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    EXPonential Growth

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

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    EXPonential Growth Empty EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 9th August 2016, 6:19 pm

    An all-white wyvern fell down from the sky, divebombing and landing feet first onto the ground. It gave a loud roar, that of which being its "i'm proud of myself" roar, which rang althroughout the forest and cemetery.

    "Now you've done it..."

    A voice seemingly from nowhere echoed throughout the ears of the green-haired wyvern rider. The mage and rider hopped off the back of the reptilian beast and landed on the ground, inspecting around for the source of the sound.

    "Show yourself! Unless you want a bad case of the good old fashioned KO flu!" Lilian, or as most call her Lily, spoke out. The other voice was masculine, and it sounded old. Perhaps a wizard? Either way, a man in a wheelchair rolled forward from the darkness. He had a long white beard, his head bald. His clothes seemed nothing more than rags.

    "Child with the heart of light and the blood of darkness... Where is the other one? You two would be embarking on the quest together... Correct?" The old man spoke with a voice like he was dying, or on the verge of it. Lily wasn't focused on the man's well-being at the moment, she was focused on what his first sentence was.

    "You... Know who I am?" Lily was definitely shocked at the sudden revelation.

    "I know not of who you are, only that you seek good and have the blood of evil... Pluto, correct? I have personally seen what Pluto descendants can do... You're here for just the same reason. So, child, in that cemetery there are enemies, people who have had the sweet release of death and now no longer have their souls on this plane. Instead, the Pluto descendant placed shadows into the dead bodies, inhabiting them like actual souls. You and your partner, wherever they may be, are tasked with ridding this place of them."

    "I'll do it! I can't let that villain terrorize any innocent old man without the pain of Justice to thwart him! Let's wait here, Marshmallow for our partner! Then let's kick butt!"


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
    EXPonential Growth CKWpl03
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 9th August 2016, 6:51 pm

    Jiyu had been relaxing earlier in the day, sitting on her break at the silvermoon inn, sipping a simple cherry soda as she waited for something interesting to happen or for another shift to be opened for her. Luckily? It was something interesting that had happened, some kid running into the guild screaming about something, like zombies or something. Swiftly, Kazehime lured him away from the masses of Black Rose employed people and mages, so that she'd be one of the few to know the story and if it bore fruit, she'd be the first to be there and aiding in the solving of the problem. To say she'd been itching for a new fight lately? Was an over statement, ever since getting her new fluffy blanket she'd needed something else entertaining.

           Once Jiyu understood there was something in the cursed land's cemetery that was causing skeletons to rise from the dead? The wind user was quick to prepare a means of transport and get dressed, opting to wear her bikini top, a pair of jean shorts and Marschal's jacket, which she swore she'd give back one of these days. However? She wasn't not giving back something drenched in her saviors scent, especially when she was going to the cursed lands, which she was, even thought she barely informed the other's of it! That was a bad habit of her's, she'd tell someone to inform the rest of the guild for her and rush out to her next job, some of them often being too much for her, but somehow come back alive. This job thought? Sounded just right.

             "I guess I'm your aid since I don't see anyone else around. Jiyu Kazehime, from BlackRose" it felt like this girl was weaker than her in terms of mage rank, but she'd been no push over as a D rank so she wasn't about to assume this chick was, they only had a rank between them. Also stating her own guild might be over kill, because the black mark was glaringly clear on her stomach, just like the shackle shaped bruises around her wrists and legs, the burn marks and scratches covering her skin, she'd been through something in the last few months that was clear."And cool down, we can't go racing in without knowing each other's. For one, my sense's are very acute, besides that my magic is violent, you'll have to be careful while working with me, I'm a range fighter sure, but my magic is explosive and if your caught in it's range you'll get hurt to, so you'll have to let me know if your going in close to an enemy so I don't hurt you by mistake." Now with that out of the way, Jiyu took an arrow from her quiver, hand touching the bow secured to her shorts.


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2016, 4:06 am

    "Well then,  whom I assume to be the ally of justice fighting by my side for the help of this poor old man, I am Lilian Truth, seeker of nothing greater than the happiness of everyone around me and that evildoers are put in their right place! You may call me Lily, if you so please. As for my guild, I am not affiliated with anyone at the moment, nor do I plan to be. My magic, hmm? Well I can't really explain it, lest you see it on the battlefield. You can ask my partner." Lily pointed to Marshmallow, who let out a loud shriek of happiness aantanticipation. Lilian then hopped on the sadle of the wyvern and grabbed hold of the reigns.

    "I can fly you there if you wish, but if not I shall see you there!" Whether this new face did or didn't get on Marshmallow's back, Lily still took off into the sky, looming over the cemetery where she could already see bodies, despite it being so dark. They had beedy glowing purple eyes, and had a purple aura to them. It seemed like Lily could just... Feel the darkness emitting off of them, even from above the treeline.  Once Marshmallow made its way to the cemetery and found a place that had little enemies it dived in, crushing a tombstone under its foot.

    "Marshy! We can't disturb these helpless souls anymore than they already have been!" Lilian scolded, and Marshmallow gave off an apologetic squeal. However, what little enemies were in the area were attracted to them by the noise,  and Lilian put up her fists, and Marshmallow stood ready. Lilian couldn't help feel how weird it was to fight without a lance, as that is what her training was with. Her family line of wyvern knights fought with the lance in one hand and the reigns in the other. Lily wasn't going to be discouraged now, however. Enemies were here.

    Last edited by Kissos on 10th August 2016, 4:07 am; edited 2 times in total


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
    EXPonential Growth CKWpl03

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 10th August 2016, 4:06 am

    The member 'Kissos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th August 2016, 1:46 pm

    369 words
          The first thought passing through Jiyu's brain when this girl begun to speak once more? Was how eccentric this woman was, it was something that irked her, but she could deal with it. Being utterly honest, the wind mage could deal with almost anything to have a good mission, do well at the job she took on! Kazehime liked being busy, and missions kept her that way! So she instantly decided to do her best at getting along with this new and unique personality, smiling at the green haired girl, glancing up at her slightly. Honestly? It annoyed Jiyu that she was a significant amount of inches shorter than Lily, this girl was childish so the wind user had hopped that would make her short, but it hadn't! So the five foot, two inch woman, was stuck looking up at her job partner once more.

            "I'll accept the flight, I like the wind." she had not gotten to fly herself, not until today at least. Even thought Lillian's greater height blocked out much of the experience of a flight? Jiyu found herself lifting her arms as she gripped the wyvern's sides with her leg's, laughing. Unlike most people on their first flight, Jiyu was anything but scared, the wind user seemed delighted, a red flush coming to her face, caused by her joy. After this, the female promised she had to get her own flying sort of pet, she just had to! Maybe Marschal wouldn't be air sick like he was sea sick, that could solve two things at once. Too soon for Jiyu's comfort, they'd landed in the graveyard.

            "I got this one Lily, watch." she jumped off the white beasts saddle, the skeletons coming closer towards them, and she waved her hands outwards in front of her. "Wind Dance!" and the range exploded around both sets of skeletons, taking down down, it was very easy to take such monsters down, since they only took D rank damage to bring down. However? "See?" Jiyu turned around, smiling at her partner, sadly the Skeletons reassembled, and while she heard it happen, she thought it was another group coming, not the ones so close to them walking again.


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM EXPonential Growth H6NcPbM

    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2016, 3:23 pm

    "Gah! Wind Magic!? Marshmallow, keep your distance from her attacks, but for now - GO GET 'EM!" Lilian warned the wyvern about the wind mage that stood beside Lilian. Marshmallow took off into the sky, then came back down with the force to crush one of the skeleton knights below its foot, then grabbing one by its teeth and ripping it in half. The wyvern then became a primary target for the skeletons, seeing as it took out two of the 15 without breaking a sweat, and was working on the next few.

    "Who should stand back now?" Lily said to Jiyu, then turned back to command Marshmallow one more time.

    "Marshmallow, they're all close together! Flames of Purity!" A magic circle opened beneath her feet, and Marshmallow began to glow orange. It took a deep breath, then shot a basketball-sized ball of flames, which bursted, destroying ebery skeleton in the area. Lilian, naive as she was, assumed it to be over.

    "Woohoo! If that isn't one by the books then I dunno what is! Good job, Marshy! I owe you a giant steak when we get ho-" Lily was cut off by the sound of bones rattling. Fifteen out of the twenty skeletons that were destroyed by the flames got back up as if nothing ever happened, which annoyed Lily further.

    "Eager to escape retribution, eh? Well, at least this is one step closer to my dream!" Lilian ran in, hoping that she wouldn't get hit by a wind spell. It was their weakness - wind magic and dragonslayers, that is. Lily and Marshmallow each took five enemies, as the last five were walking towards Jiyu, swords and spears alike in their hands. Lily narrowly avoided a slash that would decapitate her, while Marshmallow just clawed one in half. Marshmallow was tearing through the enemy ranks like butter, while Lily wasn't having that much of a luxury. She punched one of the skeletons in the face, then kicked it. It fell, then didn't move. Lucky for her, that skeleton had a spear in its hands, which Lily soon picked up. She didn't want to use her spells - they drained her faster than a normal mage. Conservation was key, and when Lily didn't have a lance in her hand she suffered combat-wise. But now she did.

    "Marshy!" Lilian watched as the wyvern discarded the remains of the skeletons, and flew over to Lilian. It quickly dispatched two of the skeletons, slashing them both with her claws. Lily, on the other hand, stabbed one throgh the skull, then swept anothers' feet. Taking the lance and jamming it into the skull of the skeleton, Lily was finally done. Hand to hand combat was not her forte. At all.

    "Alright! Let's find a hole to bury these guys in. We've already disturbed them, so... Marshmallow!" The wyvern was chewing on the remains of one of the skeletons. Lily made Marshmallow spit it out, and found each of the pair's dispatched skeletons a grave. Lucky for her, the graves were open. It might not have been their proper grave, but it was a place to rest none-the-less.
    HP: 150
    MP: 85%


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
    EXPonential Growth CKWpl03
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th August 2016, 4:16 pm

    338 words
    "I told you before we started that I practice wind magic!" she was seemingly slightly irked that her companion had an issue with her magic, the very second their job started. Honestly? If she was gong to throw a small fit over the kind of magic she practiced? Jiyu didn't know what the future of this mission held for them, but she was somewhat concerned over the fact someone had been so alarmed over her magic, but of course this also meant Lily and Marshmallow would give her a very wide birth when she stated she'd be casting some sort of spell. Luckily? That eliminated them getting hurt within the cross fire, so the wind mage grinned happily, unhooking her bow from her pants and drawing an arrow from her quiver.

            "As I said, just give me some time with you guys not right against them, so I can attack too."the female laughed slightly, scratching the side of her face with the hand she also held an arrow in. Watching them try to bury the skeletons? Jiyu grumbled slightly, her ears twitching "I'd hold off on burying them." the wind mage provided, loading her arrow into her bow, getting ready for the new wave. With a single breath? She inhaled, but found only the scent of death, which meant she'd have to rely on her ears instead of her nose, not that they weren't just as good as each other, but she really liked her nose. "I am sure there are more coming." the female explained, pulling her bow tight, ready to release when the enemies were in sight. However all she could really do was wait for them to show up, wait alongside her new companions, the ones doing this job with her. That? Could be reassuring, or not it really depended on one's point of view in all honesty. "You ready Lily? Their close, you guys deal the initial damage this time and then get back, my shot will take them down once they revive."

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 10th August 2016, 4:20 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : forgot word count XD)


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 10th August 2016, 4:16 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    EXPonential Growth WeakMonster EXPonential Growth NormalMonster
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2016, 4:36 pm

    "You told me you 'liked the wind' and that you had an explosive magic - NOT that yoh dealt in wind. Besides, Marshmallow and I are... How to say... 'allergic' to wind magic." Lilian said as she grabbed another body, cut off by Jiyu's statement about not having time to bury the bodies. It was a sentiment that was greater in moral than it was in the actual context of a mission, Lilian knew that. But her thirst for the good of the past souls continued until the skeletons reached the three of them. Dropping the body, she hopped on Marshmallow and held the reigns in one hand and the newfound spear in the other. She flew back to Jiyu for just a moment.

    "I have a plan. Once I say "now" explode in the area with the skeletons. They'll probably reassemble, however if it was anything like before then they'll be easier to defeat." She saw the group - a group of another twenty skeletons. Five of them, like before, wore heavier armor, five carried swords, five carried spears, three had tomes (apparently they knew magic beyons the afterlife), two had bows, and five had axes. Marshmallow and Lilian flew into the air, then came down at the center of tje group. Lily waited for them to realize where she was, as they seemed a bit... Slower than people that were alive. Marshmallow flew off, and Lilian began to yell at the group.

    "Foul Shadows from the offspring of dark magic - BE PURGED BY THE LIGHT OF JUSTICE! Corruption-Breaking Frost Breath!" Another magic circle opened below Lilian, and she radiated blue. Slamming her fist onto the ground, all of the skeletons froze. They still tried to reach for Lily, and as she was running out of the group she got cut in the shoulder by a sword - nothing major, however. She was only focused on Jiyu, whom she finally yelled to.

    HP: 130
    MP: 70%

    Note - word count is 300 per post. Your last post counted at 209


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
    EXPonential Growth CKWpl03
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th August 2016, 4:53 pm

    I knew, but thanks, I posted it early by mitake, been edited to be at word count <3
    325 this post

            "Your Allergic To My Magic?!" The female stumbled back a few steps, her bow cocking slightly in her hands. How was she suppose to work with someone who was allergic to the very magic she used? Even the attack's she had with the Night Hunt, her bow and arrow, those happened to be made of wind magic, how was she suppose to not kill this girl while working with her?! The female kept her shocked gaze on her ally, pretty much forgetting that they had another group of blood thirsty skeletons identical to the first marching towards them, her blink being stunned and shocked, entirely focused in on the green haired mage and her snowy white pet. They were allergic to her magic? Jiyu had never met anyone allergic to any kind og magic before!

          "Huh- Oh! Explosive Breeze!"" she let her arrow fly, releasing the shoot and hitting the middle of the ground. For a split second? Someone could think she had missed, but the wind around the skeletons exploded, causing them to fall into a pile of shambled bones once more. Now? There was something very important the female had to have them cover! "You said your allergic to wind magic, like hives and death allergic or fear it?!" was this girl going to break out if they got too close to each other?! Damn she did not want to be responsible for someone's death, just because she was a wind user. "Damn, I hear more of them coming! I can't tell if their same kind as before thought." the female heard lots of noises in this cemetery! However she supposed they'd see soon, she was just more concerned her magic would kill those two. "Do I need to be more careful? Will touching my magic kill you two?" she did not want labeled some murdered just because she started a mission not knowing her partner was allergic to her magic.


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th August 2016, 4:53 pm

    forgot to roll for us, sorry.


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 10th August 2016, 4:53 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    EXPonential Growth NormalMonster EXPonential Growth NormalMonster
    Shipping Goddess
    Shipping Goddess

    Hero To Be

    Hero To Be

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 10th August 2016, 5:44 pm

    "Well, this may not be the ideal place to explain but uh... No. I'm not allergic as in hives and death, nor am I afraid of wind magic. Wind magic just hurts Marshmallow and I... A lot more than a normal spell of the same power. The only thing that would probably hurt us more is, well, dragonslayer magic." Lily explained the predicament she and Marshmallow was in. "And no, I won't die from simply touching your magic. It'll hurt a lot, just don't hit me too many times with it, if you must. I am willing to make any sacrifice for the greater good, but I want to be known as a hero before I give up my life."

    Lily's tone was definitely a bit more serious. Hopping onto Marshmallow once more. Holding the spear in her dominant hand, right hand that is, she flew towards the group. Ten Skeletons this time, all wearing heavier armor. Lily learned techniques to break simple armor like that during wyvern knight training. A simple, yet powerful strike to the center of the armor and...


    One of the skeletons had its armor shattered, then recieved a spear to the skull. Afterward, Lily flew upwards, hopefully giving Jiyu the opening she needed to unleash a spell if need be. After the possible spell, Lily would make quick work of a skeleton knight, going straight for the skull. For something without a brain headshots really did a number on these skeletons.

    Lily continued this process. After attacking that last skeleton, she ascended into the sky, until Marshmallow got hit with an arrow. Marshmallow shrieked in both anger and pain, then dived in to grab the skeleton that shot her. The wyvern took the skeleton, and Lily (against her will) deeper into the cemetery, leaving Jiyu, the dead but now reassambling skeletons, and the skeletons that have yet to be destroyed, alone.
    HP: 110
    MP: 70

    Note - Gonna roll for meself. Have fun with your enemies ~


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
    EXPonential Growth CKWpl03

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 10th August 2016, 5:44 pm

    The member 'Kissos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 10th August 2016, 6:30 pm

    323 words

    So they happened to be extremely weak to her kind of magic, and they went around calling it an allergy of sorts?! The wind mage was weakened towards fire magic alongside being afraid of fire itself, and she didn't go around saying she was allergic to fire and fire magic! Honestly the fact someone had done that sort of thing irked her to no end, and someone in her guild would be hearing this story when she got back. However for now, the wind user wanted to play nicely and aid the marshmallow and lily in the best possible ways she could; Thought for the moment she was beginning to believe that method of aiding them, the best one that was, may just be to stay out of their way, until they got out of hers. Unlike a girl named Leila that Jiyu would meet soon enough? She was not a perfect match of compatibility with Marshmallow and Lily, but they'd make due somehow.

            "geeze don't worry, I'm not careless enough to hit you, with your flying on marshmallow your giving me decent attack openings." the female explained herself, hooking her bow back to her short's, since she planned to finish off the skeletons with another move entirely. "Wind Dance." she waved her hand's, and the rebuilding skeletons fell dead for good. "Oh shit, were are you two going?" she saw them vanish deeper into the cemetery, marshmallow carrying Lily away swiftly, without telling her why they were heading that way, and went to pursue them, while the normal monsters were weak enough for one person, they still had a boss running around somewhere. "We can take out the weak one's without each other, but if either of us find the boss we'll need backup, something revived all these!" of course than she was stopped by another line of skeletons. Hopefully? Lily did not find the boss before she could catch up.


    EXPonential Growth Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 10th August 2016, 6:30 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Shipping Goddess

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 11th August 2016, 6:56 pm

    "Marshy... I think it's dead." Lilian said to the wyvern as she watched Marshmallow furiously whip around the previously reanimated corpse by its mouth like a dog with a chewtoy. Finally, Marshmallow dropped it and left it as a pile of bones. Now they had a new threat.

    Fifteen enemies, closing in fast. Ten were black skeletons and five were knighted skeletons of before... Until that five turned into seven, as one of the skeletons changed that count. Apparently it could summon help, meaning that one was a priority.

    "Marshmallow go get 'em! The one with the purple book!" Marshmallow flew past their ranks, and grabbed the skeleton between its teeth. The skeleton shot a fireball, narrowly missing Marshmallow due to the position. Lily flipped off of the sadle, and stabbed it through the back. It dissassembled but instantly reformed, then struck Lilian in the face with its bony hand. It didn't hurt at all, and Lilian stabbed it in the skull with the spear. Dropping the spear for good, seeing as it was nearly completely worn out, Lily resorted once again to magic, except this time it was a little different.

    "I hate to resort to this, but... At least she can't see me from here." Lily called upon her dark blood lineage, the aspect of pluto. Darkness surrounded her hand, until a dodgeball-sized ball of black energy was in her palm. She threw it in the center of the mob, and it hit a skeleton. Another burst occured, and exploded the skeletons wearing armor. The other skeletons, still stood. Lily cast another spell.

    "Flames of Purity!" A magic circle appeared under her feet, and Marshmallow shot the same burst of fire as before. Downing all of the black skeletons and incinerating the bones of the knighted skeletons. The black bones began to assemble, but the mighty force that was Marshmallow began to furiously stomp and claw at them, stopping them from reassembling. Lily stopped and leaned against a tree. Her magic was going down fast, she had to restrict her use. Sadly, she heard the creaking of bone once again, so her rest was short-ljved.
    HP: 105
    MP: 55


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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 11th August 2016, 6:56 pm

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 12th August 2016, 10:33 am

    post: 6/12
    word count: 344
    nothing on cool down. (Wind slash and wind dance on two post cool down after this post)
    8 enemies faced for Jiyu (4 shared with Kis)

          The wing mage skidded to a stop when she noticed the skeletons in front of her did not seem to be the same one's from before. Unlike the one's that went down in one hit earlier? These one's had black bone's, and that meant they were a different kind, Jiyu bit her tongue, slightly nervous about facing a slightly stronger enemy all on her own, but the wind mage knew she was powerful! What if they were black? It didn't matter what color the bones were, they were just bones and she would still kick their ever loving asses! However the wind mage jumped back onto one of the tomb stones when she suddenly saw an additional few white skeletons appear out of no where in the front, at this point she figured some of the twenty black skeletons could utilize magic! That had to be stopped first and foremost!

           "Wind Slash!" without Lily and her wyvern beast to worry about? She let the attack go, and first thing their armor shattered, even their resistance did not matter with Jiyu's natural ambient 50% boost, and since everyone managed to get hit by the blades, they were all put to the ground in seconds! Standing there grinning, she waited to see if they would rise again, and when they did she figured they were just a teeny bit stronger than the white ones (which she'd also taken down, and were also getting back up). Thus Jiyu chose not to waste any powerful attacks, and jumped back a few more gravestones, waving her hands out. "Wind Dance." and it worked, the enemies falling for the final time.

          "Now to try and catch up again." she knew she'd encounter more skeletons, but that didn't really matter, right now the D-ranked mage was on her own, despite having a wyvern. Normally? It was the job of a higher rank mage to protect the lower ranked one on their team, sure jiyu couldn't do close combat for her, but they had been working well together before Lily took off.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 12th August 2016, 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total


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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 12th August 2016, 10:33 am

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 13th August 2016, 8:18 am

    "Stand down fiend or I'll... Make you submit to the tight hold of justice..." Lily was taking heavy breaths, but not from physical exhaustion. Lily could fight all day if she could, it's just the side effect of her magic. It just drained her magic faster than a normal being.

    Lilian studied the situation: Fifteen enemies, each bloodthirsty and ready to kill. Each of them would fall with one spell or well-placed attack, but then revive to attack again. That was a predicament. A very bad one at that.

    Once again Lilian used her lineage, a spell that she could continously fire without having to drain any of her mana pool, meaning it was pretty effective. The skeleton that got hit dropped its weapon - a bow... This would be new.

    Lily picked up the bow, and the last of the arrows in the quiver, and drew the bow. Marshmallow tore a skeleton in half, and snarled to show she was trying to intimidate the skeletons. This, under normal circumstances, meant she would probably be protecting Lilian.

    Lilian let the first arrow fly - totally missing its mark. She let another one - another miss. Arrow after arrow was proving to be useless as she eventually only had one arrow left. Marshmallow dispatched 6 of the skeletons that Lilian couldn't hit, and was working on grinding the remains to dust.

    A skeleton approached Lily, and swung its sword. Avoided, and then Lily clenched the bow. With a perfect baseball-style swing, the skeleton's head was missing. It dropped a sword, which Lily picked up. As soon as this happened a sharp and heavy pain flew over her arm, which made her scream at the top of her lungs. Her arm soon became wet, and as she looked down she saw her arm was bleeding with an arrow through it. Lily teared up, but picked up the blade with her other (and non-dominate) arm.

    Great. The only form of fighting with swords she knew were two-handed, and now her arm had an arrow in it. She assumed it was broken due to it not being able to move, and the STRIKING PAIN SHE FELT from it. So, another magic circle appeared below her, and she sat on the ground with her eyes closed and told Marshmallow to protect her from the enemies, but be sure not to... You know... Die. The wyvern then went onto guarding Lily, but had to take out that archer first. Melee fighters didn't stand a chance against the force that was her, but the ranged units could potentially get the better of her.
    MP: 55 (but Im in the process of casting a spell)
    Not gonna roll because I am vulnerable atm


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
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    Jiyu Kazehime
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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 13th August 2016, 1:22 pm

    Post 7/12
    word count: 304
    Wind Slash and Wind Dance one post cool down remaining.
    11 enemies faced (4 shared with Kisso)

         She really had to work faster to get through to Lillian and Marshmallow, it was almost as if the skeletons were trying to keep them from meeting up! If someone was controlling these dead? It was very possible that the true goal of them was to keep the two girls apart so their boss could close in on one of the mages, not have to face two mages at the same time, yeah that was a very real possibility! Jiyu knew she was going to have to step up the game, aim to fight them more intensely than she had been, struggle through, because if something was this strong, there was no way Lillian could face it all on her own, even with that wyvern at her side, it just was not going to end up happening in the end. Kazehime? Was not going to let the older, yet, less experienced and less powerful mage, get killed, simply because they got separated.

            "You fucking skeletons!" she spoke in foul language, pulling her arrow back and steadying her breath, she had over thirty of these suckers bearing down on her, but they were not smart enough to fan out. If they separated from each other? The wind mage knew it would be harder for her to fight them, so she fired when they were near each other, watching them fall. Even thought she knew they'd get back up? Jiyu ran forward, in hopes she might get past them before that happened. of course? She doubted herself to end up getting that lucky, but she still had to try, even if it meant getting caught between this and the next wave, placing her hand's at the base of two tomb stones before she started running, the beginning of wind game. She had to catch up.

    Last edited by Jiyu Kazehime on 13th August 2016, 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by NPC 13th August 2016, 1:22 pm

    The member 'Jiyu Kazehime' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Shipping Goddess 15th August 2016, 6:01 am

    Lilian sat there, eyes closed as she breathed in lightly, like a dragon in a cave. Seemingly asleep, at peace. She didn't think about anything else, didn't see anything else, didn't hear, smell, feel, or taste anything else. Just this... Bliss.

    Outside of Lilian's little spell going on nothing was blissful.

    Marshmallow grabbed the skeleton archer in its mouth, and whipped it into another one. It quickly stomped on its remains and narrowly avoided an axe slash. Seven left to go.

    Marshmallow flew back over to Lilian. Marshmallow needed Lilian to cast spells, meaning while she was in a pseudo-unconscious state the wyvern could only rely on her melee skills. And honestly... That was doing a lot for her.

    Marshmallow stood her ground, and roared a roar of triumph. She would NOT let anyone harm her mistress. Marshmallow slashed a skeleton in half with her claws, and then smacked one into a tree with her tail. They both got up, but the closer one was whipped into the further one just like the skeleton archer.

    Five left, and Lilian wasn't done. Marshmallow could just end them all with Flames of Purity, but Lilian wasn't awake to do it! The remaining five skeletons ganged up on Marshmallow, all trying to attack it at the same time. Apparently they didn't realize that Marshmallow had WINGS.

    Marshmallow flew upwards, then crashed down on top of them. Stomping on them like street trash, Lilian finally woke up. All of her wounds had disappeared, and she felt invigorated. Her left arm still had an arrow in it, and was still broken, but she couldn't feel the pain. All of her other wounds were gone however. Lilian hopped up and down, invigorated. She grabbed a spear from a skeleton that Marshmallow dispatched, and walked alongside the wyvern. She couldn't hold the reigns and the spear at the same time due to her broken arm, but she could still fight (albeit not at her best).

    Lilian walked on until she saw a figure - a woman staring straight at her. Was she the cause of all this? No... Lilian felt no magic from this woman. She was also dead. Why did she look so... Normal then? Either way, just like the skeletons the woman in front of her, Cupcake, didn't say a word. Only prepared for battle.
    HP: 85
    MP: 40

    Sorry for the delay! I've been focused on solo threads


    EXPonential Growth M7mHyEw
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    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

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    EXPonential Growth Empty Re: EXPonential Growth

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 15th August 2016, 10:01 am

    Post 8/12
    word count: 341
    Wind Game On on three post cool down, Wind Slash and Wind Dance on cool down as well.
    15 enemies faced (4 shared with Kisso)

         Her frail hands touched to the ground twice more, both hands impacting fully enough to nearly leave prints against the upturned soil. However? She stopped short of leaving mark's, since that was not necessary for this attack, she just had to make full two handed contact against some place rooted on the ground, nothing else! Now that her attack was set up once more? She turned to see the skeletons behind her start's to revive, and another large mod in front of her, gulping once she predicted the best way to handle this event. Should she finish the one's behind her for good first, or focus on the faster moving ones which had not been taken down even once yet? In the end she chose to take down the one's standing in front of her and closing in swiftly. "Wind slash!" she shouted it out, and watched them fall to the ground, before she herself turned around, to hiss at one of the skeletons slashing a sword across her, shortening her already short jeans and breaking flesh. Now? She wouldn't be able to run like she had before.

           "Wind Game!" she hissed it out, and panted, holding one hand against her bleeding leg, turning to see the other skeletons reassembling, "Wind Dance." she swung her hands out, some of her own blood nearly going into the wind, that was when she realized there was another attack she could start using, if she got a safe enough location, since the attack would also leave her unable to move, but her companion would be able to attack without hitting their allies, for once. Did she trust Lily to keep her safe when she became so prone?

           Eventually by running, her blood dripping onto the ground she caught up to Lilian. "Well I guess we found their boss." the wind mage spoke up, taking another arrow from her quiver. "You taking lead on attacks or am I?" because if she attacked and the other two went to do so too, she'd seriously hurt them!


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