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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Paragon of Denial
    Posts : 206
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reality
    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 14th June 2016, 2:35 pm

    Post - 518
    When one door closes...

    The door to Frederick's office slowly creaked open as a small set of fingers with soft looking, creme colored skin and healthy looking nails grabbed the edge and wrapped around it. Namine slowly, hesitantly peeked an eye into the room to see the usual faces weren't present. The one who was second in command, normally accompanied by a large furry creature, was absent this time and in his place was a man with brown hair and a brown leather coat. "I was wondering when you'd get here Red, you didn't break the messenger's back again did you?" Fred was obviously trying to make a joke, but his only response was seeing Namine slink back behind the cover of the door. The guild master let out an exasperated sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. "Come in here." he said with an authoritative tone.

    Namine slowly walked in, hesitantly closing the door behind her and staying near it, giving a very wide gap between herself and the new face. "Mashyuu, this is Red. Or 'Little Red' as some of the others call her. The same day the other two members of your team..." he paused knowing Mashyuu felt somewhat at fault for what happened. Fred cleared his throat "... The same day that happened this girl appeared in the hall. There was no traces of her using magic to enter, and from what we can tell she has no ways of flying. She doesn't seem like she can speak, hence the nickname we had to give her, and she doesn't seem to have much of a spine either." Fred paused as Namine had moved behind one of the many pillars in the room, using it to hide from Mashyuu.

    "I'm trying to get her comfortable with the guild so I want you to take her with you on that job out in the cursed lands." He said with an agitated tone. While at first Namine's guts, or lack there of, was somewhat cute to him, he was finding it to be extremely troublesome. Recently she had only ever hidden from people, refused to interact with anyone outside of Itori and the small thing that followed her around, and she was extremely reluctant to even come to his office without some form of persuasion. How Itori made her do it Fred honestly wanted to know... Though her dislike of him was well deserved since it was him who assigned her to go on a job in the Silent Glaciers where she learned what death was.

    If Mashyuu would attempt to approach Namine, she would move to keep the pillar between them both at all times. If he would simply walk out the door, Namine would wait a bit of time to make sure he was very far in front her before heading out. She didn't want to stay near him since he was rather large compared to herself, and from her experience with things that were big, they normally killed smaller things; or at least, that's what happened at the Silent Glaciers.
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0

    Lineage: +1x Strong(+) Armour/Weapon/Magic Item

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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 14th June 2016, 8:02 pm

    Standing inside Fred's office Mashyuu joked with the current Guild Master of Sabertooth. At first Mashyuu had almost no respect for Fred, a man who hadn't been around the guild in a very long time. However when Hika and Chel went missing Fred was left in command. It wasn't until a Dragon attack that Fred had shown what he was made of as a Guild Master and even then Mashyuu held begrudging respect for the darkness using Wizard at best. No it wasn't until the two had a fierce battle in the mountains and teamed up to fight off a Dark Ice Wizard that Mashyuu found respect for the man. Fred had brought out spells in Mashyuu that he didn't think he was possible to use and even after that Mashyuu couldn't use those spells again. But he had a clear path now. He could do all he wanted to with enough time.

    Fred and Mashyuu joked around for a bit until Fred's door slipped open. The blue eyed Wizard glanced over to the door and looked at soft skin and nails creeping along the wood. Mashyuu put his fingers to his forehead and mumbled under his breath. "...Oh boy, looks like I've got a real live one on my hands this time." Mashyuu watched as the little one crept into the office and hid behind a pillar. The Earth Wizard looked at Fred with an almost annoyed look but understood that as a leader in Sabertooth it was his job to make sure everyone felt welcomed. Not only that but this was likely a test to see how the woman would end up doing in Sabertooth. "What a pain... Alright, you got it Fred. I'll keep her safe." Mashyuu said. He could smell the girls fear, he wasn't about to force her to do anything she didn't want to do but if she didn't stick close and follow his orders then she would end up getting hurt.

    Mashyuu strolled past the girl, Red as she was called and opened Fred's door. "Stay close Red. I won't let you come to any harm. But if you wander to far off I might not be able to keep you safe." He said and stalked out the door. Waiting at the teleporation Lacrima was Rocky, Mashyuu's Earth Elemental who took on the shape of a large dog with wings. It looked at Red and barked once happily then joined Mashyuu's side. "It's gonna be a long trip so if you need to eat or something let me know. I don't take any sort of vehicles. I can teleport but only myself. Rocky here will fly you. Don't struggle and keep as calm as possible, understood?" Mashyuu explained.

    A museum curator named Mr. Henderson had hired Mashyuu and a second Sabertooth Wizard to go to a rumored maze to recover a Sword of legendary power. Weather that weapon held any real power was up to debate but the jewels being offered were to good to pass up for the father to be, plus any good will he could get outside of Ace of Spades was a boon in it's own right.

    After a day of travel Mashyuu and Little Red arrived at a massive maze, from what Mashyuu could see it went on forever on every side. From what the Curator had said the maze had never seen anyone enter and leave, and the Sabertooth Wizard could understand why. It's walls were made of golden brown stone that had been carved into a mountain. It wasn't clear how tall the walls of the maze were but the entrance was right in front of the pair of Wizards. Mashyuu swallowed hard and glanced over at Red. "Okay kid. The trick to a maze is to stick to the left. If you get scared or afraid place your hand to the left wall and just keep moving that way. That's how we get out. We have to find that sword first though. So if we find it and run into trouble I'm giving the sword to you and you get lost. I'll take care of anything that comes our way. Unless you really think you can help. Just tap the ground with your foot if you need to talk to me. I'll feel it." Mashyuu said to Red and stalked inside the maze to see the great unknown.

    WC: 738

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Paragon of Denial
    Posts : 206
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reality
    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 15th June 2016, 6:12 pm

    Post - 795
    When one door closes...
    Namine had followed Mashyuu through the guild hall, giving him no less than fifteen full meters of distance at the bare minimum, just in case he decided it was a good time to attack her. Granted Mashyuu never would hit her unless she did something to provoke him, Namine had been essentially programmed to perceive every human-like being as a potential threat to her personal safety.

    While normally very reclusive, and almost unwilling to deal with Mashyuu, the appearance of Niinii, the former pet to a certain pair of siblings who were disposed of unfortunately, had caused Namine to be somewhat less on edge. The small creature had a satchel with it, the contents had originated from the guild's armory and included a set of explosives that had multiple settings, some smoke balls, some flashy thingies, some bombs that sent people flying, a set of magic rocks that stored magic inside them, two bottles of a strange smelling liquid, and a pair of flat rocks that Namine wasn't entirely sure what they were for... Niinii had rested the bag at Namine's feet and waved her tail, making it so Namine had no fear of the contents at all and picked it up to equip it under her cloak. The small fox-like creature jumped on Namine's shoulder, Namine herself showing little to no concern with the action...

    While Namine was in fact terrified of... everything... Niinii was the first animal that she had a positive experience with, and she found herself having grown attached to it rather quickly. It didn't make her any less wary of Mashyuu, but it did allow her to be less afraid of her surroundings since she could sense that by no means was Niinii afraid, meaning that she was generally safe.

    The man in leather had stopped at a large creature with wings that made a loud sound in Namine's direction. Naturally, Namine's first instinct was to stop in place and back up with a morbidly terrified look on her face while her eyes looked like they were on the brink of erupting into waterfalls. Niinii had jumped from her shoulder, Namine reaching her hand out sheepishly with a disheartened look as she watched the small creature running off. She jumped on Rocky's back, running to stand on its head and letting out a happy sound and waving her tail to let Namine know it was alright.

    Namine took a hesitant step forward, not even a full one, just half of one before stopping. She was conflicted and it showed on her face, in her eyes, and even in the way she was trembling slightly. It took a full ten minutes for her to force herself to make another step, the whole time Niinii was patient. She let out a small happy yelp every few minutes to convince Namine that it was fine, and all she had to do was keep going. After another ten minutes of Namine walking forward excruciatingly slow, with her eyes shut tight, the small girl in the crimson cloak felt her hand rest on Rocky's side. She was shaking as she touched him, remembering what it was like the last time she went flying on the winged lion that Lynn used, and knew she didn't want to go through it again. But she also wanted to be stronger, she wanted to be less afraid so she could start learning about the things she didn't know. She forced herself to mount the winged dog, laying flat on its back and keeping her eyes essentially welded shut, her body stiff as a board as she clenched the dog in hopes she wouldn't fall off it mid-flight.

    While flying, Namine didn't dare loosen her grip. If anything at all, she tightened her grip on the creature multiple times, displaying a level of strength that many wouldn't expect of someone so petite. Upon landing, Namine displayed a level of clumsiness that could only be accomplished by someone who was stupidly unaccustomed to riding animals when she finally let her grasp of Rocky go and instantly fell of, landing face down in the dirt. Niinii was riding comfortably on Rocky's head, managing to not even fall even with the couple harsh gusts that happened on the way and jumped down, sitting next to Namine's head and letting off a joyous yelp. It was as though the small creature was telling Namine to get up, and Namine replied by forcing herself to her feet. She was told a trick to getting around labyrinths while she bent over and picked Niinii up, holding the small creature against her chest and taking a few steps back while avoiding eye contact with Mashyuu. She would wait for him to start walking before moving herself.

    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th June 2016, 7:28 pm

    Mashyuu pinched the bridge of his nose while watching the little red caped woman freeze in fear of Rocky. He couldn't believe that anyone would ever be afraid of such an adorable dog of stone. The fact that it took her another twenty minutes to even get up to Rocky made the Slayer question weather he wanted to actually deal with keeping her safe or just leave her behind and tell Fred that he took the girl with him. From what he could tell Little Red couldn't even talk so he really had nothing to worry about when it came to that. At last the pair made way for the maze and began their job.

    The annoyed Wizard snapped his fingers at Rocky and then pointed to his eyes then hers as if to tell it to keep an eye on Red in case of danger. Mashyuu trusted Rocky more than he trusted just about anyone or anything else in the world. If for some reason things went south Rocky would be sure to keep the young woman safe and get her out of there. Mashyuu stalked into the cave and placed his hand on the left wall, stalking about for what he felt like was a mile. The wall felt rough, uneven and more than anything else like it was hotter than it should have naturally been.

    The man glanced over his shoulder at Red who was further away then he wanted her to be. If something happened and they got split up Mashyuu might not ever follow her. "Stay close, if something happens and I can't protect you or you get lost I have no idea what might happen." Mashyuu ordered the woman. Suddenly his nostrils flared and his ears tweaked with sudden alarm. Something ahead of them, in a circular opening was drawing closer to them. Five targets, each speaking in a dark tongue Mashyuu had heard before. He dismissed his blade and jerked his right arm hard, causing a dark red gauntlet to materialize on his arm. "Demons..."

    Slowly Mashyuu held his arm up to hold little Red in place while he stepped forward and let his sky blue eyes dart about three pathways. Five demons poured out of them, each had dark red skin and wore the skulls of their fallen foes on their heads. Razor sharp talons adorned their hands that dripped blood. Mashyuu smirked and brought his right arm up just in time to block a strike from one Demon while he drove his left foot into the chest of another oncoming monster. Four of the Demons stayed to fight Mashyuu while one started to lumber towards Little Red, groaning and reaching for the little woman.

    Mashyuu kept his eye on the woman, wanting to see if she could handle herself at all but had a spell ready to go just in case. If she ran He would throw up a wall of stone to block the demon off from getting to her, but he prayed she would at least try to fight first. Swiftly Mashyuu ducked a strike and slammed both fists into the ground, bringing up gauntlets of solid stone to wrap around his fingers and forearms. Mashyuu came up and drove a solid upper cut into the skull of a demon, knocking it's head clean off and causing it to explode in a plume of dark matter. He whipped about and backhanded another just before it could grab his shoulders, throwing it back a pace. So far things were going well but three against one were not good odds.

    WC: 601

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Paragon of Denial
    Posts : 206
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reality
    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 17th June 2016, 6:51 pm

    Post - 681
    When one door closes...

    Namine had seen the man asking her to come closer, her immediate reaction was to take a step in the opposite direction, moving slightly away from him despite his instruction. Niinii knew that Namine would react like that, though the small creature had no idea why Namine reacted that way to other humans. While such a reaction coming from an animal was normal, since some animals have instinct to avoid humans, and others have reasons why they personally are afraid of them such as abusive owners or other traumatic experiences, Niinii was almost certain that Namine was also human... it was rare for members of the same species to be truly afraid of one another like Namine was towards Mashyuu. He had stated that if she's distancing herself from him, he'd be unable to protect her, but the word 'protect' didn't have any meaning in her mind. She didn't know what it meant, or if it meant anything at all, so her natural reaction was to take yet another step away.

    Niinii had wriggled and jumped out her arms, running to stand a few feet away from Mashyuu and letting out a yelp while tapping the floor with her paw. It was a type of commanding sound, one that implied she was ordering Namine to come to her, while at the same time implying no consequence for any lack of compliance with said order. Namine hesitated, looking at Niinii and then back at Mashyuu as though Mashyuu were some sort of monster, waiting to kill her. She had to force herself to go to Niinii, since at the moment, she would be the only form of comfort she can find in this new hell hole. Namine picked Niinii up and held her against her chest, keeping her eyes to the floor to avoid looking at Mashyuu.

    Mashyuu had made a gesture for her to stop, but actually had managed to scare Namine into taking a full five steps away while tightening her hold on the small fox like creature. He said something strange, another word that held absolutely no meaning to her at all. He said 'Demons' but Namine didn't know what it meant, or again, if it meant anything at all. However, she soon got an answer, or rather, a definition for the word 'demon' when some creatures wearing human skulls as decorations came up. Mashyuu had taken most of them on, but one of them had decided to go after Namine instead of the much more aggressive member of the group. Namine began backing away slowly, her innocent, crimson eyes quivering as she saw the creature approaching.

    Niinii had dropped into the bag under her cloak and sifted through the various lacrima before poking her head up and holding one of the ones with several buttons. Namine panicked a bit, but took the item in her hand to watch Niinii press the red one. The fox thing then clamped her teeth on a pin and pulled it, pointing with her paw at the demon that was approaching. Having taken the hint, Namine made a horrible, pathetically weak throw that barely got within range of the demon. The lacrima exploded and the demon was sent flying back, getting up it began shrieking and running around as its body was set of fire.

    Watching the creature in pain, Namine looked as though she were about to run up and try to put it out while crying her eyes out, but Niinii had let out a growl when she took a step forward. Namine looked down at the creature while her heart started racing, she took another step but stopped when Niinii began growling even louder at her, delivering a direct order to Namine to not take a single step forward. Namine closed her eyes and curled into a ball on the floor while covering her ears to try and muffle the sound of the demon's crying, but only being able to reduce it slightly. Tears streamed down her face, though no sounds came from her... not even a whimper.

    Mashyuu: 1,339/5,400
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 18th June 2016, 1:55 pm

    "Rocky, the flaming one!" Mashyuu called out, ordering his partner to keep Little Red safe. At least the Fox was smart enough to know what was going on. For a moment Mashyuu was certain that Red was about to go try and put the demon out and burn herself in the process. Swiftly Mashyuu ducked a claw while taking an elbow to the jaw, better the blunt force then the cuts in his minds. His gauntlet covered right arm came up and caught the fist of the third attacker as Mashyuu danced around the Demon and wrenched it's arm back and yanking as hard as he could, pulling the arm off the demon's shoulder. Mashyuu visibly shuddered at the sight and made a face that looked like he was about to hurl. "OH THAT'S SO GROSS!" He almost screamed then took the arm and clubbed the demon over the back of the head with it while driving a boot into the beasts spine too. "OMI-SMASH!" Mashyuu called out and lashed out with his gauntlet covered hand while charging his body with a boost of magical power and ripping his palm through the demon's head and pulling out the creatures brain. It gave a loud shriek the n fell to dust from Mashyuu's strike.

    Mashyuu let his eyes bounce between the two remaining Demons and let off a low chuckle. "Oh god, you guys aren't nearly as strong as the last few demon's I've had to fight. What's up with that?" Mashyuu figured that the demon's had been wandering the halls for a long time and simply started to decay and weaken when food stopped lumbering in and here Mashyuu was with a little new Sabertooth Wizard, offering food to the demonic creatures.

    Rocky flew in from behind the flaming demon, exploding into stone spikes and ripping through the demon's chest. Rocky barked once and let the spikes retract into it's body while the stone dog hit the ground and came up on it's two back legs. Rocky extended it's forearms to latch onto the flaming demon's shoulders. The heat didn't bother the stone creature while it dragged it's sharp talon like claws down the screaming demon's back and turned the demon into solid stone. Rocky yelped in victory and fell to all four legs. The stone dog whipped about and crushed the demon to ruble under its tail.

    Swiftly Mashyuu jumped up and slammed his knees into each of the remaining demon's jaws and at the same time brought his elbows down on the backs of their heads, trapping the demon's in a vice like clamp. As Mashyuu came to his knees each of the demon's grabbed Mashyuu's jacket and pulled, trying to throw the Wizard off balance. He continued his chuckling and grasped each of the monsters by the skull, a moment later he squeezed and crushed their heads in his bare hands. "And stay in hell." He joked while the demon's crumbled to dust under his attacks. With all the monsters down Mashyuu ran his hand over his head and let the stones on them crumble to dust. "Bah, that wasn't anything hard to do. Little Red, you okay over there?" Mashyuu asked while giving the young girl a happy thumbs up and grinning ear to ear at the girl. Mashyuu knew that things were going to get far worse before they got better and having to keep Little Red safe would only add to the list of problems Mashyuu already had with this job.

    He didn't say a word after that but instead started down the hall to his left, knowing Rocky wouldn't abandon the young woman nor would Niinii let her fall behind. For whatever reason that Fox seemed to be smarter than the girl, something Mashyuu could be glad about.

    WC: 1980/ 5400

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : Paragon of Denial
    Posts : 206
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reality
    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 19th June 2016, 7:39 pm

    Post - 398
    When one door closes...

    Leaning against a wall in the fetal position, shaking while crying, trying her absolute hardest to ignore the sounds of the demons as they were killed, their screams filling her mind... the only thing Namine could think Mashyuu of was a monster worse than anything this world had seen. The demons were here, in this labyrinth long before Mashyuu, Namine and Niinii ever were. They were here so long that they had run out of food, and were beginning to starve, but they were here trying to live their own lives. Mashyuu had came in, he saw them before they saw him and instead of being stealthy, instead of simply walking straight and stay silent about it, he had decided it best to end their lives.

    While not directly the cause of one of their deaths, Namine was remembering the first time she'd seen something die... The silent glaciers, a place where those unable to adapt to the cold would find it unbearably hard to survive. The guild master had, had Namine accompany Lynn on the task where she had met a strange man who wore no shirt, and a strange girl who was unexpectedly kind. Some creatures had attacked the village that had asked for the wizard's help, and this was where Namine had learned the grim side of having magic... She bore witness to several people being killed by wolves, and the saw the nice girl who accompanied the shirtless man turn into a very mad girl who went and killed the wolves. Namine was less unsettled by this since she could at least understand killing something in the name of survival, but there was no guarantee that the demons would have noticed the group if they would have kept walking...

    Suddenly, Niinii had jumped on Namine's knee and began licking at the young, crying girl's forehead. Namine had looked up, holding the small creature to keep her from tickling her face with her tongue. Namine knew she had to keep going, but she honestly wanted nothing to do with the monster, she wanted to go back to her corner in the guild hall, back to Itori's singing, back to not having to see things die... Still, Namine forced herself to get up and walked behind Mashyuu, but gave him much wider girth that even Niinii knew she wouldn't be able to make her lessen...

    Mashyuu: 1,339/5,400
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st June 2016, 1:44 pm

    With the battle at hand over Mashyuu took a series of deep breaths and calmed his body, not wanting to over react to anything and deciding it best to keep his mind clear. The Earth Wizard took a glance around and thought that he heard the Little Red whimpering behind him. She must have felt like he had done something terribly wrong to the demons if she felt that bad. Hell Mashyuu could smell the fear coming from the woman. He rolled his eyes and glanced back over his shoulder. "It's like having a little sister tag along on a job..." He groaned while tugging his jacket over his shoulders a little higher and rolling them to loosen up his body. Slowly the Earth Wizard glanced back to where he came from then extended his left hand out to the left. Deciding it best to stick to the plan Mashyuu traveled down a long set of halls.

    Mashyuu, that girl is going to be a hand full. If the Sword is being guarded do you think you can handle keeping the girl safe and defeat the guardian at the same time? I only ask because every time we have gone to deal with something like this there have been strong defenders to keep these items safe. To top it off you don't even get to keep the blade. Ux, Mashyuu's ring spoke into the Wizards brain. "Eh, it's fine. At this point I'm so close to A rank that I feel like a job like this should be water under the bridge. Nothing special about this job. If anything we have a new challenge, besides Rocky will be able to keep her safe if it comes to that." The ring chuckled and considered not letting Mashyuu have his power but keeping the girl safe was important to the Ring of all things.

    Together the Sabertooth Wizards passed by a hall on the right hand side of the group and started to move down a steep slope. From the hall the team moved past five heads stuck out of the darkness and glared at Little Red, choosing her as a target. Five swordsmen all came out of the hall and rushed the woman while one man ran at Mashyuu to block him from helping her. The other four all made lunges to try and capture the young woman and take her hostage.

    WC: 2384/ 5400

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 25th June 2016, 12:45 pm

    Post - 429
    When one door closes...

    Namine had followed behind loosely, not wanting to stay in this place any longer and only staying because she didn't know how to get back to the guild hall. Were it not for Mashyuu being more of a monster than the monsters themselves, Namine would still want to leave this hell hole of  a gods forsaken labyrinth. It was eerily quiet, she didn't have any idea where in the hell she was, and nothing in here seemed friendly. While Namine couldn't navigate Sabertooth's Guild Hall to save her life, at least she had Itori and Niinii to show her around, and while she avoided just about everyone besides the aforementioned individuals, none of the people in the guild ever tried coming across as a threat to her. If anything they all seemed to be good natured people that Namine should trust but simply couldn't force herself to.

    Hearing more footsteps than just herself, Mashyuu, and the rock dog 'Rocky', Namine had looked up to see that she was being charged by four men with swords. Niinii had loosed herself from Namine's arms again and jumped into the bag containing the various lacrima, pulling out one that was similar to the other one, except this one had no buttons. Namine took the item with a shaky hand, remembering what happened the last time... Niinii quickly pulled the pin, Namine's eyes turned into small dots on her face as she realized that if she didn't throw it then she'd turn into a ball of fire just like the demon before. Her arm reeled back and she threw the item with a bit more power than the first one, the small rock tapping one of the swordsmen on the head before going off, releasing a powerful wave of energy that sent all of them flying either to the side, or straight back.

    Namine had been too close to the shockwave bomb when it went off, and as a result, went flying herself. Her back hit the stone ground pretty hard, but ultimately landed a bit off to the side, but still behind Rocky. She was in pain, but this time didn't cry since she had started getting used to it to an extent. Namine tried getting up, but her back hurt so much that she slipped when she flinched and ended up falling back down. Namine knew that Rocky was assigned to guard her, courtesy of the earth monster, so she decided to just look at the ceiling and try to catch her breath while waiting for the pain to subside.

    Mashyuu: 2,384/5,400
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 25th June 2016, 10:49 pm

    Four swordsmen rushed Little Red and one came at Mashyuu. The brown haired man growled in anger as the explosive went off, sending four men flying around. She had made a good move, even if the attack had also blown her back. really though it just put distance between her and the men. Mashyuu ducked low and slammed his left arm into the faster swordsman's knee, taking it out from under him and causing the man to flip forward through the air and land hard on the stone ground. He was instantly standing between the downed Little Red and the Swordsmen, with Rocky at his side. He twisted to face the men and let his body take on it's natural stance. He tried to not snarl the way he normally did while facing the men before him. Swiftly the swordsmen scrambled up and drew their blades.

    Rocky and Mashyuu raced to meet the men and the Earth Wizard called up a suit of stone armor out of the ground to slam into his body and help the Wizard reduce impact and damage. With a non fighter in the group Mashyuu had to be extra careful so he wouldn't have to force Red into a fight or position she couldn't handle. Every move he made had to be perfect, no wasted motions or spells could be used.

    A blade came down at Mashyuu's face as his arm came up and deflected the blade away with his stone covered forearm. Swiftly he made a thrusting motion with his right arm and a sword appeared in his hand, jamming into the ribs of the man just before Mashyuu pulled a trigger and shot the swordsman in the chest with a bolt of magical energy, knocking him backwards and over. Ducking his head down Mashyuu twisted and let his back take a stab from a sword, forcing chips of his armor to fall to the ground but he didn't mind, better his armor than his head. Rocky jumped up and grew spikes out of it's body, driving itself into the mans chest and drawing blood from multiple points. As Rocky came down Mashyuu rolled backwards and sprang up on his hands, slamming his booted feet up into the bleeding mans jaw, knocking him out and atop his already downed friend. The man Mashyuu had tripped was stating to get up and join the fight but Mashyuu wasn't having any of it. He lifted his hand towards a wall and threw it forward. A massive stone fist sprang up out of the wall and launched itself at the man, knocking him out cold in one go.

    WC: 2825/ 5400

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

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    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 28th June 2016, 12:08 am

    Post - 480
    When one door closes...

    As the battle ensued between the rock-dog, Mashyuu and the multitude of swordsmen, Namine felt a sudden urge to sleep. It's as if all the energy had been sucked out of her body, and was forcing her eyes shut as the world faded to black, the sound becoming nothing more than a blur... Then for no reason... It was cold... the air was still and Namine could feel the ice burrowing into her bones. Normally her cloak prevented such things, but for some reason, the air was so frigid even her cloak couldn't keep it out. Something brushed against her back, spinning around she saw an enormous wolf with fur that was white as snow, with an enormous, still bleeding gash running down its flank. Another one had appeared behind the girl, brushing against her to get her attention. This one however, was missing its entire head... Another that had been cut into two pieces, the top half was missing, leaving only four legs, attached to a torso with no tail and the bottom half of a head. The three wolves circled her, stalking around her slowly as she covered her mouth for fear she'd throw up again... Namine had remembered these wolves, they were the ones from the Silent Glaciers that Hana Lich had killed...

    Suddenly they disappeared, showing something in the distance... it was nothing more than a black silhouette, but from what Namine could see, it was the body of a human female. However, on its head were a pair of animal ears, the kind that were normally on predatory creatures like wolves, similar in shape to Itori's. The reason Namine knew it wasn't Itori, was the distinct amount of tails, or insufficient amount to be specific. This woman had only one tail, but it was much thicker looking than Itori's...

    A sharp pain interrupted her sleep, causing Namine's eyes to fly open and Niinii lifted something up, setting it on Namine's chest and yelping loudly. In a daze, Namine had lifted the object, one of those lacrima things, and looked around to see an enemy approaching from the direction her and the others had come from. The fox creature reached into the bag, holding another lacrima, the one from before with the multitude of buttons, and waited for Namine to use the one she had already given her.

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... FxJqJMU

    Namine picked up the rock, pulling a small tab that she'd seen Niinii pull before having her throw it and then tossing it at the creature. A bright flash and a loud bang caused whatever it was to reel back, covering its eyes and staggering about. Niinii put the next one on Namine's chest, pressing the red button and expecting her to throw it. However, it was rather apparent that Namine had no intentions of doing so, since she knew the exact consequences of doing it.
    Mashyuu: 2,384/5,400
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 28th June 2016, 4:06 pm

    Behind him Mashyuu couldn't hear Red whimpering with fear or confusion anymore but he could still smell her, she hadn't ran off so what was wrong? Mashyuu had no time to find out while he jumped back as a blade grazed his chest and drew a thick line of blood, the swordsmen weren't bad, just not at Mashyuu's level.

    His booted foot struck out into the chest of one of the two remaining Swordsmen while his blade cut down upon the man's leg, forcing him to stumble back. With space between the men Mashyuu jumped forward and landed between the men, bringing his arms close to his chest and extending them towards the two swordsmen. "Hail of stones" He muttered. Stones came up and whipped about, buffeting the two men hard, and repeatedly. A few moments later both men went down and blacked out from the sudden pain.

    Mashyuu drew sharp, short breaths, he was using to much magic and needed to reserve it for bigger battles if he could. He spun around to see Little Red tossing a lacrima grenade at a creature that looked like a tall walking tree. Mashyuu aimed his gunsword and pulled the trigger, blowing a small chunk of bark out of it's shoulder and whistling sharply. Rocky barked and jumped straight into the Wooden creature, slamming into it while growing spikes. Rocky howled happily for just a moment before feeling his eyes grow heavy and falling asleep due to the creatures magical effects. "Oh boy, lets not get close range then." Seeing the lacrima that Little Red had in her lap Mashyuu reached into his jacket and pulled the same flaming lacrima from it. He pulled a pin and tossed it at the creature while reaching out for Red and tugging her back by the cape behind him. "Lets keep you safe sweetie." He muttered while pulling her back and lifting the lacrima off her at the same time in case he needed it. He wasn't worried about Rocky burning due to being made of stone.

    WC: 3170/ 5400

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓
    橘ナミネ と 橘楓

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Mentor : Otō-san
    Experience : 1450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Reality
    Second Skill: Sacred Sword Arts
    Third Skill:

    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by 橘ナミネ と 橘楓 12th July 2016, 11:03 am

    Post - 876
    When one door closes...

    Namine quickly spun, smacking the hand from her back as she started standing up and backing away from Mashyuu. Her eyes, filled with the purest, most refined quality of fear any human could produce would let him know that touching her did more harm than good despite his noble intentions. She turned around, seeing the humanesque tree looking plant monster behind her and tried to figure out the best course of action... An opening was spotted and she immediately began running, blazing past Mashyuu and running around the first corner she could find. She quickly turned another corner, and then a third before stopping and leaning against the wall while breathing heavily. Niinii had bolted after her, making sure to keep pace so she would at least have someone with her in case things went tits up...

    While it was all fine and dandy that Namine had parted with the earth manipulating monster known as Mashyuu, she had managed to get herself lost in the maze... She looked around with a confused look about her, not even able to scream for help due to not knowing how to scream... hell she didn't even know how to squeak. Dizzy... the world was spinning for Namine, her not being used to running and forgetting to breath while doing so. She didn't know basic biology so she didn't know that she needed more oxygen when she was running. Namine allowed herself to slide to the floor. Niinii had walked onto her lap and laid down, the small fox was more than intelligent enough to understand Niinii, not that it required much intelligence to begin with...

    She had looked up, relaxing her neck and staring at the sun overhead as it filtered through the gaps in the walls of the labyrinth. She questioned why she was being forced to do these things... why she had to do jobs just to stay in the guild hall, why she didn't just leave the guild hall and live somewhere she won't have to go along on these things. Naturally she had no fucking clue why, and due to her being so dizzy she confused it for being tired like last time when she stayed awake for three days straight and the guild's nurse had to tell her that sleeping was required for staying alive. Namine closed her eyes and let herself drift off to the dream world...

    The world around her was filled with water falling from the sky, darkness everywhere and all she could see was a stairwell leading down. Namine looked around, trying to understand how she'd got here, but felt like she was supposed to follow the stairs down...  Doing so, Namine saw a blue light leading down a street in a single straight line, following it she went past scores of houses but none of them had any lights turned on. It wasn't know why, but when Namine lifted her hands she'd noticed she could feel the water touching her skin, but she wasn't getting wet in the slightest. The light pulsed, as if telling her to return her focus, and her curiosity getting the better of her, Namine resumed following it.

    At the end of her road, Namine found a large building with many lights turned on. Small figured moving about inside, but none of them being visible through the rain. She walked up to the door and pressed her hand on it, retracting her hand when it creaked open and showed the building had a large number of very small humans with a few larger ones inside. From what Namine could see, the larger ones were telling the smaller ones what to do, with the smaller ones either heeding the order or doing refusing to do as told... The smaller humans had all turned into black figures, all except two that had silver hair. One had silver eyes, the other had hazel eyes and both of them were very close.

    Namine had felt a strange attachment to them almost instantly, similar to her and Itori but different at the same time... She felt a familiarity, but couldn't remember if she'd seen them or not... she figured if she'd met either of them she'd definitely remember, but she wasn't afraid of either of them so she must know them... It was so confusing to her, but unlike the usual Namine didn't feel afraid. The two of them were talking to each other, but Namine couldn't hear what was being said, and before she could approach either of them she saw them both walk away. Namine followed them both down a set of halls, hiding behind the corners not knowing they were unaware of her presence entirely. At the end of her little journey, she found them in a room with two beds. The one with long hair was sitting on one of them with the short haired one's head on her lap. Her lips were moving, judging by the way they were moving Namine could tell she was singing. At the same time, the long haired one was rubbing the other's head with that one's eyes closed. Then the long haired one turned and looked directly at Namine. "Is there a reason you're following me?" she asked...

    Mashyuu: 3,170/5,400
    Template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... CfNTz6Z

    "I'd rather avoid killing you Guest..." ~Miyuki
    "But we will if we have to." ~Namine




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was... Empty Re: I was gonna use "Hay in the Needlestack" but that name isn't as creative as I thought it was...

    Post by redheadedstepchild 13th July 2016, 9:31 pm

    Little Red gave Mashyuu a look of pure fear, the most base kind he had ever seen. His Slayer instincts made him want to attack the little woman like a wild animal might do but his need to keep Guild Mates safe kept him from striking her. Without warning she darted past him and deeper into the maze of walls behind the Wizard. He called out to her, desperate to try and grab her attention. "DAMN IT! WAIT!" He sighed and turned to face the tree like monster, ducking and narrowly avoiding a large tree like limb jutting at him and retracting into the monsters arm. Mashyuu didn't have much room to work with here and it was going to be an issue if he had to strafe in order to dodge.

    As if he acted by instinct alone Mashyuu turned his head to a near by wall and took a deep breath. The wall trembled and a massive part of it broke and crumbled, soaring into Mashyuu's mouth and down his throat. Not only did this power him up slightly it cleared some room to move. He could see Little Red round a corner from the hole he made before she and Niinii vanished again. His attention went back to the beast that was starting to lift a leg. Mashyuu knew that move and counted to three then charged forward. The force of his charge forced his arms backwards almost like they were broken, hair whipped back wildly and in his wake was a blur of grey and black. He jumped up and brought his knees to his chest as the large, lumbering tree like beast slammed it's foot down. Rocky unleashed a stream of stone into the monsters abs from behind Mashyuu while he swept down with his clawed hands, cutting at the monsters shoulder and leaving four large gashes in it. Mashyuu rolled to a landing behind the beast ad shook his right hand, sap flung off his claws and he looked over his shoulder at the monster that was reeling from the strikes. "You really are a tree aren't you? Well I guess that makes me a lumberjack."

    Before the monster could even start to turn to face Mashyuu, the Rising Star was charging again. A silvered sword appeared in his gloved right hand and became a blur while he slashed it across the monsters leg. Clack, clack, CRACK!' Three rapid strikes as he passed the monster up again, taking a large chunk out of the monsters leg. It lumbered forward and found the chunk was enough to cause it to tip and start to fall. Mashyuu tossed his blade up into the air and pulled his right arm back, letting electricity bounce around his arm. Swiftly he threw it forward and caused a bolt of electric magic to lance out and smash into the tree, blowing it to bits and setting what was left on fire. Without looking Mashyuu caught his weapon and flung it once, sending sap soaring off the sharp silver to the cold hard floor. "Hehe, too easy. Alright Lets go find Little Red before a big bad wolf eats her." He joked and took a whiff of air, following her scent carefully...

    WC: 3715/ 5400

    Post #

    Marshy @ THQ

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