Hello, I'm Brexit! I've been RPing for a couple years now but I'm just now getting into Fairy Tail, which led me to this site. I'm hoping I'll have lots of fun, and I believe my charry—unlike my sovereignty—will be done soon!
A couple of things you might wanna know about me: I like writing, anime, sipping tea, and destroying decades-old unions—preferably European ones. I'm sure after I've been here for a while, you'll find that Iwill destroy your currency can be pretty fun.
Now the votes are in, and Brexit must take her exit!
A couple of things you might wanna know about me: I like writing, anime, sipping tea, and destroying decades-old unions—preferably European ones. I'm sure after I've been here for a while, you'll find that I
Now the votes are in, and Brexit must take her exit!