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    Gossiping and Lines and Passports, Oh My! [jerb]


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    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    Gossiping and Lines and Passports, Oh My! [jerb] Empty Gossiping and Lines and Passports, Oh My! [jerb]

    Post by Cielle 13th February 2016, 11:41 pm


    ”See I told you we should’ve brought the foldable table! With this line we could’ve had a tea party and been finished by the time we get to the front!”

    People turned to raise eyebrows or outright stare at the bemoaning young woman, a few people raising their eyebrows as they took in not only the sight of the adorable rabbit plush she held, its oversized and floppy ears dangling over her arms as permanent blush marks dotted its cheeks, but continued to sweep over the odd blue and yellow horned canine-esque creature and more remarkably…the floating specter of a cat. A few giggled at the ridiculous expression of the feline while others swiftly turned away, not wanting one bit to get roped into the odd circus currently standing somewhere behind them.

    ”Well, we would’ve had to constantly shuffle it around,” the canine piped up, its voice soft and low as one of its hands patted her elbow, ”and anyways the tea would’ve been cold by the time we arrived. You dislike cold tea.” The beast however sighed when his master failed to mollify at his reasoning. There really was no reasoning with her, though the beast had ignored her primary complaint as the lack of tea stood as a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

    Shade would be bored long before this “mission” could be accomplished.

    It’d been at the suggestion of the bartender back at the guild abode, the man mentioning if she hoped to do much traveling abroad obtaining a passport would be the way to go. Above all else Gaspard hoped to spare the man her wrath, knowing that she’d likely blame him for this, but at the same time she’d be just as irked by border troubles…

    Their first stroke of luck came in the form of the gentleman in front of them, the smiling man offering to let her go ahead of him, some line about “beauties shouldn’t have to wait” or another. Gaspard offered him a slight, suspicious glare, though the man paid him no mind, too focused on other aspects in front of him. ’Well…I guess that helped a little at least,’ he noted as a bit of the anger had dissipated more into annoyance, the pouting less severe now.

    A couple more people who’d heard and seen the outburst offered to let them pass for various reasons, the denizen noting a few nervous expressions as they passed, but as long as Shade remained oblivious – and increasingly happy about this star treatment – then he wouldn’t burst her bubble. They came upon a roadblock however quickly as people stopped letting her pass and an unfortunate amount of people still ahead of them. If only Gaspard could’ve predicted what happened next the nicer of the summons probably could’ve spared a few innocents and relationships.

    Having listened for a few minutes to the conversations in the area, dear little Desa held a certain…affinity for mockery, to the point the little denizen regularly had fun imitating them back home. Sometimes he and his sister, Haigha, spent hours mocking other denizen voices at each other, holding the strangest of conversations that on occasion passersby in their little realm believed them to be the proper owners of the voices conversing out of sight. It warranted minor gossip that could leave their mistress entertained…

    ”Your woman’s ass looks quite fat in that skirt.”

    The pair in front of them whipped around, at first staring at the wide-eyed and innocent teen holding her stuffed companion before they flitted to the grown man behind her. ”What’d you say about my woman, you ass?!” Before the man’s attention could fully shift towards the brewing trouble the man dove for him, clearly not interested in a proper answer as his lady friend cheered him on with fervor. As they were escorted off for causing a public disturbance – the innocent fellow suitably confused – some people opted to come back later, a little shaken up from the fight.

    ”Honey…I’m breaking up with you, I’ve fallen in love with a duck.”

    “Ha! That sports team sucks!”

    “Did you gain weight?”

    “Your mother was an aardvark, and your father smelt of elderberries!”

    They were spaced out, the plush rabbit mindful enough not to say anything when the target might already be speaking or paying attention, yet loud enough for the prey to hear and react accordingly. Sometimes a mad lover acted in the defense of their loved one, sometimes the couple a target, and other times two people who didn’t know each other pitted against one another. It was mysterious really, Desa couldn’t imagine what was wrong with these people! However he gave it a rest as the security tightened up around the line given all the strange and sudden bouts of aggression popping up…but they were close to the end. It was all the little bunny could do to keep itself from giggling however with Gaspard locked in a near constant face-palm, one weary eye poking out through the red claws as Shade answered a few questions until the security moved on because no one as nice as she could surely be at the root of all this havoc and mayhem.

    “State your name please.”


    Handing the woman at the desk “identification” she raised an eyebrow as if to question the name, but rolled her eyes as the mage continued to beam at her completely unphased. The documentation apparently up-to-snuff, she stamped the approval and handed her a passport after a quick picture – though getting her to put down the toy took a little more doing and Gaspard’s horn ended up in the picture somehow.


      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:18 pm