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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]


    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 7th July 2016, 2:38 pm

    Job Information:
    Simon stared at the wall of the cave he was squatting in, "I am in no way shape or form putting off going back to Fairy Tail by burying myself in jobs. That's completely ridiculous. I'll go back right after I finish this next one." He looked at the job posters pinned to his wall looking for the one that looked like it would take the longest to complete. Finally he settled on that involved clearing out an entire island of ice monsters, "There that's one that I can do that'll waste tons of ti- give me plenty of time to think about what I'll- it'll give me lots of money to donate to Fairy Tail as a gift when I return! Yeah that's it!" He swiped it off the wall and sprinted off into the country side. Quickly his god leg magic would deliver him to Hargeon port where he slid to a stop before a small boat empty except for a gruff old man sitting one of the boat's two seats. Simon quickly looked between the job add and a nearby sign on the dock, "Oh so this is the boat?" The old man turned his attention to Simon, "You're the wizard here for the job? Yeup this is the boat that'll take you out to Snowfall. Can I expect any more of you fellas?"

    Simon was internally shouting, there was no way he was getting in a boat that tiny it was probably slow as a snail. He hated slow. Simon scratched his head doing his best to keep smiling, "Yeah that's me! Actually I think I forgot something back at my guild. I'll have to run back and get it. Uh right I have one more friend coming. When they get here go ahead and take them without me, they should be here any minute but I'll probably take too long. I'll find some other way to get there." The old man squinted at him skeptically, "You're gonna be hard pressed to find another way boyo. With the island frozen no boat is going near." Simon waved him off as he walked away, "Don't worry, I'm resourceful. Also my friend is plenty strong they can handle the situation until I catch up for sure. You'll want to get them there fast, they'll be a big help." The old man shrugged and went back to looking for any new approachers. As soon as he was out of sight Simon broke out into a sprint again allowing his God Leg to accelerate him to high speeds. He circled around the port heading back towards the water as far away from the old man's boat as possible. As he approached the edge of the dock he only sped up, going straight over the edge and surprise surprise started running on water.

    Simon laughed a little, "Sorry old man you'll be waiting a while. I work solo when I can. But there was no way I was going to ride on that rickety little fishing boat." He would have felt bad for lying to the old guy but he was far too used to it at this point. People just didn't understand that is really was just easier for him to run places himself, they'd always insist, "No no we wouldn't want to make you do that. Please just ride with us." It was irritating, Simon had only stopped in the first place in the hope that is was a really cool fancy boat. Which it very much wasn't. As he reflected on this Simon got to thinking about just what caliber of boat would be required to make him prefer riding it as opposed to running somewhere. Truly the idea of such a boat baffled the imagination, or at least distracted it long enough for Simon to not see the ice coming. Thus as water became ice, he slipped, fell and slid across the ice with a triple digit initial velocity.

    The next thing Simon knew he was buried at the bottom of a massive snow bank on the coast of the island, half conscious half not, all cold.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 8th July 2016, 4:41 am


    The moment Lynn sprung out of bed was the moment she decided it was a good idea not to watch horror films before sleeping and that she should never do it again. Sluggishly dragging her feet towards her bathroom, the spooked woman began to freshen up for the day, looking up into the mirror above the basin to make sure her reflection was not watching her as she brushed her teeth. One nightmare. That was all it took for her to start getting paranoid like that. Zlatan was still asleep, snoring softly. You would imagine him making the noisiest of noises when he slept, but it was in fact the opposite. Lynn had never had to wake up because he was snoring too loud, or doing something irregularly disturbing. He was always the peaceful one, calm and collected. Whereas Lynn was the boisterous one, causing unnecessary ruckus everywhere. The Ice Dragon Slayer groaned and proceeded into the shower, taking her time as she needed a very soothing bath. Warm water flowing down her bare form made it seem like she had a layer of gloss on her light skin. Once she was done, she would step out of the bathroom and into the bedchamber that was nice and warm, wrapped in a towel. “Zlatan we are going on a job. I need something to take my mind off...things,” she told the beast who had awoken from his sleep, thanks to the sound of Lynn’s bathroom door banging shut behind her.

    The next hour was spent looking for a job on the job boards around town, but the one thing that finally caught her interest was the one that said ‘Kingdom of Ice’. She snatched it straight away with an enormous grin on her face. “KINGDOM OF LICE! I MEAN ICE! HOW COOL IS THAT?!” she laughed, then added, “YA GET IT!? HOW COOL IS THAT? BECAUSE ICE!” Now she was incredibly hyped for a job just because of the fact that it had the word ‘ice’ in its name. Without further ado, she marched away from the job board, climbing onto Zlatan’s broad back. “Alright take me to Snowfall Island,” she said, so excited for what she might see soon. Snowfall Island was one of the places she hadn’t been to yet, but really wanted to. The main reason was, as you could tell, its name. Being the Ice Dragon Slayer made her so fascinated by anything that had to do with frozen water. In an hour’s time Zlatan had landed on the slippery ice that covered the entire island. If it was not for how familiar with the properties of ice, he would have struggled to stand straight on it. Lynn, however, was a natural. “Wow…” she said, unable to contain how awestruck she was. “This is my kingdom,” she grinned, turning to Zlatan. The lion grunted like he didn’t like the idea. “What!?” she laughed, then placed her hand on his mane, combing it gently. She wondered what kind of monsters might be hiding in the snow covered land. If they had ice related magic, she was the boss here. With that happy thought in mind, she looked around, thinking where to start when someone came into sight. He was so fast she didn’t exactly know where he had come from, but the moment his foot touched the ice he slipped, completely ruining the mood. Lynn and Zlatan blinked at the klutz, wondering who on Earth it was. But it wasn’t before long until Lynn burst out laughing. It was too funny to witness.

    597 | 550



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 8th July 2016, 8:51 am

    From the bottom of the bank Simon groaned, "If anyone saw that, I may just have to self destruct myself." It took him a minute but Simon eventually dug himself out of the snow bank and crawl back out onto the ice. He looked up too see if there was anyone to witness his blunder, and sure enough there she was. Winged cat, that certain feel to her magic aura, that type of laughter; it was a miracle she wasn't sparkling. He'd seen it all before, maybe 8 times now, there was nothing else it could be. Simon grit his teeth, "Dammit again?!" He widened his stance made sure to adjust for the reduced friction this time, "What cursed miracle star was I born under to deserve this huh!?!" He broken into a sprint toward's Lynn moving like a blur, before swerving to the right around her at the last second making a bee line for the edge of the ice block. Each step created cracks in the ice which only deepened when Simon reached the edge of the ice, turned around and ran straight back. As soon as he reached the point where he had swerved initially he made a 90 degree turn to the right and again bolted to the edge of the ice and back.
    By the time Simon had come back he had a created a large V-Shape crack in the ice between him and Lynn. All of this happening in just a matter of seconds thanks to Simon's super speed, he angrily quipped "Return to sender!" Before he stomped on the vertex of the V and the chunk of ice broke off from the rest and started to slowly float away.

    He gave it a quick push with his foot to speed it on its way. "Sorry madame. I don't work with dragon slayers. Not anymore." Completely ignoring the fact that the girl had a flying lion next to her and was likely in no way seriously deterred by her current predicament he turned around and started walking towards the coast, "Don't worry I've got this job in the bag. You can go work on something that isn't anywhere near me." He silently congratulated himself for cutting off that problem, he was not going to do THAT again. After the various fates of every other dragon slayer he had worked with ever, he really didn't feel like perpetuating the pattern. Fire, lightning, poison, light, dark, fire again, earth and now whatever she was; he'd dealt with one slayer too many.

    Even if the time he punched out the second fire one was really enjoyable.

    He hit his head a couple times, he didn't want to think about it. Simon attempted to distract himself by making a plan for how to deal with a frozen island, apparently infested by ice monsters. His first instinct was just to throw fire at everything and have it melt everything; an elegant plan. But from where he was standing it seemed like it would take a hell of a time covering that much surface area. Regardless is presented an annoying problem, he hoped that maybe someone in the village knew something he didn't. Like if there was a magic "make everything okay," button behind a small army of ice monsters. Getting to something like that would be right up his alley. He consider some possibilities as he walked away, having already pretty thoroughly dismissed the notion that he was going to see Lynn and her winged lion ever again. Simon spun around, "Wait crap that lion can fly, can't it?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 8th July 2016, 11:58 am


    Lynn watched as the person would struggle out of the pile of snow above him, mumbling some angry things, she imagined, under his breath. She would silently observe this man. He was rather grumpy and...funny to watch. Zlatan decided to inch closer to Lynn in case the man meant harm, even though the dragon slayer found him strangely fascinating. Well, actually more amusing than fascinating. Once he discovered the presence of Lynn, he would curse, asking out loud what kind of curse he was born under to deserve this. Deserve what, Lynn wondered. She raised one hand up to give him a wave with a grin. The moment when he was slipping in front of her was still kind of replaying itself in her brain, making her want to laugh every time, but she controlled herself. She didn’t want to seem mean to someone she didn’t even know yet.

    The closer the stranger got to Lynn, the more protective Zlatan got, almost attacking him, but knowing that he could be a potential job partner, his mistress ordered him to stay put. But at one point, he began to move so fast around her, making everything seem like a blur around her. The action had also begun to make her hair whip wildly around her and the hem of her skirt as well. She didn’t bother trying to keep it down because with how fast the man was moving, he would probably not see anything he shouldn’t. And even if he did, she wouldn’t care. Cracks formed on the ice they were stepping on, caused by the blurry figure who, after a few seconds stopped in front of Lynn and Zlatan. He would be met by a very displeased frown etched into her face. The cracks would connect and cause a V shaped sheet of ice to detach from the main body. He was sending her off, how sweet.

    As the sheet that they were standing on began to slowly float away from the island, Lynn took a deep breath with her eyes shut. Really now? She was going to be dealing with a prick like him!? The Ice Dragon Slayer released a long breath, the air the came out of her nose being visible like what would happen if you exhaled outdoors in winter. Once she exhaled, the gap between the ice of the island and the sheet that she was standing on closed, connecting with ice created by Lynn. She would then take casual strides towards the man and grab his shoulder, a chilling touch that would send shivers down his spine. Forcefully turning him around so he faced her and they were seeing eye to eye, she would give him a very irritated look, jaws tightened and all. “I am your job partner, whether you like it or not!” she would shout in his face, releasing him from her tight grip and folding her arms now. “If you want to defeat enemies who master in the Ice element, you need an Ice Dragon Slayer. Do you know that?” she would continue to ask.

    The only reason she would need a partner was because of the fact that she was taking on a rather difficult job. Otherwise, she preferred working solo, especially because that means - peace of mind. No pricks to disrupt her or anything of the sort.

    560 | 550



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 8th July 2016, 12:51 pm

    Well it wasn't her flying over on a winged tiger but it had the same effect. Freaking ice magic, of course she was the ice slayer. Simon yanked away from being touched, literally jumping away from Lynn when she turned him around, "Hey now no touching. It isn't about me liking you being your job partner, rather I think you won't enjoy working with me." He continued to back away from her, "I can handle ice enemies just fine without a slayer's help. Besides don't you think own attacks would be ineffective against foes of your same element?" When he was what he thought was a sufficiently safe distance away he stopped and crossed his arms, "Really nothing against you though. Just the last slayer I worked with ended up a bit... missing. As did the one before... and the one before... Perfectly strong healthy mages, just gone in the blink of an eye; no one in the world knows where they went. They're probably dead to be honest."

    He began to radiate heat, water forming on the top of the ice, as he continued to speak "I'm bad luck for your kind. The less you have to do with me the better. Here if it'll convince you to not curse yourself, I'll even give you a portion of the reward money when I'm done. My fire is more than sufficient to melt these 'masters of ice'. So just go do some other cool important thing that isn't anywhere near me." Simon was considering just trying to melt the ice between them but that was increasingly seeming like it would be a temporary measure. He was fighting in her domain, the territory favored her, heck shaped itself to her will; all that considered he wasn't sure if he could make her leave by force if he needed to. He considered trying to create some kind of tornado with his running speed to send her flying, but he'd never actually pulled off a feat like that before. Also tornado's tended to do more killing then they did safe transport, that seemed like a counter productive plan.

    Of course it was then the giant ice monsters decided to attack. Two large ice golems came smashing through the ice from below, one landing on either side of Simon and Lynn. At the same time three ice guardians came running from the island's main land stopping at the edge of the ice. So the mages had, golems on either side, guardians in front of them and the ocean to their backs. Simon spun around to face the guardians, "Son of a! I don't suppose these are summons of yours by any chance?" He knew they weren't as he said it, but that didn't change that he was an optimist. He extended one arm behind himself and focused his magic energy into it. Small red lights formed in the air and gathered into one large glowing ball floating above his hand. "Refreeze the ice! It's about to get hot and I don't want to go swimming!" Simon's body heat dramatically increased in response to the activation of his magic, it was an involuntary effect that'd turn off right now if he could. But he wasn't about to let those ice monsters get the first shot in.

    The glowing ball of light turned into a massive ball of lava, reeled back like a pitcher before throwing a baseball, "Eat this and die!" With that he swung his arm forward in an over head throw that launched the magma ball at the ice guardians. The ball flew like a rocket, colliding head on with the center most guardian. Simon clapped his hands together, "Single Eruption!" In response the magma ball exploded outward in a violent blast of lava spraying all of the ice guardians and the surrounding area with lava. The massive ball of heat coming in contact with all the ice and snow caused an explosion of steam outward from the point of impact. The steam momentarily obscured the fate of the ice guardians. But Simon would have bigger concerns in a minute if Lynn hadn't taken any measures to stop the ice from melting. If she hadn't the ice under Simon would give way to water after he had triggered single eruption and he'd fall into the water. Other wise he'd throw a thank you toward's Lynn and brace himself to face the ice monster's counter attack.

    Last edited by Kirahunter on 8th July 2016, 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by NPC 8th July 2016, 12:51 pm

    The member 'Kirahunter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 9th July 2016, 6:11 am


    Of course, he didn’t like her touching him. And then he would go on to explain about how it was not because he did not like her and that he was bad for her kind and all that. Her kind? That part got her paranoid for a moment. Did he knew something he shouldn’t? Hopefully not. Lynn raised a hand with her palm open to make him stop but clearly that was not working as he would continue to talk about his story with other slayers, and that they were ‘dead’ now because of him. Lynn frowned, wondering why he care so much about the dragon slayers. What if they died? Did it affect him in any way? Well, they could have been his best friends, but still, there was no reason for him to be having so much concern for Lynn because he barely knew her. “Listen, it’s not because of you! If that’s what you think. I am not an original dragon slayer too. No dragon came to adopt and teach me the magic to slay their kind. I went and found myself one to teach me! I don’t care that you care too much for my ‘kind’, but it is not my kind and I am completely different from them,” she tried to explain as calmly as she could but with how panicky this guy was being, she couldn’t not raise her voice.

    Almost at the exact moment that she had finished speaking, two ice golems emerged through the ice they were standing on, taking place on each side of them, catching them off guard, but that was not all. Three more ice creatures came from the island. “Great,” she muttered. Lynn turned to the man beside her to ask if he had any plans. “Of course they’re not!” she yelled in response to his stupid question. He seemed to know what to do however, because he then told her to refreeze the ice. She didn’t bother to think anymore. “Alright,” was her response as she would wait and watch him to do something as a pair of wings sprouted from her back that were made of ice. She would then shoot into the sky until her partner(?) finishes with whatever he had planned. Zlatan would roar in the direction of the enemies, stunning them for only a moment before the dark haired man would take them out with a lava spell. Lava magic? The first thing that came to Lynn’s mind was: How are they ever going to work together? Probably just kill each other by accident.

    Once he had finished with his spell, or so she thought, she would refreeze the ice only under him so that the golems and fell to their demise, possibly not being able to come up again since she would block them by freezing the surface with her own ice once they were in the water. Now that the golems were dealt with, only the guardians remained. Lynn would create a bow and quiver with five arrows in it, then take three, holding them against the bow at the same time. While taking aim, the remaining three ice guardians didn’t move at all, how lovely. They were probably shocked by what happened to their golem friends. The shot hit all of them, and even though they weren’t powerful to kill them, with Zlatan’s debuffing effect, it was enough to knock them out.

    572 | 550




    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 9th July 2016, 11:34 am


    Simon was immediately relieved to find that he was not drowning at this particular moment, there was just something special about still being able to breath. He sighed with relief and took a moment to appreciate he could do that without water moving into his lungs like a millennial moving back into their parent's house. He looked at the ice where the golems had been momentarily before and looked at it skeptically, "I'm not particularly sure that'll hold those guys. I mean they kind of entered by breaking through the ice in the first place..." He decided it was probably better to not stick around and find out if the golems could come back up. Simon jumped into the air using his white walk ability to stand on air to hover near Lynn, "Okay so we're literal polar opposites and we've quite apparently got off on a particularly non-civil foot. But we still kicked some serious ass just now." He pointed at the vanquished monsters below, "So how about we just get this job done and worry about slugging out our differences later?"

    He turned around and ran a short distance ahead, "Think about it! A lava and ice mage came together to beat down an entire island of monsters! They'll tell stories about this for years!" Simon did ever love a good story, enough to suspend good common sense. Right now his plan was to use his ability to run on air to survey the island to locate the ice castle the job had mentioned, swoop in, blow it the heck up and go home a hero. However the island's resident monsters didn't seem to like this plan, for before he could even reach the air above the island's coast a massive barrage of icicle spears shot from the woods all over the island in a massive display of anti-air capabilities. It seemed like every monster on the island at that particular second had just decided, "Screw this flying guy!" That or you know recognized flying magic people as dangerous and wanted to kill him. Regardless the oncoming salvo looked like way too much to dodge, and far too deadly to survive, especially if he was trying to search an entire island while getting this treatment.

    So Simon did the only natural thing, he turned tail and ran. The moment he became aware of the sheer size and scope of the barrage he turned around as fast as he could and started running back the other way, he yelled at Lynn, "Okay air recon suddenly seems like a terrible idea!" Realizing the only way to escape was to go straight down; he cancelled his white walk and allowed himself to fall back to the ice sheet below, briefly reactivating it to slow his descent here and there, before landing back on the ice. He assumed Lynn would be like wise able to get out of the air quickly considering she'd been farther back when the barrage was fire. Simon looked up above to watch the rain of spiked death sail over head before the spears all fell to the ocean behind them. After checking to see if Lynn had gotten out of the way safely, he looked at the woods and shoved his hands in his pockets, "Well that was fun. I guess we're hoofing it.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 9th July 2016, 4:38 pm


    We’re definitely not sticking around to find out,” she said, in response to his question. She hoped they couldn’t, because if they did, they would have to deal with enemies both behind and in front of them, and that didn’t sound like fun, not like she wasn’t capable of completely finishing them off. She wondered when he was going to say ‘thank you’ to her for not dropping him into the water. She was certainly tempted to let him have a bath so he could get rid of the prickliness in some way. If he had already said it she didn’t hear it because she was focused on other things. The dragon slayer nodded when he talked about them being polar opposites and that they just kicked some ass. “True true,” she told him, noticing that he was hovering in the air in a strange way beside her. “I think we’ll make the best horrible combo,” she added with a laugh. Lava and ice? Nope. She would then give Zlatan a look and a nod so that he would follow her now. It seemed like they were going to be flying into the Village.


    A barrage of ice arrows flew out of who knows where in their direction. Lynn would not dodge any of them, instead catch one that was coming straight for her face with one hand and study it before biting out of it. It was a weak arrow, but it was good fuel for her. “Yeah, let's be more careful,” she told him, when he came back running. The part about people telling stories about them. “That sounds really nice. People talking about you,” she said in a rather uninterested tone. Yes that would be lovely, but it was not anything new to her. She was used to people talking about her. Not only when she was a Prestigious, but also when she became a human. The reason why they loved to talk about her would forever remain a mystery, probably. It looked like her partner wanted to walk now as he did not want arrows in his body. She chuckled and dropped to the ground as well, landing on her feet and folding her wings that merged into her skin and disappeared.

    Alright,” she said as she was walking again. “Our objective is pretty simple...and boring. Let’s get this over with so we can have a drink later,” with a grin. Lynn would take the lead now, walking through what looked like trees made out of ice, but they were just normal trees with ice covered all over. Everything on the island looked like they were made of ice, but in reality they were just frozen to the extent that they looked glassy that way. Lynn reached out to touch of the trees and rubbed it. It was smooth alright. But the ice itself felt hostile towards her, which you would imagine was impossible. Ice feeling hostile? Lynn removed her hand from it. “This ice feels weird,” she would mutter more to herself than to the man. She continued walking, folding her arms as she observed her surroundings suspiciously, wondering when the enemy would strike again, and also telling Zlatan to keep an eye on their six o’clock so that the golems from before did not pull a sneak attack on them.

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    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 9th July 2016, 8:25 pm


    Simon laughed at the 'best horrible combo,' remark, "I need to get that on a shirt." He looked at his own torso as if trying to gauge what size shirt he'd wear, "My merchandizing income could stand to gain from that. Cross overs have a way of pushing product." Simon could've gone for hours about the finer points of famous wizard memorabilia sales but fortunately he was caught off guard by Lynn's total dismissal of the appeal of being talked about. Dredging through the snow he insisted, "Don't be such a downer. Getting people talking is one of my favorite things to do. If people who have no involvement in me but can't stop talking about me anyway, that is a real sign I've really made an impression."  

    He contented himself to walking behind Lynn. On one hand he cold run ahead and search the entire island in three minutes, on the other hand he could search the entire island in thirty minutes and not get mugged by giant ice monsters on the way. Fighting elementals with a slayer of the matching element was a luxury Simon liked to indulge in when he could. "Simple and boring until we find the real big guys. That's when it gets fun." He put his hands behind his head, "You can hold the drinks though, I'm a minor..." Simon paused, "Wait... Am I? You know I spent the last unknown amount of time living in a volcano so I kinda lost track of time. I don't even know what year it is. I guess we'll just have to see if I get stopped at the door." Walking along Simon got tired of picking his feet up through the tall snow and just let his magic do the work. He started radiating heat from his legs and let the snow just melt away in front of him. So much easier.

    When Lynn gave her very scientific analysis of the ice, Simon touched one of the trees for himself and found that the ice felt: cold. He looked ahead at her, "Yeah sorry to me this ice just feels cold. Just the other day I was checking some temple with this Mashyuu guy and he said he felt like the cave or whatever felt strange. Sure enough a few minutes later we found out our magic was way juiced up somehow. You think it is anything like that? I mean we were in an elemental temple so it probably isn't the exact same principle as this is very much not a temple... He scratched his head, "Like maybe its just effecting you because you're ice and not me because well lava. Maybe whatever is attracting the monsters or making the monsters or whatever is happening with all the ice magic and what not is affecting you some way some how?" He rambled on lazily keeping watching of their sides, "You feeling particularly super today? Like maybe you could kill the ice monsters single handedly? I mean I'd still help, I wouldn't let an entire island of monsters to be fought to pass me by, but it'd be nice to know." His eyes were already getting tired of just white and trees everywhere, he kinda hoped something would just jump out and attack them already. That'd at least make the chore a little more exciting.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 10th July 2016, 7:36 am


    Lynn skipped over a large root, laughing a bit. “On a shirt? Maybe,” she commented on his thought. She just nodded at pretty much anything he said because she was too busy feeling the ice. Something felt strange, which is why she was having this crawling feeling in the back of her mind. But of course, her new friend would not know. She was not familiar with the element so he would not know if it felt any way different from normal ice. “Of course it would be nice to be remembered. I don’t want to die before leaving my mark on the world,” she told him, her lips curling up into a smug smirk. She was feeling confident again. She was sure she would leave that mark. When he talked about how he was still a minor, she turned back with a raised eyebrow. A minor? “You’re not the size of a minor, though,” she told him, then turned back to continue walking. Zlatan grunted, out of habit actually not because he was disappointed or anything.

    Yeah sorry to me this ice just feels cold. Just the other day I was checking some temple with this Mashyuu guy and he said he felt like the cave or whatever felt strange. Sure enough a few minutes later we found out our magic was way juiced up somehow. You think it is anything like that? I mean we were in an elemental temple so it probably isn't the exact same principle as this is very much not a temple…

    Everything he said pretty much entered through her left ear and went out of her right ear. An odd feeling clung to her tingling skin as she approached a clearing. “This is where we stop,” she said, holding a hand to her side as if to tell him to stop. She looked from left to right then forward at the clearing, wondering if there were any traps. Of course you would not imagine anything that could happen if you could not feel the ice. Lynn on the other hand knew that the ice was speaking to her (yes, don’t make fun). Zlatan, on another hand, was quite bored already. “Super? Single-handedly. You do know we’re going to be dealing with S-rank monsters. Just because I’m an Ice Dragon Slayer does not mean I don’t need your help. Be aware,” she told him. Yes, she was being bossy, that was her nature. She liked to give directions even though they may not be the best choice. And hopefully this person could tolerate that.

    Frozen wings sprouted from her back once again that spread out. Lynn ascended skywards, above the clearing so she was hovering above the center of the clearing. If anything was there, it was the perfect time to show up. If her job partner moved any further, Zlatan would grab him with his tail because she knew that it was a trap. Sure enough, the moment that she was above the clearing, more ice creatures would emerge through the thin sheet of ice to grab at her, which she evaded by flying higher. “Stand down,” she told her partner who might try to attack them out of shock. Lynn broke the ice underneath them so they fell back into the water they came from and the froze it back. “Nice, holes in the island. My ice won’t hold longer than this, so prepare to fight,” she would inform the man. Her ice was on the verge of cracking.

    587 | 550



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    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 10th July 2016, 8:47 am

    Simon just loved being ignored. No really. It meant he could say literally whatever he wanted and nothing would come from it. He quickly picked up what he was saying wasn't being taken too seriously, shame, he thought it was interesting. When inquired about his minor status Simon shrugged, "Again for the last-who-knows-how-long I've been living in a volcano. I could just as easily be 17 as 25. Mostly because even before then I wasn't exactly tracking my age. What year is it anyway? I think I remember what year it was when I was 12 so if we went from there..." Then of course he was told to stop.

    There were 43 things in this world that Simon couldn't stand, being told to stop was most certainly on that list. Yet here was told to stop like 3 times in one minute. From being told to hold up at the edge of the clearing, to being held back by a lion thing and then when monsters showed up of course he wasn't permitted to attack. He felt just about ready to do something really crazy and stupid. So when he was told to prepare to fight that was exactly what he did. Pushing past the lion he ran out onto the middle of the cracked ice, vaguely careful not to slip. Seeing the monsters directly below him desperately trying to break out; he figured he'd help them out. He put his right hand palm down on the ice and pulled his right arm back gathering magic energy too it, transforming it into lava before bringing it down hard on the ice, "Great Eruption Punch!" Suddenly his arm expanded to a massive degree shattering through the ice, the magma arm looked big enough to punch down a house, the immobilized ice monsters could only watch as it came crashing down on them. The monsters were swallowed in the liquid fire and pushed down to the solid ground below the ice. Simon laughed with excitement as he spell continued to pour lava down, "S-Rank this!"

    After a second Simon's arm reverted to normal leaving behind it a hole in the ice where several meters down the surprisingly alive ice guardians desperately tried to pull themselves out of a shallow lava pool. Simon had to use his white walk to avoid falling in his own self-dug pit, he was most impressed and satisfied with his own destruction. Enough that he didn't notice the ice mongrel until it had already tackled him from behind. Five of the creatures had come from the woods in response to the noise, and one at least had saw fit to launch a leaping ambush on Simon. Pinned on his stomach under the large monster, between painful breaths Simon yelled, "I'm okay! Get the others, I owe this guy one fulfilled death wish." Of course as he said it the monster club him in the back of the head, or rather he tried to but its fist only made contact with a head shaped ball of magma. The creature reeled back falling of Simon, desperately shaking its burnt hand. Simon pulled himself off the ground, his head resolidifying, he looked down at the toppled monster(as best as he could despite its size), "Come on tackle me again I dare you."

    Last edited by Kirahunter on 10th July 2016, 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by NPC 10th July 2016, 8:47 am

    The member 'Kirahunter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 10th July 2016, 11:54 pm


    Lynn noticed how the man was not so fond of being stopped, which she had done three times in total just now, so at the moment after telling him to prepare to fight, Zlatan would release him from his hold, and he went right into the clearing, which was not exactly what Lynn thought was the cleverest idea because there was water under the ice sheet. Unless he really wanted to swim this time...he could have just done something from where he was standing before he hauled himself into the chaos. That part was land. But now that he had done the extreme, it was Lynn’s duty to keep him from becoming a wet mess so she would keep having to freeze the surface of the water just under his feet so that he did not splash. Zlatan roared at the new enemies, weakening them slightly, and stunning the weak ones for a short duration until they can focus and fight again, but even weaker now.

    The dragon slayer observed that he liked to announce the names of his techniques out loud for his enemies to hear and know that he was about to strike. With a slight frown, she kept watching while fulfilling her duty of keeping him dry throughout the battle. The fact that the ice creatures could regrow their heads irked Lynn to the extent of her joining him on the battlefield. “How dare you! In my presence!?” she yelled as she plummeted towards one of the ice mongrels and punched off its head, taking a chunk of ice off of its torso and consuming it. “You taste horrible, btw,” she said, scrunching up her face as she finished up the chunk she had taken out, rising into the air and kicking through its body so it was now just a pile of snow. With a satisfied smirk, she would turn to the others, helping her job partner where she could with just her Wing Chun skills. She did not need spells for now, only her magical ability to refreeze the ice under her partner’s feet. One they had finished with them, she would refreeze the ice over the entire water surface and straighten her outfit, combing her messed up hair with her fingers now so it looked back in place.

    Huffing, she continued to take the lead, forgetting that the both of them have not learnt each other’s names. She stopped mid step when she realised this, thinking how she was going to introduce herself after all this time, not that it had been even an hour yet. Awkwardly she would turn to face her job partner, blinking as she locked eyes with him, blurting out, “I’m Lynn, by the way. What’s your name?” Yes, that was the weirdest, most stupid way of introducing herself to someone she just met. She almost slapped her own face for being so awkward. Zlatan grunted behind them, but again it was out of habit. If he wanted to tear the man up, then it was already done. Lynn cleared her throat then, turning and walking in the path. She hoped that he did not ignore her question and tell her his name or else it would even be more awkward since he knew her name now and she did not know his.

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 11th July 2016, 2:40 pm


    While yes Simon had dared the monster to get up, he really didn't intend to allow it too. As the creature tried to struggle back up. He jumped at the monster converting his hand into magma as he did so and high fived its face. Simon's hand melted through the creature's face slaying the monster almost instantly. He stood up, reverting his hand to normal, while leaving behind the steaming corpse. With just a few scattered creatures left Simon ran to the edge of the pit he had just created where a small pool of lava was resting at the bottom. He stomped at the edge of the pit, somehow not breaking the ice, and gestured downwards with both of hands, he gestured upward like pulling up an invisible rope; in response a plume of lava shot upwards from the center of the pool. Simon pulled his hands back into a boxers stance before rapidly throwing punches in the air. With each punch a blob of lava shot off the lava pillar at one of the remaining monsters. The attacks were fairly low powered so they certainly weren't killing the monsters but they stung enough to drive them away. With that the area was cleared. Simon dropped his arms and the lava fell back into the pit with a little splooshing sound. He took a breath, "Well that was fun."

    He turned around to suddenly be starring Lynn in the face, who decided now was a good time to introduce herself. Simon jumped from surprise and started falling down into his own lava pool. He glanced down at the pit, Don't worry Simon! You're fire proof! Wait... Your clothes aren't! He threw down his feet at the last second, producing a shock wave that launched him out of the pit. He landed back on the edge of the pool, he glanced at Lynn, "Uh I'm Simon. That didn't just happen by the way." Awkward introduction officially one-upped. He gave a weary glance at the lion, he was getting a little tired of being grunted at. Trying to act like nothing happened he just started walking too.

    Simon tried to act cool but in the back of his head we was whining like a sarcastic teenager. If he fell one more time today, he was just going to blow up the entire island. Collateral damage be damned. No one would ever know about it anyway. When you live in a volcano for five years all your problems start to look like small island nations, and all your solutions start to look like volcanic eruptions. Re-entering the forest Simon resumed scanning their flanks, "Does your ice feeling happen to tell you where the castle is? The sooner we get there and blow it up the better. I don't want to spend the night on an island like this, sleeping on ice is terrible for your back." Instinctively he rubbed his back, "I know it isn't like close to night time or anything, it's just been caves and ancient ruins for me all week. I am spending tonight at an inn if it kills me." He had only been trying to strike up conversation but now he couldn't stop thinking about it. After living in a volcano for years one he started thinking about it he couldn't get the idea of a soft mattress out of his head.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 12th July 2016, 11:58 am


    The awkwardness that Lynn had caused resulted in the man now known as ‘Simon’ to fall into something she did not know existed, but was there. Her eyes bulged out in shock, but she kept her composure, nodding when he introduced himself and then continued. There was barely anything to talk about and Lynn, for some reason, had a blank mind today. Maybe she was too focused on the job, but it was not exactly because of that. Huffing mentally, she kept silent, hoping that they would either bump into more enemies or Simon would strike up a conversation. He seemed sort of embarrassed after the strange introduction, so Lynn did not laugh or comment on it. The smell of hostility (yes, it is the smell now) still lingered under her nostrils, still existent in the atmosphere. Of course they had yet to find the castle where they would most likely meet the boss of the entire job or something. Almost all the jobs were like this. You fight small monsters, then bigger ones, find some kind of hideout - or in this case a big ass ice castle - and then meet the endgame.

    Almost as if he was reading her mind, Simon then asked if her ‘ice feeling’ could tell them where the castle they were looking for was. Lynn thought to herself for a moment, trying to connect stuff in her mind with the ‘ice feeling’ he was talking about. She knew exactly what he was talking about, but that ‘ice feeling’ did not seem to be responding to her when she tried to connect the castle through it. Sagging her shoulders, she shook her head slowly saying, “I don’t think so. I mean I don’t expect to spend the night here either. Like I said I’m going for a drink after we’re done here. Want to join me? It’s always more fun when you’re not alone.” Inviting Simon was not the biggest problem in the world. The problem was that if he was a total newbie at drinking and all that, she would probably face the same situation she faced when she took Elyx to a bar on the night after their first job together. It was the most hilarious and disastrous night. Elyx was not young, but he was definitely not experienced in these things.

    So she wondered if Simon, who had given her an unsure response when told about drinking later that he might be a minor, would give her the same amusement from that night. Clearly he did not drink because if he did he would not have brought up being a minor or something. Lynn could see that he did not have the build of someone who would be too young to drink. In fact, he looked not too younger than herself, if he was even younger in the first place. “You want to do what?” she coughed, then added, “Do you have a friend or something there?” She almost winked. If he was looking forward to a night at the inn, it could only mean one thing right? Lynn always thought it was fun to spend the night outside. Especially because he was a man. She was very tempted to make an inappropriate joke at him, but refrained from doing so. She didn’t want him to think she was some creep.

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 12th July 2016, 1:26 pm

    Simon groaned when Lynn said she couldn't use the ice to track their destination. Which meant they'd just be blindly trekking through the snow until they stumbled upon the castle. That sounded like a great time, a great time Simon probably wouldn't mind forgetting about so when offered a perfectly good way to forget about it he said, "You know I don't think I'd mind getting a drink. Maybe no one will ask me to do any work if they know I'm intoxicated..." Simon shrugged, "Better then snow camping, so why not?" While he wasn't going to tell her, Simon though he was actually fairly able to hold its drink. It was almost as if working for a guild that is also half tavern/bar since he was twelve years old had permitted a curious child to get more practice then he reasonably should have. Ironically the five years he spent in a volcano living off wolf meat and rocks might beg to disagree with his alcohol tolerance. They'd just have to see.

    When pressed about desire to go to an inn Simon's face turned as red as his magic, and he shook his head most violently as he explained "Uh now hold on, nothing like that. I just haven't had a soft bed in a while... Like I mentioned I lived in a volcano for awhile right? Long enough that I don't remember how old I am?" Simon thought back as if to fact check himself before resuming, "Yeah I totally mentioned that before so you know I'm not making this up on the spot. Right so its because of the whole volcano thing you know? You can't bring a mattress into a volcano, it'd heat up and catch fire! I've slept on rocks for years! At least I think it was years... I'm tall enough for it to have been years." His social skills were also dull enough for it to have been years. He waved his arms in exasperation, "So no. No friend there. I don't- no. Just no. Stop implying stuff. No!" He was being entirely honest but he was embarrassed all the same. Simon probably cared what people thought about him more then he should; so he wasn't going to let random strangers think he was getting up to shenanigans in inns with other random strangers. He didn't want people thinking he was a creep.

    Feeling he had shaken his head and arms enough he eventually stopped and calmed down. However his vigilant checking of their flanks had become more an excuse to not look directly at either of his job partners. Jeez jobs are supposed to be action packed and exciting... Not awkward and boring. It is always the dragon slayers. Say weird stuff, get weird ideas, make you think about weird stuff. Can I just go around punching giant monsters without having to worry about that kind of stuff? Clearly not thinking about what he was saying, because he was too busy thinking about complaining, he verbally vomited, "Why would you want to know if I go to inns with a person?" Simon could've sworn he was going to choke himself out, he mentally scorned himself Could you have phrased that in a worse way? Let's avoid an awkward topic by delving deeper into awkward topics! Brilliant plan there Sun Tzu. Are you really that dull just after a little volcano living? If she didn't think you were excessively weird before she does now!


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 16th July 2016, 9:58 am


    Lynn was kind of daydreaming what the castle of ice might look like, sanguine optics darting from tree to tree, looking through them to see if she might catch a glimpse of a castle of ice. The small breeze caused the leaves to rustle, and Lynn’s hair to sway to one side as hers and Simon’s footfalls resounded throughout the silent landform. Zlatan’s footsteps could not be heard, not because he was not there. It was the cat nature. You could barely notice their presence most of the time. Which was a good thing in being sneaky. However, Zlatan was in no shape or form to be sneaky, especially in his battle form. Everyone would notice him from miles away, and that would definitely not help in battle, and if they were trying to sneak into enemy territory, worst. The Ice Dragon Slayer laced her fingers behind her back, taking a deep breath as she listened to Simon speak about him actually being fine with going for a drink because he guessed it was better than snow camping. Lucious lips curled into a smile.

    Of course it is. You have no idea. You will love it, for sure!” Lynn promised, grinning widely as she turned to him to say this, then turned back to keep on walking, evil laughter ringing in her head, which Simon would not notice. Since the atmosphere was getting dull except for their conversation, Lynn brought out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag from it before letting the smoke exit through her nostrils. She would still be walking, but now smoking and doing it at the same time. She hoped Simon did not mind, because she did not ask if he did, and if he actually did not like it, then she would have to stop it. After all they were working together and she could not risk having him leave her because he did not like her smoking. She decided it was best to ask. “You don’t mind right?” she asked, raising the hand she held the cig in to let him know what she was talking about. If he said he did not mind, then she would take another drag. But if he told her that he did not like it, then she would just toss it to the ground and stamp on it to kill the fire.

    The face that Simon made when she talked about having someone at the inn was the cutest thing she had seen that day, making her throw her head back and laugh out loud. “Oh my god, you are the most adorable thing in the world!” she managed to say while laughing like a madwoman. She could not help it. It was too funny and adorable for her to not comment on it. Resisting the urge to reach out and pet the lava wizard, she coughed, cleared her throat and took a deep breath before tapping the cig, causing the ash at the tip to fall to the ground. The question that he asked next made her raise an eyebrow, but he took another drag before answering him. “It’s none of my business, I know. I just like to tease you, especially because of your reaction,” she told him with a satisfied grin on her face.

    552 | 550



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 17th July 2016, 12:20 pm

    Simon waved dismissively at Lynn smoking. He didn't really care, if smoke could have a negative impact on his health that damage was done. Being a fire mage meant inhaling more smoke every minute in battle then most smokers do in a year. Which was an exaggeration but Simon didn't care because he liked exaggerating. Now what did he care about? Being teased and being called adorable. All of his career as a mage up to that point he'd been treated as a little kid; which was fair because he was little kid. But he was tall now, and he wasn't going to stand for this. He stomped his foot and was about to yell something in protest but the speedster had underestimated his own strength and his defiant stomp had smashed a hole in the ice beneath him. Get it? He wouldn't stand for being called adorable? So he fell. Get it? I'm hilarious right? He fell down into what could only be described as an underground ice cavern. It was dark and the only light came from the hole in the ice above him so it was hard to really see anything around him. But it didn't take long for him to hear the breathing behind him.

    Simon slowly turned around and found himself face to face with a giant ice boar dragon looking thing. It exhaled with enough force to knock Simon onto his rear end. It was then he noticed a large number of magic presences around him. He created a small ball of magma in his hand to illuminate the cave and immediately wished he hadn't. Towering over him was the mighty Ice King and all around where various ice monsters of all shapes and sizes. The Ice King roared, and Simon knew it was time to go. He flipped over and scrambled to all fours before getting to his feet and started running. The ice monsters right on his tail The cave was simply massive which gave Simon plenty of room to move about, but nowhere to go. The cavernous space didn't seem to have any ways out other than the one Simon created when he came in.

    Running like a blur he quickly reached a wall, and the Ice King was right behind him. Simon, knowing he couldn't stop, did the only natural thing and ran straight up the wall. Now in front of him was the layer of ice between the surface and the cavern which meant Lynn was nearly right above them. Simon glanced behind him, the Ice King was climbing the wall leaving Simon with not all that many options. Trying to stall for a little time he threw his little lava light down at the best, which seemed to do the equivalent of shooting it with a rubber band as far as slowing it down went. Now going from "not all that many options," to literally one option, he charged straight forward at the ice and started running on the ceiling. This development at least seemed to confuse the Ice King. Having bought a little time he ran across the ceiling to the hole in the ice ceiling and ran through coming back right where he'd fallen through. Simon glanced over at Lynn, "Giant Ice Monster coming from below, we should run." He was about to try and be a cool hero guy, sweep the lady off her feet and carry her to safety at mind boggling speeds, but the Ice King came crashing out of the ice thirty or so meters in front of them putting a nix on that plan. The behemoth landed on the ice between the intrepid mage duo and the large hole it had just created, a hole that the slower monsters would begin to climb out of shortly. Simon took a step back, "You know its a miracle this ice sheet is still holding... I'm for a change of scenery? What're you thinking?"

    Last edited by Kirahunter on 17th July 2016, 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by NPC 17th July 2016, 12:20 pm

    The member 'Kirahunter' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 19th July 2016, 6:54 am


    Lynn raised an eyebrow and laughed even more when Simon decided to stomp on the ice, making it crack with the force of his stomp, making a hole that he fell through to underneath the ice. She had no idea that there would be anything but water underneath, confusing her as she stopped laughing and looked over the hole to see that Simon had fallen into something that was obviously not the ocean. Actually, she was worried that he might have died or something while trying to prove her wrong - she guessed since he was stomping on the ground angrily just now, which did not really give him the result he expected. Lynn began to sense some other entities underneath, where Simon was right now, as if they had been concealed by the ice sheet before Simon made a hole in it. Lynn listened as Simon did some weird random things down there before resurfacing and warning her of a giant ice monster, coming from below, and that they should run. Run? Lynn was no the biggest fan of running, especially away from her enemies. But before she could even think of something to reply with, the giant ice monster that Simon was talking about broke through the ice under them, appearing between them, so there was no other option but to run. The big bad beast was not the only one to emerge through the hole, several other ice creatures followed through the same hole. Lynn grabbed Simon’s arm and started running for it until Zlatan could catch up so he could take him on their back.

    Once Zlatan caught up, he grabbed them both with his tail and threw them onto his back, spreading his wings as he flew up and in a random direction. A while later, they had lost sight of the monsters that followed them, and could now see something like a castle in front of them. “That must be it,” Lynn told Simon then ordered Zlatan to head towards the castle. She wondered if they waited there, eventually the monsters would come back to their home and they could fight them there. So as fast as he could, Zlatan flew into the castle, landing on a platform that would lead into an upper floor of the building. It was a beautiful castle, one that Lynn would love to live in. But she was not here to find a new home. Her current home was perfectly fine, though smaller than this castle. Besides what did she have access to from this isolated island. No markets, no request boards, no nothing. Everything was so far away, so if she decided to live here anyway, she was going to become isolated from everything. Lynn curiously walking into the level that the platform led to, looking around as her eyes wandered the entire place. It was like a hall, a ballroom, but one that was used a very long time ago. She could not see dust, but the evidence of this was how old the ice felt. Yes, now she was feeling old ice. Very useful information, too. “Alright so we wait them from here. I have a feeling they will come back straight to this castle if they can’t find us anywhere else,” she told Simon with certainty.

    551 | 550



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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 22nd July 2016, 7:35 pm


    It'd been a while since someone had dragged Simon out of harm's way. He decided to not remind Lynn that he could run at super speed, he felt maybe now wasn't the time for being ungrateful. But the urge to taunt was very strong. Before he knew it he was on a flying lion soaring towards what was presumably the ice castle. He jumped off Zlatan as soon as he could and distanced himself from the lion,  "Okay lion air ways little warning next time." It was a weak complaint, but Simon had to say something, he was him. He took a minute to appreciate his surroundings, and then vocally expressed his thoughts "Geez who builds an entire castle out of ice? I'd image it seemed like a cool idea at first... But who wants to sit on an ice couch? Sleep in an ice bed? That does not sound cozy." Of course this was Mr. Volcano Hobo speaking, and since he was just the absolute authority on comfortable living he was definitely the guy to be criticizing other's housing choices. He listened to Lynn's analysis of the scenario and it seemed reasonable so he voiced his agreement, "Sounds like a solid plan. But..." Simon trailed off as he walked back to the opening from which Zlatan had flown in from. He had a plan forming in his head and was trying to think of the best way to express it in words.

    Right now it was just an extremely poorly drawn crayon picture of explosions and lava in his head.

    Eventually he figured out exactly how he wanted to say it, "Alright so our mission was to get rid of all the monsters and the source right? Not just the ones in the castle. So once we clear out this castle and bring it down we'll still have to search the island for any stragglers. Which will be a chore." In case it wasn't obvious, Simon hated chores. A fact he made painfully evident when he revealed the absurdity of his plan, which he detailed saying "So I think we should go to the top of the ice tower and explosion the island!" Simon paused because that hadn't come out right. He thought over that for a second before continuing, "Er not quite what I meant to say. Rather we go to the top of the tower and I shoot explosions all over the island! I'll tactically spray giant balls of lava all over the place, particularly in places that look monster infested, and are evidently not inhabited by humans." Looking out at the island from their point of elevation Simon was envisioning the flames and destruction that plan would cause, "Such wonton destruction would drive out any monsters in hiding and send them running back here! That will save us the trouble of hunting them down and we won't have to wait as long for them to come back here!" The entire plan excited him, he'd always wanted to rain fire down upon an entire island and then fight an army of monsters. He look at Lynn to get her opinion, urging her to reply, "Well? What'd you think?! On a scale of yes to yes how much should I blow up this everything for this awesome plan?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 25th July 2016, 9:57 am


    As soon as they landed, of course Simon had a lot to say. Zlatan growled at him for not appreciating his assistance, but did not lay a hand on him. It was not his job to fight Simon. He was there to aid Lynn, and he was not going to disappoint his mistress. Lynn however frowned when Simon questioned why someone would build an entire castle out of ice. “Well for starters, there are people like me who prefer the cold over the heat,” she told him. His reasoning was that the idea of sleeping on a bed made out of ice did not sound cozy. “Well, snow is ice and sleeping on a pile of ice is pretty comfortable. You should try it sometimes, Lava Boy,” was her reply to his statement. She was not going to get into an argument with him about it, but she had to say that. It was too tempting. Plus he was admitting the fact that he was a minor, which probably meant he was younger than her, probably. She did not exactly know his age, nor did he because apparently he lived in a volcano for a long time and that made him lost track of time. What he did know was the fact that he had aged. In Lynn’s eyes, he appeared much younger than her, but that was just her assumption. He could have been older than her and looked younger. Some people were like that, she knew.

    So then they began to talk about plans. Simon said that hers was a solid plan and ended his sentence with a ‘but’, causing Lynn to raise an eyebrow. “But what?” she would ask. The plan that he laid out was completely crazy at first. But when she thought things could not get worse, it did. What he had in mind was a totally absurd plan. It was not only going to destroy said monsters, but also the entire island, if he was capable of doing what he said he was planning to do. There was a long silence after he expressed his ideas, Lynn’s eyes wide with disbelief. The volcano life did not seem to have matured him enough, so she massaged her temples, eyes shut, wondering how she should break it to him that it was a completely nonsense idea. Clearing her throat, the Ice Dragon Slayers brought herself to look him in the eyeballs and say, “Are you serious?” She could not think of any other way to begin this without making sure if he was serious. If he did say he was serious, she would give him a look of even greater disbelief and say, “Do you know that if we use your plan, we are going to not only finish our job, but also the entire island, and I don’t think that we were asked to do that,” with a very stern expression and calm voice. But if he said that he was not serious, she would nod and let out a relieved sigh and continue with her plan. The ice monsters would be there in no time and she decided it was best to prepare herself mentally since their enemies were not weak. What’s worse? If they decided to call their friends or something, That would be very annoying.

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Kirahunter 25th July 2016, 6:49 pm

    He recognized the look. The whole forehead rubbing and closed eyes things. She wasn't as sold on his plan as he was. Which was upsetting because he really really liked his plan. When she went as far as to question his sincerity Simon was almost a little hurt, he wouldn’t say a plan if he wasn’t as least willing to give it a shot. That was a lesson learned the hard way; never tell Heero a sarcastically crazy and impractical plan, odds are he’ll like it. Seriously disappointed that she wasn’t onboard he protested, ”Of course I’m serious! You’re judging a book by its cover. You can’t think in such broad strokes. Just because a plan involves blowing up the entire surface of an island doesn’t mean it is a bad plan!” He gestured out at the island completely coated in snow and ice, ”This place was a tropical resort before the ice mage showed up! If I shoot lava everywhere it won’t just flush out the monsters it’ll start to melt all this ice! I’d be correcting the environment to its original form.” He scratched his chin as he tried to come up with more ways to justify his plan other than that he wanted to. When he came up with one he snapped his fingers and with confidence said, ”Furthermore I could create craters on the island which could catch water. Then those would trap rainwater and it’d form a number of lakes. Think about it a resort island that offers both freshwater lakes and saltwater oceans! Featuring all natural hot springs! It’d shoot their tourism revenue straight up!”

    He pointed out the window at a cluster of buildings on the far side of the island, ”They even made it easy. That’s the only village on the island and I don’t even think it is in range of my attack. It is completely safe!” The only way Simon saw this going wrong was if he somehow blew up the island. Which was fairly unlikely, he’d made some pretty big holes before but blowing up an entire island in one spell seemed a bit above his pay grade. He turned away from the window, and doing his best to sound as serious as possible insisted, ”I know on paper it sounds like a bit brain dead. But I think in practice you’ll find it is way more helpful than you might think. Ooh hey I just remembered from somewhere that islands are formed from volcanoes erupting! Maybe when my lava cools it will actually expand the island’s land mass! They’d have more room for farming and residence. Also you know we’d seriously cut down on the number of monsters and flush out any hiders. The last thing we want is some monster to hide under some thirty foot layer of ice until we leave and then start causing problems. It’d be a mess. This would solve all of our problems, I am dead serious.” He really really wanted to do this in case it wasn’t already made clear. Just the prospect of raining fire down upon a horde of monsters, setting an island ablaze and destroying everything; and in doing actually be doing a good thing despite how inherently evil that sounds. The awesomeness and irony appealed to him beyond reason.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job] Empty Re: Prelude of Order in a Kingdom of Ice! [Kirahunter & Lynn S-Rank Job]

    Post by Fair 28th July 2016, 10:35 am


    Apparently Simon was not joking at all, and in fact, he felt offended when she described her thoughts on his ridiculous plan. Lynn was completely perplexed by this situation. Simon went on and on about how he was going to make it so that he did not actually destroy the island, and actually make it become some sort of a tourist spot? What the actual fuck was going on in his head? “Stop, st-stop, just stop,” she tried to stop him, but it was not working, clearly. He then continued to talk about a village that Lynn did not even know existed in the first place. Zlatan growled softly as Simon went on, but his mistress told him to keep calm, even though she herself was kind of losing her cool. She shut her eyes, letting everything that Simon said enter her left ear and leave through her right. The main reason she probably did not think this was a good idea was because she was a very practical person and another reason could be because she did not understand the concept of lava magic. All she saw it do was destroy, and to have that over the entire island? Ka-boom. She was not going to have that, nor was she going to agree to Simon having that. The last two words he said rang through her mind with the intensity of an alarm bell. Dead serious? How could he be dead serious about this bullshit? He had to be loose in the head.

    I will not have you jeopardize this mission,” she told him, not bothering to figure out how she could make it sound a bit more polite. She was not angry, but she definitely will if Simon kept pushing it with his crazy ideas. “We will--

    The moment she said that, she was stopped. An arrow of ice very similar to her own creation flew in through the window on her right and connected to her side. Washed in the color of shock, her face froze as she fell to the icy floor, mid sentence as scarlet optics widened with an unreadable expression. Zlatan roared furiously, leaping to his mistress’s side, clueless as to how to help her since he was not the best healer, so he let out another deafening roar as he jumped through the window nearby to take down whoever caused this. Lynn shakily placed her hand near the arrow wound, the stinging almost numbing her body. She tried to say something, but it came out a very quiet groan, and the groan seemed to amplify the pain even more, causing it to shoot up her side and spread everywhere in her body. Each movement caused the same thing to happen all over again, making it worse every time. Lynn could not help but groan in immense agony. She regretted arguing with Simon. Maybe if she had not been too focused on the plan, she would not have ruined the nonexistent plan they had. Well, now she had. Without her being able to fight, how was Simon going to handle all of this? Blood oozed of out the wound, streaming down her sides to pool on the floor. If she did not do something, she was going to die of blood loss before getting a chance to say goodbye.

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      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 8:13 pm