Fairy Tail RP

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    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect Of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 71
    Guild : Sleeping Forest
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 901
    Mentor : Iskander
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Time
    Second Skill: x
    Third Skill:

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs Empty ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs

    Post by King 16th June 2016, 7:03 pm

    General Information

    Name: Atlas Anicetus
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown « physically appears in late teens »
    Zodiac: Cancer
    Birthdate: March 5th
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Special Characteristics

    Although he does not yet realize it - Atlas comes from royalty. An ancient and uncivilized kingdom that resides in the now obscured country of Sin. There isn't much history or depth in the matter of where he originally came from, though, he is the son of the King and the heir to the throne.

    Wether this comes from his bloodline or not, he has the unique characteristic or ability, to see etherious in literal physical matter. As said from his mentor - Iskander - he is the only one who can see them, and should never expose this truth to anyone not worth trusting. They always appear a perfect white, and sometimes whisper distant voices, like passing souls fleeing into the afterlife taking on the shape of many small birds.

    Unlike anybody else who suffers with certain diseases— severe or not, he is able to resist them and in most cases, survive some that may be considered deadly. This goes with poison too. His body is mundane with most or rather all afflictions that affect the immune system or anything else in the body meant to ensue death or disabilities. The root to this characteristic leads towards his lineage— half of its capability resting within his blood. There is always a side effect to this, normally leading to a long day of sleep in bed— sneezing and coughing from a unexpected flu or cold, rarely ever becoming a fever.

    Rather notable at first, a strange looking marking— almost appearing as a scar paints itself across his left eye. It fluctuates between shades, though its primary colour is a striking crimson and sometimes affects the optical that it is stretched over. Not able to recall this occurrence— the white of his eye had been layered over in a sickly black, tone of azure tinted in red. This had happened when the marking had made its entrance, and since then has never come forth again. But, that may just be because of the slip of a memory as this goes in addition to his left arm. All the way from the tip of his fingers, to his left shoulder-blade, flesh is stained in a very dark maroon. The hand on this particular arm looks almost inhuman— most witnesses having the honesty to remark that it looks like a piece  of a demon, when really, it’s just a sign of punishment.


    The surfacing of emotions easily shows through— anger, sadness and happiness. It is not much of an endeavour to provoke him into feeling a certain way. Instead of concealing how he feels, there is a bold honesty when it comes to the expression of himself. Some things— considered embarrassing, of course will hesitate to part from his lips, though other times may withdraw into reality without a single thought in mind. He is not one to think before he speaks. Often leading to trouble for the frequent bluntness or even crudeness that will slip by from being easily irritated. Mostly involving the use of cuss words or insults unintentionally.

    Opposite of wicked intent— only love shows through at its brightest glimpse of gestures and smiles. Compared to those whom lie to avoid work, he will go out of his way to do it, even if it means receiving nothing in return. It is enjoyable to him to be of help to just about anyone, regardless if the particular individual is a mere stranger. Though, he will absolutely refuse to aid or express any sort of kindness to those he knows are villainous. Even if you put up a facade of being crude, he is very intuitive— quickly able to comprehend or see through lies with little to no ease. Not that the silver-haired youth is able to confront anyone about that matter— it's just dependable on the situation and person.

    Being isolated from the rest of the world, evoked his interest in books and studying— and the eventual cause of his vast imagination and often shrewd nature. He holds a lot of knowledge over the many types of magic that are scattered about, and many other things, most of which are common sense to him than something that is useful or unfamiliar to most. Regardless of this though, he never really is willing to correct something or somebody— especially when he never enacts it in a way that appears kind to most. Therefore his lips often remain sealed shut unless questioned on something he knows well about. He may be quite the genius, but flaunting it around is not like him— regularly keeping every fragment of information to himself unless it is an absolute emergency.

    Like a lamb among lions— even when it may seem secure, unease will be felt towards those he feels are dangerous. Usually directed towards the more influential strangers, or even the closest of comrades, if a bad vibe is felt— mundane to his sharp intuition, there will be a struggle with growing comfortable. Even if this particular trait may be a nuisance, it has also proven to be a charm in life-threatening situations. With a boost to the possibilities of being harmed, quickly subside into swift reflexes and the mer feeling of avoidance— provoking him to always make the right decision, even when it may be a hard one. This is in pair with the side of protectiveness that emanates from him, going out of his way to shield or urge somebody out of harm’s way. Even if it may mean risking his own life.

    If deserving of it— sympathy is often shown towards those he believes are worthy of the concern. Even though the situation may have never been experienced by him before, he shows a great deal of understanding towards the pain of others. Often noticeable in the sensitivity of his nature, regardless of the individual— evil or not, he will always comprehend the hardships or struggles that influenced their paths. Unlike the cold-hearted who do not flinch at the sign of sorrow, he has always grasped a certain empathy to anyone whom may be struggling.

    In spite of the frankness when it comes to his emotions— there are often times he can be overemotional and especially moody. The little things that wouldn’t bother most, seem to get on his nerves quite easily. If you want to piss him off or tease him, watch yourself— you might just get kicked. After all, he is quick tempered and regularly reacts to most situations or people with a slight tinge of violence or a raise to his voice. Though most of the time it is his mouth that enacts this unless driven any further into a point where physical contact may seem like the only possible solution to get somebody from continuing to annoy him. To put it into one word entirely, he is just very touchy.

    Very forgiving to a point, it is usually dependable on the situation. If something were taken from him, perhaps a family member or loved one— he’d be unable to let it go, especially if someone were at fault for such a tragic event. Even those that have wronged him in horrible ways, would scar the silver-haired youth for probably the rest of his life. He can hold grudges forever, never misplacing the fact that someone close to him had betrayed or broken his heart. Usually never talking about it is normal, though he can only struggle to trust those that have already shattered his trust before. Then again, he can be very unpredictable. His usual nature sometimes contradicts with the strange decisions he can make. Not that he’d ever share why this is, but, it seems to lean towards his mental state more than anything.

    Rather than dealing with things or ignoring insults that may have gotten to him— he often locks himself within his room and tends to stay there for a good week or so until he feels better. Taking his mind off of things with studying or reading books. This can be annoying to a lot of people that may need him— refusing to come out of his home unless they have to drag him out by force. In addition to this he is also very gullible when it comes to food in particular. Easily subsiding any sign of danger, if he is manipulated by food, then he will immediately comply just to fill his stomach.

    In battle he is very nimble and swift, well trained in martial arts— though his best traits in battle rest on the great leadership he has. Able to devise plans well, or make the right decisions. Though every now and then he does need someone there to scold him when he is being to over-emotional or quick-tempered. Unfortunately, despite being able to stay calm most of the time, he can be provoked easily and make the wrong decisions.


    A midi styled sweet, it is mainly a rice cake stuffed with a sweet filling (bean paste). This wasn’t his first candy, though it was the first thing that he baked for his mentor. It is a beverage of happy memories— plus it tastes pretty good too. Often tends to eat these to put himself in a better mood. Sweets in general tend to make him happy.

    Knowledge is the key to success. Even though he knows a lot about the world, he feels there is still a vast amount of information out there— just waiting for him to discover. He loves learning new things, even if they might be quite irrelevant, just having the opportunity to know something he hadn’t before is what excites him. He studies and reads in his spare time to keep himself from forgetting anything important.

    Going out of his way to help others, in whatever it may be, is what he likes to do the most. Especially when it's usually housework or cleaning something up— as he tends to be a bit cleanly anyway. Atlas mostly enjoys to help others in their studies or if they are struggling to learn something that he may be quite familiar with. Even a bit of martial arts since he did train intently for quite a long period of time, though he prefers something that isn’t as physical.

    An escape from reality, or in general it just feels good. If he finds some place comfy, he’ll immediately fall into slumber, no matter how ridiculous the location may be. Usually when he is intoxicated by alcohol, his behaviour will cause him to fall asleep on the floor and wake up the next morning with a sore back. Either that or he’ll find someone to use as a pillow.  


    Spicy Foods
    Not that he hates them, because food in general is his favourite— he just has a low tolerance towards anything that is spicy. It is almost like he has some sort of allergic reaction to anything sprinkled in mild spices or not, becoming watery in the eyes and slightly red in the face. These generally tend to make him lose his appetite until the heat has subsided.

    Never able to react to this in a good way, if someone were to be hitting on him, the silver-haired youth would mainly reply in a rather crude or flustered manner. Either that or he might think you’re creepy. Depending on the individual he might mistake the teasing for something else and think of it as offensive— rarely reacting in a violent manner. For some reason he just doesn’t like to be embarrassed when he never knows how to reply.

    They’ve never liked him, or he has just never encountered a single friendly cat in his entire life. He feels extremely cautious towards felines, often keeping his guard up just in case one might decide to attack him. Though he will always have a soft spot towards them, especially when he sees an abandoned kitten mewling in a cardboard box. Not that he’d ever bother to own one for too long.

    Intrusive People
    He really gets annoyed by nosy people, jumping into things that really do not involve them in the first place. Not that he doesn’t really mind somebody saving the day by butting into something that may lead to a fight, though, he mainly gets irritated when people are intrusive of his personal space. Especially his study room or his bedroom. If they were not invited or given permission in the first place, he could very well react violently.


    The one who raised him, taught him magic and much more— he was his only father figure for the longest time before he ended up vanishing. Atlas has searched everywhere for this man, though it has proven to be hard when hardly anyone knew of the man in the first place. He hopes he can find his mentor again and at least thank him for everything he had done.

    Knowing that he had never been related to Iskander since the beginning, he has always been curious to learn about his true family— regardless if they are no longer alive. He wants to know if he has any siblings, or what his parents were like. Even if they might’ve been terrible or factioned into a dark guild, he still wants to know where he came from.

    The One Magic
    His mentor was researching this greatly— in fact it was his passion. Although Atlas was never really curious in this matter, he was often forced into helping with this task as his eyes were the key to finding The One Magic in the first place. Before his mentor vanished, the two of them were very close to discovering it’s whereabouts but when Atlas woke up the following day he had strange markings covering his arm and left eye— hair additionally gone white. He has no memories as to how this happened to him, but believes The One Magic will lead him to remembering the truth.

    Infinite Peace
    To live in a world with no war, would be an amazing thing to see. Although he is smart enough to understand that the light cannot live without the dark, nor the dark without the light— he wants to prove that he can at least save the few innocent lives from the hands of evil or good. Regardless of what either side thinks might be the right choice, he will only go to those he believes are correct. Even if it may mean having thousands turn against him and hate him, Atlas truly does not mind— as long as the world is kept in balance.


    Accidentally getting himself locked into his own closet evoked this fear. Even if he is with somebody, he is always reminded of the feeling of being alone and unable to get out— trapped in an infinite darkness. He’ll grow dizzy, paler in the face, possibly short of breath. If he is purposely forced into a closet or very small room, sometimes he might even start crying. Especially if it was placed onto him intentionally.

    This isn’t quite severe, though, he can never look into his reflection for too long without feeling unnerved or disgusted. When he was a child, he remembered looking into the mirror and witnessing one of his eyes turn red and inhuman-like. Therefore he actually sometimes believes that what he sees in the mirror is how he looks— and he’s honestly scared of ever witnessing something like that again. His mentor told him that it is because of his eyes being able to see magic particles, that took away his ability to see what he actually looks like. For all he sees is a demon-like version of himself countered in the shimmer of a mirror.

    A prank pulled on him as a child, since then he can never view them as something that is normal. For some reason Atlas believes that clowns are not normal people with silly outfits and make up on— but the spawn of the devil itself. Whenever he has nightmares they are usually about them. Even if his enemy is dressed up as a clown, he will not be able to confront them or fight them. He’ll quite literally just run away.

    Being unable to swim would obviously evoke this sort’ve fear. He has always been afraid of being dragged into an ocean or accidentally bumped into a swimming pool, often dismissing any sort of invitations that are located near large bodies of water. The thought of suffocating under water and being unable to reach the surface frighten him greatly.

    General Appearance

    Height: 170cm « 5’7”»
    Weight: 54kg « 119lbs »
    Hair: White « brown before »
    Eyes: Blue « brown before »
    Skin Tone: Pale

    reference photos:

    Guild / Council

    Guild: Sleeping Forest
    Tattoo: The outside of his right hand
    Rank: D


    Character Magic History
    main theme:

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs Empty Re: ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs

    Post by King Elyx 22nd June 2016, 6:04 am

    King wrote:

    General Information

    Name: Atlas Anicetus
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown « physically appears in late teens »
    Zodiac: Cancer
    Birthdate: March 5th
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Special Characteristics

    Although he does not yet realize it - Atlas comes from royalty. An ancient and uncivilized kingdom that resides in the now obscured country of Sin. There isn't much history or depth in the matter of where he originally came from, though, he is the son of the King and the heir to the throne.

    Wether this comes from his bloodline or not, he has the unique characteristic or ability, to see etherious in literal physical matter. As said from his mentor - Iskander - he is the only one who can see them, and should never expose this truth to anyone not worth trusting. They always appear a perfect white, and sometimes whisper distant voices, like passing souls fleeing into the afterlife taking on the shape of many small birds.

    Unlike anybody else who suffers with certain diseases— severe or not, he is able to resist them and in most cases, survive some that may be considered deadly. This goes with poison too. His body is mundane with most or rather all afflictions that affect the immune system or anything else in the body meant to ensue death or disabilities. The root to this characteristic leads towards his lineage— half of its capability resting within his blood. There is always a side effect to this, normally leading to a long day of sleep in bed— sneezing and coughing from a unexpected flu or cold, rarely ever becoming a fever.

    Rather notable at first, a strange looking marking— almost appearing as a scar paints itself across his left eye. It fluctuates between shades, though its primary colour is a striking crimson and sometimes affects the optical that it is stretched over. Not able to recall this occurrence— the white of his eye had been layered over in a sickly black, tone of azure tinted in red. This had happened when the marking had made its entrance, and since then has never come forth again. But, that may just be because of the slip of a memory as this goes in addition to his left arm. All the way from the tip of his fingers, to his left shoulder-blade, flesh is stained in a very dark maroon. The hand on this particular arm looks almost inhuman— most witnesses having the honesty to remark that it looks like a piece  of a demon, when really, it’s just a sign of punishment.


    The surfacing of emotions easily shows through— anger, sadness and happiness. It is not much of an endeavour to provoke him into feeling a certain way. Instead of concealing how he feels, there is a bold honesty when it comes to the expression of himself. Some things— considered embarrassing, of course will hesitate to part from his lips, though other times may withdraw into reality without a single thought in mind. He is not one to think before he speaks. Often leading to trouble for the frequent bluntness or even crudeness that will slip by from being easily irritated. Mostly involving the use of cuss words or insults unintentionally.

    Opposite of wicked intent— only love shows through at its brightest glimpse of gestures and smiles. Compared to those whom lie to avoid work, he will go out of his way to do it, even if it means receiving nothing in return. It is enjoyable to him to be of help to just about anyone, regardless if the particular individual is a mere stranger. Though, he will absolutely refuse to aid or express any sort of kindness to those he knows are villainous. Even if you put up a facade of being crude, he is very intuitive— quickly able to comprehend or see through lies with little to no ease. Not that the silver-haired youth is able to confront anyone about that matter— it's just dependable on the situation and person.

    Being isolated from the rest of the world, evoked his interest in books and studying— and the eventual cause of his vast imagination and often shrewd nature. He holds a lot of knowledge over the many types of magic that are scattered about, and many other things, most of which are common sense to him than something that is useful or unfamiliar to most. Regardless of this though, he never really is willing to correct something or somebody— especially when he never enacts it in a way that appears kind to most. Therefore his lips often remain sealed shut unless questioned on something he knows well about. He may be quite the genius, but flaunting it around is not like him— regularly keeping every fragment of information to himself unless it is an absolute emergency.

    Like a lamb among lions— even when it may seem secure, unease will be felt towards those he feels are dangerous. Usually directed towards the more influential strangers, or even the closest of comrades, if a bad vibe is felt— mundane to his sharp intuition, there will be a struggle with growing comfortable. Even if this particular trait may be a nuisance, it has also proven to be a charm in life-threatening situations. With a boost to the possibilities of being harmed, quickly subside into swift reflexes and the mer feeling of avoidance— provoking him to always make the right decision, even when it may be a hard one. This is in pair with the side of protectiveness that emanates from him, going out of his way to shield or urge somebody out of harm’s way. Even if it may mean risking his own life.

    If deserving of it— sympathy is often shown towards those he believes are worthy of the concern. Even though the situation may have never been experienced by him before, he shows a great deal of understanding towards the pain of others. Often noticeable in the sensitivity of his nature, regardless of the individual— evil or not, he will always comprehend the hardships or struggles that influenced their paths. Unlike the cold-hearted who do not flinch at the sign of sorrow, he has always grasped a certain empathy to anyone whom may be struggling.

    In spite of the frankness when it comes to his emotions— there are often times he can be overemotional and especially moody. The little things that wouldn’t bother most, seem to get on his nerves quite easily. If you want to piss him off or tease him, watch yourself— you might just get kicked. After all, he is quick tempered and regularly reacts to most situations or people with a slight tinge of violence or a raise to his voice. Though most of the time it is his mouth that enacts this unless driven any further into a point where physical contact may seem like the only possible solution to get somebody from continuing to annoy him. To put it into one word entirely, he is just very touchy.

    Very forgiving to a point, it is usually dependable on the situation. If something were taken from him, perhaps a family member or loved one— he’d be unable to let it go, especially if someone were at fault for such a tragic event. Even those that have wronged him in horrible ways, would scar the silver-haired youth for probably the rest of his life. He can hold grudges forever, never misplacing the fact that someone close to him had betrayed or broken his heart. Usually never talking about it is normal, though he can only struggle to trust those that have already shattered his trust before. Then again, he can be very unpredictable. His usual nature sometimes contradicts with the strange decisions he can make. Not that he’d ever share why this is, but, it seems to lean towards his mental state more than anything.

    Rather than dealing with things or ignoring insults that may have gotten to him— he often locks himself within his room and tends to stay there for a good week or so until he feels better. Taking his mind off of things with studying or reading books. This can be annoying to a lot of people that may need him— refusing to come out of his home unless they have to drag him out by force. In addition to this he is also very gullible when it comes to food in particular. Easily subsiding any sign of danger, if he is manipulated by food, then he will immediately comply just to fill his stomach.

    In battle he is very nimble and swift, well trained in martial arts— though his best traits in battle rest on the great leadership he has. Able to devise plans well, or make the right decisions. Though every now and then he does need someone there to scold him when he is being to over-emotional or quick-tempered. Unfortunately, despite being able to stay calm most of the time, he can be provoked easily and make the wrong decisions.


    A midi styled sweet, it is mainly a rice cake stuffed with a sweet filling (bean paste). This wasn’t his first candy, though it was the first thing that he baked for his mentor. It is a beverage of happy memories— plus it tastes pretty good too. Often tends to eat these to put himself in a better mood. Sweets in general tend to make him happy.

    Knowledge is the key to success. Even though he knows a lot about the world, he feels there is still a vast amount of information out there— just waiting for him to discover. He loves learning new things, even if they might be quite irrelevant, just having the opportunity to know something he hadn’t before is what excites him. He studies and reads in his spare time to keep himself from forgetting anything important.

    Going out of his way to help others, in whatever it may be, is what he likes to do the most. Especially when it's usually housework or cleaning something up— as he tends to be a bit cleanly anyway. Atlas mostly enjoys to help others in their studies or if they are struggling to learn something that he may be quite familiar with. Even a bit of martial arts since he did train intently for quite a long period of time, though he prefers something that isn’t as physical.

    An escape from reality, or in general it just feels good. If he finds some place comfy, he’ll immediately fall into slumber, no matter how ridiculous the location may be. Usually when he is intoxicated by alcohol, his behaviour will cause him to fall asleep on the floor and wake up the next morning with a sore back. Either that or he’ll find someone to use as a pillow.  


    Spicy Foods
    Not that he hates them, because food in general is his favourite— he just has a low tolerance towards anything that is spicy. It is almost like he has some sort of allergic reaction to anything sprinkled in mild spices or not, becoming watery in the eyes and slightly red in the face. These generally tend to make him lose his appetite until the heat has subsided.

    Never able to react to this in a good way, if someone were to be hitting on him, the silver-haired youth would mainly reply in a rather crude or flustered manner. Either that or he might think you’re creepy. Depending on the individual he might mistake the teasing for something else and think of it as offensive— rarely reacting in a violent manner. For some reason he just doesn’t like to be embarrassed when he never knows how to reply.

    They’ve never liked him, or he has just never encountered a single friendly cat in his entire life. He feels extremely cautious towards felines, often keeping his guard up just in case one might decide to attack him. Though he will always have a soft spot towards them, especially when he sees an abandoned kitten mewling in a cardboard box. Not that he’d ever bother to own one for too long.

    Intrusive People
    He really gets annoyed by nosy people, jumping into things that really do not involve them in the first place. Not that he doesn’t really mind somebody saving the day by butting into something that may lead to a fight, though, he mainly gets irritated when people are intrusive of his personal space. Especially his study room or his bedroom. If they were not invited or given permission in the first place, he could very well react violently.


    The one who raised him, taught him magic and much more— he was his only father figure for the longest time before he ended up vanishing. Atlas has searched everywhere for this man, though it has proven to be hard when hardly anyone knew of the man in the first place. He hopes he can find his mentor again and at least thank him for everything he had done.

    Knowing that he had never been related to Iskander since the beginning, he has always been curious to learn about his true family— regardless if they are no longer alive. He wants to know if he has any siblings, or what his parents were like. Even if they might’ve been terrible or factioned into a dark guild, he still wants to know where he came from.

    The One Magic
    His mentor was researching this greatly— in fact it was his passion. Although Atlas was never really curious in this matter, he was often forced into helping with this task as his eyes were the key to finding The One Magic in the first place. Before his mentor vanished, the two of them were very close to discovering it’s whereabouts but when Atlas woke up the following day he had strange markings covering his arm and left eye— hair additionally gone white. He has no memories as to how this happened to him, but believes The One Magic will lead him to remembering the truth.

    Infinite Peace
    To live in a world with no war, would be an amazing thing to see. Although he is smart enough to understand that the light cannot live without the dark, nor the dark without the light— he wants to prove that he can at least save the few innocent lives from the hands of evil or good. Regardless of what either side thinks might be the right choice, he will only go to those he believes are correct. Even if it may mean having thousands turn against him and hate him, Atlas truly does not mind— as long as the world is kept in balance.


    Accidentally getting himself locked into his own closet evoked this fear. Even if he is with somebody, he is always reminded of the feeling of being alone and unable to get out— trapped in an infinite darkness. He’ll grow dizzy, paler in the face, possibly short of breath. If he is purposely forced into a closet or very small room, sometimes he might even start crying. Especially if it was placed onto him intentionally.

    This isn’t quite severe, though, he can never look into his reflection for too long without feeling unnerved or disgusted. When he was a child, he remembered looking into the mirror and witnessing one of his eyes turn red and inhuman-like. Therefore he actually sometimes believes that what he sees in the mirror is how he looks— and he’s honestly scared of ever witnessing something like that again. His mentor told him that it is because of his eyes being able to see magic particles, that took away his ability to see what he actually looks like. For all he sees is a demon-like version of himself countered in the shimmer of a mirror.

    A prank pulled on him as a child, since then he can never view them as something that is normal. For some reason Atlas believes that clowns are not normal people with silly outfits and make up on— but the spawn of the devil itself. Whenever he has nightmares they are usually about them. Even if his enemy is dressed up as a clown, he will not be able to confront them or fight them. He’ll quite literally just run away.

    Being unable to swim would obviously evoke this sort’ve fear. He has always been afraid of being dragged into an ocean or accidentally bumped into a swimming pool, often dismissing any sort of invitations that are located near large bodies of water. The thought of suffocating under water and being unable to reach the surface frighten him greatly.

    General Appearance

    Height: 170cm « 5’7”»
    Weight: 54kg « 119lbs »
    Hair: White « brown before »
    Eyes: Blue « brown before »
    Skin Tone: Pale

    reference photos:

    Guild / Council

    Guild: Sleeping Forest
    Tattoo: The outside of his right hand
    Rank: D

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs Merp%202.jpg_zpszdcapnj1

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs Empty Re: ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs

    Post by Guest 21st September 2016, 4:22 pm

    Unlocked at user's request.
    King wrote:

    General Information

    Name: Atlas Anicetus
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown « physically appears in late teens »
    Zodiac: Cancer
    Birthdate: March 5th
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Special Characteristics

    Although he does not yet realize it - Atlas comes from royalty. An ancient and uncivilized kingdom that resides in the now obscured country of Sin. There isn't much history or depth in the matter of where he originally came from, though, he is the son of the King and the heir to the throne.

    Wether this comes from his bloodline or not, he has the unique characteristic or ability, to see etherious in literal physical matter. As said from his mentor - Iskander - he is the only one who can see them, and should never expose this truth to anyone not worth trusting. They always appear a perfect white, and sometimes whisper distant voices, like passing souls fleeing into the afterlife taking on the shape of many small birds.

    Unlike anybody else who suffers with certain diseases— severe or not, he is able to resist them and in most cases, survive some that may be considered deadly. This goes with poison too. His body is mundane with most or rather all afflictions that affect the immune system or anything else in the body meant to ensue death or disabilities. The root to this characteristic leads towards his lineage— half of its capability resting within his blood. There is always a side effect to this, normally leading to a long day of sleep in bed— sneezing and coughing from a unexpected flu or cold, rarely ever becoming a fever.

    Rather notable at first, a strange looking marking— almost appearing as a scar paints itself across his left eye. It fluctuates between shades, though its primary colour is a striking crimson and sometimes affects the optical that it is stretched over. Not able to recall this occurrence— the white of his eye had been layered over in a sickly black, tone of azure tinted in red. This had happened when the marking had made its entrance, and since then has never come forth again. But, that may just be because of the slip of a memory as this goes in addition to his left arm. All the way from the tip of his fingers, to his left shoulder-blade, flesh is stained in a very dark maroon. The hand on this particular arm looks almost inhuman— most witnesses having the honesty to remark that it looks like a piece  of a demon, when really, it’s just a sign of punishment.


    The surfacing of emotions easily shows through— anger, sadness and happiness. It is not much of an endeavour to provoke him into feeling a certain way. Instead of concealing how he feels, there is a bold honesty when it comes to the expression of himself. Some things— considered embarrassing, of course will hesitate to part from his lips, though other times may withdraw into reality without a single thought in mind. He is not one to think before he speaks. Often leading to trouble for the frequent bluntness or even crudeness that will slip by from being easily irritated. Mostly involving the use of cuss words or insults unintentionally.

    Opposite of wicked intent— only love shows through at its brightest glimpse of gestures and smiles. Compared to those whom lie to avoid work, he will go out of his way to do it, even if it means receiving nothing in return. It is enjoyable to him to be of help to just about anyone, regardless if the particular individual is a mere stranger. Though, he will absolutely refuse to aid or express any sort of kindness to those he knows are villainous. Even if you put up a facade of being crude, he is very intuitive— quickly able to comprehend or see through lies with little to no ease. Not that the silver-haired youth is able to confront anyone about that matter— it's just dependable on the situation and person.

    Being isolated from the rest of the world, evoked his interest in books and studying— and the eventual cause of his vast imagination and often shrewd nature. He holds a lot of knowledge over the many types of magic that are scattered about, and many other things, most of which are common sense to him than something that is useful or unfamiliar to most. Regardless of this though, he never really is willing to correct something or somebody— especially when he never enacts it in a way that appears kind to most. Therefore his lips often remain sealed shut unless questioned on something he knows well about. He may be quite the genius, but flaunting it around is not like him— regularly keeping every fragment of information to himself unless it is an absolute emergency.

    Like a lamb among lions— even when it may seem secure, unease will be felt towards those he feels are dangerous. Usually directed towards the more influential strangers, or even the closest of comrades, if a bad vibe is felt— mundane to his sharp intuition, there will be a struggle with growing comfortable. Even if this particular trait may be a nuisance, it has also proven to be a charm in life-threatening situations. With a boost to the possibilities of being harmed, quickly subside into swift reflexes and the mer feeling of avoidance— provoking him to always make the right decision, even when it may be a hard one. This is in pair with the side of protectiveness that emanates from him, going out of his way to shield or urge somebody out of harm’s way. Even if it may mean risking his own life.

    If deserving of it— sympathy is often shown towards those he believes are worthy of the concern. Even though the situation may have never been experienced by him before, he shows a great deal of understanding towards the pain of others. Often noticeable in the sensitivity of his nature, regardless of the individual— evil or not, he will always comprehend the hardships or struggles that influenced their paths. Unlike the cold-hearted who do not flinch at the sign of sorrow, he has always grasped a certain empathy to anyone whom may be struggling.

    In spite of the frankness when it comes to his emotions— there are often times he can be overemotional and especially moody. The little things that wouldn’t bother most, seem to get on his nerves quite easily. If you want to piss him off or tease him, watch yourself— you might just get kicked. After all, he is quick tempered and regularly reacts to most situations or people with a slight tinge of violence or a raise to his voice. Though most of the time it is his mouth that enacts this unless driven any further into a point where physical contact may seem like the only possible solution to get somebody from continuing to annoy him. To put it into one word entirely, he is just very touchy.

    Very forgiving to a point, it is usually dependable on the situation. If something were taken from him, perhaps a family member or loved one— he’d be unable to let it go, especially if someone were at fault for such a tragic event. Even those that have wronged him in horrible ways, would scar the silver-haired youth for probably the rest of his life. He can hold grudges forever, never misplacing the fact that someone close to him had betrayed or broken his heart. Usually never talking about it is normal, though he can only struggle to trust those that have already shattered his trust before. Then again, he can be very unpredictable. His usual nature sometimes contradicts with the strange decisions he can make. Not that he’d ever share why this is, but, it seems to lean towards his mental state more than anything.

    Rather than dealing with things or ignoring insults that may have gotten to him— he often locks himself within his room and tends to stay there for a good week or so until he feels better. Taking his mind off of things with studying or reading books. This can be annoying to a lot of people that may need him— refusing to come out of his home unless they have to drag him out by force. In addition to this he is also very gullible when it comes to food in particular. Easily subsiding any sign of danger, if he is manipulated by food, then he will immediately comply just to fill his stomach.

    In battle he is very nimble and swift, well trained in martial arts— though his best traits in battle rest on the great leadership he has. Able to devise plans well, or make the right decisions. Though every now and then he does need someone there to scold him when he is being to over-emotional or quick-tempered. Unfortunately, despite being able to stay calm most of the time, he can be provoked easily and make the wrong decisions.


    A midi styled sweet, it is mainly a rice cake stuffed with a sweet filling (bean paste). This wasn’t his first candy, though it was the first thing that he baked for his mentor. It is a beverage of happy memories— plus it tastes pretty good too. Often tends to eat these to put himself in a better mood. Sweets in general tend to make him happy.

    Knowledge is the key to success. Even though he knows a lot about the world, he feels there is still a vast amount of information out there— just waiting for him to discover. He loves learning new things, even if they might be quite irrelevant, just having the opportunity to know something he hadn’t before is what excites him. He studies and reads in his spare time to keep himself from forgetting anything important.

    Going out of his way to help others, in whatever it may be, is what he likes to do the most. Especially when it's usually housework or cleaning something up— as he tends to be a bit cleanly anyway. Atlas mostly enjoys to help others in their studies or if they are struggling to learn something that he may be quite familiar with. Even a bit of martial arts since he did train intently for quite a long period of time, though he prefers something that isn’t as physical.

    An escape from reality, or in general it just feels good. If he finds some place comfy, he’ll immediately fall into slumber, no matter how ridiculous the location may be. Usually when he is intoxicated by alcohol, his behaviour will cause him to fall asleep on the floor and wake up the next morning with a sore back. Either that or he’ll find someone to use as a pillow.  


    Spicy Foods
    Not that he hates them, because food in general is his favourite— he just has a low tolerance towards anything that is spicy. It is almost like he has some sort of allergic reaction to anything sprinkled in mild spices or not, becoming watery in the eyes and slightly red in the face. These generally tend to make him lose his appetite until the heat has subsided.

    Never able to react to this in a good way, if someone were to be hitting on him, the silver-haired youth would mainly reply in a rather crude or flustered manner. Either that or he might think you’re creepy. Depending on the individual he might mistake the teasing for something else and think of it as offensive— rarely reacting in a violent manner. For some reason he just doesn’t like to be embarrassed when he never knows how to reply.

    They’ve never liked him, or he has just never encountered a single friendly cat in his entire life. He feels extremely cautious towards felines, often keeping his guard up just in case one might decide to attack him. Though he will always have a soft spot towards them, especially when he sees an abandoned kitten mewling in a cardboard box. Not that he’d ever bother to own one for too long.

    Intrusive People
    He really gets annoyed by nosy people, jumping into things that really do not involve them in the first place. Not that he doesn’t really mind somebody saving the day by butting into something that may lead to a fight, though, he mainly gets irritated when people are intrusive of his personal space. Especially his study room or his bedroom. If they were not invited or given permission in the first place, he could very well react violently.


    The one who raised him, taught him magic and much more— he was his only father figure for the longest time before he ended up vanishing. Atlas has searched everywhere for this man, though it has proven to be hard when hardly anyone knew of the man in the first place. He hopes he can find his mentor again and at least thank him for everything he had done.

    Knowing that he had never been related to Iskander since the beginning, he has always been curious to learn about his true family— regardless if they are no longer alive. He wants to know if he has any siblings, or what his parents were like. Even if they might’ve been terrible or factioned into a dark guild, he still wants to know where he came from.

    The One Magic
    His mentor was researching this greatly— in fact it was his passion. Although Atlas was never really curious in this matter, he was often forced into helping with this task as his eyes were the key to finding The One Magic in the first place. Before his mentor vanished, the two of them were very close to discovering it’s whereabouts but when Atlas woke up the following day he had strange markings covering his arm and left eye— hair additionally gone white. He has no memories as to how this happened to him, but believes The One Magic will lead him to remembering the truth.

    Infinite Peace
    To live in a world with no war, would be an amazing thing to see. Although he is smart enough to understand that the light cannot live without the dark, nor the dark without the light— he wants to prove that he can at least save the few innocent lives from the hands of evil or good. Regardless of what either side thinks might be the right choice, he will only go to those he believes are correct. Even if it may mean having thousands turn against him and hate him, Atlas truly does not mind— as long as the world is kept in balance.


    Accidentally getting himself locked into his own closet evoked this fear. Even if he is with somebody, he is always reminded of the feeling of being alone and unable to get out— trapped in an infinite darkness. He’ll grow dizzy, paler in the face, possibly short of breath. If he is purposely forced into a closet or very small room, sometimes he might even start crying. Especially if it was placed onto him intentionally.

    This isn’t quite severe, though, he can never look into his reflection for too long without feeling unnerved or disgusted. When he was a child, he remembered looking into the mirror and witnessing one of his eyes turn red and inhuman-like. Therefore he actually sometimes believes that what he sees in the mirror is how he looks— and he’s honestly scared of ever witnessing something like that again. His mentor told him that it is because of his eyes being able to see magic particles, that took away his ability to see what he actually looks like. For all he sees is a demon-like version of himself countered in the shimmer of a mirror.

    A prank pulled on him as a child, since then he can never view them as something that is normal. For some reason Atlas believes that clowns are not normal people with silly outfits and make up on— but the spawn of the devil itself. Whenever he has nightmares they are usually about them. Even if his enemy is dressed up as a clown, he will not be able to confront them or fight them. He’ll quite literally just run away.

    Being unable to swim would obviously evoke this sort’ve fear. He has always been afraid of being dragged into an ocean or accidentally bumped into a swimming pool, often dismissing any sort of invitations that are located near large bodies of water. The thought of suffocating under water and being unable to reach the surface frighten him greatly.

    General Appearance

    Height: 170cm « 5’7”»
    Weight: 54kg « 119lbs »
    Hair: White « brown before »
    Eyes: Blue « brown before »
    Skin Tone: Pale

    reference photos:

    Guild / Council

    Guild: Sleeping Forest
    Tattoo: The outside of his right hand
    Rank: D

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs Empty Re: ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 8:07 pm

    ᴀᴛʟᴀs ᴀɴɪᴄᴇᴛᴜs XEibTrW

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