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    Shine Like the Moon


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Nao 28th May 2016, 8:19 am

    Taliya screamed at the rain turning into needles. It seemed that neither Nao or her were actually prepared for what he had done. He didn’t even mean to the rain that potent, and instead of making them less detectable he actually had revealed them to the wolf via Taliya screaming. She would how and roar as it noticed that she wasn’t alone anymore. In fact she was in the middle of fighting against people who wanted to take her out. The fangs would sharpen, the senses would become heightened, and the fight or flight part of her brain was set into feral frenzy. This was certainly a bad situation for the team.

    Ana moved to put on her armour, as her fire moth grew to match the armour size, and her giant grasping weapon appeared, making Nao turn his head against the glow. It was the middle of the night, and he wasn’t adjusted to the light that she would have emitted from her weapon. It was at that point Nao would call down Charlie from the sky and bring him down to assist. He would also collect a few rocks and bricks from the floor as he would then hop on and fly up out of the way of the claws.

    His eyes weren’t adjusted to the dark anymore as soon as Ana’s plasma graspers began to emit their light. It would take him a moment to work out where he was actually facing in regards to where the fight was. It would take a few blinks and squints to finally adjust to see the plasma beams of the fire moth start to attack the werewolf.

    ”Alright then Charlie, lets get in there and fight this creature!” Nao would say as he flew down with his pet to try and assist in some kind of way. With all of them but him and Charlie being close combat it was going to make it difficult. He would first begin attacking the werewolf from the inside, using its own water to start bleeding from the inside. This would start off the attacks that Nao was going to do. It didn’t need anything but line of sight, and it wouldn’t get in the way of Ana or Taliya.

    Speaking of Taliya, she took a nasty hit from the wolf and caused her to go flying back from the attacks that the wolf did to her. Unlike the little pups they were dealing with earlier, the shewolf was actually a lot stronger. And Nao would instead move Charlie over to heal her with his signature healing spell, as well as one of his moves that would reverse the damage done by injuries. ”Just take a rest Taliya, and Ana and I will deal with this creature ourselves!” He didn’t want her getting anymore injured seeing as she took enough damage to kill her at least twice over. She was lucky that not only was she tough, but she had someone who was good at supporting her and other team mates of his. While he was good at supporting, it didn’t stop him from doing any kind of damage.

    ”Alright, Charlie. Lets take care of this werewolf alright?” they would swoop down as Ana moved out of the way from the wolf and gave her advice. Nao would just nod and begin to throw rocks at the wolf to distract her from Ana. However all it would do is just make the wolf mad as she suddenly dashed and jumped into the air to swipe at Nao. Though he tried moving Charlie out the way, he would take a hit from the wolf and take a fall from him.

    He fell about twenty metres, hitting the floor hard. He winced in pain, surprised that he didn’t break his legs. Instead he would slowly get up and begin to formulate a plan as the wolf began to land. Charlie had flown away in fright and panic for a moment so he had to think quickly.

    ”Looks like flying isn’t going to help. Looks like we’re going to have to this the sneaky way, Ana,” he said weakly, before covering the whole village in a thick fog. He would make it harder for everyone to see, but with the dampened senses of the wolf, it would be harder for it to see too. Ana had her sensors on her armour, and Nao had his dragon slayer senses. Hopefully this would keep Taliya safe too.

    ”Good luck,” he would say to Ana, before disappearing in the fog to find the werewolf who would have gone and tried to find a target. If she couldn’t see or smell then she was going to be on the back legs. And it was the middle of the night anyway so their sight was going to be worse off compared to fighting in the middle of the day, so the fog only dampened the wolves senses.

    ”Now lets see where this little wolfie has gone,” he murmured to himself as he would try and concentrate and locate its aura if it had one. But of course wolves weren’t magical and thus this wouldn’t work… but that amulet was magical. It seemed to resonate in the moonlight, and possibly was what was controlling them and making them rampage. But he could only feel a faint sense of it, nothing that was all that spectacular.

    Nao would have to rely on guessing where the wolf had gone, which was to probably find the weakest target at the moment: Taliya. In trying to save her, he had instead doomed her to being the victim of the shewolf’s attacks. Nao would have to quickly run to her in all this fog, dodging houses. And he would hope Charlie would return after being frightened off by the werewolf. He was still an animal, despite how smart the gryphon was.

    Shit, Nao thought to himself as he began to run quickly back to find Ana and Taliya.

    14247+1000=15247/ 20,000
    HP: 100%-25%+5=80%
    MP: 100-15-15+5=75%(20%-15=5% Inner Resevoir)
    Status: Hurt.
    Dragon force 4/5

    Actions: Healed Taliya with Signature heal and Secondary B rank heal, used Water Dragon's Rupture on wolf, used Water Dragon's choking Fog,

    Water Dragon's Choking Fog:0/6
    Water Dragon's Rain Needles: 1/5
    Explosive Throw:4/6
    Defy Physics:4/5

    Water Dragon's Tonic: 3/4
    Water Dragon's Mimicry:2/6


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
    Position : None
    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 29th May 2016, 4:59 pm

    Words This Post

    Words Total:
    16174 / 20,000
    Rock you
    Like a Hurricane

    Taliya just gave Nao a thumbs up as he applied his healing magic as well as time magic to cure all of Taliya's wounds.  With a grumble, Taliya sat back to catch her breath.  There's a thing about catching yourself on fire and slamming into something and taking a devastating blow from it's terrifying claws that can do something to a person.  Especially for someone of such a weak constitution like Taliya.  The only thing keeping her going is her gung-ho style and her willigness to demolish all of her foes.  Taking a step back, everything began to get extremely foggy.

    Anastasia looked around, losing the wolf in the fog.  She tapped her radar a bit before quickly getting a picture, seeing a radar blip moving from it's previous location to next to a house.  This caused her to lose the creature's position.  Anastasia cleared her throat.  However, due to the Fire Moth having it's lock-on on the wolf, constantly pestering it with chip-damage, easily avoiding the claws and the air compression made by the same deadly set of razor sharp nails.  After a brief moment, a loud roar could be heard coming from the fog before the sounds of rumbling.  The sound of something extremely large pulled from the ground could be heard before a dark shadow appeared through the fog.

    Alarms blared and sirens sang as an entire house was being thrown in Anastasia's direction.  Her eyes grew wide.  "Shit shit shit!" Anastasia said as she engaged the afterburners upon her armor, propelling herself towards the wolf's directly, flaring them up again using Re-Flash to travel yet another 15 meters ahead.  As if timed expertly, Anastasia's dashes moved just barely out of the way of the flung house before opening her palm and delivered a crushing punch to the wolf's gut.  It had troubles seeing, hearing, and smelling Anastasia through the rain and thick fog, thus giving her the opportunity to spot the creature.  The fact that The Fire Moth hovering around it, firing in a certain direction gave Anastasia the perfect location to find the creature.  Using the light emanated from each blast of it's canons to act as a beacon to show Anastasia the way.

    Anastasia punched the creature in the gut only to react with an uppercut with the other hand.  This caused the wolf to growl and unleash a flurry of slashes with it's claws.  Anastasia was caught on her heels, not able to counter or move out of the way properly.  With the onslaught of claws destroying her armor, a green glow covered her armor for a moment before the armor explodes, kicking Anastasia back to slide along the wet ground.

    Another howl was made by the werewolf before a strange blue light surrounded Anastasia.  Her hair began to float as it looked like she was covered in blue flames.  Her appearance also drastically changed to give her what appeared to be armor and long flowing silver hair.  Taliya stared at what was going on and raised a fist into the air.  "Holy shit!  She went Valkyrie Form!  You done messed up now!" Taliya stated, cheering for Anastasia.  

    Knowing what's to come, even The Fire Moth bugged out, disengaging from The Domain of the Fire Moth.  Anastasia pointed her spiraling spear directly at the werewolf.  "While I will not kill you, I will put an end to your madness and this curse," she said with a reverberating voice.  Enraged, the she-wolf charged at Anastasia with it's claws.  The creature took a swipe only for Anastasia to step to the side, pushing it's claws away with her lance.  "You're going to need to do better than that," Anastasia said in a cocky manner.  "Don't try to hit me and just hit me," she said before ducking down and finding her way around the werewolf and plunged her lance into the werewolf's back, sapping it's life away as well as dealing devastating damage to the much stronger creature.  The force of the impact drove the creature to fall flat on it's face.  A quick roar came from the creature as it attempted to stand back up only for Anastasia to appear face-to-face with the creature, causing it to step backwards.

    The creature then moved on all fours before charging after Anastasia, only for Anastasia to bump the creature's head with the tip of her lance, causing it to fall back.  "Pitiful," she stated before walking over to the incapacitated creature and constantly plunged her lance into the creature's torso a few times before the creature went limp.  "Don't give me that crap.  You're not dead.  Wake up and fight me properly," she stated before kicking the creature while it's down.  "So, you really are unconscious, hm?" she stated before leaning down and placing her hands around the amulet and yanked it off of the creature.  As soon as the amulet was yanked off, the creature changed it's shape, returning to that of a human woman.  A very naked human woman.  

    A final howl could be heard as the others in the distance and the werewolf pups that the group had already taken care of returned to their human forms.  Realizing this was the end of the battle, Ana's lance vanishes, causing her to look over the amulet for a moment.  As soon as she pulled the amulet, it appeared the sun was starting to peek out over the horizon.  Turning her head towards Nao, Charlie, and Taliya, she waved with the hand holding the amulet.  

    "Hey!  I think we solved the riddle!"

    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Nao 4th June 2016, 10:27 am

    The fog was thick and heavy, and mixing with the darkness due to being near midnight it was starting to become nearly impossible to see or do anything. Luckily it would be also a problem for the werewolf, since her senses would be almost completed devoid besides the sense of hearing. She would only see darkness and every breath or attempt to grab any scent from the air would instead be strangled by the mists that enshrouded all of them. No one was safe from the fog, it was just who was less safe that the others.  His teammates would still be affected by the lack of sight, but the wolf would be losing a lot more than they would be. If only Nao had his old eye-sight, or the ability to see through the mists and fogs that he created.

    He would run back towards Taliya as he would try and make sure that she was fine, but on closer inspection it seemed that the wolf wasn’t even going for her at all. It seemed that there was another target on her list. Funny because Taliya was pretty much wolf-like and would seem to be the direct competition for Alpha. But instead Nao realised the wolf’s intentions all along.

    ”She’s not after Taliya… she’s after Ana!” he realised as he would try and work out where the two of them were. He felt the fog was thick and slowing down everything, but even with all that on his side he still couldn’t work out where the two of them had gotten. That is until he began to hear bangs and crashes, and the debris of houses flying past him as the two of them began to fight.

    ”Shit. Ana where are you?!” he called out as he tried to run through the fog, which would create more fog  in front of him. He was in perpetual darkness, and would keep on tripping and bumping into things for minimal damage. As much as this helped keep his team from being seen, inanimate objects were also hard to see, and without Ana’s radar or his old eye magic it was becoming something of a difficulty for him. He would have to rethink how he uses his magic if it was going to be constantly forcing him out of his comfort zone. He hated being blinded, so why was this any better?

    Eventually he would seek some comfort when he heard a howl being made because he figured that she was fine. In fact as soon as he heard the howl he could see a large blue light burst forth through the fog, causing Nao to cover his face as he tried to reach her. He would trip on some debris from the houses, causing him to fall onto the floor and look up to see large blue flames flaring up. The fogs would fade away as he would see that Ana was not all into her tech forms, but rather into a strange form. She seemed to have grown her hair out in this form, and instead donned a new armour. He was impressed albeit a little terrified in her presence. He was usually a little nervous around her, or any girl for that matter… but this was different.

    He remembered that Ana liked to kill things and do things to their spirits or something. Maybe using spirits was something she learned from Ashelia, but whatever the power was it was pretty incredible. He felt the sheer power from the aura. The spear was pretty terrifying too.

    Nao would just pick himself up as he watched the two of them fight. He decided it would be best to stay away from it. Even the fire moth was noping out of that situation. He was just going to let them two of them duke it out and see how she would play this out.

    He would continue watching, seeing the alpha wolf missing every sweep, and the lancing finding every hit. Every single attack would meet its target and the wolf would eventually meet its maker as she was eventually knocked out from such a devastating series of attacks that even seemed to surprise Ana.

    The howls in the distance would suddenly begin to fade as the lance dissipated from her. The amulet would be taken, and Nao would avert his eyes as he realised that the wolf-form would be gone.

    ”Y-yeah Ana, the riddle has been solved so umm… L-lets just get out of here then okay? Before the villagers see the village in this state.” His face would be red, his eyes closed and his body shaking as he would then shout as loud as he could.

    ”George get us out of here!” he would roar, accidentally letting out a burst of bubble from his mouth into the sky, before closing his mouth his hands, his eyes wide open before he realised yet again of Alpha's situation. Instead he would just fall over, as Charlie would walk over, pick him up and throw him on his back. The gryphon would just nod as he flew Nao back towards the large ship that was now heading back towards them before the villagers would get a chance to see them. At least Ana would just be with Taliya for now, away from the looks Nao may have given the two as he was surprised by everything that was going on after the fight.

    16174+911=17085 / 20,000

    Status: Fainted.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 4th June 2016, 4:00 pm

    Words This Post

    Words Total:
    17,990/ 20,000
    This Job is Almost FINISHED!

    Nao shouted for the airship and then passed out.  Anastasia reached out in shock, but noticed Charlie having recovered him and placed him upon his back.  Sighing, Anastasia moved her hand towards her chest and took a deep breath in relief.  She looked at Charlie and smiled.  "Well, maybe he was just a little exhausted from having to stay up so late, huh?" Ana asked the gryphon.  A sqwak was given in return; unfortunately the creature wasn't able to speak their language like Taliya was able to.  Speaking of Taliya.

    "Oiy!  Didn't think you were going to use that here, Ana.  You didn't kill the thing, did you?" Taliya asked as she walked over and pat Anastasia on the back firmly, causing the blond to jilt forward.  This caused Ana to catch herself with a grumble before turning to look back towards Taliya.  Before she had the chance to answer, the now-naked woman that Anastasia beat up finally stirs awake.  The woman was quite beautiful, opening her eyes from the sunlight hitting her eye-lids.  Her eyes turned to look towards Ana, noticing that she was holding the pendant.  

    "You took the pendant?  You took the pendant!" the woman said as she tried to sit up, only to fall back down onto her back.  A smile came over Taliya's face as she noticed that Ana didn't needlessly kill this woman.  What a wasted chance to get a good Einherjar though.  Smiling towards the woman, Anastasia knelt down and placed a hand upon the nude woman's shoulder.  "It's alright.  None of your villagers were killed," Anastasia responded before the nude woman sighed out in relief.

    "Thank you, stranger," the woman said before Ana took off her uniform top and placed it over the Alpha's body to cover up her bare body.  "We are mages that were sent to investigate what's going on here.  What was the cause of your ability to change shape?" Ana asked.

    A shaky hand raised up and pointed at the pendant in Anastasia's grasp.  "That filthy thing.  That thing has been in our family for generations.  We couldn't take the pendant off ourselves, we had to hand it off to someone else.  Now that it's in the hands of someone outside of our bloodline, the curse has been lifted," she said before the younger whelps that were taken care of in the beginning of the job began to stir awake.  A combination of teenage boys and girls woke up, covering themselves up.  

    They turned their eyes towards Anastasia, noticing the pendant off of their Alpha.  "Someone broke the curse!?" one of the teens stated.  "Thank you!  Thank you!  Oh my god, we're free now!" the teens said before throwing their arms up in the air and hugging each other.  After a brief moment, a blush came over them, causing them to turn away with a deeper red blush over their faces.

    "Thanks again, miss.  And thank your friend over there," she said in reference to Nao.  The two of them, including Taliya turned to look towards Nao, all smiling and nodding towards the slayer.  The three of them looked back towards one another before Anastasia stood up and helped the Alpha up to her feet, still covering herself.  

    "Now we don't have to keep making clothes for ourselves!"
    "Now I can have my own favorite dress!"
    "We can all go out in the moonlight now!"

    Cheers and fanfare could be heard.  The Alpha stood up and Ana escorted her back into the town, only for an inquisitive look to cross the Alpha's face, seeing the house dislodged from the ground and thrown to some place it doesn't belong.  Anastasia smiled and nodded, noting that it was the Alpha that threw the building.  This caused the woman to curl her lip a bit and sigh outwardly in annoyance.  Yet another thing to repair now that the town's curse is gone.

    Out of the wood-work, the party that went out to hunt arrived, covering their naughty parts.  "What just happened?  Nala?" one of the larger, burlier men arrived, noticing the Alpha, named Nala, being escorted by Ana while she was in such a vulnerable state.  The man approached with violent intentions before Nala raised a hand to stop his advances.  "Please bring no harm to these people.  They were the ones that broke our curse," she stated.  The burly man looked at the displaced house for a moment.  Nala simply responded with "It was just me, don't worry about it."

    "Damnit!  Yet another thing to fix," the burly man stated before everyone began to laugh.  This felt like the end of an episode of a family sitcom.  However, more and more people began to gather, resulting in Nala stating.  "Well, everyone get dressed and cleaned up.  These outsiders saved us from our curse.  At the very least, we should make them some breakfast," she stated.  There was a calm for a moment before everything erupted in joy and glee.  As the celebration started, everyone's naughty bits came into view.  

    Taliya slapped her hands together and stared intently as Anastasia sighed outwardly and lowered her head, annoyed with everyone.  Annoyance started to build up before she erupted with an extremely loud voice.  "PUT ON SOME FUCKING CLOTHES!" she shouted out, causing everyone to scatter into houses to find clothes.  Frothing at the mouth, Anastasia turned to look towards Taliya.  "You'd fit JUST FINE here, I swear!"

    2010 more bloody words to go!
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Nao 5th June 2016, 3:39 pm

    Knocked out Nao was sleeping peacefully while Ana was talking to the shewolf. While she was having to sort out all of the issues, Nao was being flown back up to George just for a moment while he could get some kind of rest and relaxation until the other two decided to return. While he was resting however, he kept getting some kind of weird “out of this world” experiences and memories of a life that he was sure he didn’t experience. Why was he remembering grandkids, and greater grandkids, and generations of people he had never even met?

    Twisting and turning on Charlie’s back, and nearly falling of the gryphon and plummeting to his horrific death. Instead his best friend was able to keep him up and onto George. At that point the gryphon would wake him up with a few paws to the water mage. Despite a few claw marks now on his abdomen, Nao would wake up and look around in slight pain. He would just look up at his pet and best friend and smile, before remembering what happened. His slightly dopey expression remembered that he had to go find Ana again, despite the form of what was the she-wolf alpha.

    ”Alright lets just go pick them up quickly,” Nao said before healing himself up with his water magic, and descending back down with Charlie very quickly to catch up with what was going on. It seemed that while he was knocked out that the village had started to gather back around them with one of them who would approach them with anger before being stopped. Nao was ready to start up another fight if needed be, but they seemed more grateful about everything besides this one guy. Maybe he was happy about being a werewolf and instead was angry that they had lost their powers.

    Nao would remain cautious, despite everyone laughing about the whole situation. He instead would smile and play along a little bit, avoiding any look at Nala, or anyone for the matter. They were all like nudist colony at this point, and he felt uncomfortable at looking at anybody. He felt uncomfortable around the women because of his weird ashamed fear, and the men because of his manliness competing against theirs, obviously. He instead would just look at Charlie, and rub the back of his head in shyness, showing off his awkward feelings about the situation.

    Instead it seemed that they were going to be getting some well deserved food, as they began to celebrate their curse being lifted by allowing them to have breakfast with them. Ana scared them back off to go get clothes, leaving just the four of them all alone.

    ”It seems that with the necklace being removed, we’ve saved them from the on going curse. It’s weird that no one outside of this village had worked this out. I’m pretty sure they weren’t werewolves the entire day and night cycle so why did they not say anything?” Nao thought out loud to the group of them. ”And that man seemed way more annoyed about it all, and he shouldn’t be. Maybe he just enjoyed being a werewolf a little too much and was mad that he lost that ability…” But if he enjoyed it enough to let a whole village get condemned to be cursed for eternity? They maybe he didn’t deserve to be part of the village.

    ”Also… What do we now do with the necklace?” Nao asked curiously, pointing to the object Ana was now holding. ”It’s not going to curse us now is it? I don’t really want to turn into a werewolf in the moonlight.” The thought of it wasn’t exactly thrilling, but it did make him curious. What made him also curious is how it would work on Taliya. Would she turn into a werewolf with this? He wasn’t exactly sure with how it would work on her.

    As soon as he asked the questions, the villagers returned in their fully clothed bodies, along with tables, chairs, baskets of food and much more. The smells of cooked hot food would clothe the air with scents that began to make him hungry as if he was actually a wolf. Maybe they had learned how to cook well to combat the awful raw meat they would have to eat as werewolves. The smells were beginning to entrance him over to the tables where he saw Nala and the others preparing the food.

    ”This is too much to really,” he said with gratitude, trying to hide the saliva in his mouth and stop it from drooling from all the good food he saw in front of him. ”But I thank you, we thank you… It’s more than we could have ever asked for really.” The amulet was still on his mind, being curious of how they even came to it, or managed to keep onto it for so long. Why didn’t they just try and give it to someone else, or pawn it off to the local dealer?

    He called Charlie over, along with Ana and Taliya to come sit down with him and eat. The cooked food was to be brought out as soon as they did, filling the baskets with all sorts of cooked pig products, potatoes, beans and much more. And all kinds of sauces to cover their foods with just in case, though he would pass on the sauces due to how amazingly cooked this food looked.

    He would take bread, and put the pork products in, before setting it down and thanking the villagers for everything that was provided for them. He would then finally start to chow down on the food, confirming his expectations that the food would be delicious.

    ”This food is amazing!” he called out, covering his mouth in surprise that he shouted so loud about it. ”I er- what I meant to say is that it is very good, and that I really appreciate the generosity.” Nao would just simply smile, before gorging himself more on the food in front of him. He had to get his strength back up after all the fighting they had done.

    ”If you do need help with rebuilding the houses, I’m sure we can use our magic to lend a hand in rebuilding it back to what it once was. Ana here has great tech capabilities, and I recently learned became a water mage and a dra-“ he coughed and choked a little bit on his food as he was talking, making him stop what he was going to say. It would take him a little bit longer to swallow and sort it all out, but he eventually managed to get it through.

    ”But anyway I’m sure we could use our powers to help you out in anyway. We’ll also take the amulet far away and make sure that no one will abuse it and get curses into werewolves. I’m sure that would be more than enough for all of this.” Maybe he was making it a little more difficult for them to finish their task, but the food was making him grateful, even if a few hours ago they were trying to turn the group into their breakfast.

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    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
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    Shine Like the Moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shine Like the Moon

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 5th June 2016, 10:27 pm

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    We're done!

    Nao had returned just before she shouted the once lupin group back to their homes (except for the poor house that was uprooted and used as a weapon).  It was at this time, when everyone cleared out that Anastasia slouched her posture and looked towards Nao, Charlie, and Taliya.  "Well, welcome back, sleepy-head," she said with a goofy smile on her face.  Her stomach growled, reverberating through what felt like an emptied out village.  The necklace in her hand appeared dull as it was hit by sunlight.  With a mention of it from Nao, she lifted it up and watched it spin and swing from side-to-side in an relatively unpredictable manner.  

    "I don't know.  Pretty sure it was a bloodline curse.  Kind of like the blue fire you saw earlier?" she asked mentioning her Valkyrian form she had taken.  "Yeah, that's one of my familial curses too.  But I wouldn't necessarily call it a curse," she said with a little chuckle.

    "Of course I wouldn't," Taliya said before disappearing only to appear a moment later behind Ana and with a hand full of her breasts.  "Your boobies get bigger when you go Valkyrian form," she said as she squeezed them a bit.  In her typical tsundere-like manner, Ana delivered a crushing blow to the top of Taliya's head, causing her to fall flat on her face.  Ana took a hand full of her own breasts and turned her shoulders a bit with a blush working it's way over her face.  She hasn't been able to find a fitting bra, so she had to be careful how she looked, especially when she took off her uniform top.

    "Stop being such a pervert," she said before turning to look back towards Nao for a moment before averting her gaze.  "Anyway, since you use water magic and since this seems to have something to do with the moon," she said as she covered herself with one arm and held out the pendant with the other.  "I think you should take this.  If it does turn you into a monster, I could easily just take it off of you anyway, right?  But I doubt that'll happen," she said before walking up to Nao and placing the pendant around his neck.  After a brief moment, nothing seemed to happen.

    "See?  Nothing happened!  We're all in the clear now.  And besides, it looks good on you," she said with a smile.  She kinda likes Nao, but it would be one of those 'boy next door' kind of feelings towards him.  Nothing compared to Taliya's absolute lusting over the man though.

    It was at that time that the villagers brought food for the group.  Oh, it smelled so good! Nao said his piece and Ana nodded her head in agreement.  She simply responded with a bow.  It was at this time that Nao took off to find somewhere to eat.  The sound of laughter and joy erupted in the air as everyone in the village of 300ish people sat down in the village square to eat the food they all prepared.  Taking the cue from Nao to sit near them, Taliya struggled to find a seat directly next to the man only for Ana to deliver a subtle elbow, granting her enough room to sit next to him.  She wouldn't want Nao to break out into hives after being molested by Taliya.

    A lot of the food given wasn't something she was accustomed to eating.  Nor was Taliya for the matter.  Though, Taliya saw meat and just simply dug in.  She looked at the assortment of food and only really saw meat.  She wasn't very fond of eating meat, so she simply stuck with the breads and what little vegetables they did have.  Wasn't very good, but she was hungry enough to make it work.  After all was said and done, Anastasia stood up and placed her hand upon her belly.  She's going to have to run for weeks to work this off.  Yaaaaaay.

    And then Nao volunteered the group to help with the rebuilding efforts.  Eh...  Well, then again, what would a podunk town like this need for complex electronics?  No, keeping them simple would retain the charm of the small town life.  Adding electronics will just muck up the beauty of a small town like this.  And then Nao said something that could be seen as offensive to the group.  Wrapping her arms around Nao, she pressed her chest into his arm.  "Nao, let's not piss them off, alright," she said quietly and between her teeth.  

    She smiled and waved to the villagers.  "Well, we'll be off now," she said before quickly hauling herself, Nao, Taliya, and Charlie back to George before they change their minds.  "Let's not piss them off, just in case we didn't actually break their curse, mmkay?" she said as George opened up it's cargo door allowing the group to shuffle in and get out of dodge.  The food was meh, due to their lack of vegetables, but she didn't want to be put on the menu, themselves.  So getting out of dodge was probably the best solution.
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