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    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]


    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Raiza 1st June 2016, 8:53 am

    So, Yuki managed to get a hit in, and Raiza watched the next hit begin to reach him until it suddenly stopped. Why? Was the fight still going on within Yuki? Things couldn't be any more confusing even for Raiza. His crimson hues gazed at Yuki struggling for freedom, each twitch of the arms fighting each other only made Raiza less worried. Especially when he immediately noticed exactly the difference in power levels between the two of them. The damage to his life force was all gone by now. It made him no longer worry as he sat against a large bolder watching the internal struggle take place until one would reign victory over the other. All in all, it was more of a show than a worry now when Raiza leaned against the rough surface of the mountain bolder, simply waiting for the next thing to happen.

    Though the unexpected happened when Raiza watched Yuki rip the mask from her face, the mask clearly magically attached would have peeled skin wit it. Truly, this woman was no ordinary one with such will to be able to do something like that. Raiza now began to see a level of dedication beyond a normal student, and this one should be taken with caution. "Yuki, you'll be someone someday. A terror to be recognized already. You've gained control of your secondary magic so freely, despite the cost. For now, Eat up before your wounds kill you" Which it was easily enough the case, Raiza saw the damage done to Yuki's body, and would raise his hand up, charging the air with a manifestation of magic. Eventually, he would create a few rice balls with meat inside, and to accompany the food, water would be created. Figuring water was the best thing for an ice user anyways. "They're made with a special healing property. Eat them, and you'll see some of the injuries quickly fading away."

    Post: 26/30; Words: 323

    Referenced Spell (since we're outta combat, I charged this)


    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 YdfXSKP
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
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    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Seryth Essora 2nd June 2016, 10:48 am

    Post: 27/30 - Words: 329

    The strange thing is that the creature before wasn't trying to kill or even maim Raiza, but rather simply saw Raiza as the obstacle to be overcome in order to reach it's objective. If Raiza had not been there, then perhaps the creature would have never attacked Raiza - perhaps they would never find  however it was certainly food for thought. Either way, the damage wasn't meant to be something that had the intent to kill behind it, though it wouldn't matter as the creature would soon be returned to the nether of the woman's mind to not return so regardless the debate was at the end. Cerulean irises focused now upon Raiza cooly as he examined her from the nearby rock without a word spoken for the moment. She listened to Raiza speaking of how she would be someone some-day as she observed him... was he playing to her again or was he being truthful? Well, she didn't care as food was offered. Wordlessly, Yuki took to the food and drunk an began to chow down - not only replenishing her health and mana but also replenishing her hunger as she realized she was quite hungry. Her wounds started to heal as soon as she started eating and then she would be soon replenished after eating all of the food presented. Finally, she was filled of the food and looked back up to Raiza with cerulean depths as if studying him before finally speaking up in a dark tone, "I thank you for the food, but I'm not sure if you are doing this for my benefit or for your own pay-out. I also have to wonder if you are being truthful or simply telling me what I want to know so that in the future t you can cash in on a gullible ally in the future. I'm not entirely sure what your game is yet, but don't doubt that I am keeping my eye on you."



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Raiza 2nd June 2016, 11:18 am

    Relaxing to the point where his head would slowly drift back as he stared to the sky. Waiting patiently for Yuki to finish the food up and the drink. He could have kept speaking, but was enjoying the peace and quiet of the moment. So far, he had dictated or saw almost every aspect of what was going on. Though his skull for a head was already shifting back to his normal. However Raiza's clothing still kept it reaper-esq style. THe aura was no longer harmful to anything around Raiza, almost as if it was turned off, and just 'there'. Though it would remain to damper any sort of hostile aura in case Yuki flared up again.

    Though what flared up wasn't an attack, but rather words. Words that made Raiza almost want to burst out in a sinister laughter. Words that... made him actually want to kick Yuki off the mountain. "You think, I'm doing this because of self-gain? To... cash in on a gullible ally?" At that moment, Raiza did begin to snicker quite a bit, he was perhaps enjoying this much more than one even should. Though truth be told, Raiza's demented persona began to kick in and his crimson hues would show a much held back blood lust. "Woman, get this straight I decided to train you on a whim because you requested it. Its not my duty, yet I did because I felt like it. In fact, to me, most of the time I'm doing things because it sounds fun and I enjoy a little game" Deciding to stop speaking in such a chill'd tone, and actually adjust himself before talking again.

    "Yuki, if I wanted you as a teammate, I'd have asked to team up. Nothing more simple than that. So you can keep an eye on me all you want. If you think I'm just saying what you want to hear, then you're just flattering yourself. I speak whats on my mind, and quite frankly, if you want me to stop being even as remotely nice as I am right now then fine. Here is what is also on my mind, ready for this little horny torture addict? Whats been bugging me the most is how 'motherly' you were about that little stupid spell-made feline humaniod that ran off. Her mana will run out, and she'll die soon enough but by all means. If you think you can go protect her or stop her from dying, then go on, go and leave. Though good luck. Shes as afraid of you as she is me. Hell maybe you can leave the guild and start a family with her before she dies. I give her a week at most anyways."

    Post: 28/30; Words: 455


    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 YdfXSKP
    Seryth Essora
    Seryth Essora

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 254
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 368.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plasma Make
    Second Skill: n/a
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    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Seryth Essora 4th June 2016, 12:25 pm

    "Oi, I was merely testing whether or not I was still trapped within an illusion as one cannot merely trust their physical senses - though I am trustworthy that this is no illusion. If you must know, then I was myself surprised by the mother-like attitude that I displayed to your little creation, that was a momentary display of weakness and nothing more, it is not a reflection of who I am but merely some remaining shard of who I was. Though perhaps you are right in some regard, perhaps I should leave the Savage Skull behind and eke out a new livelihood..."

    Yuki looked deadly serious as she spoke in an annoyed tongue, though she seemed more concerned than pissed off, his words stung like barbs digging deep into the snow woman's skin yet she simply shrugged the pain of the words now angled at her off and looked towards Raiza yet she didn't seem to focus on Raiza at all yet simply looked past him. This was likely to be the last time they would meet like this, for her words were truthful. Of course, Raiza could stop the woman but he wouldn't likely do so and so if not halted would continue past him and off to the horizon. Yuki was willing to listen, however, and if stopped she would be willing to talk things out, though knowing Raiza this was an unlikely scenario. They were both quite prideful in their natures. She wasn't the sort to say that she was sorry outright, yet in her own way Yuki had apologized to raiza, without openly saying so. She was uncertain of what the future held but at the same time did not fear the uncertain events which may unfold to form her future, though she knew of some of the events in scant bits - knowing that she and Chloe still had a part to play with each-other but if Raiza was telling the truth it would be a fleeting piece.

    Post: 29/30 - words: 334



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private]

    Post by Raiza 4th June 2016, 1:35 pm

    While yes, he intentionally made his words sting deep, it was him showing distaste in the 'creature' he had made. Never had he lost control of one of his own creations yet and it pissed him off. To be frank, seeing Yuki protect 'it' was more of a royal piss off than anything else. Though of all the things said, Raiza's gaze never changed. He remained the appearance of a cold merciless leader of the pillar of screams.  Though while his expression did not change, his mood had. Right now, if he so chose, garm could be at the ready to hunt both Yuki and that creature he had made earlier down, quickly ending it without much trouble. Though it brought on the speculation as to why he should even bother. No, he knew Yuki had no more knowledge of the guild than a commoner that researched it's location. No hidden passageways, or defenses. Simply... they had not been taught yet. In fact, Raiza doubted they were ever to the guild hall yet.

    Thinking a bit about what Yuki had said finally made Raiza smile even the slightest. "No...no illusion. You've passed your training Yuki" Raiza finally responded, tightening his savage cloth robe. His magical presence quickly vanishing from the air unless one was high enough rank to even try to sense him now. "I understand your wishes Yuki, and will grant them. Do not worry about any ill-effects, we'll not come for you. Yet you may still have an ally in me if you ever seek me out. I just hope next time we meet, it wont be on two opposite sides." While still sounding cold, it could be shown he felt even slightly bad that he was harsh to Yuki, and offered an alliance as he raised his hand towards Yuki's arm where the guild symbol was. "You wont need this where you're going. Lastly... if you're adamant about finding her. I never gave her a name" A burst of magical energy was shot, and if Yuki stood still, they'd find the guild symbol was gone from their arm, and Raiza already seemed to fade away into dust as if he was not even there in the first place. Instead he was already 100 feet away via the use of a teleport, and with Yuki unable to sense him, he was long gone, simply walking away by now.

    Post: 30/30; Words: 387  - Your training is completed. I've also left this thread.



    Yuki Chimei's Secondary Magic Training [Private] - Page 2 YdfXSKP

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 1:05 pm