddily every time he stabbed the man and got his crimson blood splattered on him. After he did this for a little while, the man already being dead by the time he had stopped. The boy still grinning happily as he glanced over at the redhead with his bright green eyes, to see how he was doing with the weak butler.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    1,492 9000


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 100

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 14th August 2016, 1:29 pm

    Rokuro watched as Lucius shot forward attacking his chosen opponent with ease. Rokuro smiled giddily as he slit a six inch long gash in his forearm. Blood seeped from the wound in excessive amounts, lengthening into a meter long blade that wasn't quite as refined as a sword. it was straight, but had many jagged pointed edges. It was great and fun to stab people with. 

    Rokuro rushed forward at the butler who attempted to hit him but failed, as Rokuro dodged the attack he swung his arm and slammed his blade into the butler's back, after the impact He was still attached to his blade and Roku had to kick him off to slide KyuketsukiKen, as the blade was called, from his upper back where it had rested. A few large and now bleeding holes protruded from the butlers back as Roku stood on top of him. He reached his blade up to slam it into his head when the butler flung himself around with his back on the marble floor and threw an enchanted butter knife at him, and it stuck into his shoulder above his collar bone. Roku fell silent as anger over swept him. This was his favorite jacket...

    His lust for blood was escalating as he pulled the knife from his shoulder and flung it to the side. he licked his lips before slamming his spiked blade into the butler's shoulder as he screamed at the pain. he repeated this about four times before licking his lips. he opened his mouth wide with a cry for hunger as his fangs dug deep into the side of his neck. Roku latched on like a leech, getting a feel for the thickness, flavor, and texture of the velvet liquid that resided inside his victim. It felt kind of thin and sweet which roku hated. Anything sugary or so called sweet tasting almost always made him sick. in terms of food that is, he didn't take much because it wasn't his favorite flavor, but once he was finished, he unlatched himself from the gashing wound and threw his head in the air before latching again onto the front of his throat, collapsing it as the butler soon ceased to move. Roku stood up, blade in hand, and blood now all down the front of his shirt. 

    Rokuro wiped off his mouth and sighed, he was curious of how the next victims blood would taste. Seeing three more enemies approaching, probably because of the chaotic screams they had just heard. 

    HP: 90/100
    MP: 85%
    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Tumblr_inline_mskvkqpVyG1qz4rgp

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by NPC 14th August 2016, 1:29 pm

    The member 'Rokuro Katsura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Becoming Better Partners|job| NormalMonster Becoming Better Partners|job| NormalMonster Becoming Better Partners|job| StrongMonster

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 14th August 2016, 5:24 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    A grin was painted perfectly on the teen's pale face, staring towards to direction of which the other people where coming "We should get this over with so we can get the little bitch" the green haired assassin said, referring to the petty noble woman of which the two assassins had to kidnap. Though it pain, he ignored it as the blood poured out of his side, warming his side and leg with the warm fluids. Gripping his knife in his left and only hand, he ran with incredible speed towards is next victims, the two girls, leaving the guard for Roku to deal with this time. He ducked under the one maid's punch and he stabbed her in the back, twisting it a couple of times before kicking her forward into the other maid. Which made her trip, the one of which got stabbed started to get up. Then....
    Shot right in the back of the head, execution style, splattering blood on her colleague. Laughing uncontrollably was the one responsible, his green hair dropping forward as he leaned forward, trying to regain his breath. The still living maid just looked at him scared, as his black aura started to burst out. As he was distracted, laughing his lungs out, the maid kicked him across the room, his back hitting the hallway wall corner. His laughing stopped once the kick made impact with his stomach, and he sat there for a little bit, his gun now out of his hand. The young man didn't move, his breath silent, so it didn't even seemed like he wasn't even breathing. The female employee approached him, about to land another attack on him, but got interrupted by the one of which she was going to land this attack. Long fingers gripping her neck tightly, preventing her from breathing properly. "That......hurt" he said, standing up all the way, holding her up more. Lucius glared at her with his green eyes, squeezing it even tighter. Then he followed up by slamming her into the ground, so hard that she dented the ground slightly, blood now pooling from her broken skull. Now dead, the boy started to laugh again, pulling the knife back out from his pocket and swinging it into a scythe. His aura turning the color of blood red, one that wasn't his own, his eyes now glazed over and colored the same as his current aura. Laughing uncontrollably as he ran towards the person that his partner was fighting, not even caring if he was in the way. Acting as if he had no bones in his lanky body, he moved very flexibly, swinging the scythe. Missing he hit the wall, doing this with so much strength with his activated lineage, he broke through the wall and made a hole. Though this did not faze him at all, even though he did miss his intended target. Still laughing rather loudly, he yanking his scythe back and he started swinging like a madman at the guard. Doing this so many times he broke his shield and sword, and had his weapon transformed back into its smaller form. Hitting the guy to the ground he walked over and stepped on his forehead, pushing down with his natural strength and his extra buffs from his lineage. He stood there, pushing harder and harder until he heard that satisfying.
    Giggling slightly, then laughing even more, he focused his mindless gaze at his companion. Holding his knife ready he ran towards him. Doing this with the intention to kill him, well if you could even call it that. He had no thoughts, he was out of control yet again, falling victim to his own insanity and being taken over by his origin. Not stopping his uncontrollable laughter his lunged his knife at him, and did a verity of other attacks if he dodged.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,139 9000

    H P:
    220 200 + 50


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 39
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 100

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 14th August 2016, 6:06 pm

    As Lucius dashed towards the mage, Rokuro took that as a hint that he was going to leave the guard to him. He popped his fingers before running towards the guard and slamming his massive blade at him. Which unfortunately missed, as the guard had a shield and his own sword to protect him as well. "Damn you..." Roku growled with his fangs bared at the guard, he swung over and over again without an exact form of strategy unable to hit the guard but he was able to get a few good swings at Roku who managed to block as well. He wasn't fully into his own fight as he could hear the overly insane cackling of his partner who had killed the first maid, it sounded as if she had gotten a gunshot to the head. Which seemed to be the case with the expanding pool of blood forming around her lifeless corpse.  

    The second maid was fairing better than the first, but he knew that she was only maybe minutes away from a very painful and psychotic demise. He was merely only blocking hits from the guard as he was watching Lucius go on an insanity rampage like Rokuro had never seen before, it's like there was not even anyone in that body...

    The maid managed to kick him into the wall, he looked like he was dead for a second, but he knew that there was no way Lucius was dead from that. And he was right, as Lucius rose to his feet, but it was even worse than before. His eyes were dark, still that same shade of mint green, but the whites of his eyes were black, the veins around his eyes and forehead pulsated with darkness. He was able to finish the maid off quickly, cracking her skull and squishing out the inside contents. He watched as Lucius suddenly changed targets and went for the guard, which Roku gladly back away from to let him do his thing. He swung so many times with no pattern whatsoever, nothing but bloodlust was in those empty eyes of his. But it didn't stop after the guard had fallen. He watched as Lucius turned towards him, the next, and closest breathing living thing to kill. "ohhhh shit..." Roku smiled awkwardly as they had a moment of silence, before Lucius charged at him. 

    Roku was able to find a moment to dodge the first lunge Lucius threw at him. He knew Lucius would stop at nothing to try to kill him in his blind rampage, he had no choice. 

    Rokuro took a moment to activate his own lineage, the room beginning to get darker as the deep night shadows began to swirl around him. The roots of his hair and his fingertips turning dark in color almost as if he had severe frostbite. Large mythical type looking creatures made of nothing but shadows and hard to see came to his aid. trying to block Lucius from getting to the one who had summoned them. Roku felt like he had finally got the upper hand, but...

    Lucius ripped right through them. Beast after beast, Roku's eyes widened as Lucius got too close for comfort. He barely dodged, his shirt getting slit right through the fabric. "LUCIUS!" he yelled at him through his gritted teeth. "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

    HP: 85/100
    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Tumblr_inline_mskvkqpVyG1qz4rgp

    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 14th August 2016, 6:39 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Cutting through the shadow beings created through the other assassins' lineage one, by, one. Giggling and laughing like a total maniac, nothing was inside his brain, almost as if he was put to sleep and something else was controlling him. Or maybe he was just asleep and it was actually him, maybe he shouldn't give anybody else the blame of his berserker mode. Through all his laughing he did not seem to being losing any breath, he wasn't bother by anything, not the wound in his side, or even the fact that he was attacking his friend. After disposing of the majority of the shadows made my Rokuro, he went back to attack him, missing him on his first try. Though again, he didn't care, just continuing to giggle and move like he had not a single thing restricting him. His hair whipping around crazily as he went out into a full out battle with the boy, finally, pushing the blade into his gut. Making the other assassin yelp, but he gritted his teeth through the pain and shouted at the top of his lungs, right into Lucius' face. Telling him to regain his senses, his body started to shake, bluntly yanking the switchblade out from the redhead's stomach and back up. Moving like he was dizzy or something, dropping his knife he gripped his head, slightly pulling his long green bangs. The veins around his eyes, and his whiteless eyes themselves pulsing painfully. He gritted his teeth that the black faded away, leaving his eyes pouring out tears of thick metallic liquid.
    Dropping his hand back down to his side he looked around, what has he done? Whatever he did, it was a pretty good job, but it was weird. Whenever he has ever gone berserk, Inanis has had to get him back to his senses, but this time it was.......Who was it? Looking back at his friend who gripped his stomach in pain, just staring at him with his red eyes. Was it.......Rokuro? Not that couldn't have been possible, even Astrid couldn't fully get him back. "Damn, I lost myself again" he muttered under his breath, not very proud of himself for doing so. And Lucius was especially not looking forward to the punishment that his master would give him when he wasn't on this job anymore. "What happened Rokuro?" he asked, trying to not let himself be bothered by the pain in his eyes, and the blood dripping down is face and onto the ground in front of himself.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
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    H P:
    215 200

    Last edited by kittykool75 on 14th August 2016, 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 14th August 2016, 7:04 pm

    Rokuro could hear his organs being ripped through as Lucius's blade dove deep into his stomach, retracting and barely scraping his rib cage. He gasped and shouted in pain as he coughed, falling to his knees shakily with one hand clenching his new open wound and another keeping him stable by placing it on the floor. The warm liquids spilled down the front of his clothes, staining his white belt he usually wore. He was bracing himself for another hit that never came... He could hear Lucius speak, he seemed to be back to himself again. 

    Rokuro smiled through the pain in his gut, laughing a little as he coughed, trying his best to heal himself, but the loss of blood was making his hair turn pinkish white at the tips. "Heh... glad to have you bac-" he said before coughing again. he just needed a minute... and someone else to feed on, then he could be back on his feet. It just hurt... a lot... he could hear Lucius asking what had happened, "Well jeez, you tell me!" Rokuro took deep breaths trying to make his wound feel less painful. "You suddenly just... went berserk and killed everyone, then you stabbed me, but thankfully... you turned back to yourself before making any other fatal hits..." He sighed, still on his knee's trying to use one of his special abilities to speed up the healing process. He was just glad to be alive, at this point. 

    HP: 85/100
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    "Remember me
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    So don't stand in my way"

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 14th August 2016, 7:38 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Letting out a sigh he grabbed one of the bodies of the girls and tossed it towards him, noticing earlier that he was drinking the blood of his victims. Sort of like a vampire, he didn't ask why though, probably because he didn't really care all that much. "I apologize, that...." swallowing out of either nervousness or something else entirely, then letting himself finish his previous, uncompleted sentence "That happens sometimes, I" pausing again, due to him not being very used to saying what he was about to say next. "I apologize, I didn't mean for myself to lose control like that" Lucius said to Rokuro, who started to drink the remaining blood from the girl with the bullet that went through the back of her head.
    Looking down he saw his knife, Lex Ruptor, so he bent down and grabbed it. After folding it and standing back up straight, he slid it into his pocket. Surveying his surroundings to see all of the corpses, of which most of them he caused. Which was not an uncommon thing for him, he loved to kill after all, but this time, not in the way he wanted to. Going fully crazy, or, berserk, was not something he liked to do. Yes, he was a better fighter this way, but it wasn't healthy. This just progressed the damage done to his eyes, and made it so he would get scolded by his mentor, Inanis, the god of darkness and his made dimension, the Void. Which Lucius had yet to visit, and he knew he would have to visit someday, and he was not looking forward to it. Something the god said about 'special training', whatever that meant. Speak of the devil, a voice rang into his head.
    "My dear child, Fie, I'm very disappointed in you, how many times did I tell you to
    Keep control of yourself."

    The last part being in a more terrifying and deeper tone, which sent chills down Lucius' spine. Before the boy could answer, through thoughts with the god, he spoke again.
    "I'll talk with you later about this, Fie, for now, complete your job."
    Inanis said, still in a rather creepy tone. Great, now he was upset with the young assassin. Which was not, definitely not, a good thing, and while this was all happening, he just held his hand to his face and just stood there. Not really paying attention to what was around him, even if Rokuro was staring right at him.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    2,980 9000

    H P:
    210 200


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 14th August 2016, 8:08 pm

    Roku listened to Lucius's words intently, he seemed sincerely sorry for what he had done, it came as a surprise to Roku since Lucius seemed like a very silent and serious type of guy who would never apologize for hurting someone, so.. he must've cared about him. At least, to a degree. The thought made him feel a little fuzzy inside, being able to befriend someone that seemed impossible to break and be friends with. After Lucius had tossed him the body of the maid, Roku's eyes gleamed happily. He loved the way blood tasted, and everyone was different. The blood made his hair turn back to it's usual dark velvet red. He finished getting his fill and pushed the girl's body to the side. wiping off his lips with his sleeve and his tongue. His wound had imminently began to heal itself again, though the process of healing was painful as the organs re-organized themselves back where they were supposed to be and sealed themselves shut. Roku clenched his stomach as the process took place, unable to breathe until it was over. 

    He gasped and took in a deep breath and let it out, wiping some sweat off his forehead. "It's alright, really. I understand..." He stood up smiling warmly at Lucius, fully accepting his apology. "that use to happen to me a lot, too." he added. Taking in another deep breath and stretching his arms over his back with a whine of satisfaction when he heard his back pop. "alright... so..." he said, looking over at the giant bedroom door that was next to them. "Let's get the brat, and be on our way. We're running low on time.." he added, before turning back to the door ready to open it. 

    Word Count


    "Remember me
    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 14th August 2016, 8:59 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    Lost in his thoughts, he didn't really process what he heard Rokuro say, but he put it the puzzle pieces together when he saw the other assassin walk over to the bedroom doors. The green haired teen walked over to stand by his side, letting out a sigh he just stepped back and kicked the doors open. Stomping in he scanned the room with his blueish green eyes, looking around for the young noblewoman. That's when the bathroom door opened, and the girl had recently showered and was only in a towel "What's going on, who are you?! Get out!" get shouted rather loudly "Guards! Ah!" the woman said, the last part being her reacting herself getting picked up by the green haired assassin. Her stomach resting on his shoulder, she squirmed vigorously, though he was to strong for the girl. To him it just felt like he was holding nothing "Hey Rokuro, you got duct-tape?" Lucius asked the redhead "Duct-tape?!" the bratty noble exclaimed in surprise. If his partner handed him some duct tape, he would pin the girl to the floor and tape her ankles, hands behind her back then lastly her mouth, to shut her up. She made loud noises that where attempting to be words as Lucius threw her over his shoulder again. "Let's get the hell out of here" the young man said to the redhead as he turned to leave. Her chin rested in his back, his hair occasionally hitting her face as he walked out of the room with the other assassin. The teen lead the way down the halls that they walked down previously, the smell from the recently made corpses along with there blood, filling the halls they walked down with a intoxicating metallic smell. The noble's face was filled with shock, absolutely terrified, feeling absolute terror for the first time, and her torture hasn't even started yet. She squirmed some more, this time, way more violently, she wanted to leave. To make her stop the young man hit her in the back, really hard, with his fist. This made her cough, but at least it stopped her from squirming around constantly.
    Finally stopping from where they came he looked up "So how do you suppose we get out?" Lucius asked his partner before hearing something and looking back down the hall. "Oh great, you think we would run out of people to fight" the assassin said, in a rather, irritated tone. He had a headache, his eyes hurt, he was tired, and just wanted to go to, anywhere really, and sleep. This made him wonder for a little bit where he was going to sleep today, maybe he could get some person to take pitty on him. Yeah, he would have to sleep with them, but at least he would get a good place to sleep for a temporary amount of time. Though his thoughts got interrupted when they had to start battling, to do this, he dropped the girl on the ground. Leaving her there to pick up later.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    3,490 9000

    H P:
    205 200


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
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    Post by NPC 14th August 2016, 8:59 pm

    The member 'kittykool75' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Post by Rokuro Katsura 15th August 2016, 10:35 am

    Rokuro was more than ready to leave as well.. get this job done and over with. But they still needed the girl. So Roku followed close behind Lucius as they broke down the door, seeing the girl they needed to be held for ransom literally just getting out of the shower. she looked to be a young woman, maybe nineteen or twenty... she seemed a bit old to still be living in her parent's home, but when its a house like this... who wouldn't stay? and besides that, she had the most baby face he'd ever seen. with her long blonde hair and blue eyes. Typical for a noble, almost, to have those facial features as they were considered rare at times. The rarest collection of genes likely to happen. His partner asked him if he had any duct tape, and roku pulled out a brand new unused roll from the pocket of his jacket the only went to about the middle of his torso. 

    "of course I got duct tape, what kind of kidnapping would this be without duct tape?" He asked with a smile and threw the roll over to Lucius who pinned the irritating squirming girl to the floor in order to tie her ankles hands and mouth to shut her up. Once they exited the room however, they had more butlers and maids coming for them. Roku mentally groaned, these guys were a real pain. He still had his lineage activated, so he could do a number on these guys. He watched as lucius dropped the girl off in the corner of the room behind them so her servant's couldn't come to her aid. He lunged forward with his shadow monsters rising up from the ground, causing all of the enemies to get stuck in place just to give them the upper hand. Roku let his monsters loose on the butlers, who used their teeth to dig themselves into the necks of their enemies. One of them even threw the body towards the girl as it hit the wall next to her. Roku heard her shriek with terror and decided to just throw all the body's her way to mentally scar her more. Ripping off several limbs of the second butler to only have his head tossed into her lap. Making her scream and scream though it was muffled by the tape around her mouth. Roku laughed to himself, she wasn't even the one getting hurt yet and she was already screaming like a banchie. Roku watched lucius take the maid down, and turned to see even more enemies coming towards them. "how many of you are there!?" He grunted in anger. they had to kill them all in order to keep anyone from telling the parents so soon. he sighed, running after the next set of enemies.

    Word Count


    Last edited by Rokuro Katsura on 15th August 2016, 10:38 am; edited 1 time in total


    "Remember me
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    Post by NPC 15th August 2016, 10:35 am

    The member 'Rokuro Katsura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 15th August 2016, 11:39 am

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    The young assassin was left with taking care of yet another maid, he pulled out his switchblade and turned it into it scythe form. Taking out a deep breath and started to just spin the scythe between his fingers as he went towards the girl. "I just want to go to sleep" he muttered, letting out a sigh before swinging the weapon at the girl. The two battled for a good amount of time, though Lucius didn't let himself get hit. He literally disarmed her, and then when she was on her knees, he swung the weapon at her neck. The head dropped to the floor and rolled, stopping in front of the young noblewoman, the face of the now dead maid was still in shock and horror. Lucius glared at the next wave of attackers, what did he say? Spinning the large weapon again out of habit, he ran towards a butler, swinging his scythe like a madman. Well which was true, he was mad both ways right now, always insane and right now, he was angry. His black aura was slipping out as he fought with the butler, the only thing the butler managed was a punch to the assassin's stomach. Before he was impaled with a scythe through the back, not the smartest to close up attack someone who holds a weapon that can impale you in the back while your trying to fight them.
    The green haired boy let go of the weapon, letting it turn back into it's knife form. Waiting for the body to fall forward, he pulled the knife out from the back of the corpse. Then simply aiming from the corner of his eye he threw an extra knife from his pocket into the forehead of the other butler. His corpse fell to the ground, the other people looked in shock, but weren't distracted long. Lucius ran at one of the maids and started to fight her, she got a couple kicks on him and he got a few cuts on her, then the battle stopping when he got her cornered and he stabbed her in the chest. Yanking the knife out, he whipped the blood off and let go of the young woman and he walked away from her. He figured Rokuro could deal with the guard and other maid, and if he needed help, he would say so. Green hair swayed back and forth as he strolled right on over to the noble girl, squatting down and picking her up again. After throwing her over his shoulder, he then watched the redhead fight and such with tired green blue eyes. He seemed to be doing pretty well for himself, and the girl wasn't squirming so that was also good. She was just whimpering and whining, seeing all of her servants be massacred by her two captors. Letting out a large yawn, Lucius gripped onto the girl, just to make sure she didn't fall when he didn't want her to. He couldn't wait to get out of here and take a nice long nap, thought again, that probably wouldn't happen anytime soon. Considering he still needed to get his punishment from his mentor, and most likely some more training.

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    4,028 9000

    H P:
    160 200


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 16th August 2016, 12:25 pm

    Roku watched as lucius went back to doing his regular thing. using his scythe to slice through one of the maids and both the butlers. Though roku already had one of the butlers in his grasp and was about to clamp his jaws down on his throat to rip it off of him, as soon as he bit down he could hear his skull crunch as his body suddenly went limp. He dropped the butler to see a knife in the back of his head. Lucius was efficient, he had to admit, but he could still at least let him take some of the enemies down himself too. 

    Roku took his shadow beings to grab a hold of the guard and the maid, the creatures scratched and hissed at the guard as he dodged them with his sword and shield, but due to them being shadow's all his attempts to kill or get rid of his minions was in vain. His swipes went straight through them like they weren't even there, though they could still inflict damage and interact with everything around them somehow. But eventually Rokuro sent a stronger and larger beast that was able to knock away the noble guard's sword and shield, leaving him defenseless as he sent his creatures out on him like he was being thrown into a den of lions. his screams soon ceased as his body was ripped into nothing but shreds and pieces. The maid stood there terrified, and tried to run away but the pack soon followed after her too. pinning her to the ground and eating her like she was nothing but a prey animal. Roku finally sighed, seeing no other enemies in sight. he hoped that was it, though they heard footsteps coming from down the corridor, Roku groaned in annoyance. "you've GOT to be kidding me.." he sighed. Bracing himself for another battle.  



    "Remember me
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    Post by NPC 16th August 2016, 12:25 pm

    The member 'Rokuro Katsura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by kittykool75 16th August 2016, 7:17 pm

    Becoming Better Partners|job| BGj480f
    Lucius Foss Guildless C-Rank
    Y o u   c o u l d   b e   t h e   c o r p s e   a n d   I   c o u l d   b e   t h e   k i l l e r

    "Fucking hell" Lucius muttered to himself, they didn't even really get anywhere. So he just proceeded to drop the girl back onto the ground and pull out his knife, ready for more battle. He hated when more and more people kept coming, yes he has dealt with situations such as these before, but it doesn't mean he likes it. He darted towards a butler, personally didn't really understand why a family needed more then two butlers. Inserting the knife into the butler, plunging it into his heart, the young employee died almost instantly. Harshly yanking the blade right back out he went to a fist to fist battle with one of the maids. Concealing his knife while landing kicks and punches, though mostly kicks, onto the woman. Though when in hand to hand combat, he did use his hands, he preferred to use his long, toned and pale as all hell legs. Since he was rather used to holding his flute with his hands, and fighting with kicking and such, at the same time. Managing, after a good few minutes of engaging the servant in combat, he kicked her down. When she tried to get up he slit her throat, then left her there to fight somebody else, leaving her to drown in her own blood. Going over to another maid, he just swung out his scythe and started swinging at her like a maniac. Though it looked like there was no style to it, the unpredictability and the unusualness of it, was the style. An odd way to fight, true, but a convenient way. Getting a nice deep gash across her chest made her fall to her knees and hug herself. Finally enjoying himself a bit more, he lifted the reaping weapon up, then let it drop. Including the momentum of it falling and him pushing down at it, made it swiftly run through the girl. Impaling her through the back and coming out through the middle of her chest. Her eyes wide with shock, they stayed that way, now passed on. Tearing the scythe from her, he swished it sideways, turning it back to a switchblade and flicking the blood off of it at the same time.
    Making eye contact with a tall woman, probably about five foot nine inches, she was very well built and walked in a suit, filled with brawn and confidence. Lucius took a good guess in saying this was the personal guard of the little brat that they where mid-kidnapping. The bodyguard was not all that fazed by all of the corpses strewn either in pieces or just covered in blood, all through the halls. She glared at him, and looked behind him, seeing her mistress. Knowing what she was after he got his blade ready, guess he would have to hold this chick off while Rokuro finished with his batch of people. Letting her come to him, he engaged his newfound target in combat. She was very experienced, and seemed like she was military or something of the like, which the green haired assassin wouldn't be too surprised about. Noble families hiring ex-military and or special forces was common. Folding his knife and putting it back in his pocket, he got in a sort of boxing position, one handed. Kicking and punching her, while also getting a few hit himself, though he managed to get a couple on her. Now he just needed to keep her from getting the girl, and as much as he hated to admit, wait for the redhead's help. Getting a nice firm punch into his stomach he coughed up some saliva, but didn't let it keep him from fighting. Muttering to himself as he glanced over at his comrade with his blue green eyes "Come on Rokuro, hurry up"

    W o r d    C o u n t:
    4,660 9000

    H P:
    130 200


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Becoming Better Partners|job| 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019

    Rokuro Katsura
    Rokuro Katsura

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Becoming Better Partners|job| Empty Re: Becoming Better Partners|job|

    Post by Rokuro Katsura 16th August 2016, 10:20 pm

    The duration for Roku's lineage had ended as soon as he was about to land a hit on one of the butlers who looked very relieved to watch the horrifying creature that disappeared before his eyes before it could lay a claw on him. Roku growled to himself, little did the butler know there was no way he was going to get out of this alive, even though he was able to survive what was supposed to be his death from his fist attack with his shadow puppets. He'd make sure it was painful, however. just to get rid of the false hope he had suddenly gained. 

    Rokuro dove forward at the butler before he could lay a finger on him and slashed his throat open with nothing but his fingernails that he made sure to keep sharp so he could execute kyusukiken, but it also came in handy just for fighting purposes like it did now. He watched the butler fall to the floor as he was left to slowly drown and suffocate in his own blood as it pooled around him. Roku raced forward at one of the maid's, kicking her legs and knocking her to the ground before stepping hard on her throat collapsing it, and also leaving her to suffocate to death. He didn't have to touch the guard that ran towards him in rage. "In'Nasashi" He whispered, snapping his fingers. As his finger's made a loud snapping sound, so did an artery in his neck as a vital vein suddenly popped. The shock had him on the floor and dead in less than a minute. He ran over to see Lucius trying to fist fight the girl's body guard with only one hand. Now that his spell was charged up, he slit his arm once again as the blood poured out and formed its usual very sharp and jagged, yet organized, and crystallized structure. He ran forward with a smile jumping in front of lucius and slamming the weapon down on the body guard's armor, managing to put a dent in it. not enough to see her blood spill though. He wanted to get a taste of her blood, he imagined it would taste delicate yet have a kick to it, like a glass of deep red wine. 

    He swung over and over and over rather senselessly, he had gotten at least five hits on her finally able to see some noticeable cracks in her strong armor. Felling proud of himself he got cocky and took a risky move, taking a heavy blow from her bear fist. The force of the blast sent him flying down the hallway and into a wall. Cracking the fine materials that made said wall. He groaned and stumbled as he let his body fall from the wall covered in dust. He coughed up only a smudge bit of blood, looking back up and wiping his lip. he dragged his weapon across the floor as it made screeching noises as it left scratch marks in the fine marble and through all the blood of their fallen enemies. He watched Lucius get a few more hits on her before Roku jumped right back into action getting at least three more hits on her and finally knocking her helmet off. He could see the sudden distress in her eyes as she had one of the most vulnerable parts of herself exposed. He slammed his weapon down again, putting an even bigger crack in her chest plate. It looked ready to crack under the pressure of one last hit, and he backed away to let Lucius take the final blow. "NOW!" he yelled running out of the way and running back to get the girl. 



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    As I go down in history
    So don't stand in my way"

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    Post by NPC 16th August 2016, 10:20 pm

    The member 'Rokuro Katsura' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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