Today Famine was occupied by a more ‘exciting task’ or she’d hope it would be more than all of her recent, and notably pathetically mundane, missions… The request that had ended up in her guildhall brought her to Hargeon, or at least the remnants of the city recovering from a disaster. Apparently the guild master was here to catch a killer… Famine had to admit, it was an odd task, but what was she to do if some other mass criminal got to the people she wanted to hurt before she did… Especially the fairies. Either way the reward seemed hefty enough and money was something that came hard in the ice caps she called home The moon was now at its highest, hottest point… She couldn’t been seen in the day, and so she had started her search under the blanket of night. Famine had been had been scrounging around for this killer since dawn… Famine thought, despite her streak of bad luck, that that she would of gotten herself into more action by now… instead she was left checking every odd, shady, and criminal infested crevasse.
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