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    Dragon's Bane Sword Magic


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon's Bane Sword of Flame
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Dragon's Bane Sword Magic

    Post by Ravana 10th April 2016, 3:54 pm

    || MAGIC ||

    Primary Magic Name: Dragon's Bane ; Sword of Flame
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: For as long as Dragon's existed, there has always been those that appreciate and want to preserve the memory of dragons and all things related. A group of individualists that dedicated their lives from the beginning, recognizing the great serpents as idols, if not gods. Most of this said Group, was the first of the humans to be taught Dragon Slaying magic, and thus began the traditions that they still keep today.

    The Dragon Saints are a reclusive cult that carries on a long lineage of children born from Slayers. While they do not possess Dragon Slayer magic, they certainly retain some aspects handed down throughout the generations. Today, those aspects are the physical aesthetic traits of a Dragon Slayer, meaning elongated fangs, and eyes that mimic those of the great serpents.

    Whenever a child is born, and displays these traits, the babe is taken away from the mother and undergoes intense training. They are collected for one purpose only; to protect all Dragon's and Dragon Slayers. While, they will not avidly seek out the individuals that possess the magic, they will keep a close eye and an ear to the ground for trouble. To prevent extinction and protect the concept of Dragon and their Trainee.

    Ravana was born among the small populace of the Dragon Saints, and after 3 years of age, her eyes gleamed like fire, and her teeth already grew sharp. Immediately she was shut away in a secluded temple that was for training the young maiden. After her extensive schooling she was given armor of late Dragon's and a weapon of her choice, one that was created from the razor sharp teeth of a dragon itself. These are heirlooms that are passed down to each Knight bestowed with the power of the element. For Ravana; she was blessed with the element of Fire at birth.

    Dragon's Bane is a holder type magic that revolves around the element of Dragon's. Their element is not as powerful as Dragon Slayer, nor as versatile and useful, but possesses the same basis overall. Using the Holder Items granted to them, these Knights use their weapons differently to best mimic the power of their ancestors. Without these items, Ravana is powerless in a sense, as the holder items harness her magic to effectively strike down opponents and obstacles.

    While each element differs, and possesses different abilities, Ravanas' is brash and more offensive. She uses her blade as an expert swordsman, while her armor provides a strong defense. By the use of her holder items, she can use a wide variety of spells from offensive, defensive and supportive.

    All of her spells are activated with her holder item --that being a sword-- her blade coated with a brilliant flame. With that, she is able to preform medium and close ranged spells, as well as physical attacks.

    Because they are holder items, they are just as strong as the user and no more, and require constant care. They can not be broken, but Ravana takes great care of the items in ways taught only specifically within her family.

    The Items:


    Made from the razor sharp tooth of a Fire Dragon named Bellouch, the late being bestowed it's essence into this piece granting them the power of fire upon command. Durable and as dangerous as a real Dragon Ashrune is a sword that will never need to be sharpened again. The blade made completely from the bone will keep edge for eternity. The tang and metal that holds the blade is forged in the hottest of fire's and will stay cool to the touch even though the blade is coated in flame.

    The blade is a one handed bastard sword, approx 4'9" in length, the blade being 4 feet itself. abnormally it weighs less than it appears, only being 9lbs in weight, so it can be easily wielded by Ravana.

    Bellouch's Ward:

    Upon death, centuries ago, the great Fire Dragon Bellouch granted the Saints to remove his scales to craft armor plate to protect the Knights. Though it has had to be reformed to fit Ravana specifically, the plate still holds true; granted with the power of a Fire Dragon she gained the beasts resilience against the elements.

    The mail retains a deep red color that is more matte than having a luster effect, it appears to be thick and heavy, but in truth it is actually light while still retaining it's durability. The armor pieces include a chest plate, pauldron's, gauntlets, and grieves. She was also given a helmet that takes a mimicking shape of a dragon skull but Ravana does not wear it often.


    Holder Items are incapable of breaking, but they can be disarm'd or misplaced.
    Her Sword is capable of dealing physical AND/OR magical damage.
    Does not require MP to wear the items, just preform spells, therefore passive abilities gained from the Armor does not cost MP.
    Strong against Plants, Shadow, and Ice Magics.


    Without the Holder Items, that being her Sword and Armor, she is unable to preform any magic or abilities. Though she has two Holder Items, they act as a complete set, without one, she is incapable of preforming any spells, and the armor does nothing but grant her Unique abilities, no defensive capabilities what so ever.
    Holder Items are only capable of preforming damage equal to user rank.
    Ravana's element is fire, which can easily be consumed by all Slayers.
    Weak to Water and Earth elements specifically.
    No long Ranged Spells; only medium and close ranged offensive spells.



    Knight of FrostFire

    Description: One of the Seven Knights of King Kuroryu, this Knight could use the power of fire and ice and combining it into a mysterious element "FrostFire" known as the most lethal Knight out of the Seven, he could combine his element into his weapon or enhancing his magic spells to give it properties of "FrostFire." FrostFire was said to either be so cold it burned, or so hot it froze. This Knight was eventually banned from ever using this technique, however his descendants were later found to have this rare capability.

    Ability: Allows the user to combine "FrostFire" effects with either a weapon or a spell up. Upon landing a blow on the target, the target will either be set on fire or stunned/slowed due to intense freezing. The option is up to the user of the lineage. However, the one drawback that this lineage gives is that upon usage the user has to wait 5 posts between usage of "FrostFire" effects.

    Usage: The user of this lineage can only combine "FrostFire" effects once every 5 posts.  Upon landing a blow the user can choose to have the target be burnt or frozen. If frozen, the target will be stunned for 2 posts if they are 2 or more ranks lower than the user. If the target is 1 rank lower than the user they will be stunned for 1 post, if they are equal rank or higher though they will receive a 50% speed reduction for 2 posts. If burnt, the target will receive half the user’s rank in spell damage in their next post.

    Unique Abilities:

    Ancient Power: Each Knight is closely attuned with the element they command. Because of this, they are granted a passive resistance against spells and physical damage that are fire related, even Slayer fire. However this is only a resistance, not complete immunity. Below is a chart that displays her resistance at current rank ( D ) from enemies' offensive spells based on Opponent Rank.

    Opponent Rank:Resistance:
    D Rank75%
    C Rank50%
    B Rank25%
    A Rank10%
    S&SS Rank5%
    H Rank0%

    Blessing of Flame: Trained in magic to aid those she holds loyal to her heart, allies and herself are granted a passive boost in damage dealt, increasing it by 10%. However, this only applies to a registered team, and they have to be in the same instance i.e job and event; also, each ally must be within 50 meters of Ravana or they lose the blessing.

    Dragon's Might: Ravana's armor was made with the heart of a true Dragon. Because of this, she gains aspects of the Fire Dragon while wearing this holder item. Not only is she resistant to fire ( as stated above in a previous UA, ) but she also can grow a pair of flaming wings that mimic those of a Dragon.

    These wings only appear after sacrificing MP equal to User Rank, and with these wings she can passively fly for 3 posts, reaching speeds of 45 mps; however she can only call upon them twice per thread.

    || D RANK SPELLS ||

    Name: Fire & Brimstone
    Rank: D RANK
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Description: The user's sword coats itself in a brilliant flame, the flames extending up to 7 inches from the blade. Then with a great cleave of her blade, she will hit the ground with the sword causing a directed explosion to arise from the ground. Molten fire and brimstone (earth and rocks coated with fire) erupt from the ground in a 5 meter radius, Ravana being the epicenter of this attack.

    The kinetic force of the spell travels upwards at 35 mps, blasting 650 lbs ( aprox ^^ ) of molten earth and fire into the air which would proceed to fall within the 5 meters due to gravity. This attack causes an instant explosion upon impact from the ground up, causing opponents to be targeted from at their feet dealing D Rank damage to everyone within the AOE.

    The spell leaves a 10 meter diameter crater in the ground where Ravana cleaved into the ground. This hole is approximately 1-2 feet deep.

    Can affect multiple opponents within the AOE
    Even if the fire is negated by Slayers, or other means, the brimstone can still act for 1/2 of the allotted damage.
    This attack can also be used vertically as well as horizontally as long as the sword makes contact with a hard surface i.e a wall.

    This spell cannot be used while flying, or in any environment where the ground is non existent or wet.
    Range is limited to 5 Meter Radius
    Can affect Allies that are within that AOE
    Earth Magic can negate this spell.

    Name: Maw of the Dragon
    Rank: D RANK
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Description: A quick spell, this offensive maneuver is intended to get in as many hits on the target as possible. By quickly closing the distance between her an an opponent -- by traveling at 30 mps --, Ravana will unleash a quick barrage of forward attacks with her blade. With her blade previously coated in flame it appears as if she is a torrent of fire. Each hit deals out 1/2 D Rank damage, and she can hit up to three times in the post, only being able to strike the SAME opponent twice however.

    Great for multiple opponents that are all within close range
    Optimized damage that allows for appropriate distribution
    The fire on her blade extends her range up to 5 feet from 4'9"

    If she only has one opponent, she can only strike him twice.
    Close Range only means she has to get in close to her opponents
    Ill-versatile outside of battle
    It's possible to block or dodge each swing rendering the spell useless

    Name: Meteora
    Rank: D RANK
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Description: The user will quickly spin in a full 360 degrees, her sword leaving a faint flaming trail behind which marks the area for the spell Meteora. With her reach, and sword, the entirety of the area is a little over 2 meters, this is the epicenter of the offensive attack.

    After raising her sword above her head, a large flaming meteor, measured at 4 meters in diameter will crash down -- traveling at 35 mps -- on the area that the user has marked. This meteor causes D Rank damage at the epicenter ( 2 meters -- radius -- ) and 75% D rank damage for 3 meters beyond that.

    Range can affect multiple opponents
    Ravana is able to use other spells immediately after casting this one.
    The attack causes impact damage for 5 meters, the max being met in the epicenter.

    Can be blocked, and or negated by any spell interference that would alter it's course.
    Can harm Ravana if she stays within the AOE at impact.
    Limited to close range.
    Weak if used in an area that does not have a stable surface/footing

    Name: Oath of Flame
    Rank: D RANK
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: 2 Posts
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Description: Taking a kneeling position, the user will stab their blade into the ground and place their hands at the pommel, overlapping once another. To an outside point of view, it appears as if the user is praying, but she is really casting a shield spell. After reciting a small incantation, a 10 meter diameter wall of fire will appear in front of the user. This wall is capable of withstanding simple E rank attacks and blocking 1 D rank offensive encounter. The wall will stay for 2 posts unless broken and Ravana does not need to hold the shield, meaning she can attack or move freely.

    Incantation: "Ignis in corde meo, me dius fidius cadetis."--"By the fire in my heart, I swear ir on my word, ye shall fall."

    Defensive wall provides cover from attacks that are targeted at her and allies.
    The fire is infinite, meaning that a slayer can eat it, but it will not dissipate from being consumed. ( Applies to Slayers up to C Rank )
    The shield can with stand 1 D rank spell that is not the opposite element. And can hold for 1 1/2 D rank damage against Ice, Fire, and Shadow spells.

    Takes time to recite the incantation before the spell is cast
    Can easily be broken, or even traversed around.
    Especially weak against water spells, they will not only negate the shield but can still harm those that hide behind it.
    Ranged spells can target Ravana and allies by aiming over the wall ( 10 meters high )

    Last edited by Ravana on 23rd July 2016, 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Completed Re: Dragon's Bane Sword Magic

    Post by Guest 20th April 2016, 10:22 am

    Chaotic Rumble
    Chaotic Rumble

    Dark Insanity

    Dark Insanity

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Tournament Participation Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Corrupted King of Knights
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    First Skill: Refraction : Sword King
    Second Skill: N/A (for now)
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    Completed Re: Dragon's Bane Sword Magic

    Post by Chaotic Rumble 20th July 2016, 6:38 pm

    Unlocked and move upon request!


    Dragon's Bane Sword Magic V4W5D0r


    Seru's Main Theme


    Seru's Battle theme


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Frostfire
    Position : None
    Posts : 112
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dragon's Bane Sword of Flame
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    Completed Re: Dragon's Bane Sword Magic

    Post by Ravana 23rd July 2016, 3:51 pm

    Bump. Just took out broken images


    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Dragon's Bane Sword Magic

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 31st July 2016, 12:42 am

    Dragon's Bane Sword Magic BTSjguv


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