Fancy. A day to dress up and a day for love. In rose garden, no day could be better than a wedding and young love. It seemed like the whole city would celebrate occasions such as this. Shops and restaurants would put up signs and decorations on the outside of their business for the day of union. However, for one particular wedding, not everyone was all so excited. One man, and by extension his gang, were very displeased with the couple merging into one. This guy was the abandoned, the one thrown away for another. Oh the torture that could bring to both parties, one with the thoughts of loneliness and anger and the other stress and sadness as the first party tries and ruin the day.
As the wedding drew near, the ex-boyfriend of the bride was causing problems. He couldn’t move on from the love he once shared with the women, someone who he thought would be his forever. This man would fist fight the groom at every turn, show up uninvited to rehearsal dinners, cake picking endeavors, and registering events. Bob, the Ex, was getting out of hand and even plotted to invade the wedding to nab his former love! Despite this being a day for love and joy, Bob was determined to have the love of his life back. The bride and groom were desperate and nervous for his actions, scared that he would actually come and ruin their special day. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstar sent out notices to guilds, requesting the aid of mages to find the gang and put a stop to their Doofenshmirtz like schemes.
Accepted! The request by a man of multiple allegiances, one chaos and evil, the other a guild for Order and Justice. Luckily, the couple didn’t care who picked up the job or how they completed it, so whoever he was claiming to be would be fine with them. Jaeger, a man with his own fancy suit, would take on this job and save the day! Though, he felt bad for Bob, having dealt with his own love abandoning him, he could relate to the feelings the ex-boyfriend was feeling. The only thing was it was a breakup, not a wrongdoing that led to one. Unfortunately, Jaeger accepted the job and Bob’s exploits against the soon to be married couple must end one way or another.
The man of tree and earth made his way to Rose Garden, the city in which the wedding was taking place. It had been some time since Jaeger had been there. Last time, it didn’t end all to well as Lamya had murdered two people on their Valentine’s Day date. What a wonderful time, eh? This job was looking like another day of love that would end in tragedy for someone. Approaching the wedding venue to talk to the Clients, he saw a familiar face talking to the clients already. Vale. What was she doing here? Was she a part of the wedding… did she snipe the job out from under him?!?! How rude.. The man thought as he was casually walking up to the purple haired woman and the bride to be. Nava, who had been pretty silent the whole way, was following behind.
“Vale… What are you doing here… did you accept the Job as well?”
Jaeger questions before getting a better look. Something was off… and he wasn’t quit sure what it was.
Spell(s) Used: -
Total MP: 100%.
Remaining MP: 100%.
Nava Air Walking: 2/2 posts..
Shots Left in Trinity: 6/6 Shots Remaining.
Damage Taken: -
Health Points: 200/200 HP.
Job Link:
Post Word Count: 567 Words.
Total Mission Word Count: 567/3,750 Words.