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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)


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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by NPC 5th February 2013, 7:45 pm

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 15th February 2013, 6:25 am

    Now outside of the house and leaving behind the girl with carved message in her back, Frederick saw the carnage that Constantine had dealt to this little community. It was almost an art, the way he killed, destroyed and annihilates. It was a true masterpiece, only fit for the eyes of the people who were on the same level as the Champion of the Lichborne.
    Frederick however wasn't on that same level, it was not that he was disgusted by all this carnage not at all, he didn't like it either. He just didn't care about it, for him this was all another waypoint for his own personal goal. The goal the Lichborne would grant him when they revived him from his eternal slumber.

    Frederick looked around and decided to walk back to the courtyard hoping he would find Constantine over there. And he was in luck, there in the middle of a pile of blood, bodies and limbs he saw the Champion. 'So... Rebellion how is it going over here. I see you went all out on the civilians' said the cloaked mage only revealing a smile from under his hood. Frederick couldn't help but think that he was a little happy, here in the bloodshed. 'It really is quite the performance'

    Somehow there were still some people left who had the guts and bravery to come at them. Five of them armed with spears they grabbed from the fallen rune knights bodies. They were thinking of a full on charge. But they were weary and trembled with fear because of all the destruction they saw. Frederick calmly grabbed a sword lying on the ground. Left by one of the many civilians who thought to had a chance against Constantine.
    And dashed towards his new enemies, or better yet victims. Their sloppy attacks with their spears were easy to evade, and Frederick didn't had any trouble to quickly strike the unprotected parts. He quickly turned around and came in for another attack, striking each enemy once again. Hist sword style was a little bit sloppy, after all he wasn't skilled the art of the sword.

    10 damage dice, 2 strike for each of the 5 civilians
    10 block dice, 2 dice for each of the 5 civilians

    10/50 Civilians

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 15th February 2013, 6:26 am; edited 1 time in total



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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by NPC 15th February 2013, 6:25 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 FailedBlock Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Block

    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by Guest 21st February 2013, 3:04 am

    As the pile of weapons came to a grinding halt, the man tsked a bit, and then waved his arms around bringing them to his chest for one brief moment. He would let out a wail of ghostly proportions. It unleashed a pulse from his body that sent the various spadroon piercing through the variety of ilk whom had been unfortunate enough to make their ways into the line of fire. It left corpses upon the flooding walkways. Bodies slipping off into the ocean below. Well the river. It was now a mixture of red and blue, so many bodies, it was turning into a purple graveyard in retrospect. Eyes would find themselves over to the man who ran the guild in absence of Lichborne, and a frail smile would show itself. "I have no idea what is happening to me, my magic energy seems to keep changing rapidly within me. But my immunity to poison seems to have vanished. As if it no longer exists in this plane of existence. This is bothering me a lot more than you would think." He was fairly sure that he was accurate as two children seemed to be running for the town exit. He didn't think that they should be left to live, but that was up to Frederick, the mission didn't say all people had to die.

    Civilians: [ 10/50 ]


    Last edited by Ωmega on 21st February 2013, 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by NPC 21st February 2013, 3:04 am

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Damage Dice' :
    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Miss Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Attack
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 21st February 2013, 4:08 am

    Frederick felt weak, what was to be expected after all the fighting against Hercules and his Rune Knight. And off course the slaughtering of most of the villagers in this town. But Frederick felt weak for an other reason. And as he listened to Constantine's talking about that his poison magic disappears he came to know why he was feeling weak.
    It was not his physical body what Frederick was worried, he could handle that. But somehow his own magic power felt weak. And the source of that feeling came off Constantine.

    Frederick quickly glanced over to the two children who ran for the town gate, he was thinking of going after them but he didn't really felt for it anymore. He and Constantine killed most of the older civilians that lived here, probably all of them. Now there were only children left who didn't really grasped the concept of what happened to their little town. And there was off course the young teenage girl with the Savage Skull logo carved in her back. So they already had a message for the Rune Knights.
    'Let's return to the guild, we both could use some rest. And besides we need to take a look into your magic. I've got a feeling that something has happened to you. Something that could be a powerful asset to our cause'



    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by Guest 21st February 2013, 6:01 am

    He looked at his partner, "You are correct, something is wrong with me but I think I can handle it. When he stabbed me it changed something within me, altered it. Caused me to feel a pain I never felt before. He would move from the dead bodies and head towards the gates, flicking his wrist once his dragon sealed itself within the blade, and he held it as a walking cane for the first time ever, using it for it's actual purpose. He would have to support his body on it, given how his powers were actually breaking his body down in ways that were unlike any other. It was a miracle that he could stand at all but he was a bad-ass and one of the few men alive who was capable of taking a massive amount of damage from an attack. So that was why he was still alive. He laughed insanely just like normal as he began to hobble back towards the Savage Skull base. It would be awhile before they got there, but they had no time to rest. As warriors they knew what was at stake before even taking this particular mission anyway. So no bitching allowed.


    The Undefined Formula

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 1373
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
    Mentor : Master Hades (Deceased)
    Experience : 450

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    First Skill: Amaterasu Mudra Formula
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    Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick) - Page 3 Empty Re: Everything is permitted (dark - Constantine & Frederick)

    Post by TacticalFallacy 21st February 2013, 7:46 am



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