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    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo)

    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) Empty Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo)

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 8th July 2016, 1:41 pm

    Job Info:

    It was a wonderful day. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. On days like these, the fighters Tatsumi would be fighting deserved to have their face planted into the ground. This was going to be Tatsumi's training ground for the day, and he was excited for it. He would, just for the tournament and the time it would take, let his more ferocious side show. He cared not for his normal kindness or caring, for it was only his sadistic nature that would show this day. One would say it would help him seeing as he was forced to use only his magic and his fist, and they would be completely correct in that statement. Not only was his attitude fitting for his goals this day, his attire matched his need to have full flexibility and flow of movement. He wore only a pair of black cargo shorts and a loose fitting white sleeveless shirt, and to cover up his old guild's tattoo, he wore black finger less gloves that were tightened at the wrist to not come off.

    As for the other fighters that were all lined up nice and pretty like looked to also be fun contenders. This was going to be a somewhat difficult line up but he as ready, he had been ready. As the tournament's pairings were finished and shown, Tatsumi's first fight was going to  prove his strength to the fullest. And who was his first fight in the wonderful spectrum of people? None other the winner of the last tournament, Wyvern. The iconic man of this spectacle, wearing a white dojo uniform with red gloves and headband, was his first competitor. He looked just as prepared as Tatsumi, though in this case a little less menacing. The was a sense of tranquility that the man held in comparison to Tatsumi, and the other fighters as well. Now other than that, let us enjoy this fight as to not offend the gathered crowd. "I  wish for you to not hate me after this match. I have a goal and a person I need to beat, and you are in the way of him. At this point Wyvern began to stance himself ready for the fight. Tatsumi did not reply or speak, only got into a fighting stance. As the area cleared of the other competitors, the announcer again declared the fighters and gave a rousing 'BEGIN'.

    Last edited by Tatsumi Yamato on 27th July 2016, 10:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) R2h59vy
    Important Links:
    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) Empty Re: Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo)

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 10th July 2016, 10:20 pm

    As the fight began, the two fighters ran towards each other. As they got closer and closer, they both prepared their right arms. When they came into fighting range, they both sent their respective right hooks, and they smacked each other square in the face. Both of them staggered back a little but got their footing relatively quickly again. As they stood there, they stared each other down for a moment before Tatsumi charged right back into the fray. As Wyvern proceeded to perform a jab, hoping to catch his opponent off guard, Tatsumi ducked underneath the punch and went in with his right hand aiming for the face. As Tatsumi's hand grabbed Wyvern's face, he activated Grasp of the Ice Demon dealing some decent damage. As the spell went off, Tatsumi with the grip he currently posses, slammed Wyvern head first into the ground causing a small crater. To finish the combo, Tatsumi jabbed Wyvern into the stomach, as he flipped past the downed man and to his feet.
    From the looks, he seemed this was a stomp show. Could the almighty Wyvern be beaten so easily? The judge looked to the ground, waiting for the injured man to get up or to even make a move. Tatsumi, thinking he had so easily beaten his opponent, chuckled and went to go look over his handy work. As he approached and peered over, what he encountered next was not what he expected or wanted. "DRAGON FIST! TORNADO BLADE KICK! WAVE MOTION CANNON!" Wyvern had caught Tatsumi into his own combo, and the pain it brought was serious. As the punch sent Tatsu into the air, Wyvern jumped and proceed to perform multiple kicks juggling Tatsu and finished with the blast sending Tatsu back to neutral ground. Unlike Wyvern, Tatsu was able to catch himself to his feet and stood showing the pain he had just received. This was not what the demon slayer wanted, this was not within his current mindset or ideal. This entire tournament was to be a stomping ground, a place for him to relieve stress and to brush up on his combat skills. "Now surrender so I can save both energy and time."
    "Hehehehahahahaha! I hope you can handle me when I am not sane, cause your sending me to that point." Tatsumi chuckled as he spoke, waving his opponent on. This next few seconds would determine the outcome of this fight.
    CD List:


    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) R2h59vy
    Important Links:
    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) Empty Re: Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo)

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 27th July 2016, 10:57 pm

    As they both stood still for the moment, Tatsumi took the chance to heal himself up a little. These spells were from his long forgotten heritage that not even his own family knew much about. It even went against his own natural element of ice, but he did not particularly care too much. If it was not for these spells, he would have little less faith in his humanity. "Now that I feel a little better, why don't we kick this up a notch shall we." He spoke as he once again charged Wyvern. This time he was faster, or was it that his opponent was slower? At this point, Tatsumi had activated Overwhelming Presence of the Ice Demon causing the area around him to become slight frozen slowing those within. This combined with Tatsumi going full force, with both speed and strength, to somewhat over power Wyvern. Tatsu started this bout with the same move, this time grabbing the neck. Now crunching the champion's windpipe, Tatsumi was not letting up. He proceeded to use another spell while he had his prey in his clutches. " FREEZING PRISON OF THE ICE DEMON!" The spell started to freeze Wyvern's throat and caused immense pain. As Tatsumi released his grip, Wyvern fell to his knees and was greeted by a knee to the chin sending him flying backwards. With his body now prone within the air, he was wide open and asking for any punish that could be thought of, and that is exactly what happened. As he momentarily floated in mid air, Tatsu proceed to knee him in the back and knocking him back into the ground with a double handed fist to the chest. This caused Wyvern to roughly crash back into the ground, causing once again another crater. This time, there was most likely no chance of getting back up, but this did not stop Tatsu as he grabbed him by the uniform as Tatsu punched him repeatedly. Once Tatsu was satisfied and assured his opponent was not going to fight back, he dropped him and walked towards the referee.
    "Now I'm no doctor, but he is not going to get back up, and he is not dead so it is a win win for everyone except him." As the ref went and checked out Wyvern, it was as Tatsu said. The match was over with Tatsumi as the winner. It was an instant comeback from the challenger, almost like in the movies. This sadly though was only a fraction of Tatsumi's strength, being hindered without his gear. "I guess this tournament is slightly different than the others. I would have that it was a bracket system, but its winner progresses." Tatsumi spoke as he looked towards the board with his next opponent on it. His next fight was against someone named Hibiki, and he hoped this fighter was not going to be a let down.
    Duration List:
    -Overwhelming Presence 1/5
    Cooldown List:
    -Healing Wind 0/2
    -Rejuvenating Gust 0/2
    -Freezing Prison 0/3
    WC Total 1298/6400


    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) R2h59vy
    Important Links:
    Tatsumi Yamato
    Tatsumi Yamato

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) Empty Re: Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo)

    Post by Tatsumi Yamato 27th July 2016, 11:20 pm

    As Hibiki walked up to the arena, he looked as Wyvern was carried off on a stretcher. He showed fear, he exuded hesitance, and he presented himself as weak the second he walked upon that stage. Even though he could not hold back his doubt and shaken stature, he still held himself to his usual standard. He was after all, just as good as his rivals, Wyvern and Masters, and sure enough he could possibly stand a chance right? He thought himself possible and as per the usual, he was quick to boasting. "I hope your ready  kid, it is time for the real show. It's me versus you, man versus rat. Wait, did I just call myself a rat? I meant that as you were the rat, you brat. Right, right, I'm going to pound your face in. Your nothing special, just some ice magic and some fancy foot work right? I've seen better from the other competitors here and I can beat them out right as well. Now bring it shrimp, I want to win this tournament and PROVE it once and for all I am just as good, even better, than the next guy here."
    As Hibiki rambled on and on, the referee whispered to Tatsumi, telling him to end this quickly. Apparently Hibiki insults everyone he fights, trying to seem bigger and stronger than he really is. As Hibiki continues his rant, the ref yells "BEGIN" queuing Tatsumi's straight jab to Hibiki's face. This jab is quickly followed up by another jab with the same arm, and repeated as if Hibiki's face was a boxer's punching bag. After a few jabs, Tatsumi throws a hook with his other arm and makes a clean smack. As this string of attacks continued, Tatsumi proceeds to add in a kick with his right leg causing Hibiki to go spinning. Before Hibiki could reach the ground, Tatsumi caught him with his left knee and suspending Hibiki in the air for a continued onslaught. This somewhat routine combo continued for a little bit, before Tatsumi proceeded to axe kick Hibiki into the ground. As Hibiki's face planted itself within the dirt, the ref called for the victory of Tatsumi. It was such a one sided fight, that even Tatsumi did not enjoy it at all. This was just a stepping stone of boredom for him, and he had demolished it completely.
    As the doctors carried Hibiki off of the platform, the next contender  was called. This person was known as Wyvern's own friend and fighting rival. Though his ego rivaled that of Hibiki, this fighter had the skills to back up the words that he spewed. This man with blonde hair and his famous red gi was known as none other than Masters.
    Duration List:
    -OP 2/5
    Cooldown List
    -HW 1/2
    -RG 1/2
    -FP 1/3
    Words: 462
    WC Total:1760/6400
    Posts: 4/16


    Road(Street) Fighter(V)(Job/Solo) R2h59vy
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      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:54 pm