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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star


    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Viola-chan 27th April 2016, 12:48 pm

    so i'll find
    what lies beneath

    i wonder who the
    victim of my sandwich
    stealing is...

    There was a frost on the whining fold of wind, particles of moisture clouding the large expanse of the mountainous region as the settlement of crowded trees and thickly layered leaves seemingly trembled to the presence that wandered about. The floor of the earth felt hollow, every fallen step made known as the critters of the woods peered cautiously from a distance, though, curiosity glinted scarcely within their eyes. Creeping through shrubs and along the side-by-side oaks, they ensued the figure with a further and rather, unknown interest.

    When it was often "turn-tail-and-run", the semblance that fixed itself to her, was not like the other passing travellers. It was inviting and gentle and rather exciting. The odd girl walked with a certain skip to her step, leaping over logs and shambling past the thicket of trees like she knew this place at heart. For a moment, the critters that used this aged land as shelter, thought the apparent human respired with the breath of the forest — almost as if they were one. But, as much as their eagerness to know urged them onward, a sort of alien-like rumbling transpired nearby, the current of wind startling the nearest trees as the leafy greens fluttered out wildly.

    All the living that had followed, rebounded swiftly into the copse of their homes, booted feet faltering in their skip as the figure urgently ceased her movement — listening to the sounds of wood and metal creaking in the distance, as if it had carried itself along the wind. As the wisp of a breeze passed on, lulling the forest into its once reticent state, the figure found she was now much more engrossed with what had resounded through the valley of mountains, than with visiting the township of Phoenix. Rotating to the left, she headed through the uncharted grove, using memory, and the slight scent of ore to aid as her compass within the maze-like region. After all, the forest could be quite deceiving, no matter how beautiful it was.

    The path gradually opened up, little by little, and the broad oaks separated into the light of a large lake. Though, that wasn't the only thing that settled down below — whilst standing on the edge of a steep hillside there was a ship visible on the other end of the spring. Or more accurately — an airship. The captivating pinkish-hues lit up in a flurry of excitement, and she took a step forward, the ground beneath her collapsing at contact. Immediately the figure veered down the hillside, endeavouring to retain her balance as she met the ground below and nearly with her own face — a nervous laugh parting from the lips.

    Despite the sudden race of a heartbeat, recognition fixed itself on the ship, approaching it casually before she cupped her hands around her mouth and called out, "Hello! Is anybody home!" no answer came. There was slight worry that laced itself within her curiosity, and she wondered if perhaps the owner of this amazing freight might've been hurt. Glancing over to the side, a ladder captured her regard to the situation, slender hands extending towards the built in climb as she started to work herself up the lofty outer wall of the ship.

    It didn't take much time to grind the daunting entryway, as the figure was already stepping onto the floor of the structure, taking a look at the well-built area. She was always so fascinated that humans managed to build things like this, even houses. Their intelligence and imagination was something that she had always admired. Though, that admiration quickly subsided as her line of sight crossed paths with a rather delicious sandwich a few feet over to the side. She felt her mouth grow watery, and it was at this time that she had forgotten how hungry she had been before curiosity possessed her. Nearing the remedy to this almost painful hunger, she picked up the sandwich without a single thought in might to whose it might be — and began to eat away heartily.

    WORDS 678 | MUSE x


    Main Theme:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 27th April 2016, 7:08 pm


    Distant thunder sounded above Viola's head, hearing the sound of a high pitched roar drawing nearer only for the sound to taper off as something above her passed over in a rush.  Thick contrails were left behind as a blurred image streaked across the skies directly above the SS Myrmidon; pet-named George by one of the crew-members.  The side of the ship had the original designation crossed out with the name George written directly next to it.  The ship appeared to have had patches riddling the surface of the vessels, as if those were all quick-fixes from some of the more dangerous jobs that this ship had been taken on; that and the pirate-ventures that Anastasia took this ship on outside of the rest of her crew's knowledge.  Another sound of distant thunder could be heard overhead.

    A sneeze could be heard coming from within the ship's interior before sirens blared from within the bridge.  While most people might consider this an alarm being raised about themselves, this was a common occurrence.  The artificial intelligence's voice called out over the intercommunication system.

    The alarm disarmed itself before repeating the process once more after another thunderous sneeze was made.  With a loud groan, the door to the kitchen slammed open.  A strange and wild woman could be seen walking outside and stretching her arms straight up above her head as her ridiculously large breasts jiggle in a comedic manner.  She arched her back as she stretched her arms upwards and closed her eyes.  A feral growl could be heard coming from the woman before she opened her eyes to see Viola standing on the ship.  

    This creature, Taliya, stared at Viola for a moment before looking around and rubbing her eyes.  "Oiy, Ana!  When did your boobs get so big?" she asked as another loud roar came from over-head, causing Taliya to listen closely, as the Aero-Guardian Armor streak by in it's Sky Form.  Oh, the sound was quite distinct from other aircraft.  This caused quite a bit of confusion to process in Taliya's brain for a moment before turning towards Viola and then back towards the ceiling where the sound of the roaring came from and then back to Viola.  

    "Oh!  You aren't Ana.  Your boobs are way too big!" the creature stated as if finally coming to a realization that the person on-board wasn't Anastasia; the charge that the Spirit Guardian was responsible to defend.  Taliya tilted her head to the side for a moment as her eyes looked over Viola, stopping at her chest.  "Oh!" she said before looking Viola back in the eyes.  

    "Who are you? And where did you get that sandwich?"
    OOC: Taliya is the one pictured to the right of the posting template

    Tags: @Viola-chan


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th April 2016, 1:07 pm

    Almyra was fast asleep in her bed, still recovering from the wounds she had sustained less than a week ago. Her bandages were still in place, and she still had trouble walking due to the cuts on her legs. She had managed to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, but now it seemed her sleep was interrupted from a blaring siren and alarm warning about cabin air pressure. And then there was another announcement about it returning to normal. All this commotion was really, quite unpleasant for the woman who was just trying to sleep, but it seemed rather important, so she decided to go and take a look, even though she wasn't supposed to be getting out of bed yet. Besides, Ana was out doing... something, and she wasn't sure where the others were, so it might be something important, and important things should be tended to, and since she knew not if there was anyone else to attend to said important thing, she decided she should go and check.

    Closing her eyes tightly and moaning, Almyra got up from her bed, picking up her little ragdoll and holding it to her chest once she was out. She took a few weak steps to her door and sleepily reached out with her left arm to grab the door handle. Nothing happened. She opened her eyes again and looked down to see her hand was still gone, even though it felt like it was there. She moaned again in disappointment as she pressed Tammy against her chest with her left forearm to hold her while she reached forward with her right hand now to open the door.

    The injured Almy trudged up to the bridge as the alarm blared again, before shutting off again. Perhaps it was some problem with the AI? She hoped Ana was around to deal with it if it was. On her approach, Almyra heard a door slam open. Did they have an intruder? She moved towards the sound and heard voices. As she rounded a corner she spotted a floofy tail like Sasha's, but it was attached to a woman. This gave the girl pause for a moment. She hadn't seen someone like that before. The woman was talking about boobs and Ana to another person. Almy leaned over a bit to see another girl she didn't know eating a sandwich.

    "What's going on?" She asked sleepily, rubbing an eye with her right hand. "Who are you two? Where's everyone else?"


    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
    Other siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Nao 30th April 2016, 5:38 pm

    (So sorry for the late post. Thursday to today have just been so manic...)

    ”My sandwich!” A yell would be heard from the door between the room where the three ladies were now standing around. Of course it wasn’t obvious to him that there was an intruder in the room, but instead that one of these three took his sandwich and ate it. ”Okay which one of you took and ate my sandwich?!”

    Of course Almy was at the door with one less hand, and he would probably rule it out that she was the one who would have eaten it. Of course she was a clever person, and probably could have made it look like it someone else… but it wasn’t really in her nature. Taliya was a new member of the team and probably didn’t really know the conduct and rules… Like touching another person’s sandwich! How dare someone just come into the group and just take the sandwich that belonged to him! He even had spent so much time carefully planning it so that it didn’t contain anything that would have upset his stomach as soon as they took off. Of course she could have possibly taken and eaten such a sandwich, and if so then Ana would have to have words with her.

    Speaking of Ana…

    Why would Ana even take his sandwich? Didn’t she know the rules regarding taking other people’s food? He would have just made her something had she asked, but no instead she had to go and take his sand-

    ”Hey wait you’re not our teammate…” The green-eyed mage would begin to squint, and look the new face up and down. He wasn’t even prepared to even fight the person in front of him, as his glove was just so inconveniently placed in the other room. ”Who are you, and more importantly, and this is to all of you… I want to know where my sandwich has gone.” He looked a little away, feeling a little more hurt that his sandwich that he had spent time and effort on… had now been munched on by one of these people.

    ”I-umm… Oh!” Nao then realised Almy was here when she should have been in bed. And suddenly the thought of having the sandwich was actually replaced by the fact that a slightly handicapped girl was up and about instead of resting. ”Almy you should be in bed, not wondering around the place.” And though he was scatter-brained between his lost food, the new girl on the ship, and the wounded Almy that just happened to be out of bed.

    ”How can I keep a ship maintained when so much is going wrong,” Nao muttered to himself, feeling peeved that everything was so hard to control recently. ”Almy you need to go to bed, Taliya do you even know where Ana is? And miss… umm…” If she were to have acted hostile then Nao would have already launched a ball of water right into her face, otherwise he would try and make sure she either left or he knew why she was here.

    ”A-ah I don’t even know who you actually are why you’re on the S.S Myrmidon.” The stress of the situation had made him forget he actually struggled around women-kind. Women-kind and ships were going to be the bane of him, and he just happened to have both of them in his team. What a perfect way for an early grave.


    Profile Magic Bank

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Viola-chan 3rd May 2016, 8:30 pm

    so i'll find
    what lies beneath

    sorry for the
    late post!

    The outer layer of bread was soft and easy to tear into as her heart fluttered to the mer taste of food alone. If it had been something else that was not as delightful as a simple sandwich, then she probably would've found anything in particular to quench the sudden hunger that had been misplaced. For one whom usually had a much larger stomach than most, it was a nuisance to deal with the appetency of a dragon while disguised in the form of a human being. Despite it being much easier to deal with for now, this mer sandwich was nothing more than a snack to satisfy her empty stomach. Half the slice was practically gone — crammed into her mouth as if all the time in the world depended on it. Even as she was mid-way through attempting to chew the food, the abrupt slam of a door and the resounding footfall of company froze the hand that had been reaching for the other slice. Pinkish hues veered towards the figure that settled over to the side, the familiar curiosity of before resting upon her like a child that was restless to make new friends.

    "Well, my name is Anna too! Though, I'm certain you must be referring to another individual." grinning childishly, the other slice lastly reached her parted lips, a set of teeth riving into the appetizing morsel briefly as she held it up rather proudly, "And this sandwich... well I found it!" laughter slipped out from within her throat, light-hearted and inviting. Even if she was an utter stranger on the ship, the blondette showed no signs of being a threat to the woman before her. Large captivating eyes could only peer up at the still-to-be-known stranger, childlike in every aspect. "May I ask what your name is?" though, even as she wanted to know this woman's name, extra company decided to show up — appearing within the open doorway as a much smaller figure.

    Compared to the other feisty woman, this young girl conducted herself in an almost docile way. A hint of trouble passed briefly across her features, taking noticing in the rather obvious injuries that were concealed by layers and layers of bandage. Anna was no stranger towards being hurt, though, seeing anybody else in pain at often times, distraught her. Humans were much more fragile than her own people. Magic was the reason they had changed and grew more durable to physical violence over time, yet, even then, the world was scattered with those that were not strong enough. Their hearts may have been ablazed, though their minds were scattered with hesitation and fear.

    The blonde shifted slightly, readying the act of speech until another individual barged into the scene. At the mention of a sandwich, it was then that she comprehended the missing slice within her hand — evidently now resting within the depths of her stomach. Honesty was her number one trait, though, slight hesitation tinged on her vocal strings as the young man seemed clearly provoked by this act. Normally, Anna was never one to make her own food. She'd find something in the forest, or "accidentally" end up eating someone else's meal. It was barely rememberable though, she could recall the people of her village banning the young girl from ever cooking again. "Sandwich..." she hummed out, glancing over to the side, as if innocent in this crime of abducting a simple lunch, "You mean the one that was on that now empty plate over there! Oh!" speaking almost happily, she lighted up as if something had been seized within her sight. "Haven't seen it! Sorry! It must have run off somewhere!" laughing casually, she endeavoured to quickly change the subject.

    "I apologize for intruding! This one called out to see if anybody was onboard, though, I don't think I was heard!" the childish grin itched across the corner of her lips, signature in those that knew her well enough, "I'm Anna! Just a passing traveler! Nice to meet you all!" the crown tilted to the side, at even more awe to the fact that so much company could conjure up by the mer trap of sneaking a sandwich.

    WORDS 703 | MUSE x


    Main Theme:
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 4th May 2016, 3:50 pm

    "You're Ana too?!~"

    Taliya simply blinked for a moment as the woman mentioned that her name was Anna also.  Well, this interested Taliya for a moment, causing her to approach the woman and began to sniff at her.  It was, after all, a trait of her kind to smell those they just met.  A person's smell, unbeknowst to them, gave away a lot about their personality (and their diet) more than humans could tell.  Then again, a human's olfactory nerves were quite weak when in comparison to other, superior creatures.  Taliya went around Anna and sniffed her a couple times all the while visually inspecting the woman.  

    "Oo!  You have a nice body!  You must work out," she said as she continued to spin around Anna Starr, nodding in approval.  "Oh yeah!  Anastasia would kill for a body like that!" she shouted before appearing behind her and moving her hands over her breasts, squeezing them.  "Yup, Anastasia would KILL for jibblies this big," she said before quickly unhanding Anna's breasts and backed off.  She knew that if she held them too long, she might get obliterated.  Well, much was the same when she would do this with Anastasia.  The devastation would probably be much worse considering this other Anna was a stranger.

    "This outfit is CUTE!" she stated as she began to spin around Anna in the opposite direction, only stopping once Almyra appeared.  Oh, right, Taliya hadn't introduced herself to Almyra or Ashelia.  This team certainly had a lot of A's attached to it.  This team should rename itself to 'Team NAAA'.  Then again, this team is barely more than just Nao's harem, after all.  Well, a harem that goes around and beats people up, anyway.  

    "Oh, right, I'm Taliya," she said as she points towards Anna.  "And this is Anna," she said for a moment before Nao walked in to lament his sandwich.  Yes, that was certainly a smell that she smelled while circling around Anna, but it wasn't her place to mention anything about it.  But Nao was running around and before she had the chance to throw herself onto Nao, she had to ask a question.  Dagnabit!

    "Oh, Ana is," she said before the sound of roaring engines could be heard from over-head.  The engines sound like they passed by at a rapid pace.  All Taliya did for the rest of her response was point directly up and towards the sound as it moved on.  But with that out of the way, Taliya ran up towards Nao and threw herself onto him, smothering his face with her large boobs.  

    "Maybe we should go to bed, hmmm, Nao-Nao?" she asked as if to deprive him of oxygen while his face was buried in her breasts.  But Nao did bring up a very good question.  Taliya turned towards Anna and tilted her head.  "Just passing by, huh?  Where do you come from, Miss Boobies?" Taliya said as it flicked it's extremely furry tail from side to side, squeezing Nao closer to his chest before another roar could be heard, this time ending in a thud.  

    "Oh, hey!  Ana's back!"



    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Almyra Bys 5th May 2016, 11:55 am

    Almyra was waiting for a response from the others when Nao came in asking what had happened to his sandwich, which was rapidly disappearing into the mouth of the apparent intruder on the ship. Nao seemed to be rather scatterbrained at the moment. Almy idly wondered what he was so distracted about, minus his food. Why had he made it and left it on the table anyway instead of just eating it? She wondered if he was okay. He told her that she should go to bed, but she didn't want to.

    She saw him speak to Taliya and refer to her by name, so apparently she was either a guest or a new member of the crew that Almy hadn't met. The other newcomer introduced herself as Anna and said that she had come aboard if anyone was on board. Almy smiled at Anna. She seemed nice enough. Aaand then Taliya started to tease Nao, smothering him with her breasts. Almyra wondered why she did this. Nao didn't seem like he was very interested in girls, he even seemed to be nervous just when Almy hugged him. She also called him Nao-Nao, something that Almy sometimes did. Since she was otherwise distracting him, though, Almy decided to stay up and not go back to bed. Instead she moved a bit closer to Anna and found a place to sit down.

    "I'm Almy. It's nice to meet you, Anna." She said with a smile on her face. She shifted a bit in her seat, taking some weight off her wounded leg. It was very hard to find a comfortable position with her injuries, but she made do. "Welcome aboard the Myrmadon, but I think George is a much better name for the ship, so that's what I call it."


    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
    Other siggies:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star Empty Re: Curiosity Killed The Cat | Team Four Star

    Post by Nao 8th May 2016, 3:58 pm

    The woman seemed to answer the question so specifically, even to point out where it once was. It seemed incredibly curious that she even knew that it would have been there, despite not even knowing where it had been. He would only help but push away that fear of the fact that all three girls in the room were pretty close to him, and probably a little too close for comfort. But his anger about someone stealing his food had gotten in the way of the fear that he could accidentally kill them by feeling too friendly with any one of them. Such a great fear!

    But as soon as Nao had arrived on the scene, and before he could even get a question in on the potential sandwich swiper, Nao would be swamped by Taliya and her body. If he wasn’t afraid of women, it would be now as he would be crushed and suffocated by the dog-woman-spirit-thing. HE was afraid to get the killed, but now she was going to kill him with over-affection, causing his hands to flail about as if he was trapped. He was actually trapped in a prison of not being able to sort out his fears of personal space by someone who would go out of her way to make sure he has no personal space at all.

    ”I-I-I-I,” he tried to make something out of all this as he was panicking inside, while trying to get any sort of breath in him. He would try and push himself out of the woman’s chest as he wanted to try and get some oxygen… and a little bit of personal space. ”I-I think we should talk with the guest that we have.” He would finally be able to get out of the woman’s chest once she had heard Ana appear on the roof of the ship. Of course, Nao had already heard her from a little while away thanks to his sharp senses as a Dragon Slayer.

    He took a few steps to the side to recover, his face obviously mismatched between rosy cheeks and a ghastly pale skin. He would then take a gasp of air, regain his composure in front of everyone, which was already embarrassing to him seeing as Taliya managed to hit two of his dislikes, and a fear of his all in one go. Between that and the sandwich thief? Right now he was livid inside.

    But, just like the water he so controlled, it ebbed and flowed and could be calm yet powerful.

    ”It’s odd to hear a name that someone else has in this world,”
    he didn’t actually think he had come across two people who shared the same name. ”But welcome to our ship, I suppose I should ask you to enjoy your stay... We've never actually had guests aboard it.” If Anna wasn’t going to be hostile, then Nao wasn’t going to be hostile. However if she really was the sandwich thief…

    He actually hadn’t realised Almy had moved until she spoke up, making Nao jump a little, but regained his composure almost immediately.

    ”S-say Anna?” He would ask inquisitively. ”What made you decide to travel up to the mountains anyway? There isn’t really anything here, and we’re really only here because the pilot stopped us here. So what’s your story?”

    And then his stomach grumbled… loudly. Louder than the roars of the dragons, or the lamentations of the women of the enemy nations, or the crying of a baby giant who had found out that its toy human mages had escaped… again.

    ”Ah pardon me! I think I’m going to go make myself another sandwich,”
    he would excuse himself after Anna had told her story, and hopefully his stomach had not interrupted her while she was talking. He would still be listening intensely with his newfound slayer skills. Sure, he had lost the ability to see people from far away, or scan people for weaknesses. But what he gained instead was an actual way to help his team. But for now… time to make himself a couple of chicken sandwiches with the works.


    Profile Magic Bank

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