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    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Shard 6th August 2016, 8:11 am

    The Heaven's Forge:

    It had been a hard day of cooking for the red-haired chef known as Magna Victus. Cooking was his life and most recently he had been trying to perfect a new recipe using a special crystalline dust he had got from a mission. The crystals themselves were a special crystal that absorbed starlight and moonlight to regrow and could be used as a whetstone. Only truly hard materials would be able to get off the dust though. The dust was composed of rare amino acids and stimulated hunger directly. It was addictive and as such Magna had only really used it for a special meal he'd prepared for his girlfriend and also for a few demo dishes. It wasn't yet at a state where he could sell it. The dust overpowered most other ingredient's flavours so he had to find some ingredients that it worked well with.

    As he slept he found himself walking through a crystalline forest at the end of which stood a black flower also entirely carved out of crystal. It was formed perfectly and was truly beautiful. He recognised it as the Black Rose itself. It was said the seeds of this crystal flower could grow entire nations. Yet something was off about it. The flower appeared to be wilting. Three figures seemed to be nearby. One was a large wolf biting into the stem, one was a mage casting some sort of spell that seemed to be pulling the very life out of it whilst the third appeared to a machine formed out of an element he couldn't quite identify. It was blasting the flower with the same magic. Between the three creatures they were forcing the Black Rose to wilt. The very symbol of the guild was wilting. He had to save it.

    He ran forward, but no matter how fast he ran he couldn't get any closer. It was then he noticed he was standing on air and something was holding him by the scruff of his colour. He tried to get a good look, but all he could see was white light. "Who are you?"

    "Come to Kyoka. All will be explained. All will be explained. Come to kyoka." It said those two sentences over and over and then suddenly a strange energy seemed to shoot through his body causing white light to stream from his mouth and eye.

    Magna awoke shaking and covered in sweat. The words haunted him. He felt compelled to obey them and go to Kyoka. He had not been there himself, but he knew that it had to be reached via a special portal and that it was said one's power grew ten fold whilst there. He sat  there for a moment and then an idea came to mind. If a portal was needed then it was going to another dimension. He knew of one mage who specialised in that sort of thing. He needed to go find Aether. He knew more of portals and dimensions then anyone else he knew. He leaped to his feet and walked through the halls till he came to Aether's room. It was still dark outside, but he was sure Aether would be ok. He knocked on the door and spoke quietly. "Aether, its Magna. I need your aid with something."

    551 words


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    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) HqzsHuT

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
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    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Crimzon 20th August 2016, 8:04 am

    Aether had spent most of his nights tirelessly working on attempting to get his tendrils to work to their full capacity again in a new form. He had managed to harvest a singular tendril and rework it into a shape similar to that of a magical staff, and proceeded to wrap another two tendrils around it and placed a part of the tendrils core at the head of the staff. What happened he didn’t expect, the tendrils that were meant to be inactive suddenly came to life and absorbed part of the core of the organ he drew them from, causing the staff to glow a bright red light before calming down and resuming its new shape of a staff, the head of the staff curved to take the shape that resembled an ancient carnivorous tooth which seemed to hum with dimensional energy. Reaching for the newly created staff Aether lifted it and began to swing it around, testing how rigid it was to basic quick movements before throwing it at a nearby wooden dummy, the tooth head digging deeply into the wood, creating a fracture straight down the middle before splitting apart. Grinning to himself he walked over and picked the staff out from the splinters and wood, twisting it around in his grip to check for any sort of damage towards the newly crafted weapon before sliding it into his robe to store in his shadow.

    Umbra was sitting on a specially designed chair that Aether had made for her human-like form, just an average chair that had a hole in the back of it so that she could slip her tail through so she wouldn’t need to sit on it. She was reading a comic book when she heard the knock on the door to their room, with tired eyes and one of Aether’s button up shirts covering her she put down her book and made her way over to the door as she attempted to keep herself balanced with her tail dragging across the ground. “The library must really want their books back if they’re coming around at this time of night.” The demi-human spoke to herself as she opened the door, staring at the red headed man blankly through her fringe before closing the door. “Aether you have a visitor!” she shouted as she ran full sprint at a portal, jumping through it only to return seconds later completely dressed and opening the door again as though nothing had just happened. “He’ll be here in a moment,” She responded to the man, moving aside. “you can wait inside if you like.”

    Word count: 436


    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Shard 20th August 2016, 12:26 pm

    Magna was about to speak to the woman who opened the door when suddenly it slammed shut in his face just as his mouth was opened. He heard her shout from the other side and paused briefly. Who was this woman? Had Aether got a girlfriend or something? The girl who opened the door looked fairly young, but then again he'd never really been able to gauge exactly how old Aether was. It was kinda tricky as he was one of the least human people he knew. So it really wasn't possible for him to try to work out if he was a 'cradle snatcher' or if she was a 'grave robber' or whatver the terms were. That was assuming they were a couple. The shirt she was wearing looked like one of Aether's but again that wasn't a clear sign either. Judging by her reaction it could be possible to assume that she was embarassed to see him there and that could mean it was a fling. So many ingredients to this situation that could make the recipe one of many things. He didn't know what to make of it, but he hoped Aether would be here soon.

    It wasn't that long a wait though because the door opened to reveal the woman and she was fully clothed. What's more he could now clearly see she wasn't entirely human herself. She was part dragon or lizard based on the tail. Perhaps like himself she had unlocked an animal spirit and taken on part of his form. However, that was not important. Instead, he walked into the room and looked at her for a momenet.

    "Sorry to intrude so late, but I need Aether's expertise on portals." he said calmly rubbing a hand through his crimson hair calmly. There was very little he could do other than apologise. He looked about the room calmly noticing details. It was quite a nice room and was pretty much exactly what he expected of Aether in truth. Though Aether was a bit of an enigma in truth. He hoped that Aether would be able to help somewhat. There was no-one else who knew more about portals and the like then Aether. If this threat was as bad as he expected based on the dream then his help would also be useful in truth. Both of them were powerful mages. Normally, he'd of gone and got Shade or someone he was more familiar with, but he felt instinctively Aether's knowledge would be highly valuable.

    419 words


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) HqzsHuT

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Crimzon 30th August 2016, 4:37 am

    Aether heard Umbra shout at him as he was putting the newly created staff into his shadow, sighing to himself as he cleaned up what he could of the now destroyed training dummy before flipping the thin veil over his face to glamour himself and walking into the main living room to which his guest was standing in. The room itself wasn’t entirely decorated as he rarely made the effort to make it any more personal, but rather functional. The only outlier of the room was Umbra’s corner, a large TV sat upon a small wooden shelf with various comic books and her unique chair right across from it with a small table next to it. The rest of the room was rather plain, a simple setup from when he was alive complete with walk-in kitchen, a cream couch, and books that lay on various bookshelves and any flat surface you could see, all of various topics, fictional and non-fictional.

    Setting his sights on the man Aether motioned for his demi-human companion to prepare some refreshments for them as he made his way over to the red headed man. “Good to see you again, how’s that arm holding up?” Aether asked, wondering if the arm he healed back when their guild’s former guardian exploded had been functioning properly. “Did you need another check-up? Are there any other broken bones that need healing?” Aether reached out and began to examine the chef’s arm, having to crouch down slightly to do so due to his new height. “Or is this late night visit about something a bit more private?” he guessed, twisting his wrist around to check its flexibility. “Something that nobody within Black Rose knows but I,” Aether let go of his arm and began to check out the other arm for comparison. “Expertise and a grand wealth of knowledge of the fabric of space, but most importantly portals.” Aether concluded, standing up straight as he let go of his arm. “Seeking some other-worldly ingredients? No you wouldn’t come this late at night looking to go on a grocery run.”

    Aether thought to himself for a moment, running through possibilities in his head, enough time for Umbra to return with a freshly brewed tea which broke his line of thought as soon as he heard the cup placed upon their dining table. “I suppose it’d be best to hear it from the source himself.” Aether sighed and pulled a chair out on one of the thinner ends of the table, casting his robe over the back of the chair before taking his place at the table. “Take a seat, and be sure to tell me every detail. The tea should assist you in your memory if you have trouble remembering.”

    Word count: 459


    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Shard 31st August 2016, 12:42 am

    As the man known as Aether came down he examined the arm of Magna asking questions about it. Aether had fixed his arm after it got basically shattered by the attack from the 9ft tall giant robot known as Cassie. In truth, it was now better than ever. He thought it might actually be stronger than it was before. "Its actually pretty good." he said in response. In truth he didn't know anyone who knew more about bones than Aether which considering he was someone who regularly deboned animals for his cooking dishes was surprising. He certainly wouldn't of been able to repair the bone as easily. Perhaps his eau de victoire spell might of been able to heal it.

    He sat down and sipped the tea. It was quite delicious and whilst he drank it he pondered on the ingredients. It was not a tea he recognised, but he was sure he knew the ingredients. He would have to enquire further on it later. "I awoke earlier from a rather strange dream." he began explaining to Aether. "A dream where I saw a black crystal rose being attacked by three figures. A wolf that was biting the stem, a mage drawing the life from it and a construct made out of an unknown element blasting it with that same element. The black rose was...well the black rose which i'm sure you've at least heard of." He paused considering what else to say. There was a key detail he was missing. A detail which would hopefully peak the man's interest. "As the dream ended i heard a voice telling me to come to kyouka where all would be explained. I know that Kyouka is accessed through one of those strange wakusei portals so my thought was to come to you." Again he paused and then decided to explain a bit more.

    "Normally I would of dismissed it as just a nightmare, but when I awoke it rang in my mind. It was more than just a dream. i would say it was perhaps a premonition and if so we need to go to Kyouka and stop those three before the Black Rose wilts." That was all he had to say on the matter really. There was little more he really could say. "I don't know where these portals are, but I thought you might and as it involves one I thought you might want to come along. If not then just let me know where the portal is and i'll head there myself"

    "Oh...and just a minor correction. If i was out of some vital ingredient I probably would come this late at night though I wouldn't of bothered you unless it was urgent e.g. I'm missing the ingredient for Iza's birthday cake or something." Food to him was important and so going on a late night grocery run for vital ingredients was certainly something he would do and if the only way to do so was to bug someone then he would though he'd hate himself for doing it to some extent.

    513 words


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) HqzsHuT

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Crimzon 3rd September 2016, 12:49 am

    Aether crossed his arms as he listened to the crimson chef, nodding from time to time and making mental notes of the most important details. “It does seem plausible that this could’ve been a vision of what is to come. Kyoka is known as a region that enhances magical power, I wouldn’t be surprised if the mage you mentioned was fully capable of opening a gateway between Kyoka and Black Rose simply to launch an assault with extremely powerful creatures and magic.” Aether mentioned, pulling a few bone daggers from his coat and manipulating their shapes into that which had been described by Magna. “This voice you heard could be a defector within the group of mages, attempting to give you as much information as they could through your dreams as if they attempted to contact you via portal or any other form of communications magic they would’ve been found out and most likely culled for betrayal.” Aether explained as me dropped the mage-shaped bone onto the table, causing it to wobble slightly before falling over.

    “There’s too many factors at play to simply just ignore your connection to this voice and what you’ve seen.” Aether let the remainder of the bones drop onto the table, the bone rose standing on its stem with the remainder toppled over. “I was planning on visiting Kyouka soon for an environmental study anyway, so I might as well come and assist you with this matter.” Standing Aether moved back into his lab and towards a machine, flicking a few switches as it began to hum with power. “The closest Wakusei portal is a few hundred kilometres away, and even if we reach it there is no telling where it will place us.” Aether explained as he began to tap away at a console on the machine.

    “I’ve been studying the Wakusei portals ever since I’ve first heard of them and they are still a mystery to even me as the sheer amount of power that must be in use to keep them active 24/7 is astonishing.” Aether continued, pulling the staff he had made from his coats shadow plain before turning to face the chef. “This machine will generate a portal to Kyouka for a short duration, roughly 24 hours due to the amount of power it'll require to keep active, so we’ll need to get in, find whatever is causing your premonition, and prevent the wilting of the rose all before a full solar cycle on this planet occurs.”

    394 words


    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Shard 3rd September 2016, 2:17 pm

    Aethers analysis of the situation and his knowledge of Kyouka proved to Magna that he had gone to the right person. He had been aware that Kyouka enhanced one's magic power greatly, but for it to be strong enough to potentially tear a hole in reality allowing for a portal straight to the Black Rose itself? Not the guild, but the crystalline flower itself. To the Black Rose members, even if they did not know it, the grove where it existed was sacred ground and the flower was magical beyond belief. If it was destroyed catastrophe was sure to follow. The question was how others knew of it and why they would attack it? COuld this be a result of Kakuma's dissapearance? Could the former druids who had been tied to Lavantir have left with her and now they struck back at the guild? He didn't want to think it possible, but who else outside the guild knew of it? Former members perhaps, but the only one he could think of was Jin and Jin wouldn't reveal it. Unless...perhaps someone found something to persuade him with. A bribe or leverage of some kind. No, he would not think that way of Jin either. Jin was practically his elder brother, if not by blood then by bond. He would not think ill thoughts of him.

    Aether's knowledge on the wakusei portals was interesting. He knew the location of the closest one, but could not gurantee where the portal would lead. Instead, he had used his studies to form a temporary portal that would take them to Kyouka directly, but said portal gave them a timelimit. "24 hours should be more than enough. If we don't stop them by then...well...then we won't of been able to stop them at all." That was his opinion on the matter anyway. Any threat to the guild this great that lasted more than a day when facing a pair like Crimzon and Magna was beyond them. Magna was not a killer, but he was incredibly powerful in terms of magic and in a world like Kyouka his power would only flourish greater. He wished he had Aegis as well, but that door was still closed.

    It did seem that Crimzon was not coming out of a desire to help the guild or help Magna. No, he was coming because he wanted to go to Kyouka and this just happened to coincide with it. The man's loyalty was questionable, but so far he'd not heard anything negative about the man, if man he could be called. So few in the guild could be called man nowadays. Heck, even Magna wasn't sure if he could class himself as a man anymore.

    "Let's go." he said and stepped through the generated portal not wanting to waste anytime at all. They only had a day after all.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) HqzsHuT

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Crimzon 1st October 2016, 10:30 am

    Magna wasted no time to allow him to explain that the portal had been configured to the closest point he knew that man had described, but with his limited knowledge on some of Kyouka’s out of place geography he had to guess where it was considering that this group of mages could be hiding anywhere, but it had to be out of the way of settlements. Sighing to himself Aether turned back to his assistant as she adjusted a large jade necklace on her, casting a similar glamour to his own over her body to conceal her non-human features, turning her hair red, eyes green and making her tail appear as if it was never there to begin with.

    “You’re coming with us?” Aether questioned, tapping his staff against the ground. “I know you want to learn more about what causes such a great change in magic generation but this comes as a priority.” The demi-human responded, picking up a number of devices and shoving them into Aether’s shadow coat. “This man is entrusting us to assist him, so as long as his request is unfulfilled we will put the survey off until it’s done.”

    Aether put a hand on the small womans head, smiling down at her before moving to lift her up to carry her in one arm. “You know me well enough that I won’t simply abandon him in search of knowledge. Our goals cross paths and if his leads to danger then I will do my best to assist him as I have you. As long as you’re there with me we’ll be fine.” Resting her head on his chest Umbra smiled and closed her eyes, it had been too long since they had left the lab, even if it was for a field study to another planet to her it was something entirely different. “Shall we go, my shadow?” Aether asked as he began to move towards the portal. “Just don’t get distracted by the plants.” Umbra jokingly added, smiling up at her master as they stepped through the portal, they had little time to spare on this matter and Aether wished to get as much info as he could on the land before the 24 hours were up.

    Magna had already made his way through and was waiting on the other side, but when Aether crossed over he didn’t recognize the geography. “This isn’t where I had the portal send us.”

    “Jeez and here I thought you’d be coming in by regular portal, to think that there was still someone on earthland that could actually create a portal from planet to planet.” A voice rang out from all around them. “I am the one who called you hear, I veered your portal off course just a little but you were so close that I’m surprised. Did you guess the location? Well either way it doesn’t matter now. Welcome to Kyouka, I am the one that contacted you to assist me.” The voice began to focus from one direction, in front of them. A small orb of what appeared to be energy floated around before taking a more humanoid form. "I am Val Salque, and I require your assistance so that the rose remains unharmed."

    Time till portal closure: 23:55:32


    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) Empty Re: Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard)

    Post by Shard 6th January 2017, 5:42 am

    The geography of the terrain was unusual by any one's standards, but what was perhaps the strangest thing was the huge rush of magic power that flowed through him the moment he stepped through the portal. It felt as if with a single finger he could unleash more magic power then he ever had before. Everything about him seemed to be enhanced. Even his body seemed somehow stronger and more capable and that caused him pause.  He was too busy considering how his body might of been altered by coming here and why that he didn't even really process the surroundings. He guessed that due to his body being altered by magic to make him into the faunus he was now that any enhances to magic power, such as those generated by Kyouka, would also enhance his body. A slight grin came to his features as he wondered how fast his movements might be, but it fell as he wondered if it might cause him to further transform whilst he was here. His body was very magical now with the transformation, and the absorbtion of the cerberus lacrima. Anything could happen.

    He was brought out of his reverie as Aether spoke and was about to say something in response when someone else started talking. A voice that seemed familiar and yet seemed to come from everywhere at once. He'd been so lost in his thoughts that the sudden voice coming from nowhere was indeed quite a surprise, but he managed to keep himself under control. Or at least it appeared that way. In reality he'd prepared himself to spring back and stopped himself with such speed that it was barely noticeable. Even his reactions seemed to be faster. Or perhaps his body and mind could just process inputs with greater efficiency.

    Soon the voice settled on a direction and an orb of light had formed forming a humanoid figure yet not an actual human. A spirit perhaps? Its scent was rather unfamiliar even to his nose and he'd met with plenty of strange creatures in his short life. "Hey there Val. I'm Magna and this is Aether. He's the one who made the portal. Me I wouldn't even know where to begin." he said trying to keep his usual jovial personality though it was difficult considering the gravity of the situation. "The rose must remain safe. However, we have limited time here because our portal will close in less than a day so we best get moving otherwise we'll be stranded her and even i'll take a while to find out what exactly is edible around here." This was again a joke, but he was deadly serious at the same time. They had little time to mess around so it was necessary they got going. "You can fill us in on the way to stop whoever is responsible."

    WC: 478 words


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    Prevent the wilting of the Black Rose(Crimzon/Shard) HqzsHuT

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:02 pm