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    Post by Xazinay 23rd April 2016, 11:25 pm

    ’I’m glad they didn’t lie, this collection isn’t too bad.’ The place held a nice design to it even if it remained small compared to the Grand Library, but as far as the ones she’d visited this remained higher up in terms of overall design. Not that her purpose fell towards architecture admiration as the woman walked through and began her search. Through various aisles she perused the sections, ending up in the maps and geography area first. Nothing grabbed at her attention, many things she’d seen already or simply owning altered names compared to the past. Then again the subject hardly piqued her interest.

    A few history books caught her attention in the next section, the woman creating a pile on a nearby table to scope through. If they proved a decent read and held worthy information then she might very well keep them – everything depending – but she really didn’t want to just stop there. She preferred to grab everything and go through it in one fell swoop rather than compile groups of books at a time, the darkly dressed woman preferring to just get lost in text. However as she came out of the section pertaining to magic – skipping a lot of the silly “How to” books in favor of the historical ones and one or two that casually mentioned lost magic – she spied it: the picture book section.

    Surely such an establishment would’ve viewed itself as beyond needing one, but the woman accepted they’d need at least something for kids of mages to read and not get too bored as parents researched who knows what here. Standing there she stared at it for all of three seconds before scooting over with the couple of books already in hand, finger brushing along the titles to find ones she hadn’t already read. One or two she replaced, not interested in the sloppy and half-hearted art style as she continued to look through the titles. ’The restricted section’s not going anywhere anyways so I have some time. Hmm….well I wouldn’t say no to another copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar…’



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Post by Raiza 24th April 2016, 5:07 am

    How hard could it possibly be? The old saying not to jinx the situation never crossed Raiza's mind as he strolled through the library in disguise, having used one of his spells to keep a nice little veil around him, masking who he truly was. After all, such a city was bound to have a pesky rune knight or two. Though there would definatly be some feral and savage fighting going on had one stopped him on the way through. Luckily though, he wasn't stopped.

    "I doub't they'd have any lore books on it... perhaps archieved papers?" His words whispered out, as if  just idly talking to himself, the young mage appeared as if some rugged and rough looking middle-aged traveler. Nearly everything about him had been changed. Color & style of hair was a messy brown. Eyes were emerald green. Skin was much more tan, and rough as if always on a sun beat road. His clothing being fairly simple too. A green shirt, with a brown jacket & blue jeans. Though all the clothing looked beaten a bit, fairly worn as if at least a few months if not a year old.

    Strolling through the library now, nearly carefree of what may happen if caught here, Raiza turned past the restricted section, especially curious as to if they'd keep the murder/destruction type of archives there or not. Deciding to not even risk bothering the librarian or who ever ran this damn place, he decided to slip past and head to the newspaper section, which was rather close to the restricted one. Immediately, he began to pull quite the number of papers from the area, each labeled by the week, month, and even the year. He had a few guesses as to when to look. When he had researched this before, he knew a couple 'dates' of crimes that had nearly no leads, but simple signs. Hard to cross reference much, but Raiza at least knew some approximate possibilities.



    Loose Pages [private] YdfXSKP

    Lineage : None
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    Post by Xazinay 24th April 2016, 8:52 pm

    A roughened gentleman passed by, Xazinay taking notice for but a moment, watching as he headed towards the restricted area. ’Well at least they won’t go far, things there tend to remain here,’ the woman reminded herself, recalling the rules about checking things out. Still it’d be worth it to keep some eye in case he took anything of interest, but for the moment her table would be laden with a mix of children’s picture books and other subjects so due to lack of room she’d hold off…for now. Opting to keep her back to the entrance offered the woman a decent view of the other tables, a few people spread out amongst the number wholly absorbed in their research and readings.

    ’A casual reader, a term paper, and general subject research,’ she surmised from over part of her stack before cracking open a book herself, ’interest levels piqued, but not necessarily high. Will have to take note of their titles later.’ For now she started perusing through books, creating a stack of “boring” or “copies” she already held on the chair next to her. Out of the very few geography ones she’d picked out only one proved necessary as a general almanac of the world with the latest names, the rest sporting information more or less contained in other history or culture books she’d acquired some time ago.

    Looking up she realized her earlier hypothesis proved wrong, the man detouring towards the newspaper archives apparently when she’d stopped paying attention. ’Hmm not quite what I imagined…mayhaps he’s too cheap to buy a newspaper, wants to relive something from back when, or wants to learn about the past from a journalist’s point of view?’ A myriad of possibilities flew through her mind, the woman creating a variety of scenarios bordering on the ludicrous to boringly realistic. ’Well no matter, still can’t check them out either…normally…’ Perusing the archived news section admittedly had been forgotten on her side, the darkly dressed woman offering a silent thanks to the fellow for even reminding her of its existence. It’d been a fair while since she read a newspaper anyhow, though for the moment she cracked open one of the children’s books, eager for a break from the so far less-than stellar choices, eyes resting upon the colorful images inside and the overly simplified story.



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    Post by Raiza 24th April 2016, 9:39 pm

    First thing was first, to cross reference the crime dates back when all the old dark guild leaders existed, all the way back to even times when Naraku existed. The papers he found relevent just by the headlines alone were brought back to the table. Trying even in the slightest to return them to the right spot would be a challenge, then again, Raiza had very little motivation or interest to be 'returning' them to their rightful spot anyways.

    Each paper was spread out with a journal he wrote it, trying to pin point numbers, charts, and track any decent information he could. The hypothesis that the crimson night alliance was the beginning of the Kugeki was quickly dismissed, as while it would of been nice, Raiza already had narrowed the time zone down to a period of before Lord Harrigan was guildmaster, and a lot longer than the current guildmaster existed. Though one thought crossed his mind, maybe Thorn knew something? It was a possibility she knew even the smallest fraction, but even then that just lead to more questions.

    Eventually with a rather large pile of papers, Raiza sat down at an unused table, riffling through the papers and trying to draw a chart out by bringing up a map of fiore, where he began to mark locations of deaths, or crimes from any of the papers. Making sure to be extra careful to only mark those that were listed as no known culprit(s). Ensuring what ever crime was committed, it had no way to be 'solved' and rather just a headline of 'another dead'.

    While not one paper had been strictly catching his interest. The notes he began to calculate had. The number of crimes, the dates, scenarios, the deaths, the types of death. Any clues? What was the time down to the second? Everything had to be calculated, and while Raiza had very little ability to do that just in the library, especially since his form had a limited time it could remain active.

    His gaze shifted to the ones around the library, there were no eyes on him that he noticed. A smile found itself on his face as he turned away, heading back to the shelf, returning with more papers, but the couple pages he had brought to the shelf to return, simply never made it back to the shelf, but they were no longer in his hands either. Who knows where the couple pages would have gone.

    It was then his appearance shift had a small 'flicker' his body and all changes remained the same, but if anyone were to be watching his hair, it would have faded to a silver, then back to the brown. Almost as if he was forcing the magic too much, due to not wanting to be caught, especially since he kept eyeing the restricted section, moving closer to it slightly while looking for more papers to grab.


    Loose Pages [private] YdfXSKP

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    Post by Xazinay 24th April 2016, 11:11 pm

    It’d been mere whim on her way towards the restricted section, Xazinay having marked a small chunk of the books she extracted earlier to join the Grand Library. She’d replaced a few as the other patrons worked, not caring to retain the boring pile too much and stashing some of the marked books back on the shelves as well. With some of the rejects still sitting on the table and chair the woman’s brilliant gemstone eyes turned towards the restricted section with renewed curiosity. One may not have been allowed to venture far with the contents, a table or two in there purely for it, but she figured worse came to worse a few marks here and there and then she need not worry.

    She could simply peruse them later.

    Passing the table laden with old newspapers her curiosity grew a little…All it took was a quick glance around to make sure no eyes watched as her fingers brushed along a small stack and she continued her venture towards the smaller section. The stack already resided in the library built by and for the Ancients, new collection pieces for them to enjoy whenever they finally showed back up. Passing the man she didn’t catch the glint of silver, eyes stuck on the prize as he returned to his table and she slipped through the gate with a mere nod to the librarian reading there, supposedly guarding it.

    Inside the tombs and scrolls held the lovely and alluring scent of age, though magic preserved them now. One could tell these books had seen times past, a few possibly witnessing the fall of kingdoms before somehow ending up here. Likely they’d passed hands of soldiers, scribes, collectors, and other things before finally being bought or seized from their previous owners. Lightly her fingers ghosted over a few simply to revel in the textures, eyes noting a few written in other languages not common to this land. Yes, this place was worth spending a bit of time in as she placed a few quick marks before plucking a ragged looking book from the shelf partially revived via spells. She could easily imagined how roughed up it might’ve been prior to the small fix, already plotting to spruce the poor dear up further later as eyes raced across one page to the next.

    'I suppose I shouldn't spend too long here...I best choose what I like,' she thought with a sigh. It'd be best not to dwell too long lest she incur some suspicion even though she knew people could spend the entire day in this area. Taking too long however when only so few people came and went however, she figured it best not to leave a lasting impression as a few more became marked, some of the previous ones already fading from existence. The book in hand, like the others, vanished as if someone erased it from existence, not even a sound to mark its passing into better hands. Finally Xazinay left the gated area, again nodding to the barely watching librarian as they waved her off without looking up. 'I suppose I'll have to leave the rest for them to clean up. It's time to leave.' Her pace remained even, someone ready to return home after some time reading even if it'd been more like skimming for something interesting without results.



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Post by Raiza 26th April 2016, 10:23 pm

    While engrossed by the documentations, Raiza paid little attention to any of the table's changes. Even any missing papers, were too far scattered out for him to even try and notice a difference. Though keeping his eyes and ears open as he neared the restricted area, a temptation to enter was all too real, though he had very little business to do there. However, noticing the woman enter it raised an eyebrow of suspicion. Oh little girl, who was just in the child's section has very little business to enter the restricted one. After all, if memory served, there was no restricted child section. So...was it a ruse?

    slipping past another isle, keeping his attention close, being very careful with his own movements, he ensured to keep a watchful eye on the girl's movements. Why? Out of curiosity that was why. A pondered thought made him assume she was a spy, looking to end him, looking to block the restricted section away from him. Yet, something else occured. Watching the book vanish, Raiza smiled, slipping away from view, hiding behind the shelf, rummaging through books innocently, the man decided one thing. Pursuit was next.

    If there was a reason, then it would be that Raiza simply wanted to play this game. The other reason being, he knew the possibility odds that the woman would have taken from his table as well. While it was not a for certain thing, Raiza was going to at least question it. Folding up the papers as he got back to the table, Raiza 'attempted' and by attempted, he rather un-organized just put the papers back on the shelf. Hoping they were in the right dates. Knowing full well this gave the woman a lead, Raiza would slip from isle to isle, heading towards the exit, but kept his look as if he was looking for another book or article somewhere else. If the woman were to leave, Raiza would follow, but be mindfully careful about it.


    Loose Pages [private] YdfXSKP

    Lineage : None
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    Post by Xazinay 27th April 2016, 9:06 pm

    Heading towards the entrance Xazinay didn’t notice the gentleman now hiding amidst the aisles, no longer caring to take note of the fellow who’d created the newspaper-laden table since her interest in this place altogether wavered. Now was the time to leave and in all likelihood she doubted she’d be seeing any of them again, or wouldn’t bother to remember a bunch of faceless nobodies as most common people were to her. There was no point in recalling faces of those who’d be dead in a few decades since most of them hardly found worth in their names being inscribed into the pages of history.

    Outside the building she noted the lovely array of colors, stopping to enjoy the encroaching sunset as it’d likely be another half hour before the sky truly became swathed in pinks, oranges, and pastel yellows. ’Perhaps a nice cup of something warm and a snack before I take my leave of this place?’ The atmosphere both inside and out left her feeling pleasantly sluggish, her pace relaxed as the darkly dressed woman walked towards a road where she recalled a few cafes waiting, now silently calling out to her with a siren’s call. With so many lovely specimens added for the sake of the Ancients surely it was time to reward herself with a lovely new cup, assuming any of them sported something other than pure white and simple cups.

    The road wasn’t far, the few shops likely catering to those who opted to borrow a book or few, or find somewhere with food to do their research on nice days. With the darkening day the outside occupants mostly proved to be a few couples – friends and lovers alike – though Xazinay opted for a table away from them. She wasn’t partial to intruding on their atmosphere, though she did like to observe them a bit, curious when they’d adhere to the clichés writers used and yet sometimes they’d surprise her with their unpredictable antics. One particularly lovey-dovey couple she was hoping might spontaneously combust into an argument over something stupid, and if they didn’t she might spark something herself purely for the show.



    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Post by Raiza 27th April 2016, 10:38 pm

    Pursuit was as successful as he had planned. Under his magical guise, he wore the savage cloth, a robe that let him be nearly undetectable as it made his magical presence near nothing, and even more so, appear as if he was nothing more than a commoner. It allowed him to slip through the crowds with the soft footsteps that followed. Even the brisk cold air as darker hues of the sky began to set in, it was only an indication of exactly how much time Raiza had left. His outwards appearance was already dimming, weakening to a point that he required to enter the transcendence limit to keep it going, which began to make it quite costly for the most part.

    Finally, he reached the first part of the destination. a Cafe' was the place that Raiza ended up entering, following without the woman even knowing. It was at this moment only a cat and mouse, but Raiza had little interest in seeking out anything from this woman, but instead simply passed her by where she was sitting, except by now. Raiza's true appearance was revealed. If she had any sort of common knowledge of the area, she'd know he was a coming storm, and listed as such in the bounty books. No... not bingo books you naruto fans, but a bounty book, so ha!.

    A smile remained on his face, as he slipped a paper forward to her before what looked like darkness enveloped him and whisked Raiza away. Having used one of his strongest teleportation spells, and his rogue's shade spell, simply to vanish into the night, and go lurk else where, and eventually completely leave the neighborhood.

    The note however, if one so chose to read it would read.

    "Be careful who or what you steal from little sneak thief. Work on refining it, and maybe you'll go unnoticed more. Start by trying to steal a free sample, at least getting caught has no punishment."


    Loose Pages [private] YdfXSKP

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    Post by Xazinay 28th April 2016, 2:14 am

    At first the woman feared it might be a love letter, likely intended for someone else but perhaps someone misguided enough to believe in “love at first sight” deal. It’d been a fair while since the last one so it came with a hint of surprise from the gentleman she only glimpsed quickly – noting silver hair and not much else. More than likely she wouldn’t even recall him whenever she got around to reading a newspaper or article somewhere boasting about stars and cursing storms. Then again she hadn’t gotten her hands on any bounty or bingo books, hunting criminals not really her thing and playing amongst a bunch of superstitious old people with their “good luck charms” splayed around them not really the woman’s cup of tea.

    All too quickly her note-leaver vanished however, leaving behind him only a veil of mystery as she accepted the warm cup of hot chocolate from her server. Glowing green eyes observed the note as if it might rise up and dance or speak the message aloud for her, contemplating it as she took that first delicious sip. Finally she dared open the thing, accepting that if he hid some explosive seal inside then c’est la vie: she’d end up back at the library. Rather than terrorism came a warning to get good at her hobby, the woman curious why the stranger might advise her.

    ’Oops, maybe I stole some of his papers or the books he wanted?’ she considered over another sip, the note vanishing not unlike the books earlier. More than likely it’d end up in some binder of received notes, the girl something of a hoarder when it came to the written word. ’Oddly sweet of him to grant a warning rather than a punishment I suppose. Though wouldn’t have been the first time someone killed me over knowledge. Guess he must not be a politician.’ Eventually she’d leave, the cup sitting on the table alongside the rest of the tableware: not a cute thing to be found here unfortunately.


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