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    Grabbing a bite to eat

    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    Grabbing a bite to eat  Empty Grabbing a bite to eat

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 6th March 2016, 6:53 pm

    "Maybe some finger food?"

    Another day and another human festival in this decrepit town filled with too many happy people.  While it doesn't bother Abaddon that humanity is being nice to one another, it actually rather see that happen, but the fact that they were all loud and noisy bothered it to no end.  Swarms of little people began to gather around Abaddon, petting it and speaking in tongues with 'd'awwww isn't that so adowable' and 'oh my gawww!  That's so cute!' and other vile things like that.  Injustice!  They don't know that Abaddon is the killer of all that is human!  A killer of all human kind can't be around these small creatures called 'children'.  

    Shaking itself away, Abaddon quickly ran into an alleyway where some of the children were foolish enough to follow.  Foolish tiny humans!  After walking a ways into the alleyway, it turned around and sat upon it's rear, swishing it's fluffy white tail back and forth.  A child of about 7 years old came was accompanied by about 3 other tiny creatures before stopping midway into the alley.  The seven year old stopped as he received peer pressure from the three accompanying him.  

    "Go on, wimp!  Go get that kitty so we can all play with it!"
    "Yeah, Joe!  Go get that kitty!  It's so cute and soft and pretty!"
    "Don't be a little wimp, Joe!  It's just a cat, what's the most that it'll do to you?  Run away?"

    The children goaded the small creature named Joe to approach Abaddon, blocking his way of escape.  "Fine, fine," the boy said as he walked towards Abaddon with a shaky hand.  The child slowly approached, with each foot closer shaking more and more violently.  Abaddon simply tilted it's head for a moment.  

    Now, a thought crossed it's mind;
    To eat this child creature
    To not eat this child creature

    Tags: @Marcel Anicetus


    Grabbing a bite to eat  BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    Grabbing a bite to eat  Empty Re: Grabbing a bite to eat

    Post by Guest 8th March 2016, 6:50 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ... | WORDS: ### | NOTES: ...
    Death inched its way toward the alley, where the children and the catlike creature were resting at the dead end. It crawled across the cobblestone street path, crumbling the stone into dust, and eating away at the bricks of buildings. Rotting, corroding, eroding whatever it touched, until a crimson-caped man appeared at the entrance of the alleyway. His abysmal eyes stared ahead of him, at the squad of assorted beings, human and animal alike, having their own encounter. He smirked underneath the collar of his cloak, red dots of fire searching around the path of decay he had created. Inching closer, the male stood behind one of the children and gently placed his hand on their shoulder, which ate at the boy's shirt and skin.

    "Now, now... being cruel to animals isn't the way to go," the mage stated in a solemn, dark tone of voice.

    The child screamed in pain and tore away from Marcel's touch, who only dropped his hand to his side afterward. Both locked eyes for a moment, but the boy was scared by this man, and held the injured part of his shoulder that now was decaying. He remained silent thereafter, until the boy pushed past him and ran back the way that he had come, frightful. Once that boy was gone, he looked to the two that were still there; they were staring at him wide-eyed, kitty forgotten about. Marcel glanced from them to the creature, then back at them, before reaching out his hand to touch one of them. They let out a scream like the first had and darted around him, leaving the alley with just Abbadon and Marcel. Nothing, but breath, left his lips as he turned his gaze back to the "kitty" and now, stared down the beast.

    "I suppose they were your meal, were they not?" he inquired, but wasn't necessarily looking for an answer from it. The gray-skinned, dead man knelt down and rested an arm on one knee, narrowing the specks of fire at the cat. "Better luck next time."
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Grabbing a bite to eat  Empty Re: Grabbing a bite to eat

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 11th March 2016, 1:43 am

    "Your Blood Smells Awful"

    And one by one, the children ran off out of the alleyway due to the presence of a new creature.  Something more disgusting than even Abaddon, itself was.  It swished it's large fluffy tail around and tilted it's head at the other creature that made it's way in.  All it did was watch as it's touch simply decayed things.  The nostrils of the white creature flared for a brief moment, sniffing the wind.  The odor that came from the gray creature before Abaddon didn't smell human in the slightest.  Strange.  

    ~You don't smell human.  Your blood is rotten and your flesh is decayed.  Very interesting creature you are.~ Abaddon seemed to say directly into Marcel's mind.  Well, unless Marcel is actively blocking it's mind from intrusion anyway; if that's the case, the 'kitten' remained silent.  But most people wouldn't put up their guards around an unsuspecting creature like Abaddon.  

    ~Though, even if you aren't a filthy human, you intrigue me.  I haven't seen decay like that in many years.  Tell me, how long have you lived?~ Abaddon said towards Marcel, continuing to swish it's tail around, tilting it's head every now-and-then when it spoke to the vampire.  Yes, the idea of decay did interest Abaddon greatly; a type of magic that really intrigued Abaddon but wasn't able to comprehend.  Perhaps this Marcel would be someone of good use that Abaddon could take advantage of.  If not for learning Decay, if not for performing jobs for it, if not for getting Abaddon some strawberries.

    Abaddon stood up on all four legs and started to walk on the air, slowly increasing it's elevation as it continued to walk around, slowly circling around Marcel, swishing around it's long fluffy tail.  Abaddon continued to sniff the creature that approached it's alley where it was going to indulge itself in a delicious human snack.  However, this intriguing monster before it caused it's lunch to become 'fast food' so to speak.  

    ~I suppose since you are not human, I can introduce myself.  My name is Gredalga Sin Siir Ralos.  But you may call me Abaddon.  Why have you intruded upon my lunch of filthy humans?~

    Tags: @Marcel Anicetus


    Grabbing a bite to eat  BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    Grabbing a bite to eat  Empty Re: Grabbing a bite to eat

    Post by Guest 16th March 2016, 5:43 pm

    the destroyer of worlds
    TAGGED: ...   |   WORDS: ###   |  NOTES: ...
    Marcel scoffed at the beast and stood back to his feet, his cloak flowing around him with every movement he made. He was still staring down at the animal as he responded, "you're just as interesting as a creature, like you state I am." In fact, he still couldn't decide if Abaddon was a cat or a rabbit or if the two species somehow mated and created him. Whatever he was, Death hadn't spoken to him in the time of meeting, like he wanted to keep this critter alive. "I suppose you aren't going to tell me what exactly you are, are you? I'm afraid I have no time for shenanigans of yours." The man cleared his throat, but instead of getting a direct answer, the creature decided to ask more of him. Unfortunately, they were all questions he couldn't care to answer, but seen as the creature wanted to know, he would.

    "How long have I lived? That's a very good question," the man retorted in almost a mockery state of sarcasm. He lifted one of his hands and began to count off his fingers, but when he reached all ten, he stopped counting. "Too many years to count and too many decades to really give a rat's ass about letting people know my age. Why does it matter to you? Appears to me you're a creature of immortality, yourself..." He silently watched Abaddon. Marcel ran a wet tongue over his dry, cracked lips, as if wetting them would help with the decaying process on himself. His skin would remain dead forever, nothing would exactly help the ashen look of Death that crawled upon him. "I have been around for centuries though if I think about it... back when an old empire had been established beyond Fiore..."

    "Oh? Your lunch? I suppose that's why Death had called for me to take care of these children... they were bound to die. Why eat them though? Why not just kill them off like I do? Watch them die in agony as decay takes over them?"
    credit goes to Lunar of GS & THQ

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 11:22 pm