Without missing a beat massive creatures erected from the ground in which the runes had laid to rest. They would move forth and tear through all obstacles that had gotten in their way. It was a horror show for sure. These Chimera were considered to be the personal pets of D'Nalsta, and he had let them run wild all over the bandits who were unfortunate enough to be left standing. Given how they were constructs of the very earth itself, it was particularly gory when they devoured the bodies of unfortunate bandits. Causing their bodies to become stew with no way of being digested. It was quite the graphic display of power. Moving with a sense of speed several "grind" spells were used causing the immediate death of those around who had been hit by them. Until he made his way to the female Leader. He looked at her and as all sides fought in a frenzy, he would sprint and kick her away from her opponent. The male being left to fight Leonard of course. Shooting one bullet he was able to knock her clear out of the battlefield, and he went in pursuit. Summoning all of his summons to fight. Ogres, Knights, and Chimeras began to wreck havoc and chaos. It was a splendid amount of blood shed indeed.