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    Thats one big Lion...

    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Rai Sormr 19th July 2016, 9:22 am

    Ruminal Blackflower • Black Rose • C Rank

    Ruminal arrived first to the village before the rest of his guildmates. He was told that he was to meet Iza and one other guild member here for a unique type of job. Apparently the local village was having troubles with some beast killing and scaring all there game away. For you see this is a village of hunters, they hunt in order to eat. With no food around would make living here rather difficult. Ruminal was more than happy to help out but was left out of the details for some reason. Maybe she wanted to explain it when she got here or other reason. Iza seemed like she was asking around the guild for random help so Ruminal didn't know who the 3rd person of there party would be.

    The main reason he showed up here early was because he had never been to this village before and wanted to look around a bit before everyone showed up. The village itself was a bit smaller then others he's visited, there was only one building and many tents pitched all around. They had a stone wall encircling the entire village and an open area towards the middle in front of the one building which Ruminal believed to be the towns leader stays. Many of the people dressed up as if they were about to go hunting which would make sense considering the towns name. The village was in a desert like area but off in the distance to the west about a mile out was a forest. That must have been were the hunters go to hunt there prey, forest area's are always good to find some game. Ruminal pretty much explored everything this village had to see and decided to end this little tour by waiting patiently by the one building in here for his party to show.

    Word Count;; 310

    Last edited by Ruminal Blackflower on 3rd October 2016, 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 21st July 2016, 2:13 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The guildmaster knew that ever since their old home's destruction, her guildmates would likely be discouraged. Silver Moon Inn was up and running, but it took jewels to run that sort of place, and a lot of them, at that. What better way to help fund the guild than to go on jobs? That was precisely what she was doing, but she wanted to bring along a few guildmates, if she could. She had yet to really speak with Marschal much, after his return. Unbeknownst to her, he was her brother, and his son, Ruminal, was her nephew. If only she understood all of that, this would be the perfect family reunion.

    Izayuki personally had yet to meet the small wolf and panther cub, er, pup, or whatever he was. He was obviously part yokai at least, so hopefully that made him easier to understand and get along with. Humans could be so stiff, after all. The Bakedanuki flew to the Hunter's Village in pink-feathered jay form, her favorite shape for travel, and upon arriving, quickly reverted to her human shape, only, she kept her tanuki features: a silver-furred, fluffy tail, silver ears, fangs, and claws. Sniffing the air, Izayuki realized that one of her guildmates was already there- that person being Ruminal, the small six year old who was surprisingly strong and intelligent for his age.

    “Heya Ruminal~” Izayuki greeted the child, approaching him with a warm smile. Her silver tail was flicking to and fro behind her as she walked over to him, pausing a meter or two before him. Her hands were clasped behind her as she would begin to move on to the main subject at hand, but not before talking about their missing party member. “So your daddy should be here soon, I think. I hope he didn’t get lost…” she trailed off, forcing herself to not make some negative crack on the drunken state that the panther yokai always seemed to be in. Giving a sigh and moving on to the main topic, Izayuki continued, her usual cheerfulness lacing her voice. “Today we’re going to be fighting lions~!”

    Location;; Hunter's Village
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 355

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 22nd July 2016, 6:46 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    Job Description:
    Marschal hadn't been all up for the job when Izayuki had come to him, asking if he would join Ruminal and her on the job. Hearing that his own son was on the mission with the new guild master of Black Rose deterred the young magus slightly. After the disappearance of Ruminal's mother, Kakuma Blackflower, Marschal wasn't so sure that he could face his son. When two parents up and left a child at his age, exactly how would he react if one of them decided to come back? Not to mention, he barely remembered the relationship that he had with Ruminal, leaving him wondering if taking up this offer was the right thing to do. What if Ruminal did not want to see his father? Hell, the child was extraordinary on his own, with intelligence beyond that of an average six-year-old. It would be no wonder to the drunken mage if his own flesh and blood didn't give a rat's ass on seeing him again.

    Now that he was on a mission with Ruminal and Izayuki? He was slightly curious to know how it would turn out. The job was an entire rank above his son's own rank and his, leaving Izayuki as the only viable member for it. If it was as hard as she made it out to be, he could see himself earning a few more scars to go along with the ones he already had. Not that it was a terrible thing in the first place, as having more scars to bear just showed how strong he actually was. Prevailing through this job was the only option in this man's eyes, and he would work to get the job completely done. Cracking his knuckles, Marschal sauntered down the dirt pathway that led into the hunting village that put up the flier. It was strange how this village was a hunting village, and at the same time, no creative name was given to it, other than Hunting Village.

    In spite of the recent destruction of their guild, Marschal proved to still have the fighting spirit many of his guild-mates now lacked. However, going on jobs was not the only way that the guild's new home could earn revenue; as a noteworthy inn, that was another way. Yet, Izayuki had been persistent in saying that a job would work much better than simply gaining revenue from customers. While that was not entirely wrong, there were many other ways in which a company could earn its dues from the people. Another perfect way would be advertisements, such as the ones displayed on billboards or ones found on the lacrimal television. Either way, it had not stopped the magus from asking him if going on this job would be all right with him or not. Still, he had taken it up on his own to come along on this job, perhaps in the hope that he could regain his son's love.

    Trudging into the hunting village, the young magus let his golden gaze wander over the huts that made up the place. It looked to him very much like a tribal hunting town, set back in time when natives of Fiore had run rampant on their own. He imagined seeing naked men and woman rushing through the bushes, spears in hand, and warpaint coating their bodies. These native people were an abstract thought in the mind of the drunkard, though all at the same time seemed plausible. After all, it would make sense that a village centered around hunting didn't have the advanced technology like Rose Garden. In a way, it was a very beautiful place to be, even had a hint of a relaxing tone to it if Marschal thought hard on it. Except, he wasn't one for entirely relaxing, as he was always up and about on his feet, trying to find things to do.

    His eyes landed upon the slim form of Izayuki and the smaller, more stout figure of Kakuma's and his blood-related son. Quietly, the magus walked over to the two Black Rose mages, though did not say a word to either of them as he approached. It appeared that Izayuki was explaining to Ruminal that his father would arrive soon and that's when she would explain the job more. Marschal's lip twitched slightly like he was preventing himself from saying anything to the two magi standing by him. At long last, however, the man took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly and crossed his arms over his chest. "Explaining the job now would be best," he stated in that familiar baritone voice of his, rumbling low in his throat. An eyebrow was cocked like he was observing Izayuki and Ruminal by means of curiosity, and awaiting their answers.

    Last edited by Marschal Leigh on 1st October 2016, 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Rai Sormr 26th July 2016, 6:44 pm

    Ruminal Blackflower • Black Rose • C Rank

    Ruminal apparently didn't have to wait very long cause about five minutes later Izayuki showed up greeting the young god. "Hey Iza." he replied. This happy reunion didn't last took long for Iza continued to explain that Ruminal's father was to join them on this mission. To be honest Ruminal didn't know what to make of that. His face would suggest a surprised look like he didn't see that coming but in his head he was thinking of his past experiences with his father and how he just up and left out of no where. He came back of course but only shortly before Ruminal's mother had took off without a word. All these disappearances would leave Ruminal to think they don't care about him at all. The whole reason he came to this world was to meet and get to know them and this was the results he was getting and with no explanations to it. Never the less, this was a family matter and didn't want to drag Iza into it but little did they both know that Ruminal was actually Iza's nephew.

    Iza continued to on to talk about the job at hand stating that they were going to be fighting off some lions. This explanation pretty much explained everything that Ruminal already knew about the job already. The lions were killing off the villages prey and with no prey leaves behind some hungry villagers. Was then Marschal suddenly appeared next to them to add his thoughts to the situations. Ruminal turned his head in surprise for he did not notice his father was already here. "And just how long have you been here now?" He asked curiously still recovering from the sudden appearance. Ruminal took a moment to think of how to deal with there family issues and decided to put them on hold for the moment for the sake of the mission and just play along like nothing is wrong. After Iza would finish her explanations the three would start making there way to the villages hunting grounds most likely in the forest that is located a mile out to the west.

    Location;; Hunter's Village
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 358



    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 12th August 2016, 4:02 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Well, the job is pretty self explanatory, as I've said. We fight off the lions, and have to bring back proof that we took down the pride's leader," Izayuki repeated, though added in a few more details pertaining to the job. If they successfully completed this job, they would be well recognized by the village, and both the jewels and popularity were very decent rewards in the guildmaster’s eyes. As for Ruminal’s surprise, the yokai failed to comprehend what could be so shocking about his father coming along on the mission. Was it really that surprising? Or was there some history there that was negative to at least one party, and having the other relative on the mission was not the most grand thing in the world? Izayuki could observe that Marschal had been rather absent in the time his child took to grow up, but hopefully that was not too damaging. Then again, what did she know about parenting or being parented? She was raised in the wild without any type of verbal communication even being a thing. That, and her mother had died while the tanuki pup was at a young age. As such, Izayuki had been forced to grow up alone and reach adulthood faster than usual, in order to survive. Heh, how she had been in for quite the surprise later on, upon realizing that she was not an average raccoon dog, but a yokai.

    Whatever. That was in the past, so why were her thoughts wandering there now? Redirecting her attention to the present and shifting her pink gaze from Ruminal, to Marschal, and back to the small child once more, Izayuki simply inwardly shrugged. "I am ready to get going when ya’ll are~" she hummed, putting on a characteristic wide grin and beginning to walk towards the exit of the village.

    Location;; Hunting Village
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 313


    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 13th August 2016, 6:45 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    Marschal's golden optics fluttered back down to his son, remaining silent while he inquired how long he had been there. Well, to be honest, he had just recently arrived on the scene and only played it off like he had been there for a while. It wasn't that hard to do and considering he was just as wild as an animal, he fit pretty well into the Hunting Village theme. In response to the young magus, the male only shrugged his shoulders and drew his attention momentarily back to Izayuki. "Not for very long, in all honesty," he answered finally, his eyes never removing themselves from his half-sister's face. "I've probably been around for a few minutes; I did just walk down the street like not that long ago if you were even watching. Then again, you seemed fairly preoccupied by something earlier, so perhaps you didn't see me coming up at all."

    Finally, Izayuki had spoken up, re-explaining what the job would entail and what would be expected of the trio. They were meant to battle off a pride of lions, and the thought of it deterred Marschal slightly due to their feline nature. Lions were a part of the big cat family, just as his other half was; it would be difficult to essentially battle against his own kind. Twitching an ear, the white-haired magus glanced away from Izayuki and out toward the landscape that rose beyond Hunting Village. Where in the world would the pride even be located? If they were terrorizing the village, they couldn't be that far off, right? His hands twitched and he stuffed them back into the pocket of his jeans, keeping them from being able to move on their own. What was he meant to do on a mission that was one rank higher than he was? A mission that foretold a rather difficult task?

    Hearing Izayuki's next words, Marschal quickly followed after her, not wanting to be left behind on the mission. His eyes darted around at the empty homes, with very little amount of people wander the streets with baskets of food and clothing. The village, overall, looked peaceful, but he didn't quite understand why or how a pride of lions started terrorizing them. If they were a Hunting Village, why were they not able to take down the lions themselves with their bow and arrows? Their shotguns? Was the village literally so misnamed that in reality the village should have been called Foraging Village or Forager's Village? He frowned and looked away from all of the buildings, keeping his eyes ahead of the road and waiting to spot a lion. Unfortunately, he didn't know how far out they were meant to go from the village in order to be able to find any.
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Rai Sormr 14th August 2016, 6:26 am

    Ruminal Blackflower • Black Rose • C Rank

    Ruminal decided to drop the conversation about his father and just follow the two out of the village towards the forest. However several things were on his mind during the journey there. Even though he wanted to drop it, Ruminal couldn't help but think about how his father and mother left then Marschal coming back and acting like everything was fine. What was going through his fathers head? Is he just waiting for the right moment? Or does he really thing its no big deal? In the end Ruminal just pushed it out of his mind believing it would get in the way of the mission if he dwelled on it much longer.

    The other thing that was on his mind was the fact that a Village of hunters hiring a group of mages to take care of  some lions? There was something about this situation they weren't telling us. Sure lions by themselves are nothing to joke about, but for a village of hunters they should have been more then prepared to take on even a large group of lions. Ruminal couldn't be the only one of them thinking this. Either way it would be best to tread carefully until they knew what they were up against.

    Finally the three mages reached the forest and began their search for the lions. It wasn't to long before they came across there objective. Ahead was about 10 young lions messing around. Seemed easy enough to take care of until the ground suddenly shook. "Uh. Did anyone else feel that?" Ruminal asked. Shortly after the ground continued to shack and a giant male lion came into view by the 10 young lions. Ruminal couldn't believe his eyes, this lion was much bigger than it should be. "I guess we just found out why the village couldn't handle this themselves."

    Location;; Hunting Village
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 307



    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 15th August 2016, 5:19 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Whoa, he's a big guy~!" Izayuki exclaimed in an excited manner, putting her hand up to her forehead to shield the sun from her eyes as she locked pink hued orbs on the grand lion. She now understood why he was called a 'Grand' lion, of course. He was much bigger than any feline she had yet to meet, and so far, seemed to be lounging around with some of his pride. So far, the Bakedanuki could only pick out ten adolescent lions in the group, resting in the shade to avoid the midday sun, with its searing heat. There was no doubt, the weather and heat of the day would make using her Glacier God Slayer magic much harder. The ice she conjured would be less effective in temperatures like this, even if her aura was working hard to fight and counter it. It was likely many degrees cooler at least when standing directly near the young guild master, but that really did not matter in the big scheme of things.

    Her solution and strategies she was forming before the battle began simply included dealing as much physical damage as she could. Naturally, she wanted to avoid usage of her Wonderland magic, as using the madness soul magic typically put a big strain on her in all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally, and more. Besides, other than just the unnatural size of the gargantuan male lion, surely these felines were 'normal', for the most part? They used teeth, claws, and brute strength to fight, and nothing beyond that, hopefully. The tanuki yokai unsheathed her own claws, which were unnaturally long for a canine. Unbeknownst to her, it had to do with the trace amounts of feline yokai blood coursing through her, but since when did she care about such a thing as lineage and ancestry? One thing was unspeakably clear- she was ready to fight. "So which one do we pick off first?" Izayuki asked in a joking manner with a wide grin. She her her own pack, which included a panther, a wolf, and yours truly, a tanuki. They could take on a pride of petty lions without much trouble, surely.

    Location;; Hunter's Village
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 363

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 17th August 2016, 10:24 am

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    As the trio approached the forest in which the pride of lions resided, Marschal could already smell the intense odor of another male. A low growl emitted from his throat, his nostrils flaring and his teeth baring as the group neared the pride’s current location. The scent of another male in the vicinity annoyed the young magus, given that he was, in a sense, a fully matured male panther. He was a territorial being by instinct; it was not his choice to be overly protective of what could technically be considered his “pride.” When he felt threatened, he felt threatened, and right now, the magus had an overwhelming sensation that this Grand Lion and his pride were a threat. Deep down inside of him, the jaguar urged to get out, to take over and control what little sense of rationality that he had left. The low growl changed from one that was threatening, to a deeper one that was more guttural and territorial than before.

    His golden optics would land upon the Grand Lion, where he rested beneath one of the trees that shrouded the pride from the heat. Clawed fingers curled inward, nearing his palm enough to prick the tips into the skin and draw blood from the amount of anger he felt. All rationality had been forgotten, the only thing that was now on his mind was to make sure the ones he was meant to protect would remain safe. Without saying a word to either Izayuki or his son, Ruminal, the magus let out a roar, one that bared his fangs and sounded more angry. True to his nature, the male would launch an attack on the Grand Lion, less in size compared to massive beast he was attempting to take on. Surprised by Marschal’s attack, the male let out a roar of pain and fear before he retaliated and used on of his paws to bat at him. Flicked off of the beast’s side, Marschal landed gracefully back onto his feet, one hand pressed to the ground in order to stop him from skidding.

    He did not hesitate in launching another attack on the lion, digging his clawed fingers into the flesh of the beast so that he was able to hold on. The lion rolled onto his back and rubbed himself into the ground, attempting to shake Marschal off of him without too much pain. However, he was a persistent asshole when it came to what he wanted to do, and would remain latched into the side of the beast. Baring his fangs again, the feline hybrid bit down onto the side of the lion and tore at the skin of the creature, ripping a decent chunk off. His opponent let out a yowl of pain that echoed through the forest, startling the birds that rested in the trees above them. Marschal spat out the flesh that he had torn off and clambered to the head of the lion, biting down onto the ear of the animal. Violently, he shook his head, ripping at the thin cartilage that created the lion’s ear and causing blood to splatter everywhere all at once.

    The Grand Lion rolled back onto his side, then up this feet, lifting Marschal into the air, so that he was dangling simply by his teeth. Instinctively, the magus let go of the feline’s ear and dropped to the ground, landing once again on his feet in a graceful manner. He unhooked the gourd at his hip and downed a decent amount of the alcohol that sloshed around in the hollowed out container. Once it was sloppily hooked back onto his hip, the magus lifted his fists and punched at the air in an attempt to intimidate the Grand Lion. It pounced onto him, but Marschal managed to shove the creature off of him and toss it away, letting it slam into one of the trees. The tree broke under the weight of the thirty-foot beast, snapped like a twig, but that did not deter the Black Rose magus from fighting. No, for he lunged at the lion, sliding onto his side so that his foot would hook the feet of the lion and take them out from under it.

    Surprise coursed through the creature’s face and it toppled over after it had just managed to clamber back to its paws. As soon as it had fallen, Marschal slammed a fist into the ankle of the beast, the impact causing the bones to shatter instantaneously. Another yowl broke the atmosphere, and one of the back paws of the lion came rushing forward, crashing into Marschal’s side. Blood splattered from his lips and he was flung backward, skidding along the ground and coming to a stop at Izayuki and Ruminal’s feet. He grimaced and groaned, wiping the blood from his lips and gingerly sitting up, despite the broken ribs he may now have. Now that he was face-to-face with his opponent again, Marschal drew himself to his feet and let out another animistic roar as the lion did. Both he and it charged at each other, Marschal with his fists raised, the lion with its fangs bared and ready to swallow him whole.

    Again, Marschal slid to his side and underneath the lion, only this time he leaped upward the moment he was underneath its belly. A fist was rammed into the stomach of the beast, causing it to hunch over in pain and let out a cry of agony from the intensity of the attack. Marschal did not hesitate in reaching out to land another blow on the beast, his foot coming up to roundhouse kick the lion in the shin. This would bring the lion to its knees (figuratively, of course), using a paw to swipe at the magus, only for him to back out of the way. Another paw reached forward, but this time it managed to snag Marschal and drag him close to the beast, tearing into his flesh. Gritting his teeth and holding back a cry of pain, the drunkard would slam his head into the muzzle of the lion, cracking its teeth and dazing him. Stumbling backward, Marschal shook his head, letting birds fly around his head as stars sparkled in his eyes and he plopped to a seated position on the ground.
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Rai Sormr 18th August 2016, 6:39 pm

    Ruminal Blackflower • Black Rose • C Rank

    Ruminal observed the situation carefully trying to think of the best course of action. With Ruminal being a support mage he preferred a more strategic approach to most situations. The young lions probably wouldn't be to hard for Iza to take care of alone but this big lion was the main problem. After thinking things through carefully Ruminal believed he had a good idea. "Ok I suggest we..." He started to say until Marschal suddenly charges forth towards the Grand Lion seemingly in some kind of primal rage. "Charge head first and wing it... Yah ok, lets go with that..." Ruminal finished saying.

    While Marschal was fighting the Grand Lion Ruminal cast a protective spell on Iza. The ground around Iza began to rush up in a dust storm and wrap around her until her whole body was covered in stone. She was able to move perfectly fine, the spell was ment to act as a second skin made of stone to absorb damage. Marschal seemed to be handling things fine for a while but took a blow to his side and was sent flying back to the rest of the group by sliding across the ground. Ruminal rushed to Marschal's side and cast a minor healing spell in order to try and keep him health until he can see how this was going to pan out.

    Ruminal turned to Iza to ask her a favor "Think you can take care of the young lions over there to make sure they don't interfer? In case more show up we dont need to have all these lions attacking us at once and i'll keep Marschal alive till your done. " Once that conversation was over regardless of Iza's answer he charges to keep a save distance from the fight but still in range to were he could cast spells on Marschal if needed.

    Location;; Hunting Village
    Muse;; 6/10
    Word Count;; 312



    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 1st October 2016, 9:36 am

    Rolling last required monster die.
    Guest carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Thats one big Lion... OdAaNwh
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 1st October 2016, 10:55 am

    word count 1386

    Jiyu had been doing something in one of the other countries around earthland, visiting places and traveling was something she did often. Even though Black Rose was her home these days, and she had plenty to keep her there for long stretches of time, the mage was still a woman afflicted heavily by wanderlust. However every time she left, the female missed everyone she left behind, which was a nice change from the days she had been a mere run away who didn’t care if anyone missed her and never bothered to miss anyone herself. This last round of quest’s had taken more of a strain on her than normal, making her heart ache and nearly shatter, considering she had been gone for somewhere around a week or longer this time, compared to the way she normally took two or three days on a task. Considering all of that, one would think the wind mage would been happy to finally see home once more, stick around and treat herself to some relaxation in her own bed. However when Jiyu had gotten back to the guild, she had found someone very important was missing and she wanted to see that absent person badly, she wouldn’t be able to settle down and relax before her next mission, unless she could find him and be by his side again. Kazehime had looked all over the Guild and city for her prince charming, before someone finally decided it was time to tell the wind mage that Marschal had left somewhere with Izayuki and Ruminal earlier in the day. This fact? Alarmed her because she could swear she’d seen the Master of Black Rose since she had returned today, and if the tanuki was actually here, it could only mean that the feline and his son could be alone on some mission over their own head’s due to Iza having left them alone on it! So Kazehime had not relaxed at home or anything of the sort yet, instead the inu had instantly rushed back to her room to grab her three weapon’s, equip her proper mission gear once more, and scramble for one of her feathers. Suure, he was always saving her life and she knew the panther halfling was powerful, but him and ruminal being on a mission above their own rank without her or some other higher ranked escort, it just didn’t sit well with the sorceress! Jiyu was going to strangle their guild master for letting this even happen in the first place, but that was for a later date, panic rose inside of her body as it took longer than she’d like to find one of her feathers in her currently messy room, no care for stairs as she tossed the item out her window and leaped onto it, behaving far more rashly than normal. Right now? Her only concern was making sure the two of them were safe, so the preparation she normally put into something, did not go into this, she knew where they supposedly where and she was going there, no matter what or who tried to stop her.

    Jiyu arrived just as Marschal decided it was a wonderful idea to try and take on what could be considered the boss of this set on his own, and to say she was displeased was an understatement. “That idiot!” she looked terrified from her vantage point high in the air, while her vision was shit from up here, she knew his scent, and his blurry outline was unmistakable to her, which might be a good thing or a sign of insanity, who knew. Kazehime was quick to perform the sequence of her takeover’s that activated the one’s up to her paw’s, gritting her teeth as she did so, regretting she didn’t have more time to think about this. Jiyu finally let her feather lower down near where they were, hidden slightly by the tree’s that naturally sprouted in this area, she doubted herself noticed yet, considering the fight that was currently happening. The inu was careful to not rush despite her instincts to swiftly protect the pair already involved in the fight, she had to battle smarter than such urges, or she would never win any match she was involved in, and it would also be a bad idea to act before her team-mates knew she was here. Finally she got to the place they had been hiding before the fight started, taking a few swift steps to stand behind Ruminal, gaze falling to the white haired child, her hands aimed to touch his shoulder gently as her voice would break the silence that followed his statement “Yeah I don’t know what iza was doing, but she’s not here right now.” Jiyu was going to murder that tanuki when they got back, she just needed to find a knife sharp enough to help her cut through the raccoon dog's neck, or get the perfect arrow shot. “But don’t worry~” there was the usual spunk she brought with her to these dangerous situations, hips swaying as she took a place between the wolf and the lion’s, lifting her left hand and smirking. “I’ve got this one, help your dad, these aren’t a threat to me.” she was very worried about Marschal fighting that large lion on his own, in fact she wanted to help him right now, but if she neglected the young lions and lionesses, than it would be more trouble later. Hopefully the boy did as she asked, because the inu was about to get serious.

    “Now kitties, let’s play~” all five of the lionesses and their ten adolescent offspring rushed forward at the long haired woman. Jiyu’s response was simple, she slid her feet, pushing up with her leg’s in order to dodge them, watching them all jolt from her aura suddenly emerging. “Oh are you thinking of backing out on me now?” each and every one of the fifteen looked terrified now, the youngest ten backing up slowly while snarling at her, watching as the inhuman mage started laughing softly. Slender finger’s tapped against the air as her body came down, landing on her feet due to her tail, finally finishing off the spell she had been casting, once she made the playful gun firing motion with her hand, condensed air bullets springed on the lioness, their children running off terrified, than for safety she lifted her arm causing her wind blades to pour out. She had not been joking when she said they were no threat, but she had also wasted her stronger spells on them without thinking about it properly.

    Her gaze turned, expecting to see Marschal finishing off the pride alpha, however the sight that met her half color blind eyes, was not such. “Marschal!” he had been hit by the grand lion, pushed back slightly, stumbling until he plopped down onto his ass. What if he didn’t get up first? This wasn’t good. “Stay Away From Him!” she didn’t even think before pulling out wind serpent, lashing the ground between the man she loved and the lion he had been fighting, in a bid to keep the beast from getting closer to Marschal. Jiyu was quick to rush over to him now that she had bought a few seconds. “Are you alright? I can help you right, this isn’t some dominance match thing is it?” she hadn’t attacked the lion directly because she knew the instinct that he might be affected by, it had happened to her before, whenever she ran into other canines on a job, if there was an alpha of sorts, she went for it without thought, and would get pissed if anyone directly intervened.  “He’s all we have to worry about though, I already took care of the other’s.” she was focused on Marschal entirely right now, even if the lion was on his feet, she was likely not to notice, since the enemies before had been so weak, she had gotten cocky. Jiyu’s concern for Marschal was clear thought, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes, waiting to see if he’d regain his normal stupor instead of sitting on the ground stunned, offering her hand to him. So maybe that made up for her own stupidity of not watching their enemy.


    Thats one big Lion... Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Thats one big Lion... H6NcPbM Thats one big Lion... H6NcPbM Thats one big Lion... H6NcPbM Thats one big Lion... H6NcPbM


    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Guest 9th October 2016, 1:04 pm

    I hear hurricanes a blowing.
    I know the end is coming soon.
    I fear rivers over flowing.
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin.

    The magus stared dumbfoundedly in front of him, not aware that the Izayuki they were with was simply an illusion bound to end. His glassy eyes were focused on the giant lion that stood in front him only meters away, tail swishing back and forth as it waited for him to rise. At least the beast was courteous enough to wait for him to regain his consciousness in order to continue and finish off the battle. One of his hands curled lightly, forming into a weak fist as he slowly came to and shook his head, refocusing his eyes on the beast. It was then that his half curled hand curled harder into a fist until the sharp claws of his fingers drew up blood from his palm. He took in a deep breath as if he was about to let out another roar, then pulled himself to his feet and let the roar release itself from his throat. Its sound radiate over a course of one-hundred meters, causing the larger beast to flatten its ears against the sound to mute it.

    Everyone that was around Marschal would begin to a feel a lightness in their body, as if they were being revitalized of any injuries. More importantly, the roar allowed for Marschal to shake off the effects of the beast’s attacks, rolling his shoulders to stretch them out. A grin spread across his lips, but just as he was about to move forward, the magus was greeted with a slender hand on his shoulder. Curiosity filled him to the brim and he turned slightly to face the shorter figure of Jiyu staring straight up at him. His ears flattened against his head in worry, wondering why it was that Jiyu was here on this mission and not his guild master. “Jiyu…” the magus spoke out her name, but only shook his head, his mouth slightly ajar to reveal the sharp tips of his canines. “What are you doing here? Where’s Izayuki? Why isn’t she here helping us out when she had come with us on the mission?

    He had not heard any of the conversation between his son and the ace, too stupefied by the lion’s attacks to be conscious enough to hear. Whatever Izayuki’s reason was for her to suddenly disappear on them, Marschal didn’t care in the least bit; it only pushed him farther into defense mode. Having Jiyu get hurt on this mission was the last thing that Marschal wanted and it didn’t help him that she wanted to fight the lion to. Marschal merely shook his head at her and removed her hand from his shoulder, golden optics glancing back at the Grand Lion. “I almost have him down, I would much rather do this on my own than have the help of a person who I need to protect,” he responded to her. While it may have hurt her feelings slightly to know that he didn’t see her as helpful in a situation like this, it was for his own accord. Jiyu shouldn’t be getting in his way and he didn’t want her in his way when it was a territorial fight between two alpha males.

    Whatever you do, please keep Ruminal safe,” Marschal stated; if it was one thing he wished for, he wanted for his son to remain safe, happy, and healthy. With that being said, the young male turned away from Jiyu and faced his opponent once more, rolling his neck and cracking it. He shook his shoulders a bit, then cleared his throat, baring his fangs menacing at the thirty-foot creature like it was some sort of showdown. “All right, little kitty, let’s see what you have on the menu today,” he mumbled sarcastically in the direction of the pride leader. Marschal hunkered his shoulders down slightly, then charged at the lion, picking up his weapons and swinging them around as he flipped and twirled in the air. The flame-styled blades slammed into the shoulder of the lion and dragged downward, peeling apart the skin into a gouging wound. Yanking his weapon free, Marschal didn’t hesitate to slam them into the temple of the lion, sending the beast stumbling backward.

    A roar that mimicked Marschal’s emitted into the air from the lion’s maw and it lowered down, using one paw to swipe at him. However, because the male was high up on the lion’s shoulder, it wasn’t able to reach the body of the magus to injure him. Seeing this, Marschal swung his body up and around so that he landed on the back of the lion, where he was not able to be touched. Now that he was on top of the beast, Marschal maneuvered his weapon so that it was poised above the back of the lion’s head. In one, fell swoop, the magus slammed his weapon down, piercing into the skull of the giant beast and killing it off. The lion’s massive body stiffened and stuttered before it toppled to the ground in a heap of lifeless limbs and unmoving chest. Marschal swiped his brow and hopped off the shoulder of the beast, landing beside the massive neck of the pride leader’s body.

    Marschal swiped a hand along the throat of the beast, tilting his head a little as he decided where exactly he wanted to cut the throat. Taking one of the blades of his weapon, the magus dug a sharp, flame-styled blade of the wheel into the throat of the beast and yanked it down. He moved out of the way just before blood had come gushing out from the jugular that his blade had struck and coated the ground. Once the blood had died down, he returned to sawing at the flesh and meat of the beast until at long last, he was able to rip the head off. “All right, I suppose we can head back to the village now since the lion’s dead-dead and they won’t be dealing with the nuisance anymore. Or you still dealing with the young ones over there? I suppose scaring them off won’t do any harm, now will it, considering they still have their mothers.” Marschal grabbed the mane of the lion and began dragging it back in the direction of Jiyu and Ruminal, slightly covered in the blood.
    Rai Sormr
    Rai Sormr

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Player 
    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 226
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 737.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer Gen 2
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Thats one big Lion... Empty Re: Thats one big Lion...

    Post by Rai Sormr 28th November 2016, 4:56 pm

    Ruminal Blackflower • Black Rose • C Rank

    Watching his father battle was one thing, but watching the elder magus bloodily ripping the giant beast into shreds was another thing. His black eyes studied Marschal Leigh as the man flipped around the beast, bringing him to the ground and otherwise pummeling him. With what was going on, he couldn't make a clear mark on his job partner without fear of having the spell he cast miss him. So, all he did was stand back and watch as his father battled the beast in what he would call a prideful act, a territorial aggression he’d never known Marschal to have. A small part of him wanted to drop his jaw in amazement, but the logical side of him told himself that he should have expected it. While his mother had been a she-wolf, his father before him knew a land of instincts that was far different from his mother’s and his own. It should not have surprised him at all that Marschal would have acted differently in a situation that imposed a threat on what he considered his “pride.”

    As he watched his father bounce around a makeshift battlefield, Ruminal was coming to find that he didn’t have anything to do. To him it looked as if his father wasn’t even in need of his help; he was merely brushing off the injuries that the lion gave him. It concerned him to some extent, but at the same time, Ruminal believed that Marschal would be okay without any of his help. Sure, he had wanted to reassure himself that his father would need his help in the end; after all, everyone needed help at some point. However, he was beginning to think that all of his strategies were for naught because what reason was there to help someone as stubborn as his dad? Blinking and shaking his head a little, the hybrid child turned away from Marschal in an attempt to see what Jiyu was up to. Perhaps, if Marschal didn’t need his help in the end, then maybe Jiyu wouldn’t mind a bit of helping either, seeing as he had nothing to do.

    But as he turned in Jiyu’s direction, Ruminal would come to find that even the children of the great beast had fled in her presence. At this point, he was beginning to feel a bit useless, but perhaps that was what a child was meant to feel when he was around stronger magi? His father wanted nothing more than to protect Iza and him... Iza who had left them on their own in spite of this job requiring her presence. It was a blessing in disguise that Jiyu had popped up on the scene at the moment she had; he hadn’t been certain what would’ve happened if she hadn’t. Ruminal’s dark gaze glanced down at the dirt ground, and he kicked at a rock for a moment, mulling over his thoughts while the elders fought. With nothing to do, not even a tree branch to fight, he was merely standing around on the scene wondering if his magic was even useful. A soft grumble left his lips, and he looked up just in time to catch a scent of blood filling the air in the direction his father was.

    His nose wrinkled up in disgust, and he turned around to find that Marschal had finished off the great lion in a matter of minutes. He was covered in blood, but Ruminal was familiar with his father’s own blood scent and the blood that covered him smelled nothing like him. Curiosity sparked at his child mind, and Ruminal crept in the direction of his father, his eyes lighting up in amazement at the quick downing of the lion. The rancid scent of the blood was overwhelming, however, and it didn’t help that his father was currently sawing off the head of the lion. If he remembered correctly, they only needed to bring back the tail of the lion; there was no reason for Marschal to chop the head off and yet, he didn’t stop his father from doing so, figuring that his father would find out sooner or later or perhaps he knew already. Maybe he was just taking the head as a prize, which was a strange thing to do, all things considered, but he didn’t question it.

    “Well, I suppose that had gone by a lot faster than I was hoping that it would go. . . no that’s wrong of me to say,” Ruminal spoke up. “I should say that it went by faster than I had expected, honestly; I was expecting to have to heal you a few times before you passed out.” His blackened gaze glanced up at his father, who only returned the gaze with a hardened look of anger from the fight, but of love toward him as well. He scrunched his eyebrows together and looked away from Marschal, uncertain how he was supposed to feel at the moment. Instead of focusing on the issue at hand, the magus turned away from his father and glanced toward Jiyu who was still where the young lions had been. All of them were gone, and the great lion was dead, so now all they had to do was make their way back to the village, and they would be done. Heaving a sigh, both of boredom and of relief, Ruminal walked away from his father and head toward Jiyu’s and the village’s direction.

    Was there something more to this job than he was believing? Perhaps there was something that they were missing, something crucial to the matter? Whatever it was, the young boy couldn’t think of it, not even a lick of what he was believing was extra to the job’s matter than now. He hadn’t done anything useful on this job, no matter how much he had wanted to be helpful around the elders for once and yet, here he was, finding himself just as useless as he had found himself all those many times before, except for when he was truly needed. The journey back home would certainly be a few hours, maybe then he would be allowed to heal the wounds that Marschal had. Even from this distance, when Ruminal looked back over his shoulder, he could tell that Marschal was exhausted and rundown from the fight. It wouldn’t be long before the guy passed out, he guessed, but until then, he would just let him walk it off until he asked for help.

    Location;;Hunting Village
    Word Count;;1086


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:18 pm